Confidence and Connections Teacher Book 4 RIGHT - Preview

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Adult ESL The Intercambio Way



Teacher’s Name____________________________________________________________ Phone & Email_____________________________________________________________

Student(s) Information

Important Contact Information ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Intercambio Uniting Communities Š 2019


Confidence and Connections Adult ESL The Intercambio™ Way Level 4 Right Teacher Book

Confidence and Connections is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant

collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Intercambio Uniting Communities.

First Edition 2019



Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

CREDITS Level 4 Right Writers Rachel Fuchs, Lee Shainis and Elena Vasileva Editors Rachel Fuchs and Elena Vasileva Design and Layout David Olivares Design Interns Arik Burton


Support Team Becky Campbell-Howe, Leanne Chacon, Rachel Gracie Freeman, Debbie Goldman, Laura Houston, Sarah James, Rosie Piller, Lee Shainis, Marcie Smith, and Minna Vallentine

Thank you to the following organizations and agencies that support our work and made the development of Confidence and Connections possible. Argosy Foundation Jacques M. Littlefield Foundation Red Empress Foundation Schocken Foundation Workforce Boulder County




Here Are the Top Stories…


Do You Know Anyone?


It’s a Scam!


I Don’t Have Enough Vacation Time.


How Long Have You Lived Here?


You Could Program Your Thermostat



By End of Lesson, You Can:

• Review of past, present Talk about different types of news and future tenses stories and where you get information about the news

• Talk about the news using a variety of mixed verb tenses

• Someone, anyone and no one

Ask for recommendations and talking about how to find someone to help with different projects

• Ask for and give recommendations for people that can help with different projects

• should vs. have to

Give advice for different situations and talking about how to protect yourself from scams

• Give and act on advice using “should” and “have to” • Discuss common scams in the US and how to protect yourself

• Too, too many, too much and enough

Talk about preferences and describe different activities and workplace benefits

• Express preferences and give descriptions about activities and workplace benefits using too, too much, too many and enough

• Present perfect

Talk about things that you have done or not done before in the past

• Talk about activities or things that have or haven’t happened at some point in the past • Discuss common health problems and injuries in the past

• Present perfect with for and since

Talk about things you have or haven’t done in your life and in your community

• Talk about activities I and others have done in the past • Use the words for and since to talk about for how long certain things have happened

• Could, should and make sure to

Give advice for different kinds of situations

• Give advice and express options for different situations

• will vs. going to in the future

Discuss future plans

• Talk about future plans using will and going to to express different degrees of certainty

• Might and maybe

Talk about common food allergies and preferences

• Talk about possibilities using might and maybe • Discuss common food allergies and dietary restrictions in the US

• So vs. such

Describe different experiences in the • Talk about what different experiences in past using so and such my past were like using so and such

Have You Ever Broken a Bone?


8 9


Review and Progress Check Field Trip What Will You Pack?


I Might Be Allergic to Gluten


It Was Such a Blast!




• Should / It’s a good It’s a Good Idea to idea to… / It’s important Floss Every Day to…

Give advice and discussing dental health

• Give advice using should and “it’s a good idea / important to…” • Talk about common dental health issues and how to prevent them


• Remind vs. remember Don’t Forget to Be / Don’t forget to… Here by 4

Talk about memories, reminders and how to memorize information

• Use “remind” and “remember” correctly • Discuss reminders and different ways to remember information

Talk about uniforms and clothing that you used to wear and whether or not you wear them anymore

• Talk about how things have changed or stayed the same from the past to the present using still and anymore

I Still Have to Wear a Tie

15 16

• Still vs. anymore

Review and Progress Check


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

Welcome to Confidence and Connections! The unique emphasis of this series is on using conversation to facilitate meaningful connections. It is as important for you, the teacher, to share your own stories as it is to elicit stories from your students. When you ask students questions, be sure to have them ask you questions, too. In a group setting, use pair work to encourage students to learn about one another. In one-on-one, learn about your student’s family and share information about your own. About your teacher book: Your teacher book is designed to be simple to use and make your classes as engaging and effective as possible. You’ll find a lead page at the beginning of each lesson. This page contains:


• The learning objectives for the students (Students will be able to…) • Suggested materials to bring to class • Useful notes • Listening transcript

In each lesson, you’ll see helpful callouts with activity notes as well as the answers for each activity. (NOTE: The answer key does not provide capitalization.) In the first two lessons, we included notes for most activities. After that, you’ll find notes only for activities that benefit from specific instructions. In the back of the book, you’ll find an in depth overview of teaching strategies for each section of the lessons, including additional engagement and expansion ideas that we encourage you to use. We've referenced sections from the back of the book within the callouts with bold text.

The back inside cover of your Teacher Book has the Color Vowel™ Chart. If you do not already know how to use this tool, please go to and sign up to attend a pronunciation workshop. This fun, interactive training will help you use this tool, as well as Pronunciation Fun with Pictures (Pro Fun), and you will learn easy techniques for teaching the many sounds and stress in English. In addition, we encourage all teachers and students to use Pronunciation Fun with Pictures and The Immigrant Guide as supplements to their teaching. Happy teaching!


L1 HERE ARE THE TOP STORIES By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Talk about the news and news stories using a variety of tenses learned in previous levels What to expect? This is the first day so don’t be discouraged if students can’t answer questions or don’t say much. Praise whatever they are able to provide. Use the board, and have them use the board with you. Be careful in a group setting not to gauge your teaching level on one talkative student—especially for the first two lessons. What to bring to class: • Table tents or name tags for student names • Pronunciation Fun to supplement the pronunciation activities • Hand mirror or a phone in selfie mode to show mouth shapes in pronunciation activity • The Immigrant Guide to supplement the culture tip


Teacher notes: We’ve provided simple definitions for a few vocabulary words and phrases that we anticipate may be challenging to define. In lesson 1, those words are: • social media: websites or apps on which you can interact with other users/people; e.g., Facebook, Instagram • media: TV, radio, internet and newspapers that you use to communicate with other people • economy: the money and trade system of a country

Warm-up: Greet students as they enter. Be sure to start class on time (or at least start with some informal conversation) even if only one or two students are there. You can do a brief icebreaker or use warm-up activity ideas in the back section of this book. Have students write their first name on a name tag or table tent. Do your best to pronounce students’ names the way they say them. It’s okay to ask them to clarify a few times. It is as important for you to know your students’ names as it is for students to know your and their classmates’ names. Try Conversation Rotation to learn names. Table tents are useful even in 1-1 environments as it can be hard to remember new names. In 1-1, learn the your student's name, and the names of their family, children, pets, etc. Listening Track 01

Jim: Welcome to WFRN news. Here are the top stories this evening. Tonya: A fire started this morning at a local restaurant. Firefighters put out the fire. However, one of the cooks broke his foot while evacuating the building. He’s being treated at General Hospital. Jim: Tonight is the exciting game between Brazil and England in the World Cup final. Sports fans for both teams are already lining up to get into the stadium. Lisa Smith is there now. Lisa? Lisa: Thanks, Jim. I’m at the stadium with thousands of excited fans. Some have been here since yesterday morning. It’s a sea of painted faces, and a lot of singing and yelling. Who will win the final? Well, you’ll have to wait and see. Jim: Thanks, Lisa. The World Cup final is starting tonight at 6 p.m. Tonya: Our last story of the night is about a young woman who is sailing around the world in a small boat. The 14year -old will be the first in her age group to make the trip alone. She is doing well and sends her love to her friends and family. Follow her journey online on our website.


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



A. Have students repeat each word after you. Be sure to work on stress and pronunciation.

Pre Pre

Listening warm-up. Track 01: How many people do you hear talking about the news?


Pre Explore the pictures. Ask What do you see in the pictures? This helps students activate their background knowledge about the topic and vocabulary. Read the Pre question aloud, play track, elicit answer. Ask Which news report do you find the most interesting?



Repeat after your teacher.


social media

search engine




top stories


live news

Ads = advertisements


PRONUNCIATION Listen to your teacher. Complete the sentences with the words you hear. Listen for the Z sound. Practice with a partner. A

1. Did you hear the _________________________ story about the dog? news 2. The _________________________in the news this morning made her laugh. 3. You can go to the _________________________ to get more information. 4. The ___________________________ I saw yesterday surprised me! 5. The __________________________ for next Thursday’s big sale were printed yesterday.


Pronunciation After reading each sentence twice and giving students a chance to write the correct words, have them read their answers aloud in pairs. Listen for whether they wrote the correct word and are pronouncing the z sound at the end when appropriate. You can use Pronunciation Fun for more practice and strategies on the s vs z sound. Here are possible sentences to use: 1. Did you hear the news story about the dog? 2. The stories in the news this morning made her laugh. 3. You can go to the website to get more information. 4. The headline I saw yesterday surprised me. 5. The ads they printed didn't work very well. These sentences were written intentionally so that students have to listen for the “s” ending. All of these words end in voiced consonant sounds. When this happens and the word is plural, the “s” at the end makes a “z” sound. Students often have trouble pronouncing the “s” at the end of plural words and may not be able to distinguish between an “s” or “z” sound yet. Pronouncing words that end with "s" is a common challenge, especially when the "s" makes the "z" sound. If they can't produce the "z" sound after some effort, move on and try again in a later lesson.





Complete the sentences with words from the box. search engine top story

headline media

social media ads

live news

1. There is a lot happening in the world today. Our ____________________ is the World Cup. top story 2. I use a _______________________________ to find information on the internet. 3. Be careful. Not everything you read on _________________________________ is true. 4. Today’s _____________________ in the newspaper was “President Attends European Union Meeting.” 5. When Lisa reported from the stadium in Brazil, it was ___________________________________. 6. The ___________________ includes, radio, newspapers, TV and the internet.

B. First, have students work individually then compare their answers in pairs/groups. Finally, go through the answers together. See VOCABULARY. (All bold font within the callouts indicates a reference to the teacher training notes in the back of the book beginning FF on page 117.)

7. When I want to buy something, I check the ___________ in the local newspaper and on the internet.


Listen again to Track 01. Circle the correct answer. 1. How many news stories did you hear?




2. What happened this morning at a restaurant?




3. What event is tonight?

film festival World Cup

Super Bowl

4. How old is the woman sailing in the boat?






Listen to your teacher and repeat. TALKING ABOUT THE PAST What did you do last night?

I watched the news.

Were you texting during the movie?

No, I was sleeping.

TALKING ABOUT THE PRESENT Why are you reading the headlines?

I’m reading them to get the news.

Do you watch the news on TV often?

Yes, I do.

TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE When are you going to buy tickets?

I’m going to buy them tomorrow.

Where will you watch the game?

I’ll watch it at my friend’s house.

When are you driving to the store?

I’m leaving in five minutes.


Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: B. 2. search engine 3. social media 4. headline 5. live news 6. media 7. ads C. 2. fire 3. World Cup 4. 14


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

C. First, have students try the task without listening to the GGmemory. Have track from students discuss their answers in pairs/groups. Then, play the track to check. Ask if they need to listen again. Play it multiple times if needed. See LISTENING.



D. FOCUS: Review of simple present, past and future tenses. EXPANSION: Rewrite the chart on the board without the blue headers (e.g., don’t write “Talking about the Past”), have students identify if the sentences are about the past, present or future and explain their choice. See GRAMMAR.



F. After students have compared their answers in pairs/groups and checked the answers as a whole class, have them work in pairs and ask each other these questions. Encourage students to ask follow-up questions.

Circle the correct words. 1. Why are you read / reading the paper? 2. He was texting when I call /called him. 3. Gina and Matt are going to visit / visiting them next year. 4. Do you use / using social media often? 5. She listen / listened to the radio last night. 6. They’re go / going to check the movie times on the theater’s website. 7. Why are you watch / watching the news? 8. According to the news, the economy improve / will improve next year.



Read the answers. Write the questions. 1. ___________________________________________ Where are you going tonight?

I’m going to a concert tonight.

2. ___________________________________________

We went camping last weekend.

3. ___________________________________________

She’ll study for the test tomorrow.

4. ___________________________________________

No, he doesn’t watch the news often.

5. ___________________________________________

They’re going to go shopping this weekend.

6. ___________________________________________

Yes, I like playing video games.

Read the news stories. Complete the stories using the words in parentheses.

G. Pre-teach/review vocabulary if necessary: shelter, suspects, encourage, proof.



E. First, have students work individually. Then compare their answers in pairs/ groups. Finally, go through the answers together. See ENGAGEMENT AND EASY EXPANSIONS.



Answer Key: E. 2. called 3. visit 4. use 5. listened 6. going 7. watching 8. will improve F. 2. What did you do last weekend? 3. When will she study for the test? 4. Does he watch the news often? 5. When are they going shopping? 6. Do you like playing video games? G. 2. telling 3. evacuate 4. looking 5. stole 6. provide 7. give 8. tell




Read the news headlines below. Match the headline to the stories. Compare your answers with a partner.



What do you think these words mean? Circle the correct answer. 1. praises

a. gives positive comments

b. calls the police

2. begging

a. asking

b. walking

3. pitched in

a. gave money

b. shopped for food

4. heartfelt

a. funny

b. kind

5. hailed

a. called

b. asked

CULTURE TIP In the US, people can choose where to get their news. Different sources (TV, radio, print) may have different opinions. Is this the same in your native country? 4

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: H. 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. d I. 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

H. This reading exercise is designed to encourage contextual interpretation and also to inspire discussion. Some of these headlines could go with more than one description. The idea is that after doing this activity, students practice their speaking skills (in a variety of tenses) as they explain why they matched the headlines to each description.




Culture Tip Ask What was the most recent news story you heard about? What is the relationship between news sources and political parties in your native country? What is your favorite news source from your native country? Why? What about in the US?

1 J. Explain how to read the chart and have students work in pairs to answer the questions.


Look at the chart. Answer the questions.

TV Remains the World’s Number 1 News Source Preferred news sources of online consumers worldwide


TV 38%

Search Engines 33%

Social Media 18%

Print Newspapers


Newspaper Websites


TV News Websites 11%

Radio Print Magazines


Magazine Websites


Radio Websites


Source: Statista Based on a survey among 30,000+ online consumers (age 15+) in 60 counties


TV 1. What is the number one source of news in the world? ________________________________________

2. Which is a more popular source of news–newspapers or social media? __________________________ 3. Which is the least popular source of news? _________________________________________________ 4. Are search engines a popular source of news? ______________________________________________ 5. Where do you get your news? ___________________________________________________________

K. Encourage students to add the names of the news sources they use.


Rank your favorite news sources below. 1 = most favorite, 10 = least favorite ___ TV

___ Radio

___ Search Engines (e.g., Google)

___ Print Magazines

___ Print Newspapers

___ Magazine Websites

___ Newspaper Websites

___ Radio Websites

___ TV News Websites

Conversation Have students discuss the questions in new pairs or small groups. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. Then, ask some students to share what they have learned about their partner with the group. Make sure students ask you questions too.

CONNECT WITH CONVERSATION Get to know a partner. Talk about: • your favorite and least favorite ways to learn about the news • if you like to know about the news and why or why not


Answer Key: J. 2. social media 3. radio websites 4. yes 5. Answers will vary K. Answers will vary




Lesson 1 • Here Are the Top Stories

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. The headline said a couple found / finding a lost dog yesterday while they were hiking. 2. Two local high school students are selling / sells furniture on social media to help their classmates. 3. Many people like to watch / watching live news on TV. 4. The top story today was that a large storm has brings / brought historic rain to our area. 5. They’ll read / reading the sports section together. 6. Police are looking / look for a suspect in the robbery. 7. The woman get / got sick after she ate food from the restaurant. 8. Did they checked / check the weather forecast for this weekend?


Put the words in the correct order.

Homework Students will be more likely do homework if they Pre Pre how. The goal understand of homework is to practice outside of class, so we want them to have success with this. Discuss how to do each activity before the end of class by reading the instructions together and doing an example for each activity.Make sure to review completed homework at the beginning of next class.

1. She / news / the / read / yesterday. / didn’t She didnt read the news yesterday. _________________________________________________________________

2. get / newspaper / the / Sunday. / every / We 3. going / They’re / to go / the lake / weekend. / next / to _________________________________________________________________ 4. it / tomorrow. / He’ll / do _________________________________________________________________ 5. Do / listen / radio? / Jenny and Bob / to / the _________________________________________________________________ 6. talking / meeting? / during / you / Were / the _________________________________________________________________

JOURNAL PROMPT What kinds of news stories interest you most? Where do you get your news? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 6

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Journal Encourage AA students to complete the journal activity. Providing a specific goal for length—such as 5 sentences, or a paragraph— will help motivate them to do this. Alternatively, ask students to write for a specific amount of time (e.g., 10 minutes). Be sure students have an opportunity to share their responses in the next class, either in pairs, aloud, or they can turn it in so you can comment on it. When commenting on the journal entry, focus on content and not corrections—particularly if you gave students a time limit rather than a length limit.

Answer Key: L. 2. selling 3. watch 4. brought 5. read 6. looking 7. got 8. check M. 2. We get the newspaper every Sunday. 3. They’re going to go to the lake next weekend. 4. He’ll do it tomorrow. 5. Do Jenny and Bob listen to the radio? 6. Were you talking during the meeting? 8

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



L8 REVIEW & PROGRESS CHECK What to bring to class: • Dice (or use an app on your phone) - one per pair Timing Note: • The Review and Practice and Progress Check can take as long as two hours (about one hour each). Be sure to allow enough time for your students to work uninterrupted on the Progress Check. • Adapt lesson 8 to fit the needs of your particular teaching situation. For example, if the schedule allows, consider doing the Review in one class and the Progress Check in another. Giving the Progress Check: • First, let the students know the schedule for the class. Tell them they can do it! Go over the whole Progress Check with students, letting them know that you’ll be pulling them out individually for the oral section. • Let students know they can ask you questions during the Progress Check and that this is a time to see what they have learned.

Listening Track 8 Jennifer: Hey Beto. How are you doing? Beto: Hey Jennifer. Good! I’m leaving tomorrow to go on vacation. I’m going to visit my brother in San Francisco. Jennifer: Nice! You should visit the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s amazing. Beto: Oh yeah. I really want to see it. Do I have to pay anything to drive on it?


A: Listening Track • Do the listening together (Activity A). Once complete, students will work on the rest of the Progress Check at their own pace. You’ll pull students out for the oral section individually. • Explain to the students that you wil play the listening only 3 times (no exceptions). If in a class, you will all listen together 3 times. For home classes, play the track only 3 times, even if your student doesn’t complete the full activity. • Read the instructions together as you would in a normal lesson. Jennifer: No, you don’t have to pay. It’s free! Beto: Great. I don’t have enough money to do anything too expensive, so that sounds perfect. Jennifer: It’s really beautiful. Make sure to take a lot of pictures. Beto: I will!

F: Speaking Repeat the question one time if needed. Do not give prompts to the student. Score explanation: 2 = Understood question, answered question in a complete sentence, AND used correct grammar (from any lesson) 1 = Understood question BUT answered with incorrect grammar and/or an incomplete sentence 0 = Did not understand question, did not give answer, OR answer did not make sense for question GRADING & SCORING After grading, write the correct number out of 100 at the top of each student’s Progress Check. Be sure to review any incorrect responses. NOTE: As long as an answer is grammatically correct (whether it uses the structure taught in this level or not), students should be given full credit. SCORING 21 Total pts 1st pg.

Note: When grading, do not count examples as correct. Skip them.

29 Total pts 2nd pg

At bottom of each Progress Check page is a point scale. Write the number of correct answers (e.g., 20 / 21 points)


Multiply number of correct answers by 2 for final score out of 100

100 Total points possible



REVIEW & PROGRESS CHECK Check the items you can do. Review the items you can’t. I can… talk about the news using a variety of different tenses (lesson 1) ask for and give recommendations using someone, anyone and no one (lesson 2) give and understand advice about scams in the US and how to protect information (lesson 3) describe experiences and benefits in the workplace with too, too much, too many and enough (lesson 4) talk about health situations that have happened in the past using the present perfect tense (lesson 5) talk about activities you have done in the past and for how long using for and since (lesson 6) to (lesson 7)

Answer the questions. 1. What is one thing you can do now? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Write five words you know now. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT



This should have been completed as homework. If it wasn't, give students time to do it in class. Pair students to share their responses.

give advice and options for different situations using could, should and make sure




Write the words from the box in the correct columns.

A. First, have the class define jobs, actions and things. Then have students work individually to group the items. Write the same chart you see in the student book on the board and have students fill it in to check answers. collectively.

mechanic tear up shred Jobs

gossip quit introduce

wear a brace plumber crutches Actions

vacation time tailor hem Things


Complete the sentences. Use the words in parentheses. gotten Has Sally 1. __________________ ever _______________ (Sally / get) an X-ray?

2. __________________________________ (They / should / shred) their documents. 3. How long _____________________________ (he / be) a volunteer at his church? 4. Where __________________________ (they / go) on vacation next summer? 5. __________________________________ (He / watch) the news last night at 10 p.m. 6. _________________ ever ___________________ (you / call) an electrician before?


Circle the correct word. 1. I have lived in my home for / since eight years. 2. You should / make sure to lock your car doors at night. 3. To legally drive a car, you have to / should have a driver’s license. 4. There isn’t anyone / no one here that can speak Urdu.



5. My sister knows someone / anyone that can build furniture. 6. We have worked at the restaurant for / since it opened. 44

Student Book 4 RIGHT

Answer Key: A. Jobs: mechanic, plumber, tailor Actions: tear up, shred, gossip, quit, introduce, wear a brace, hem Things: gossip, crutches, vacation time, hem B. 2. They should shred 3. has he been 4. are they going 5. He watched 6. Have you ever called C. 2. should 3. have to 4. anyone 5. someone 6. since




8 Complete the conversation with too, too much, too many or enough. Dan: Hey Joel. How’s your job going? too many Joel: Not so great. I work (1) ____________________ hours. Yesterday, I worked for more than 10 hours!

It’s (2)____________________ stressful. I don’t have (3)____________________ time to relax. Dan: Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that. There’s a job opening at the store where I work at the mall. Are you interested in applying? Joel: Thanks, but the mall is (4)__________________ far away. I already spend (5)____________________ money on gas.

D. Check answers by writing the incorrect sentences on the board and having different students come up to fix each one. As a group, decide if the student's work is correct.

Dan: Well, maybe things will get better. Just make sure to take (6)____________________ time to relax. Joel: Yeah. I’m going to tell my boss that I have (7)____________ hours. It’s (8)_________ overwhelming. Dan: Good luck! Joel: Thanks.


All of the sentences below have a mistake. Find the mistake and write the correct sentence on the line. 1. We don’t know no one that is a plumber. We don’t know anyone that is a plumber. ______________________________________________________________________________________

2. I have lived here since 10 years. 3. Has she broke her arm before? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. I don’t like the news. It is too much sad. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. You should to shred important documents. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. I called anyone to come fix the chimney. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Practice with a partner. Heather: Hey, Paulina, what (1)______________________ (happen) to your arm? Why do you have a cast? happened Paulina: I (2)____________ (walk) my dog yesterday when I fell and (3) ________________ (break) my arm. Heather: Oh, no. That’s too bad. I (4)____________ never ____________ (have) a cast before. What’s it like? Paulina: It’s not that bad. (5) __________________ you ever _____________________ (wear) a brace? It’s pretty similar. Heather: Yeah. Last year I (6)_________________ (sprain) my ankle and (7) __________________ (wear) a



brace for two weeks. Paulina: Oh, yeah. I remember that. You (8)_____________________ (heal) quickly. Heather: Yeah, it wasn’t so bad. I hope you heal quickly, too. Let me know if I can help you with anything. Paulina: Thanks!


Answer Key: D. 2. too 3. enough 4. too 5. too much 6. enough 7. too many 8. too E. 2. I have lived here since for ten years. 3. Has she broke broken her arm before? 4. I don't like the news. It is too much sad. 5. You should to shred important documents. 6. I called anyone someone to come fix the chimney. F. 2. was walking 3. broke 4. have never had 5. Have you ever worn 6. sprained 7. wore 8. healed 54

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Review Game. Play with a partner or in a small group. Put a marker on START. Roll the dice. Move your marker the correct number of spaces. Answer the question.

G. To provide as much student talk time as possible, pairing students is preferable to having them work in small groups. EXPANSION: Have each pair/group come up with an additional question for the game board.


Have you ever used crutches?

How long have you lived in the US?

Do you know anyone that fixes cars?

What should you do if you want to protect your information online?

What’s something you What was the last event What’s something you have never done before you went to? How was don’t have enough time that you would like to it? to do? do?

What’s something you haven’t done since you were a child?

What kinds of projects How many hours do do you like to do in your you think are too many home? hours to work?

What’s something you always make sure to do when you leave your home?

How do you find out the news?




What could someone do if they want to save money on utility bills?



Student Book 4 RIGHT




PROGRESS CHECK Total: 50 x 2 = 100


Listen to Track 08. Read the sentences. Listen to the conversation. Circle TRUE or FALSE. (2 points each) 1. Beto is going to San Francisco for work.



2. Jennifer thinks he should visit the Golden Gate Bridge.



3. It is expensive to drive on the Golden Gate Bridge.



4. Beto is going to do a lot of shopping.



5. Jennifer wants Beto to take pictures of his trip.



Answer Key: 2. TRUE 3. FALSE 4. FALSE 5. TRUE B. Say Now you will work alone.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb. (1 point each) saw 1. Yesterday, I ___________________ (see) a story on the news about a new park.

Answer Key: 2. has never had 3. has lived 4. are going to call (preferable) / will call (okay) 5. has worked 6. are going to watch (preferable) / will watch (okay) 7. haven’t gotten 8. broke 9. program

2. She has never _______________ (have ) a blood test before. 3. I can’t believe he still lives here. He ____________________ (live) here for a long time. 4. Tomorrow, they___________________ (call) someone to paint their house. 5. She _________________________ (work) there since last summer. 6. They ________________________ (watch) the news on TV tomorrow morning. 7. I ________________________ (not / get) an X-ray before. 8. My brother ________________________ (break) his leg when he was 8 years old. 9. Karen could _________________________________(program) her thermostat to save money.


C. Answer Key: 2. anyone 3. someone 4. No one 5. someone 6. anyone

Complete the sentences with someone, anyone or no one. (1 point each) 1. We don’t know ____________________ that can fix our sink. anyone 2. When I went to the house, there wasn’t ___________ there. 3. She wants to find _______________ to help her paint her house. 4. We are so lucky. _______________ in my family has ever broken a bone. 5. I heard ___________ at the door. Could you see who it is? 6. Was there ____________ from our class at the party? ________/ 21


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A. Say I will play the track 3 times. Read the instructions aloud. Play track 3 times without pausing.




My score________/ 100

DD D. Answer Key: 2. hasn’t eaten/for 3. has lived/for 4. have gone/since 5. have known/since 6. haven’t talked/for

Write the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence. Circle for or since. (2 points each) 1. She __________________________ (work) there for / since 2008. has worked 2. Mark _________________________ (not / eat) at a restaurant for / since more than a month. 3. Our family ________________________ (live) in this town for /since many years. 4. They _________________________ (go) to class every day for / since the beginning of the year. 5. I _________________________ (know) my best friend for / since we were children. 6. We __________________________ (not / talk) to him for / since a very long time.


Complete the sentences with too much, too many, too or enough. (1 point each) 1. I want to go to visit my brother, but I don’t have _________________________ vacation time. enough

E. Answer Key: 2. too many 3. too many 4. too 5. enough 6. too much 7. enough 8. too 9. too much 10. too many

2. The grocery store was very crowded. There were __________________ people there. 3. She likes her job, but she works _________________________ hours. 4. Vic should find a new job. The one he has now is _____________________ stressful.


5. We don’t have ____________________________ money to buy the black car. It is so expensive! 6. There is ___________________________ noise at work. It is difficult to concentrate. 7. I have so much to do. I don’t have ________________________ time to do it all! 8. We love that house, but it is ________________________ expensive. We can’t afford it.

9. Eva and her brother don’t feel well. I think they ate ______________________________ ice cream.

10. Brenda was late for work because she had _________________________ things to do this morning.

F. Say Activity F is about speaking English. I will ask you a question. You will answer. For example, How are you? (Elicit response.) Follow with questions 1-5 in box below.


STOP. Wait for your teacher. (2 points each) Score


1. 0







3. 0



4. 0



5. 0



Teacher Notes Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 2: Lesson 6: Lesson 7:

Student Book 4 RIGHT

________/ 29

1. How long have you lived here? 2. Do you know anyone that can fix a car? 3. What should you do if someone that you don't know calls and asks you for money? Before question 4 say Now you will ask me questions. Example: Ask me what my name is. See if students respond and say “What’s your name?” If they don’t, help them before asking the next two questions. 4. Ask me what I have to do if I forget my email password. 5. What could I do to save energy at home?


L9 FIELD TRIP Lesson 9 in every Confidence and Connections book is a field trip. The goal for the field trip is to provide your students with the opportunity to engage in the community in English and, in some instances, connect to resources of which they may not be aware. Take your students to a location that will be helpful for them in the long run.


Tips for a successful field trip: • Visit the location ahead of time. Anticipate any challenges that may come up. Speak with the appropriate person at the site to let them know what is going on (if appropriate). If someone will be talking with your students, give them information about the students’ levels and tips for effectively communicating with English language learners. • Make sure students are aware of where and when class will meet on field trip day. Bring a map to class on day 7 or 8. Emphasize that the field trip is a part of the class, not an extra activity. • We suggest you meet your student at the field trip location, or take public transportation together. • Once everyone has arrived, give an overview of the visit. It is up to you how you want to structure it and what other activities--games, conversation, etc.--you want to include. • Check to see that your students have their books and pens. • Spend time before the field trip (in class or as homework, or at the beginning of the day) filling out the first portion of the field trip lesson in the student book (Important Words and Phrases I Want to Use, Questions I Plan to Ask). • Make sure your students are prepared to interact in English. You may want to create a list of questions or practice through role play beforehand. • Before you have students work with the book, briefly review the activities. As students work, make yourself available for questions. You may want to pair / group students. • Although the purpose of the field trip is largely to allow students to experience English in a real-world setting and recording “correct” answers is not the focus, you may want to complete the activities yourself so that you can check their answers later. At the end of the visit, discuss the experience. Use the second half of the field trip lesson in the student book (Things I Saw or Found, People I Talked To, Notes) for this reflection. Have students discuss their findings in pairs or small groups before having a class discussion.

After the discussion, assign homework. Remind students of the day and time of the next class. It is also a good idea to review the field trip at the start of the next lesson. If leaving the classroom is not possible, create a virtual field trip in the room or bring in a guest speaker to share information about a local resource. Prep the speaker with information about your class and any tips they need to communicate effectively with English language learners.

There are a few suggested places to visit listed at the top of Student Book page 49. Option 1 – If coordinated ahead of time, you may be able to visit a local newspaper office or TV news station. Learn about how newspapers are created and distributed. Students may want to ask questions about how they get their information, how news is shared and what kinds of things get printed or published. Option 2 – Visit a local home improvement store. Make a list ahead of time of things you or your student need to complete a home project. Go on a scavenger hunt together to find the items. Ask questions to the staff about how to do anything they aren’t sure about. Option 3 – Visit a local Community Center. Learn about services they offer, upcoming events/activities and partnerships they have. Or, consider somewhere else: A grocery store (practice vocabulary, apply for a store card, do a scavenger hunt), library (get a tour, apply for a library card), department or hardware store, rec center, urgent care center, bus station, restaurant, neighborhood or city walk (follow a map, do a scavenger hunt), museum, post office, drugstore, apartment for rent, city council meeting, public event (such as a farmer’s market or outdoor festival) 58

Teacher Book 4 RIGHT

9 Before you start

Pick a location: A Car Dealership An Urgent Care Center

A New Restaurant

My Idea _______________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Date and time to meet: _____________________ _______a.m. / p.m.

IMPORTANT WORDS AND PHRASES I WANT TO USE _________________________________________
















Things I’m going to look for or find: _____________________________________________________________________________________

DURING THE FIELD TRIP Things I saw or found

People I talked to






HOMEWORK: FIELD TRIP REPORT Something that I learned on the field trip: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Pre Pre

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Something that was difficult: ______________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Field Trip Feedback 1. I talked in English:

a lot

a little

not at all

2. I learned:

a lot

a little

not a lot

3. I thought it was:



not good



Student Book 4 RIGHT


Teacher Book 4 RIGHT




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