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Student Name (print) ____________________________

Date _____/_____/_____

Parent Signature ____________________________

Please Sign & Return to acknowledge that you have read/agree to the terms of use

Student Signature ______________________________

Winter Springs High School

iPads in the Language Arts Classroom iPads will be piloted in your child’s Language Arts class to document their educational use. Results will help to determine educational validity for other courses and/or schools. Technology devices can create new opportunities for our students to learn in new ways and learn anywhere, any time. Being able to test these devices and record the specific educational outcomes allows schools and the district to plan for the improvement of instructional strategies through technology. Examples of student work will be evaluated, photos and video of lessons will be captured, student/teacher testimonials and surveys will be used.

We ask for your support in the use of technology and iPads in the Language Arts classroom by reviewing the list of important rules with your child to ensure integrity of the learning process and respect for the technology provided for this pilot program. Student must always adhere to the SCPS AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). In addition:

• Student must use the iPad specifically assigned to him/her by the teacher. • Student is responsible for content on the iPad and should notify teacher immediately of any deleted/added content. • Student may not change settings. • Student may not download any information and/or App(s) to the iPad. • Purchasing or sharing from iTunes or any other site is prohibited. • Any information to be stored will be saved to a specified location,

uploaded to Blackboard, etc. as instructed by the teacher and should not be saved directly to the iPad. • Student must stay on task and complete all assignments. • No food or drinks near the iPad or technology. • Student must handle iPad with care at all times. As this opportunity is a privilege, any inappropriate behavior will result in disciplinary action and iPad privileges being revoked.

If you DO NOT give permission for your child to be included in photos/video for this pilot program, please check the box below.

Dr. Michael Blasewitz

Kathryn Dixon

Winter Springs High School Principal

Winter Springs High School Teacher English II & English II Honors

ISTE Standards, iPad Rules, & our iPads in Education Blog can be found on Blackboard.

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