Green Door 2017

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Homes and buildings are open for the times stated and you are welcome to visit whenever it suits you during those times.

Please do NOT arrive earlier than the opening time as homeowners will be busy getting ready for their day ahead. If the house you visit is busy, you will be asked to wait until some people have left. Booking: All bus and cycle tours and workshops must be pre-booked on our website (click on the events page). Some other events/tours whilst FREE, can also be pre-booked online and, as places are often limited, it is advised to do so. See some of the homes, the Debate, the Film Night and the Children’s Workshops.

The weekend is mainly free although there is a small charge for some events to cover the costs. TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO ‘DWELL’ IN SOME OF THE HOMES:

On Saturday 30th September Natalia and Willie will be showing short films in their cinema (LMS23); Kevin Callaghan is giving a talk on the Kachelofen oven at his home (LMS10) and Terry Grogan will be giving lime demonstrations at John Bent’s home (LMS11). On Sunday 1st October Johnny Gogan will be showing a documentary made for RTE by Johnny about Peter Cowman in his self-built cob film studio (LMN28) and a dip into an artist’s studio can be had at Christ and Martha’s (SL07).

Tips for the weekend

TOP TIP - Please read this programme carefully, check the dates, day and times of the events and plan your weekend ahead. PLAN YOUR DAYS

• First decide if there is a tour or workshop that you would like to go on and book it. Then plan your day around it. Think about which other buildings that interest you are nearby. • If you are not going on a tour - make up your planned tour for the day.

• Don’t try to visit too many places. You need to allow plenty of time to get the most out of your visit. • Most homes have 15 - 30 mins drive between them.

• Drive safely, country roads are narrow. Please park responsibly.


Welcome to our fourth Green-Door weekend. We are delighted to be bringing you the Festival of Rural Architecture and Design 2017. Previously held in 2011, 2012 and 2015, the aim of the weekend remains the same, to promote discussion amongst ourselves, about sustainable living and building in the countryside.

We are all acutely aware of our responsibility to the environment and all of the participating homeowners demonstrate this through their choice of building materials, design, technologies and ways of life. This is our chance to see for ourselves what works - and also sometimes, what does not. This is also an opportunity to engage with each other and form new connections within our disparate communities. This year we are delighted to have collaborated closely with The Dock Arts Centre and The Leitrim Sculpture Centre. The ‘Thinking, Dwelling, Living’ exhibition at The Dock (26th Aug-14th Oct), curated by director Sarah Searson, is designed to underpin the Green-Door weekend - responding to some of the homes and homeowners directly and bringing a consideration of architecture into the gallery (see pages 6-8). We have also brought on-board Sligo IT Architecture students and really look forward to seeing how their project around the theme of ‘Building, Dwelling, Thinking – Sensing Spaces through Light’ unfolds (see page 10).


This is not always easy. Each home has directions and the GPS coordinates. We also have some signs up, however the budget does not allow for one at every corner. SO PLEASE DO CHECK OUT THE ONLINE MAPS beforehand and print them off if you think you will need them. For your interest, this year we have included the icons below to highlight homes with rainwater harvesting, gardens of interest and artist studios. Full details of each property can be found on our website

The Dock

Sligo IT

Leitrim Sculpture Centre

Eleven new homes and buildings have been added this year, all very different to each other, and all offering something unique. So, if you have been to Green-Door before there is still more for you to see. Also we have a weekend programme packed with activities to compliment the open homes; this includes exhibitions, workshops, talks, films and children’s activities. Please note: With so much on, I urge you to read the programme carefully and to plan your weekend ahead. The homeowners are proud of what they have and are keen to share their successes and inspirations with a wider audience and this is what Green-Door facilitates. We hope this weekend will inspire you too. Jo Lewis, Festival Director




saturday 26th August - saturday 14th October Daily 10am - 5pm EXhIBITION Tuesday - saturday

‘Thinking, Living, Dwelling’, The Dock


Thursday 28 september th

7.30 - 9.30pm

WOrkshOp Exploring 'Thinking' as an action, The Glens





Friday 29th september 7.30 - 10.30pm


reception and Launch of the weekend, The Dock

‘Building, Living, Dwelling’, The Dock Talks and debate. Presentations from 4 speakers.

saturday 30th september



P.24 - 36

10am - 2pm

WOrkshOp A Drawing Adventure, The Dock

11am - 12.30pm

WOrkshOp Family Fun Workshop, The Dock

10am - 1.30pm


11am - 1pm

WOrkshOp A Crash course in Eco-Building Design, Leitrim Village P.16


10.30am - 1.30pm WOrkshOp painting homes in the Landscape, The Dock


All Day


11am - 4pm

11am - 12pm 11am - 1pm




‘Sensing Spaces Through Light’ - sligo IT students' projects, The Dock

A Tour of Contrasts, The Dock

hedge-Laying, near Leitrim Village




health and wellbeing in homes, The Dock


Cob Clinic, The Dock


12noon - 3pm


Lunch available in the Dock


1pm - 2pm


Gallery Talk Bending the rules, The Dock


home and Garden, The Dock


12noon - 1pm

1.30pm - 3pm


WOrkshOp Children's workshop, The Dock

2.30pm - 4.30pm BUs TOUr 2

The Airtight home, The Dock

P.12 P.15

saturday 30th september (continued...) 2pm - 3pm


sligo IT students present, The Dock


All day


home @ The Leitrim Design house


3pm - 4pm 6.30pm - 8pm 8.30pm



sunday 1st October

sustainable Development, The Dock Food, drinks and chat at The Leitrim sculpture Centre Film Night at The Glens



10.30 - 1.30pm

CyCLE TOUr Departing Dromahair Village

10.30 - 1.30pm 11am - 3pm 11am - 2pm 11am - 1pm


Artists in residence Exhibition, LSC From restoration to New build, LSC


P.18 P.18 P.37 - 55

P.56 - 65




WOrkshOp A Drawing Adventure, LSC


WOrkshOp history of sheltermaking, The Glens


WOrkshOp painting homes in the Landscape, LSC


11am - 5pm


The Living Architecture headspace, LSC

1pm - 2pm


Gallery talks by the exhibiting artists, LSC


‘making’ demonstrations, LSC


12noon - 1.30pm WOrkshOp Children's workshop, LSC 1pm - 2pm


11.30am - 3.30pm DEmO

sustainable Building - Green design principle The Organic Centre

12noon - 4pm


2pm - 3.30pm

WOrkshOp Children’s Worshop, LSC

2.30pm - 4.30pm BUs TOUr




North Leitrim sustainable Energy Community Group, LSC


The Bohey Way, LSC





Launch of Green-Door 2017 at The Dock, Carrick on Shannon Debate and break-out sessions with refreshments €10pp (inc. refreshments). Online booking recommended (click on events).

Join us for an exciting evening of talks and a chance to engage with the speakers and each other, on the theme of rural living and building. We hope that the thoughts, ideas, concerns, and stimulation from this evening will form a significant critical backdrop to the 2017 festival of rural architecture and design. 7pm



Debate: Building, Dwelling, Thinking

The philosopher martin heidegger’s essay Bauen Wohnen Denken (Building, Dwelling Thinking) was first presented at an architectural conference in Germany entitled Mensch und Raum (Man and Space) in Darmstadt, Germany in 1951. For the architect it is a significant critique of the way in which we produce housing. Heidegger was responding in particular to the post war housing boom in Germany though the essay is as relevant today as it was then. As a philosopher Heidegger connects these three terms building, dwelling and thinking together by exploring their roots in old German; all three come from the same word root. He asserts that, to be, to farm, to dwell and to build all are derived from the verb group Bauen buan büren beuren and are connected with the verb to be (ich bin etc.) and all relate to the act of to cherish, to protect and to dwell.

7.30 - 8.30pm 8.30 - 9.30pm 9.30 - 10.30pm pANEL

presentations Break-out sessions with refreshments pleanary

Jingru Cyan Cheng : A split household: Contemporary rural home for China’s Floating Population Director of the Architectural Association Wuhan Visiting School and a PhD by Design candidate at the Architectural Association, London, UK. Her research interest lies in cross-scale design issues in rural-urban regeneration at the levels of territory, settlement and home. Cheng has given presentations internationally, including the research on the people’s commune in Columbia University, the United States, research on Chinese rural family house, in Stockholm, Sweden, the design project of the new rural collective in edinburg, UK and Letterfrack, ireland, and invited talks in Beijing Design Week and nanjing international Art Festival, China.

Deirdre mcmenamin : Configured rurality: models of rural habitation Deirdre co-founded LiD Architecture in 2002. LiD is an award-winning Architecture practice also engaged in research and collaborative artistic practice. Their work is focused on issues of occupant experience and in the use of landscape strategies in architecture. LiD are involved in developing best practice in Housing and have developed methods of participatory design and public engagement. Formerly a member of the yellow Space Research Group (2005-2009) who looked at ways of supporting citizen-led initiatives in the built environment, she is involved in Architecture education in ireland as a tutor and invited reviewer. She is currently engaged in research on vernacular environments at the University of Ulster Belfast.

marcus Donaghy and Will Dimond : material knowledge Donaghy + Dimond Architects was established in 2001 by Marcus Donaghy and Will Dimond. The practice has developed a reputation for high-quality innovative, sustainable design. in 2012 the studio was nominated for the BSi Swiss Architecture Prize for excellence in sustainable architectural practise. For their sustainable new build and conservation work at inchicore Model School the practice has been awarded: RiAi Best educational Building 2015; AAi Downes Medal 2016 - The premier Award of the Architectural Association of ireland for excellence in architectural Design in ireland. eU Mies Award 2017 - european Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - The 40 Best Works of Architecture. Marcus Donaghy & Will Dimond lecture in Architecture at UCD and conduct thesis units under the topics of Continuity and ecology. Will & marcus

1. Building is really dwelling 2. Dwelling is the manner in which mortals are on the earth. 3. Building as dwelling unfolds into the building that cultivates growing things and the building that erects buildings Dominic stevens will discuss this essay and what it means to his practice of creating houses and housing.



Jingru Cyan Cheng

‘rural Worker’

Deirdre mcmenamin

‘material Knowledge’

Dominic Stevens


Dominic stevens irish architect Dominic Stevens is known for his award winning practice, writings and artistic installations. He also teaches at the Dublin School of Architecture (DiT).





Workshop: exploring 'THinKinG' as an action 7.30 - 9.30pm Book online €5pp

Through a series of creative group exercises Peter will encourage workshop participants to identify 'thinking' as an emancipatory Action relevant to ideas of power and oppression. experienced workshop facilitator Peter Kearns will lead a fun yet also thoughtful workshop around the “Thinking” part of this weekend.

Peter is also a writer/dramatist and documentary & film maker. In terms of linking disability equality effective practice on the ground, Peter is part-time Mainstreaming Community Support Officer with Disability Equality Specialist Support Agency (DESSA) and was Development & Policy Worker with Forum of People With Disabilities. He also lectures part-time at St. Angela's College (NUIG) and Sligo IT.

Charity Partner - North West Simon Community

The Green-Door weekend is about sharing information and exchanging ideas, it is not about showing off luxury homes. These are all real homes with all their quirks, mistakes and foibles visible! However, we are all grateful to have these homes and to be able to share them with you for one day. We are all also very aware that there is a housing crisis in ireland and that it is only set to worsen. Living in the countryside we often think of this as an urban problem yet there are many homeless people in the north West of ireland and the North West simon Community is doing all it can to house people. Therefore we have invited them again to become our charity partner for Green-Door 2017. Last time we raised a fantastic €1,486.80 in donations throughout the weekend. Because we have received grant aid, and because of the generosity of the home owners, we are able to offer the visits to the homes for free – in return for this there will be collection buckets for north West Simon at homes and venues. We would ask you to give generously.




Building, Dwelling, Thinking – Sensing Spaces through Light Institute of Technology sligo in partnership with Green Door 2017

BA (HONS) ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, RIBA PART 1 BA INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN The students begin each academic year with a two-week intensive ‘vertical project’, where groups are formed of students from new entrants into first year, through to the final years of both programmes. This year, the vertical project will explore how the unique natural light in the northwest of ireland can be utilised innovatively to enhance our experience of the spaces in which we dwell and to inspire future design in this place. Participation of architectural programmes in Green Door 2017, aligns with our vision of working on developing design within the region. The integration of Heidegger’s Building, Dwelling, Thinking is a timely and relevant theme with which to encourage the questioning of what it means to dwell as opposed to build.

public Events:

• exhibition of drawings and models • Pecha Kucha style presentations

• One project to be constructed in the grounds of The Dock, Carrick-on-Shannon. • Student participation in Green Door 2017 house visits. Background

Both programmes have a distinctive vision with a focus on re–imagining our existing built environment, the experience of how we use spaces and a connectedness to place. Through our progressive approach we empower students with a core belief in the 10

Online part time programmes for the Construction Sector Upskill conveniently in your time a nd place spirit of place and a desire to make a positive difference.

Our philosophical approach to architecture centres around the following: • interpretation of Place

• Regionally Transformative Architecture • Architectural Regeneration and Development of the existing Built environment

• Human experience and Perception of Space

Both programmes seek new territories of experimentation with place, through engaging with the transformative role of architecture. each aims to stimulate both social engagement and dialogue around the identity of the local region, redefining the genius loci of this place at this time, while focusing on the intimate dialogue between the user and the space they inhabit.

Co-ordinated by Bernadette Donohoe and Cliona Brady

IT Sligo and the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction work closely with all key stakeholders in the North West Region of Ireland to ensure it offers educational programmes which are the most innovative and sustainable available. Programmes incorporate all latest design and construction technologies and best practices and are fully accredited by all relevant professional bodies. IT Sligo are proud to offer the widest range of online part time and full time programmes in the country. ONLINE PART TIME PROGRAMMES Construction/ Project Management • BSc in Construction Management • BSc (hons) in Construction Project Management • Post Grad Certificate in Project Management • Post Grad Certificate in BIM and Lean Construction • Post Grad Diploma/ MSc in Project Management Quantity Surveying • BSc in Quantity Surveying • BSc (hons) in Quantity Surveying

Road Maintenance and Transport Engineering • Post Graduate Certificate in Road Maintenance Engineering and Network Management • Post Grad Diploma/ MEng in Road and Transport Engineering


Civil Engineering (L6,L7, L8) Quantity Surveying (L7, L8) Interior Architecture and Design (L7) Architectural Design (L8) Advanced Wood and Sustainable Building Technology (L7) • Construction Project Management (L8 Add-on)

For further details, please visit E: T: +353 (0)71 9155222

CLiniCS AT THe DOCK - SATURDAy 30th SePTeMBeR TALks IN ThE ThEATrE spACE 11am - 12noon ‘health and Wellbeing in homes’ by Pat Barry, CeO irish Green Building Council This talk is about designing for health and wellbeing in new homes including the importance of good indoor air quality, ventilation, healthy materials, daylight and healthy walkable communities. This is now included in a certification system for new dwellings called Home Performance index to improve the quality of new irish homes. Pat is an Architect with over 20 years of experience in Ireland, Europe and South America, a Masters in Environmental design of buildings from University of Cardiff and is a qualified Passive House designer and DGNB consultant.

‘The Airtight home’ by roman Szypura, Clioma House

12noon - 1pm

CLiniCS AT THe DOCK - SATURDAy 30th SePTeMBeR ‘Kevin Callaghan Sustainable Development’ Currently undergoing a Masters in Management for Sustainable Development at DCU Kevin Callaghan will give a talk on national, european and Global Sustainable Development.

3pm - 4pm

Sustainable Development is the advancement of human prosperity in a way that does not compromise the potential prosperity and quality of life for future generations; balancing current economic activity to meet present economic and social needs while maintaining and preserving scarce resources.

mUsIC rOOm - ‘Cob Clinic’

11 - 1pm

Why build airtight? Roman will talk about the principles and function of the airtight and vapour control layer in a construction and the benefits and ways to achieve good airtightness on your building. Airtightness on retrofits and old cottages will also be discussed.

Born in Germany, Roman is a qualified joiner and worked as a carpenter, joiner, airtightness and insulation installer before becoming a freelance craftsman. He is a qualified Passive House tradesperson and certified trainer on low energy buildings. In 2007 Roman founded Clíoma House Ltd which provides a full consultancy service for passive and low energy houses and an installation service for airtightness and natural insulation. Projects range from traditional cottages to Passive House estates.

‘Sligo iT Students of Architecture Present’ This year Sligo iT students of architecture were invited to participate in Green-Door and so their first project of the year was developed for the festival. They were asked explore how the unique natural light in the northwest of Ireland can be utilised innovatively to enhance our experience of the spaces in which we dwell. The projects will be presented through drawings and models and here they present their projects in a Pecha Kucha style event (6 mins presentations).


2pm - 3pm

Féile & Colin, from Mud and Wood, are offering this cob clinic to answer any questions or concerns you may have about this amazing building material. Come along to find out more about cob. Questions can be submitted in advance. Send your email to:

Mud and Wood was founded in 2011 by husband-and-wife team Colin Ritchie and Féile Butler. A carpenter and an architect, Colin and Féile have been involved with cob building since 2005. In 2011, they completed their 3-bedroom cob-and-timber-frame family home in the north-west of Ireland. All Mud and Wood courses are taught in grounds of their experimental and inspirational home, or in the house itself.

GALLEry TALk - ‘Bending the rules’ by artist Nicos Nicolaou

1 - 2pm

A talk in the gallery by one of the artists in the Thinking, Living, Dwelling exhibition. nicos will consider design and its social and cultural meanings. His current works draw from the use of varied materials and techniques. Within the context of this exhibition he articulates three main areas of interest; the biography of objects, the cutting or bisecting of objects and the reconfiguring of these cut-objects. The works make reference to the visual language of the everyday world in which we all operate.



Get your creative juices flowing with one or both of these workshops running saturday 30th september and sunday 1st October from two different locations.

places are limited so booking is essential. Book online


saturday 10.00am - 2.00pm from The Dock sunday 11.00am - 3.00pm from the Leitrim sculpture Centre €20pp Transport provided 60 mins travel time approx.



wwwse book a .gre endoll tours o orire nline land .ie

BUILDING WITh ALL sOrTs Children’s Workshop with Vanya Lambrecht-Ward

materials required: Paper - A4 or A3 Pencils - B2 (or softer B3, 4, etc). You are welcome to bring other dry drawing materials such as coloured pencils.

A workshop for children and families exploring everyday objects, re-purposing and reusing them in new ways. We will explore not only how we can build in new and innovative ways but also invent new techniques and create incredible structures. saturday 30th september

11am - 12:30pm Family (from 5yrs) 1:30pm - 3pm Children (8-12years)

places are limited so booking is essential €6pp. Book online (see events page).

This two hour workshop will look at the different techniques used for painting with watercolours. you will be brought to one of the homes featured in Green-Door and will examine how the landscape frames the home through the use of watercolours. This is a perfect opportunity to stop and look in more detail at our homes and landscape. Teresa Butler is a Leitrim-based artist who specialises in watercolours.

€20pp Transport provided 30 mins travel each way approx.

BUs TOUrs DEpArTING FrOm ThE DOCk €10pp ONLINE BOOkING rECOmmENDED (click on the events page)

2.30 - 4.30pm ‘home and Garden Tour’ Visit Susan and Diego’s lakeside home (Lms02) then onto Thomas Flynn’s studio and garden (Lms03). Travel time 30 mins each way.


saturday 10.30am - 1.30pm from The Dock sunday 11.00am - 2.00pm from the Leitrim sculpture Centre

Saturday 30th September

10am - 1.30pm ‘A Tour of Contrasts’ Travel to see Dominic Stevens’ € 25,000 home (Lms17) and then up the road to Gramayre cottage (Lms22) a beautifully restored 1800’s stone cottage. Calling in at Willie and natalia’s home to catch a movie or two (Lms23). Travel time 30 mins each way.

“A house that has been experienced is not an inert box. inhabited space transcends geometrical space.” Gaston Bachelard, ‘The Poetics of Space’ 1969 Join visual artist, Kiera O’Toole on a drawing adventure where you will explore the inspirational buildings in both their diversity and unity. you will discover/visit four homes and explore the phenomena of the built space and how architecture can affect us. you’ll be guided and encouraged by Kiera to explore the dwellings as human abodes through drawing your experiences. By focusing on the personal and intuitive responses, you will grasp the essential qualities of each unique building as experienced by you. Kiera O'Toole is an independent visual artist and researcher based in The Model Arts Gallery, Co. Sligo.


Vanya Lambrecht Ward is an artist/designer currently working as a design consultant for a small studio providing architectural services.

Equipment required: Please bring a selection of paintbrushes.


Food will be available at the Dock from 12 noon til 3pm provided by the Olive Tree Café. soup, bread and sweet things on sale. Extra tables and chairs in the theatre space from 1 - 2pm.




Saturday 30th September 11am - 1pm

From September 29th to October 31st

The Leitrim Design house invites you to enjoy home, a showcase exploring the special space that home creates.


FrEE but places limited online booking recommended (click on the events page)

This showcase forms part of the Green-Door Festival of Rural Architecture and Design, a celebration of sustainable building in Leitrim September 29th to October 1st. it also coincides with 'Thinking, Living, Dwelling', an exhibition showing in The Dock galleries from August 26th to October 14th.

in this concise and thought-provoking presentation Peter Cowman sets down the essential principles governing meaningful eco-building design based on his proven and successful Sheltermaker Design Programme as developed over the last 25 years. The presentation marks the launch of the Design Programme under a Creative Commons license. Latecomers cannot be facilitated at this event. Further details can be found on

As part of home, the Leitrim Design House ART WALL welcomes Ciara McCormac, a Leitrim based artist who has created a new collection of ceramic wall paintings in response to the concept of HOME. All are welcome to the reception launch of this exhibition to meet the artist and enjoy this intriguing collection on Friday september 29th at 7pm.

*Samples of Peter’s work can be seen at LmN01, LmN28 and SL06 on Sunday. if you would like to bring food to share there will be a community picnic from 1pm.


The Leitrim Design House is a home of creative talent and a hub of creativity. This event invites you to discover a way of making your home as individual as you are. Browse a selection of carefully curated objects; one-off hand crafted creations including prints, original art, ceramics, jewellery, candles, soaps, blankets - all designed and made in ireland, just like your home.

by robert (Bob) Birtwistle

saturday 30th september 11am - 4pm

At Annaghmagurthan, Cootehall, Boyle, Co. roscommon (+53.9788171, -8.1329637)

Bob is a very experienced hedge layer who has worked in many of the 32 counties on both public and private projects.

He has been working on this site for a number of years offering the unique opportunity to see a succession of beautiful hedges that he has laid.

Hedge-laying is part of the management cycle of the hedgerow. it encourages the self-regeneration of sustainable boundaries requiring little material input. While a well maintained hedge retains its role as a stock proof barrier, along with many other environmental benefits, they provide vital wildlife corridors between increasingly separated landscape features.


Directions: Leave Carrickon-Shannon in the R284 towards Leitrim Village/ Drumshanbo. Take the 1st left towards Cootehall, passing The Leitrim Observer. Pass over Hartley Bridge (Shannon). Travel along Drumharlow Lake on left and hedge laying immediately after on left.

Visit our online shop and discover 100% irish unique, handmade gifts created by local designers. T 0719650550 E



Saturday 30th Sept - Leitrim Sculpture Centre

6.30 - 8pm

Join us in the stone yard at the Leitrim sculpture Centre for food and drinks and chat. This is a casual café-style event with food (possibly a BBQ weather permitting), drinks tea and coffee available to buy. Come and join us and relax after a day visiting/workshopping/ learning/ chatting – grab a bite to eat and find out what other people did with their day. We hope this informal gathering will nourish everyone before we head over to the Glens for the film night.

The Glens Centre - Saturday 30st Sept

8.30pm €5pp

Online booking recommended (click on events).

sENsING spACEs 8mins

The film was conceived as part of the exhibition at The Royal Academy of Arts, London, Sensing Spaces: Architecture re-imagined in 2014. it focuses on the human experience of architecture through the lens of seven architects including Alvaro Siza, eduardo Souto de Moura, Kengo Kuma, Francis Kéré and Pezo von ellrichshausen interviewed in their home countries showing key built works.

Director Candida Richardson 18



The island of Budelli, Sardinia, is an earthly paradise. Mauro Morandi, guardian of the island, has been living for more than 25 years as a Robinson Crusoe of the 21st century. Using what the storms and tides spill onto the beaches, he creates objects, sculptures and furniture. La maddalena Chair is one of his creations, made of wood reclaimed from the sea and pieces of Murano glass from the facade of the former Arsenal.

microtopia presents dreams of life in small, mobile or temporary spaces. Several successful architects, builders and artists from different parts of the world propose a radical solution to living space in which all unnecessary things are removed and seemingly old and worn-out items are utilised. How much space and stuff do we really need? microtopia shows the effort in finding ways to form new communities without environmental consequences.


Director Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine


Director Jesper Wachtmeister


Two Artists in Residence at the Leitrim Sculpture Centre will be exhibiting during Green-Door sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm Both artists will give lunchtime talks about their work starting at 1pm. Fiona kelly Fiona Kelly’s practice encompasses printmaking, drawing and mixed media sculptural installations to address ideas of disposability, the interim and regeneration. During her residency at LSC, Kelly will explore the architectural potential of reappropriated materials in a state of rejection; waste concrete from demolition sites, recycled glass, cardboard, plywood, bitumen and limestone dust. Kelly will alter these foraged remnants or by-products of the urban landscape, to visually narrate what she considers to be modern fables.

LAND < FILL Geological Cake Installation View @ The Burren College of Art Gallery, Co. Clare. Relief and Screen Print, Bitumen on Ply Wood and Cardboard, Reconstituted Cast Concrete.

Nollaig molloy nollaig Molloy’s work derives from a fascination with the 'material-to-hand' and ‘objects of necessity’, progressing through modes of in-depth research while engaging with people and their environments. She explores the perception of the everyday and essences of materials, how and where they are harvested. For her residency at LSC, Molloy will examine the traditional use of locally sourced clay or daub in the construction of everyday objects and dwellings. She will utilize this historical use of daub clay in constructing a gallery installation that includes a sound work composed of old irish words and phrases describing the sites where clay was once harvested and the importance of this material in shaping a sense of place.

Stye in your eye, local marl clay, 8cm x 8cm x 8cm, Material Witness (2016), Roscommon Arts Centre


LeiTRiM SCULPTURe CenTRe - SUnDAy 1ST OCT mINI hOmEs FrOm NATUrAL mATErIALs ChILDrEN’s WOrkshOp (8 - 12yrs) 12 noon - 1.30pm and 2 - 3.30pm

how would you build your house? Would it be tall and thin or short and sturdy? Would it be on stilts? Would it float? What materials would you use to make it? in this workshop children will get a chance to experiment with a variety of natural building materials such as sticks, stones, clay and cardboard to design and build their own mini home. places are limited so booking is essential €5pp Book online (see events page). mAkING DEmONsTrATIONs 11.30am - 3.30pm

Nick hughes will be giving short demonstrations of sand-casting a number of objects - showcasing the possibilities for customising and making beautiful items for your home - such as door knobs, cord pulls, name plates etc. nick will be facilitating workshops at the LSC later in the year. Nick Hughes is a master foundry man who has worked for many years across all aspects of mouldmaking and casting processes. He lives in Manorhamilton and is based at LSC. NOrTh LEITrIm sUsTAINABLE ENErGy COmmUNITy DIspLAy 12 noon - 4pm

NLsEC is a community group established last year with the aim of promoting energy awareness in the area, and to help local businesses and homeowners to reduce their expenditure on electricity and fuel. The long term goal is the development of North Leitrim into a leader in renewable energy technology, thus helping to mitigate the effects of climate change and ecological damage. This will also benefit the regional economy by supplementing the use of imported fuels with local sustainable options.

Showcasing a little solar panel charging a battery and powering a light, a small wind turbine, a display showing the power usage of traditional bulbs and new LeD bulbs.



pOp-Up CAFé at the Leitrim sculpture Centre Tea, coffee, cakes and cookies on sale all day. Drop in for a break and take in the exhibition.

*have some refreshments while your children are at the workshop.


11am - 5pm

Engage with space and time and uncover the mystery of who you are! Based on a design that was revealed to Peter in a dream, the HeadSpace echoes ancient theories about how architecture can function as an incubator for the future by providing an ideal context for the living of the lives we were born to live. Further details: *Samples of Peter’s work can be seen at LmN01, LmN28 and SL06 on Sunday.

BUs TOUrs of homes departing from The Leitrim sculpture Centre

€5pp - online booking esssential (click on the events page)

10.30am - 1.30pm From a magnificent cottage restoration Jane and Brian (LmN41) to a new self-build Max and Anna Marie (LmN13). Travel time 30 mins each way.

2.30 - 5pm The Bohey Way: Two homes on Bohey Mountain: Rob and Mairéad (LmN17) and Charlie easterfield (LmN16). Travel time 30 mins each way.

WOrkshOp BUs TrIps

Get your creative juices flowing with one or both of these workshops. Both workshops running Saturday and Sunday from different locations. Please see full details on page 14.

>> kiera O’Toole - ‘A Drawing Adventure’

>> Teresa Butler - ‘Painting homes in the Landscape’ Watercolour workshop Booking is essential as places are limited. (click on the events page)




DrOmAhAIr CyCLE TOUr 10.30am - 1.30pm

CyCLE TOUrs OF hOmEs ArOUND DrOmAhAIr LED By ArChITECT COLIN BELL FrEE but places are limited - online booking recommended. Bring your own bike. enjoy the Leitrim Landscape by visiting some of the homes by bicycle. A gentle-paced tour with only a few hills!

10.30am - 1.30pm CyCLE TOUr meet at Stanfords’ Pub in Dromahair A gentle loop around contrasting homes in the Dromahair area. Cycle out to visit: Johnny Gogan’s Cob Studio (LmN28) – via the new Greenway demonstration stretch - onto Frank Clinton’s modern new-build (LmN30) and then finish up at Seán and Brid’s renovation (LmN24). Park up here and walk though their forest. Note: only 30mins allowed for at each house. Total distance approx. 10km. Back approx 1.30pm depending if you do the walk or not.

ThE GLENs CENTrE 11am - 1pm

A Brief history of Shelter with peter Cowman workshop

An engaging and interactive history of shelter, as articulated through our life-sensitive instincts, offering unparalleled insight into the realms of space, time, identity and dream - essential elements within the contemporary desire to create healthy and affordable buildings within which one can discern and follow one’s unique life journey. A Sheltermaker Theatre presentation. Latecomers cannot be facilitated at this event. Further details: FrEE but places are limited - online booking recommended. (click on the events page)

OrGANIC CENTrE LUNChTImE TALk 1 - 2pm Sustainable Building green Design Principles with mary Byrne mrIAI

The presentation looks at the fundamentals of environmental sustainability, sustainable design and the current and future thinking of green building practice. The lecture looks at climate change, the issues surrounding site selection, passive design, air quality, air tightness and ventilation, choice of materials, thermal performance of buildings, renewable energy and future trends in green design.

Mary Byrne B.Arch MRIAI – Architect A graduate of NUI Dublin, Mary has worked for 29 years as a professional architect. Mary is a Registered Architect and principal of the recently established architectural design practice mary byrne ArChITECTs.


The recently completed CReST Passive Pavilion in enniskillen is a beacon for sustainable construction in the region, demonstrating a wide range of renewable energy and sustainable technologies. Located at South West College’s Technology and Skills Centre in enniskillen, it has been designed to be Passive House Certified, BReeAM excellent rated and carbon neutral. The Pavilion is used to host seminars, training, workshops and conferences, and to demonstrate the latest in renewable energy and sustainable technologies. CReST - the Centre for Renewable energy and Sustainable Technologies - provides R&D support to small to medium sized enterprises in the region. it helps them to develop and test new product prototypes, and to incorporate renewable energy and sustainable technologies into existing products or processes. OpEN

Friday 29th september. Tours on the hour from 11am until 3pm. Please report to the Skills Centre reception for the start of the tour.

LOCATION Enniskillen (+54.33566, -7.622422)

Sustaina ble Features

• • • • • • • •

Passive House & BReeAM excellent Glulam beams & Structural insulated Panels Triple glazing & Rainwater harvesting 45kW robotic solar tracking system energy storage Air source heat pump & under-floor heating Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery A range of other renewable energy technologies on display

*highlight: We will also be able to provide innovation advice to any people attending from businesses. This will include information on the r&D facilities available at CreST and in relation to possible funding mechanisms.


Take the A4 out of enniskillen in the Belfast direction. As you leave enniskillen you will pass a Tesco superstore on your right hand side and and a service station (Dolans), also on your right. About 200m after Dolans on your left hand side you will pass the entrance to Castle Coole. Take the first left turn immediately after Castle Coole onto Lough yoan Road. The Technology and Skills Centre is approximately 50m up this road on the right hand side. Drive onto the campus and follow the road around to the rear of the building where you will see the CReST Passive Pavilion in front of you. 23

susan and Diego

NumBerS reFer To ProPerTy iD CoDe:

We have over 60 properties listed on our website. These are numbered numerically and in accordance with their region LmN =North Leitrim Lms= south Leitrim and sL for sligo.

Dominic stevens

Not all of the homes are taking part in green-Door which is why you will find the property numbers in the brochure are not always sequential.



new build. Susan and Diego wanted something contemporary and visually interesting for their new family home. They loved Dominic’s design and were aware that getting something non-standard built would be a challenge, as the build would not have been previously tried and tested: ‘it was not a difficult building but it was different.’ The shape of the house resembles a ‘clachan’ (group of houses), and the deep reveals around the windows fit in with the vernacular. The home nestles into the countryside and provides a comfortable home as well as a suitable environment in which to work. Open plan areas alternate smaller quieter rooms. OpEN

saturday 30th september 12 - 4pm

LOCATION Corrabeagh, Foxfield, N41 X471,

20 mins Carrick-on-shannon (+54.0430281, -7.8880037) easy access, off small road. Parking near lake, follow signs.

Sustaina ble Features

• Part green roof

• Auro natural paints

• Geothermal heating • Solar gain


LMS03 Architect

Thomas and Deirdre

LMS07 Gabriel Toolan Offices

Thomas Flynn

Architect Colin Bell

Gabriel Toolan LMS08 Colin Bell


This home type is based in the typical 3 roomed cottage, with sleeping accommodation in the loft space. A modern family home designed by the architect-owner which centres on their kitchen, the largest room in the house. it is orientated to have the sun all day long. A large picture window in the kitchen with built in window seat, frames the view of Sliabh An iarainn. All ground floor rooms open off a large circulation space, which is made up of a series connected rooms doubling up as library, playroom & gallery. Architect's Open Studio and tours of garden and wild life pond.Talk by Thomas Flynn in his garden on incorporating new dwellings into the countryside and working with existing species to create gardens that work with nature. Keeping our hedgerows and most importantly, right plant, right place.

These offices are built on the site of Gabriel’s family homes. Colin’s remit was to build an office in the most ecological way possible and it was found that a concrete and steel structure was the most energy efficient and sustainable choice. A large atrium dominates the reception and shows off the height of the build and a green car park, a court yard and roof gardens make up the original footprint of the building. The town house used be ‘Toolan and Son’ Solicitors. The interior was cleverly redesigned by Colin allowing more light through the home. Beautiful woodwork throughout including hand-crafted wooden shutters by Dicky Gabel. A Kachelofen oven heats a tiled bench and the home in the winter.

LOCATION Aghacashlaun, 15 mins from

LOCATION Ballinamore high street,


saturday 30th september. Architect's Open Studio & tours of garden and wild life pond. Tours on the hour 11am - 4pm. Carrick-on-shannon (+54.0440601, -7.9322707)

saturday 30th september 10.30am. One tour only. Combined tour of office and town house. spaces limited. Online booking recommended. N41 kV56 (+54.05236, -7.79960)

Sustaina ble Features

Sustainable Features

Geothermal heat pump & Timber windows Passive heating through solar gain Planted woodland for future fuel Separately plumbed grey water system for WC’s & washing machine & sewage 26treatment plant


• • • •

• Researched best eco way to build an office space • Green areas to match the footprint of building • natural ventilation system • Marmoleum (natural/linseed lino) flooring • Heated with a wood pellet burner no oil & passive heat from south-facing solar gain



11am - 12noon > kevin will give a talk about the kachelofen (tiled oven) in his home dating back almost 5000 years these highly efficient form of renewable heating is still widely used across northern europe, Russia and parts of northern China using the gases within the wood to its fullest potential, making it one of the cleanest forms of heating. 12-3pm > home open. Self-designed and self-built; elements of Kevin’s home are based on the 28’ sail boat that he used to own in San Francisco. This very comfortable and highly finished home shows off ‘Builder in Leitrim’ Kevin’s skills. Timber frame workshop and tree-house/sauna are great features on the site worth visiting. OpEN

John Bent

kevin Callaghan

saturday 30th september

LOCATION Cooldrumman more, Fenagh,

30 mins from Carrick. (+54.019409, -7.885334) Access on a long lane. easy parking.

Sustainable Features

• Productive garden

• Vegetables garden • Goats for milk

• Kachelofen (self-built)

*4pm Kevin will be giving a talk on sustainable development in The Dock. 28

Deirdre meagher



A renovated 18th century stone & mud cottage with a thatch roof and a very modern timberclad extension to the rear. Designed by conservation architect Deirdre Meagher, the old cottage has been faithfully restored using traditional building methods and materials (no cement used anywhere in the old cottage) and connects at the back by a corridor to the new eco-friendly extension. A very clever fusion of old and new in look and feel. Builder Terry Grogan did a lot of the cob work with the previous owners. OpEN

saturday 30th september 11am - 5pm

LOCATION Cooldrumman Beg, Foxfield,

30 mins from Carrick-on-shannon. (+54.01205, -7.88123) Access along a long lane.

Sustaina ble Features

• Conservation of old building

• Use of lime,hemp and thatch • Local materials and labour • All organic paints

*highlight: Lime & cob expert Terry mcgrogan will be on hand to answer questions.



mike and Bernadette

The Old rectory patrick and Julie

Two renovation projects here, that of a listed building - the Old Rectory - and that of the renovated outbuildings with sustainable features. This project has been in the making for the past 15 years, careful consideration was given to ensure that the character and history of the building was preserved. The apartments are finished to a high standard and have a rainwater harvesting system, solar panels and are highly insulated. The gardens add to the stately feel of this home. OpEN

saturday 30th september 11am - 3pm

LOCATION Glebe, Fenagh, 25 mins from

Carrick-on-shannon. (+54.018057, -7.836084) Off the main road. easy parking.

Mike bought this land with a number of buildings on it: a 1970’s bungalow, stone buildings from 1900’s and 1930’s and the ruins of a 1700’s clay house. With the aim of restoring a historical site for modern day use. An original Clachan - (collection of houses) he knows that this was once a thriving economic centre for the area. As a builder he is gradually renovating them all using traditional building materials and methods. One stone building is now used as artists’ studios and accommodation; another is a small museum and occasional session venue. He has now finished the clay house which was thatched by Orla O'neill. Mike has a passion for history and traditional materials used. He brings the use of these materials back to life through use and demonstration and will be on hand to talk about all the renovations and the new clay house. OpEN

saturday 30th september 11am - 5pm

LOCATION moyne, 25 mins from

Carrick-on shannon. (+53.919701, -7.643995) easy access and lots of parking.

Sustaina ble Features

• Renovation of buildings • Rainwater harvesting

Sustaina ble Features

• Solar panel

• Conservation of old building

• High insulation

• Use of all local materials

• Productive gardens



*highlight: mike is a great storyteller - prepared to be entertained - tea and coffee included!


LMS17 Architect

Lough Allen Adventure Centre - kevin Currid

Dominic stevens Dominic stevens


Photos by Ros Kavanagh

new self-build. AAi 2011 Award winning ‘house’. The architect’s own home; self- designed and self-built this is a project for Dominic whose concerns are the economics of sustainability and rural living. Built for just €25,000, with the help of friends, neighbours and family. A clever use of alternative materials has kept costs down. Dominic says: “To pay back some of the social debt, I have made the plans and building instructions available for free on an interactive website so that this knowledge may, as was the case in the vernacular tradition, be held in common” A unique opportunity to see inside this self-build. OpEN

saturday 30 september 11am - 4pm Dominic will not be here this year however all the information about the build will be available from the guides. th

saturday 30th september 11am - 5pm Carrick-on shannon. (+54.13015, -8.01753) Access off main road. Parking limited at centre. Parking at lakeside 500m down – follow signs.

Carrick-on-shannon. (+53.9434891, -7.8237397) Limited parking outside the house. Follow signs.

Sustaina ble Features

• Kevin can walk to work

Sustainable Features



LOCATION Ballinaglera, 20 mins from

LOCATION Cloone, 30 mins from

• Low cost - possible no-mortgage build • Use of innovative and recycled materials • Well insulated

A timber-frame building designed and built by Kevin Currid. The centre originally started 20 years ago with a trailer, then a hut, then a bigger hut and now this purpose built building. A large open-plan ‘cathedral-like’ space gives the centre its reception, meeting and socialising space. Huge beams form the main structure which is cedar-clad. Flanked by a stream and overlooking Lough Allen, this is a beautiful spot from which to start an adventure. Visit for more information.

• Local materials

• Well insulated - cellulose

• Wood pellet burner and solar panels



Willie and Natalia

John and kerry-Lynn

Gramarye Cottage: An early 19th century stone cottage once part of a collection of buildings including a Corn Mill and Kiln. Set on 2.5 acres with riparian garden and woodland. Since acquiring it in 2008 the owners have sympathetically renovated it using Lime render and Limecrete flooring along with sheep’s wool and wood fibre insulation. OpEN

saturday 30th september 11am - 5pm

VIsIT ThIs COOL CINEmA IN A BArN! Take some time out to watch a set of short movies curated by Willie and natalia of hunters moon Festival.


saturday 30th september 11am - 5pm. Tea, Coffee and popcorn available.



Leave Carrick on the R280 heading towards Leitrim Village. Take R299 towards Drumsna. Take first left L3409 (sign for Kilnagross/ Gowel). Go past the community centre and take the first right. Then take the first left (after about 2kms). Second house on the left.

LOCATION 10 mins from Fenagh

LOCATION Drumnadubber, Drumsna, N41 rW01

Sustainable Features

MOVIES TO INCLUDE: 'Inspired by' sunray Filmed by Gary Tyler Mcleod & Austin Will Growing up in the wild hills of the Pacific northwest, it seems like SunRay was always building something. His favorite source of inspiration and materials is the woods around him, "God's Hardware Store" as he calls it. When working on a project it is not uncommon to see him pick up a saw and head off into the woods looking for the right piece of wood to present itself. if he says anything, he'll mumble "i'm going shopping."

(+53.9509623, -8.0287152)

(+53.98410, -7.81749)

• Conservation of old buildings • Local materials and Labour • Hemp and Lime render • Limecrete flooring

• Sheep’s wool and wood fibre insulation • Wood burning stove

• Upcycled and green wood furniture • Wildlife garden & woodland habitat 34


From Ballinamore follow R202 south west for 5km to Fenagh. Turn left at Quinn’s pub and follow road for 400m. Take first right on road with Tour de Humbert sign and continue for 2.4km. At cross roads continue straight through going uphill and downhill for 1km. Cottage is just after bridge at bottom of hill.

richart Directed by Dawn Smallman, Greg Snider, Far Away Films, LLC & Vanessa Renwick While confined to a psychiatric ward at age 50, Richard "Richart" Tracy made this discovery: "If you want to get out of the hospital -- start making art like this. They will get rid of you - fast!" Seventeen years later, he's turned three residential lots into a massive maze of his artistic, sculptural visions. A true, original thinker, Richart's genius turns your waste into his inspiration. "Out of your garbage, I become you!" shelter Directed by Jason Sussberg A short film about Lloyd Kahn. Lloyd Kahn claims that shelter is more than a roof over your head. As the author and publisher of over a dozen books on home construction, Lloyd has been grappling with the concept of home, physically and psychically, for over five decades. Situated in the financial and housing crisis, this film profiles Lloyd's ideas on do-it-yourself construction and sustainability.

Buckminster Fuller meets the hippies in Golden Gate park This film, by an unknown director, eavesdrops on a conversation between Fuller and a group of people assembled on Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park. Taking place at the height of the counterculture movement in the late 1960s, the archival footage witnesses a compelling exchange of ideas about utopian aspirations, science and rational design, Spaceship earth, and the spiritual constraints of geodesic living.


Dick hinchy

NumBerS reFer To ProPerTy iD CoDe

Aisled & Bay-divided California Barn. Built from trees blown down by a storm and milled on site. The California barn is an evolution of the great medieval english timber structures; it uses the same 2 rows of posts and plates down the middle to support a lightweight rafter frame.The middle posts make interior division easy and support a loft; this frame is easy to expand or add to. The basic frame is seen throughout the world. There will be a display of photographs of the construction. OpEN

saturday 30th september 11am - 4pm

LOCATION Breenletter, keadue, Boyle,

Co. roscommon, F52 rh76 (+54.0205911, -8.1244997)

Sustainable Features

• Wood grown and used on site



in Leitrim Village take R284 towards Keadue. Travel past Beirne’s of Battlebridge and Drumboylan Church at crossroads turn left onto L1011 west. Barn is first entrance on the right.


Teapot Lane Glamping - kevin & Derval

Ciara and Gareth

This home has developed over the years since the first Green-Door in 2011. Whilst still a 'home in progress' it is also very much a home to Ciara, Gareth and their two small children. A timberframed cob house lovingly built by organic gardener Ciara Barrett and Physical Therapist Gareth Phelan now has a new extension for the growing family. A great example of the Peter Cowman post and cob structure for the original build with a cob alternative using a wood-fibre board & cellulose infill for the extension. South facing windows and a central wood-burner, coupled with sheep’s wool insulation make this a cosy, economical home. Ciara and Gareth are very generous to open their home whilst their children are so young so please respect the opening times. OpEN

sunday 1st October. Tours only at 11am and 1pm

LOCATION Creevykeel, Cliffoney, 20 mins from sligo.

(+54.435559, -8.413580) Parking at the house. Follow signs.

Sustainable Features

• • • • • •

Self-build with local materials Solar gain design and solar panels Mortgage free natural materials Sheep’s wool insulation Compost toilet and rain water collection



Go through the village of Cliffony on the n15 towards Bundoran. At the next crossroads, by the closed down Moran's bar and Creeykeel tomb, turn right. Continue on until the first crossroads - turn left. Go past Tattie Hoaker farm on your right - fourth driveway on your left.


A beautifully restored thatch cottage on 5 acres of woodland, this luxury eco retreat also houses 3 stunning yurts (luxury hand crafted tents) and a cottage. This is an opportunity to have a look at the camp and its beautiful setting (this includes a fairy fort) and to see inside the yurts and cottage. See for full details. OpEN

sunday 1st October 1.30pm - 5pm

LOCATION Tawley, 30 mins from sligo.

(+54.44578, -8.38746) Access via small lane that leads to parking. Follow signs.

Sustaina ble Features

• Low impact holidays: yurts have no electricity. Lighting is by candle and lamps and heating by a small wood burning stove • Compost toilets • Thatch

• Temporary structures – low footprint


LMn05 Architect

síle mills

The Organic Centre Colin Bell


A centre designed to house education rooms, offices, a café and shop. A timber framed structure with a grass roof that allows it to sit beautifully in the Leitrim landscape. The post and beam structure allows for extensions to be added on easily. The conservatory brings passive solar energy to the building.

Beautifully restored country house with a modern extension. Fabulous gardens: cottage garden, vegetable garden wildlife pond, green-house, woodlands. Designed and project managed by Síle, this renovation and extension is artistic as well as faithful to local materials and traditional craftsmenship. See for more details.

LOCATION rossinver, 15 mins from manorhamilton. (+54.39249, -8.11930).

LOCATION hill house, monesk, Blacklion, 20 mins from manorhamilton.


sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm (1 - 2pm Lunchtime Talk*) easy access and ample parking.

Sustainable Features


sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm

(+54.26692, -7.96251). easy access and ample parking.

Sustaina ble Features

• Timber-framed structure & grass roof

• Local materials

• extensive organic vegetable gardens

• Solar panels

• Local materials

• Lime render

• Polytunnels & Orchard

• Wood fired heating

• Flower beds for diversity

• Productive gardens

• Reed bed system

• Wildlife habitat

• Passive solar gain through glazed extension


1 - 2pm Sustainable Building Green Design Principles with Mary Byrne MRIAI more info on page 22. 40



max and Anna marie

Charlie Easterfield

Colin Bell


sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm

sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm

LOCATION Albert’s Lane, 10 mins

from Dromahair. (+54.26382, -8.23219) Access up a long single track lane. Parking limited. Park on the road and walk up - 10mins or follow signs.

LOCATION Glenboy, 10 mins from

manorhamilton. (+54.28942, -8.11820) Access up a good track. Some parking - follow signs.

Sustaina ble Features

Sustainable Features

• Timber frame and cladding

• Timber build

• Small footprint

• Productive garden

• Wood burning heating

• Sheep’s wool insulation

• Recycled roof slates

• Solar gain and reed bed 42


Build entirely project managed by Charlie herself. Timber framed house on stilts. Home designed to fit the needs of the artist home-owner. Open-plan and filled with light. Large open space, highly insulated and easily heated by a central wood-burner. The decking provides keen gardener Charlie space to grow plants close to the shelter of the home, and a viewing point for the rest of the garden which includes amazing borders, a pond, trees and polytunnel.

Timber house on stilts. Designed and built by award-winning woodturner Max. Unusual butterfly roof. Sheep’s wool insulation, heated by a central wood-burner. Some of Max's work has been selected by artist Ali Kirby for exhibition in The Dock’s ‘Thinking, Building Living’ exhibition. OpEN




rob and mairéad

Grace & Joe - The mimetic house Dominic stevens



Traditional stone cottage renovated and extended using mainly natural materials. Lime screed floors and lime render inside and outside of the original cottage. South facing, modern timber framed extension, designed to maximise natural light and passive solar gain. Off grid home utilising wind, hydro and solar power to provide energy, heating is a combination of solar themal, excess energy from the alternative energy system and locally harvested wood. Productive gardens and polytunnel with a farm gate stall.

Grace and Joe are both artists of international standing who were living and working in Dublin. When they decided to build in Grace’s family’s home county, they contacted architect Dominic Stevens. They asked him for an ‘unashamedly modern house’ and the first design that he came up with they loved; Dominic had taken on board one of Grace’s pieces of work about clouds and that is certainly reflected in the design through its constantly changing appearance, as it reflects the ever-changing sky and landscape around it. The result is a home that they love and suits them.

LOCATION Bohey, 10 mins from Dromahair,

LOCATION shriff, F91 r3h3. 5 mins


sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm Tours of house, alternative energy systems and garden on the hour, last tour at 4pm.

Sustainable Features

Combination of renovation and new build Use of lime and hemp energy from hydro, wind and solar Solar themal water heating Passive solar heating Polytunnel and Vegetable garden Locally sourced wood for heating


sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm. Note: Unfortunately this house cannot be viewed inside. however, you are free to look around outside and information about the build and design will be available. from Dromahair. (+54.243989, -8.301287) Park on road and walk down lane to the house.

F91 D9C3 (+54.26978, -8.24498) Access up a narrow lane. Some parking – follow signs.

• • • • • • •


Sustaina ble Features

• Use of recycled materials (tyres) • Use of materials that were manufactured originally for something different, he would use them in a non-standard way • The low mortgage can be considered an eco-element in design



seán and Bríd

Johnny Gogan peter Cowman

A family-designed extension to the original house with the help of Peter Cowman’s living architecture course. A further extension gives a conservatory which is a productive growing area and an outside space with hot tub and seats. They are passionate about properly managing their land and have planted several acres of trees around them with managed paths for walks. Two contrasting small woodlands one a broadleaf woodland 12 years old and a second with 30 year old sitka trees in the early stages of transformation to continuous cover. A large polytunnel and emerging forest garden provide them with food. OpEN

sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm


Film maker’s studio built himself following Peter Cowman’s econospace format. A perfect space for a quiet working environment separate from the home. This is a great example of a low-cost self-built unit and Johnny can give you an insight into the work involved in building this studio and an idea of costs. in the ten years since it was built it has facilitated the production of over ten broadcast films including three feature films. OpEN

sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm*

LOCATION killenummery, 5 mins from

Dromahair, F91 pF25 (+54.20357, -8.30188) Access via small road leading to the house. Park outside or at Ballinagar Church.

LOCATION Edergole, 2 mins

from Dromahair. (+54.21413, -8.29233) Access via single lane off main road leads to small parking area. Follow signs.

Sustaina ble Features

• • • •

Sustainable Features

• Geo-thermal heating • Hemp lime render

• Conservatory on south side • Productive garden 46


Hemp walls Low carbon-footprint economic build Reclaimed materials

*highlight: Slideshow of build process and documentary made for rTe by Johnny about Peter Cowman.


Frank Clinton

mike and Jo


Ghislain Luthers

Colin Bell


Self build. Traditional cottage with straw bale extension. Over 160 year old stone cottage, renovated and extended by Mike. Straw bale extension with a timber frame leads from the old cottage to an open plan kitchen and living room. Large windows face southwards for maximum solar gain. A green roof on the extension planted with wild flower seeds. Lime render throughout. OpEN

sunday 1st October. Two tours only at 3pm and 4pm.

LOCATION Edergole, F91 X7y5. 5 mins from Dromahair. (+54.21504, -8.31368)

Access up small lane - 400m - to parking at house.

Sustainable Features



Unusual modern design which fits well into the farming landscape, through the barn style curved roof. The timber on the outside also blends with the countryside. inside a very modern design and high spec finish throughout. Ghislain's exacting standards mean that the skill of the workmen is apparent throughout from the handcrafted stairs to the polished plaster. OpEN

sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm. Architect Ghislain Luthers will be on hand to answer questions.

LOCATION killenummery, 5 mins

from Dromahair. (+54.20728, -8.29467) Access off a small road. Very limited parking please follow signs.

• Straw-bale build & Lime render • Green roof

• Local materials

• Wood burner heating • Compost toilet

Sustaina ble Features

• Productive garden

• Minimal impact on the land

• A horticultural report on the site was undertaken • Solar gain through windows




Lyn and steve

Jonathon and helen

Self-build restoration project. Vernacular 3 roomed stone built cottage believed to have been built circa 1790. Lovingly restored. Walls stripped of concrete render, new floor, new roof. Most of the building works done have been carried out by Steve, who is a precision engineer. Also a small holding with vegetable gardens, polytunnels, fruit trees - they are self sufficient in vegetables all year around apart from the odd pack of frozen peas and sweet peppers - and many pets, including Alpacas. They are continually landscaping and building. Last year they made a veranda across the front of the house and then half of it was turned into a garden room with wood burning stove in the barn, they have built a series of pods from waterproof ply, providing warm, dry and clean areas for their various hobbies. OpEN

sunday 1st October 10am - 5pm

LOCATION killeen, 10 mins from Dromahair.

(+54.224801, -8.241291). narrow road, parking outside the house.

Sustainable Features

• Renovation of old stone house • Use of recycled glass bottle insulation in the dry lining • Lime pointing • Spring well • Use of innovative and recycled materials • Re-using stone from demolished buildings • Productive gardens 50


Head out of Dromahair on the R287, continue forward on the R287, (landmark a large stone building/house to your right), take the first right onto the L42301, continue along this road for about 1.5 miles, (landmark the Ardvarney School), carry on past the school down a steep hill, there is a sharp turning to the left at the bottom into the L4230, we are the second house on the left.



The teaSHeD and private house development is based on traditional vernacular farmyard design with a modern twist. Main dwelling house would have been traditionally whitewashed with out-buildings and sheds built from unfinished natural materials i.e. in this case stone and timber. Built into the sloping site and stepping with the landscape the size and massing of the two storey house is concealed. Mechanical ventilation heat recovery system, air source heat pump, very good insulation, reduction of cold bridges, triple glazing and good airtight construction is paramount in the design approach. natural materials include glue laminate timber beams and timber posts (teaSHeD) untreated larch cladding and reclaimed stone. OpEN

sunday 1st October 11am - 5.30pm. Tours on the hour by the architect.

LOCATION Glencar Waterfall, Co. sligo.

(+54.338980, -8.369868)

Sustaina ble Features

• Passivhaus Approach • Very Good insulation

• Triple Glazing, Airtightness,

• Mechanical Ventilation Heat recovery System • Air Source Heat Pump, Solar Panels


Located beside Glencar Waterfall, accessible from the n16 between Manorhamilton and Sligo follow the signs for Glencar Waterfall. Approx. 13km from Sligo turn left or 11km from Manorhamilton turning right. The road loops around Glencar lake, leading to Glencar Waterfall and then eventually re-joins the n16.

*highlight: The original glencar Tea house was run by helen’s family and dates back to 1800s. Photographs and original crockery on display in the café. opening Times: mon-Sat 10:30am - 5:30pm, Sun 12:30 - 5:30pm 51 51


Brian and Jane

Frank Albrecht

After months of online searching for an affordable, restorable home in ireland, Jane and Brian turned up the derelict Sean MacDiarmada’s old school house. Structurally sound, it could be gutted and turned into a space that would meet their needs. They never saw the house before buying it! They removed everything from the interior during the renovation, adding joists and insulation, new plumbing and electrics, all the necessary infrastructure to create a warm, comfortable home. Using re-purposed and local materials OnLy - was the imperative.


sunday 1st October 10am - 5pm

LOCATION Coracloon Old school house, kiltyclogher, Co. Leitrim

Approx. halfway between Kiltyclogher and Glenfarne on route 281. Parking is tricky – please look out for the parking signs. (+54.332743, -8.0052677)

Sustainable Features

• Renovation of old building • Local craftspeople and locally-sourced materials to re-fit the entire structure • Re-purposed architectural salvage saved us costs, and using our own designs • A circulating boiler which runs on kerosene, heats water and runs through new radiators and our electricity - both can be turned on as needed - are the only monthly expense.


Set in an auspicious location (Sheenun – the mountain of fairies), this house was made according to ecological building & Feng Shui principles. intended to be a unique place for healing and recreation realised from a Feng Shui practitioner. The German construction is solid timber (vertical beams, not timber frame), at the time considered to be one of the best ecological wooden building systems available in europe. All materials are fully ecologic. The electric installation follows the principles of “building-biology” to avoid “electro-smog”. The interior design is an open architecture with walls made mostly of clay and wood. Two ceramic stoves are used for heating. The layout of the rooms in Sheenun House follows harmonic principles. For more information visit: OpEN

sunday 1st October 11am - 7pm

LOCATION Drungan, Barr road, rossinver.

phone: 085-2378417 (+54.4013044, -8.1457371)

Sustaina ble Features


Take the R281 from the Rainbow Ballroom of Romance in Glenfarne towards Kiltyclogher. About half-way to Kilty, the stone house on the left.


• • • •

Low energy building All materials fully ecologic Heated with wood only Feng Shui principles used for optimised health of inhabitants • Water solar heating • All organic paints • South facing conservatory


From Manorhamilton take the Rossinver road. At crossroads in Rossinver take left (sign: the Barr Road scenic road). Go on 2 km then turn right. After 200 m take second right (sign Lough Melvin Drive, Barr Road – note these signs are sometimes turned – you know you are right when the road goes uphill immediately). At the top of the hill it is the first house on the left, white house with dark orange windows. 53

Ardvarney Country Lodge, Carin & Wilfred


it is hard to believe that this is a complete rebuild of the original Leitrim farmhouse, so faithfully has it been done. Wanting an efficient and ecologically sound home the homeowners chose to knock the original and rebuild an exact replica of the 200-year-old building; thoughtfully modernising it in such a way that its authenticity has been preserved. it is now in use as a peaceful retreat and B&B.


Co. Leitrim. Good parking on the premises. (+54.220216, -8.2557857)

Sustainable Features

• High standard insulation

• Geothermal with water-to-water heat pump. • Septic tank according new regulations. • Poly-tunnel



Gaby and Hans live in an extended and renovated traditional Stone Cottage at their organic farm near Cliffony. They grow their own vegetables in a big garden and 2 polytunnels. On the site where the old donkey shed used to be they have built a new Kitchen Garden School, with a treatment room for Gaby’s naturopathic clinic and a seminar room for courses. The latest addition to the house is a large wooden conservatory. Having been professional cheesemakers, sourdough bakers and market gardeners for over 25 years they now teach sustainable living (gardening, foraging, healthy cooking and fermenting) in all its facets based on their experience. They feature prominently on the Sligo Food Trail and are lecturers on The Organic Centre’s course programme since 1997.

sunday 1st October 10am - 5pm

LOCATION Ardvarney, Dromahair,

Gaby and hans


sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm

LOCATION Neantog kitchen Garden school, Ballincastle, Cliffoney, Co. sligo

(+54.422214, -8.4597563)


From Dromahair: Leave Dromahair on the R287 direction Manorhamilton. Stay on the R287 drive until the road splits (sharp bend in road). Cross straight on to Manorhamilton Turn right on L4230 (at the crossing is a big yellow house) Ardvarney Country Lodge is on the right after 1.8 km.The Lodge entrance is immediately after the first cattle shed.

Sustaina ble Features

• Renovated and extended traditional stone cottage with conservatory

• natural & organic materials, insulation, paints. • Passive heating through large timber/glass conservatory. • Organic gardens and polytunnels • Cheese kitchen


Coming from sligo on the n15 just before Cliffoney village the main road narrows (slow lane ends) turn the next road right between the big natural stonewall and a cottage - road number is L7120. neantog is the 10th house on the left (counting the cottage on the corner) – neantog sign in drive way. 55

Féile and Colin

NumBerS reFer To ProPerTy iD CoDe

Féile Butler



Runners up in RTÉ’s Home of the year 2015, the Mud and Wood House was designed and built by Colin (a carpenter) and Féile (an architect). it is a hybrid of ancient construction techniques (mud wall) and contemporary natural building (straw bale) with plenty of extreme salvaging thrown in for good measure. Colin’s natural edge wood and Féile’s sculptural elements enhance the curvaceous, free-flowing forms of their snug home. Shaped by the path of the sun, views of the Ox Mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and stunning sunsets, the design has the personality of its owners firmly at its heart.


sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm (please do not arrive before 11am)

LOCATION Grange Beg, skreen,

20 mins from Ballysodare. (+54.235638, -8.769543)

Sustaina ble Features


© Map courtesy of John the Map.

• Transformation of natural, raw materials on site (earth) to building materials (cob, earthen floor, earth plasters, clay paints) • Use of local, natural, low embodied energy materials and salvaged and waste materials • insulation – LeCA, straw bale, wood fibre, salvaged polystyrene • Hempire hemp-lime external render • Passive solar gain & solar water panels • Rainwater harvesting


Take the n59 from Sligo towards Ballina. Skreen Church is on the left. Stay on the n59. Approx. 3km after Skreen Church, Skreen Homeland Co-op on the right and a Cafe on the left. Our turn is the second turn left after these landmarks, sign-posted L2303 (small white signs). A helpful marker is a stone house directly opposite the turn (on the right hand side of the n59); it has no chimney. The Mud & Wood House is the 2nd house on the right, about 300m up this lane. NOTE: There is another L2303 in the area, a large brown tourist sign to the Ox Mountains; DO NOT take this turn. 57



Imelda and matt Jones

The Gyreum Ecolodge

Colin Bell

Colum stapleton

imelda’s parents bought the old parochial house, next door, in the mid 70’s and she and her siblings grew up playing in The Outhouses. it is a former stables used by priests to house horses, cart, cows and store hay in the loft. in 2005 imelda and Matt secured the architect Colin Bell to assist with this self-build project and moved home from Wales to start the work. Matt spent three years renovating and bringing back to life this old outbuilding, making it into the family home it is now. By using exterior insulation the olden day interior walls remain the same. With sustainability in mind they have upcycled and recycled as much as they could- not least the building itself! A video documenting the build can be seen on OpEN

sunday 1st October 12 - 5pm, with tours starting on the hour throughout the day.

LOCATION riverstown, 20 mins from sligo.

(+54.127207, -8.396655)

Sustainable Features

• • • •

Geo thermal heat pump Hemp insulation & recycled paper insulation Timber framed extension with internal lime plaster Roof timber, blue banger roofing slates and interior fireplace bricks all recycled • Salvaged fittings and interior doors • external insulation 58


Coming from the n4, take the turning at Drumfin Crossroads to Riverstown, enter the village and go through village to T-junction. Turn right, pass Sean Mac’s Pub and after approx. 200m take a right turn through the gates between the church and the national school. Drive through the church car park and straight down the lane, through a set of gates with stone pillars. Continue straight down the lane to the white house.



‘The most extraordinary building in ireland’ The name GyR-eUM derives from the Greek root ‘GyR’ meaning ’round’ – with the Latin ending ‘eUM’ implying ‘building’. As the Colis-eum means the big place, the Gyr-eum means the round place. Situated in Castlebaldwin, Co. Sligo it seeks to be invisible with its green roof merging with the slope between the plateau of Moytura and the vale of Lough Arrow. it is aligned to the dawn and dusk solstices of winter and the solstice sun down of summer. OpEN

sunday 1st October 11 - 5pm

LOCATION Corlisheen, near riverstown

20 mins from sligo. (+54.1033791, -8.3380977)

Sustaina ble Features

• Blends into the landscape • Underfloor heating

• Vegetable gardens • Compost toilets


From Sligo head south on n4 towards Dublin. At Castlebaldwin (a small village 14km south of Collooney) turn left. After leaving the n4, simply follow the brown signs pointing towards ‘Gyreum Ecolodge’. Follow the signs towards Highwood (crossing the Unshin River) until you reach the local ‘Bar’ with a petrol pump. At the ‘Bar’ continue straight through the intersection (DOn’T take the main road to the right), following the sign for Lough Bo. At Killadoon Crossroads (the next one), pass straight through (again towards Lough Bo) and take the next left (1km later). Gyreum is 500m along this small road on the right. 59


Christ and martha

Brigit and ron

Originally a stone-built cottage with various outhouses. now transformed into a comfortable home with spacious timber frame extension with lots of solar gain. The cowshed is turned into ‘knocknageeha Art studio’ with upstairs guest accommodation. The hay barn accommodates now a timber frame workshop. All self-built. Building low-cost and re-use of materials are recurring elements to reduce environmental impact. Light and solar gain are prevalent for comfort. Their 4-acre farm land is slowly turning into their own little forest for enhanced biodiversity. it includes a small pond for the newts and frogs and a ‘forest walk’ which is enjoyed by many kids. OpEN

sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm

LOCATION knocknageeha, Ballintogher,

20 mins from sligo. easy Parking. (+54.186217, -8.381644)

Sustainable Features

• Mortgage free, low-cost • Re-use of salvaged materials (slates, tiles, hard wood doors windows) • natural building materials (timber, hemp, sheep wool and celluloses) • enhanced bio-diversity • Timber stoves • Daily use and promotion of bicycles


From Dromahair to Ballintogher (R290). Turn left in Ballintogher at the Checkout-shop. After approx. 300m (you’ll pass the football pitch on the left and a bungalow estate on right) take first turn to right. After approx. 1000m take first turn to right (there’s a big two-storey house on your right and as soon as you take the turn then you’ll find a new house on left under construction). Up this narrow road we are the second house on left after approx. 1000m.

Wastewater irrigation to feed the young trees in woodland. The distribution system for 60 this is an in-house development and manufactured on the premises.


Driven by the need for a warm home, getting older, job loss and having fought against global warming for 30 years Brigit and Ron converted their Judo hall into a beautiful and comfortable home. nearly everything is self-built, low-tech and eco-friendly. They are self-sufficient with fruit trees, a vegetable garden and trees planted for future fuel and biodiversity. They have a tiny lawn, 1 acre of wild grasses and flowers and several ponds; all of these aiming for as much biodiversity as possible. in this house they manage to live off € 6.000 per year, due to a combination of all these factors. OpEN

sunday 1st October. Tours only at 10am, 12pm and 3pm

LOCATION 73 Ballymuldorry, Cloghboley, Co. sligo, 25 minutes from sligo,

before raughley. (+54.336933, -8.6396333)

Sustaina ble Features

• • • • •

Recycled paper insulation Triple glazed windows from sustainable wood nearly whole inside made from recycled materials Rainwater harvesting and re-using system Garden feeds us nearly the whole year between vegetables, fruit and eating weeds • Garden with native species and 7 ponds • no use of chemicals in house or garden • Sustainable lifestyle


Heading north from Sligo town on the n15 turn left at Drumcliff after the yeats Tavern, Left in Carney, Left at Dunleavy's shop. Past the castle. House on the right - look out for the signs. Or just follow signs for Raghley. Park at Raughly Bay and walk back (8 mins). Accessibility: On foot, no wheelchairs, 40 meter garden path. Parking on raughley (8 minutes walk).



Colin and Nina

The Building Block NOJI



This is a new build family home on a five acre site close to the sea in north County Sligo. The timber frame was erected on site and made weather tight in just 6 days. it was then finished to Passive House standards and now maintains space heating and generates hot water using an integrated Heat Recovery Unit and air to air heat pump. A rainwater harvesting system with filtration system supplies all potable water needs in the house.

The building is a centerpoint for new business and enterprise in Sligo town. The ground floor is a rent per desk ‘Collaborative’ work space with the upper floors offering ‘move in, move up’ spaces and cellular offices for companies to expand and grow their business’s through the building. it offers an office environment akin to those found in larger cities to attract in those looking for a town centre vibrant base to work from.

LOCATION Lislary, Ballinfull, Co. sligo

LOCATION Ground Floor, The Building Block, Bridge street, sligo Town


sunday 1st October 11am - 4pm

(+54.379391, -8.601776)

Sustainable Features

• Passive House Specification • Timber frame

• HRV with built in air to air heat pump for space heating and DHW • Sheepwool and cellulose insulation • Rainwater harvesting • Passive solar gain

• Organic non-VOC paint



sunday 1st October 12 noon - 2pm (+54.271719, -8.471723)


Leaving Sligo on the n15 heading north. At Drumcliff take L3305 towards Lissadell House. Travel through Carney village follow the main road which takes a sharp left in the village) until you come to cross roads with Lissadell Church on right. Turn right before the church, travel through three cross roads and it is the second house on right.

Sustaina ble Elements of the Building

The building works with the existing built fabric and mechanical systems and yet regulates temperatures to minimise energy use. The fit out used LeD lighting and motion sensors where possible. All inhabitants have waste recycled and the building offers bicycle racks to encourage cycling to work. The ethos of TBB is to encourage employment in Sligo and reduce the need for remote workers and start-up companies having to travel for work. increasing employment while reducing the carbon footprint. DIspLAys

There will be displays of work carried out by NOJI architects presented in the main event space. NOJI architects are an award winning architecture practice based in TBB.



John and kathy

Gerry and Úna

Colin Bell

A modernist inspired home built in 2012. The architect’s brief was to design “a house in its simplest form” that was energy efficient and economical to run. A minimalist interior has evolved over time into a “cabinet of curiosities” style of decor including a small natural history collection. Still a work in progress. OpEN

Gerry & Úna started their self-build house in June 2012. it is located on their farm beside the original homestead. They planted 100 Chinese red birch trees along the avenue up to the new site. Gerry has completed most of the construction himself calling on contractors as required. Architect Colin Bell designed the energy efficient eco-friendly house and Tara ní Chianáin designed the garden. The building is timber frame and built on site using the ‘Walter Segal’ construction method. The build is near completion and Gerry & Úna are looking forward to moving into their house before the end of 2017.

sunday 1st October 10am - 5pm. please no under 12’s.


Sustaina ble Features

(+54.2795398, -8.439660)

• Air source heat pump and under floor heating • Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery • Rainwater harvesting • High levels of external insulation • Passive solar gain 64

sunday 1st October 11am - 5pm

LOCATION Cuilmore, Gurteen, Co. sligo, F56 yp86 (+54.0058281, -8.5692977)

LOCATION Calry road, Calry, sligo

Sustainable Features




Past Sligo iT on Ash Lane. Straight through the lights on to the R286 to Dromahair. Turn left onto R278 signposted to Calry, Third house after Teach eamonn B&B.


• Timber frame Take R294 towards Tubbercurry. Continue • external insulation - Gutex wood for about 2km and take the left at the fibre board signpost for Mount irwin Cemetery. This is • internal insulation - cellulose L8104. Continue for 1.3km and it is the • Air-to-water heat pump with under second house on left at the end of a 300m floor heating tree-lined avenue. • Wood burning tunnel stove • near passive build • House featured in near Zero energy Buildings (nZeB), Open Doors Weekends in 2014, 2015 & 2016.


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The Organic Centre Rossinver, Co. Leitrim

“where inspiration becomes action� For more information, contact Hans Wieland, working and teaching at The Organic Centre since 1997, on 071 985 4338 or email

T. 046 9432104



Win a course at the Organic Centre! Share the best photographs of your experience of Green-Door 2017 with us and you could win a voucher for a one-day course at the organic Centre. As all Green-Door participants are spread out over such a large area during the three days it’s hard for us to know what’s going on.


Let us see what you see! And tell us who you’ve met, your favourite home and your best experience of the weekend. The competition will be judged by Leitrim's top photographer Brian Farrell and the winner will be announced on Wednesday 4th October 2017. Don't forget to use #GreenDoor to be in with a chance to win.



ISSN 2049-3630

Thanks to all the homeowners, architects, designers and wonderful volunteers and facilitators who have given their time freely over the weekend; Green-Door wouldn’t happen without them.

Also a big thanks to: Graphic designer Gabie Devaney - Double Dutch Design; Web support Carolin Devaney – inTandem; the team at The Dock: Laura, Paul and Ciara and Director Sean O’Reilly and all at the Leitrim Sculpture Centre.

And of course the wonderful steering group who helped with the creation of this year’s festival: Jean McDonald, Kevin Callaghan, Siobhan Ni Ghallchoir, Brian Smyth, Mike Harris and Dominic Stevens.

This year was the first year we have collaborated to such an extent with The Dock and we would like to thank director Sarah Searson for curating the show Thinking, Living, Dwelling which underpins and expands the discourse of the Green-Door festival.

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€3.50 / £3.00


Selfbuild Cork



11th-12th NOV 2017

16th-18th FEB 2018

14th-16th SEPT 2018



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For more information, please visit or contact Jo Lewis on 071 913 4847 / 087 778 1914

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This project received grant aid from the Arts Council of Ireland, the Heritage Council, Leitrim Arts and Leitrim County Council and is supported by Leitrim Development Company.

Supported by the Heritage Council

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