Welcome Welcome to Edition 63 of InTallaght ADDRESS
We hope 2015 has got off to a great start and you’re looking forward to the year ahead. We’re all really looking forward to it as well, so much so that we decided to make a few predictions about what we think will happen in 2015.
Level 3, The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland
- The Government will collapse after the Sunday World reveal that Enda Kenny is actually a cyborg - Garth Brooks will attempt to invade North Korea 6HO¾H VWLFNV ZLOO EH EDQQHG after a couple get hit by lightning taking a snap outside Coppers - Houses in Dublin will get so expensive buyers will literally have to pay an arm and a leg as a deposit - Somebody will get offended by something someone said somewhere
In this edition we have an interview with Suzanne Jackson whose blog So Sue Me has amassed a huge following. We were delighted to talk with her about how she turned a hobby into a very successful business. The secondary interview is with actor John Connors who has been earning rave reviews for his performances over the last few years and 2015 promises to be a very exciting year for him. We really hope you enjoy this edition of our magazine and until next time take care.
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FEATURE WRITERS Padraig Conlon padraig@intallaght.ie
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Colm O’Muiri Gwen Taylour Dee Maher Jack Madden Linn Heldal Eleni Stathakos
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Writers’ Corner
10 Tallaght Drug & Alcohol Task Force
Locals Nominated for Theatre Awards
2014 was a big year for TDATF. In May they formally changed their remit and title to include Alcohol. In December 2014 Tallaght was selected as one of the pilot sites for the new Community Alcohol Awareness Pilot Project which will support them in their development of a local Action Plan on Alcohol. The Drugs Programmes Unit (DPU) of the Department of Health commissioned The Alcohol Forum to lead a series of community mobilisation pilot projects around alcohol. TDATF expressed an interest in participating and were FKRVHQ DV RQH RI žYH 7DVN )RUFH DUHDV to be involved in the Community Alcohol Awareness Pilot Project.
The nominations for The Irish Times Theatre Awards, announced last week, included three nominees from the local area. Brother and sister, Jimmy and Catherine Fay, who both attended Old Bawn CS were nominated for Best Director (Pentecost, by Stewart Parker, for the Lyric Theatre, Belfast) and Best Costume Design (for Breaking Dad, by Paul Howard, for Landmark, and Our Few and Evil Days, by Mark O’Rowe, for the Abbey Theatre) respectively.
Operation Transformation fever hits Tallaght 7KH ,ULVK KHDOWK DQG žWQHVV SKHQRPHQRQ has taken Tallaght by storm once again this January. Operation Transformation gives 5 leaders the chance to overhaul their health, appearance and lifestyle in an eight week transformation. The series is on both RTE radio (in conjunction with the John Murray show) and television on RTE One. It will take over both RUA RED galleries in January and February. The John Murray Show will broadcast live from the RUA RED foyer from 9am - 10am during the show. Local walking club Kiltipper Ramblers have embraced the movement and held WKHLU žUVW 2SHUDWLRQ 7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ ZDON on Monday January 5th at 7pm. It was described as a 5k ramble on the Tallaght Slà n Slåinte walk. 90 walkers took part
The trio was completed by Kate Gilmore who was nominated for Best Supporting Actress performance in Breathless, by John MacKenna, directed by Iseult Golden for Orion Productions and Danú Theatre. You can see Kate perform on the local stage from the 9th to the 21st of Febuary in the production of Cornerstone a story of homelessness, The X Factor DQG FUXVKLQJ žUVW ORYH See www.civictheatre.ie for details!
and it was a great success. If you would like to join them, they walk on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, meeting at the Kiltipper pub carpark at 7pm and on Sundays at 9.30am. The mid week walks are 5.5k going at your own pace and Sundays are 10km or 16 km, you choose! These walks continues all year round no matter the weather. Local pharmacies also got involved with their Know Your Numbers campaign. On Saturday January 10th, over 300 pharmacies nationwide measured the weights and waists of interested FXVWRPHUV KHOSLQJ SHRSOH WR žQG RXW their numbers in order to help them make better choices in terms of food and exercise. This campaign hopes to make people aware of their starting point and KRZ WR DFKLHYH WKHLU žWQHVV and health goals. Be sure to visit www.rte.ie/ot/ for more info.
News Love/Hate’s Patrick meets Óige Nua Education and Youthreach students
New Year’s Resolution from ArtZone! How about being more creative this year? January is a great time to start something new and with the midterm break fast approaching ArtZone have a number of activities to cater for all ages. 7KHLU TXDOLžHG DUW WHDFKHUV have an exciting art programme planned with loads of time for fun and traditional children’s games based on their Fun Fair theme for Seniors (8-12 years) and Juniors (5-7 years). While most schools are taking the full week off ArtZone will offer 2, 3 or 5 day options. www.artzone.ie
Mum Who Taught Autistic Son to Speak Launches Book to Help Others Published by Emu Ink, From the Inside, Raising, teaching, loving an autistic child, by Fiona van Dokkum was launched in December. The book, which covers Ian’s life from birth and diagnosis to childhood and through to his teenage years, portrays the GLIžFXOWLHV LQ SURJUHVVLQJ KLV education and development from South Africa to Ireland
Actor John Connors discusses the crime dramas impact with WKH QHZ QRW IRU SURžW 7DOODJKW Education Programme. Love/Hate’s “Patrick Wardâ€?, real name John Connors, visited students of Ă“ige Nua Education and Youthreach to discuss the perception of the show and to present end of year prizes to the students.
and always face the prospect of dying young. John helped clear up any perceptions that living like the character is in any way a good life.�
Ă“ige Nua Education was founded in September 2014 with the aim of providing a much needed service to offer support to South Dublin Primary and Post Primary students between the ages of 11-15 that have dropped out of mainstream school. Ă“ige Nua Education receives no Department of Education state Rob Rice Co- Founder and funding but is supported and Education Manager said: “John used by parents, principals and was very good to give his time; Tusla Child and Family Agency. He stressed to the students that characters like Nidge, Ă“ige Nua Education are Fran and Patrick are constantly looking for support and a looking over their shoulder permanent venue, so if any of
Tenderfoot: A Volume Of Plays By And For Young People
– and the eventual decision, by Fiona, to keep her son at home and teach him via her own methods. The result is a remarkable story that is brutally honest, uplifting and thought-provoking but above all encouraging. From the Inside, is available to purchase in paperback, eBook and to rent digitally, from the Non-Fiction section of the Emu Ink library, at www. emuink.ie.
the community would like to get involved with helping in any small way please do not hesitate to contact Luke Coyne Curry on oigenuaeducation@ gmail.com Dublin Leeds United Members &OXE /80& DQ RIžFLDO international members’ club DIžOLDWHG WR /HHGV 8QLWHG Football Club have announced a partnership with Óige Nua Education. The deal will see the Óige Nua logo being carried on the club’s shirts throughout the 2015/16 season.
L kee CCoy Lu oyynee CCur urrry, ryy, Miick W Waaalll, JJoh ohhn CCoon ohn onn nnorrss,, TToomm my Wa W llll,l, Ro R b Rice Riccee & PPau Ri aauul Cu Currrttis. iss.
7KH VWXGHQWV žUVW WHQWDWLYH steps into the world of theatre are archived in this beautiful new book – Tenderfoot: A Since 2007 transition year Volume Of Plays By And For students from schools in South Young People. The book is Dublin County have been selected from over 100 plays WDNLQJ WKHLU žUVW VWHSV LQWR and monologues, written by theatre through TENDERFOOT, 15 and 16 year old students a successful apprentice theatre over a period of 7 years. The programme lead by one of 13 plays and 3 monologues in Ireland’s most esteemed WKLV YROXPH UH¿HFW WKH OLYHV RI theatremakers, Veronica the young writers, are full of Coburn and the Civic Theatre, their experiences and reveal Tallaght. It offers transition their views of the world. year students interested in theatre an opportunity to learn about all aspects of the art of theatre in a very hands-on way. Transition year is all about experience – new experiences and new ways of learning. Apprenticeship is all about learning by doing.
Freshly Ground
A brand new local theatre group performed their debut, original, play to a packed house in RUA RED at the beginning of the month.
Titled The Highs and Lows of Class 15 it was a very impressive žUVW FUHDWLRQ IURP WKH )UHVKO\ Ground Theatre Company which is composed of young actors and writers from Tallaght. The group is the brainchild of Megan Thompson and Michelle Henry, both members of the Carousel Theatre School in RUA RED. 7KH SOD\ IROORZV WKH žQDO PRQWK of a group of young people’s lives during their last year in school. We are introduced to Alex, a young gay man having issues with his homophobic father, his supportive sister Jess and her friend Cindy; Peter, who thinks the invigilator in his Irish oral exam was coming on to him, his more down to earth and mature friend Daniel; Jade the pretty mean girl who seems to get a kick out of being nasty to her classmates, her sounder friend Samantha who is trying to come to terms with the recent loss of her parents while also dealing with the trauma of being the girlfriend of the school bully and all round nasty bast*rd Matthew Wolf; Angela the conscientious and studious good girl and last, but by no means least, Chris the small time drug dealer and professional slacker. A coming of age story, it deals with many issues facing young people in Ireland today. Producer Megan Thompson, who co wrote the play with Michelle Henry and Vlad Gurdis, explained to InTallaght how the production came about.
“We looked at friendship, drug abuse, college choices, decisions about the future, relationships, peer pressure, bullying, consent, VH[XDOLW\ LGHQWLW\ LQÂżXHQFH of family, reaching goals and depression. All of which effect young adults at some point in their life. “Everyone involved in the play had a say in how the story went. Michelle, Vlad and myself wrote the outline and the base of the characters but it was not until the cast joined us that the story really came together and the characters become more developed. We wanted to write an original play because we felt like there are not many plays out there that deal with the issues that young adults face. “The play was created through a process of writing and devising that involved the actors fully developing their characters and dictating the path of the story through mutual interaction of relationships. The play is very character driven involving the writers and actors to work together to dictate the trajectory of the story,â€? she said. I was very impressed with both the acting and the writing of the play, every single one of the actors put in a great performance. They were very believable and drew us into the drama. If this is an indicator of things to come then the group will be a welcome addition to not just the local but wider Dublin drama scene. Megan has FRQžUPHG WKH\ KDYH SODQV IRU more original, homemade, plays in the future. “There are not that many plays for young people so we are hoping that this theatre group
will open up opportunities. Also we hope our plays will encourage more young people to visit the theatre, if we can inspire even one young person then we’ll be happy. “We really hope to take this as far as we can. We want to put on more productions and make a name for ourselves. We really think that we have something new and fresh to offer audiences. It is great that we know that there is support out there for us and we know with the support of companies such as Tallaght Community Arts that it is possible to get our name out there,� she said.
A Closer Look At...
Centre when exiting at the Tesco car park.
It was just over a month ago that Madisons Square opened its doors to the public. The all new bar and restaurant has received huge praise so far. Madisons is located just across from the Square Shopping
vegan and vegetarian dishes. The restaurant has an impressive WKUHH ¿RRUV ZKLFK DUH HTXDOO\ If you are looking for somewhere classy and modern and is the to grab some lunch or entertain perfect spot for a quick meeting guests while having a few in a stylish setting. drinks in a beautiful setting well then Madisons Square is From January 31st Madisons the place for you with options Square will open their doors to to suit everyone. A quick break their new nightclub Qube. The from work? A tasty treat while ultra sleek venue looks set to be shopping or just a tea or coffee, one of the top venues in Dublin there is fresh and delicious food with the layout and design like served every day. nothing I have seen before, including a VIP area. They have All sandwiches, Panini’s and two bars located on both sides wraps are priced at only €4.50, RI WKH GDQFH ¿RRU ZLWK RSWLRQV or how about adding some soup for all from tasty cocktails to a along with your choice for just mix of larger and beers and not €6.50. Then there is the carvery, forgetting the shots which are all which caters for every taste with fantastically priced. gluten free options along with
There is also the option to reserve an area for your guests or how about hosting a celebration, they cater for all occasions? Call the team at Madisons Square who can help you with all your queries on (01) 459 0006. Keep an eye on their Facebook page Madison Qube for all their latest updates, special offers, whats and of course details of WKHLU RI¾FLDO ODXQFK RI WKHLU $OO New Luxurious Qube Nightclub. Join them this Saturday 24th January at 10pm as they will have live music from local hero’s The Fluffy Jumpsuits.
Suzanne Jackson
dress in 2012, I posted the picture to my Facebook page and it just skyrocketed.
INTERVIEW By Rachel Lynch
I woke up the next morning and it had been ‘liked’ over 200 thousand times and shared a ridiculous number of times. Then over that week it went up and up and up and then by the end of the week it was at something like 1.2 million likes. I think from there everyone just stumbled across So Sue Me and I think I gained a lot of readers there.
When launching her blog So Sue Me back in 2010, Suzanne Jackson probably never thought that she would now have two top selling books as well as a website that now has over 1.1 million views per month. 2014 was a fantastic year for the Dubliner, winning Stellar’s Blogger of The Year and also becoming a regular face on our TV screens. You are the country’s most popular fashion blogger, how did it all happen? Well I never in a million years thought I would become a blogger. Back in 2010 when I created it there weren’t very many people blogs in Ireland. I was working in radio stations, both 98FM and Spin 103.8 as DQ RIžFH PDQDJHU DQG , ZDV very busy but on the back of that I was meeting a lot of celebrities every single day coming through the doors for interviews and premiere parties and stuff like that. I just thought why not write about it why not write about what they are like what they are wearing, how sound they really are or how unsound they might be and that’s how the idea came about. I started it
on a Wednesday, it was lashing raining outside and I just thought I’m going to go for it, and that’s how it all began.
Where did the name “So Sue Me� come from? I remember talking to my friend about it, I hadn’t even set up the blog yet and I said to her I think I am going to set up a blog. I’m going to start off with a bit of celebrity stuff and then maybe a bit of beauty and fashion because that was obviously my background as a beautician for four years and I worked in Topshop for a year or two. I remember saying to her I don’t want it to be called something showbizy but I want my name in there somewhere that if something happened down the line or it was to become a brand one day I want a really good name.
So I was like “Sue me?� And she was like “What about So Sue Me?� and that was the name and that’s how it came about. It was very simple there was no rattling my brain, it was just one night talking to my friend and the name came about.
Did you always want to go down this route as a career? I always had a real passion for fashion and beauty, I’d go out and splurge every weekend, even if it was just in Penneys. I was always on top of fashion trends. I made sure I felt good in what I wore and that’s really important to me even to this day.
From all that then came two very successful books, were you approached initially You have over 1 million about the idea? blog readers every month, I read in an Yes, someone approached me interview that it all because I would never know gathered momentum in a million years how to go after you posted a about writing a book and I also picture of a wedding never thought I had a book in dress? me. So I just got a call one day So Sue Me was going at a really nice pace it was always LQFUHDVLQJ ZLWK WUDIžF DQG readers and I was wondering where all these people were coming from. It was on a lovely steady uphill climb but then all of a sudden one Sunday night I found this beautiful wedding
from a publishing house here in Ireland, Blackwater Press and they just said “I see you have an amazing following judging by your Facebook page� and then asked had I ever thought about bringing out a book. I said “To be honest, no, because I have nothing to write about.� I was probably scared.
Photos courtesy of Jerry McCarthy & Evan Doherty.
i would love down the line to have my own little fashion collection
i always had a real passion for fashion and beauty
Suzanne Jackson Viewing your Facebook and Twitter many of your followers would class what you do as “the dream jobâ€?. What does your average work day look like? How do you piece together everything on So Sue Me? I think what’s really important for up and coming bloggers and how I gauge content is I listen to my readers. So if I put a blog post out there and they say they would love to see this or that, then I will say to myself “Ok, the readers really want to see this so let’s do more of this.â€? I always listen to what they want. On saying that I do love going out, I have a great group of friends. When I’m out and about I look at the style and meet a lot of my readers and you gauge your content from there as well. I’d read a lot of magazines still, ,ÂśP GHžQLWHO\ D PDJD]LQH JLUO DW KHDUW HYHQ ZKHQ ,ÂśP Âż\LQJ anywhere I always buy a couple of magazines. You do pick up a little bit of content from them but you would never copy it, would be more like inspiration. Like what’s going to be hot for next season, but mainly I get inspiration from the readers.
York Fashion week because I had never been to the States before. When I decided to go in September I knew that New York Fashion Week was on. I was like, ok I’m going to be there.
What celeb do you feel always gets it right or a celebrity you would take style tips from?
Blake Lively! She gets it every time. I don’t know if she just I got on my email and I blew up pulls everything off or she just genuinely gets it but everything every bloody designer you can she wears I’m just like “Oh my think of and I tried my hardest to get invitations and I got them God I want it!� or Olivia Palmero. in the end. I attended New York Those two girls just nail it every time for me. Even Victoria Fashion Week with all the other massive bloggers and celebrities, Beckham, I love her style. She’s a little bit older but I appreciate it was unbelievable. her work mentality. My second highlight was obviously winning Best Blogger How would you of The Year with Stellar. I have describe your own never won an award, I have style? Having regularly always been nominated. I have won Ireland’s hottest woman and checked out your blog all that kind of thing but I wanted you are always mixing to win an award that was for my it up and you don’t blog because it’s been hard work. just have a set style.
Let’s talk a bit about Irish style, having travelled a fair bit this year Suzanne do you feel Dublin is up there with some of the trendier cities? I think Irish fashion has gotten so good in the last few years I think it’s absolutely brilliant and like that a lot of Irish fashion blogs have been nominated even across in the UK.
Would that be a fair observation?
Yes, you are right. Before I had a blog I would have stuck with the same style which would have been very elegant and classy. I always wore a lot of black and I still wear a lot of black. I love black, my wardrobe is full of it. Now having a fashion blog you kind of have to showcase different kinds of style.
One week it could be a jumpsuit, another week it might be a nice 2014 has been a black dress and another week it very eventful year for I think it’s because we are might be a playsuit. So you have you, winning awards GHžQLWHO\ PRUH H[SRVHG EHFDXVH to mix it up. I sometimes feel like and also taking to of social media and the internet, I look the same all the time but presenting. What has we can follow all these other other people say that I don’t. been the greatest fashion bloggers. I know Irish memory of the year? girls are now following these I suppose I wear what I feel blogs, including my own, and I comfortable in to tell you the Well I suppose two things came think that that helps young girls truth. I report on trends and I to the top of my head there. say “Actually no, I am going to do like trends because it’s good 2QH RI WKH žUVW WKLQJV ZDV JRLQJ wear this hat today, I don’t care to see what’s hot but I don’t to New York to attend New what people think.� necessarily follow them. If I feel
Suzanne Jackson good in something that was maybe out last year ill still wear it.
Have you y ggot an item that has set you y back a fortune but you y look at it and sayy it was worth every penny? Yes. When my book went to the Christmas bestseller last year I think it was six weeks in a row and I remember my publisher ringing me to tell me and I said ok, I need to mark this occasion. I was after getting a bit of a bonus for a job I had worked on and I said I would treat myself. I headed straight into Brown Thomas and I had been eyeing up tthese hese booties for the ppast ast 10 years I’d say and I aalways lways wanted them. Theyy were ₏995 and I wass like it’s crazy money to to part with for a pair ooff shoes but they wi illl do me a will lifetimee and they will go w ith with everythingg and they will never date.
To me that’s probably the most expensive I will go.
I’m sure you will look a million dollars.
Anyy trends to look out for in 2015?
What about your y own clothing or make up range?
Pastels are coming back in for summer. I know last summer there was a lot of neon and bright colours and I remember River Island brought out a Pacha Collection that was all Neon but this summer it is going to be very much pastels so all those mint greens and those soft pinks. That’s going to be like a colour palette. In terms of trends they never really change, you are going to have your bordeaux high waisted swimsuits and your žWWHG FURSSHG WURXVHUV ,W QHYHU really changes, it’s just different colour palettes, so the one for spring summer will be pastels and really really light grey, which is one of my favourite colours.
Beingg a stylist y yourself y yyou must see pplenty of different bodyy shapes p out there,, anyy suggestions gg on what certain shapes p should avoid or what theyy should be looking for? My motto and something that was always said to me by my mother and I totally believe in it is you wear what you feel comfortable in. If it’s a belly top and a pair of shorts up your bum and you are whatever size you are I don’t care, if you feel comfortable in it you wear it. It’s about abouut you. you. I genuinely always say WWR SHRSOH LI \RX IHHO FRQžGHQW R SSHRRSOHH LI \RX IHHO FRQžGHQW sexy sexy and andd good in what you are wearing w earing well then
It’s something I want to do, absolutely. Fashion and beauty are my two goals so I would love down the line to have my own little fashion collection and maybe some sort of a beauty product, lipsticks are my thing so it’s always been something I would love to do. For me I don’t jump into things, when you take things slow it always works out better. I have just been waiting for the right time and the right partner and stuff like that. So when the time LV ULJKW LW ZLOO GHžQLWHO\ KDSSHQ but there is stuff in the pipeline.
What are the plans for 2015? I say it every year but I never do it because I get so busy but I’m hoping to be able to put more time into my YouTube channel. Every time I meet my readers out and about they always say will you do more videos we love your videos and I know they do well because I can see from the views. So I’m hoping this year I’m going to wind down a little bit in terms of appearances and that and I’m going to do more video content and getting my site redesigned and then hopefully there will be one or two little surprises in the year‌ not children. Suzanne’s books are available in all good book shops and you can read her blog at www.sosueme.ie
John Connors INTERVIEW By Padraig Conlon
like that? If anything it should put people off that type of lifestyle. I don’t know if the show is coming back, maybe it won’t and that might be the best thing to do, unless there’s a new angle and a new storyline and new characters.
How did you originally get involved in acting?
One of this country’s rising stars, actor John Connors probably needs no introduction. The Darndale native was outstanding in the latest series of Love/Hate and recently appeared in RTE’s three part series about Charles Haughey. A proud member of the Travelling Community John has come a long way in his career over the last few years. We were delighted to catch up with him on a recent visit to the Priory Youthreach to discuss his career, the relationship between the Traveller and settled communities in Ireland and why he hopes Channel 4 don’t go ahead with their plans for a comedy based on the Irish Famine.
Congratulations on your latest role in Charlie, how good has the response been to the show? Yeah the response has been grand, it’s only a small role I have and obviously the show doesn’t have the gangland thing but it’s been doing well in the ratings, I think 7/800,000 each episode which is good. I think people in this country are getting so curious with politics,
especially in the last few years, because they’ve seen all the corruption that went on before. I was too young to remember Charlie Haughey myself but people are interested in his story. In a way I suppose the show deals with a lot of the issues that Love/Hate did as regards power, control and loyalty. I really enjoyed working on it.
How excited were you when you discovered you would be involved LQ WKH ¾QDO VFHQHV LQ the latest series of Love/Hate? I was just glad that I’d be able to show a different side to Patrick. Being part of the end meant being able to draw a line under Nidge because I think the character would have been going too far if he had lived.
I started doing acting classes in the Abbey School of Drama about 5 years ago and I loved it but I kind of kept it quiet, didn’t tell anyone. I just wanted to learn as much as possible and auditions didn’t really cross my mind at the start.
I think because they’re all three dimensional characters, full rounded human beings. There’s good and bad in them, they’re complex, and we’ve never seen that before in an Irish drama. You look at Nidge, at times you loved him then at other times you hated him.
,¶G KHDUG DERXW D ¾OP WKDW ZDV about to be made called King Of The Travellers where the director wanted to cast real Travellers, someone got me an audition for it so I went along. I gave the audition a go but when I didn’t hear anything back for three or four weeks I thought I didn’t get the part. Eventually they got back to me and told me that they had a small part for me. I continued to rehearse with them over a couple of months and was eventually rehearsing alongside the original lead and they decided to take me on as the lead and that kind of changed my life. The idea of SOD\LQJ D OHDG UROH LQ D ¾OP ZDV unbelievable to me but that’s how I ended up in the lead role in King Of The Travellers.
As for the people that say it glamorises gang land, well show me where the characters are having a good time? Nidge, Fran, Elmo, Patrick, Aido, they’re all paranoid, they’ve no peace, looking over their shoulders all the time, who would want to live
Growing up I never thought of acting as something I could do, it was so far beyond my grasp. Only when I was 19 or 20 did I start thinking about acting. That’s why I always tell people if there’s something you want to do just go and do it.
It was poetic justice that Patrick was the one to end his life, I understood why Patrick had to kill him, when that chance came up he had to take it.
Why do you think Love/ Hate is so popular?
So how did you then end up in Love/Hate? I was at the Galway Film Fleadh in 2012 and I was introduced to Stuart (Carolan, writer of Love/ Hate) He said he’s seen two of P\ žOPV King Of The Travellers and Stalker. He said he liked my performances and wanted me to be in the next series. About four months later he called me up and said he wanted to bring me back as the fella who gave Nidge the pipe bomb. ,WœV GHžQLWHO\ EHHQ WKH EHVW experience of my life, working with the best crew, the best writers, the whole set up really. To be given the freedom and to be so relaxed making it was an unbelievable experience and I so grateful that I was given the chance to play the role of Patrick.
What actors/directors KDYH LQ¿XHQFHG \RX" Marlon Brando and James *DQGROžQL ZRXOG EH WZR
John Connors YHU\ ELJ LQ¿XHQFHV LQ DFWLQJ DQG Martin Scorese for directing/ writing. I’ve actually been LQ¿XHQFHG E\ VR PDQ\ SHRSOH really but they would probably be the main ones.
I believe you recently moved back to your family site after a period of being settled? Yes I did and it’s been really lovely, peaceful and tranquil to be back. We are living in an age when I feel society is trying to obliterate our culture. I’d been six years out of the camp and KDG WLPH WR UH¿HFW DQG UHDOLVH how important and rich the culture is. I wanted to move back to maintain my identity. The best thing I can do is to move back in because I grew up JRLQJ WR D FDPS žUH HYHU\ QLJKW and listening to the great stories and I missed that.
Do you think the relationship between settled people and Travellers in this country is improving?
There’s been no change in fact I think the relationship is getting worse. Programmes like Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and documentaries about EDUH NQXFNOH žJKWLQJ KDYH contributed to that. People see travellers spending loads of money on weddings and it makes them angry because they think there’s loads of rich travellers when in reality they are only in the minority. The media are playing a big part in breeding hate, they are only interested in being sensationalist and there are not a lot of Traveller spokespeople willing to deal with them as a lot of Travellers don’t care what the media say, they’d be quite cynical towards it.
Is it true you were subjected to a lot of abuse online a few months ago when you complained about a sketch on FM 104 being racist against the Travelling community?
Yeah that’s true I felt the lads had overstepped the mark but I went on the show the following week and we ironed it out, they genuinely didn’t realise what they were doing was racist. I was getting some stuff written on my Facebook page like “I hope Nidge kills that knacker�, stuff like that. Nine times out of ten people are nice, you’re always going to get a few who will say stuff like that. I almost laugh it off because in reality they’re trying to get a rise out of you.
What are your views on the news that Channel 4 have commissioned a comedy set during the Irish Famine?
I think it’s very distasteful to make a show like that, you wouldn’t set a comedy in Auschwitz or make a joke out of slavery so why is it ok to make a comedy about genocide, which is what the Famine was. It was genocide committed by the English with the result that our population fell from 8 million to 3 million as a result and now the descendants of those people want to make a joke out of it?
Finally John what are your plans for 2015? Well I have a small part in Jim Sheridan’s new movie The Secret Scripture DQG ZH EHJLQ žOPLQJ that next week. It’s a dream come true for me to be able to get to work with one of the world’s greatest directors.
the media are playing a big part in breeding hate [toward the travelling community]
Then I have another project that starts shooting in the summer, D žOP , ZURWH FDOOHG Cardboard Gangsters with Mark O’Connor again so that’s what I’m up to for the next few months!
24 Welcome to the first edition of Sq. Magazine of 2015. We hope you had a great Christmas and New Year and have not found it too difficult to settle back into the everyday routine! What a year 2014 was for us here at The Square Tallaght with great improvements being made to the overall shopping experience. We promise to carry that momentum into 2015 and make even more changes to ensure that the centre will be better than ever! It is with great excitement that we welcome Nandos to Level 3 which is set to open its doors on January 28th, we can’t wait. We also have two new developments with El Gringo Burrito Bar and coffee giant Insomnia set to open on Level 1.
We have already held our first event of the New Year with our Fairies and Goblins extravaganza on January 10th and have two more in the pipeline. Our Sunshine Party will take place on January 31st and our Valentine’s Day Fashion Show featuring some of Assets Top Models will take place on February 14th. Keep an eye on our social media channels and our signage around the centre for details of all our events. Finally for all you people watchers out there we have a new seating area adjacent to the cinema on Level 3 where you can take some time out and enjoy watching the world go by or enjoy our free wifi. Until next time…Happy Shopping!
______________________ Cathryn McMenamy The Square Town Centre, Commercial Manager
25 The Nandos Staff or Nandocas as they are known are ready to rock!!!
Nando’s set to open here at The Square Tallaght We are PERi-PERi excited that the long awaited Nando’s is set to open their doors here on Level 3 on January 28th and it’s about cluckin’ time!! Nando's is an international casual dining restaurant originating from South Africa, with a Portuguese theme. Founded in 1987, Nando's operates about 1,000 outlets in 30 countries. Nando's specialises in chicken dishes with lemon and herb, mango and lime, medium, hot, extra hot or extra extra hot marinades. Home of the legendary, Portuguese flamegrilled PERi-PERi chicken, it’s sure to be love at first bite with diners. We have had a taste of what’s to come and it’s sure to be a new favourite with you guys. Aoife O'Connor of HR explained how the team can’t wait to finally open their doors to the public "We are really excited to be opening at The Square, we know people have been waiting for this for a while. We genuinely can’t wait for everyone to come in and see our new restaurant" If you’re passing by you will see the Nandocas working hard putting the final touches to their fancy new restaurant, make sure you give them a welcome wave if you’re passing by!!
Sq. Magazine
Sq. Magazine
12 Days Of Christmas Prizes Congratulations to all of our 12 Days of Christmas Prize winners. This year we had even bigger and better prizes to win with dozens of the most sought after toys for Christmas including Disney Frozen dolls and goodies, an Xbox One and exclusive signed merchandise from UFC Fighter Paddy Holohan!! Among the prizes we also had Script tickets, Disney on Ice tickets, Mrs Brown tickets and hampers galore. We also had a very special competition “The €500 Christmas Gift” which was won by Davina Long. Congratulations to all our winners and remember to keep an eye on our Facebook or the competitions page on our website for your chance to win other amazing goodies throughout the year.
Adorn Comes To Tallaght Cheeky Monkey Soft Play Castle & Our New External Play Area Cheeky Monkey is in the final stages of moving his Jungle Gym to its new home up on Level 3. The all new Castle themed setting is bound to impress and he can’t wait to invite everyone to come see what he has in store.
The new Jungle Gym is set to open at the end of February. Keep an eye on our Facebook for Cheeky’s updates on his progress and open date which will be released very soon. Work is also under way for a new external play area which will be located outside the East Entrance on Level 1. This fun filled area will cater for toddlers aged 2-4 years.
We are delighted to welcome Adorn to Level 2 here at Square. The store sell a selection of beautiful jewellery to suit all occasions. Their statement piece necklaces are perfect to dress up that chic outfit. Their selection of earrings range from simple studs to some rather eye catching drop pieces. Drop in and check them out for the perfect gift or just to treat yourself.
Our first Community Champion of the year is UFC fighter and Jobstown man Paddy Holohan. Paddy has made a great start to the year with his very impressive victory over Shane Howells in UFC Boston this month. It was extra special to see him make a triumphant return to the ring after his unlucky defeat in UFC Nova Scotia near the end of last year.
did he compete that night in a new weight division he also worked the Dublin crowd into a frenzy when he beat his opponent in only three minutes.
Paddy made his UFC debut last summer in the O2 Dublin after being out of action for nearly two years with a back injury that required surgery. Not only
A wonderfully positive and hardworking man, Paddy is a great role model for any young people looking to make their way in the world.
He has brought great happiness to his community in Jobstown and it was wonderful to hear legendary UFC announcer Bruce Buffer refer to Paddy as “from Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland”. Congratulations to you Paddy and the best of luck for the coming year!
2 New Additions On The Way It is with great excitement that we announce the news that Insomnia Coffee Company and El Gringo Burrito Bar will be joining The Square family on Level 1 very soon. According to the guys at El Gringo they may not be the first burrito joint in Ireland, but they definitely want to be the best.
Insomnia Coffee Company is Ireland’s leading independent premium coffee chain. Having grown from a single location in a Galway bookstore in 1997 to an estate of 90+ coffee shops today they deliver the best cup of coffee, in whichever format you choose, every time you visit their store. We have tried their hot chocolate and all we can say is “it’s heaven in a cup”. We can't wait for the open date!
every personality, so make sure to mark the date in your diary.
It’s hard to believe we are already fast approaching our first fashion show of 2015 featuring some of Assets Top Models. With so much fashion available here at The Square Tallaght the event will showcase the latest trends available to suit every style and
The fashion show takes place on our Centre Mall on Level 2 on Saturday February 14th and shows run from 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. We will also have some fab prizes to giveaway on the day so check our Facebook for details before the event.
Coming Soon Sunshine Party
The Square Again Proud Sponsors Of Shamrock Rovers!! We are delighted to once again sponsor Shamrock Rovers this season and we wish them all the best, fingers crossed they will win a few “more” games this season, wink wink if you’re reading this guys…
Valentine’s Day Fashion Show 2015
We were so excited to see our new Square logo adorn the Shamrock Rovers kit in FIFA 15!! If you haven't played the game yet, trust us, you are missing out on some heavy duty football action.
The fun and games will continue here at The Square Tallaght on January 31st when we host yet another FREE family event. We know it has been a miserable January so far but leave the cold outside and join us at the perfect Summer Party on our sun filled Centre Mall on Level 2, with umbrellas, beach stuff, face painting,
and summer games. Our Sunshine Party will begin at 12pm and run until 3pm and you are all invited!
Sq. Magazine
28 Andy Case from The Square with Cheeky Monkey Presenting The Toys To The National Children’s Hospital
New Toilets Facilities Coming To Level 1 In December we spoke about our plans in the New Year for continued refurbishments around the Centre and the first of those is currently underway. Work has begun on our new toilet facilities on Level 1 modernising our offering. Our facilities on Level 2 and Level 3 will remain open as normal. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during these works.
This Christmas we donated with your help Christmas Toys to The National Children’s Hospital as well as a €650 donation.
We have been delighted with the overwhelming response to the new toilets on Level 2, our disabled facilities and our baby feeding areas, which really are impressive. Work on our Level 3 facilities will commence shortly after the reopening of Level 1 facilities. We look forward to unveiling our larger mother and baby unit and also our bespoke disabled unit which will help cater for everyone who visits the Centre. Watch this space for more updates soon!
for their hard work and contributions to our charities of choice this year especially in the run up to Christmas.
Special Thank You To Those Who Helped Us In Our Charity Work We would like to thank all our customers, tenants and staff
We also donated €900 to Suzanne House. Suzanne House is a community children's respite service based here in Tallaght for children with terminal illness and / or complex nursing needs. We also donated 13 hampers to St Vincent De Paul who gave them to families in need in the run up to Christmas.
Oopsadaisy Is Back Oopsadaisy has returned after her well earned Christmas break and she was delighted with the number of children that turned up to welcome her back. If you would like to come along and join our Oopsadaisy Toddler Group for lots of singing, dancing and learning fun you can register your toddler anytime at our Customer Services Desk, or drop in on the day. Please come and register early to avoid disappointment. Oopsadaisy runs every Wednesday during school term from 10am to 11am on the Centre Mall on Level 2.
New Comfortable Seating Area On Level 3 We have recently installed a brand new seating area on Level 3 adjacent to the cinema. These new comfy sofas are ideal for taking a few minutes break from your busy shopping schedule. Whether catching up with friends or browsing our free wifi, which is available throughout the centre.
They also provide an ideal location for waiting for your cinema date to arrive and in time may become as iconic as Cleary’s clock, fingers crossed!! Please remember that while this seating area is available to all, seats should always be given up to those in greater need. This is a pilot programme and if successful will be rolled out in other locations around the centre.
A Closer Look At...
DEBENHAMS It was an eventful 2014 for Debenhams here on Level 1. They received our Best Dressed Window for their wonderful “Found it� Christmas display which was admired by many customers over the past few weeks. It added greatly to the seasonal atmosphere around the centre.
They will also guide you in the best way to apply makeup and ways in which to enhance your best assets. Debenhams is packed with everything you may need for that special night out, something for the kids or how about something for the kitchen? It’s all under one roof!
The store also has a fantastic “Click and Collectâ€? service We also saw the much available. All you have to do is anticipated arrival of popular choose your item online, pay make upp brand Urban Decayy for it and select the Debenhams earlierr in the year. The brand has Tallaght store as your delivery provenn to be a massive success address. Within 4 working days DQG KDV žWWHG LQ ZHOO DPRQJ DV žWWHG LQ ZHOO DPRQJ your item will be delivered to her top selling brands like the store free of charge. the other žW &ODULQV (VWH /DXGHU %HQHžW &ODULQV (VWH /DXGHU me and Clinique. LancĂ´me Let’s not forget about the men in your life, the style on offer in Drop in to the ladies on the Debenhams will suit any ers who will give you counters personality or taste. advicee on the dos and don’ts how you how to look and show your best.
For the young and hip to the more reserved or work wear they have you covered. The store also stocks a huge range of electrical goods, from kitchen appliances to hair dryers, straighteners and curlers all at fantastic value. Christmas may be over but that doesn’t mean you still can’t treat yourself to a bargain in the New Year.
Sq. Magazine
By Rachel Lynch
Big Hero 6 is the 54th Disney animated feature and is based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. The action packed comedy adventure follows the special bond that develops between %D\PD[ D SOXV VL]HG LQÂżDWDEOH robot and 14-year-old robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada. The pair live in the city of San Fransokyo. Besides his older
By Rachel Lynch
brother, Tadashi, Hiro’s closest companion is Baymax whose sole purpose is to take care of people. When a devastating turn of events throws Hiro into the middle of a dangerous plot, he transforms Baymax and his other friends, Go Go Tamago, Wasabi, Honey Lemon and Fred into a band of high tech heroes. Can this manmade team of heroes save the day? With all the heart and humor audiences expect from Walt Disney Animation Studios, Big Hero 6 is a comedy adventure that a is up there with the very best of them all. Disney continues to do what they know best which is entertaining both young and old.
In Inherent Vice is WK WKH žUVW HYHU žOP adaption of a Thomas Pynchon novel and the seventh feature from Paul Thomas. There is a big name cast behind this that sees Walk the Line stars Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon reunited again. The story follows the life of private detective Larry “Doc� Sportello who tends to work his cases through a smoky haze of marijuana, in a California beach community. One day, Shasta, a former lover, arrives out of the blue to plead for Doc’s help. It’s not the kind of help he was expecting. It seems that Shasta’s current man is rich real estate tycoon Mickey Wolfmann. She tells Doc about a plot by Mickey’s wife and her
boyfriend to kidnap the billionaire and commit him to a mental hospital. When Mickey and Shasta both disappear, Doc must try to solve the case. The people he comes across along the way include surfers, hustlers, dopers and rockers, a murderous loan shark, LAPD Detectives, a tenor sax player working undercover, and a mysterious entity known as the Golden Fang, which may only be a tax dodge set up by some dentists.
The book of the same name, written by E.L James was an international phenomenon and now the wait is almost over for the screen adaptation. Our very own Jamie Doran takes on the lead role of Christian Grey with Dakota Johnson playing the part of the innocent Anastasia “Ana” Steele. Literature student Anastasia Steele’s life changes forever when she meets handsome, yet tormented, billionaire Christian Grey. Ana hesitates as she discovers the singular tastes of Christian Grey - despite the
embellishments of success, his multinational businesses, his vast wealth, his loving family Grey is consumed by the need to control everything. It’s unclear yet as to how graphic the intimate scenes with Mr. Grey and Ana Steele ZLOO EH 7KH ¾OP KLWV ,ULVK cinemas on Valentine’s day, 14th February.
The Big Gigs of 2015 IDINA MENZEL
20th June Bord Gáis Energy Theatre Idina Menzel is coming to Dublin for a Bord Gáis Energy
X FACTOR LIVE 15th February 3 Arena
The top eight acts of XFactor 2014 taking to the stage on
12th July Iveagh Gardens
Damien Rice is to play concerts in Dublin, Cork and
21st February 3 Arena
Dublin lads The Coronas are back. To celebrate the
Ticket prices start at €39.00
26th March 3 Arena
The concept has come a long way in the past decade
20th March 3 Arena Usher has been around a long time but still manages to make it into the music charts every
Galway in July in support of his new album, My Favourite Faded Fantasy. Iveagh Gardens will host his homecoming gig. Tickets are priced at €45.00
announcement of their new studio album, they have FRQ¾UPHG D 'XEOLQ VKRZ at 3Arena.
Ticket prices start at €44.05
this year’s live arena tour are: Andrea Faustini, Ben Haenow, Fleur East, Jay James, Lauren Platt, Only The Young, Stevi Ritchie and Stereo Kicks. Ticket prices start at €26.90
Theatre headliner in 2015! Many will know her for her vocals on the Disney Frozen smash hit Let it Go.
once in awhile. He is currently working on his forthcoming 8th studio album and preparing for his World Tour, which hits Dublin this March. Ticket prices start from €39.05
VLQFH WKH ¾UVW VHDVRQ EDFN LQ 2005, but fans continue to be guaranteed fantastic darts from the best players on the planet. Ticket prices start from €25.00
JIMMY CARR 13th February Olympia Theatre
A brand spanking new show which includes brand
TAKE THAT 8th – 9th May 3 Arena
Take That, the UK’s most successful live act ever,
new jokes from the same old Jimmy. Gagging Order promises to be a hilarious night out. Ticket prices start at €36.50
FRQ¾UPHG HDUOLHU WKDW WKH\ DUH heading back out on the road in 2015. Special guest for the duration of the tour will be rising star Ella Henderson. Ticket prices start at €76.00
Swedish EDM god joined on the bill by Rudimental, with more acts to be announced.
Avicii are set to play Marley Park this summer. The huge outdoor gig will see the
Tickets are priced at €49.65
3rd July Marley Park
Music BELLE & SEBASTIAN Girls In Peacetime Want To Dance
By Linn Heldal
Ham Sandwich are fast becoming the Ryan Giggs of the Irish music scene. Not in a “Oh I’ve been inappropriate with my brother’s wife� kind of way, but because they keep on going while so many of their contemporaries fall by the wayside and quit. It’s all about the longevity and after twelve years together they are on the verge of releasing their third album and show no signs of slowing down.
Belle And Sebastian originally took their name from the wellknown French children’s book of 1965, Belle et SÊbastien, and it’s their musical mastermind and shrewd lyricist Stuart Murdoch that gives the band the necessary literary weight.
and the way to get out on the other side; “Now I look at you, you’re a mother of two, you’re a quiet revolution.�
With his sarcastic pen to the forefront, this month saw the Glasgow indie-pop darlings released their ninth studio album since their debut in 1996. This consistent and somewhat politically motivated album takes the listener through it all, from indie rock, to 80’s synths and bubbly Europop, to jazz and folk.
There is plenty of creativity, inspiration and motivation on this album, whether it’s the references to bombs in the Middle East in the contagious and lovely Allie, the Europop dreaminess in The Party Line, or the critique of marrying early, jogging side by side in the park and the general annoying aspect of Perfect Couples.
The lyrics are, as expected, focused on matters closest to their hearts, both politically and also very personally this time around. Stuart Murdoch has said that the DOEXPœV žUVW VRQJ DQG VLQJOH Nobody’s Empire, is the most personal song he has ever written. The sound is upbeat and playful, even though it’s mainly about Murdoch’s chronic fatigue syndrome.
On an album as diverse as this one, it can be a little hit and miss. The Everlasting Muse veers from jazz to folk music, and then back to jazz with some Spanish guitar sounds. The element of surprise is there, but that effect might be overrated - it’s still nice to put on an album that you can listen to the whole way through without skipping any songs.
,W GHVFULEHV ZKHQ KH žUVW IRXQG RXW WKDW KH suffered from the illness, and the struggles that followed; “There was a girl that sang like the chime of a bell and she put out her arm, she touched me when I was in hell.� It also portrays how to handle being tired in a most delicate way, using positivity, hope
Belle and Sebastian carry on their well documented irony, sarcasm and playfulness on this well accomplished, moving and YDULHG DOEXP ,W LV GHžQLWHO\ ZRUWK D OLVWHQ LI only for Murdoch’s lyrical adventures.
HAMSANDWICH By Padraig Conlon
Latest single Apollo which will be on the forthcoming album due in April, is the follow up to the bands excellent single Illuminate (which was released early last year) and represents a bit of a change in musical direction. This is a feel good dance number that is going to go down really well at their live shows. As always Niamh Farrell’s voice sounds beautiful and the lads create the space for her to showcase her vocals with a funky disco beat that wouldn’t be out of place at a Nile Rodgers gig. I’ve been always been very fond of Ham Sandwich so I’m delighted to hear they’ve still got it and still making great PXVLF $SROOR LV D žQH WUDFN DQG DXJXUV well that the forthcoming album is going to be top of the league.
CES 2015
By Colm O’MuirĂ
The Consumer Electronics Show or CES 2015 recently took place from January 6th to January 9th and like previous years some of the world biggest companies unveiled their latest products. In this article we will be looking at some of the technology that was announced and showcased at the event. Although the latest Apple phone bends unintentionally LG revealed their latest mobile phone the G Flex 2 which is a curved phone. of a CD. It also has a memory of 128GB which can grow to 256GB with a memory card and the battery lasts for 33 hours. The screen of the phone is a LQFK +LJK GHžQLWLRQ S screen, the phone also features a microSD slot which supports up to a massive 2 TB of storage. The phone will be available in the UK in February meaning Ireland won’t have to wait too long for it either.
Most of us growing up will remember having either a cassette or CD player Sony Walkman, however that will not be the case for the next generation. Sony unveiled their new Walkman at CES and announced that the ZX2 would retail for over ÂŁ949. This Walkman is said to have a pristine sound 3.2 times better than that
There are cheaper alternatives to the Walkman such as Neil Young’s high end music player Pono that was launched and will retail for £260. The Pono claims to play special versions of music that is uncompromised and better than other music stores.
Initial reports from those who have tested it seem to back up this claim. Another great invention which was showcased at CES was Noke ZKLFK LV WKH ZRUOGœV žUVW Bluetooth enabled padlock. You buy the Noke lock and then download the app onto your phone and it pairs with your
Bluetooth to act as the keys, this will save having to bring extra keys around with you. A prototype which was shown at CES this year is Belty.
It is a belt from the French startup Emiota which measures your waistline constantly. The reason it does this is because it adjusts itself the more you grow, like after a big meal, for your comfort.
curved television which is over a hundred inches. The Samsung 105-inch bendable SUHD TV as you would imagine is huge and will probably only feature in the homes of the mega rich, however the pictures of it are impressive and well worth a look. No price for the television was announced at the event. These are just a few of the items which were displayed at CES 2015 however there were obviously a lot more on show during the event. Everything from cars, clothes dryers, watches and VR headsets were showcased this year at the annual event which continues to grow every year.
Curved televisions seem to be the next gadget to have and Keep reading InTallaght for the 6DPVXQJ DUH WKH žUVW WR XQYHLO D latest in Tech gadgets!
Games of 2015
In this edition of InTallaght we will be looking at some of the games which are set to be the highlights of the gaming year to come.
By Colm O’Muirí
We start with a game meant to be released in 2014 but is now hitting shelves in June this year, Batman Arkham Knight. The recent series of Batman Arkham games have been amazing with the exception of Arkham Origins which, was still a good game but just not as good as others in the series.
However with the series being so good to date, being able to GULYH WKH %DWPRELOH IRU WKH ¾UVW time and it being on the nextgen consoles Batman Arkham .QLJKW LV GH¾QLWHO\ D JDPH WR play in 2015.
it is anything like its predecessor those with an Xbox One are in for a treat with this game.
Mario Maker which looks to be a Wii U exclusive could be one of the more fun games to play in 2015. The idea is simple, you create your own custom Mario courses and then play them through. The game gives you the option of playing it in the classic Game Boy graphics or in the HD graphics of recent games. Mario Maker looks like a return to form for another classic video game character.
Rise of the Tomb Raider sees Lara Croft returning to games consoles in 2015 after a successful return in 2013 with the fantastic Tomb Raider. Although it is still not known whether or not Rise of the Tomb Raider will appear on the PS4, if
Just Cause 3 which comes ¾YH \HDUV DIWHU Just Cause se 2 is is scheduled for release in tthe he coming months. Just Cause usse 2 was a brilliant open world ld game and is a series which icch can hopefully give us another great open world game in 2015. Rico Rodriguez returns and with the announcement that the grappling hook and parachute will be in the game is a feature fans of the series will be delighted to hear.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is due for release this year as well and all games from this series are always hotly anticipated, especially with such an iconic gaming character such as Snake. This game follows on from last year’s release which was widely praised and is sure to follow on from the success of that game. The gameplay and graphics for this game look amazing which is sure to please fans of the series. Star Wars Battlefront is a game down for release in 2015 and ZLWK WKH ¾OP The Force Awakens also released this year 2015 is going to be mega for Star Wars fans. There hasn’t been much footage seen for this game but like most things Star Wars there is always a buzz around and the more announced about this game the bigger the anticipation will become. 2015 looks to be a great year for video games from the list above and some which I didn’t have space to mention. Keep reading InTallaght for the latest on games throughout the year.
Motors of 2015 2015: WHAT TO EXPECT
By Rachel Lynch
January is one of the busiest months of the year for car buyers. Here we have a selection of moderately priced new models to the Irish market. )RU PDQ\ RI \RX LW ZLOO EH WKH ¾UVW WLPH
in several years that you have been able to even think about such a major purchase so take a look at the list below to see what ticks all the boxes for you and the family.
The 2015 Fiat 500X is a compact crossover extension of the 500 family. It has the look of the 500 city car but is a much bigger 5dr with more engines/ transmissions.
The new larger, Sorento is the main event. It is longer (+95mm to 4,780mm) and lower (15mm to 1,685 mm) than the current model.
The new Corsa has just arrived with a lot of focus on its 1-litre 3cyl petrol engine.
Volvo really have pulled out all the stops with the all new sevenseater XC90 SUV.
The front is all new, the cabin VLJQL¾FDQWO\ LPSURYHG DQG the rear suspension has been tweaked.
While you can order one now you won’t get it until April when the all-new motor hits the showrooms.
It will carry over the existing 2.2 -litre CRDi diesel (194bhp). Expect to see it here in February/March.
Their range-topping Adam S is kitted with a 148bhp 1.4-litre petrol and could be an early 2015 arrival.
Prices are set to start at €70,950 for the D5 AWD and road tax is an impressive €390.
7KH QHZ 0RQGHR KDV ¾QDOO\ made it here and the Focus has had its facelift. Both will be big players for 2015.
Nissan have had a busy year with the launching of the Pulsar Nismo the ultimate sports car.
The new Passat is one we have all been waiting for. It has always been classier than the average family car, and the new version continues that tradition.
The new SEAT Leon X-PERIENCE completes SEAT’s highly successful Leon range. The Leon X-Perience has all-wheel drive and is an extension, if you like, of the estate ST. It goes on sale in January from €32,495. It sits 27mm higher and the 4WD system is tried and trusted.
There are also Pop, Popstar and Lounge trims available, these presenting less of an off-road demeanour. The car is stylish and sporty and really is one to watch this year.
The Mondeo will be reasonably priced and is the perfect family car with space and style as the main focus.
The wheelbase is 80mm longer (2,780 mm) making more room for all three rows of seats.
Nissan are expecting to pick up where the Almera left off hoping to become a popular model with families.
It goes on sale in January with an entry-level price of €27,295 (delivery and related charges extra).
I had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer in person at the launch of The Red Line Book Festival towards the end of last year. I was delighted when her second novel arrived in the RIžFH MXVW LQ WLPH IRU PH WR bring it home to read over the Christmas break. Levi’s Gift tells the story of Lena and her daughter Mattie who has just given birth to a stillborn son. Following Mattie’s spiral into depression, Lena takes her from their home in America to Italy in an attempt to rekindle in her the sense of family and identity she lost after the death of her child. But this requires Lena to reveal what she experienced as a young woman in Italy - the love she has secretly treasured all her life. Levi’s Gift is a story about loss, forbidden love, and a mother and daughter encountering the past together LQ DQ DWWHPSW WR žQG KRSH IRU the future.
By Gwen Taylour There is a lot about Catholicism in this book, which I might have thought would alienate me a bit, not being a Catholic myself. But the religious aspects of the novel are approached from the double perspectives of two people who are not sure if they believe in the religion in which they were raised and as such, the details of the different customs and rituals are explained clearly enough that I felt I understood what was happening. The story is told from the point of view of both the mother and the daughter, offering tantalising glimpses of their back stories, both before the daughter was born and the daughter’s experience of growing up with a mother who was emotionally detached. Both women have lost loves, both familial (Lena’s beloved father and Mattie’s son who died inside her just before he was due to be born) and romantic (a shadowy presence who captured Lena’s heart when she was a young woman and Mattie’s best friend who turned into her high school sweetheart) but rather than bringing them closer together, neither can recognise the commonality in their experienc experiences until their trip to Italy reveals some secrets that bring Lena’s neglect and Mattie’s rebellion into i focus. st was a little more The story rom romantic and spirtual th the books I than would usually read but I thought it was a well written novel and towards the end I really did get sucked in and was eager to žQG RXW ZKDW happened to both characters.
About The Author Jennifer is a Dublin based author and solicitor. Her life changed when a TV3 FDPHUDFUHZ EXUVW LQWR KHU RIžFH DQG announced that she had won their Write a Bestseller competition, and with it a three book deal with Poolbeg Press. +HU žUVW QRYHO The Secret Son, was published in September 2013. She has also contributed a short story to the book If I Was a Child Again, a collection of short stories from Irish writers published in 2013 in aid of Barnardos. In 2012 she has a short story published in the From the Well anthology. Jennifer is an active member of the Irish Writers’ Centre and was shortlisted in 2012, 2013 and 2014 in the Fish Publishing Flash Fiction competition. When she is not writing enjoys travel, music – especially singing with the Lassus Scholars choir – and a vigorous game of tag rugby.
Business QHZ žUPV MREV at Digital Hub
₏90 million revamp of Iveagh Markets to begin Dublin’s historic Iveagh Markets in the Liberties area is to be refurbished at a cost of around ₏90 million. The iconic building will be fully restored and extended and will house a food, crafts and fashion market. The scheme also incorporates the neighbouring Mother Redcaps Market, a pub and music venue until about 10 years ago, which will be turned into an aparthotel of 38 one-bed and 41 two-bed units. Construction of the development, which is being undertaken by Temple Bar hotelier and publican Martin Keane, is expected to start in the coming months and be completed in 2017. The redevelopment of Dublin’s Iveagh Markets will create a vibrant Covent Garden-type amenity for the city, according to Dublin Chamber of Commerce. Dublin Chamber believes that the redevelopment will encourage more businesses to move into the Liberties area.
Last year saw 35 new companies join Dublin’s Digital Hub creating a total of 150 new jobs. Expectations for 2015 are also very positive with employment growth in the enterprise cluster expected to increase. This will see the number of people directly employed within the digital cluster rising to over 700 people by the end of 2015. It also announced plans for the refurbishment of a 19th Century Grainstore building, adding an additional 10,650 square feet of space to the cluster.
Most workers expect pay rise this year $ QHZ VXUYH\ žQGV WKDW expectations among Irish workers of pay rises during 2015 is growing. Some 61% of those surveyed say they expect an increase in salary this year, up from 42% in 2014, according to Matrix Recruitment Group. Of the 600 respondents, 64% are from the Dublin/ Greater Dublin area, with respondents from a wide range of salary brackets - 75% of respondents are earning up to ₏55,000 and 11% are earning over ₏100,000.
Additionally, the restoration and refurbishment of a number of historic 19th century buildings at 1 Crane Street and 7 and 8 Thomas Street is due to be completed by the end of 2015. Gerry Macken, CEO, The Digital Hub, said 2014 was a key year of growth. “We are now looking forward to 2015 and what our expansion will mean for Ireland’s digital economy as our companies continue to grow.
It found that 74pc stated that they are planning on changing jobs to achieve an increase in salary in 2015, however 62% stated they would remain in their current employment if their employer counter offered with a higher salary. Kieran McKeown, founder and CEO of Matrix Recruitment *URXS VWDWHG Âł7KH žQGLQJV demonstrate that this year across the board employers will need to be prepared for more restlessness in the workforce, and that there are GHžQLWH LQGLFDWLRQV WKDW VDODU\ increases are back on the DJHQGD IRU WKH žUVW WLPH since 2008. “In particular with the Generation Y and Millennium employees looking for more of a work/ life integration, we EHOLHYH EHQHžWV ZLOO SOD\ DQ even bigger role going into the future.â€?
“We also greatly anticipate the completion of our Grainstore building development in the second half of 2015 and the opportunities the additional VTXDUH IHHW RI RIžFH space will create. We hope and plan to grow further in 2015, staying at the forefront of digital technology in Ireland.�
New calls for end to upward-only rents There have been renewed calls for an end to upwardonly rent contracts following the announcement today of the loss of 140 jobs at Bewley’s outlet in Grafton Street in Dublin. SIPTU have said that the upwardonly system is negatively impacting on workers’ wages and employment, especially in the hospitality and catering sector. SIPTU Services Division Organiser, John King, said: “The hospitality and catering sector is experiencing unprecedented growth. Rather than increased productivity resulting in wage and job growth, growing revenues are being siphoned off by property owners at the expense of the wider economy.�
47 Nordic states close to cashless society Helped by wide use of computers even among the elderly, broad trust in the state and big business and only small black economies, people in Sweden and neighbouring countries are fast embracing cards, the Internet and apps IRU žQDQFLDO WUDQVDFWLRQV DQG IRUVDNLQJ notes and coins. For banks and businesses, the big EHQHžW LV ORZHU FRVWV $ UHSRUW E\ WKH Norwegian central bank last month said the total cost of each cash transaction -- including handling notes and coins in banks -- was estimated at 7.1 crowns ($0.92) against only 4.1 crowns per card transaction. For consumers, abandoning cash is often about convenience, though some are worried the poor, elderly and disabled can lack access to technology and credit, or just prefer notes and coins. Swedes often make the smallest purchases, such as for chewing gum, with a credit card and can use the Swedish banks’ jointly-developed smartphone app Swish to repay a small debt to a friend. Another app allow drinkers to buy beers in a bar without queuing. The Swedish central bank is far from phasing out cash; it will launch new notes and coins this year. But it predicts the amount of cash in Sweden will fall by between 20 and 50 percent by 2020 FRPSDUHG ZLWK $QG DV WKH žUVW generation of Internet users grows older, it seems likely that attachments to notes and coins will fade.
Irish start-up launch playtraining app Tech start-up, JamJou, is launching ,UHODQGœV žUVW DSS WKDW GHOLYHUV training through game-based, real-life work scenarios. Following an initial investment of ₏100,000, Kilkenny based JamJou plans to grow the business from two to 11 employees over the next three years with expected revenues of ₏1.5 million, primarily from export to the US and UK markets. It applies the use of gaming mechanics to enhance employee engagement with training and retention of information with its clients using the app for customer service, sales and product training. A cloud based system with no requirement for the installation of costly software, JamJou is simple, easy-to-use DQG RQH RI WKH žUVW WUDLQLQJ WRROV ZKHUH management have real time access to staff skills assessments.
Building apprenticeships rise The number of new construction apprentices rose by 660 in 2014, with over 2,100 new apprenticeship registrations taking place last year DFFRUGLQJ WR \HDU HQG žJXUHV SXEOLVKHG by the Construction Industry Federation (CIF). The CIF has described the latest statistics as a positive trend but warned that more apprenticeships will have to be registered in 2015 if the industry is to meet the expected demand for skills in the coming years.
2015 Sports Preview RUGBY Ireland had a massive year in 2014 under Joe Schmidt as he led us to a Six Nations &KDPSLRQVKLS DQG D žUVW clean sweep in the November Internationals since 2006. Huge wins against Australia and South Africa see us ranked 3rd in the world going into World Cup year and FRQžGHQFH KDV QHYHU EHHQ higher. With home games against England and France in this year’s Six Nations Ireland and Joe will be looking to go one better and complete a Grand Slam which would be a warning to our World Cup rivals as the competition looms in September.
$ JURXS ZKLFK ZLOO VHH XV žJKW for top spot with old rivals France and some tricky games against the likes of Italy and Canada could see us going LQWR WKH TXDUWHU žQDOV ZLWK real hopes of doing something special. If we top the group $ TXDUWHU žQDO DJDLQVW ROG bogey team Argentina is likely to await and what a sweet way to gain revenge by beating WKHP WR D VHPL žQDO VSRW LQ the tournament. Let’s not look too far ahead though! Jonathan Sexton is set to miss the opening game of the Six Nations against Italy, but with the likes of Sean O’Brien and Cian Healy set to return this could be the year that Irish rugby reaches the pinnacle.
2015 RUGBY FIXTURES Six Nations: (all times local) Saturday 7th February Saturday 14th February Sunday 1st March Saturday 14th March Saturday 21st March
Thursday 28th May
Italy vs Ireland 15.30 (Stadio Olimpico, Rome) Ireland vs France 17.00 (Aviva Stadium, Dublin) Ireland vs England 15.00 (Aviva Stadium, Dublin) Wales vs Ireland 14.30 (Millennium Stadium, Cardiff) Scotland vs Ireland 14.30 0XUUD\ÂżHOG (GLQEXUJK
Ireland vs Barbarians 19.45 (Thomond Park, Limerick)
World Cup Warm Ups:
Saturday 8th August Saturday 15th August Saturday 29th August September 5th 2015
Wales vs Ireland (Millennium Stadium, Cardiff) Ireland vs Scotland (Aviva Stadium, Dublin) Ireland vs Wales (Aviva Stadium, Dublin) England vs Ireland (Twickenham, London)
Rugby World Cup 2015: Pool D Saturday September 19th Sunday September 27th Sunday October 4th Sunday October 11th
Ireland vs Canada 14.30 (Millennium Stadium, Cardiff) Ireland vs Romania 16.45 (Wembley Stadium, London) Ireland vs Italy 16.45 (Olympic Stadium, London) Ireland vs France 16.45 (Millennium Stadium, Cardiff)
By Jack Madden
2015 ROI SOCCER FIXTURES Sunday March 29th Republic of Ireland vs Poland 19.45 (Aviva Stadium) 8()$ (XURSHDQ 4XDOLÂżHU Sunday June 7th Republic of Ireland vs England (Aviva Stadium) 3 International Friendly Saturday June 13th Republic of Ireland vs Scotland 17.00 (Aviva Stadium) 8()$ (XURSHDQ 4XDOLÂżHU
ROI SOCCER 2014 was a mixed bag for Irish football. Under Martin O’Neill and Roy Keane the team has turned a corner and started to show some great form. Some strong performances in the (XURSHDQ TXDOLžHUV LQFOXGLQJ an away draw in Germany were disappointingly followed up by a loss in Scotland in November; however a 4-1 victory against the USA in the last game of the calendar year will leave the team full of FRQžGHQFH IRU Currently joint third in Group D Ireland will need some big games at home to Germany and Scotland and away to
50 Friday September 4th Gibraltar vs Republic of Ireland 21.45 (TBC) 8()$ (XURSHDQ 4XDOLÂżHU Monday September 7th Republic of Ireland vs Georgia 20.45 (Aviva Stadium) 8()$ (XURSHDQ 4XDOLÂżHU Thursday October 8th Republic of Ireland vs Germany 20.45 (Aviva Stadium) 8()$ (XURSHDQ 4XDOLÂżHU Sunday October 11th Poland vs Republic of Ireland 19.45 (TBC) 8()$ (XURSHDQ 4XDOLÂżHU
Poland if we want to qualify for Euro 2016. Germany will be reeling following a poor run of form VR IDU LQ WKH TXDOLžHUV DQG Martin O’Neill will know that the World Champions will be out for revenge following their disappointment with the draw last time out. An away trip to Poland will prove a tricky affair too and I think a draw might be the best Ireland can expect if the likes of Robert Lewandowski are žW DQG RQ IRUP $ ZLQ DJDLQVW Scotland at home in June really is a must if Ireland is to make it to the tournament in 2016.
51 2015 LEAGUE OF IRELAND The SSE Aitricity League kicks off the weekend of March 6th 2015 and sees some massive matches taking place in the opening weekend of the competition. First up however is the President’s Cup Final between League Champions Dundalk and FAI Cup winners St Patrick’s Athletic at Oriel Park on Saturday, February 28. Shamrock Rovers will host St Pat’s at Tallaght Stadium on Friday March 6th and will be looking to improve on their IRXUWK SODFH žQLVK LQ WKH league last season. Dundalk open up their title defence at home the next evening to Divison One Champions Longford Town while Limerick return to
2015 UFC The Irish contingent kicked off 2015 in style at UFC Boston with 3 wins on the night from Conor McGregor, Cathal Pendred and Tallaght’s very own Paddy “The Hooliganâ€? Holohan. Holohan kicked off the Irish party in devastating fashion with a unanimous decision win over Shane Howell after dominating their 3 round Âż\ZHLJKW GLYLVLRQ ERXW KDYLQJ žUHG RXW RI WKH EORFNV DQG getting on top of Howell from WKH RII ,Q WKH ELJ žJKW RI WKH night McGregor was sublime
By Jack Madden
2015 Sports Preview
the famous Market Fields IRU WKH žUVW WLPH VLQFH when they square off against Bohemians the same day. This season looks set to be one of the tightest to date with last year’s runners up Cork City looking to go one better and the likes of Champions Dundalk, Rovers and St Pats all likely to be challenging for honours. 7KH žUVW URXQG RI WKH ($ Sports Cup will take place on 0RQGD\ 0DUFK WKH žQDO LV on September 19 while the second round of the FAI Cup is scheduled for the weekend RI 0D\ DQG WKH žQDO LV DW the Aviva Stadium on Sunday, November 8. The mid-season break will take place from June 13 until June 25 inclusive. The Premier Division season will conclude on Friday, October 30.
in his offence against Denis Siver, putting him away with a TKO in the second round having never looked like leaving third gear. Following the win McGregor vaulted the cage to confront current champ Jose Aldo who smiled back at the Irishman as security rushed to break them apart. McGregor is now set for a title shot against Aldo in Las Vegas this May where Holohan and Pendred may get to further their progress in the UFC too as the Irish takeover continues to pick up momentum.
2015 DUBLIN GAA 2014 was a disappointing season across the board for GAA in Dublin. The footballers once again won the Leinster Championship, but given they’ve won the last 9 out of 10 this has come to be expected. Add to that the National Football League and WKH 'XEV ZHUH žUP IDYRXULWHV to win the All Ireland Championship. However, a poor performance against Donegal saw Dublin dumped out of the Championship at the semižQDO VWDJH DQG WKH\ ZLOO JR into 2015 looking to take Sam Maguire back to the capital. The footballers start their league defence against a Cork team they beat in last \HDUœV VHPL žQDOV ZKLOH WKHLU Championship season begins on May 31st when they meet either Offaly or Longford in the Leinster Quarter Finals. The hurlers found themselves in the Leinster Championship Final having won the competition the year previously but fell short against an experienced Kilkenny side. With a quarter žQDO DJDLQVW 7LSSHUDU\ LQ WKH All Ireland Championship Dublin had a chance to
redeem themselves but fell to a poor loss and left 2014 without much to celebrate. 2015 is a big year for the Dublin hurler and new manager Ger Cunningham will be looking to take home silverware and get the side back to winning ways. Dublin open their league campaign against Tipperary in 2015 and will be looking to avenge that All Ireland defeat from last season while they start their championship run all over again in the Leinster Quarter žQDO DJDLQVW *DOZD\ LQ &URNH Park on May 31st in a massive double header with the footballers. The footballers started their season January 4th in the O’Byrne Cup against NUI Maynooth in Parnell Park while the hurlers got underway at the same venue against DIT on January 18th. In women’s football 2014 was a huge season and was disappointingly ended in an $OO ,UHODQG VHPL žQDO GHIHDW to the impressive Cork Ladies who went on to win team of the year at the 2014 RTE Sports Awards. The Ladies footballers will be looking for more of the same in 2015 and will be hoping this time around to take the big one home.
By Jack Madden
Dublin GAA in mourning Dublin GAA Chairman Andy Kettle passed away in December aged 68. The Fingal 5DYHQV PDQ ZDV KHDGLQJ LQWR KLV ¾IWK year at the helm of Dublin’s GAA and had overseen the county during a time of brilliant success during which the footballers won two All-Ireland titles and the hurlers won league and Leinster Championships. Known for his tireless efforts in promoting the game and attending club matches at all levels, Kettle was well liked by the media and players alike and insisted on
52 appearing in a tracksuit alongside the county players and management rather than sitting in a suit up in the stands. Kettle became ill in December when a routine check-up showed the return of cancer which he had battled 14 years ago and his health quickly declined before his death in December. He will be remembered as a great GAA man across the county and is survived by his wife Phyllis, sons Patrick, Peter and Eoin and daughters Niamh, Orla and Ciara. Ar dheis lámh Dé go raibh a anam dhílis.
Thirteen Year old Tallaght Swimmer Smashes Record!
Round Tower bring in New Football Manager Round Tower GAA Club Clondalkin have announced the appointment of Mick Hyland to the role of Senior Football Manager. Hyland is a Kildare native who has played intercounty Minor, Under 21 and Senior Football with Kildare as well as winning a Senior Football Club Championship with Monasterevin in 1977. Mick commented: “I’m delighted to take charge of Round Tower Senior Footballers and am really looking forward to meeting the players and starting the role. There is a tremendous professional attitude within Dublin IRRWEDOO DQG WKLV LV UH¿HFWHG LQ WKH players and this is something I’ll really enjoy working with. I’ll give it 100% and look forward to the challenge of Division 2 Football and the Dublin Senior Football Championship.”
Tallaght Swim Team member Antoinette Neamt deservedly won the “Swimmer of the Meet” Award when she smashed the Irish Senior 1500m Freestyle Record RQ WKH ¾QDO GD\ RI FRPSHWLWLRQ DW WKH Irish Short Course Championships in Lisburn in December. Having set the previous record of 16:40.22 at the 2013 championships, Neamt knocked almost 8 seconds off that time to set a new record of 16:32.73 making her the swimmer closest to a world record throughout the championships and winner of the award. The 13 year old ¾QLVKHG WKH PHHW ZLWK DQ ,ULVK VHQLRU and two Irish junior records and three national titles.
Do you have some sports news for us? If your local sports club has an event we should be letting our readers know about or if you know of a particularly good sports new story from the area, just email it to us on sports@intallaght.ie and you might see it in our next edition!
Rovers Return 7KH PLVFKLHYRXV ¾[WXUH computer threw up an interesting opening ¾[WXUH IRU 6KDPURFN Rovers on March 6th when St Patricks Athletic are the visitors to Tallaght for the opening game. The tie loses only some of its spice with the news that the even more mischievous disciplinary department have issued a raft of suspensions including Rovers new marquee signing Keith Fahey who makes the short journey on the Luas from Inchicore to Tallaght. It will be a year of expectation for the Hoops faithful who will fully expect Pat Fenlon to add to his considerable trophy haul in KLV ¾UVW IXOO FDPSDLJQ ZLWK WKH Rovers. The schedule has been kind to Rovers who will face the League Champions Dundalk twice at home as well Cork City ZKR ¾QLVKHG VHFRQG ODVW \HDU and perennial rivals Bohemians.
5RYHUV ZLOO SOD\ WKHLU ¾UVW SUH season game a full month before the season starts when Athlone Town visit Tallaght on February 6th, a week later on )HE WK WKH\ ZLOO SOD\ WKH ¾UVW of two overseas teams when SK Brann visit. The highlight of the pre-season campaign is without doubt the visit of the current MLS Champions, LA Galaxy who will be led out at Tallaght Stadium by Tallaght native and international superstar Robbie Keane. Tickets are sure to be at a premium, check out www.shamrockrovers. ie for details on how you can get your hands on tickets. Rovers will then make a visit to Lissywollen to take on Athlone Town in the Leinster Senior Cup on Tuesday 24th of February EHIRUH WKHLU ¾QDO ZDUP XS JDPH on the 27th when the latest installment of the Ringsend Derby takes place in Tallaght.
They will also host St Patricks Athletic twice in Tallaght, St Pats have been installed as the bookies favourites to win the league outright at 2/1 with Rovers and Dundalk both listed as second favourites followed by the last of the realistic title contenders Cork City at 11/2.
2015 is sure to be an exciting season and expectations are high with The Hoops back in Europe IRU WKH ¾UVW WLPH VLQFH DQG still seeking the elusive 25th FAI Cup there are bound to be some cracking games at the Tallaght venue. Season tickets are now on sale and more details can be found on the website www. shamrockrovers.ie.
Rovers fans will be expecting 7KH +RRSV WR FRPH ¿\LQJ RXW RI WKH WUDSV LQ WKH ¾UVW WKUHH JDPHV against Pat’s and Cork at home and Longford Town away.
Keep an eye of the Facebook page of sponsors The Square where they will be giving away tickets, gear and much much more!
2015 League Fixtures MARCH Friday 6th March Rovers v St. Patrick’s Athletic Tallaght Stadium
Saturday 14th March Longford Town v Rovers City Calling Stadium
Friday 20th March Rovers v Cork City Tallaght Stadium
Monday 23rd March or Tuesday 24th March Sligo Rovers v Rovers The Showgrounds
Friday 27th March Rovers v Bohemians Tallaght Stadium
2015 League Fixtures
Friday 15th May
Friday 17th July
Friday 3rd April
Rovers v Longford Town
Rovers v Bray Wanderers
Saturday 5th Sept.
Rovers v Galway United
Tallaght Stadium
Tallaght Stadium
Rovers v Bohemians
Tallaght Stadium
Friday 22nd May
Friday 24th July
Tallaght Stadium
Friday 10th April
Cork City v Rovers
Rovers v Limerick
Friday 18th Sept.
Derry City v Rovers
Turner’s Cross
Brandywell Stadium
8.00 pm
Tallaght Stadium
8.00 pm
Derry City v Rovers
Friday 31st July
Brandywell Stadium
7.45 pm
Friday 17th April
Drogheda United v Rovers
Friday 25th Sept.
Rovers v Dundalk
Friday 5th June
United Park
Rovers v Galway United
Tallaght Stadium
7.45 pm
Tallaght Stadium
Rovers v Sligo Rovers
Monday 20th April
Tallaght Stadium
Bray Wanderers v Rovers
Friday 12th June
Friday 7th August
Carlisle Grounds
Bohemians v Rovers
Rovers v St. Patrick’s Athletic
Friday 9th Oct.
Tallaght Stadium
Rovers v Dundalk
8.00 pm
8.00 pm
Saturday 25th April
Dalymount Park
Limerick v Rovers
Friday 26th June
Friday 14th August
Tallaght Stadium
Galway United v Rovers
Longford Town v Rovers
Saturday 17th Oct.
Eamonn Deacy Park
City Calling Stadium
Bray Wanderers v Rovers
Markets Field
7.00 pm
7.45 pm
7.45 pm
8.00 pm
8.00 pm
8.00 pm
Monday 17th August
Carlisle Grounds
5.45 pm
Saturday 24th Oct.
Friday 1st May
Rovers v Cork City
Rovers v Drogheda United
Friday 3rd July
Tallaght Stadium
Tallaght Stadium
Rovers v Derry City
Saturday 29th August
Markets Field
Sligo Rovers v Rovers
Friday 30th Oct.
8.00 pm
Friday 8th May
Tallaght Stadium
St. Patrick’s Athletic V Rovers
Friday 10th July
Richmond Park
Dundalk v Rovers
7.45 pm
Oriel Park
8.00 pm
The Showgrounds
8.00 pm
7.45 pm
Limerick v Rovers
Rovers v Drogheda United Tallaght Stadium
7.45 pm
RUA RED Hi all, Happy new year everybody – hope your 2015 has got off to a good start! Ours certainly has, and we have a jam-packed start to the year lined up too. Here’s a bit about some of the things we have coming up below. For more information about any of the events we describe here give us a call at 01 4515860, email info@ ruared.ie or check out our website. Until next time,
Th e RUA RED Team
A full list of the rooms available is on our website under “The Venue” as well as details on becoming a member with us. Alternatively you can call us at 01 451 5860 to arrange a tour.
Dodder Anglers Pop-Up Show 2XU ¾UVW 3RS 8S HYHQW RI WKH year is Casting Territory: A Contemporary River Keepers’ Index of Lesser Known Patterns - a collaborative art project produced by The Dodder Anglers Club and Martina O’Brien, which utilizes the DUW RI ¿\ W\LQJ WR H[SORUH WKH angler’s unique knowledge of entomology, physical geography and role as guardians of the River Dodder, Dublin. As part of this event we will also be hosting a free Fly Tying Event and Artist Led Discussion on Saturday the 7th February from 2-4pm. This event is free and all are welcome.
Our brand new Creative Den is opening soon!
Hire With Us At RUA RED Just a quick reminder that we have a range of rooms for hire here at RUA RED - from band rehearsals to yoga, if you have an event that requires a special space drop in and organize a tour of the building with us to see what we have on offer.
Also new for 2015 is our brand new Creative Den with thanks to IPB! A place to make and play, follow our very own RUA RED Ambassador Rua the Fox as he explores art, music and so much more. His new den will be found nestled away in our foyer, and throughout the year he will host a range of free events for all ages!
Events like: Percussion Pals Monday | 16 March | 11am Let’s make some noise! Come explore the way we make noise and listen with your RUA RED friends in the Den. For ages 2 – 6.
Mosaics Workshop Monday | 20 April | 11am Ever fancied having a go at a mosaic masterpiece? Now is your chance! The Den will be transformed into a mosaic masterclass.
Drawing Session Wednesday from 4th March, weekly | 11am Ever wanted to give drawing a go? Or maybe you are a budding artist looking for like-minded people to draw with? Pop in for our free drawing sessions, held every week in our art space! For more information about any of the above events or to book in (this is advisable, there are a limited amount of spaces and WKH\ ¾OO IDVW JLYH RXU ER[ RI¾FH a call at 01 451 5860. The Creative Den will also be open each day from 10am to 6pm stocked with materials to explore.
Writers’ Corner FOOT IN MOUTH DISEASE By Damian Murphy My wife and I went down to the pub Just the other day We thought we’d have a drink and a bit of grub It was such a beautiful day Everyone there was in great form Having a laugh and the craic But one man there did not ¾W WKH QRUP My dear wife seemed taken aback! He certainly seemed to be full of the joys, But looked like he had one too many he seemed a lot drunker than the rest of the guys though appeared much happier than any!
I wondered why this was bugging my wife so She seemed more than a little upset I asked her “Is he someone you know” Never expecting the answer I’d get!
She heard many stories after they parted About him out partying every night She felt guilty he was so broken hearted But felt she had to do what was right
She explained he was her ex boyfriend From about eighteen years ago. She brought the relationship to an end, had not seen him for twelve years or so
She heard he took heavily to the drink Friends told her he went quite mad But not for one minute did she ever think Things had got quite so bad.
At the time he was absolutely devastated He seemed to take the break up badly She felt guilty about his whole life being wasted She told me ever so sadly
Friends told her he never really settled down Went through one woman after another He seemed overly fond of being out on the town Always in one pub or the other
Be God says I, after deliberating Because she was almost in tears “Are you telling me he’s been celebrating For nigh on eighteen years”? Well it got so quiet you could hear a pin drop The atmosphere suddenly got much colder I started laughing, I just could not stop For six weeks I got the cold shoulder! The day proved a valuable life lesson for me I have since learned to keep my mouth shut The only problem with that, unfortunately Is that now I have nowhere to put my foot!
ARE YOU AN ASPIRING AUTHOR OR POET? If you’re interested in seeing your work published in InTallaght, simply submit your poem or short story (no longer than 400 words please!) to editor@ intallaght.ie and you could see your creative writing in one of our future editions!
Events JAN
21 JAN
27 JAN
31 FEB
07 FEB
09 FEB
10 ??
No Such Thing As A Silly Question (Four Week Course) Wednesdays @ 1.00pm - 3.00pm from January 21st Want to make the most out of your tablet? Createschool’s brand new 4 week course will teach you the very basics. ₏35 per term of four weeks. To book call 01 451 5860
Clondalkin Library
The ABC’s of Mindful Eating and Weight Loss
Tuesday January 27th @ 11.00am Let 2015 be the year you put dieting behind you and begin to be really healthy! Booking essential www.southdublinlibraries.ie/ events/abc039s-mindful-eating-and-weight-loss
The Square Towncentre Sunshine Party
Saturday January 31st @ 12 noon - 3.00pm Free kids’ event on Centre Mall, Level 2 Visit www.thesquare.ie/ourevents for more details
National Basketball Arena
Dublin Roller Derby v Rockcity Rollers (Eindhoven) Saturday February 7th Visit www.dublinrollerderby.com for more details
Civic Theatre (Loose End Studio) Cornerstones
Monday February 9th - Saturday February 21st (excl Sunday Feb 15th) $ VWRU\ RI KRPHOHVVQHVV WKH ; )DFWRU DQG FUXVKLQJ žUVW ORYH Tickets ₏16 and ₏12 concession civictheatre.ie/whats-on/cornerstones/#sthash.vn2HLIrM.dpuf
County Libary
The Hanging of the Kearneys in Tallaght, 1816
Tuesday Febraury 10th @ 7.00pm Lecture by Eamonn Maloney as part of the Tallaght Historical Society Lecture Series. For further information, contact Chairperson Anne Hanrahan on 01 244 1463 or 087 631 5773.
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