This guide aims to show you the most interesting aspects of the research carried out since 2008 on the archaeo logical sites of La Bastida and Tira del Lienzo (Totana).
After several campaigns of excavation, restoration and consolidation, both sites are now accessible to the gene ral public. At the same time, the research in the labora tories continues on the huge number of finds, so it is not surprising that some of the ideas expressed here may be modified in the future.
The following pages are the result of the efforts of the members of the “Bastida Project”. This initiative materialised seven years ago thanks to the wishes and interests of the Government of the Region of Murcia through its Ministry of Culture, the Autonomous University of Barcelona through a team of the Department of Prehistory (Research Group in Mediterranean Social Archaeoecology
- ASOME), which continues with the investigations, and of the City Council of Totana.