InTallaght EDITION 58

Page 1

2014 OCTOBER 14-19

Donal Ryan e y r đN Hickey ine Dw t s ual đ i r Pau Ch l n a n đ Theo D Lyn a Ní Tom Clo orga Ch ch K e nđ đ X onc Colm egan đ M S i ary O’D heila aolu húir đ Myle onn O’F Guo s Dungan ell lan đ C đT a o om gan đ lm O’Regan N Pal me essa O’Mahony r&m any more

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Welcome Welcome to Edition 58 of InTallaght Before we go any further I’d like to offer our congratulations to the Donegal football team for their very impressive demolition of the Boys in Blue in the All ,UHODQG VHPL ¾QDO 1RERG\ VDZ that coming! The main interview in this issue is with Leinster and Ireland UXJE\ SOD\HU ,DQ 0DGLJDQ 7KH affable Dubliner had a fairly up and down season last year and he’ll be hoping that the coming VHDVRQ LV NLQGHU WR KLP )LQJHUV crossed his next 12 months will EH ¾OOHG ZLWK JUHDW YLFWRULHV IRU ERWK /HLQVWHU DQG ,UHODQG The secondary interview in this edition is with Dublin karate legend Barney Coleman who was recently inducted into WKH PDUWLDO DUWV¶ +DOO RI )DPH Barney has been involved in his sport for almost 50 years and we really enjoyed sitting down with him to hear his stories from EDFN LQ WKH GD\ As always please feel free to get in touch with us and let PH ¾QLVK E\ MXVW VD\LQJ WKDQN you all very much for reading our magazine and being so supportive, we really DSSUHFLDWH LW 7LO QH[W WLPH


Level 3, The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland

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Thomas Murphy




Karen Greene



Buggy Lovers Of Birr

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Wet Wonders

Steoo Geraghty




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Vanchester United

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Cesc Drogs&Rock&Roll

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Trevor Scally



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Vantastic Robin

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Athletico Sherlocko

Mark Sherlock



Green Grapes Utd

Gerry Dwane



Rodgers Rodgering 11

Jason Kelly



Keith O Toole


Alan Redmond




Mark Kelly


)HUJXV 0F1DOO\ IHUJXV#LQWDOODJKW LH George Kelly Robert Goggins



Ash Donnelly




Edward Lam






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CONTRIBUTORS Colm O’Muiri Gwen Taylour

WHERE’S PADDY? (OUR 2014 WINNER) This Year Again

Paddy Troy




Jonathan Doyle



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Writers’ Corner





5HG /LQH %RRN )HVWLYDO 6KRUWOLVWHG )RU &KDPEHUV Ireland Excellence Award Chambers Ireland is Ireland’s largest business organisation with a network of Chambers of Commerce in every major WRZQ DQG UHJLRQ LQ WKH FRXQWU\ 7KH 5HG /LQH %RRN )HVWLYDO KDV EHHQ VKRUWOLVWHG in the Chambers Ireland Excellence in /RFDO *RYHUQPHQW $ZDUGV 7KH 5HG /LQH %RRN )HVWLYDO LV DQ DQQXDO celebration of the joy of reading and writing, packed with delights for book ORYHUV 1RZ LQ LWV WKLUG \HDU WKH IHVWLYDO ZLOO EH RQ IURP 2FWREHU WK WK

Tallaght Community Arts’ Street Arts Academy With upwards of 40 young people from Adamstown and St Dominic’s Community Centre coming together, they were put through their paces under WKH H[SHUW WXWHODJH RI 7&$ÂśV IDFLOLWDWRUV The Street Arts Academy offers a way of evolving young people’s thinking and ability to work with different professionals in a fun and interactive HQYLURQPHQW 7KHUH ZDV D ÂľVKDULQJÂś RI WKH ZRUN SURGXFHG RQ WKH žQDO GD\ RI the academy for the participants’ family DQG IULHQGV

SDCC Urges Public To “Bin It Your Wayâ€? South Dublin County Council called on people to Bin It Your Way in a Gum Litter Taskforce (GLT) mid campaign boost which took place in Templeogue village at the start RI $XJXVW 7KH HYHQW ZDV D ULRW RI FRORXU with the eye catching ads displayed on GLT DG ELNHV DQG D */7 PHGLD ELNH The Bin It Your Way campaign is in its third year and promotes the correct disposal of JXP OLWWHU LQ D IXQ DQG HQHUJHWLF ZD\ $ survey conducted at the end of last year’s campaign showed a baseline reduction in gum litter of 33% and a post campaign attitude survey found that 93% of people believe that disposing of gum irresponsibly LV OLWWHULQJ /DWHVW žJXUHV IURP WKH Department of the Environment’s 1DWLRQDO /LWWHU 3ROOXWLRQ 0RQLWRULQJ System Report also show that gum litter FRQWLQXHV WR GHFUHDVH IURP LQ WR LQ

Paul Kelly, chair of the GLT said: “This campaign has a simple but important message that we want to communicate in D IXQ DQG PHPRUDEOH ZD\ 7KH */7 ZRUN closely with local authorities around the country to ensure that used gum is disposed RI LQ D UHVSRQVLEOH PDQQHU 7RGD\ ZH introduced our interactive app that people can play while out and about on the streets which will prompt people to think about their own behaviour and attitude to gum OLWWHU ´ 7KH Bin It Your Way game is available free to download from the App store and *RRJOH 3OD\


News Explore Our Heritage As part of SDCC’s History and Heritage events this year, a series of guided heritage walks, centred on the villages RI WKH &RXQW\ WRRN SODFH If you missed these walks, don’t worry, you can explore the heritage of South Dublin County in your own time using the audio guides on your smartphone by navigating to http://heritage Clondalkin: This walk will take in key sites of historical interest in the area, including the Mill Centre, a round tower, Tully’s &DVWOH DQG PRUH

Gandon, one of the village’s PRVW IDPRXV UHVLGHQWV Newcastle: This historical walking tour takes in the 1RUPDQ HFFOHVLDVWLFDO and medieval heritage RI WKH YLOODJH

Rathfarnham: This tour will cover some of the most interesting sites in the village, Palmerston: This walk will including Rathfarnham Castle, explore the centuries-old Riversdale (which was a former industrial, ecclesiastical and UHVLGHQFH RI : % <HDWV DQG 6W architectural heritage of the Enda’s, the school founded by Dublin suburb, including as much 3iGUDLJ 3HDUVH RI WKH ROG YLOODJH DV SRVVLEOH Tallaght: The walk covers the town’s origins as a monastic centre right through to its PRGHUQ XUEDQ HQYLURQPHQW Saggart: This walk spans millennia of Irish history from megalithic standing stones at Boherboy to the remains of Mosacra’s 7th monastery in 6DJJDUW FHPHWHU\

Lucan: In this tour, we’ll explore some of the most interesting features, buildings and stories from Lucan’s rich heritage, including the early history of Lucan Demesne, the Griffeen River, and James

Remembering WW1 An exhibition entitled Ireland & The Great War is currently running in County Library, Tallaght until September 27th during library opening KRXUV 7R FRPPHPRUDWH WKH centenary of World War I they have an exhibition with particular reference to Ireland’s UROH LQ WKH ZDU 2Q GLVSOD\ are original medals, helmets and other memorabilia and

Rathcoole: Taking in sites with ties to early Christian Ireland, Ireland’s struggle for independence, and other parts RI WKH ORFDOLW\œV ULFK KLVWRU\

DUWLIDFWV 7KLV ZLOO EH IROORZHG by another exhibition entitled Landscapes of War and Peace (1914-2014 War Poetry & Peacekeeping by Michael J. Whelan) which will run from October 1st until October 23rd GXULQJ OLEUDU\ RSHQLQJ KRXUV

RSHUDWLRQV 6HH www. for more details on these free H[KLELWLRQV

The Great War Roadshow presented by Myles Dungan )URP Âł7LSSHUDU\´ WR Âł7KH *UHHQ )LHOGV RI )UDQFH´ ZLOO This will be an exhibition be coming to the nearby Civic of an Irish soldier’s poems 7KHDWUH RQ )ULGD\ 2FWREHU WK and images inspired by the DW SP ,W ZLOO EH DQ HYHQLQJ poets of the Great War and of songs and stories performed peacekeeping duties in modern by The Brook Singers, Brendan GD\ FRQÂżLFWV LQ WKH 0LGGOH (DVW MacQuaile, Sadhbh Burt DQG %DONDQV ,W ZLOO DOVR LQFOXGH )LW]JHUDOG -RQDWKDQ &UHDV\ artefacts and documents of DQG SLDQLVW 5yQiQ 0XUUD\ family history over the past 100 years, poems and other See paraphernalia from World War for more details and to 2QH DQG 81 SHDFHNHHSLQJ ERRN WLFNHWV

Schools encouraged to sign up for MS 5($'D7+21 and directly support people with multiple sclerosis An estimated 8,000 people have MS in Ireland, with thousands more family PHPEHUV DIIHFWHG 0XOWLSOH sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling disease and is the most common disabling neurological condition affecting young DGXOWV LQ ,UHODQG 06 5($'D7+21 LV WKH key annual fundraising campaign of Multiple Sclerosis Ireland, the services, information and research organisation supporting people affected E\ 06 7KH WK 06 5($'D7+21 UHDGLQJ month will take place for one month from October WK WR 1RYHPEHU WK 3OHDVH YLVLW ZZZ PVUHDGDWKRQ LH WR žQG out more, check out reading lists, book reviews, competitions and content IURP ,ULVK DXWKRUV ,ULVK authors including Cecilia Ahern, Sarah Webb, Eoin Colfer, Derek Landy, Oisin 0F*DQQ 1LFROD 3LHUFH Marita Conlon McKenna and Darren Shan support each year with tips and advice for young readers DQG EXGGLQJ ZULWHUV

Tallafest 14


15 The voluntary Tallaght Community Council again hosted Tallafest A town and country fair, last month in Tallaght village - a free family GD\ RXW

Tallafest 14 Tallaght village was brightly decorated and home to a vibrant craft market, a day of variety performances on the Main Stage and a program of free events to celebrate our environment and heritage by Tallaght Community Council at Tallafest 14 last PRQWK

Tallafest 14 was opened by the mayor and Donie Anderson following a colourful parade through the village with the internationally renowned Tallaght Youth Band just before lunch and was followed by a lively performance by June 5RJHUV DQG ;TXLVLWH GDQFH A full day of free fun followed in the two historic sites in the village, The Priory and St

0DHOUXDLQV 7KH DFWLYLWLHV UDQJHG from nature walks, history talks, dance classes, sheep shearing DQG GUDPD ZRUNVKRSV $Q DUP\ of passionate volunteers turned up to help TCC set up the festival area and to run the enjoyable day for the thousands of DWWHQGHHV 7&& H[WHQG D VLQFHUH thanks to them for their support and also to the supporting businesses in the village area DQG WKH ,)$ If anyone has any feedback on the free family festival please contact TCC by email or on WKHLU )DFHERRN SDJH


Ian Madigan

7KH GHIHDW LQ )UDQFH LQ the Heineken Quarter )LQDO PXVW KDYH EHHQ D particularly bitter pill to swallow, what did you guys learn as a team from that game?

INTERVIEW By Padraig Conlon

Ian Madigan is a 25 year old rugby player from South Dublin who plays for Leinster and Ireland. An outstanding schools player, he represented both province and country at that level before he made his senior debut for Leinster in May 2009 with a substitute appearance in that season’s Magner’s League. While he has predominantly played as an out half throughout his career, the Dubliner is a versatile player who has operated at every position in the backs bar winger for both club DQG FRXQWU\ His breakthrough for Leinster came at the beginning of the 2011/12 season when he scored WULHV LQ WKUHH RI WKH RSHQLQJ žYH games and he rounded off the season with a cameo appearance in the Blues’ Heineken Cup )LQDO ZLQ RYHU 8OVWHU +H made his senior Ireland debut DJDLQVW )UDQFH LQ WKH 6L[ 1DWLRQV DQG IHDWXUHG DJDLQ DV a replacement in the defeat to ,WDO\ D ZHHN ODWHU In 2013 he scooped the Bank of Ireland Player of the Year and PRO12 Golden Boot awards WR FDS RII D žQH \HDU ZKLFK saw him play a key role in the province’s Amlin Challenge Cup and PRO12 VXFFHVVHV

Last season he won the league with his club and was a member of Ireland’s victorious 6 Nations Championship VTXDG :H PHW up with him following Leinster’s recent pre season friendly with 0XQVWHU LQ 7DOODJKW VWDGLXP

How has your pre season gone? It’s been very good, probably my best one to date to be honest, and I’m at the stage where strength and conditioning wise it’s all done and I’m able to work RQ RWKHU WKLQJV ,WœV JUHDW WR JHW back working with Tommy Turner and Dan Tobin, at the moment I’m not doing as much stamina work and I’m working on things like my kicking, both from the JURXQG DQG RXW RI P\ KDQG It’s been very productive, it’s the best window, lots of gym work and you don’t have the stress of JDPHV ,œP YHU\ H[FLWHG DERXW

the new season, very much focused on short term goals; WKHUHœV EHHQ D ORW RI FKDQJHV My own personal target for the coming season is to be žUVW FKRLFH RXW KDOI IRU /HLQVWHU and in the match day 23 for Ireland plus with regards to my kicking I want to rise to a certain SHUFHQWDJH

On a personal level how do you look back on last season? Last year was probably a bit disappointing personally if I’m EHLQJ KRQHVW ,W ZDV D OHDUQLQJ FXUYH )RU PH LW ZDV D UROOHU coaster of a year where there were the highs of winning the league and the Six Nations to the lows of getting knocked out of the Heineken Cup by Toulon and on a personal level not getting picked for the games I ZRXOG KDYH OLNHG WR

We realised that if you don’t SOD\ WR \RXU YHU\ EHVW LQ )UDQFH \RXÂśUH QRW JRLQJ WR EHDW WKHP We got punished for every PLVWDNH :KHQ ZH JR WR WDNH RQ WKH )UHQFK VLGHV LQ )UDQFH I think we will be stronger this \HDU WKH DJH SURžOH RI WKH squad is going right, young very VORZ ULJKW We’ve made two very exciting VLJQLQJV .DQH 'RXJODV LV D young, proven international, week in week out he’s put in great performances for the last few seasons so I think he’ll žW LQ YHU\ ZHOO +HÂśV JRW VRPH tough guys to compete with though like Devin Toner, Kevin McLaughlin and Tom Denton so KHÂśOO EROVWHU WKH VTXDG %HQ 7HÂśR ZLOO EULQJ VRPHWKLQJ GLIIHUHQW At Leinster we’ve become renowned for having 5 foot ten; 90kg backs so he’ll be a different type of player as he’s RYHU NJV +HÂśV D GLIIHUHQW option, he’s not played Rugby union in a while though so it’ll take him a bit of time to make the adjustment but it won’t be a SUREOHP

You came off the bench in the 6 Nations decider ZLWK )UDQFH LQ 3DULV would being on the pitch when Ireland won the Championship be the highlight of your career so far? 1R LW ZRXOGQÂśW 2EYLRXVO\ LW ZDV very special because Ireland won

my own personal target for the coming season is to be first choice out half for leinster and in the match day 23 for ireland

leinster is more than a club now, it’s a franchise, and we represent the whole of the province


Ian Madigan the Six Nations, it was Brian’s last match and it was only the second time we’d won in Paris for over 40 years, but on a personal level I hadn’t played in any of the prior games so I didn’t feel that I hadn’t contributed much towards ZLQQLQJ LW , IHOW PRUH VDWLVIDFWLRQ when Leinster won the league LQ , KDG SOD\HG RI WKH 24 matches that season and because of that it meant a lot PRUH PH WR PH /RRNLQJ EDFN winning that season would be WKH KLJKOLJKW RI P\ FDUHHU VR IDU

What was going through your head ZKHQ )UDQFH ZHQW RYHU for that try in the last minute prior to it being disallowed? It was a bit like dÊjà vu with WKH 1HZ =HDODQG JDPH ODVW 1RYHPEHU ZKHQ ZH FRQFHGHG LQ WKH ODVW PLQXWH , ZDV VWLOO thinking there was time to get a restart and just thinking about ZKDW NLFN WR JR WR I didn’t have a great view of them scoring it so I didn’t UHDOLVH WKH SDVV ZDV IRUZDUG Obviously the sense of relief when the verdict from the TMO came through was unbelievable! We enjoyed the celebrations, the days after that match were wonderful and I hope to be part of more success with Ireland in WKH IXWXUH

Has it been strange not having Brian O Driscoll around the place at Leinster training? $K \HDK WKH žUVW ZHHN RU WZR it was strange, Brian is nearly part of the furniture here, and what he gave to Leinster will be

remembered for ever, but the team is bigger than one player and Leinster is a franchise now, VR WKH WHDP JRHV RQ

Would it bother you if it meant having to move to centre next year when he arrives?

Who has been the ELJJHVW LQÂżXHQFH RQ your career?

3OD\LQJ LQ PLGžHOG LV DOZD\V DQ option and I love playing there as well but I think out half is my best position and it’s where I SUHIHU WR SOD\ 2EYLRXVO\ , ZRXOG rather play anywhere than be on the bench but as I said there’s a lot of rugby to be played in the QH[W PRQWKV

,VD 1DFHZD ZLWKRXW D GRXEW KH taught me so much about how to be a professional, he was an outstanding example to any young player starting out in the game and I am so fortunate I got to work with him when I was VWDUWLQJ RXW LQ P\ FDUHHU Eoin Redden is another who ZDV YHU\ LQÂżXHQWLDO RQ PH DV ZHOO /XNH )LW]JHUDOG ZDV DOVR D PDVVLYH LQÂżXHQFH EHFDXVH KH ZDV a couple of years ahead of me in Blackrock and at the age of 14/15 he was the best player in the VFKRRO E\ D ORQJ ORQJ ZD\ , ZRXOG look at Luke and the standards he set and try to reach his level of training and his dedication to working on his game; I modelled P\ FDUHHU RQ KLP

How much of an LQ¿XHQFH KDV -RH Schmidt been on your career? Joe is a joy to work with, he’s the consummate professional and he moulded my game and improved me as a player during KLV WLPH ZLWK /HLQVWHU 7KH ZD\ he operates is so impressive, he leaves nothing to chance and believes you make your own luck in the game; I have always loved ZRUNLQJ ZLWK KLP

What are your thoughts Seeing as you will both on the new European Rugby Champions be battling for the number 10 jersey how Cup which replaces happy were you to hear the Heineken Cup this year? the news that Johnny Sexton will be returning to Leinster next year? I think it’s going to be a better Look it’s great news for Leinster and I’m delighted that Johnny is coming back because he’s a great friend and he has WDXJKW PH VR PXFK 7KHUHœV D huge amount of rugby to be played before he comes back though with the World Cup and everything next year so I just have to focus on my own game DW WKH PRPHQW

tournament than it was because the standard of teams is going to be stronger; there is real TXDOLW\ ULJKW DFURVV WKH ERDUG Previously I think you could get a few groups where there was a massive difference in standards with regard to some of the weaker teams and this meant that some teams practically had 10 points on the board VWDUWLQJ RII 7KDW ZRQÂśW EH WKH

Ian Madigan case this time, all the groups are competitive plus teams now have a better chance of qualifying for the knock out VWDJH LI WKH\ žQLVK VHFRQG which wasn’t always the case in WKH +HLQHNHQ We are in a very strong group and there will be no margin for HUURU &DVWUHV QHDUO\ ZHQW DOO WKH ZD\ ODVW \HDU LQ WKH )UHQFK &KDPSLRQVKLS ORVLQJ WKH žQDO WR Toulon so they will be formidable opponents, especially over there as it’ll be very intimidating on WKHLU SDWFK +DUOHTXLQV DUH always top four in England and Wasps seem to be improving so we’ll have to be at our very best in a group OLNH WKDW

What other sports do you enjoy aside from rugby? I love Gaelic football and I played for Kilmacud Crokes ZKHQ , ZDV D NLG , SOD\HG ULJKW half forward and I loved it, I ORYHG WKH IUHHGRP RI LW :H KDG a really good team with players like current Dublin back Rory O’Carroll and we won a few WKLQJV , ORYH JRLQJ WR &URNH Park to watch hurling and football, it’s always one of the KLJKOLJKWV RI WKH VXPPHU

Were you at the Dubs v 'RQHJDO VHPL žQDO"


WKH ZKROH RI WKH 3URYLQFH , WKLQN the whole south Dublin stigma with regard to Leinster is gone 1R , PLVVHG LW DV , ZDV VWLOO D ELW now and we are representative sore from the Munster match of the whole province with WKH GD\ EHIRUH 1RERG\ VDZ WKDW players from not just Dublin coming but I thought Donegal but Louth, Carlow, Meath and were excellent and deserved :H[IRUG DV ZHOO WKHLU YLFWRU\ RQ WKH GD\ 'XEOLQ will be back though; I’ve no Are the clashes with GRXEWV DERXW WKDW ZKDWVRHYHU ,W MXVW VKRZV DJDLQ KRZ GLIžFXOW it is to win back to back All Irelands but I think this Dublin team will manage to do that eventually with the players they currently have plus the ones to come though in the next few \HDUV

How did you enjoy the friendly with Munster in Tallaght Stadium? Aside from the result re it was very enjoyable! The players loved because it’s a lovely it becaus stadium, stadium the playing surface is excellent as are the dres dressing room and IDFLOLWLHV IDFLOLWLHV ,WœV JUHDW WR JHW to play in ddifferent venues around the pprovince and see to a few new fa faces in the crowd DW D /HLQVWHU P DW D /HLQVWHU PDWFK :H ZHUH delighted that the people of Tallaght got a chance to see the team play live and hopefully they’ll come an and see us play DJDLQ LQ WKH IX DJDLQ LQ WKH IXWXUH

Munster still the games you lads you look forward the most?

Yeah absolutely! They’re always ferocious matches and we do look forward to them more than DQ\ RWKHU JDPH ,œG EH YHU\ FORVH to Munster lads Peter Mahony and Conor Murray so bragging rights are very important! There would be a bit of slagging for a while after the games, no one from either camp ever wants to lose to the other! It’s a true Irish trial of old that both sets of fans UHDOO\ HQMR\ DV ZHOO ,œP DOUHDG\ looking forward to playing them again this season just talking about it now!

)LQDOO\ ,DQ \RX DUH currently studying Business in DIT at the moment, is it tough balancing your studies with your career?

It is tough yes, and my attendance in college isn’t great at times because obviously I have to prioritise my career DQG UXJE\ KDV WR FRPH žUVW DW WKH PRPHQW $W WKH VDPH WLPH though I also have to be very aware that my rugby career could come to an abrupt end and I need to be thinking about what I am going to do after UXJE\ ,WÂśV D VKRUW FDUHHU DQG \RX Leinster is mor more than a club now, still have another 40 years of life it’s a franchise, and we represent WR OLYH DIWHU LW HQGV


Barney Coleman

on Bachelors Walk on a handcart DQG \RX FRXOG ORRN DW WKHP I was always into military tactics and stuff like that so I decided to UHDG LW $IWHU UHDGLQJ WKDW ERRN I decided to join a martial arts club but martial arts at the time ZDV DOO YHU\ QHZ LQ ,UHODQG

INTERVIEW By Padraig Conlon

Barney Coleman, who lives in Kilnamanagh, began learning Kenpo .DUDWH DOPRVW žIW\ \HDUV DJR +H ZDV DPRQJ RQH RI WKH žUVW ,ULVK people to get involved in Martial Arts. Last month he was inducted into the The Masters Hall of Fame at a ceremony which was held in conjunction with the 50th Year anniversary of the legendary Long Beach Karate Championships in California. Still actively involved in .DUDWH DV D WHDFKHU DQG OHFWXUHU ZH PHW XS ZLWK KLP WR žQG RXW more about the world of Kenpo. What does it mean to you to be recognised among some of the greatest Martial Artists of all time? All the people in this country have an opportunity now because I’ve opened doors, it’s great to see we are breaking the barrier and that we’re up there DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ UHFRJQLVHG All we want is recognition and respect, it’s not about money, \RX ZDQW WR EH UHVSHFWHG

should go ahead of me but he couldn’t make it due to family UHDVRQV 7KH WZR RI XV ZHUH nominated so I went ahead because I knew you only get one FKDQFH WR ¿\ WKH ¿DJ The fact it was the 50 year FHOHEUDWLRQ PDGH LW VSHFLDO ,W was at the very same event in 1964 that Bruce Lee began by doing a demonstration and that’s how Ed Parker (founder of Kenpo Karate) got him into the Green Hornet and helped start KLV PRYLH FDUHHU

I enjoyed this year’s event :KHQ GLG \RX žQG RXW because there were some really you’d made it into the JUHDW SHRSOH LQ DWWHQGDQFH 0LNH +DOO RI )DPH" 6WRQH ZKR QHYHU ORVW D žJKW DQG now does lectures and seminars, Well I’d been in a few of them ZDV WKHUH +H WUDLQHG (OYLV before but this is the biggest one 3UHVOH\ÂśV ZLIH 3ULVFLOOD E\ D UHDOO\ ELJ HVWDEOLVKPHQW , Then there was Dave Hedler was asked last year and I told ZKR ZDV (OYLVÂś ERG\JXDUG 6R them that I thought my Master you were meeting people that as

a kid you would have dreamed RI PHHWLQJ DQG KHUH LW LV

It was my birthday yesterday, I was 67, I’m very thankful that I’ve lived to this age and I’ve had good people and my family who’ve backed me, from my wife to my grandkids, I’m thankful for every day. How did you get into Kenpo originally?

So I went to the Judo club in Parkgate Street and being ignorant to all the procedures at the time I went in and walked on the matt and the instructor nearly jumped down my throat! That didn’t go down well with me; I walked out the door and never turned back! I heard about another club that was being run by Mr Maurice Mahony, he’s a grand master QRZ KH ZDV RQH RI WKH žUVW IRXU to receive a Black belt in this FRXQWU\ So I went in to Maurice’s club in Harcourt Street and joined up and I’ve never looked back from WKDW , JRW LQYROYHG , FDPH XS the ranks quick because I could PL[ ZLWK SHRSOH My great friends there were Mr Shay Paget, who’s a Grand Master now and still with me, Jackie Skelly and Richard &RQQRU :H DOO ZRUNHG DV D WHDP XQWLO WKDW FOXE žQLVKHG LQ DURXQG

,Q ¾ , RSHQHG D FOXE LQ +LJK Street where we’re still teaching to this day with the same ,W ZDV , KDG MXVW JRW LQVWUXFWRUV ,WœV OLNH D PXVHXP married and had moved to now; they come from all over the &UXPOLQ , KDG GRQH ZHLJKWOLIWLQJ ZRUOG WR VHH LW and wrestling prior to that, I was How long did it take always a boy about town so I ERXJKW D ERRN RQ VHOI GHIHQFH you to get your They used to have old bookstalls Black Belt?

23 6L[ \HDUV , JRW LW LQ Âľ , ZDV WKH žUVW SHUVRQ HYHU WHOHYLVHG by RTÉ doing demonstrations, myself and Maurice used to do demonstrations around all the pubs, breaking tiles and stuff like that, people were all amazed by it because they’d never seen NDUDWH EHIRUH 7KH SXEV ZRXOG EH SDFNHG RXW I used to do a show every month in Gulliver’s, which was RQ 1HZ 6WUHHW :H KDG VKRZV everywhere at the time; it was nearly 7 days a week! What we might have done at that time is neglected our families; I do tell people now when I’m lecturing whatever you GR GRQÂśW QHJOHFW \RXU IDPLO\ If you can get your kids or wife/partner involved as well \RX VKRXOG

You knew the legendary Ed Parker who founded American Kenpo and famously taught it to Elvis? Yes I knew Ed Parker, I liked him, , PHW KLP IRU WKH žUVW WLPH LQ 1974 when he came over here IRU D GHPRQVWUDWLRQ He asked for a volunteer from WKH ¿RRU VR , ZHQW XS DQG KH asked me to try to throw shots DW KLP , GLGQœW WU\ DQG KLW KLP RXW RI UHVSHFW After the demo he was signing stuff and I went up to him and thanked him for letting me be on WKH ¿RRU ZLWK KLP DQG SUHVHQWHG him with a Parker Pen! After that we met lots of times, I stayed in his home after the Long Beach Championships,

Barney Coleman did interviews with him, got RQ ZHOO ZLWK KLP +H ZDV YHU\ knowledgeable, he put a great system together, it is very intricate to understand, and you KDYH WR EH FRQVLVWHQW ZLWK LW

You worked as a door man for over 30 years in Dublin, did you have to use your martial arts much to keep the peace at work?

for rank, because rank is only a FRORXU ,W FDQ JLYH \RX D ELW RI D boost but it can also put you in a position where people want to FKDOOHQJH \RX It’s all about enjoying it; the one thing people have to do when they’re joining any of the martial arts is to totally keep away from WKH SROLWLFV You ask yourself what is self defence? You’re defending yourself every day from sickness, well Martial Arts is a self GHIHQFH DJDLQVW EHLQJ DWWDFNHG You’re not the aggressor, you’re GHIHQGLQJ \RXUVHOI

:HOO \RX DOZD\V IHOW FRQžGHQW doing the doors because you had the martial arts, you would nearly hope that someone would start something so you could try The martial arts are a great it out! thing for relaxing the mind and opening you up to seeing Some nights you’d be jumping your environmental into the streets to take them VXUURXQGLQJV on because these were all well known heavies and bully boys about town and they didn’t know about karate back in the ODWH ÂśV HDUO\ ÂśV When I worked on the door they GLGQÂśW DSSURDFK 6D\LQJ WKDW though I think it was a lot safer back then, nowadays if you look at anyone they can’t take it, they ZDQW WR FRPH EDFN DW \RX

)LQDOO\ %DUQH\ ZKDW would you say to people who are thinking of getting involved in Kenpo, or any of the Martial Arts? Well Kenpo has great aspects but you will only get out of it what you put into it, same as DQ\WKLQJ 7KHUHÂśV QR TXLFN ž[ Don’t go to the extreme looking

martial arts is a self defence... you’re not the agressor

24 Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Sq. Magazine. We are all very busy here at the Square SXWWLQJ WKH ¾QDO WRXFKHV WR RXU $XWXPQ Winter fashion show which will take place on the 27th of September. There will be four opportunities for you to see the best that the stores in the Square have to offer. They take place at noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. Showcasing such a wide range of fashions on show there is bound to be something for everybody. We look forward to seeing you all there. The academic year is back in full swing with all the third level students now back at their desks. So don’t forget to renew your Student VIP Card. It will last for 3 years. Keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter and Website for more details. We have had an amazing response to our most recent giveaways on our Facebook page, with literally thousands of you engaging with us on a daily basis. s. We have tickets for Pop sensation 5



September 2014

Seconds of Summer to giveaway in the coming weeks so make sure you tell all your friends to “Like” our page to be in with a chance to win! Don’t forget to check out our shark egg LQ WKH $TXDULXP RQ /HYHO RSSRVLWH Tescos. We have been reliably informed that a Baby Shark will arrive sometime over the next two months. Until next time, happy shopping!

____________________ ___ ______________________ CCathryn th M M McMenamy The Square Town Centre, g Commercial Manager

3 25

The day we had all been waiting for ¾QDOO\ DUULYHG DW WKH Square, the Seaworld Experience. We welcomed back Seahorse man Kealan Doyle, our resident Marine Biologist who was there to teach us everything we needed to know about the world under the water. Kealan brought along some friends which included a beautiful mermaid who was on hand to get some picturess with the fans. Spongebob andd Patrick shared a tank with twoo seahorses. Some very brave ve children had the chance too ge get et very close with the crabs. The shark teeth and eggs were what really interestedd everyone not to mention the little baby Nemos. If allll ur face ce that wasn’t enough, our and aga ain painters were on hand again to paint all kindss of design designs. s.

Sq. Magazine

Everyone learn’t plenty of facts l about all the amazing animals that live under the sea and we look forward to having Kealan and his team back again very soon. If you missed the Seaworld experience then don’t worry you can still drop in and visit our aquarium and take a look at the shark egg that is living there before it hatches over the next few weeks..


Sq. Magazine

Bumblebee ³6HO¾H´ &RPS Winner 2XU %XPEOHEHH ³VHO¾H´ competition which was run on Facebook was a huge success. We had loads of entries, all equally entertaining, but there could only be one winner. Karen O’Toole tagged #thesqtallaght with this great shot of her son and Bumblebee. She won a €50 gift card for the Square. Congrats Karen!

$VVHWV 0RGHOV Set To Walk The Run Way On Centre Mall

prepared to be dazzled with thee SDUW VW\OHV RQ GLVSOD\ $QG WKH EHVW SDUW of it is they are all at affordable prices.

So it’s almost that time of year again the one we have all been waiting for. The return of The 6TXDUH 7RZQFHQWUH¶V $XWXPQ Winter Fashion Show. With the cold season only around the corner it’s time for you to get that wardrobe in order.

Top fashion models will be on hand to strut down the catwalk on the Centre Mall showcasing chic styles with minimal effort. HVW $IWHU \RXU LQWURGXFWLRQ WR WKH EHVW winter buys you can take a trip around the Square to pick up the styles that took your fancy. It’t’s an event for all to enjoy and onee ng which we look forward to hosting again this year.

The fashion show will give you great ideas for your winter wardrobe including nice warm FRDWV DQG SHUIHFW ¾WWHG ERRWV There is always a vast mix of items on display from pretty pastels to the winters winter’s top trends. Be

The fashion show will be hostedd on September 27th at 12 noon, 1pm, 2pm & 3pm on the Centree Mall here at the Square.

Style Club $XWXPQ 0DNHRYHU Winner Is...... We would like to congratulate Sarah Coyne who won an autumn makeover worth €100 at the vibrant new Style Club Salon here at the Square on Level 3. This is the fourth Style Club salon to open and with its vibrant colour popping interior and its expert stylists on hand it’s popularity continues to grow. If you‘re pondering an autumn look, whether it is a dramatic colour change like Margot Robbie or a Kylie Jenner crop, the colour and style experts at the new Style Club salon will make sure you have the look that’s right for you!

O With The Old, Out In With The New... New Toilets CComing Soon Brand New Student VIP Cardss Coming Soon!! Calling all students. Our Student Card is set to be launched this September just before the beginning of the academic year. This is an opportunity not to be missed with up to 25% off in many of the stores throughout the Square.

Simply complete the application form online or at the Customer Service Desk on Level 2 and bring proof of your student status. Please allow 48 hours between applying and collecting your card. We will be over at IT Tallaght on the 16th & 17th of September to give students the chance to sign up , so make sure to keep your eyes open for us.

W are delighted to announce We tthat we are about to undertake a total refurbishment of all our ttoilet facilities commencing on the 15th September. We intend to totally redesign all our toilet facilities including disabled facilities & baby feeding areas with a very modern impacting look, bringing a fresh look to the FHQWUH )RU WKH EHQH¾W RI DOO RXU customers so keep your eyes on the progress throughout the centre. Level 1 & 3 will commence in early 2015.


Sq. Magazine LauraLynn... Raising Funds For $ *UHDW &DXVH +HUH In The Square Volunteers from the LauraLynn – Irelands Children’ C s Hospice participated in a cycle-a-thon here in the Centre C Mall on Level 2 in order to raise funds for their ffoundation oundation last Friday.

We Welcome Back Our Friend nd ack Oopsadaisy Back To Centre Mall

LauraLynn is a hospice for children with life-limiting conditions and residential care for young adults with disabilities. They provide palliative care and support for children and their families. Their holistic approach to care enables them to support the whole family, allowing parents to be ‘Mum and Dad’ rather than full-time carers. Their care is free for families and it’s the much needed donations that keep this fantastic charity going. Thank you to everyone who donated on the day and all who took part.

2RSVDGDLV\ LV ¾QDOO\ EDFN N Come on down to check out the toddler group and joinn in for lots of singing, dancingg and learning fun. Oopsadaisy runs every ol Wednesday during school term. If you want to join in the fun you can registerr your toddler anytime at our ur Customer Service Desk orr on the day. Please come and register early to avoidd disappointment.

Well Do Done Ray, Up The Keep eep U *UHDW :RUN *UHDW : :HOO GRQH WR :HOO GRQH WR * 6 6WDII PHPEHU RRay Moody, who recently received D 6TXDUH *LIW 9RXFKHU IRU KLV D 6TXDUH *LI KLV continued work w and dedication ation here in The Square Shopping ng Centre. Well Done Ray!!

The fun all begins at 10am m to 11am on Level 2 every Wednesday..

Cheeky Monkey ,V 0DNLQJ $ 0RYH Up To Level 3

We are also in the process of working on our new external play area which will be located outside the East Entrance. Our Cheeky Monkey play area 7KLV IXQ ¾OOHG DUHD ZLOO FDWHU LV GXH WR ¾QG D QHZ KRPH YHU\ for toddlers aged 2-4 years. soon. The new location which Both these additions are sure is going to be situated on to be a big hit with parents. Level 3 is not just bigger but is also better and more secure.

Sq. Magazine


7 29

A Closer Look At...

WE PLAY WITH FIRE. WE ROCK THE WOKS. WE HAVE THE MOVES LIKE JAGGER. AND WE LOVE OUR JOB. Exciting times at the Square as Wok to Walk So how does it work, it’s simple the big 1, 2, 3 signs orientate you opened its on how to place your order, again as if you were in your kitchen. žUVW UHVWDXUDQW <RX SLFN D EDVH žUVW here in Ireland 2. Then, add your favorite ingredients. on Level 3. 3. Finally blend it with a delicious

proving just have fresh it is. You can make whatever combination inspires you, no matter if you’re a strict vegan, celiac or a meat lover. There is even on option to blend several sauces.

Wok to Walk is available in more than 14 countries such as The Netherlands, The US, Spain, )UDQFH WKH 8. DQG *HUPDQ\ ZLWK WKHLU ¿DJVKLS UHVWDXUDQWV LQ %DUFHORQD $PVWHUGDP /RQGRQ DQG 1< 7KH RIžFLDO RSHQLQJ brings the number of restaurants worldwide to more than 60. So what is the big hype all about? Well its Thai street food, sounds interesting yes? The food is prepared for you as you order

sauce and some topping.

The team at Wok to Walk are also aware of the importance of nutrition to many of their customers, so they have a menu that provides whole-wheat noodles, rice noodles, whole grain rice and a vegetarian dish as well as egg noodles, udon and jasmine rice as a base for your wok. Every sauce, meat and tofu bit at the counter has been prepared in a secret ritual that comes from

their Thai “ancestorsâ€?. They have improved Thailand’s street cook techniques to develop their own. Fire, funky moves and strong wrists all combine to make one of the healthiest ways to cook. We spoke with Managing Director $LGDQ 0XUSK\ ZKR WROG XV KRZ happy he and his team are to be žQDOO\ RSHQHG LQ WKH 6TXDUH “We are delighted with the positive response to our opening here in The Square. The management and staff from all other retailers at The Square have made us feel very welcome and we are very grateful to the hungry shoppers and visitor’s who keep selecting us for either their lunch or evening meal (in some case, both). Our staff are always available to advise on some great combinations of food and saucesâ€?. Check out their menu online at they are open from 11.30am to 11.30 pm Monday to Sunday so drop down to them today!

XXXX Sq Magazine

30 8 Blouse €15.00 Skirt €20.00 Boots €25.00 Bag €15.00

Urban Chic Style Checkout these gorgeous autumn looks from Heatons

9 35

Sq Magazine XXXX

Jumper Skirt


Coat Jumper Jeans



€20.00 €20.00


Cinema WISH I WAS HERE By Rachel Lynch


The Boxtrolls are a community of quirky, mischievous creatures who have lovingly raised an orphaned human boy named (JJV They live beneath the streets of Cheesebridge in an amazing cavernous home they KDYH EXLOW :KHQ HYHU\RQH LV locked away in their homes WKH %R[WUROOV URDP WKH VWUHHWV The public have been led to believe that the Boxtrolls are QRWKLQJ PRUH WKDQ PRQVWHUV When the town’s villain, Archibald Snatcher comes up with a plot to get rid of the Boxtrolls, Eggs who resembles a human like the rest of us, decides to venture above ground “into the light� where he meets and teams

up with feisty wealthy local JLUO :LQQLIUHG Together, they devise a daring plan to save Eggs’ family from H[WHUPLQDWLRQ With Eggs relatively new to the world above he must learn fast that many of the rituals accepted below ground are not accepted above it, with the help of Winnifred he learns HYHU\WKLQJ KH QHHGV WR NQRZ Based on the children’s novel Here Be Monsters by Alan Snow, there are some hilarious moments throughout that will entertain the adults as much DV WKH FKLOGUHQ

The much loved =DFK %UDII LV back in this new comedy which tells the story of $LGDQ %ORRP Bloom is man in his mid thirties ZKR žQGV himself at a PDMRU FURVVURDGV which forces him to examine his life, his career and his IDPLO\ Bloom is a struggling actor in / $ +LV ZLIH SOD\HG E\ .DWH Hudson, works in a boring RIžFH MRE SXWWLQJ GDWD LQWR spread-sheets and essentially providing for their two kids, tomboyish teen Grace and her younger EURWKHU 7XFNHU The family have been relying on Bloom’s father Gabe to help with their children’s school tuition but they are left shocked when his father announces he cannot support

the family any longer as his cancer has returned and he needs the money for an experimental WUHDWPHQW This triggers both practical problems, the children need an education and Aidan refuses to send them to public school as well as more spiritual ones, especially after it becomes clear that Gabe’s JRW OLWWOH WLPH OHIW Will Aidan be able to realise the true values of life before it’s too late? )DQV RI VLWFRP Scrubs will also be excited to know JD and 7XUN DUH EDFN WRJHWKHU 'RQDOG )DLVRQ %UDIIœV UHDO OLIH best friend also plays a small role as a charming Aston Martin salesman who takes %UDIIœV IDPLO\ RXW IRU D / $ MR\ ULGH




The dramatic comedy This is Where I Leave You is directed by Shawn Levy, and based on the hilarious and bestselling novel E\ -RQDWKDQ 7URSSHU It includes an all star cast with QDPHV VXFK DV 7LQD )H\ -DQH )RQGD DQG -DVRQ %DWHPDQ 7KH )R[PDQ IDPLO\ GR QRW get along and haven’t been VHHQ WRJHWKHU LQ \HDUV :LWK each of them busy with their own family lives they receive a phone call from their mother to inform them that their IDWKHU KDV GLHG The family must now all JDWKHU WRJHWKHU DQG IXOžOO WKHLU IDWKHUÂśV ODVW ZLVK :KLFK is for them to spend a week XQGHU WKH VDPH URRI 1RZ QHZO\ GLYRUFHG DIWHU žQGLQJ RXW DERXW KLV ZLIHÂśV

affair, newly jobless Judd )R[PDQ KDV WR WUDYHO KRPH WR face his dysfunctional family, which includes his psychiatrist mom, his sarcastic older brother, his unhappy sister and his too perfect younger EURWKHU Only time will tell if the family can work together to build back bonds and help one another out with the life LVVXHV WKH\ DOO IDFH


Entertainment Big line up of Irish movies this Autumn

RI &KULVWLQD 1REOH Standby a romantic comedy set in the streets of Dublin starring ,UHODQGÂśV žOP LQGXVWU\ Brian Gleeson (The Stag) continues to go from strength and Mad Men star Jessica to strength with an impressive Pare; The Guarantee tells the line up of new movies for the infamous story of the Irish ELJ VFUHHQ WKLV DXWXPQ 7KLV bank guarantee starring Peter year has so far proven to be Coonan as David Drumm; and a strong year for Irish cinema Gold a heart-warming comedy ZLWK žOPV VXFK DV Calvary, The starring Maisie Williams of Stag, Frank, Jimmy’s Hall and Game of Thrones fame and Universal’s Mrs Brown proving -DPHV 1HVELW SRSXODU DW WKH ,ULVK ER[ RIžFH Bord Scannan na hEireann, 7KH ,)% VDLG WKHUHÂśV DOVR WKH ,ULVK )LOP %RDUG ,)% VDLG an interesting line-up of IHDWXUH GRFXPHQWDU\ žOPV Brian Gleeson & Je Jess Jess ssic sic ica Paare ica re iin St Stan anndb dby ahead including One Million Dubliners an award winning žOP ZKLFK H[SORUHV WKH necropolis of Glasnevin &HPHWHU\ LQ 1RUWK 'XEOLQ Unbreakable: The Mark Pollack Story telling Pollack’s inspirational story of strength and positivity in the face of extraordinary adversity; and Showrunners which takes a look at the big names behind the international business of major US TV drama and features interviews with JJ The Autumn slate of titles Abrams and Joss Whedon, all includes: Noble, the true story JR RQ UHOHDVH WKLV $XWXPQ

)ROORZ 7KH <HOORZ Brick Road To Imax 3D At Cineworld Dublin To mark the 75th anniversary of The Wizard of Oz, Warner %URV 3LFWXUHV DQG ,0$; will be giving cinemagoers the chance to experience the timeless classic in the immersive IMAXŽ 3D format IRU WKH žUVW WLPH HYHU /RYLQJO\ revived and renewed frame by frame over 18 months, The

Wizard of Oz is coming back to the big screen exclusively in IMAX at Cineworld Dublin IURP 6HSWHPEHU

Jam-packed Autumn on RTÉ

TV3 launches most exciting schedule yet TV3 launches major new soap, 30 new shows and an array of new faces in its ELJJHVW VFKHGXOH HYHU TV3 Group will invest over 75% of its programming budget on home-produced FRQWHQW QH[W \HDU Home-produced Irish content will account for over 50% of TV3’s programming VFKHGXOH QH[W \HDU This will include the production of a new soap called Red Rock, TV3’s most DPELWLRXV FRPPLVVLRQ WR GDWH Produced by Element and Company Pictures, Red Rock will air in January 2015 and provide a fresh soap DOWHUQDWLYH WR ,ULVK YLHZHUV The soap will also see major investment in the industry and employ between 100130 people across the entire SURGXFWLRQ A number of new homeproduced shows are also being added to the VFKHGXOH 7KHVH LQFOXGH Gogglebox, Donal MacIntyre Investigates; A TD In My House; Paramedics; The Lie; The Joy; The Lazy Chef; Ireland’s Oyster Clan; Prison Families; There’s Something About Amanda and Islanders.

RTÉ One, Ireland’s most popular channel, has launched an exciting new season of home-produced and acquired programming, with over 35 new shows SOXV UHWXUQLQJ VHULHV The season will see over 600 hours of homeproduced programming and over 90 hours of Irish drama, along with 13 new factual documentaries DQG žYH EUDQG QHZ DUWV GRFXPHQWDULHV The Imelda May Show has been greenlit and will return to our VFUHHQV IRU D IXOO VHULHV 57e 2QH LV GHžQLWHO\ WKH place to be on a Sunday night with the long-awaited new series of Love/Hate and The Fall plus brand new three-part drama Charlie – starring Aidan Gillen and 7RP 9DXJKDQ /DZORU

T m Vaug To Vaug Va ugha haann-La L wlor or & Aid iden e G Gilille illle lenn inn Chhar arli rlliie

Other highlights include a two-part documentary series Women On The Inside which goes behind the walls of Ireland’s women’s SULVRQV Whose Holiday is it Anyway? is a brand new show that will see parents hand over the power of their holiday plans and the entire holiday budget to WKHLU FKLOGUHQ

35 Guinness Amplify Guinness have announced a host of acts, both Irish and international to the surprise stellar line up of the Guinness $PSOLI\ SURJUDPPH Electric Picnic supremo Hozier, George Ezra, London Grammar, Rudimental, George Ezra and Duke Dumont are just a few of the recent announcements that may be DSSHDULQJ LQ D EDU QHDU \RX

SURJUDPPH 6LQJHU VRQJZULWHU Keith Cullen, Corner Boy, Kammerpop, Million Little *RGV 3DGG\ +DQQD )UDQNR )UDQNR WR QDPH EXW D IHZ Local lads Empire Circus played the main stage at the Guinness Amplify Event in the Guinness Storehouse, Dublin RQ 6HSWHPEHU WK

Big names previously released are Kodaline, Walking on Cars, (OOLH *RXOGLQJ DQG %DVWLOOH There’s a massive list of home grown artists booked to play gigs as part of the

Keep your eye on for XSFRPLQJ HYHQWV

Tallaght represents at Electric Picnic

Picnic with Oxfam competition, and played Oxfam Ireland’s Oxjam Stage on the Saturday QLJKW 7KH\ KDYH DOVR UHFHQWO\ been announced to play the Hard Working Class Heroes festival which will see 104 bands playing seven venues DFURVV 'XEOLQ

Dublin band Raglans (whose guitarist Sean O’Brien is from Tallaght) were probably the PRVW KLJK SURžOH ORFDO EDQG playing, with a set on the Electric Arena on Saturday DIWHUQRRQ 7KHLU VHW ZHQW down well and they took to )DFHERRN WR WKDQN IDQV IRU attending, commenting “What a way to end the summer!â€? They have announced White Lightning as their next single, with “a brand spanking new video coming September WK´ The Eskies played the Body & Soul Earthship Stage RQ 6DWXUGD\ PRUQLQJ Hare Squead beat out stiff competition as one of 10 žQDOLVWV RI IPÂśV 3OD\ 7KH

)UHVK IURP SOD\LQJ WKH -HUU\ )LVK (OHFWULF 6LGHVKRZ DW RQH EP it’s on to another type of (3 IRU 7DOODJKW EDQG *DQJV As part of their Back To School tour, the lads will be playing two shows in one day for their EP Launch at The Academy 2QH IRU RYHU œV DQG DQ evening show for over 18’s on 6HSWHPEHU WK Local comedian Al Porter played EP’s comedy stage and also did a spot of presenting RQ 57eœV FRYHUDJH RI (3



THE SCRIPT Superheroes

By Colm O’Muirí

By Linn Heldal

A lot has happened since they featured on InTallaght’s front cover in March last \HDU 0RVW LPSRUWDQWO\ WKH\ DUH QRZ releasing their fourth studio album No Sound Without Silence, with the song Superheroes DV WKH žUVW VLQJOH UHOHDVH

U2 Songs of Innocence The release of U2’s thirteenth studio album snuck up on us, announced as it was by Apple as a free download to iTunes customers, at WKHLU PRVW UHFHQW NH\QRWH Songs of Innocence begins with The Miracle (of Joey Ramone) which is a good toe tapping intro into a rock album with the Edge’s guitar roaring over Bono’s vocals, EHIRUH LW VORZV GRZQ LQ SDUWV Every Breaking Wave is the next track and begins very slowly and reminded me of With or Without You DW WKH EHJLQQLQJ 7KH VRQJ builds into a nice chorus and overall is an HQMR\DEOH VRQJ 7KLV LV IROORZHG E\ California (There Is No End to Love) which is similar to the previous track but features a short solo ZKLFK FRPSOLPHQWV WKH VRQJ QLFHO\ Song for Someone begins with a nice riff on the acoustic guitar which builds into another DQWKHPLF FKRUXV Iris (Hold Me Close) is a poor song but it is an enjoyable album so IDU ZLWK WKH FUHDP RI WKH FURS \HW WR FRPH My three favourite songs on this record are the next three and they are Volcano, Raised by Wolves and Cedarwood Road Volcano is an instant singalong, if even to try and sing the word “volcano� in the way that Bono GRHV RQ WKH WUDFN ,W LV WKH EHVW VRQJ RQ WKH album and also the shortest and I love the EDVV RSHQLQJ

There aren’t many bands that can pull off shooting a music video in Johannesburg in South Africa, with bits of tribal chant inspired sing-alongs, to a track called Superheroes, without PDNLQJ LW DOO VHHP D ELW IHLJQHG

Raised by Wolves is another great song on the album which I think would have been a JUHDW žQLVK WR WKH Songs of Innocence which would have left you on a high as opposed to WKH VRQJ ZKLFK GRHV žQLVK RII WKH DOEXP Cedarwood Road is sure to be a hit live and ZLOO GHžQLWHO\ KDYH \RX SOD\LQJ VRPH DLU guitar, although it is a song which deserves a better solo than what it has and hopefully WKLV ZLOO EH UHFWLžHG ZKHQ WKH EDQG WDNH WKH DOEXP RQ WRXU Sleep Like a Baby Tonight reminded me RI WKH ,1;6 VRQJ Never Tear Us Apart at the beginning and I would have to say it is WKH ZRUVW VRQJ RQ WKH DOEXP 7KH DOEXP unfortunately never really recovers as the ODVW WZR VRQJV DUHQÂśW XS WR SDU HLWKHU This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now; is an OK song but isn’t that memorable, and The Troubles is a poor ending to an album which promised a lot and delivers in parts with VRPH YHU\ JRRG VRQJV Songs of Innocence overall is a decent album but is let down by WKUHH RU IRXU SRRU VRQJV 7KH DOEXP LV VXUH to keep fans of the band happy who have KDG WR ZDLW žYH \HDUV IRU QHZ PDWHULDO ZKLFK is released on CD and vinyl on October 13th with four extra tracks on the deluxe edition DQG žYH RQ WKH YLQ\O

This is however not something 7KH 6FULSW KDYH WR ZRUU\ DERXW They’ve managed to craft a song so inspirational, ultra-catchy and energetic, and a video which portrays the meaning in such an honest, strong and respectful ZD\ LW DFWXDOO\ JLYHV PH JRRVHEXPSV The song starts off with a soft piano, then builds with crunchy guitar riffs to a heavy, euphoric chorus and stadiumVL]HG VRXQG The Script are known for telling a story in their songs and the anthem “Every day, every hour, turn that pain into powerâ€?, is repeated throughout Superheroes ,WÂśV D song of encouragement, drive and determination and according to lead singer Danny O’Donoghue it’s written IRU ÂľWKH XQVXQJ KHURHV RXW LQ WKH ZRUOG Âś



greater noise reduction and a 2 x faster autofocus provide even EHWWHU LPDJHV 7KHUHœV DOVR D new Apple-design image signal processor built into the A8 chip to improve the way the iPhone 6 KDQGOHV LPDJHV 7KH IURQW IDFLQJ )DFH7LPH FDPHUD LV DFWXDOO\ D )DFH7LPH +' FDPHUD QRZ ZLWK D I aperture, and a new sensor which allows in up to 81% more OLJKW 7KHUHœV DOVR +'5 )DFH7LPH video support, ensuring you’re SHUIHFWO\ OLW


$SSOH KDV RIžFLDOO\ announced the iPhone 6 - the eighth generation of iPhone - at a special event in &XSHUWLQR The major media event saw the unveiling of two new iPhones, WKH LQFK L3KRQH DQG WKH LQFK L3KRQH 3OXV Along with larger screens and a completely new iPad-style design with an ultra thin body and rounded corners, the two new phones offer faster processors, better cameras, and 1)& LQWHJUDWLRQ ZLWK $SSOHÂśV QHZ $SSOH3D\ SD\PHQW V\VWHP Apple’s new iPhones will be available in Gold, Silver, and

Space Gray, and will be available LQ DQG *% FDSDFLWLHV 7KLV LV žUVW RI WZR PDMRU UHYLVLRQV QHZ L3KRQH ¿DJVKLS - Apple has overhauled the squared off design which has been with us since the iPhone 4, with the iPhone 6 sporting a PRUH URXQGHG VOLPPHU ERG\

making it easier to hit during RQH KDQGHG XVH 2Q WKH OHIW hand side you get the separated volume keys below a mute WRJJOH VZLWFK

The iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus both offer improved battery life, but due to the larger size of iPhone 6 Plus, it is able to DFFRPPRGDWH D ODUJHU EDWWHU\

Reviews have been largely positive, with several people pointing towards the display of WKH GHYLFH $FFRUGLQJ WR -DUHG 1HOVRQ IURP 7RXFK$UFDGH WKH 7KH L3KRQH KDV D LQFK Retina Display HD screens look LED back-lit display with a 1334 ÂłDEVROXWHO\ LQFUHGLEOH´ LQ SHUVRQ x 750 resolution - it’s Apple’s 7KH 9HUJH VDLG WKH LQFK QHZ Âł5HWLQD +'´ RIIHULQJ 7KDW iPhone 6 “looks greatâ€? and feels means you get a pixel density of like a “hybrid of the iPhone and 326ppi - the same as the iPhone L3RG WRXFK ´ 0XOWLSOH UHYLHZV 6 ,W DOVR SDOHV LQ FRPSDULVRQ WR said that even though the larger the iPhone 6 Plus, with a full HD, iPhone is big, it’s easier to hold [ LQFK VFUHHQ ZLWK than expected because of its D SSL GLVSOD\ URXQGHG HGJHV

,Q IDFW LWÂśV MXVW PP WKLQ making it one of the thinnest smartphones of the market, and rumors about a protruding rear FDPHUD OHQV DUH DOVR WUXH It’s slightly heavier than the 5S at 129g, while the body measures Apple has stuck with the 8MP PP [ PP rear camera on the iPhone 6, but it’s not the same as the one The power/lock key has been \RXÂśOO žQG RQ WKH L3KRQH 6 moved from the top of the A new wide angle iSight lens, handset to the right hand side, WUXH WRQH ÂżDVK I DSHUWXUH

We can’t wait to get our hands on one, Apple fan boys and girls that we are, but the good news is that they will be available to order from September 26th!



FIFA 15 By Colm O’Muirí

One of the most anticipated games to be released every year is Electronic Arts Sports football video game FIFA, and this year’s edition is no GLIIHUHQW


FIFA 15 is due for release on September 26th in Ireland and our version will feature both Lionel Messi and Eden Hazard on the cover, Messi has featured on the cover every year since FIFA 13

By Colm O’Muirí

Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments is an upcoming investigation game by developers )URJZDUHV DQG SXEOLVKHG E\ )RFXV +RPH ,QWHUDFWLYH Based on characters by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, takes inspiration from the original stories and the BBC television series Sherlock The game is set in London and throughout the game you will KDYH WR VROYH VL[ KLJK SUR¾OH cases ranging from murders, disappearances and spectacular WKHIWV <RXU GHFLVLRQV LQ WKH game at each crime scene will have a major effect on the game and in creating your own unique H[SHULHQFH This is to do with the fact that Crimes and Punishments has up

EA Sports has revealed the leagues which will be featured in this year’s game with a few differences from last year’s game, however as always La Liga and the Premier League will be featured as well as our very own SSE Airtricity Premier 'LYLVLRQ

to 10 different endings for each of WKH FDVHV ZKLFK DUH LQ WKH JDPH The game has a range of features to help you solve the crimes from Analysis, Questioning, Sixth Sense and ,PDJLQDWLRQ <RXU FRQFOXVLRQ of each crime will also affect Holmes’s reputation, for the JRRG DQG DOVR WKH EDG There are two camera angles to choose from in the game, a ¾UVW SHUVRQ SRLQW RI YLHZ DQG D VWDWLF WKLUG SHUVRQ FDPHUD <RX can switch between the two but at certain points in the game you will be stuck in one camera DQJOH )RU LQVWDQFH 6KHUORFN is known for being able to notice the smallest detail about someone and you will have to be able to do this in the game to VROYH WKH FULPHV :KHQ VFDQQLQJ people Sherlock will enter into a ¾UVW SHUVRQ YLHZ

Like the previous instalments of the game, Crimes and Punishments will be available across all platforms including ERWK WKH 36 DQG ;ER[ 2QH 7KLV LV DOVR WKH ¾UVW JDPH LQ WKH series which uses the Epic Unreal Engine 3 and the improvement LQ JUDSKLFV FDQ EH VHHQ LQVWDQWO\ The game is set for release on 6HSWHPEHU WK RQ DOO SODWIRUPV

41 The Brazilian league will not EH IHDWXUHG LQ WKLV \HDUÂśV ),)$ although the national team ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH )RU WKH žUVW WLPH HYHU LQ franchise history all 20 Premier League teams’ stadiums will be in the game, FIFA 14 RQO\ KDG HLJKW To add to the atmosphere of the game EA Sports recorded live match atmosphere during the 2013/14 Premier League, H[SHFW WR KHDU FKDQWV VSHFLžF WR \RXU WHDP The Goal Decision System which was introduced to the Premier League will also make an appearance in the JDPH 7KH UHSOD\ DQLPDWLRQV you will see after a close call are emulations of the ones you see in a live game WHOHYLVLRQ EURDGFDVW EA Sports have also FRQžUPHG WKDW 0DUWLQ 7\OHU Alan Smith, Clive Tyldesey and Andy Townsend will be returning to the game to do WKH LQ JDPH FRPPHQWDULHV

Goalkeepers have been XSGDWHG LQ ),)$ ZLWK RYHU 50 new save animations and improved goalkeeper AI, everything else you would H[SHFW IURP ),)$ LV KHUH )DQV RI WKH IUDQFKLVH ZLOO EH extremely pleased with the new additions and visually FIFA looks to be making up ground on Madden for the sports JDPH ZLWK WKH EHVW JUDSKLFV FIFA 15 is released September WK DFURVV DOO SODWIRUPV


Motor PORSCHE PANAMERA By Rachel Lynch

This year saw the second generation Porsche Panamera get a mid-term face OLIW 7KH PRGHO LV luxurious, sporty and feature packed while also being extremely practical, something not many in its EUDFNHW FDQ PDWFK Porsche has tweaked many of the external features, including the front and rear and also the rear ZLQGRZ )XOO /(' KHDGOLJKWV DUH DOVR QRZ DYDLODEOH IRU WKH žUVW WLPH

As you can probably guess the inside of this car does not disappoint and at times you forget the size of the exterior and believe you are inside a PXFK ODUJHU FDU 7KH EDFNVHDWV make you feel like you are traveling inside an executive OLPR ZLWK SOHQW\ RI VSDFH 7KH new look also includes longer UHDU GRRUV

)URP WKH EDVH DQG 3DQDPHUD 4 models, now sporting 310 horsepower and 295 poundIHHW RI WRUTXH IURP D OLWHU normally aspirated V-6 engine, to the Panamera Turbo at 520 The model has received criticism KRUVHSRZHU IURP D OLWHU over the years for what many twin-turbo V-8 engine, to the fans refer to as the “hunchbackâ€? all-new Panamera S E-Hybrid’s FDU 7KH GHVLJQ WHDP KDYH QRZ 416 horsepower from a ÂżDWWHQHG DQG HQODUJHG WKH 95-horsepower electric motor EDFNOLJKWV 7KH WDLOOLJKW KDV EHHQ DQG OLWHU VXSHUFKDUJHG 9 straightened and the somewhat combo, there’s plenty to chose unsightly unpainted plastic from to suit your style of choice portion of the bumper of the DQG DOVR \RXU VW\OH RI VSHHG previous model has also received D PDNHRYHU

So what are the pros and cons? :HOO OHWÂśV VWDUW ZLWK WKH FRQV The styling of this model won’t DSSHDO WR HYHU\RQH ,WÂśV D IRXU seater which may or may not be D SUREOHP IRU VRPH DQG žQDOO\ WKH ERRW LV SUHWW\ VPDOO WRR The pros certainly outweigh the FRQV ZLWK WKLV PRGHO WKRXJK The excellent turbo, diesel and hybrid models available will be the driving factor in sales for people who are solely into the GULYLQJ H[SHULHQFH 7KH VSHFV are also higher than you might KDYH LPDJLQHG 6R žQDOO\ KRZ PXFK ZLOO RQH of these set you back? Brace \RXUVHOI WKH\ DUHQÂśW FKHDS Although they do range in price depending on exactly what you are looking for, you would be looking at a price of around Ă°

Windsor Motors ad


Book PHILIP ROTH Nemesis

,Q WKH ÂłVWLÂżLQJ KHDW RI HTXDWRULDO 1HZDUN ´ D WHUULI\LQJ HSLGHPLF LV raging, threatening the children RI WKH 1HZ -HUVH\ FLW\ ZLWK maiming, paralysis, lifelong GLVDELOLW\ DQG HYHQ GHDWK This is the startling theme of Philip Roth’s wrenching book: a wartime polio epidemic in the summer of 1944 and the effect it has RQ D FORVHO\ NQLW IDPLO\ RULHQWHG 1HZDUN FRPPXQLW\ DQG LWV FKLOGUHQ $W WKH FHQWHU RI 1HPHVLV LV D YLJRURXV dutiful twenty-three-year-old playground director, Bucky Cantor, a javelin thrower and weightlifter, who is devoted to his charges and disappointed with himself because his weak eyes have excluded him from serving LQ WKH ZDU DORQJVLGH KLV FRQWHPSRUDULHV )RFXVLQJ RQ &DQWRUÂśV GLOHPPDV DV SROLR begins to ravage his playground—and on the everyday realities he faces—Roth leads us through every inch of emotion such a pestilence can breed: the fear, the panic, the anger, the bewilderment, the suffering, and WKH SDLQ

By Gwen Taylour Moving between the smoldering, PDORGRURXV VWUHHWV RI EHVLHJHG 1HZDUN and Indian Hill, a pristine children’s summer camp high in the Poconos— ZKRVH ÂłPRXQWDLQ DLU ZDV SXULžHG RI DOO contaminantsâ€?—Roth depicts a decent, energetic man with the best intentions struggling in his own private war against the HSLGHPLF Roth is tenderly exact at every point about Cantor’s passage into personal disaster, and no less exact about the condition of FKLOGKRRG 7KURXJK WKLV VWRU\ UXQV WKH GDUN questions that haunt all four of Roth’s late short novels, Everyman, Indignation, The Humbling, and now Nemesis: What kind of accidental choices fatally shape a life? How does the individual withstand the onslaught of circumstance? This is another of my mother’s recommendations and though she said it was good, the quote on the front cover from Sunday Times: “Heart-wrenchingly powerfulâ€? SXW PH RII UHDGLQJ LW IRU TXLWH D ZKLOH ,ÂśP JODG , JRW DURXQG WR LW WKRXJK Bucky is a really sympathetic protagonist an and while it’s nearly painful to re read the enevitable unfolding of tragedy, it’s really ZHOO ZUL ZHOO ZULWWHQ The menace of polio w was a very scary, unexplained scourge less than 100 years ago and it makes me so glad that modern medicine has put an end to it as well as many other “mysteriousâ€? maladies of \HVWHU\HDU

About The Author Philip Roth grew up in the Weequahic QHLJKERUKRRG RI 1HZDUN 1HZ -HUVH\ ZKHUH WKLV QRYHO LV VHW +H žUVW JDLQHG attention with the 1959 novella Goodbye, Columbus, an irreverent and humorous portrait of AmericanJewish life for which he received the 8 6 1DWLRQDO %RRN $ZDUG IRU )LFWLRQ 5RWKÂśV žFWLRQ UHJXODUO\ VHW LQ 1HZDUN 1HZ -HUVH\ LV NQRZQ IRU LWV LQWHQVHO\ autobiographical character, for philosophically and formally blurring the distinction between reality and žFWLRQ IRU LWV ÂłVXSSOH LQJHQLRXV VW\OH´ and for its provocative explorations of -HZLVK DQG $PHULFDQ LGHQWLW\ +LV SURžOH URVH VLJQLžFDQWO\ LQ after the publication of the controversial Portnoy’s Complaint, and has continued to write critically-acclaimed works, many RI ZKLFK IHDWXUH KLV žFWLRQDO DOWHU HJR 1DWKDQ =XFNHUPDQ 7KH =XFNHUPDQ novels began with The Ghost Writer in 1979, and include the Pulitzer Prize-winning American Pastoral ,Q 0D\ KH ZRQ WKH 0DQ Booker International Prize for lifetime DFKLHYHPHQW LQ žFWLRQ Roth is now one of the most awarded 8 6 ZULWHUV RI KLV JHQHUDWLRQ DQG IRXU of his novels and short stories have EHHQ DGDSWHG DV žOPV ,Q 3KLOLS Roth told an interviewer that Nemesis ZRXOG EH KLV ODVW QRYHO


Business 2I 6PDOO )LUPV Plan To Recruit Thirty percent of Irish VPDOO žUPV SODQ WR UHFUXLW new staff in the coming months as the economic recovery begins to gather momentum, the latest Jobs Sentiment Survey IURP WKH 6PDOO )LUPV $VVRFLDWLRQ VKRZV It also found that 63% of žUPV ZLOO UHWDLQ HPSOR\HH numbers in 2014 while 7% ZLOO UHGXFH HPSOR\HH žJXUHV and 45% expect their pay ELOO WR LQFUHDVH LQ The survey shows the level of lay offs and reduction in employee hours has slowed, ZKLFK PD\ EH D UHÂżHFWLRQ of increased sentiment within the small business community and some SRVLWLYH H[FKHTXHU žJXUHV RQ WKH HFRQRP\ 6)$ 'LUHFWRU 3DWULFLD &DOODQ stated, “There are sectors such as traded services and hospitality that are showing strong job growth, for other sectors job creation will be fragile and every step must be taken to ensure no additional taxes are placed on labour to ensure job retention and growth,â€? DGGHG 0V &DOODQ :KLOH VRPH žUPV ZLOO UHWDLQ a recruitment freeze, 27% of respondents indicated an increase in the recruitment of permanent staff during WKH žQDO PRQWKV RI and nearly 29% will recruit WHPSRUDU\ VWDII

1HZ )DVKLRQ %RXWLTXH )UHVK Garbage )UHVK *DUEDJH LV D QHZ fashion boutique that has RSHQHG LQ 3DUN :HVW 'XEOLQ The show room will be home to plenty of bang on season WUHQGV

style and what we have to RIIHU IURP RXU )DFHERRN SDJH they can order online or come down to our showrooms here at Park West and try on all the VW\OHV ´ &KHFN RXW )UHVK *DUEDJH 'XEOLQ RQ )DFHERRN IRU opening times and to see all WKH ODWHVW RIIHUV

)URP SDUW\ GUHVVHV WR HYHQLQJ gowns with a mix of casual but fashionable wear for all different tastes and sizes there is something for everyone and DW JUHDW SULFHV WRR 2ZQHU 'DQLHOOH 0F1DPHH ZKR RIžFLDOO\ RSHQHG ODVW weekend has been delighted with the response from the public “We opened last week DQG KDYH EHHQ YHU\ EXV\ 2XU customers get a taste of our

500K Irish Donate To Ice Bucket Craze The Ice Bucket Challenge is most popular social media FUD]H WKLV \HDU VXUSDVVLQJ 1R 0DNH 8S 6HÂżLHV DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH /,.(&+$5,7< DSS The mobile fundraising company behind the craze UHOHDVHG žJXUHV VKRZLQJ RYHU half a million Irish people have donated to the Ice Bucket &KDOOHQJH YLD WH[W 7KHVH žJXUHV PHDQ WKH Challenge has quickly become the most popular social media craze of the year, surpassing WKH 1R 0DNH 8S 6HOžH WKDW raised over â‚Ź1 million for FDQFHU UHVHDUFK LQ 0DUFK

Golden Discs Back In 3URžW 7R *URZ Ireland’s only surviving music and DVD retail chain, Golden Discs, has returned D SURžW RI Ă° IRU WKH year-end June 2013 after D GHIHUUHG WD[ SURYLVLRQ Despite the era of the music download, it said likeIRU OLNH VDOHV JUHZ IRU WKH SHULRG It recorded a decline in turnover but the company reported improved gross PDUJLQV

LIKECHARITY exclusively revealed that over 500,000 people have donated after completing the Ice Bucket Challenge, compared to the 259,000 make-up free ladies ZKR GRQDWHG EDFN LQ 0DUFK The challenge, in which SHRSOH DUH žOPLQJ WKHPVHOYHV dumping buckets of ice cold water over their head and then posting the video online, turned pro-active last week ZKHQ WH[WV EHJDQ ÂżRRGLQJ LQ IRU WKH ,ULVK 0RWRU 1HXURQ 'LVHDVH $VVRFLDWLRQ Donations saw a huge spike two weekends ago, with over â‚Ź200,000 being donated on Sunday 24th August alone, and KDYH FRQWLQXHG WR FOLPE VLQFH

“We noticed the trend EHJLQQLQJ WR JURZ LQ 1HZ =HDODQG D IHZ PRQWKV EDFN ´ says John Kyne, COO of /,.(&+$5,7< Âľ.QRZLQJ ,ULVK people are always quick to help a good cause, and have a bit of craic doing so, we battened down the hatches in SUHSDUDWLRQ %XW RQFH DJDLQ the Irish people have gone above and beyond, eclipsing all other viral campaigns by PLOHV ´

49 O2 Arena becomes 3Arena

Irish Economy Bucking European Trend ,UHODQG LV VLJQLžFDQWO\ EXFNLQJ WKH WUHQG in the euro zone’s stalled recovery with evidence building from companies to consumers that the economy is set to grow faster than most on the continent WKLV \HDU DQG EH\RQG 7KRXJK LWÂśV QRW EDFN WR &HOWLF 7LJHU GD\V E\ DQ\ PHDQV The economy may match that of 2006 by the end of the year, but will still EH RII WKH SUH FULVLV KLJK +RXVH prices are still more than 40 percent off their peak and 2014 unemployment LV OLNHO\ WR SHUFHQW %XW WKHUH DUH GHžQLWH VLJQV RI D VXEVWDQWLYH turnaround from the crisis that forced Ireland into a European Union/ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0RQHWDU\ )XQG EDLORXW LQ ODWH

Mobile operator, Three, has announced the renaming and rebranding of the former O2 as 3Arena following Three’s WDNHRYHU RI 2 ,UHODQG 7KH /LYH 1DWLRQ RZQHG FDSDFLW\ YHQXH SOD\V D VLJQLžFDQW UROH LQ WKH ,ULVK entertainment industry, with over 100 JLJV SHU \HDU EHLQJ KRVWHG 5REHUW )LQQHJDQ &(2 7KUHH ,UHODQG said; “Three is delighted to formally announce our involvement with music with the naming of 3Arena - Ireland’s 1R HQWHUWDLQPHQW YHQXH $UHQD LV a very important sponsorship asset for Three as it demonstrates our commitment to brand investment and customer loyalty - another step in the LQWHJUDWLRQ RI WZR JUHDW EXVLQHVVHV ´ The Point was refurbished in 2007 and reopened as the O2 in 2008 after the mobile network paid â‚Ź25 million for the naming rights of the venue IRU D GHFDGH

Unemployment has fallen for eight straight quarters, upbeat consumers ERXJKW PRUH FDUV LQ WKH žUVW VHYHQ months of the year than the whole RI DQG H[SRUWV DUH UHERXQGLQJ Ireland’s economy is now expected to JURZ E\ RYHU SHUFHQW WKLV \HDU

Car Boot In Tallaght Stadium

“Given the position we are coming from in Ireland, there has been quite a UHERXQG :H ZRXOG EH FRQžGHQW WKDW growth is going to continue, probably for a number of years,â€? Gene Murtagh, chief executive of Irish building PDWHULDOV JURXS .LQJVSDQ WROG 5HXWHUV Âł%XW LW DOO QHHGV WR EH SXW LQ SHUVSHFWLYH We are not talking about a bounce back WR WKH FUD]\ GD\V ,ÂśG VD\ LWÂśV PRUH D gradual move back to what you might FDOO QRUPDOLW\ ´

The twice weekly car boot sales on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings in Tallaght Stadium have offered both buyers and sellers an ideal meeting place and opportunity for WUDGH (DFK ZHHN VHOOHUV DUH RIIHUHG D cost effective forum to sell unwanted or unneeded household and personal items, while buyers have been delighted to pick up fantastic bargains often at one tenth of WKHLU RULJLQDO UHWDLO SULFHV


Sport Irish ranked in top three position after success at European Transplant & Dialysis Sports Championships Tired yet victorious, 34 inspirational athletes returned home from Poland this weekend after their outstanding performance at the 8th European Transplant & Dialysis Sports &KDPSLRQVKLSV LQ .UDNRZ With its impressive medals tally of 18 Gold, 18 Silver and 31 Bronze medals, Transplant Team Ireland was ranked in the top three position on the medals table, MXVW EHKLQG +XQJDU\ ZKLFK WRRN žUVW place and the host country Poland in VHFRQG 7KH 7HDP UHFHLYHG D UDSWXURXV welcome home at Dublin airport from family and supporters festooned with ¿DJV DQG EDQQHUV Tallaght man James Reynolds (27) won PHGDOV +H ZRQ D *ROG PHGDO LQ WKH Bowling doubles event with teammate =LPHOH %URZQ IURP *DOZD\ DQG KH secured his bronze medals in Petanque DQG 'DUWV

Go Gabby Go Go Go! Massive congratulations to local drag racer Gabby McDonald who put in an amazing performance to attain her Top )XHO 'UDJ OLFHQFH DW WKH ),$ (XURSHDQ )LQDOV 7KH HYHQW ZKLFK ZDV KHOG DW WKH home of European Drag racing, Santa Pod Raceway in the UK, took place from 4th to the 7th of September and is one of the highlights of the drag racing calendar as hundreds of the best drivers and teams from Europe battle it out over three days RI KLJK RFWDQH DFWLRQ

James is currently working full time for the Irish Kidney Association and is one of the Irish delegates of the European Kidney 3DWLHQWVÂś )HGHUDWLRQ &HDSLU -DPHV LV DOVR heavily involved in his local Dublin South Hoome mecoomi ming ngg EEve veentt TTra raannsspl p annt Te Team am m Ire rela elaandd ,.$ %UDQFK

TTeeam am IIre reela lanndd Duubblilin Me lan Memb mber ers Mi Mike ke, Paul ke, Pauull, JJaam Pa mees, s, CChi hikkooyyoo, Haarrry, hi y, Deiirrdr Deir De dree,, RRon dre on, Co on Coliinn,,(M (Mannagger er) & Pe Pete ter

When speaking of the Games, James states- “This is my 5th year representing P\ FRXQWU\ , DP YHU\ SDVVLRQDWH DERXW organ donation and continue to do a lot RI WDONV LQ VFKRROV DQG FROOHJHV ´ )RU DQ RUJDQ GRQRU FDUG )UHHWH[W WKH ZRUG '2125 WR RU YLVLW ZHEVLWH ZZZ LND LH ,W LV DOVR SRVVLEOH WR GRZQORDG DQ organ donor card on smartphones by VHDUFKLQJ IRU Âľ'RQRU (&DUGÂś DW WKH LSKRQH VWRUH RU DQGURLG PDUNHW SODFH <RXU ZLVKHV to be an organ donor can also be included on the new format driving licence which is UHSUHVHQWHG E\ &RGH

VHFRQGV DW PSK RU IDVWHU WZLFH $W WKH VWDUW RI 0D\ WKLV \HDU VKH DFKLHYHG KHU žUVW WDUJHW DQG FDPH WR WKH ),$ (XURSHDQ )LQDOV WR FRPSOHWH WKH VHFRQG OHJ RI KHU WDUJHW We’re delighted to report that Gabby UHFRUGHG D YHU\ LPSUHVVLYH VHFRQGV at 266pmh to qualify for her licence and RIžFLDOO\ EHFRPH D 7RS )XHO 3LORW :HÂśUH already looking forward to seeing Gabby FRPSHWH LQ QH[W \HDUV ),$ (XURSHDQ Championship and we’ll follow her SURJUHVV DOO WKH ZD\

)URP DOO RI XV DW ,Q7DOODJKW ZHOO GRQH In order to compete in next year’s *DEE\ \RXÂśUH QRZ RQ FRXUVH WR IXOžO DOO (XURSHDQ &KDPSLRQVKLS *DEE\ žUVW KDG WR your dreams and represent your country FRPSOHWH KHU 7RS )XHO OLFHQFH ,Q RUGHU WR with pride among the best drag racers in TXDOLI\ IRU WKH OLFHQFH D GULYHU PXVW UXQ (XURSH QH[W \HDU

:LWFKHV :L]DUGV N )XQ 5XQ What are you dressing up as this Hallowe’en? How about keeping it simple, dressing up as a wicked witch or magical wizard and join Make-A-WishÂŽ DW WKH :LWFKHV DQG :L]DUGV NP )XQ Run on Saturday 25th October, in the Phoenix Park! Over 1,000 witches and Wizards are expected to attend on the day, including Make-A-Wish Ambassadors Devon Murray, who famously played Seamus )LQQLJDQ LQ WKH +DUU\ 3RWWHU žOP VHULHV DQG 79 ÂśV /XF\ .HQQHG\ 7KHUH ZLOO EH D VKRUWHU NP RSWLRQ IRU FKLOGUHQ WR MRLQ in too! The event, which was launched by Devon Murray, Lucy Kennedy, and wish child Rhys Kane, will raise funds to help grant magical wishes to children aged 3-17 years battling life threatening medical conditions such as cancer, brain WXPRXUV F\VWLF žEURVLV KHDUW GLVHDVH muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy and PDQ\ RWKHUV Registration is now open and entry costs just â‚Ź20 for adults; â‚Ź5 for children (17yrs and under); special family ticket rate (two adults and two children) is MXVW Ă° &KLOGUHQ LQ D SUDP RU EXJJ\ can participate for free! You can register RQOLQH WKURXJK $WKOHWLFV ,UHODQG )RU further details, visit If you have any queries, contact MakeA-Wish on 01 2052012 or email mary@

53 &KDPSR )HYHU With Dublin’s untimely exit from the All Ireland Championship the Dublin Senior )RRWEDOO &KDPSLRQVKLS UHVXPHV VRRQHU WKDQ H[SHFWHG 6W $QQHV ZKR KDG D shock win over neighbours Thomas Davis in the last round will be hoping to cause another upset when they take on the Brogans and Co, Plunketts in Parnell RQ WK 6HSWHPEHU ZLWK D SP WKURZ LQ St Judes who beat Ballymun in the league last time out will fancy their chances against Whitehall Columcille also in Parnell Park on Wednesday WK DW SP The other local teams in the competition 7HPSOHRJXH 6\QJH 6W WDNH RQ 1D )LDQQD 3DUQHOO 3DUN SP DQG Ballyboden St Enda take on Ballinteer St -RKQV 2œ7RROH 3DUN SP

Georgia on my mind! The MonKeano era started in earnest on Sunday 7th September in Tbilisi when Ireland took on Georgia in the opening game of the 2016 European &KDPSLRQVKLS 4XDOLžHUV With many viewers still catching their breath after an epic All Ireland Hurling žQDO LQ &URNH 3DUN WKH ,ULVK WHDP started with only one major surprise in WKHLU UDQNV ZLWK 'DYLG )RUGH VWDUWLQJ LQ JRDO DKHDG RI WKH UHWXUQLQJ 6KD\ *LYHQ Aiden McGeady was the hero as Ireland launched their Euro 2016 qualifying FDPSDLJQ ZLWK D GUDPDWLF YLFWRU\ 7KH Everton winger struck twice, the second goal coming in the 90th minute, for a triumph that earned him the plaudits of ERWK 0DUWLQ 2œ1HLOO DQG 5REELH .HDQH

Hurling Perfection :LWK WKH $OO ,UHODQG +XUOLQJ žQDO HQGLQJ in a draw for the third time in a row, the stats for the game show just how pulsating an encounter the Tipp v .LONHQQ\ JDPH ZDV 2QO\ VKRWV LQ WKH entire game dropped short and there were amazingly only 10 wides, three of ZKLFK QHHGHG +DZN (\H IRU FRQžUPDWLRQ There were 54 scores during the 70 minutes and with Tipp completing 84% of their passes and Kilkenny going one better with 85% this was one of the most perfect games of hurling ever to be played, roll on the replay!


Do you have some sports news for us? If your local sports club has an event we should be letting our readers know about or if you know of a particularly good sports new story from the area, just email it to us on and you might see it in our next edition!

Junior Academy Shamrock Rovers Schoolboy Section Is Up And Running For The New Season. The Shamrock Rovers Junior Academy recommenced on Sunday 7th September at The Spawell Complex in Templeogue. New players are welcome and LWV ù HXUR SD\ DV \RX JR žUVW session is free for new children. Suitable for both Boys and Girls aged 4-8 years. Coaching in a safe and fun environment.


Every Sunday from 10am to 11.30am. UEFA and FAI accredited coaches. â‚Ź25 registration for the season and â‚Ź5 per session (pay as you go). On every Sunday from September 7th 2014 (except Bank Holiday weekends). Come for one week or every week! For further details email or phone Malcolm on 087 2478151


U19s Begin Their Season The Under 19 team began their new season at the end of last month with a disappointing 0-4 home GHIHDW WR &RUN &LW\ This season is the fourth year of the SSE Airtricity U19 League and the league will be run in a QHZ IRUPDW WKLV WLPH URXQG The two tier three division system which had been in operation since the commencement of the Under 19’s League in 2011 has been dismantled and replaced with a one tier two division FRPSHWLWLRQ This will see the 21 clubs split between two regional divisions FDOOHG WKH 1RUWKHUQ (OLWH 'LYLVLRQ DQG WKH 6RXWKHUQ (OLWH 'LYLVLRQ There will be 10 teams in the 1RUWKHUQ (OLWH 'LYLVLRQ DQG LQ WKH 6RXWKHUQ (OLWH 'LYLVLRQ

The two divisions for the 2014-15 season are: U19 Northern Elite Division: Bohemians, Derry City, Drogheda United, Dundalk, )LQQ +DUSV /HWWHUNHQQ\ 5RYHUV Longford Town, Shelbourne, Sligo Rovers, St Patrick’s Athletic U19 Southern Elite Division: Athlone Town, Bray Wanderers, Cobh Ramblers, Cork City, /LPHULFN 0HUYXH 8QLWHG 6DOWKLOO Devon, Shamrock Rovers, UCD, Waterford United, Wexford Youths The Under 19’s League will be played over two rounds on a home and away basis and

top team in each division will EH FURZQHG DV 1RUWKHUQ RU 6RXWKHUQ 'LYLVLRQDO FKDPSLRQV The top four teams in each division will then go forward to WKH SOD\ RIIV IRU WKH 1DWLRQDO 8 ÂśV /HDJXH &KDPSLRQVKLS The play-offs will be played on a knockout basis culminating in a žQDO WR VHH ZKR OLIWV WKH 'U 7RQ\ 2Âś1HLOO &XS ,Q WKH TXDUWHU žQDOV RI WKH Championship series the teams WKDW žQLVKHG LQ žUVW DQG VHFRQG in each division will have home advantage and the ties will be SOD\HG RQ D 1RUWK Y 6RXWK EDVLV as follows: )ROORZLQJ WKH GLVDSSRLQWLQJ VWDUW against Cork the young Hoops bounced back in their next game away to Athlone on Saturday 6th 6HSWHPEHU Both teams contributed to a fantastic game at the Athlone 7RZQ 6WDGLXP 7KH +RRSV WRRN the lead in the 37th minute when Jason McClelland pulled the ball back to Sean Boyd who sidefooted the ball home from \DUGV That lead lasted until the 50th minute, when Athlone’s Ryan Gaffey got onto a great through ball from Aidiy Byrne, to cheekily GLQN WKH EDOO RYHU 5RYHUV ÂľNHHSHU 0LFKDHO .HOO\ The visitors grabbed a deserved winner in the 90th minute when Thomas Tiernan’s brilliantly struck direct free kick found its way in at the near post to claim 7KH +RRSV žUVW SRLQWV RI WKH VHDVRQ


RUA RED Hi everybody! September has kicked off in style – as we go to print we are gearing up for our )ULQJH VKRZ LQ WKH 6TXDUH Shopping Centre Tallaght which is going to be a SUHWW\ H[FLWLQJ QLJKW Thanks to all in advance who will attend and make sure to share your images and thoughts with us via Instagram and Twitter at #58$5('

Cut/Make/Do, 2pm *OLWFK FXUDWRU 1RUD Î 0XUFK~ returns for a talk exploring the intersection between fashion, art and technology – a must see for anybody interested in the crossover of fashion and technology! Improve your Minecraft Skills, 3pm A free workshop with Minecraft extraordinaire Brandon Walsh to look at exciting ways to improve \RXU PLQHFUDIW VNLOOV )UHH DQG RSHQ WR DOO DJHV

Meanwhile it’s time for us to start getting ready for our next big event, Digital Week – details below!

iTrolley, 10.30am Our popular Art Trolley revamp is back for one day only – come and experience our Galleries WKURXJK GLJLWDO H\HV And the rest of the week is no GLIIHUHQW

Till next time!

Monday 6th, 6pm

Th e RUA RED Team Digital Week October 4th–11th

2XU žUVW HYHU 'LJLWDO :HHN (made possible by the kind support of Xilinx Citywest) will be held from October 4th and is an amazing way for all ages to get involved with digital art DFWLYLWLHV :H KDYH DQ HFOHFWLF array of free activities on this week, here’s just a small sample:

)DPLO\ 'D\ October 4th 12-3pm

2XU IDPLO\ GD\ ZLOO EH žOOHG ZLWK all kinds of fun and excitement! With a whole range of activities including badge soldering, an interactive digital labrynth game, D VRQJERRWK JUDIžWL ZDOO ' printing demonstrations and some social media know-how there’ll be a mix of do-it-yourself workshops as well as some talks to pique your interest including:

Lilypa pad Arrduuin inoo fo forr th thee wo work rksh rk shop sh op iinn Di Digi gi W Wee eek eek ee

Interactive Graphics programming This workshop will introduce participants to the popular graphics programming language 3URFHVVLQJ ZZZ SURFHVVLQJ org) with an emphasis on using the language’s built-in visual feedback as a tool for learning and understanding fundamental SURJUDPPLQJ FRQFHSWV 7KHVH experiments (or “sketches�) can then be used as stand-alone desktop applications, Android apps, exported for print or HPEHGGHG RQ ZHESDJHV

Tuesday 7th, 6pm

Electronic Fashion Workshop Participants in the introduction to electronic fashion workshop learn about the materials and techniques which can be used to construct electronic fashion, H WH[WLOH DQG ZHDUDEOH SURMHFWV Additionally they will sew a simple electronic circuit on to a SLHFH RI IDEULF

Wednesday 8th, 12pm

Sonas Over 55’s Workshop No such thing as a silly question Join us for the second of our SRSXODU 1R 6XFK 7KLQJ DV D 6LOO\ 4XHVWLRQ VHVVLRQV 'R \RX ZDQW to make the most of electronic JL]PRV" 1HHG WR JHW WR JULSV with the basics? Participants will work in small groups in a very informal, relaxed HQYLURQPHQW -RLQ WKH IULHQGO\ and experienced team from Createschool for an afternoon session were you will learn at your own pace and where most LPSRUWDQWO\ WKHUH LV 1R 6XFK 7KLQJ $V $ 6LOO\ 4XHVWLRQ

Wednesday 8th, 6pm

HTML & CSS editing for beginners This workshop will demonstrate how to create a simple website using free templates and services and personalising with our own HTML and CSS PRGLžFDWLRQV 7KH SRVVLELOLWLHV are endless and it is easier than \RXœG WKLQN 3DUWLFLSDQWV ZLOO learn about the fundamentals of how web pages are constructed and will be leave ZLWK WKHLU RZQ KRVWHG ZHEVLWH 1R ([SHULHQFH 5HTXLUHG

Thursday 9th, 6pm

Make your own retro video game (with an intro to arduinos!) Have you always wanted to play around with an Arduino? Do you like video-games? Then come along to this workshop and we’ll VKRZ \RX VRPH $UGXLQR EDVLFV You’ll then make your very own Arduino-powered game console, for playing some of the old FODVVLFV 3RQJ 7HWULV HWF RQ \RXU 79 $OO SDUWV LQFOXGHG


Introduction to Photoshop Bring your creative ideas to life with Adobe Photoshop, the professional digital imaging standard, used by photographers and designers who want to perfect their digital LPDJHV 3KRWRVKRS DOORZV \RX to create powerful images DQG GHVLJQV 7KLV ZRUNVKRS is designed to get you up and UXQQLQJ ZLWK $GREH 3KRWRVKRS The focus will be on step-bystep instruction leading students through the most important tools and concepts LQ 3KRWRVKRS For more information about any of these events contact us at 01-4515860.

Writers’ Corner


FREE GAFF!! By Damian Murphy At last they are away off on holiday We thought the day would never come A free gaff for two weeks, Hip Hip Hooray We are going to party and then some!! Two weeks with no rules or regulations Gone are the mind-numbing routines Let the party begin, bring on the celebrations Let’s live it up like proper teens! There was a sermon about responsibility But was anyone listening at all? As for all that talk about maturity; One might as well talk to the wall! We can have our friends over for parties Oh we are going to have mighty craic Yes, we can do just as we please $W OHDVW XQWLO WKRVH WZR FRPH EDFN 1R PRUH FKHFNLQJ RYHU RXU VKRXOGHU To see who’s in and who’s out

Yes we can be just that little bit bolder Knowing they are not lurking about We can get up whenever we choose Eat at any old time of the day Maybe overdo it a bit on the booze They cannot wreck our heads the next day It will be two weeks of take-aways 1R PRUH EHLQJ IRUFHG WR HDW KHDOWKLO\ We can have friends over for overnight stays Ah God bless freedom and liberty We can forget about washing and ironing They are always are on our backs Thank God to be free of constant nagging :H FDQ FKLOO RXW UHDOO\ UHOD[ )RU WKHUH LV DOZD\V VRPHWKLQJ WKH\ ZDQW done Keeping up with their demands is tough It’s never ending, it’s not much fun It seems we can never do enough

But now for two weeks all that will desist Absolutely nothing will be done And though they left a “To Doâ€? list 7KH\ KDYH WZR FKDQFHV Âł6OLP DQG 1RQH´ Two weeks without judgement and criticism About everything we do and say Two weeks of pure hedonism 'RLQJ MXVW ZKDW ZH ZDQW HYHU\ GD\ But all good things must come to an end And though we really love them dearly Their two weeks holidays will soon end and our kids will have to come home, clearly! Damian is living in Dublin and writes poems about everyday life situations. He is hoping to self publish his book Out of my Head later this year. Its subjects LQFOXGH PDQ ÂżX FKLOGUHDULQJ VLOHQW treatment, ageing, bouncers, politics, smoking, drinking, driving, bugging, and many more.

ARE YOU AN ASPIRING ASP AUTHOR OR POET? AUT If you’re interested in seeing your work published in InTallaght, simply submit your poem or short story (no longer than 400 words please!) to editor@ and you could see your creative writing in one of our future editions!


Events SEPT.

19 SEPT.


Tallaght Stadium Shamrock Rovers v UCD

)ULGD\ 6HSWHPEHU WK # SP Visit for more details

Various Venues Culture Night

)ULGD\ 6HSWHPEHU WK # SP SP Hundreds of free events to explore, experience & enjoy! Visit for more details







Jacob Dalhgren 6DWXUGD\ 6HSWHPEHU WK 6DWXUGD\ 1RYHPEHU VW This exhibition brings together two works by Swedish artist Jacob 'DKOJUHQ ZKLFK KDYH EHHQ UHFRQžJXUHG IRU 58$ 5(' *DOOHU\ Visit for more details

Joe Scullion




Dublin ‘Way To Go’ Hill Walk


The Square Shopping Centre

27 ??


Autumn/Winter Fashion Show

6DWXUGD\ 6HSWHPEHU WK # QRRQ SP SP SP Models from Assets will showcase the latest Autumn/Winter IDVKLRQV DYDLODEOH LQ 7KH 6TXDUH Visit for more details

Get Your Event Some FREE Publicity $UH <RX $ 1RQ 3URžW 2UJDQLVDWLRQ 7KDW +DV $Q Upcoming Event? If So, Email With All The Relevant Information *Terms & Conditions Apply

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