Go to www.sxc.hu.
You can browse the site for free creative commons photos without registering, but your choices will be limited. Sign up for more options and access additional free photos.
Registration 1. Click on Sign up! 2. Complete the registration in 3 easy steps.
3. Confirm account activation email. 4. Sign in (top right corner).
Options for SXC Registered Users & Ideas
for Teachers
LightBoxes 1. Go to Browse 2. Select Lightboxes 3. Click on Add new lightbox
Why use the Lightbox feature? You can organize your photos in one location and categorize them into particular units of study. Lightbox is similar to bookmarking your photos for future use. Idea! Create a lightbox and select several vivid pictures. Share your lightbox with students and have them describe each image using sensory “show-me� words and imagery. This is excellent practice for Word Choice and Voice!
My LightBoxes Name your lightbox, write a brief description and click submit.
Add Photos to Your LightBox Once you find a photo you like, click Add to lightbox.
Please post a comment! SXC is free, but image restrictions may vary. Please post a comment to support the artist and his/her portfolio.