This activity fulfills California State Board of Pharmacy training requirements under SB 159* *Participants who successfully complete this activity will receive a certificate confirming they have fulfilled the requirements laid out by the California State Board of Pharmacy under California Senate Bill 159 (SB 159).
James D. Scott, PharmD, FCCP, APh, AAHIVP
Associate Dean for Experiential and Professional Affairs Western University of Health Sciences College of Pharmacy Pomona, California
Lucas Hill, PharmD, BCACP, AAHIVP HIV/HCV Pharmacist Specialist UC San Diego Health System San Diego, California
HOW TO OBTAIN CREDIT Participants must complete the preactivity questionnaire, complete and receive a minimum score of 70% on the posttest, and complete the program evaluation online at
We would like to thank the American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM) for their collaboration and support. Estimated time to complete this activity is 2 hours. *The California State Board of Pharmacy training requirements under California SB 159 stipulate that a participant must pass the posttest with a minimum score of 70% and retain records of the training for at least 4 years. Participants who successfully complete this activity will receive a certificate confirming they have fulfilled the requirements laid out by the California State Board of Pharmacy under SB 159.
Jointly provided by the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Integritas Communications. This activity is supported by an independent educational grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc.