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Organization is the internal structure of the writing piece including inviting operations, logical sequence and effective endings. Wikis are collaborative spaces that can be edited by multiple people. Wikis allow for creating and linking multiple pages together.


IDEAS = the heart of the story, inspiring main ideas. Pictures help students generate an idea for writing. Use Flickr to house the images and the final drafts of the story line. For

great photo prompts visit



Conventions = Grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.

Word Choice

Word Choice relates to specific, original, and accurate use of words- vivid, precise, and memorable.

Voice is the personal quality or tone to a piece of writing.

Sentence Fluency Senten ce Flue ncy = R sentenc hythm, e (caden flow, an ce) d sound of a Use poe try to a nalyze achieve how sen d throu tence f g h the rhy luency words a thm, flo is nd the w, and s phrasin ound of g used in a piece Record of writin using Vo g. k i. d pauses, on't for and emp get to a hasis. dd infle ction,

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