Green-Door Leitrim 2012 brochure

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Inspirational Homes Leitrim documents homes and buildings around Leitrim that are good examples of sustainability and/ or architecture and design. Research was carried out in 2010 that revealed a wealth of unusual and exciting buildings hidden away in the Leitrim landscape. Interviews were then conducted with the owners/architects and builders of these homes and a data base was developed that has the potential to be both extremely informative and useful, as well as inspirational.

A website was launched in June 2011 where these buildings are documented giving the inspiration, the planning and development details of each of the buildings along with a gallery of photos. The aim is to help people see what is possible, as well as what is more difficult to achieve; and to allow a useful and local network to develop that will help us learn from each other how to build, design and plan, using systems that have the environment in mind in terms of using local resources and planning for a future without oil. We held our first Green-Door Leitrim weekend in 2011 and, due to its resounding success we decided to make it into an annual event. 2012 also saw the launch of our series of ‘at homes courses’ which aims to compliment to work of the website. Photo: Duncan Stewart launches the IHL website in June 2011

Welcome to our second Green-Door Leitrim weekend, staged and coordinated by Inspirational Homes Leitrim. After the overwhelming response to the success of last year’s festival of rural architecture and design, we are delighted to be able to run again this year. As last year, we have a weekend overflowing with the chance to discover the unknown gems of the county’s building stock and to participate in some of the many building and architecture-centred activities that are awaiting you.

We have a number of new homes open this year including the award-winning ‘Butterfly house’ (LMN35), Gabriel Toolan’s town-house (LMS08) and Terry McGrogan’s permaculture inspired home (LMS04). All very different to each other, and all offering something unique.




Architect-led tours were popular last year and we are thrilled to be able to run more this year, so do be sure to catch one and see a different side to a building you may have often passed.

Many of these structures are experiments in sustainability; others are statements in themselves - combining the modern and the rural. They are at the forefront of creative, modern and sustainable building in Ireland and best of all, the owners are all willing to share their homes and their experiences with us. Green-Door Leitrim weekend is an amazing opportunity to meet, chat and network with self-builders, architects and the owners and residents of these diverse and inspirational buildings. We have a great programme of activities to compliment the open homes; this includes a debate where the audience will get the opportunity to chat with the speakers over a meal, a Bat watch, a film and social evening in Dromahair and exhibitions and children’s activities. The residents of Leitrim are proud of what they have and keen to share their successes and inspirations with a wider audience. This is what the Green-Door Leitrim weekend can do. We hope this weekend will inspire you too. Jo Lewis, project manager



Most homes and buildings are open for the times stated and you are welcome to visit whenever it suits you. If the house you visit is busy, you will be asked to wait until some people have left.

There are tours of a number of buildings and most of these will need pre-booking. Go to our events page at to book your place to avoid disappointment. Other events over the weekend can also be pre-booked and, as places are often limited it is advised to do so. See the Debate, the Bus and Cycle tours, the Film night and the children’s workshops. Take this opportunity to have a guided tour by the architect of a public building. Sean Moylan will be talking at the Agriculture and Fisheries Board building (LMS06) Saturday 1pm and 2pm

Gabriel Toolan and Colin Bell will be giving combined tours of the office (LMS07) and townhouse (LMS08) Saturday 10.30am-12pm and 12-13.30pm Eamon McCarney will be talking at the North West Health Board building (LMN07) Sun 1.30pm, 2.30pm & 3.30pm.

T i p s f o r t h e we e k e n d

Plan your day

• First decide if there is a tour that you would like to go on and book it. Then plan your day around it. Think about which other buildings that interest you are nearby. • If you are not going on a tour - make up your planned tour for the day. • Don’t try to visit too many places. You need to allow plenty of time to get the most out of your visit. • Most homes have 15-30mins drive between them.

• Drive safely, Leitrim roads are narrow. Please park responsibly. Finding your way

This is not always easy. The brochure has a small map for each home (please note different scales apply to each map) and the GPS coordinates. We also have some signs up, however the budget does not allow for one at every corner. So, if you have time, DO CHECK OUT THE ONLINE MAPS beforehand and print them off if you think you will need them.


Thursday 13th September 7.30pm

Bat Watch with Will Woodrow at Jo and Mike’s (LMN29). Page 5

Friday 14th September

6.30pm Reception and launch of the weekend at The Dock Carrick-on-Shannon Page 6

7 - 10pm Debate & Buffet at The Dock: ‘How do our future needs affect the aesthetics of building, architecture and design?’ with panel: Mike Haslem, Dominic Stevens, Deirdre McMenamin, Steve Larkin chaired by Sandra O’Connell. Page 6 - 7

Saturday 15th September

Homes and buildings in SOUTH Leitrim open to the public. Architects giving tours of some of the buildings/homes. Pages 13 - 26

11am - 2pm ‘Art and Architecture’ an ‘in conversation at The Dock with Adrian Duncan, Marta Fernandez Calvo, Nuala Flood and Declan Long. Page 8 Bus Tours from The Dock Page 10 Exhibitions at The Dock Page 10

11am - 12.30pm Children’s event at The Dock Page 10

7 - 11pm Film Night in Dromahair hosted by Cinema North West. An evening of architectural films. Page 9

Sunday 16th September

Homes and buildings in NORTH LEITRIM open to the public. Architects giving tours at some of the buildings/ homes Pages 27 - 49 Bus & Cycle Tours from Dromahair Page 12

Exhibitions at The Leitrim Sculpture Centre Page 11

2.30 - 4pm Children’s event at the Leitrim Sculpture Centre Page 11 2 3


In 2012 Leitrim Development Company has supported “Green Door” by providing funds to develop the innovative “Green Card” which involves a broad base of tourism providers and businesses in the County to contribute to and to benefit from the Green Door event. The Green Card also brings together accommodation, hospitality and activity packages for the benefit of those who wish to visit and experience Leitrim over the Green Door weekend. It is hoped that this Green Card development will encourage and develop strong linkages between the visitors to the event with local tourism providers. It will also enhance and expand the experience which all of the visitors to the Green Door event will have. Leitrim has a multitude of vey unique attractions and has very high quality accommodation, restaurants and a range of activities for all ages. The match funding for this development was generously provided by Forbo Flooring, Glenfarne Wood Products and Apex Solutions.

The Inspirational Homes Group which now oversees and plans the Green Door event became a well established and active voluntary group during 2012. The members are looking forward to sustaining the Green Door event for the future and are satisfied to partner with Leitrim Development Co. in 2012 on this innovative development which will enhance the event. The funding from Leitrim Development Co for this green card project is grant aided by the Rural Development Programme which is financed by the Irish Government under the Rural Development Programme Ireland 2007-2013 and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in Rural Areas.


Mike and Jo (LMN29) - Thursday 13th September 7.30pm What we will be doing...

FREE. Limited spaces. Booking essential.

Will Woodrow will give an introduction to bats, their ecology, their use of buildings and why we need to consider them and other wildlife in sustainable building projects. Weather permitting we hope to ‘see’ bats around Jo and Mike’s house using ultrasound bat detectors. Rationale

We have shared our living spaces with wildlife for as long as we have been building shelters. With some species such as bats and hole-nesting birds, buildings have become more important for them as their natural habitats become rarer and more under pressure from development and land use change. As we have strived to make our buildings more energy efficient and, in particular, more 'airtight' we often leave less opportunities for these species, yet consideration of biodiversity should be given a high importance in really sustainable building projects. Will intends to give an introduction to some of the issues facing such wildlife, their importance and how you can take account of them in your building projects or existing houses.

Will Woodrow has been working in the sustainability field for over 25 years. He is a licensed bat surveyor, which gives him permission to handle these protected species in the course of undertaking surveys.


Inspirational Homes Leitrim hopes to facilitate the sharing of experiences, knowledge and skills amongst anyone with an interest in making sustainable, the future of building in Ireland. We do this via our website and more recently through our ‘at home’ courses. The courses range from ‘building with cob’ to ‘Google-Sketch-up’ and the aim is to complement the website by giving hands on training into some of the techniques and expertise featured in the builds.

Many of the courses will be held at one of the featured homes on the website and will employ the expertise of the people who worked on that house… in some cases the architect, in others the builders or suppliers. All of these courses (apart from cooking from a straw-bale kitchen) are subsidised by Leitrim Development Company and, where applicable, the small charge is simply to cover the booking fee. For more information and to book go to T 071 913 4847/087 778 1914 E 4




Debate and Social Meal - €10 book online (inc. buffet & drinks) 6.30pm



Debate “The Aesthetics of Ethics” In architecture we put a lot of energy into aesthetics - “What does it look like?” The environmental movement gives us new criteria in which to invest - “How does it perform?” is the most obvious, yet - “How does it affect our future?” is perhaps the more poignant and is the core question to ask. We seek to address this question. “How do our future needs affect the aesthetics of architecture?”

Chair Panel

Dr Sandra O’Connell Mike Haslem, Steve Larkin, Deirdre McMenamin, Dominic Stevens


Buffet and break-out sessions Take a plate of delicious food and a glass of something into one of the breakout sessions led by each of the speakers


Plenary Feedback from the groups and a summary from the speakers.

Ethics and aesthetics are one and the same Ludwig Wittgenstein (1)

Over the years, our relationships with and attitudes towards food, health, energy, space, time, social relationships and (economic) value have spiraled out of control. Now, faced with the consequences of our over-consumption, we are desperately in search of ways to redress the balance. Is architecture able to play a part in restoring harmony? Can architecture help us to build a more sustainable society? From Introduction to Testify! current exhibition in the Nederlands Architectuurinstituut. (2)

The ability for humankind to house itself and conduct the everyday structures of its existence in a fashion that does not compromise our future would seem to be a progressive, pragmatic and ethical ambition. It is however an ambition largely ignored by critical architectural practice and looked upon as somehow retrograde and perhaps anti-modern. We suggest that it will be the essential component of all architectural practice in the years to come and that it is our responsibility at this time to engage in serious research into what this means to architectural culture. (1) (2) 6

Ludwig Wittgenstein – Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Abingdon: Routledge. Editors: Testify! - exhibition in the Nederlands Architectuurinstituut gb200910

PUBLIC DEBATE - PANEL Dr Sandra O’Connell: Editor of the RIAI's journal ‘Architecture Ireland’. Sandra believes that quality architecture empowers all our lives and founded HOUSE architecture design magazine for the RIAI, which communicates the value of architecture to a wider audience. Since 2006 Sandra has been curator of Ireland’s largest architectural event Open House Dublin, which inspires citizens about their architecture by providing unique access. Sandra has published extensively on Irish architecture and literature and contributed to many conferences. She is currently editing a new book on Irish Architecture 09/10 for the RIAI and a collection of essays on the Modernist Irish-Russian poet George Reavey.

Mike Haslem is a partner at Solearth Ecological Architecture and member of the RIAI, RIBA, AECB, RSUA and Easca. Mike has worked with prestigious practices; Fielden Clegg Bradley and Edward Cullinan architects, and in Germany where he worked for Boge Lindner-Boge and Urban Projekt, His projects include the holistically designed Castle Espie visitor’s centre in Ulster which has won multiple awards, a green prototype factory in Co. Wicklow, and the transformation of the Airfield Estate in Dublin. He lectures in the Dublin School of Architecture, Dublin Institute of Technology and has been a guest lecturer at University of Bath, University College Dublin, Technische Hochschule Aachen and University of West of England. His research has included applications of round-wood structure at Rehan Electronics and Hooke Park, development of theory on Slow Architecture and Building Health (bau-biologie). Steve Larkin is a musician and architect. He studied Architecture at UCD, graduating 2002. In 2007 he established Steve Larkin Architects. He is co-founder of StrandStudio 2007-2012, a shared studio for young architects in Dublin. SLA have recently won a number of awards including Highly Commended in the international AR House Awards 2012 for House at Bogwest, RIAI Best Emerging Practice 2012, RIAI Best House 2012 for House at Bogwest, RIAI Highly Commended 2012 for Teach Baile Eamonn and an AA1 Award 2012. He is a lecturer in design studio in 3rd year of the Dublin School of Architecture, DIT and 3rd Year of the School of Architecture at Queens University Belfast.

Deirdre McMenamin graduated in 1998 from Dublin Institute of Technology, Founded LiD Architecture with Dougal Sheridan in 2002 The practice focuses on the use of landscape strategies in Architecture and work includes the development of participatory design methodologies, temporary architectural strategies, prototype-development, as well as private dwellings. Tutor and Invited Reviewer at the Queens University, Belfast, University of Ulster School of Art and Design, Belfast. Dominic Stevens BArch Hons UCD. Worked for Christoph Langhof and Leipe Stegelmann, Berlin, 19891995. Lecturer in Architecture DIT. Architect-in-residence, Roscommon County Council, 2005. Editor of Building Material, the journal of the AAI, 1999-2000. AAI Awards; 1999, 2007, 2011. Arts Council/Office of Public Works: Kevin Kieran Award 2005. Selected Publications: 1999 DOMESTIC, Mermaid Turbulence, 2003 ‘What Becomes of Rural Ireland?’ in Irish Review, Cork University Press, 2007 RURAL, Mermaid Turbulence. Projects Exhibited:, Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin 2004, Eigse Carlow, 2006, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin 2010, Guggenheim, New York 2010.



The Dock - Saturday 15th September 11am - 2pm Adrian Duncan, Marta Fernandez Calvo, Nuala Flood and Declan Long are contributing to an event that will take the form of three 30-40 minute long presentations of current projects where architectural practices are employed in an art context and vice versa. Adrian, Marta and Nuala will then contribute to a discussion chaired by Declan in relation to this situation of practicing over and back between the contexts of art and architecture.



Blue Devon Function Room - Saturday 15th September €5*

Unwind after a hectic day of home-visiting with an evening of films and a chance to meet, chat and reflect on the day. Projection courtesy of Cinema North West on the big screen! 7pm BUCKMINSTER FULLER MEETS THE HIPPIES” (46 mins)

“The difference in how I believe you” Adrian Duncan, 2012. Image courtesy of artist.

Adrian Duncan is an artist, engineer and writer. He will give a presentation of the research work behind his recent exhibition at The Dock, “The Difference in How I believe you”.

Marta Fernandez Calvo is a Spanish artist who is based in Dublin. She has shown extensively in Europe, and UK (Tate and Utopia Station, Venice 2003). In mid 2010 she was invited by the architect Nicolló Nessi to act as resident artist for the Le Fil Rouge Project at Nyon, Switzerland. This project was the winner of the prestigious Europan 10 architecture award. Marta will present work from her art practice here, specifically elements pertaining to situationism and urbanism.

Nuala Flood graduated from architecture at UCD in 2004. Post graduation she worked in Paul Keogh Architects, The Office of Public Works and most recently in Sean Harrington Architects where she tackled environmental and social sustainability issues through her architectural designs. She is currently pursuing a PhD in TrinityHaus, Trinity College Dublin. The focus of her research is on how to engage the citizens of Dublin in co-designing their city. To this end she experiments with novel methods of participatory urban design, such as full scale prototyping, urban probes and interactive art installations in public space. Declan Long is a lecturer in Fine Art in NCAD. He coordinates the M.A. Art in the Contemporary World course there also.

The Bush Hotel is offering a special conference mini lunch comprising main course and coffee at €12 per person: menu to reflect local and traditional produce. Please book your place stating time you would like to eat here: Time to catch the bus out to Dominic Steven's House (p12) or get to Sean Moylan's talk at the AFF building (p18). Book online. *FREE event. Online booking recommended. 8

USA, 1966 or 1968, director unknown. Courtesy The Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller and The Buckminster Fuller Institute

Rare documentation of a conversation on utopian aspirations, rational design and Spaceship Earth as 'Bucky' speaks to a group assembled on Hippie Hill, San Francisco, at the height of the counterculture movement. This excerpt from a much longer recording, probably made for public access or student TV, serves as a compelling, if lo-fi, glimpse of a very particular moment in time and thought. Due to the nature of this rediscovered archival footage, please do not expect normal feature film quality of image from this unique film.

EAMES SHORTS (30 mins) Between 1950 and 1982, Charles and Ray Eames made over 100 short films ranging from 1-30 minutes in length. This is a selection of 3 shorts by way of introduction to the feature documentary. 8.15pm BREAK. Refreshments - tea/coffee (included in €5 fee).


Charles and Ray the husband-and-wife team of Charles and Ray Eames are widely regarded as America’s most important designers. Perhaps best remembered for their mid-century plywood and fiberglass furniture, the Eames Office also created a mind-bending variety of other products, from splints for wounded military during World War II, to photography, interiors, multi-media exhibits, graphics, games, films and toys. But their personal lives and influence on significant events in American life - from the development of modernism, to the rise of the computer age - has been less widely understood. Narrated by James Franco, Eames: The Architect and the Painter is the first film since their death dedicated to these creative geniuses and their work. Lively, gratifying… appropriately busy and abundant: full of objects, information, stories and people, organized with hectic elegance.” - A. O. Scott, New York Times

10.15pm ‘til late LOUNGE SOUNDS FROM CINEMA NORTH WEST’S COLIN MCKEOWN With thanks to the following: John Ferry and THE ESTATE OF R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER - John Nadai from Films Transit International Inc. - Paul Marchant from First Run Features - Shirley Kessler from Catticus Corporation - Denise Adams from Pyramid Media Genevieve Fong and Roz at the EAMES OFFICE -

*Film Night €5pp includes refreshments. Book online.




3rd - 17th September

Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th September 12 - 5pm

LiD Architecture


Panels showing recent work by LiD Architecture including the Butterfly House in Leitrim (2012 Best Extension Irish Architecture Awards), another award-winning extension in New Zealand, and a design for a temporary public event space in Dublin’s Docklands using stacked shipping containers.

Don’t miss this opportunity to see models from five young architecture practices. • Burke Culligan Deegan Architects • Clancy Moore Architects • Ryan W Kennihan Architects • TAKA Architects • Steve Larkin Architects

Saturday 15th September

Film shorts showing throughout the day in the foyer

Peter Cowman: Building on the Edge. (26mins) Architect Peter Cowman anticipated the collapse of the property boom. In this 2006 documentary by Johnny Gogan – Bandit Films - Peter Cowman encourages people to get inside their designs before they start to build. Building on the Edge was most recently broadcast in July 2007 for RTE.

We think that where a building is, the people that build it and how it is built are integral to the design process and the spaces that result. We hope to make buildings that provide a contemporary architecture that not only is more sustainable, but which is native to its society, and as a result characterful and appropriate. With this in mind we decided to exhibit 5 models of simple dwellings we are in the process of designing or building at the moment.

Dominic Stevens: “At Home in the Movies” Famous houses in great films by Dominic Stevens (30 mins) Collection of clips from favourite movies showing amazing buildings. Guess which bits he will include from Star Wars, North by Northwest, Blade Runner, The Big Lebowski, The Incredibles and Diamonds are forever. See if you can name the other ten films included in this collection of clips, by the buildings shown.

‘Mud and Wood’ Beautiful panels made by Féile and Colin from cob, complete with funky natural edge wood frames. These panels show off the skills of this creative ‘mudandwood’ couple; Féile’s affinity with cob and Colin’s woodworking skills complete this art work. Inspired by Lisa and Rich Goatlings (in the UK) they certainly show off the creative possibilities of working with mud!



11am - 12.30pm (90 mins) Ages 6 - 12yrs

2pm - 3.30pm (90 mins) Ages 6 - 12yrs



Using the traditional building material of mud and straw children will get the chance to plan and build a home of mud with experienced artist/builder/teachers Kevin and Natalia.

FREE but booking advisable. Phone 087 778 1914 for more details. Book online (click on the events page). 10

Using the traditional building material of mud and straw children will get the chance to plan and build a home of mud with experienced artist/builder/teachers Kevin and Natalia.

FREE but booking advisable. Phone 087 778 1914 for more details. Book online (click on the events page).



Saturday 15th September


Ple ww ase b w.i ook nsp a irat ll tou ion r alh s onli om n es. e ie

10am - 1pm ‘The Mud’ Tour Travel to see different uses of mud in renovation projects: lime expert Terry McGrogan (LMS04) at his own home, Frank and Mary (LMS05) and Yvonne and Eoin’s (LMS11) homes. 2.30 - 4.30pm ‘The Dominic Stevens’ Tour Travel to see Dominic’s own €25,000 house (LMS17) and then onto a home he designed for Sue and Diego (LMS02).

Sunday 16th September


‘Renovations vs. new Build’ A chance to compare and contrast new-builds and renovations at the following homes:

11am - 2pm Tour 1 - Niamh MacCabe the ‘Butterfly House’ (LMN35), Rob and Mairéad (LMN17) and Charlie Easterfield (LMN16).

2.30 - 5pm Tour 2 - Jo and Mike (LMN29), Gabie and Jarlath (LMN37) and Frank Clinton (LMN30). CYCLE TOURS OF HOMES AROUND DROMAHAIR LED BY ARCHITECT COLIN BELL FREE HOWEVER PLACES ARE LIMITED - PLEASE BOOK ON-LINE. Enjoy the Leitrim Landscape by visiting some of the homes by bicycle. A gentle-paced tour with only a few hills! To include some of Colin’s own designs.

11am - 2pm TOUR 1 (Sunday 16th September) Meet at Stanfords’ pub in Dromahair. A beautiful cycle out along Lough Gill then a climb up towards Lough Doon to see Niamh MacCabe’s ‘Butterfly House’ (LMN35), then back towards Dromahair to see Burkhard and Andrea (LNM19) and Grace and Joe (LMN20). Note: only 30mins allowed for at each house. Total distance approx. 18km. Back to Stanfords’ for 2pm. Lunch is available here.

2.30 - 5pm TOUR 2 (Sunday 16th September) Meet at Stanfords’ Pub Dromahair. A cycle tour around homes in the Dromahair area. Cycle out to visit: Jo and Mike (LMN29); Frank Clinton (LMN30); Michaela and John (LMN31). Note: only 30mins allowed for at each house. Total distance approx. 10km. Back approx 5pm.


LMS01 Architect

Jan Alexander

Susan and Diego

Colin Bell

Dominic Stevens



This beautiful home is built on stilts like so many of the houses in Jan's native Australia. The house is timber framed, clad with Heraklith board and has a slate roof. Irish grown timbers are used throughout. The main source of heat is a purpose built Austrian kachelofen, or tile stove, that is fuelled by wood grown on Jan's farm. Jan has promoted Irish grown timber for the past 25 years (through Crann and Pro Silva Ireland ( It was therefore important to her that in the building of her house, only native grown timbers were used. They have 9 acres, home to their pet cattle and ponies.

New build. Susan and Diego wanted something modern and visually interesting for their new family home. They loved Dominic’s design and were aware that getting something nonstandard built would be a challenge as the build would not have been previously tried and tested: ‘It was not a difficult building but it was different.’ The shape of the house resembles a ‘clachan’ (group of houses), and the deep reveals around the windows fit in with the vernacular. The home nestles into the countryside and provides a comfortable home as well as a suitable environment in which to work. Open plan areas and smaller quieter rooms.

LOCATION Lakefield, Bawnboy

LOCATION Corrabeagh, Foxfield


Saturday 15th September 2 - 5pm only.


Saturday 15th September 12 - 4pm. 20 mins Carrick-on-Shannon. (+54° 042205 -7° 88651) Easy access, off small road. Parking near lake, follow signs.

(+54° 111105 -7° 690478) Easy to access. Easy parking.

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Design – low impact

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

• Rain water collection • Solar panels

• Part green roof

• Compost toilets

• Geothermal heating

• Locally sourced materials

• Auro natural paints

• Reed bed system with flags

• Solar gain

• Kachelofen oven

• Vegetable garden 14


LMS04 Architect

Terry McGrogan

Mary and Frank


Extension and gardens only. Currently working on mud plastering his house, Terry, who is a builder and lime/hemp and cob expert, will happily give demonstrations of his work. Using mud, straw and hemp Terry created a trial wall 10 years ago where you can clearly see the different materials used and how they have weathered. Permaculture principles at work throughout, from the design of the extension through to the garden and young woodland planted through the forestry services and the CRANN project.

This home been in Frank’s family for 6 generations. All the work was done through the Lá Nua project whose criteria were that the methods and materials employed should be faithful to the original combined with new eco-technolgies where possible. Thus they have lime and stone work combined with rubber slates. Frank remembers summers spent in this home of his grandparents and how many children would be bedded down in the three small rooms. Now the three bedrooms and ensuite facilities sleep 6 comfortably; highlighting the changing times in the history of Irish homes.

LOCATION Crummy. 10 mins from

LOCATION Aghacashel, 30 mins from


Saturday 15th September 11am - 5pm. Ballinamore or Drumshanbo*. (+54° 052788 -7° 915907) Down a small lane. Follow signs for parking

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Self-build

• Solar gain design

• Local & natural materials

• Permaculture garden: vegetable, fruit bushes and trees

• Young woodland planted with the help of CRANN 16

*Ask for short cut from here to Frank and Mary’s home (LMS05)


Saturday 15th September 11am - 5pm. Carrick-on-Shannon*. (+54° 06 319 -7° 91 637) Access down a good but small lane, 1km off the main road. Parking outside the house.

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

• Hemp and lime render included sand and clay from the surrounding land • Lamb’s wool insulation

• Recycled rubber slates

*Ask for short cut from here to Terry McGrogan’s home (LMS04)


LMS06 Architect

Dept of Agriculture & Fisheries & Food Offices

A unique opportunity to see inside this very modern office and hear the architect talk about his remit for the build and his aims and inspirations for the design. The two wooden-clad rectangular boxes have an imposing presence and are unexpected on such a small rural road. Never visible in its entirety it is hard to know the scale of the building or to know of its internal courtyards. Open-plan airy interior spaces with polished concrete and timber finishes give a cool and clean feel. Large windows and, as one reviewer put it: ‘this window feels like an enormous artist’s canvas portraying to the workforce why they come to work every day - to be part of the productive landscape for which they have an administrative responsibility’! OPEN

Saturday 15th September. Tours only. FREE tours: 1 - 2pm and 3 - 4pm by Sean Moylan. Book online.

Colin Bell



These offices are built on the site of Gabriel’s family homes. Colin’s remit was to build an office in the most ecological way possible and it was found that a concrete and steel structure was the most energy efficient and sustainable way to build an office. A natural ventilation system is used throughout the offices and helps to create a healthy working environment. A large atrium dominates the reception and shows off the height of the build and a green car park, a court yard and roof gardens make up the original footprint of the building. OPEN

Saturday 15th September. Tours only. FREE combined tours of the office and town house by Gabriel Toolan and Colin Bell at 10.30am - 12pm and 12am - 13.30pm. Book online.

LOCATION Ballinamore High Street

(+54° 05 263 -7° 79 960). Easy access. Parking on main street.

LOCATION Aughacashel Rd, Drumshanbo

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

(+54° 048270 -8° 038774) Easy Acces with lots of parking.

• Researched best eco way to build an office space

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Green areas to match the footprint of building

• Passive energy strategy

• Natural ventilation system

• Concrete and ecocem GGBS (by-product of steel industry) 18

Gabriel Toolan Offices

Sean Moylan

• Marmoleum (natural/linseed lino) flooring

• Heated with a wood pellet burner no oil & passive heat from south-facing solar gain


Gabriel Toolan


Kevin Callaghan

Colin Bell


Town house that used to be ‘Toolan and Son’ solicitor’s offices. Interior completely redesigned by Colin Bell with the first floor being cleverly taken back to allow more light in from the street to the kitchen/living area. All the wood has been beautifully handcrafted throughout. The stairs by Dicky Gabel and the kitchen manufactured and supplied by Noel Bell. The house goes back a long way allowing for a larger living room, bed room and bathroom. OPEN

Saturday 15th September. Tours only. FREE combined tours of the office and town house by Gabriel Toolan and Colin Bell at 10.30am - 12pm and 12am - 13.30pm (tour starts at the office). Book online.

LOCATION Ballinamore High Street

(+54 05 236 -7.79960) Easy parking.

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

Self- designed and self-built house. Kevin had always wanted to build his own house so designed it himself over a period of time; elements of it were based on the 28’ sail boat that he used to own in San Francisco. This very comfortable and highly finished home shows off ‘Builder in Leitrim’ Kevin’s skills. Now, with a keen interest in the environment Kevin is turning his building skills to more sustainable materials and technologies. Timber frame workshop and tree-house/sauna are great features on site worth visiting. OPEN

Saturday 15th September 1pm - 5pm.

LOCATION Cooldrumman More, Fenagh.

30 mins from Carrick-on-Shannon. (+54 019368 -7 885222) Access on a long lane. Easy parking

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

• All Irish timber

• Renovation of an old property with extra insulation

• Productive garden

• Vegetables garden

• Kachelofen

• Goats for milk

• Local materials



• Kachelofen (self-built)


LMS11 Architect

Yvonne and Eoin

The Old Rectory Patrick and Julie Curren

Deirdre Meagher


A renovated 18th century stone & mud cottage with a thatch roof and a very modern timberclad extension to the rear. Designed by conservation architect Deirdre, the old cottage has been faithfully restored using traditional building methods and materials (no cement used anywhere in the old cottage) and connects at the back by a corridor to the new eco-friendly extension. A very clever fusion of old and new in look and feel. Yvonne and Eoin have done a lot of the work themselves and are passionate about the use of organic and natural materials.

Two renovation projects here, that of a listed building - the Old Rectory - and that of the renovated outbuildings with sustainable features. This project has been in the making for the past 15 years, careful consideration was given to ensure that the character and history of the building was preserved. The apartments are finished to a high standard and have a rainwater harvesting system, solar panels and are highly insulated. The gardens add to the stately feel of this home.

LOCATION Cooldrumman Beg, Foxfield.

LOCATION Glebe, Fenagh. 25 mins from


Saturday 15th September 11am - 5pm. 30 mins from Carrick-on-Shannon. (+54° 01 205 -7° 88 123) Access along a long lane.

Saturday 15th September 11am - 5pm. Carrick-on-Shannon. (+54° 018057 -7.836084) Off the main road. Easy parking.

Su st a i n a ble Fe at u re s

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Renovation of buildings

• Conservation of old building

• Rainwater harvesting

• Use of lime,hemp and thatch

• Solar panel

• Local materials and labour

• High insulation

• All organic paints



• Productive gardens



Mike and Bernadette

Dominic Stevens

Dominic Stevens



Photos by Ros Kavanagh

Mike bought this land with a number of buildings on it: a 1970’s bungalow, stone buildings from 1900’s and 1930’s and the ruins of a 1700’s clay house. With the aim of restoring a historical site for modern day use. An original Clachan - (collection of houses) he knows that this was once a thriving economic centre for the area. As a builder he is gradually renovating them all using traditional building materials and methods. One stone building is now used as artists’ studios and accommodation; another is a small museum and occasional session venue. He is now finishing the last piece in the jigsaw - the clay house. It has recently been thatched by Orla O’Neill. Mike has a passion for history and traditional materials used. He brings the use of these materials back to life through use and demonstration and will be on hand to talk about all the renovations and the new clay house. OPEN

Saturday 15th September 11am - 5pm.


Saturday 15th September 11am - 4pm. Tours on the hour - please arrive a few minutes before the hour. No booking.

LOCATION Cloone, 30 mins from

Carrick-on-Shannon. (+53° 94 325 -7° 82 140) Good access. Limited parking outside the house. Follow signs.

LOCATION Moyne, 25 mins from

Carrick-on Shannon. (+53° 919701 -7° 643995) Easy access and lots of parking.

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Low cost - possible no-mortgage build

• Use of innovative and recycled materials

• Conservation of old building

• Well insulated

• Use of all local materials 24

New self-build. AAI 2011 Award winning ‘house’. The architect’s own home; self- designed and self-built this is a project for Dominic whose concerns are the economics of sustainability and rural living. Built for just €25,000, with the help of friends, neighbours and family. A clever use of alternative materials has kept costs down. Dominic says: “To pay back some of the social debt, I have made the plans and building instructions available for free on an interactive website so that this knowledge may, as was the case in the vernacular tradition, be held in common” A unique opportunity to meet the architect and see his own home.



Lough Allen Adventure Centre - Kevin Currid

A timber-frame building designed and built by Kevin Currid. The centre originally started 20 years ago with a trailer, then a hut, then a bigger hut and now this purpose built building. A large open-plan ‘cathedral-like’ space gives the centre its reception, meeting and socialising space. Huge beams form the main structure which is cedar-clad. Flanked by a stream and overlooking Lough Allen, this is a beautiful spot from which to start an adventure. Visit for more information. OPEN

Saturday 15th September 11am - 5pm.

LOCATION Ballinaglera, 20 mins from

Carrick-on Shannon. (+54° 13 015 -8° 01 753) Access off main road. Parking limited at centre. Parking at lakeside 500m down – follow signs.

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Kevin can walk to work • Local materials

• Well insulated - cellulose

• Wood pellet burner and solar panels

• He hopes to incorporate wind, hydro & photovoltaic electricity generation this year 26



Ciara and Gareth

Teapot Lane Luxury Camp - Derval McGovern

A ‘home in progress’. A timber-framed cob house being lovingly built by organic gardener Ciara Barrett and Physical Therapist Gareth Phelan. South facing windows and a central wood-burner, coupled with sheep’s wool insulation make this a cosy retreat. OPEN

Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm. Tours: 12, 2pm and 4pm. Book online.

LOCATION Creevykeel, Cliffoney. 20 mins from Sligo.

((+54° 43 0 559 -8° 45 432) Parking at the house next door. Follow signs.

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Self-build

A beautifully restored thatch cottage on 5 acres of woodland, this luxury eco retreat also houses 3 stunning yurts (luxury hand crafted tents) This is an opportunity to have a look at the house and the camp in its beautiful setting (this includes a fairy fort). See for full details. OPEN

Sunday 16th September 11am - 4pm.

LOCATION Tawley, 30 mins from Sligo.

(+54.44549 -8.384886) Access via small lane that leads to parking. Follow signs.

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

• Solar gain design • Mortgage free

• Natural materials

• Low impact holidays: Yurts have no electricity. Lighting is by candle and lamps and heating by a small wood burning stove

• Compost toilet

• Thatch

• Local materials

• Sheep’s wool insulation

• Compost toilets

• Solar panels

• Temporary structures – low footprint

• Rain water collection 28



LMN05 Architect

The Organic Centre

Manorhamilton North Western Health Board

Colin Bell

Eamon McCarney - Taylor Architects

Talk 1 - 2pm FREE. Ollan Herr from Reed Beds Ireland will be giving a lunchtime talk here on ‘Natural Waste Water Treatment Systems’ . This is a great opportunity to get some expert information, to see the set up at The Organic Centre and to have your questions answered. A topic soon to affect everyone - get informed now! Also a chance to visit the centre and see the green-building. OPEN

Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm*.

LOCATION Rossinver, 15 mins from Manorhamilton. (+54° 39 249 -8° 11 930).

Easy access and ample parking.

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Timber-framed structure & grass roof



We are delighted this year that Eamon McCarney from Taylor architects, winners of this year’s RIAI “PUBLIC CHOICE” AWARD and “SUSTAINABLE” AWARD for their NUIG Engineering Building will be giving a talk here about ‘Sustainabilty in Public Buildings’. He will also give two tours of this NWHB office; a modern building with a striking design that looks out over Manorhamilton and the surrounding area. An amazing contrast of history and modernity, with the old fever hospital still standing on the site. This is a unique opportunity to view the building from inside out; spectacular views from the conference room. OPEN

Sunday 16th September. Tours only. Book online (FREE). Tour 1.30 - 2.30pm Talk 2.30 - 3.30pm Tour 3.30 - 4.30pm

LOCATION Enniskillen Rd, Manorhamilton.

• Local materials

(+54° 30 382 -8° 16 691) Easy access and ample parking.

• Extensive organic vegetable gardens • Polytunnels & Orchard

• Flower beds for diversity • Reed bed system


Delicious Organic Lunch: €10 pre-booking essential online 30


LMN10 Architect

Fiona and Mark

Síle Mills

LiD Architects - Deirdre McMenamin

Renovated and extended stone cottage with an award winning design (AAI 2010) by LiD Architect’s Deirdre McMenamin. Next to the waterfall ‘Sruthinaghidhanairde’: ‘the stream that flows upwards’ and overlooking Glencar lake. The house won an award for its amazing ‘Landscape Room’ which opens out into the garden. Clever fusion of the old cottage with a modern extension. Beautiful and productive gardens. OPEN

Sunday 16th September. Tours only. Booking essential. Tours: 10 - 11am and 12 - 1pm and 2 - 3pm.

LOCATION Near Glencar Waterfall,


Beautifully restored country house with a modern extension. Fabulous gardens: cottage garden, vegetable garden wildlife pond, green-house, woodlands. Designed and project managed by Síle, this renovation and extension is artistic as well as faithful to local materials and traditional craftsmenship. See for more details. OPEN

Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm.

LOCATION Hill House, Monesk, Blacklion, 20 mins from Manorhamilton.

(+54° 26 692 -7° 96 251). Easy access and ample parking.

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

15 mins from Sligo. (+54° 20 339, -8° 23 352) Very limited parking at the house. Otherwise at Glencar Waterfall car park - 1 mile away or entrance to Glencar Water in opposite direction 0.5 mile away.

• Local materials • Lime render

• Solar panels

• Wood fired heating

• Productive gardens • Wildlife habitat

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Passive solar gain through glazed extension

• Renovation of old cottage

• Extensive vegetable and flower garden • Pond with ducks

• Woodland area with 2 pigs 32



Max and Anna Marie

The Old School House - Mike McCann


Timber house on stilts with an unusual butterfly roof. Self-designed and self-built by furnituremaker Max. Compact well thought-out build that fits well into its surroundings. This home has been ‘finished’ and they have moved in since last year’s Green-Door. Sheep’s wool insulation, heated by a central wood-burner. Max is has now started to build his workshed. See his blog for more information:

An old school house given a new lease of life and renovated into a four star self-catering accommodation with the EU flower. Mike’s aims were to preserve the old building and to fuse a modern interior with the old exterior. He undertook on the work himself and saw it as a challenge to see how ‘green’ he could make the building. A sunny extension make makes the building light, warm and spacious.

LOCATION Glenboy, 10 mins from Manorhamilton.

LOCATION Meenaslieve, Dowra. Off the Dowra to Blacklion Road.


Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm.


Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm. 20 mins from Manorhamilton. (+54° 21 662 -7° 98 096) Easy access & lots of parking.

(+54° 28 942 -8° 11 820) Access up a good track. Some parking - follow signs.

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

• Timber frame and cladding

• Solar panels

• Small footprint

• Wood pellet boiler

• Sheep’s wool insulation

• High levels of insulation

• Solar gain

• Rainwater harvesting is used for the toilet flushing

• Reed bed

• Reed bed

• EU Eco label 34


LMN16 Architect

Charlie Easterfield

Rob and Mairéad

Colin Bell

Build entirely project managed by Charlie herself. Timber framed house on stilts. Home designed to fit the needs of the artist home-owner. Open-plan and filled with light. Large open space, highly insulated and easily heated by a central wood-burner. The decking provides keen gardener Charlie space to grow plants close to the shelter of the home, and a viewing point for the rest of the garden which includes amazing borders, a pond, trees and polytunnel. OPEN

Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm.

LOCATION Albert’s Lane, 10 mins

from Dromahair. (+54° 26 382 -8° 23 219) Access up a long single track lane. Parking limited. Park on the road and walk up - 10mins or follow signs.

Traditional stone cottage renovated and extended using local materials and skills. Lime screed floors and lime rendered walls inside and out. Beautiful creative spaces thoughout, joinery by journeymen/women from Germany giving high quality craftsmanship and level of finish. Living off grid was one of their main aims for living here, all their power needs are met by wind and hydro power. Productive gardens and polytunnel. OPEN

Sunday 16th Sept 11am - 5pm Tours of house, alternative energy systems and garden on the hour, last tour at 4pm.

LOCATION Bohey, 10 mins from Dromahair.

(+54° 26 978 -8° 24 498) Access up a narrow lane. Some parking – follow signs.

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Renovation rather than new-build

• Productive garden

• Polytunnel & vegetable garden

• Timber build

• Use of lime and hemp

• Wood burning heating



• Hydro scheme from stream & wind turbine • Compost toilet in garden

• Use of wood for all heating needs

Tea & buns will be provided on the day. Donations for Diversity Sligo would be appreciated. 37

LMN19 Architect

Burkhard Herrmann

Grace & Joe - The Mimetic House

Colin Bell

Dominic Stevens

Self-built, this timber-framed single storey house was built as per the ‘Walter Segal methods of building for the self-builder’; as they saw these ideas as being ecologically sound. The orientation of the house was crucial and was positioned to ensure the best light in the rooms. A conservatory provides a wonderful light living space. Andrea is a therapist for sports massage and reflexology, they have built a timber-framed therapy-room in their garden for her work. Burkhard and his son Doran recently built a pizza-oven and weather permitting, will be giving demonstrations on the day. OPEN

Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm.

LOCATION Sriff, 5 mins from Dromahair.

(+54.251562 -8°.316007) Easy access, off small road. Parking at the house.

Grace and Joe are both artists of international standing who were living and working in Dublin. When they decided to build in Grace’s family home county, they contacted the architect Dominic Stevens. They asked him for an ‘unashamedly modern house’ and the first design that he came up with they loved; Dominic had taken on board one of Grace’s pieces of work about clouds and that is certainly reflected in the design through its constantly changing appearance, as it reflects the ever-changing sky and landscape around it. The result is a home that they love and suits them. OPEN

Sunday 16th September. Note: Unfortunately this house cannot be viewed inside. However, architect Dominic Stevens will be on hand to give tours. Tours: 12pm, 1pm, 2pm & 3pm. Book online. (+54° 243989 -8° 30 1287) Park on road and walk down lane to the house.

• Low impact on surrounds

Eco El e m e nt s

• Passive solar heating where possible through the aspect of house

• Use of recycled materials (tyres)

• Solar panels

• Use of materials that were manufactured originally for something different, he would use them in a non-standard way

• Hunter stove in the kitchen with back boiler • Wood burner in bathroom to heat bath water • Green house & polytunnel 38


LOCATION Sriff, 5 mins from Dromahair.

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Conservatory


• The low/no mortgage can be considered an eco-element in design


LMN21 Architect

Ard Nahoo - Noeleen Tyrell

Mike and Jo

Peter Cowman

Colin Bell

Eco-retreat, yoga room and family home. A cluster of buildings nestle into the landscape overlooking Lough Nahoo. Renovated stone cottages and a number of timber-framed buildings at the centre of which is the stunning yoga room designed by Peter Cowman and Noeleen. As an eco-retreat everything was carefully considered in terms of the environment before it was used. The natural feel of the buildings’ materials adds to the overall ambiance of the retreat. Visit for full details. OPEN

Sunday 16th September. 11am - 12pm Yoga lesson with Noeleen followed by tea and cake €15. Book online

Self build. Traditional cottage with straw bale extension. 100 year old stone cottage, renovated and extended by Mike. Straw bale extension with a timber frame leads from the old cottage to an open plan kitchen and living room. Large windows face southwards for maximum solar gain. A green roof on the extension planted with wild flower seeds. Lime render throughout. OPEN

Sunday 16th September. Tours on the hour from 11am - 4pm No booking.

LOCATION Edergole, 5 mins from Dromahair. (+54° 21 504 -8° 31 368).

Access up small lane - 400m - to parking at house. For alternative parking follow signs and walk up lane (10 mins).

• Straw-bale build & Lime render

(+54° 24 331 -8° 29 888) Follow Ard Nahoo signage.

• Green roof

• Local materials

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Wood burner heating

• Irish timber framed and Cedar cladding

• Compost toilet

• Hemp insulated

• Productive garden

• Heated with pellet stoves

• Finished with natural paints 40


Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

LOCATION Mullagh, 5 mins from Dromahair.

• Powered by Airtricity


BAT WATCH (page 5) Thursday 13th September 7.30pm


LMN30 Architect

Frank Clinton

Michaela and John

Ghislain Luthers

Thomas Flynn

Unusual modern design which fits well into the farming landscape, through the barn style curved roof. The timber on the outside also blends with the countryside. Inside a very modern design and high spec finish throughout. Ghislain's exacting standards mean that the skill of the workmen is apparent throughout from the handcrafted stairs to the polished plaster. OPEN

Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm. Architect Ghislain Luthers will be on hand to answer questions.

Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm.

LOCATION 10 mins from Dromahair.

from Dromahair. (+54° 20 728 -8° 29 467) Access off a small road. Very limited parking please follow signs.

(+54° 191 144 -8° 30 694) Access up a small lane. Ample parking at the house.

Su st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Geothermal heating

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Renovation of old barn

• Minimal impact on the land

• Re-use of old stone

• A horticultural report on the site was undertaken

• Pigs

• Solar gain through windows 42


Renovated and extended house. The house has been renovated and joined to an existing barn in a creative way. The two spaces have been bought together whilst at the same time keeping their individuality: the old barn is the adult, quiet space - whereas the house has been made bright and open with a fluid changeable space for the family. John is an engineer and did all of the work himself including installing his own geothermal heat pump. Recently bought miniature pigs to keep weeds down. OPEN

LOCATION Killenummery, 5 mins



LMN34 Architect

Leitrim Sculpture Centre

Niamh MacCabe

Colin Bell

Dierdre McMenamin - LiD Architects

The Leitrim Sculpture Centre was established in 1997 in Manorhamilton to facilitate the training and professional needs of artists across the North West. The objective was to provide a high quality working facility for practising artists in traditional and contemporary sculpture techniques. Refurbishment of the centre happened in 2006-2008. Colin Bell undertook the design which included the new heat recovery system. OPEN Sat 15th & Sun 16th September 12 - 5pm. See ‘Exhibition’ page for details. LOCATION New Line, Manorhamilton (+54° 30 555 -8° 17 597).

Access via main road. On street parking.



This award-winning ‘Butterfly house’ was designed by LiD Architects. This transformation of an existing dormer cottage into a larger family home is nestled in the Doon Lough landscape. They have retained the existing cottage and built on a dramatic sun-filled space with views out to the site and surrounding hills for the living areas. The old cottage contains all the ancillary and private spaces. The timber-framed extension, beautifully relates to the rural site. OPEN

Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm. Architect Dierdre McMenamin will be on hand to answer questions.

LOCATION Doon Lough, Fivemilebourne.

10 mins from Dromahair. (+54°.278781 -8.321071) Up a small lane. Parking in drive and on road.

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

• Renovation of buildings • High insulation

• Low impact on landscape



Lyn and Steve


Gabie and Jarlath

Self-build renovation project. Vernacular 3 roomed stone built cottage believed to have been built circa 1790. Currently under loving restoration. Walls stripped of concrete render, new floor, new roof. Most of the building works done have been carried out by Steve, who is a precision engineer. Also a small holding with vegetable gardens, polytunnels, fruit trees and many pets, including Alpacas and pot bellied pigs. In the barn, they have built a series of pods from waterproof ply, providing warm, dry and clean areas for their various hobbies. OPEN Sunday 16th September 11am - 5pm. LOCATION Killeen, 10 mins from Dromahair.

(+53° 202592 -8° 277855) Narrow road, parking outside the house.

Vernacular stone-built farm house lovingly restored. Consideration to detail makes this a beautiful, damp-free and warm home. Original rooms kept with the fittings and décor being a clever mix of traditional and modern. Courtyard at the back with out-houses, creates a private outside space. Modern sustainable technologies used some more successful than others. Jarlath has a studio for his Amatsu practice in one of the converted stables. Creative and productive gardens (work in progress) with polytunnel, vegetable beds and decorative borders. OPEN

Sunday 16th September. Tours only. Booking recommended. Tours: 11 - 12am and 3 - 4pm and 4 - 5pm.

LOCATION Cleighran, 10 mins from

Dromahair. (+53° 187904 -8° 338709) Small road. Parking at the house.

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

• Renovation of old stone house

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

• Use of recycled glass bottle insulation in the dry lining

• Renovation of old stone house & stables

• Spring well

• Heat recovery system (not satisfactory)

• Well insulated

• Lime pointing

• Productive gardens

• Use of innovative and recycled materials

• Polytunnel & green house • Spring well

• Well insulated

• Productive gardens 46


• Powered by Airtricity


LMN38 Architect

Sara and Frank

Féile and Colin


Féile Butler

New self-build. Home to the two architects Sara Connolly and Frank Pastor. Moving back from the US, the chance to build on Sara’s homeland was the perfect opportunity for them to design and create their family home. A modern design with open-plan living spaces. Windows are a big feature throughout with different shapes and sizes offering views over the amazing mountainous and coastal landscape. Their boating hobbies are an influence throughout. OPEN

Sunday 16th September 11am - 4pm.


This home is in Co. Sligo, however, because of its significance in the area for training in cob building (see we decided to include it. Here we have the perfect combination for a self-build project: an architect and a carpenter! Together they have created this beautiful sculpted cob (mud and straw) family home. The house is full of light, designed to make the most of the sun. Built using some very ancient methods and materials, it is an efficient, comfortable, contemporary home.

LOCATION Cloonty, Cliffoney PO. 20 mins from Sligo.

OPEN Sunday 16th September 11am - 4pm. Cob demonstrations. LOCATION Grange Beg, Skreen, 20 mins from Ballysadare.

S u st a i n a bl e Fe at u re s

Su st a i n a bl e Fe a t u re s

(+54.421577 -8.413038) Good access. Limited parking outside the house. Follow signs.


(+54° 14 009 -8° 46 014) Good access. Limited parking outside the house. Follow signs.

• Geothermal heat source

• Low-mortgage build

• Well insulated

• Insulation - LECA, straw-bale, wood fibre and salvaged polystyrene

• Passive solar design

• Use of salvaged and waste materials • Hempire hemp-lime external render • Biochrome natural paints

• Passive solar gain & solar water panels • Rainwater harvesting 48


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The North West of Ireland is under threat! The Government has granted options licences for shale gas extraction. Gas drilling companies are proposing 9,000 wells in this area, with a drilling pad every 2kms. This process threatens human and animal health. The future is in your hands don’t let it get fracked. Visit these websites for more information: http://nofrackingireland/wordpress Contact:

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Fáilte chuig Óstán Bush! 200 years of hospitality in the heart of Carrick.

One of Ireland’s oldest hotels, the Bush started life as an Inn and resting point for tired travellers and their weary horses on the Bianconi Stage Coach route between Dublin and the Northwest. In the early 1900’s the Hotel backed onto 4 acres of pasture and gardens with stables (and bedding for guests’ Horses) and was largely self sufficient in fruit and vegetables, poultry, beef, lamb, pork and bacon. In fact surplus meat from the farm was sold in the Hotel’s own butcher shop which is now a Coffee Shop. In 1912 guest bedrooms were dimly lit by gas lamps (the original gas pipe lines still exist). Heat and hot water came from local fire wood and low grade coal from the adjacent Arigna Mountains (15km from Hotel). Each bedroom had its own fireplace (such as the beautiful fireplace from Room One now restored in the visitors lounge. Guest bathrooms were shared (c 2. per corridor) and a hot bath was pre booked and filled by the night porter but at an additional cost of 2 pence in 1918! In modern terms the Bush was self-sufficient and environmentally self-sustaining with a very low carbon footprint indeed!

Bush Hotel 2012

Today the tradition of Inn keeping continues and the Hotel has been sympathetically and sensitively restored as an award winning boutique hotel with open fires, themed lounges and bars, coffee shop and restaurant with innovative and often cheeky cuisine, chic bedrooms along with extensive and flexible conference and banqueting facilities seamlessly blending modern day living with old world charm. The Hotel is steeped in history, charm and character with many memorabilia from the past. But so also preserved is the Hotels sustainability; the Bush has received many national and international recognitions particularly for its environmental management program and is the first Hotel in Ireland and the UK to receive the European Ecolabel ’Flower’ Award recognizing exceptional environmental performance. The Hotel is privately owned and managed by the Dolan family whose mission is simply to ‘provide all our customers with exceptional honest, ethical and personal service in a respectful and sustainable way (after all you give us our livelihood!)’. However the Hotel’s social responsibility extends beyond environmental issues. ‘Of course we care about our environment but we also are proud and passionate about community and particularly our 60 wonderful and mainly local employees... Happy People Making People Happy! The Hotel has initiated and partnered a number of innovative projects supporting local Sport, Education, Youth, Culture Arts and Disadvantaged groups. The Hotel has an artist in residence researching aspects of the Hotel’s rich history and has recently been shortlisted as a finalist in Chambers Ireland Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2012.

A small exhibition of the Bush Hotel’s symbiotic relationship with it’s community through its Corporate Social Responsibility program will be on display for the Leitrim Green Home event.

Enjoy your visit! Managing Director

Bush Hotel 1927

Bush Hotel, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim, Ireland T +353 71 96 71000 | E |


Thanks to all the homeowners, architects, designers and wonderful volunteers who have given their time freely over the weekend; Green-Door wouldn’t happen without them. Also a big thanks to Brian Smyth, Leitrim Development Company, Gabie Devaney - Double Dutch Design, Carolin Devaney - inTandem, John the Map, Colin McKeown, Cinema North West, Martin, Claire and Ciara at The Dock, Mike, Gordon, Dominic, Kevin and Ciarån of the IHL steering group.

For more information, please visit or contact Jo Lewis on 071 913 4847 / 087 778 1914

This project received grant aid from the Leitrim Development Company Rural Development Programme which is financed by the Irish Government under the Rural Development Programme Ireland 2007-2013 and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural And Fรกilte Ireland, Leitrim County Council and is sponsored by Forbo Flooring.

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