Confidence and Connections Teacher Book 3 LEFT - Preview

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Adult ESL The Intercambio Way



Teacher’s Name____________________________________________________________ Phone & Email_____________________________________________________________

Not For Duplication

Student(s) Information

Important Contact Information ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Confidence and Connections Adult ESL The Intercambio™ Way

Intercambio Uniting Communities Š 2019 Confidence and Connections is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of

Not For Duplication

Teacher Book

Intercambio Uniting Communities.

First Edition 2019


Not For Duplication II

Teacher Book 3 LEFT

CREDITS Level 3 Left Writers Rachel Fuchs, Linda Hayes-Angiano and Elena Vasileva Editors Rachel Fuchs and Elena Vasileva Design and Layout David Olivares Design Interns Arik Burton

Not For Duplication

Support Team Becky Campbell-Howe, Leanne Chacon, Rachel Gracie Freeman, Debbie Goldman, Sarah James, Ingrid Justin, Jennifer Kurtz, Rosie Piller, Lee Shainis and Marcie Smith

Thank you to the following organizations and agencies that support our work and made the development of Confidence and Connections possible. 3Metas Argosy Foundation Jacques M. Littlefield Foundation Red Empress Foundation Schocken Foundation Workforce Boulder County




I’m Going to Do My Best!


She’s More Outgoing than Me


What Happened?


I Like Watching Soap Operas


What Will We Do?


How Can I Help You?


I Used to Play Outside



By End of Lesson, You Can:

• Review wh-questions in the present, past and future + going to tenses

Discuss things you did and are going to do in this and past classes

• Talk about things you like to do and make using the past, present and future tenses

• Comparatives and superlative review with object pronouns

Compare family members and friends with others

• Compare different people you know with yourself and others

• Past continuous with when

Share stories about safety in • Talk about safety items in your home your home or at work • Talk about emergency situations

• “Like” with gerunds • Comparing “too” and “very” with adjectives

Share about the kinds of things you like to watch, do and listen to in your free time.

• Share about movies, music and things you like to do • Compare types of movies and talk about dislikes and likes

• Future with “will” and “If” clauses • Imperative sentences

Talk about what You’re doing right now and if you can or can’t do something else

• Share ideas about how to stay safe if a weather event happens

• Comparing prepositions “for” and to

Talk about what you will do if there is a natural disaster

• Ask for help when looking for something

• Simple past with use to

Talk about things you used to and didn’t use to do

• Share about things in your past you used to do and now don’t do • Share about things you didn’t use to do and now do

Role-play discussion about objects and possessions

• Talk about things you and others own • Ask questions about items


Review and Progress Check


Field Trip


Whose Hammer is This?

• Comparing this/that and these/those • Possessive pronouns


You Should Go to the Bank

• Giving advice using should or Giving advice about comshouldn’t mon things in life

• Talk about ways you spend and save money • Share advice about how to do things

• Comparing adjectives with -ed and -ing endings

Talk about how you and others are doing

• Tell someone how you are doing • Ask others about how they are and what makes them feel stressed

• Countable and uncountable nouns • Using quantifiers; a lot, a little, some, a few

Talk about how much you recycle

• Discuss how much you recycle, throw things out and reuse things

• Future tense with “will” for promises and offers

Make offers to help with planning and events

• Talk about things you have planned and will plan in the future • Make offers for situations and parties

• “Looking forward to” with gerunds • Review present continuous

Share about the things you are looking forward to doing in the future

• Ask and answer questions about the things you are looking forward to doing in the future


It’s Relaxing


Reduce, Reuse and Recycle


Who’ll Bring Dessert?


I’m Looking Forward to It!



Review and Progress Check

Teacher Book 3 LEFT

Not For Duplication


Welcome to Confidence and Connections! The unique emphasis of this series is on using conversation to facilitate meaningful connections. It is as important for you, the teacher, to share your own stories as it is to elicit stories from your students. When you ask students questions, be sure to have them ask you questions, too. In a group setting, use pair work to encourage students to learn about one another. In one-on-one, learn about your student’s family and share about your own. About your teacher book: Your teacher book is designed to be simple to use and make your classes as engaging and effective as possible. You’ll find a lead page at the beginning of each lesson. This page contains: • The learning objectives for the students (Students will be able to…) • Suggested materials to bring to class • Useful notes • Listening transcript

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In each lesson, you’ll see helpful callouts with activity notes as well as the answers for each activity. (NOTE: The answer key does not provide capitalization.) In the first two lessons, we included notes for most activities. After that, you’ll only find notes for activities that benefit from specific instructions. In the back of the book, you’ll find an in depth overview of teaching strategies for each section of the lessons, including additional engagement and expansion ideas that we encourage you to use.

The back inside cover of your Teacher Book has the Color Vowel™ Chart. If you do not already know how to use this tool, please go to and sign up to attend a pronunciation workshop. This fun, interactive training will help you use this tool, as well as Pronunciation Fun with Pictures (Pro Fun) and learn easy techniques for teaching the many sounds and stress in English. In addition, we encourage all teachers and students to use Pronunciation Fun with Pictures and The Immigrant Guide as supplements to their teaching. Happy teaching!


L1 I’M GOING TO DO MY BEST By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about things they do or make • Talk about what others did or made • Talk about what they are going to do What to expect? This is the first day so don’t be discouraged if students can’t answer questions or don’t say much. Praise whatever they are able to provide. Use the board, and have them use the board with you. Be careful in a group setting not to gauge your teaching level on one talkative student—especially for the first two lessons. What to bring to class: • Table tents / paper to write student name or name tags • Prepared colored index cards for Activity D • To-Do list of your own • Hand mirror or use a phone in selfie mode to show mouth shapes in Pronunciation Activity

Warm-up: Greet students. Have them write their first name on a name tag or table tent (don’t forget to make one for yourself). Do your best to pronounce students’ names the way they say them. It’s okay to ask them to clarify a few times. It is as important for you to know your students’ names as it is for students to know their classmates’ names. Try Conversation Rotation to learn names. Table tents are useful even in 1-1 environments as it can be hard to remember new names. In 1-1, learn the student names, children, even pets. Listening Track 01 Malia: Hi Bernard, I’m in your class again this term. Bernard: Hi Malia! Are you ready to start the next English book? Malia: Yes, I am. I am going to do my best. Bernard: Good! You know, you are making a lot of progress. Malia: Thanks. I think I am making some progress, but I still make a lot of mistakes. Bernard: It is good to make mistakes—that’s how you learn! Just be sure to do your homework this time. Malia: Good idea. Last class I didn’t do a lot of homework, I am going to make sure to practice and do more. Bernard: That’s a good plan! But can you do me a favor? Malia: Sure—what’s that? Bernard: Make sure you speak only English in class, okay? Malia: Okay, I will! Listening Track 02 (phone ringing) Jean: Hello? Rafael: Hi Jean. It’s Rafael. Are you at home? Jean: Yes, I am. Rafael: Okay, great. I’m at the grocery store. I left my list at home and I need to make cupcakes for the open house tomorrow. Can you read it to me so I can remember what’s on it? Jean: Oh okay, sure! Hold on (rummaging). Okay—it says we need milk, bread, eggs, and soap. Rafael: Okay, thanks! Jean: Your list also says you need to make a doctor’s appointment. Don’t forget! Rafael: Oh, thanks for reminding me! I’ll do that now. 2

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Teacher notes: We’ve provided simple definitions for vocabulary words and phrases that may be challenging to define: • make progress - to get closer to a goal; to move forward



Listening warm-up. Track 01: Is Malia a student or a teacher?

Pre Explore the picture. What do you see? Read the Pre question, play track, elicit answer.


A. Have students repeat each phrase multiple times. Repeat as whole group, then individually. Explain the phrases. Use hand gestures or body language where possible to demonstrate activities. See VOCABULARY.

Repeat after your teacher. do the dishes

do a good job

do your best

make money

make a phone call

make progress

make a mistake

make a list

make sure to

do (someone) a favor

PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat after your teacher. Practice the GRAY DAY sound. Write the words with the GRAY DAY sound in the box. A

GRAY DAY sounds







3. __________________________




4. __________________________




5. __________________________




make 1. __________________________

2. __________________________

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6. __________________________ 7. __________________________ 1 Pronunciation Read instructions. Let students look in the mirror at the shape of their mouths. Say words and have students repeat multiple times. Ask students to underline words with the GRAY sound as they pronounce the words. Use Pro Fun for more practice on GRAY DAY words. See PRONUNCIATION.

Answer Key: Pronunciation: mail, favor, mistake, parade, paper





Write the words from the box in the correct column. make

do Homework


your best

sure to

a list


a favor



a good job


her a favor


B. Read instructions. Students can refer back to vocabulary section for help. See ENGAGEMENT & EASY EXPANSIONS.



Listen again to Track 01. Circle the things that Malia is going to do or make. do my best

do laundry do my homework

do the dishes make a list

make mistakes

do my brother a favor make sure to practice

make money



Listen to your teacher and repeat. WH-QUESTIONS Present


























do laundry? going to do make going to make

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on Sundays.


going to do

at the laundromat.



at 6:00 p.m.




going to make



last night.

last night. at home later.

C. Go over the activity so students know what they are going to listen for (circle what they hear). Play track once without stopping. Pause to check answers in pairs. Play track again as many times as GGStop if necessary. necessary. See LISTENING. D. FOCUS: Wh- questions in the simple present, past and future with “do/did” and “am/ are;” Write chart on board. Read and have students repeat the questions and answers several times. Point out in answer section how to decide present, past, future (e.g., For latter, use “going to”). Do several real examples with the students - e.g., When do you go shopping? What did you do last night? Use Colored Index Cards to practice. See GRAMMAR.

Answer Key: B. do: a good job, her a favor, your best, a favor, dishes; make: sure to, progress, mistakes, a list, money, dinner C. do my homework, make sure to practice


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GRAMMAR PRACTICE E. Read the instructions. Instruct students to write the letter of the answer on the line. Do first example together.

F. Read instructions and give students time to fill in the blanks. Go over answers, and then have students practice the dialog with a partner.



Match the questions and the answers. e When are you going to do your homework? 1. ____

a. Yes, she made a list.

2. ____ Did he make a mistake?

b. No, he didn’t make a mistake.

3. ____ When did you make the phone call to the doctor?

c. I made it yesterday.

4. ____ When do they do laundry?

d. Yes, he’s going to make more money.

5. ____ Did she make a list?

e. I’m going to do it tomorrow.

6. ____ Are we making progress?

f. They do it on weekends.

7. ____ Is he going to make more money at his new job?

g. Yes, we’re making progress.

Complete the conversation with do or make. make a list of what we need from the grocery store? Victor: Hey, Peppa. Did you (1)________

Peppa: Yes, I did! I’m going to the store right after I (2)________ my homework. Victor: Great. I’m going to (3) ________ the dishes and laundry while you go to the store. Peppa: Thank you! Can you (4)________ me a favor? Victor: Sure. Peppa: Can you look at the list I made for the grocery store? I want to (5)________ sure I didn’t

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make a mistake. Victor: Okay. You did (6)________ one mistake. We don’t need any milk – we have another carton in the back of the fridge.

GG G. This activity has two parts. Read the instruction. Then give students time to circle the correct answer. Have students work on the second part, writing questions. Read answers together as a group or with students taking turns.

Circle the correct words. 1. Can you do / did me a favor?

5. Are you do / doing him a favor?

2. Did he do / did the dishes last night?

6. We always make / making sure to do our homework.

3. She is making / makes progress. 4. Vera and Mateo made / making a lot of money last year.

7. They usually do / doing the laundry.

Write the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Did you make a list? __________________________________ Yes, I made a list. __________________________________ No, he didn’t do the dishes. __________________________________ Rebecca and her brother do laundry on Sundays. __________________________________ Yes, she is making more money. __________________________________ Yes, I’m going to do my homework. __________________________________ No, I don’t make mistakes – just kidding! __________________________________ Sure, I can do you a favor!


Answer Key: E. 2. b 3. c 4. f 5. a 6. g 7. d F. 2. do 3. do 4. do 5. make 6. make G. 2. do 3. making 4. made 5. doing 6. make 7. do 2. Did he do the dishes? 3. When do they do laundry? 4. Is she making more money? 5. Are you going to do your homework? 6. Do you make mistakes? 7. Can you do me a favor?





Look at Rafael’s list of things to do. Answer the questions.

H. EXPANSION: Show your own todo list. Have students ask you questions about it. Then have students make a short to-do list of their own, and share with a partner.

1. Did he do his homework? Yes, he did _________________________________________

2. Did he make dinner? _________________________________________ 3. What is he going to make? _________________________________________ 4. Did he do laundry? _________________________________________ 5. Did he make his appointment? _________________________________________


Listen to Track 02. Circle True or False. 1. Jean is at the grocery store.



2. Rafael left his to-do list at home.



3. He didn’t make a list of things to buy at the grocery store.



4. He needs to make a doctor’s appointment.



5. He is going to call his best friend.



CULTURE TIP In the US, many people think that people learn from making mistakes. Do you agree? Can you give an example of a time you made a mistake and learned something?


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Answer Key: H. 2. No, he didn’t. 3. He’s going to make cupcakes. 4. Yes, he did. 5. No, he didn’t. I. 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False


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Culture Tip Ask what the #1 barrier to learning English is. Fear of making mistakes is #1! Let them know making mistakes is okay. Ask how they can create a safe place and how they can support each other. Prepare some examples of how making a mistake helped you to learn something. Share with students and then give them time to think of their own examples. Ask them to share examples, either with a partner or with the group.

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I. Read the instructions. Have students read the statements. Play the listening track. Ask students to circle answers. Play the track as many times as necessary.

JJ J. Read the instructions. Go over the chart with students. Review answers. EXPANSION: Ask Do you agree with these tips? What other tips do you have?

1 Read the chart.




• Use hot water for whites • Check pockets • Dry sweaters flat • Remove items from dryer promptly • Clean washer with cleaner or vinegar regularly • Empty lint tray in dryer before each use

• Mix colors and whites • Mix heavy and lightweight clothing • Overload washer • Wash bright colors in hot water • Dry delicate items on high heat in dryer

1. You want to wash a bright purple t-shirt. What is one important do or don’t? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. You want to wash three white blankets. What is one important do or don’t? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. You want to wash six pairs of blue jeans, six pairs of white socks, and eight t-shirts of different colors. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Read the chart. Write three things you are going to do or not going to do this term to learn English.



• Practice every day • Listen to the radio in English • Write down new words • Talk to one person in English every week • Ask questions if I don’t understand • Watch a TV show in English


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K. Read the instructions. Go over the chart. EXPANSION: Ask Do you agree with these tips? What other tips do you have?


• Be shy • Try to be perfect • Worry about my accent • Ask other people to speak English for me • Use the Internet to translate everything • Be scared to make mistakes

1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________

Conversation Ask students to find a partner and share 2-3 things they are going to do this term to learn English. They can use the sentences they wrote in Activity K. Have them ask their partner if they will do anything different from last term.

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • what they’re going to do this term to improve their English • what they do to practice English that’s most helpful

WORD BANK What else?


Answer Key: J. 1. Don’t wash in hot water. 2. Don’t overload washer. 3. Don’t mix colors and whites. K. Answers will vary.



Martha made some mistakes in her journal. Look at the crossed out words. Write the correct word on the line. do my best this year to learn English. Last year I didn’t did I am going to doing (1) ______

(2) ________ my homework. This year I can make (3) ________ my homework. Sometimes, I need to do the dishes or did (4)_______ the laundry, but I can still making (5) ________ a lot of progress. Yesterday, I make (6) ________ a list of all the things I need to do. It is a lot, but I can do it!



Walk through each homework Pre Preactivity. These are very similar to activities they did in class. Confirm that they understand each activity. Do examples. See HOMEWORK.

Put the words in the correct order. 1. need to / homework. / my / do / I


2. She / progress. / making / is / a lot of


3. okay / make / It’s / to / mistakes.


4. yesterday? / make / you / a phone call / Did


5. They’re/ the dishes / tonight. / doing


Write answers to the questions. Use the words in parentheses. 1. What did you do last night? 2. What is she going to do? 3. What are they doing? 4. What is Ben doing?

__________________________________________________________ I did the laundry. (laundry) __________________________________________________________ (a favor for her brother) __________________________________________________________ (make dinner) __________________________________________________________ (make a phone call)

JOURNAL PROMPT What are some things you are going to do or make next week? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


Journal If students need more space, encourage them to write on a separate piece of paper.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


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Answer Key: L. 2. do 3. do 4 do 5. make 6. made M. 1. I need to do my homework. 2. She is making a lot of progress. 3. It’s okay to make mistakes. 4. Did you make a phone call yesterday? 5. They’re doing the dishes tonight. N. 2. She’s going to do a favor for her brother. 3. They’re making dinner. 4. Ben/He’s making a phone call. 8

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Lesson 1 • I’m Going To Do My Best

L8 REVIEW & PROGRESS CHECK What to bring to class: • Dice (or use an app on your phone) - one per pair Timing Note: • The Review and Progress Check can take as long as two hours (about one hour each). Be sure to allow for enough time for your students to work uninterrupted on the progress check. • Adapt lesson 8 to fit the needs of your particular teaching situation. For example, if the schedule allows, consider doing the review in one class and the progress check in another. Giving the Progress Check: • First, let the students know the schedule for the class. Tell them they can do it! Go over the whole test with students, letting them know that you’ll be pulling them out individually for the oral section. • Let students know they can ask you questions and that this is a time to see what they have learned.

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A: Listening Track • Do the listening together (Activity A). Once complete, students will work on the rest of the progress check at their own pace. You’ll pull students out for the oral section individually. • Explain to the students that you will play the listening only 3 times (no exceptions). If in a group, you will all listen together for 3 times. For 1-1 classes, only play the track 3 times, even if your student doesn’t complete the full activity. • Read the instructions together as you would in a normal lesson. Listening: Track 11 Woman: Excuse me, can you help me? Grocery store worker (GSW): Sure. How can I help you? Woman: I’m looking for a few things before tomorrow’s big blizzard but can’t find them. GSW: I understand. It’s good to stock up on supplies. What are you looking for? Woman: I need to get 2 gallons of water, some bread, a pack of batteries, and pain medication. GSW: No problem. The water and batteries are on aisle 4. The bread is just over here. The pain medication is on aisle 10 next to the pharmacy. Woman: Great. Thank you! GSW: No problem. Can I help you with anything else? Woman: I’m wondering if I need extra flashlights in case the blizzard knocks out the power. GSW: The flashlights are on aisle 4 too. G: Speaking Repeat the question one time if needed. Do not give prompts to the student. Score explanation: 2 = Understood question, answered question in a complete sentence AND used correct grammar (from any lesson) 1 = Understood question BUT answered with incorrect grammar and/or an incomplete sentence 0 = Did not understand question, did not give answer OR answer did not make sense for question

GRADING & SCORING After grading, write the correct number out of 100 at the top of the progress check in the Student Book. Be sure to review any incorrect responses together before moving on to lesson 10. NOTE: As long as an answer is grammatically correct (whether it uses the structure taught in this level or not), students should be given full credit. SCORING 26 Total pts 1st pg.

Note: When grading, do not count examples as correct. Skip them.

24 Total pts 2nd pg

At bottom of each progress check page is a point scale. Write the number of correct answers (e.g. 24 / 26 points)


Multiply number of correct answers by 2 for final score out of 100

100 Total points possible




This should have been completed as homework. If it wasn’t, give students time to work on it. Pair students to share their responses.

Check the items you can do. Review the items you can’t. I can… o talk about things I like to do in different tenses (past, present and future) (lesson 1) o compare different people I know in my life (lesson 2) o talk about safety items in my home (lesson 3) o talk about emergency situations (lesson 3) o share about movies, music and things I like to do (lesson 4) o compare types of movies and talk about likes and dislikes (lesson 4) o share ideas about what to do and how to stay safe if a weather event happens (lesson 5) o ask for help when looking for something (lesson 6)

Answer the questions. 1. What is one thing you can do now? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Write five words you know now.

Generate a list of words on the board. Students can explain the words to each other.

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________


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o share things that I used to do in the past and don’t do now (lesson 7)




Look at the chart. Write as many words as you know in each column. Compare with a partner.

A. After students share in pairs, generate a list for each category of everyone’s words on the board.







Circle the correct word. 1. I was too/ very full. I couldn’t eat another bite. 2. His son is too / very smart. 3. They like watching sports. It’s too / very entertaining.

5. I used to eat too / very much junk food. Now I eat healthy food.



Check things you used to do in the past but don’t do now. Circle the things you do now. Compare with a partner. o eat junk food

o play games

o have a curfew

o get into trouble

o drink coffee

o sleep in

o collect o play outside ____________________ o work o stay out late

o go on vacation

o cook

o watch TV

o smoke

o speak another language

o live with my family

Write the correct verb in the blank. was working 1. When she heard the alarm, she _______________________. (work)

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4. She doesn’t watch soap operas because she thinks they are too / very silly.

2. I _______________________ (cook) dinner when the alarm went off. 3. They were watching TV when they _______________________ (hear) sirens. 4. We _______________________ (drive) to the airport when we got in an accident. 5. When Mark was carrying his groceries, he _______________________ (fall down). 44

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Answer Key: A. Answers will vary. B. 2. very 3. very 4. too 5. too C. Answers will vary. D. 2. was cooking 3. heard 4. were driving 5. fell down



Write the correct verb in the blank. 1. What’ll you do if there’s an earthquake?

_____________________________________________ (evacuate the house)

2. What’ll he do if there’s a tornado?

_____________________________________________ (go inside his closet)

3. What’ll they do if there’s a tsunami?

_____________________________________________ (evacuate)

4. What’ll she do if there’s a blizzard?

_______________________________________________ (buy supplies and stay home)

5. What’ll you do if there’s a flood?

_______________________________________________ (stay off the roads)

Complete the sentence with the item. Circle to or for.

1.He’s looking to / for

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2. They need to / for buy

3. She’d like to / for pick up her

5. I’d like something to / for

6. Shelia would like to / for get a


4. They’d like something to / for


Answer Key: E. 1. If there’s an earthquake, I’ll evacuate the house. 2. If there’s a tornado, he’ll go inside his closet. 3. If there’s a tsunami, they’ll evacuate. 4. If there’s a blizzard, she’ll buy supplies and stay home. 5. If there’s a flood, I’ll stay off the roads. F. 2. to/cough syrup (medicine) 3. to/prescription (medicine, pills) 4. for/indigestion 5. for/allergies 6. to/flu shot 54

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Review Game. Play with a partner or in a small group. Put a marker on START. Roll the dice. Move your marker the correct number of spaces. Answer the question.


G. To provide for as much student talk time as possible, pairing students is preferable to having them work in small groups.

When do you make dinner?

When do you do laundry?

A What are you like?

Tell me about what someone in your family is like.

What kinds of TV shows do you not like?

What kinds of TV shows What kinds of TV shows does your partner like? do you like to watch?

Tell me about something that happened in the news.


What’ll you do if you can’t go to class?

What’ll you do if you get a headache?

What’ll you do if there’s a tornado?

What’ll you do if there’s a blizzard?

What did you use to do when you were younger?

What did your partner use to do when they were younger?



Where did you use to live?

What did your partner use to do when they were a teenager?

What did you use to do when you were a teenager?

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PROGRESS CHECK Total: 50 x 2 = 100


Listen to Track 11. Listen to the conversation. Circle the correct answer. (2 points each) 1. She is getting things before

a. the hurricane

b. the blizzard

2. She needs

a. 2 gallons of water

b. 4 gallons of water

3. She needs

a. 1 pack of batteries

b. 3 packs of batteries

4. The pain medication is on

a. aisle 4

b. aisle 10

5. The flashlights are on

a. aisle 4

b. aisle 10

Answer Key: 2. gallons of water 3. 1 pack of batteries 4. aisle 10 5. aisle 4

Write the words in the correct box. (1 point each) DO


do the dishes 1. _____________________________

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

dishes money mistake good job homework list laundry dinner your best someone a favor sure to


A. Say, I will play the track 3 times. Read the instructions aloud. Play track 3 times without pausing.

5. _____________________________

B. Say, Now you will work alone. Answer Key: Do: 2. do a good job 3. do homework 4. do the laundry 5. do your best 6. do someone a favor Make: 1. make a mistake 2. make a list 3. make dinner 4. make sure to

Circle the correct words. (2 points each) 1. I was doing / did the dishes when the alarm went off.

C. Answer Key: 2. evacuated 3. fell 4. saw 5. was going 6. was driving

2. When Marco was evacuating/evacuated, the fire was burning four blocks away. 3. They were carrying laundry when they were falling/fell down. 4. Gina was talking when we were seeing/saw a tsunami. 5. When the fire fighters arrived, the carbon monoxide detector was going /went off. 6. She was driving/drove to the store when she heard the tornado siren. ________/ 26


Review Your Answers: Lesson 1: B.1-11, E.3 Lesson 2: D.3, E.2, E.6, F.3,5 Lesson 3: C.1-6 Lesson 4: D.1-6, F.2 Lesson 5: A.1, C.2,4,6, E.1,E.5 Lesson 6: A.2-5, E.4, F.4 Lesson 7: D.2,6, E.7, F.1 56

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My score________/ 100

D. Answer Key: 2. too 3. very 4. very 5. very 6. too.


Complete the sentences with too or very. (2 points each) too 1. He doesn’t like educational shows, he thinks they are __________ boring.

2. I used to sleep __________ much. I missed class at least once a week. 3. His sister is __________ smart. She gets very good grades. 4. He was __________ full, but he still could eat cake. 5. We think crime shows are __________ entertaining.



Correct the mistakes in the sentences below. (1 point each) 1. If it’s raining tomorrow, she’s bring an umbrella.

she’ll _________________

2. He is the patientest teacher at school.


3. When do you do dinner?


4. They’d like something to indigestion.


5. What you do if there’s an earthquake?


6. The Smiths isn’t as fun as the Garcias.


7. What does she go last night?


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E. Answer Key: 2. most patient 3. make 4. for 5. what’ll 6. aren’t 7. did she do

STOP. Wait for your teacher. (2 points each) Score

F. Say Activity F is about speaking English. I will ask you a question. You will answer. For example, How are you? (Elicit response.) Follow with questions 1-5 in box below.


Teacher Notes

A. 0







C. 0



D. 0



E. 0



Lesson 7: Lesson 4: Lesson 2: Lesson 6: Lesson 2:

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________/ 24

Next, ask questions 1-3. You can repeat the question one time. Do not give prompts to the student. 1. What did you use to do when you were younger? 2. Do you like watching the news? [pause wait for answer] Why? 3. What are your neighbors like? Then, say Now you will ask me questions. For example: ‘Ask me what my name is.’ See if students respond and say ‘What’s your name?’ If they don’t, help them before asking the next two questions. 4. Ask me if I need help. [CORRECT ANSWER: How can I help you?/Do you need help?] 5. Ask me about my family. [CORRECT ANSWER: What is your family like?/Do you have a big family? etc.]



Tips for a successful field trip: Visit the location ahead of time. Anticipate any challenges that may come up. Speak with the appropriate person at the site to let them know what is going on (if appropriate). If someone will be talking with your students, give them information about the students’ levels and tips for effectively communicating with English language learners. • Make sure students are aware of where and when class will meet on field trip day. Bring a map to class on lesson 7 or 8. Emphasize that the field trip is a part of the class, not an extra activity. • We suggest you meet your student at the field trip location, or take public transportation together. • Once everyone has arrived, give an overview of the visit. It is up to you how you want to structure it and what other activities - games, conversation, etc. - you want to include. • Check to see that your students have their books and pens. • Spend time before the field trip (in class or as homework), or at the beginning of the day, filling out the first portion of the field trip lesson in the student book (Important Words and Phrases I Want to Use, Questions I Plan to Ask). • Make sure your students are prepared to interact in English. You may want to create a list of questions, or practice through role play beforehand. • Before you have students work with the book, briefly review the activities. As students work, make yourself available for questions. You may want to pair / group students. • Although the purpose of the field trip is largely to allow students to experience English in a real-world setting and recording “correct” answers is not the focus, you may want to complete the activities yourself so that you can check their answers later. At the end of the visit, discuss the experience. Use the second half of the field trip lesson in the student book (Things I Saw or Found, People I Talked To, Notes) for this reflection. Have students discuss their findings in pairs or small groups before having a class discussion. After the discussion, assign homework. Remind students of the day and time of the next class. It is also a good idea to review the field trip at the start of the next lesson. If leaving the classroom is not possible, create a virtual field trip in the room or bring in a guest speaker to share information about a local resource. Prep the speaker with information about your class and any tips they need to communicate effectively with English language learners. There are a few suggested places to visit listed at the top of Field Trip page in the student book. Or, consider somewhere else: a grocery store (practice vocabulary, apply for a store card, scavenger hunt), library (get a tour, apply for a library card), department or hardware store, rec center, urgent care center, bus station, restaurant, neighborhood or city walk (follow a map, scavenger hunt), museum, post office, drugstore, apartment for rent, city council meeting, public event (such as a farmer’s market, or outdoor festival).


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Lesson 9 in every Confidence and Connections book is a field trip. The goal for the field trip is to provide your students with the opportunity to engage in the community in English and, in some instances, connect to resources of which they may not be aware. Take your students to a location that will be helpful for them in the long run.

9 Pick a location or an activity: Pharmacy / Weather Center / Watch a TV show together My Idea: _______________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Date and time to meet: _____________________ _______a.m. / p.m. IMPORTANT WORDS AND PHRASES I WANT TO USE _________________________________________
















Things I’m going to look for or find: _____________________________________________________________________________________

DURING THE FIELD TRIP Things I saw or found

People I talked to


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HOMEWORK: FIELD TRIP REPORT Something that I learned on the field trip: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Pre Pre

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Something that was difficult: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Field Trip Feedback 1. I talked in English:

o a lot

o a little

o not at all

2. I learned:

o a lot

o a little

o not a lot

3. I thought it was:

o good

o okay

o not good



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Not For Duplication


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