Iowa Agriculture Guide 2015

Page 1

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Table of Contents


Top National Ag Rankings for the State of Iowa p. 5 Iowa Power Farming Show p. 32

Answers to the questions everyone are asking about Iowa’s corn production

Beef Cuts Diagram p. 37

Simple Farm to Table Recipes p. 22-24


Are GMOs A-OK p. 17 Agriculture Future of America p. 36-37

The Secret to Getting Kids to Eat Their Vegetables p. 18 Ground Beef Thawing p. 29 Get your meat recipe ready in a few easy steps

Advertising Directory p. 33-34

Beefs Big 10

Beefs Top 10 Essential Nutrients p. 6 Protein Benefits of Beef p. 30 3 Simple Steps for Grilling Beef p.11

IOWA AG NEWS & EVENTS News From Around The Country p. 40-41 Several Ag related articles from around the country.


Iowa Youth Positive about Agriculture p. 26 Find out what the youth are saying about today’s Agriculture Industry.

Intensive Grazing p. 12 Understanding the “Intensive” in Intensive Grazing.

8 Water Conserving Tips For Summer Gardening p. 14

And Much More Inside!


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All Design, Layout & Printing of the 2015/2016 Iowa Agriculture Guide by Integrated Marketing, LLC 719 Main St. • Peoria, IL 61602


Integrated Marketing is not responsible for misinformation, misprints, typographical errors, etc. Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information in this publication. Please contact Integrated Marketing with any additions or corrections. The information contained herein is for the sole purpose of information and education. Some information has been provided by third party sources.

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At A Glance

Iowa ranks 1st in the U.S. in corn and soybean production. Livestock in Iowa consumes 400 million bushels of Iowa Grown corn annually. Iowa leads the nation in hog and egg production. Over 147 million pounds of cheese are made in Iowa per year. There are 19.2 million hogs (almost 27% of the nation’s hogs), 4 million cattle, 260,000 sheep and 66.9 million chickens in Iowa. Iowa’s dairy industry produced an estimated 4.28 billion pounds of milk in 2007. The average milk produced per cow was 20,146 pounds. Iowa ranks second nationally in red meat production. The 200,000 sheep shorn in 2006 produced 1.23 million pounds of wool valued at $295,000. Iowa ranks ninth in wool production. Iowa’s cash receipts for hog production in Iowa topped $7.5 billion in 2013. In 2007, a little more than 4 million turkeys produced nearly 274 million pounds of turkey was produced at a value of $123 million.

CLIMATE & SOIL • Iowa temperature averages 15°F in January and 75°F in July. The annual average temperature is 49°F

• Iowa is the 10th windiest state in the nation, and has more than 600 wind turbines that generate enough energy for 140,000 average Iowa residential customers.

Over 90% of Iowa’s land is used for agriculture. Iowa has the most acres of land enrolled in the continuous CRP sign-up. Iowa farmers have enrolled more than 460,000 acres, or 13% of the total acres enrolled nationwide. Trees, grasses and soil on CRP land removed an estimated 17 million metric tons of carbon annually from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

#1 in the Nation

For corn, soybean, hog and egg production

• Iowa has at least 11,000 different soils. • Iowa has some of the richest and most productive soil in the world.

• The Iowa state soil is a series called “Tama.” • Iowa’s average precipitation is 43.35”


0 1 G I B BEEF’S

our ay – b e y l d e h t h g rou tia just get th o w beef ’s essen n a h t e r o ’s h Do m d a y. H e re y r e v e t s . be can help nutrients


helps your body use oxygen.


supports nervous All lean beef system development. cuts have less than 10 grams of total fat, 4.5 grams PROTEIN or less of saturated fat helps preserve and and less than 95 milligrams of build muscle. cholesterol per 3 ½-oz. cooked serving. Surprise! Some cuts SELENIUM of beef are as lean as a helps protect cells 3-oz. skinless chicken from damage. thigh.

B-vitamins in beef help give you the energy to tackle busy days.

VITAMINS B 6 and B12

help maintain brain function.


helps maintain a healthy immune system.

PHOSPHORUS helps build bones and teeth.


supports energy production and metabolism.


helps convert food into fuel.

BEEF GIVES YOUR BODY MORE of the nutrients you need. A 3-oz. serving of lean beef provides the following nutrients in about 150 calories: Calories 8% DV

48% DV


44% DV 40% DV 36% DV

B12 Selenium Zinc

26% DV 22% DV

Niacin B6 Phosphorus Choline Iron

19% DV 16% AI* 12% DV

DID YOU KNOW? • Don’t be left unsatisfied. A 3-oz serving of lean beef provides 25 g (about half) of the Daily Value for protein, which is one of the most satisfying nutrients. • Get your workout in! Exercise is more effective when paired with a higherprotein diet. • Interested in heart health? Research shows that including lean beef, even daily as part of a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle, improved cholesterol levels.

Riboflavin 10% DV The “daily value” percentage (aka DV) helps you determine how much of a particular nutrient a food contributes to average daily needs. Each nutrient is based on 100% of the daily requirements for that nutrient (for a 2,000 calorie diet). (*AI stands for Adequate Intake. The highest AI for Choline is 550mg.)

Funded by the Beef Checkoff. For recipes and more visit

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2012. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 25. Available at: Paddon-Jones D, Westman E, Mattes RD, Wolfe RR, Astrup A, Westerterp-Plantenga M. Protein, weight management, and satiety. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87:1558S-61S. Layman DK, Evans E, Baum JI, Seyler J, Erickson DJ, Boileau RA. Dietary protein and exercise have additive effects on body composition during weight loss in adult women. J Nutr 2005;135:1903–10. Symons TB, Sheffield-Moore M, Mamerow MM, Wolfe RR, Paddon-Jones D. The anabolic response to resistance exercise and a protein-rich meal is not diminished by age. J Nutr Health Aging 2011;15:376-81. Roussell MA, Hill AM, Gaugler TL, West SG, Vanden Heuvel JP, Alaupovic P, Gillies PJ, and Kris-Etherton PM. Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet study: Effects on lipids, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins. Am J Clin Nutr 2012;95:9-16.


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Iowa’s Corn



Q. How much corn does Iowa produce? A. In 2014, Iowa corn farmers grew almost 2.4 billion bushels of

corn on 13.2 million acres of land. (Source: USDA)

The 2015 projections state Iowa will grow over 2.3 billion bushels of corn on 12.6 million acres of land. (Source: PRX)

Q. When I drive across Iowa, is all that corn I see really sweet corn?

A. Most of the corn you see growing in fields across Iowa is field

corn. Very little of it is Iowa sweet corn. According to the 2012 U.S. Census of Agriculture, Iowa harvested 3,393 acres of sweet corn. Most of the sweet corn grown in Iowa is sold within the state at farmers’ markets and roadside stands.

Q. What state produces the most corn? A. Iowa has produced the largest corn crop of any state for almost

two decades. In an average year, Iowa produces more corn than most countries. For example, Iowa grows about 3 times as much corn as a country like Mexico.

Q.Why is corn Iowa's leading crop? A. Corn has been the dominant crop in Iowa for more than 150

years! A number of factors contribute to make corn Iowa’s number one crop:

Q. When is corn planted? A. Corn is planted when the soil is warm enough to germinate the

seeds but not so early that the young plants are likely to be damaged by frost. In Iowa, this can be in early April for the state's southern counties, but it can be several weeks later for the state's northern most counties.

Q. Where does corn grow? A.Corn grows on every continent except Antarctica. Most corn is

grown in middle latitudes (between 30 and 45 degrees), about equal to the area north of New Orleans and south of Montana in the Northern Hemisphere.

Q. How much corn is grown on one acre? A.In 2014, Iowa corn growers grew an average of 178 bushels per

acre. Nationally, the average is 171 bushels per acre. (Source: USDA January, 2015)

Q. When is corn harvested? A.In Iowa, some farmers might begin harvesting corn by mid-

September, but most of the harvest is likely to take place in October. In a cool year, when the corn matures more slowly, much of Iowa's crop isn't harvested until November. Harvest times can vary a good deal because different corn hybrids take different lengths of time to mature. Even when plants are physically mature, farmers might wait to harvest them until corn kernels have dried further so that the corn can be stored for longer periods of time.

• Iowa has a growing season that is long enough and warm enough to suit corn production. • Iowa usually receives enough rain to support healthy corn production. . How big is a bushel? • Iowa has deep, rich soils that suit corn’s needs. • Iowa also produces lots of livestock whose waste includes nutrients A bushel began as a measure of volume, but the accepted stanthat are key to fertilizing fields for better corn production. dard for a bushel of corn is now measured in weight: 56 pounds. That's • A wide variety of corn hybrids are available that do especially well in for shelled corn (after the husks and cobs are removed). It is about the Iowa’s environment. size of a large bag of dog food.

Q A.


Q. When corn is harvested, what happens to the cob and the husks?


Modern combines strip the husks off each ear and remove the kernels from the ears as part of the harvesting process. The combine spreads the husks and cobs back onto the field as it moves but keeps the grain in a holding tank until it can be unloaded into a truck. In the field, the cobs and husks are still valuable because they help maintain good soil fertility and structure, just as compost and mulch do in home gardens.

Q. Where does corn come from? A.Corn is descended from a plant called teosinte, which still

grows in Mexico, and the first corn plants seem to have appeared in Mexico. The earliest known ears of corn were tiny - only a few inches long. Millenniums of breeding, first by Native Americans, then by early pilgrims and modern scientists, have resulted in bigger, fuller ears of corn and made corn one of the world's three leading grain crops.

Q. How many ears grow on a corn plant? A.Different corn plants have different numbers of ears, but

much of the field corn grown in Iowa is bred to develop just one large ear rather than several incomplete ears. This approach usually yields better total production.

Q. How many kernels are there on an ear of corn?


The number of kernels per ear can vary from 500 to about 1,200, but a typical ear would have 800 kernels, according to corn experts.

Q. How tall is a typical corn plant? A.A typical corn plant can be anywhere from 5 feet to 12 feet

tall. Under good growing conditions in Iowa, plants are commonly about 8 feet tall by midsummer. A healthy corn plant's root system will reach about 6-1/2 feet into the ground!

Q. Why are there silks on corn? A.The silks on corn are essential for pollen from the tassels

to fertilize the plant. Each silk will convey pollen to one site on a developing ear of corn, making it possible for that site to develop

into a kernel of corn. If it's too hot in the summer, the silks can dry out before all the sites on a corn cob are fertilized. As a result, there will be gaps on that ear of corn where no kernels developed because they weren't fertilized.

Q. How is Iowa's corn crop used? A.Most of Iowa's corn crop goes into animal feed. In livestock

feeding, one bushel of corn converts to about 21.5 pounds of retail beef, 15.6 pounds of retail pork, or 21.6 pounds of chicken. Iowa 's corn is also processed into starches, oil, sweeteners, and ethanol.

Q. How much ethanol do you get from a bushel of corn?


Many ethanol plants now produce 2.8 gallons of ethanol and about 17 pounds of animal feed (distillers grains) from each bushel of corn. Corn and ethanol production are now so efficient that it takes less energy to grow the crop and process it than the amount of energy in the ethanol itself. See the Ethanol Section for more info.

Q. Is it true that there's corn in hundreds of products?


Actually, thousands of products in a typical supermarket contain corn. For many years, the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) has conducted surveys by sending researchers into a typical supermarket to read all the labels and tally all the products containing corn ingredients. The last CRA study found corn ingredients in almost 4,000 products - and that doesn't count all the meat, dairy, and poultry products that depend on corn for livestock feed or the many paper products that don't have ingredient labels but do contain corn.

Q. Where can I find products made from corn-based PLA?


The list of products and sources keeps changing as new PLA products are introduced. One source to check is the National Corn Growers Association website The Corn-Based Products section lists all kinds of products, not just PLA. Also, remember than any product marketed under the NatureWorks or Ingeo label is a PLA product. If you're still puzzled about a specific product, contact the Iowa Corn Promotion Board. Source: For more corn questions, call 515-225-9242 or email: 9

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Admission Fee:

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e v i s n nte


g n i z a r G Understanding the “Intensive” in Intensive Grazing


anagement-intensive grazing and other intensive grazing systems have been promoted for quite a few years, but what does the word intensive mean when it is used with grazing?

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “intensive grazing”? Many small pastures with lots of fencing? Moving animals to new pastures almost daily or even several times each day? Lots of animals completely grazing small areas before moving to fresh pasture? Most folks don’t fully understand what the word “intensive” refers to when used with grazing. It’s not intensive fencing. It’s not intensive labor or intensive animal movement. And it’s especially not intensive defoliation. Intensive is all about management. Management can’t happen unless there is a goal or

objective, or more likely, several objectives. Many advisors classify goals in three main categories: financial/ economic goals, lifestyle/quality of life goals, and environmental/landscape goals. A timeframe also should be included within all goals. After all, actions that might maximize production or profit today or this year could result in pasture degradation and/or financial losses in the future.

pasture could be intensively managed by controlling the number of animals placed in the pasture, when they are allowed in, and when they are removed. This placement of animals could be repeated many times throughout the year if that would allow you to meet your goals.

Begin by deciding your goals and what you want to accomplish with your grazing. Profit, workload, sustainability, family participation, and other factors all might influence the decisions, actions, and methods you use to accomplish these goals.


Management is how you control the resources you have available. When you have only one pasture, you have little control of where and when animals graze. This one

Even greater control, though, might be accomplished by dividing your grazing land into many smaller pieces or paddocks. But most important is how you manage the

is all about management grazing of each individual small paddock as well as combine all the small pastures into one management unit. One of the bigger mistakes many people make is to think that intensive grazing means you should graze each small pasture real short before moving to the next pasture. Sometimes severe or short grazing may be appropriate, but more often than not, we want more grass leaves left behind after a move so it will regrow faster and be ready for another grazing sooner. Thus, it’s the intensity of your management that enables you to meet your grazing goals. Intensive grazing is a great tool when used correctly. Remember – it is management, not the defoliation, that is intensive. SOURCE: Bruce Anderson, Nebraska Extension Forage Specialist University of Nebraska–Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources




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Water Conserving Tips For

Summer Gardening

Temperatures are on the rise this summer and it can be a Make Sure Mulch Doesn’t Crust Over challenge to keep your garden alive and growing without 4. Mulch is great for holding in moisture and keeping the base of plants cool. However, breaking the bank. To help conserve water and keep your a thick layer of mulch can also form a crust that prevents water from getting to the roots. Break up crusted mulch with a rake to allow water in. plants alive, try these eight helpful tips: From

1. Choose the Right Tool Watering with a standard garden hose and nozzle can be the least efficient way to water because so much is lost as mist, runoff and evaporation. Instead, try using a soaker hose or a sprinkler wand.

2. Don’t Over Water

A good rule of thumb is that your plants need 1 to 2 inches of water per week, but there’s no set rule, so use your best judgement considering factors like the weather and your climate. Your best guide is always use the plant tag (the small spear-shaped plastic tag that came with the plant when you bought it). It will tell you the sun, soil, pH and water requirements. If you didn’t keep your plant tag, keep the soil lightly moist and see how the plant responds. If conditions are especially hot and windy in your area, keep a careful eye out for wilting. If you see wilting, add water to the soil, but don’t overcompensate by drowning the plant. Over-watering is just as bad as under-watering; it leads to root rot and soil compaction that robs the roots of air.

3. Don’t Waste Water

Don’t soak the plant’s foliage; it does little good. And be careful not to apply water outside the root zone either. If you see water puddling or running off, stop. Let the water soak in before resuming. 14

5. Test for Moisture

You can buy a tool (Outdoor Moisture Sensor Meter) to gauge your soil’s moisture level at your nearby nursery. But if you don’t have one, a large straight blade screwdriver is a good standby. Poke it into the soil; the drier the soil, the more resistance you’ll meet.

6. If You Can, Water in the Morning

If you water while it’s (relatively) cool outside, water has time to soak in before it evaporates on the surface. And if you do it in the morning, that helps the plant to take up the water during the day. Watering at dusk or early evening is okay, but you run the risk of fungus formation.

7. Use Cool Water

Don’t use a hose that’s been coiled up, filled with water and sitting in the sun all day. That coiled hose can act like a water heater, and hot water stresses sensitive plants. Store your hose in the shade. If you can’t, run the heated water out before giving your plants a drink.

8. Water at Widely Spaced Intervals

It’s better to give your garden larger amounts of water at longer intervals than to apply small amounts frequently. Shallow watering encourages shallow rooting. In very hot weather, a good range for watering your garden is every other day. Again, make sure to monitor the soil moisture. SOURCE:


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Are GMO’s A-OK? 5 GMO facts that may surprise you!

1 2 3 4 5

GMOs are safe for human consumption as proven by over 25 years of independent research including more than 2,000 peer-reviewed studies. There is absolutely no documented evidence of harm to human health from the consumption of GMOs.

GMOs are nutritionally the same as their non-GM counterparts. Exhaustive testing and FDA review have confirmed that. Additionally, GMOs are being developed that can actually improve nutritional value and address human health concerns. GMOs do not create new allergens that were not already present in the non-GMO variety. In fact, GMO technology has the potential to reduce allergen levels in foods such as peanuts.

GMOs are safe for animals, too, according to a 2012 review of 24 long-term studies. The review found that GMO crops fed to a wide variety of species had no ill effects on the animals that ate them—and that the animals’ physiology was normal. GMOs improve the environment by dramatically reducing the amount of pesticides and herbicides used by farmers. Thanks to GMOs, farmers can grow more on less land and with fewer inputs—and that’s important if we’re going to feed a growing global population. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are the latest advancement in the development of new foods. They are the next logical step in plant breeding and genetics that will help farmers feed the world—and help emerging nations feed themselves. GET ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT GMOs AT:

The 8 GMO products commercially available in the U.S. Corn • Soybeans • Sugar beets • Cotton • Alfalfa • Papaya • Squash • Canola 17

The Secret to Getting Kids to


Eat Veggies

eft to their own devices, most kids will choose to gobble down ice cream or chocolate rather than broccoli or brussels sprouts. So, at school lunch, they’ll likely eat the yummiest items first and then drop the rest in the trash. But a new study finds that kids eat more fruits and vegetables when school recess takes place before lunch, rather than after. “Recess is a pretty big deal to kids,” said lead researcher Joe Price, an associateprofessor in the Department of Economics at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. “If you’re going to make a kid choose between going to recess and eating their veggies , recess is going to win.” The study, led by Price and David Just, director of the Cornell Center for BehavioralEconomics in Child Nutrition Programs at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, looked at seven elementary schools in a Utah school district. Three of the schools switched recess to before lunch, while four schools continued to hold recess after lunch. For four days in the spring and nine days in the fall, the researchers measured how many fruits and vegetables each student ate during lunch. The three schools that made the switch,did so in the fall. In the schools that switched recess to before lunch, children ate 54 percent more fruits and vegetables than they did before the switch, the researchers found. Moreover, there was a 45 percent increase in the number of kids who ate at least one serving of fruits and vegetables a day. But in schools that kept recess after lunch, children actually ate fewer fruits and vegetables as the year went on. Previous studies had attempted to encourage children to eat healthier by increasing the variety of fruits and vegetables available or providing small incentives for the kids to eat them. Although both


methods worked relatively well, they can be costly, the scientists said. This new study shows that “it’s not just what’s on the tray that matters,” Price told Live Science. Rather, “by setting the scheduling right, you can have a big impact.” Price also speculated that switching recess to before lunch helps kids build up an appetite immediately before they sit down to eat. As an added bonus, the switch also reduced waste b y roughly 40 percent, the researchers found. The results should be encouraging for most schools because “it means that you can end up with more items in the tummy rather than in the trash,” Price said. The findings should also help parents get their kids to eat healthier, Price said. Parents who regularly sit down and eat with their kids for a specific amount of time may be more successful in getting their kids to eat well. However, parents who allow their children to run along as soon as they’ve finished dinner are less likely to encourage healthy eating habits. In the future, Price and Just hope to study how to use digital media to advertise and encourage healthy eating at school. But for now, switching lunchtimes to after recess may just do the trick. The findings will be published in February in the journal Preventive Medicine. Source:






COOKING Enjoy the season’s bounty with recipes cooked up with ingredients grown by your local farmer.

Shrimp and Corn Salad

Serves 8 | Hands-On Time: 20m | Total Time: 20m by Sara Quessenberry |

Ingredients 1/4 cup fresh orange juice 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 teaspoons honey 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon olive oil, kosher salt and black pepper 2 cups fresh corn kernels (from 3 ears) or one 10-ounce package frozen corn, thawed 1 pint cherry tomatoes, quartered 1 small jicama, cut into thin strips (optional) 1 pound peeled and deveined large cooked shrimp 1/2 cup (3.5 ounces) shelled roasted pumpkin seeds 6 scallions (white and light green parts), thinly sliced Directions 1. In a large bowl, whisk together the orange and lime juices, honey, cumin, oil, ¾ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pepper. 2.

Add the corn, tomatoes, jicama (if using), shrimp, pumpkin seeds, and scallions and toss well.


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Enjoy the season’s bounty with recipes cooked up with ingredients grown by your local farmer.

By Sara Quessenberry |



Eggplant Pasta Salad

Red Pepper Frittata Squares

Serves 4 | Hands-On Time: 15m | Total Time: 40m

Serves 6 | Hands-On Time: 15m | Total Time: 40m

Ingredients 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 celery stalks, sliced 1 eggplant, cut into 1/2-inch pieces 1 pint grape tomatoes, halved 1/4 cup tomato paste 1/4 cup white wine vinegar kosher salt and black pepper 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons capers 1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted (optional) 1 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped 1 pound dried penne

Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, thinly sliced 2 red bell peppers kosher salt and pepper 10 large eggs 1 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley 4 ounces soft goat cheese

Directions 1. Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the celery and cook for 3 minutes. Stir in the eggplant and tomatoes. 2. In a small bowl, combine the tomato paste, vinegar, ¼ cup water, 2 ½ teaspoons salt, ¼ teaspoon pepper, and the sugar. Stir into the eggplant mixture. 3. Cover and reduce heat to medium-low. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the eggplant is tender, 15 to 20 minutes. 4. Remove from heat and stir in the capers, pine nuts (if desired), and parsley. 5. Meanwhile, cook the penne according to the package directions. Toss with the remaining oil; let cool. Combine with the eggplant mixture and serve.

By Sara Quessenberry |

Directions 1. Heat oven to 400° F. Heat the oil in a large ovenproof nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes. Add the bell peppers and 1/2 teaspoon salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are soft, 8 to 10 minutes. 2.

In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Mix in the parsley. Pour over the vegetables in the skillet, stir once, ad crumble the cheese over the top.


Transfer to oven and bake until the center is set, 18 to 20 minutes. Slide out of the skillet and cut into squares before serving warm or at room temp.

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The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers has helped many young people like Ackerman successfully stay or return to the farm. “With high start-up costs, it can be challenging for young people,” Waddingham said. “Livestock and poultry production provides a great avenue to help young people return to the family farm or get started on their own. It’s also good news for Iowa’s economy. Livestock farming and processing generated $31.6 billion for the state, up from $3.5 billion in 2007. When young people make their career choices in livestock, we all benefit.”

Easy Way Cattle Care manufacturers the highest quality cattle oilers and livestock pest control products available on the market!

CSIF has helped more than 3,100 families since its launch in 2004. CSIF is a non-profit organization that assists livestock farmers who want help interpreting rules and regulations, choosing good site locations for barns, enhancing neighbor relations and protecting the environment. The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers was created by farmers to help farmers raise livestock responsibly and successfully. It’s a joint partnership involving the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Iowa Pork Producers Association, Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa Turkey Federationand Midwest Dairy Association. Source: By Brian Waddingham

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29 2014Ground Beef Thawing Inforgraphic.indd 1

9/18/2014 11:12:38 AM


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Evergreen Stock Farm |

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Top Quality Angus Bulls Since 1900

Category: Flying Services | Location: Central City, NE

Category: Livestock | Location: Marshalltown, IA

All Pro Door Co. |

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Category: Equipment/Manufacturing | Location: Carroll, IA

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Astro Buildings | Farmers National Company | Versatile Building Solutions Since 1969

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Category: Home Builders | Location: Oaklahoma City, OK

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Breezy Hill Pole Barns |

Freds Farm |

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Category: Equipment/Manufacturing | Location: New Virginia, IA

Category: Farm Supply | Location: Fairbury, IL

Farming For Christ

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Buffalo Bill Museum | 10

Giza Contracting |

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C&R Supply Inc. |

Heartland Highland Cattle |

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Cedar Basin Crop Consulting |

HoneyComb Corporation |

Providing Independent Crop Consulting Services Throughout IA For More Than 28 Years

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Category: Museum | Location: LeClaire, IA

Category: Farm Supply | Location: Sioux Falls, SD

Category: Ag Technology | Location: Decorah, IA

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Category: Livestock | Location: Tunas, MO

Category: Ag Technology | Location: Wilsonville, OR

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Hoppe Airspray |

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Longnecker Fertilizers | 515-291-0836 ..............................................23

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Wilhelm Family Angus | 515-971-0343..............................................41

Skilled Nursing Facility Offering Quality Rehabilitative Care

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Northwest Ag Supply, LLC. |

Wishing Well Angus | 319-461-6554....................................................24

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Preparing Outstanding Individuals for Careers in Agriculture

Article supplied by Agriculture Future of America

Scholarships and Training for Agriculture Students Missouri-based organization provides opportunities to the next generation of agriculture leaders In 1996, R. Crosby Kemper Jr., a Kansas City banker and philanthropist, founded Agriculture Future of America. He passionately believed the best young leaders come from agriculture. Along with his son Alexander “Sandy” Kemper and the support of area agribusiness leaders, Kemper founded AFA with the mission to create partnerships that identify, encourage and support outstanding college men and women pursuing careers in the agriculture and food industry.

Academic Support

Leader Development Each November, Conference draws college students from across the country to Kansas City to network with peers and professionals, as well as, engage in personal and professional development training. AFA expects over 600 students at the 2015 event Nov. 5-8. Every student who attends Conference is selected through a competitive application such as the scholarship application or the Conference industry sponsorship application. This competitive nature creates an environment unlike any other. “AFA challenged me to find what I’m passionate about and to take that seriously at an early age,” says Maertens. “I know people who have not started thinking about that until they are halfway through college, but I really started thinking about that my first semester.” Through round tables, panels and sessions, Conference focuses on topics like career exploration, communication and time and conflict management. The experience is divided into four tracks, creating a program that can be tailored for each year of a student’s college career. Through the AFA Opportunity Fair as well as informal networking opportunities, students not only get to learn about possible career paths within the industry, they also have the chance to talk to recruiters and professionals about specific opportunities that might be open to them. Maertens attended AFA Leaders Conference all four years of college and served as an AFA student leader before graduating from the University of Minnesota. “I couldn’t wait to go to AFA events throughout college to reconnect with people I already knew and to meet new people,” she says. “I had no idea that this one scholarship program would open up so many opportunities down the road.” Throughout her collegiate experience, Maertens pursued experiences that allowed her to explore her career possibilities. By the time she started her senior year of college, she had completed summer internships with three different companies. “Each internship broadened my interests,” she said. “I always knew who Cargill was,

“The AFA Community Scholarship introduced me to an organization that shaped my professional skills for my career and gave me a network of people who helped me get to where I am now”

This enterprise started as a scholarship driven program. Local community scholarships were established in the Midwestern states serviced by Kemper’s bank, UMB — Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma. Eighteen years later, communities across these states continue to raise money for scholarships and select local graduating high school students who are passionate about agriculture and committed to pursuing a four-year degree in an agriculturerelated field. In 2009, the Redwood Falls, Minnesota, community selected Kate Maertens as their AFA Leader and Academic Scholar. “The AFA Community Scholarship introduced me to an organization that shaped my professional skills for my career and gave me a network of people who helped me get to where I am now,” Maertens says. “I was motivated to take my college courses more seriously, knowing 36

there were key members of my community who believed in me enough to give me this scholarship.” Community scholars receive a $3,200 academic scholarship and sponsorship that covers their registration for AFA Leaders Conference, AFA’s flagship collegiate event.

but I never envisioned myself working for them until my senior year of college.” It was while serving as an AFA student leader that Maertens was introduced to a Cargill recruiter, who helped her find her first trainee role within the company.

“I couldn’t wait to go to AFA events throughout college to reconnect with people I already knew and to meet new people,” she says. “I had no idea that this one scholarship program would open up so many opportunities down the road.”

Lifelong Learning

Now that she is in the professional world, Maertens still maintains the network she built with AFA through the AFA Alliance. This network for young professionals allows her to strengthen her relationships and, as the communications chair for the Alliance, allows her to pursue her interest in creativity and communications as well. “I’m also learning prioritizing through this experience,” she says. “I’m learning not only how to manage my work time, but my personal time as well.” Through the Alliance, Maertens has access to professional development training through the annual Alliance Forum, which is held in conjunction with AFA Leaders Conference, and various regional events. “I’m extremely thankful for all of my past experiences with AFA,” she says. “I don’t see my involvement with AFA ending anytime soon because I’m now a lifetime Alliance member, and I’m excited to see where AFA goes in years to come. Working for a company that supports that is so important to me.” To learn more about Agriculture Future of America, visit


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Study looks at consumers’ willingness to pay more for ‘local’

In the debate on what animal agriculture “should” look like, it is important to understand what consumers perceive attributes and buzzwords, such as “local”, to mean. Purdue University researchers Elizabeth Byrd, Nicole Widmar, and Michael Wilcox surveyed consumers to determine their perceptions of and willingness to pay for local pork chops and chicken breasts. They reported their results at the 2015 Joint Annual Meeting in Orlando.

Knowledge about consumer perceptions of local production can help the animal industries make decisions about marketing livestock products, the researchers said.

Social media holds opportunity for Extension specialists

The use of social media in public engagement and extension is a relatively new phenomenon, and many scientists are cautious about using it professionally, University of California-Davis researcher Alison Van Eenennaam explained during the Extension Education Symposium at the 2015 JAM.

Social media provides opportunities to reach a much wider public audience than traditional extension meetings, but it may not always be the best approach to reach more traditional agricultural clientele who typically are an older demographic, noted Van When asked how they defined “local” food, 37% of U.S. consumers described it as having Eenennaam. She said one issue with the professional use of social media is the difficulty been produced within 10 miles of their home, 21% described it to mean within 20 miles of objectively documenting impact. of their home and 17% described it as having been produced within the state. Several demographics were found to be correlated with perceptions of local. For instance, they Although the number of followers or page views is an easy metric to report, it does not said, being male was found to be correlated with defining local food as having been proreally evaluate impact. Merit and promotion evaluation systems will need to evolve to reduced within 20 miles of home, whereas living in the Northeast was positively correlated flect the increased use of social media in extension programs, and appropriately reward with defining local food as produced within 10 miles of home. academics for time spent effectively using these forms of communication. Households earning less than $40,000 more often defined local food as having been proThe University of California-Davis duced within 10 miles of home. Animal Biotechnology & Genomics Extension program incorporates Having visited a beef or dairy farm in the last five years was found to be negatively corthe use of social media including related with defining local food as having been produced within 10 miles of home. websites, You-Tube educational videos and the use of Twitter, said Van Expressing concern for the welfare of beef or dairy cattle was positively correlated with Eenennaam.For extension work in defining local food as having been produced within 100 miles of home. controversial areas, she said, educators need to be prepared for the As for whether consumers were willing to pay for verified locally grown pork chops and unpredictable nature of social media audiences. Several high-profile “public shamings” chicken breasts, the preliminary results of a simulated purchasing scenario indicated that following an ill-advised tweet provide cautionary case studies of one of the risks of using consumers were willing to pay up to $2.02/lb. for U.S. Department of Agriculture-verified social media, especially when discussing controversial topics. locally produced chicken breasts but were not willing to pay for verified locally produced pork chops. Although Twitter is useful for directing interested followers to a website or alerting them to an upcoming meeting, it is difficult to explain the nuances of complex topics in 140 While consumers were willing to pay $2.02/lb. for USDA to verify local production in characters, and maintaining a civil and respectful dialog can sometimes be challenging, chicken breasts, those same consumers were only willing to pay 37 cents for the poultry Van Eenennaam said. industry to verify that chicken breasts were produced locally. 40

Extension educators can certainly benefit from the expansive reach of social media and magnify the reach of their programs, and the next generation of educators will likely increasingly do so in the future. As with all extension communication, Van Eenennaam said, great care should be given to wording to ensure the professional dissemination of science-based information using social media.

“What the agency doesn’t have is the law to make it work uniformly across the country like we did 25 years ago when we passed the Organic Foods Production Act.”

AMS has already developed the first Process Verified Program claim for non-GMO/GE food products. Recently SunOpta had asked AMS to help verify that the corn and soybeans it uses in its products were not genetically engineered so that the company could label the products as such. In a letter to employees May 1, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack had said that AMS worked with that company to develop testing and verification processes to verify the non-GE claim.

House Ag Committee Advances GMO Labeling Bill

Tuesday morning during a business meeting the House Agriculture Committee voted favorably to advance legislation to the House floor that creates a framework for the voluntary labeling of GMOfree foods. As state legislatures and ballot initiatives have developed labeling standards, Congressional leaders have said it’s needed to step in to create a national standard and take out the confusion that’s created from a piecemeal approach. The bipartisan Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act from lead sponsors Rep. Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.) and Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D., N.C.) currently has 68 cosponsors.

Chairman of the subcommittee on biotechnology Rep. Rodney Davis (R., Ill.) said just as consumers can go to the grocery store and identify organic products, this bill will allow them to do the same with GMO-free products. The House bill was revised to ensure milk could be certified as non-GMO only if the cows are fed non-GMO grain and similar language would apply to non-GMO meat. Rep. Jim McGovern (D., Mass.) opposed the bill during committee debate as well as Rep. Chris Gibson (R., N.Y.). because their constituents are asking for more information about their food and a voluntary system “goes against what a majority of Americans want,” McGovern said. Both agreed a national standard is better than state standards, but it should be a national standard mandating the labeling. “States will continue to put pressure on us to do more,” McGovern said. “Anyone thinking we’re putting this to rest, we’re just kicking the can down the road.” Agricultural groups welcomed the passage and urged for quick passage on the House floor ahead of the August recess. “The House and Senate must pass federal legislation this year; the continued threat of an unworkable patchwork of state GMO labeling mandates will drive up costs for farmers and consumers alike,” said National Corn Growers Assn. trade policy and biotechnology action team chair John Linder, a farmer from Ohio. “Next July, Vermont’s state labeling law is set to take effect. The looming impacts of this situation increase the urgency of the need for Congress to act on a national labeling law.”

It also requires FDA to proposed definitions of “natural” food within 18 months and these defi- Wade Cowan, American Soybean Assn. president, shared the legislation brings clarity to the nitions would cover wording such as what can be classified as “100% natural” and “all natural” GMO labeling debate. “It’s clear that consumers want practical solutions that give them the and “made with natural ingredients.” confidence they want in their food, and this legislation does exactly that. In the coming weeks, we’ll meet with every lawmaker in soybean country to urge them to support this legislation. In testimony before the House Agriculture Committee, multiple representatives of the food and It’s a bill that moves us closer to a science-based dialogue on food and farm issues, and we will agricultural sectors commented on the cost burden that would be placed on the food system if encourage every member of the House to get behind it,” he said. the 50 States, more than 3000 counties and nearly 20,000 towns and cities in the United States Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, said the bill does away with were allowed to establish their own laws regulating interstate commerce. labeling schemes that would “stigmatize foods based on nothing more than the way in which they were developed.” He called the bill the “antidote to anti-GMO initiatives” and restores Many changes have transpired over the past several months in an attempt to build on needs reason to the food discussion. and concerns expressed. The House Agriculture Committee held a hearing on a version intro duced in March; a discussion draft released last month by the Energy and Commerce Committee; and finally the version approved Tuesday as an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Both the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration provided technical assistance and both organic and conventional constituent groups as well as food processors, distributors, scientists and consumers provided input into the final version. The bill specifically utilizes the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service to provide consumers verified information about genetic engineering in much the same way they provide information about organic production methods. During a House Agriculture biotechnology subcommittee hearing the subcommittee concluded the AMS has the resources and expertise to develop and administer a marketing program for those consumers who wish to identify the presence or absence of genetically engineered ingredients in their products. However, House Agriculture Committee chairman Michael Conaway (R., Texas) said,

Box 635 Stuart, IA 50250

515-971-0343 41





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