Strategic Plan Institut Guttmann

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Institut Guttmann’s Strategic Plan 2014-2020

A commitment to the future! Executive summary

September 2013

Contents 1.

Presentation of the strategic plan and the development methodology


Conclusions of the environment analysis and the internal analysis


Mission, Vision and Values ​of Institut Guttmann


Strategic Development



Presentation of the strategic plan and the development methodology



The Institut Guttmann’s Strategic Plan 2014-2020: A commitment to the future! One of the unique features of the Institut Guttmann is the highly strategic nature of its actions that, for the past six years has been applied through the development of the guidelines in the "Roadmap 2008-2013" and in the "Research Strategic Plan 2008-2013“. The validity of both documents came to an end, and for that reason, as a request of the Board, the Management Team together with the methodological support from PwC Healthcare and Research team have worked for over a year in the elaboration of the “Institut Guttmann’s strategic Plan 2014-2020", which is publicly presented in this document, and unanimously approved by the members of the Board on September 2013. A large number of professionals from the Institut Guttmann has participated in the elaboration of the new plan. A large group of experts on many different health, scientific and community fields related to the institution were also active participants in the elaboration of the plan, as well as the Guttmann Social and Participation Council and the Guttmann Board.



The Institut Guttmann’s Strategic Plan 2014-2020: A commitment to the future! This plan is an innovative Strategic Plan that aims to develop a broader organization, more competent and more competitive, with greater capacity and scientific assistance with willingness of greater internationalization and greater international footprint as a leader in its field; adapted to new health and social needs of the people on which Institut Guttmann is targeting its efforts, opened to new ways of providing care and to the approach to other diseases related to the neuroscience and disability fields, through the establishment of strategic alliances to mutually cooperate with reputed partners, both national and international, to complement the knowledge field (clinical centers of excellence, scientific centers of excellence, technological centers of excellence, business centers of excellence...) to who the Institute brings its particular niche expertise in neurorehabilitation and applied research. An ambitious, rigorous and sustainable plan, settled on a solid career in which the Institut Guttmann has proven to be a mature and responsible organization that has the talent and commitment of its professionals, and an institutional culture characterized by effort, teamwork and overcoming major challenges.



The Institut Guttmann’s Strategic Plan 2014-2020: A commitment to the future!

This Plan proposes a promising future that is perfectly targeted at the institutional vision that defines the future that the organization wants to build and to which it will target and devote its main efforts in the coming years:

• Be an international reference in neurorehabilitation.

• Be an organization of excellence, sustainable and environmentally friendly. • Have an excellent team of professionals. • Continue being a reputable, socially respected and valued organization.



The development of the Strategic Plan 2014-2020 of the Institut Guttmann is structured into four sections The Strategic Plan 2014-2020 of the Institut Guttmann arises from the need to respond to changes that are occurring both in the environment and within the organization itself.

It collects main policies and trends of the Institute’s activity fields, as well as the characterization of its competition.

It identifies weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of the organization and its mission, vision and values.

Analysis of the environment

SWOT analysis and Mission, Vision and Values

Internal Analysis

Strategic Development

It analyzes the main activity data and resources available at the Institut Guttmann.

It defines the strategy and actions of the Institute in the following years to achieve its strategic objectives.

Throughout the entire development of the Strategic Plan there has been participation of many professionals of the organization as well as key professionals of Institut Guttmann’s areas of activity.



Conclusions of the environment analysis and the internal analysis



The Institut Guttmann environment analysis main objective is to characterize the context and constraints of the Institute, and it is divided into the following major sections

Analyzed levels

Policy analysis

Trends analysis

International level State level

Sector characterization


National level


Main conclusions of the analysis of the Institut Guttmann’s environment

 The population’s aging is increasing (in 2012, the state's population over 64 years reached 17'4%).  A major innovation in the healthcare field is the implementation of mHealth technologies.  Health tourism is one of the internationally booming areas.

 In the last years, the private insurance market volume has increased.  In the Institut Guttmann’s environment, there are several institutions conducting activities related to the neurorehabilitation field.  Several policies to support innovative activities have been promoted.

 The public procurement of innovative technologies is a Public Administration’s tool to promote technological innovation.  New training modalities are being implemented through the use of new technologies.  Several initiatives to agglutinate training resources are being launched.



The internal analysis of the Institut Guttmann is addressed through the study of five major areas

1. Human Resources 2. Infrastructure 3. Healthcare Organization

4. Services Portfolio 5. Assistance activity




Main conclusions of the Institut Guttmann’s internal analysis

 The Institut Guttmann is a center of excellence and reference in the neurorehabilitation field, with a powerful multidisciplinary team, a broad portfolio of specialized and cutting-edge services, with clear focus on patient and commitment to society.  To cover all neurorehabilitation aspects, the Institut Guttmann has set up a powerful, competent and competitive team, including different professional profiles that complement its activities through an effective interdisciplinary teamwork.  This team maintains a high degree of commitment to the organization, characterized by significant critical mass of professionals with a strong loyalty to the institution and adherence to its institutional purposes.

 Being a relatively small organizational structure, the Institut Guttmann must continue to maintain the high degree of differentiation that has been already achieved in the health sector.  The possibility of increasing the number of patients from both the public and private sectors allows the Institute to reorganize its structure to adapt it to new conditions of the sector and to ensure the future sustainability of the center.  The scientific and innovative activities developed by the Institut Guttmann are closely linked to the clinical practice of its professionals. Thus, the translational research is enhanced. These last years this has been a significant increase in scientific critical mass and good results in this area.



Mission, Vision and Values ​of the Institut Guttmann



Institut Guttmann’s mission The Institut Guttmann mainly aims to promote, encourage and get the rehabilitation of people affected by spinal cord injury, acquired brain injury or other neurological disabilities, and to provide them support and the best suited services to achieve a satisfactory social reintegration while contributing to the full recognition of their rights and effective equal opportunities. (7th Article of its Statutes)

Regarding being a Highly Specialized Hospital, its MISSION is to provide at all times the best specialized rehabilitating care in a comprehensive, continuous and personalized manner and with the highest human, scientific and technical level. Center of Excellence Regarding being a University Institute affiliated to the UAB, its MISSION is to develop the academic, scientific and research aspects of the neuroscience field, and particularly of the neurorehabilitation field and of personal autonomy technologies. Knowledge Center Regarding its Community Health activity, its MISSION is to promote specialized services of personalized care, community health and community care, mainly to people with neurological disabilities and to their families. The aim is to provide support and the most suitable services that help these people to promote personal autonomy and to improve their quality of life, according to the principles of recognition of functional diversity, independent living and social inclusion. Expert Organization Regarding being an Organization with Community Initiative, the Mission is to contribute to a more effective equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities through the promotion and development of prevention activities, outreach and social awareness, as well as collaborating with associations that represent them. Organization committed to the society PwC


Institut Guttmann’s vision • To be an International Reference Neurorehabilitation Center, able to generate and transmit new knowledge and continuous innovation in techniques, procedures and technologies of its scientific scope and specially of the neuroscience field, by promoting an opened cooperation network for the participation with other centers of excellence, universities, research institutes, companies and organizations, at a national and international level, that want to combine their efforts in order to improve prevention and treatment outcomes of diseases that affect the central nervous system. • To be an Organization of Excellence that is sustainable and environmental friendly, able to adapt to new trends, characteristics and needs of the environment, with an exemplary record, characterized by clinical activity based on scientific evidence, the application of codes of good practice and an active policy of proven quality, as well as respectful behavior, ethical, efficient and transparent management of the organization and in its relations with third parties. • To have an excellent team of professionals that are competent, competitive and committed to the institution and to its objectives, with great humanity, next to the people they serve and sensitive to their daily problems. Professionals with personal and professional ambition, used to interdisciplinary team work, able to share goals, take on challenges and help each other. Respectful people to themselves and to their colleagues as well as to people related to the institution that joined voluntarily and assumed its Mission, Vision, Values ​and Code of Ethics. • To be a reputed institution and socially valued, especially by the people whom the Institution dedicates its daily life and constitutes its main rationale, and by their families, who accompanies difficult times in their lives. Also by associations of people with disabilities, to which the Institute offers collaboration to contribute to the better attainment of its objectives; by other health and social agencies with which the Institute shares environment and noble purposes, by the scientific community that helps the Institute to grow and to become more efficient in its daily work, by the academic community from its unique educational contribution that is intended to be a quality one, as well as by public institutions, with which it collaborates actively and loyally from their own convictions and position, and by the rest of the civil society which the Institute wants to be part of and remain active, committed and effective to a better development and social progress.



Institut Guttmann’s values • Specialization in the neuroscientific knowledge and particularly in the neurorehabilitation one. • Excellence: human, scientific and technical quality in clinical practice, with advanced technologies application in its field. • Sustainability: efficient organization, financially balanced, with active accredited quality policies that respect the environment and with capability to adapt to changes. • Innovation and knowledge generation linked to the experience of its professionals and to the establishment of strategic partnerships, mutually beneficial, complementary to the needs, opportunities and capabilities of the organization. • Academic guidance aimed for the knowledge transfer and multidisciplinary training and of quality in the field of neurorehabilitation for students and clinicians or researchers who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in this field. • Competitiveness and commitment by a team of competent and experienced professionals who are involved in the institution objectives. • Interdisciplinary teamwork, performed by a responsible, efficient and coordinated team who acts in welfare, scientific, educational and community activities of the Institute. • Attention to personal and professional development of its team that favors the existence of a friendly, productive and safety environment, for those who develop their work at the Institute and who are the main repositories of knowledge and experience of the organization. • Proximity to people. An organization and accessible professionals who treat, interact, accompany and take care of patients and families with experience, empathy, animosity and sensibility, people who know the difficult situation the patients and their families are going through. • Expert and respectful treatment based on the principles of recognition of functional diversity, personal autonomy, independence, quality of life and social inclusion. • Strong social commitment: Code of Ethics, Guttmann Social and Participation Council, "Friends of Institut Guttmann“ initiative, transparency and good governance of the institution, affirmative employment of professionals with disabilities, accident prevention campaign among adolescent population, cooperation with the most significant associations of people with disabilities, strong institutional relationships, links with leading social initiative organizations, committed to knowledge economy, social progress, well-being of people and environmental sustainability. PwC


Strategic Development



Right after the definition of its mission, vision and values, the first step in the Institut Guttmann strategic planning has been the description of its strategic aims

1 2 3 4 5

To ensure SUSTAINABILITY. To adapt its strategy and its organizational model for the promotion of new sources of funding and the expansion of new clinical areas where innovative skills can be developed and the complexity encouraged (and increased). In turn, the efficiency of the organization might be increased by increasing its productivity.

To keep EXCELLENCE. To conserve and enhance the Safety and Total Quality Policy (international and environmental sustainability accreditations) and to optimize available resources. Preserving its neurorehabilitation SPECIALIZATION, enhance INNOVATION and DIFFERENTIATION as competitive factors. To continue promoting the development and innovation of clinical care activity and R&D&i especially in clinical and translational aspects, with special attention to the exploitation of the results. To be consolidated as a NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL REFERENCE. To be positioned as a national, state and international reference center in neurorehabilitation, while promoting the attraction and cooperation of other health professionals and organizations of national and international reputation. To ensure the future COMPETITION AND COMPETITIVENESS of the organization. Having the best INTERDISCIPLINARY TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS in their field of expertise (competent, competitive, motivated professionals and involved in the objectives of the institution and used to the interdisciplinary work, ensuring their personal and professional growth through the course of their work in the organization). To establish and to consolidate STRATEGIC ALLIANCES WITH ADDITIONAL ENTITIES to obtain talent, to provide know-how, to promote innovation, to foster new areas of clinical activity and to add prestige and visibility.

6 PwC

To strengthen the institution SOCIAL REPUTATION. To promote visibility and greater knowledge of the organization and the support of institutions and individuals through a work of excellence, of ethical character, next to people and social engagement, taking into special consideration the social networking and fundraising. 18

The strategy implemented must comply with the strategic objectives for each activity area of the Institute The Institut Guttmann’s strategy allows the development of all areas: education, health care, scientific research and community health: Neurorehabilitation Hospital Area where the healthcare activity and clinical innovation takes place in the Institut Guttmann. Research – University Institute of Neurorehabilitation, attached to the UAB It includes the development of science and innovation activities of its employees. Education – University Institute of Neurorehabilitation, attached to the UAB It includes the education offer promoted by the Institute, as well as internal training for its professionals. Neuroclinic – “Meridiana New Project” Diagnosis and treatment Center of diseases related to neurorehabilitation. Tutelary Apartments - “Meridiana New Project” Apartments tailored to the needs of people with severe physical disabilities who want to develop an independent and inclusive living project. PADES and chronicity It includes activities related to the geriatric field and chronicity. Community programs Development of community activities aimed at prevention, outreach, social awareness ... Governance and management structure It includes measures to optimize the governance and management of Institut Guttmann.



The Institut Guttmann strategic plan seeks to achieve its strategic objectives in each of its fields of activity (1/3)

Neurorehabilitation Hospital

Neurorehabilitation Institute: Research

Neurorehabilitation Institute: Education


To expand the services portfolio and the patient segments and to gradually adapt the current model center to that target.

To identify and develop new funding of scientific activity and enhance greater results valorization.

To review the possibility of increasing the training offered and additional economic contribution to the organization.


To identify, to maintain and to obtain quality certifications and environmental quality accreditations, and progressively adapt the current model center to them.

To implement appropriate strategies to further increase the quality of scientific activity at the Institut Guttmann.

To increase the quality of educational content, of the teaching staff and of facilities for this purpose.

Specialization, differentiation and innovation

To enclose a portfolio of services and an innovative and pioneering way of working in its fields of activity, with new technologies in clinical practice.

To guide the scientific activity to innovative fields and to leading innovative initiatives.

To ensure continuity of the uniqueness of the organization in teaching and promoting and improving their internships.

Reference model

To position itself as a lead center at a national and international level, identifying new opportunities for official recognition as a referral center. To promote Benchmarking.

To increase participation of Institut Guttmann in cooperative initiatives in innovation, both in a national and state scope and especially in an international scope.

To implement specific initiatives to position the Institut Guttmann as a lead center.

Competition and competitiveness

To promote professional development of its medical and non-medical staff, implementing academic and professional itinerary that ensures quality training and experience.

To encourage scientific training to its professionals according to its needs, so as to allow growth in competition and competitiveness, and to enhance their research career.

To provide professionals with tools and necessary content for the proper development of their academic activity.

Social prestige

To complement assistance activities with initiatives to create beneficial impact on society and to promote their dissemination to extend its benefits to as many people as possible.

To promote development of scientific activities aimed at responding to the major challenges of society, with special attention to the problems related to neurological disability.

To implement training and information activities aimed at the general public, and especially to the target groups of their daily work, both patients and families, as students and professionals.



The Institut Guttmann strategic plan seeks to achieve its strategic objectives in each of its fields of activity (2/3) Community Health activity New Meridiana Project: Neuroclinic

New Meridiana Project: Tutelary apartments

PADES + Chronicity


To develop a private neurorehabilitation assistance model considering new segments of patients. To establish the most convenient and strategic alliances and to implement the new Neuroclinic.

To promote as a new way of financing the implementation of tutelary apartments, considering also its positive factor and strategic value added of the development and internationalization of the Neuroclinic.

To develop and promote new ways of funding in the geriatric field.


To establish and to develop a neuroclinic under the standards of safety, quality, customization and proximity to patients, which are characteristic of the Institut Guttmann.

To establish quality and customization standards that characterize the Institut Guttmann.

To establish a monitoring and tracking system to ensure safety, quality and personalization of care services provided.

Specialization, differentiation and innovation

To develop specialized care and innovative activities in the neuroscience field, to apply them too on new segments of patients.

To differentiate the Institute from the competition by offering tutelary apartments with an innovative, quality, and user-customized services portfolio.

To position the Institute as a specialized unit in community care linked to chronic pathologies, mainly neurological pathologies. To enhance the development of systems and alarm devices for chronicity.

Reference model

To become a reference center in other segments of patients. To search exclusive market niches with partners nationally and internationally.

To establish a structure and a organization with such equipment and services that serve as a reference model for other organizations.

To maintain a leading position in the geriatric field through innovation and the uses of ICT through specific programs.

Competition and competitiveness

To conveniently train professionals who develop their activity in the Neuroclinic.

To obtain a competent and motivated team to transmit the values ​of the institution.

To train professionals in the PADES program and in chronicity in the neurorehabilitation field.

Social prestige

To complement the Neuroclinic activity with care initiatives in the social field. To promote and give visibility to the “treatment-grants”.

To establish services that meet the criteria of respect to functional diversity, personal autonomy, independent living and social inclusion.

To promote and disseminate social and welfare initiatives in this area of ​health that generate a beneficial impact on society.



The Institut Guttmann strategic plan seeks to achieve its strategic objectives in each of its fields of activity (3/3)

Community programs

Gobernance structure and management


To encourage and to promote the development of fundraising activities in Institut Guttmann’s context.

To optimize and restructure the resources and methodology of the Institut Guttmann to ensure sustainability of the organization.


To keep alive and strengthen the network of “Friends of Institut Guttmann” and to foster a sense of belonging to it.

To ensure the maintenance of the Total Quality Policy (including environmental policy) and to ensure the efficiency of the organization.

Specialization, differentiation and innovation

To consolidate the portfolio of social services through the development of prevention and social awareness, with special attention to the associations included in the Guttmann Social and Participation Council.

To continue investing in clinical differentiation through the participation of its employees in the defined strategic decision-making forums of their environment.

Reference model

To keep Institut Guttmann’s relevant position in the social context through the revision and modernization of its prevention activities and social awareness and innovation in this field of activity.

To ensure an institutional model characterized by its non-profit organization belonging with modern management, its business orientation, ethic alignment and quality, innovative and social commitment.

Competition and competitiveness

To provide increased competition and resources to the Public Relations and Communication professionals of the Institute.

To conduct organizational and operational changes needed to support professional development and team competition.

Social prestige

To continue consolidating the relationship with the patient, family and society, revealing Institut Guttmann initiatives. To support for new ICT technologies and encourage greater and more effective social media presence.

To ensure the relevance of the governance body, its perseverance in good practices and the strengthening of institutional relations.



To achieve the strategic objectives by business area, the activities to be developed by the Institut Guttmann have been structured in the following strategic axes (1/2)

2 R&D&i and education

3 1

Alliances and marketing

Healthcare structure and processes


Community and community health activity PwC

The four strategic axes of Institut Guttmann for the period 20142020 show a high degree of interaction between them, ensuring complementarity of actions to develop in the coming years.


To achieve the strategic objectives by business area, the activities to be developed by the Institut Guttmann have been structured in the following strategic axes (2/2) 2 R&D&i and education

3 1

Alliances and marketing

Healthcare structure and processes 4 Social activity and socialhealthcare

1 2 3 4 PwC

Healthcare structure and processes: it includes structural changes to be made by the Institute in the organization to redirect its care center model in the coming years. It encompasses aspects of quality, internal and external organization and the new private patient orientation. R&D&i and education: it includes the activities to implement in order to evaluate the main products and services obtained from research, and to ensure excellence in the education offered at the Institute. It encompasses R&D&i planning initiatives, increased collaboration, new funding and consolidation of training and teaching of the professionals of the Institute. Community and community health activity: it includes all initiatives to be carried out by the organization to consolidate the position of the Institut Guttmann in the community health scenario, at all levels of activity. Alliances and marketing: this axis aims to increase collaboration with other entities and dissemination of Institut Guttmann’s image, getting a higher position in its environment. 24

Each strategic axis includes its strategic lines in which the axis is articulated (1/3) The strategic axes define action scopes where Institut Guttmann’s professionals should focus their efforts in the coming years. In order to deploy the strategy, each strategic axis includes its strategic lines, which define the scope of the actions to be developed annually.

1. Healthcare structure and processes

2 R&D&i and education


Strategic Line 1.1: Quality oriented organization. The activities included in this strategic line ensure the high level of safety and quality standards in the Institute (quality agency certifications).

Healthcare structure and processes

Strategic Line 1.2: Environment of the organization. Identify and implement strategies and initiatives needed to achieve the environmental changes that are beneficial to the Institut Guttmann.

4 Communit y and community health activity

Strategic Line 1.3: Internal organization. To achieve the improvement and optimization of all internal processes of Institut Guttmann, internal reorganization activities of the center should be assessed.


Alliances and marketing

Strategic Line 1.4: Orientation to attract new types of patients at a national and international level. This line is to define the actions to be taken to encourage the attraction of a growing number of new neurologically based diseases and new segments of patients.



Each strategic axis includes its strategic lines in which the axis is articulated (2/3)

2. R&D&i and education Strategic Line 2.1: R&D&i plan and structure. The orientation of the R&D&i field is defined for the following years. The processes to structure and protocolize are developed by its professionals. 2 R&D&i and education

3 1 Healthcare structure and processes 4 Community and community health activity


Alliances and marketing

Strategic Line 2.2: Collaboration increase. To implement various tools and initiatives that enhance the Institut Guttmann synergies with other stakeholders in the neuroscience and technological innovation fields. Strategic Line 2.3: New ways of funding. To identify new funding sources, with which the Institut Guttmann may direct its activities to new fields. Strategic Line 2.4: Consolidation of the structure and teaching offer. This line covers the activities to be developed by the Institute to offer a range of updated courses and according to the new existing international trends, enhancing the training of professionals in the field of neurorehabilitation.


Each strategic axis includes its strategic lines in which the axis is articulated (3/3)

3. Alliances and marketing



R&D&i and education

Alliances and marketing

1 Healthcare structure and processes

Strategic Line 3.1: Partnerships with other entities and complementary stakeholders. The consolidation of alliances with other organizations and stakeholders is crucial to develop new activities in the Institut Guttmann. Strategic Line 3.2: Marketing activities increase. This line will include activities related to the development and positioning of the "Institut Guttmann" brand in its environment.

4 Community and community health activity

4. Community and community health activity

2 R&D&i and education

3 1 Healthcare structure and processes 4 Community and community health activity


Alliances and marketing

Strategic Line 4.1: Consolidation of community and community health activity. Social activities developed in Institut Guttmann are one of the main axes of Guttmann overall activity. Additionally, Institut Guttmann aims to foster activities in the geriatric field with special focus on chronicity as an area with growth potential, through the introduction of ICT.


The development of each of the action plans is specified with the definition of its purpose and its general description, the manager in charge of its development, the recipient to whom it is addressed and its performance schedule

Line: strategic line that includes the Action Plan

Axis: Axis that includes the Action Plan

Plan: Action Plan title Purpose

Purpose or aim of the Plan, which contributes to the achievement of the overall strategic objectives of the Institute.

Manager in charge

Manager in charge of the execution, monitoring and evaluation of the Plan.


Professional group targeted by the plan and who will benefit from the actions defined.

Performance Schedule

Time period proposed to carry out the development of the Action Plan. The specific actions timelines will structure each annual strategic plan timeline through the validity of the Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Development of the Institut Guttmann is constructed by 45 Actions Plans PwC


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