Committee of Sleep’s
Yoko Ono
Comparative Mythology
Ideas & visuals
MINOTAUR sleep debts biography Victims & Vill ains Horse feeds Reading bet ween the lines Comparative My thology Illustration
Pixies: Minotaur
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MINOTAUR Grammy nominee for best packaging design, Art direction by Vaughan Oliver. As a collectors piece, the box set comprises of all 5 studio albums in both CD and vinyl formats, a previously unreleased live preformance on DVD, a 96-page fine art book, a giclĂŠe print and two double-sided fold-out posters.
Pixies: Minotaur
Commissioned to illustrate, visualise and reinterpret the mythical Minotaur and the 5 studio albums, a total of 6, A3 renderings were treated in various ways. These illustrations appear throughout the boxset, from the title pages of the 96-page book, to the CD and DVD case as vignettes signifying each album.
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Personal: Sleep Debts
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Committee of Sleep’s
sleep debts Personal project to represent & express a mundane, everyday event —sleep—in an engaging and exciting way. The difference between the amount of sleep you should be getting and the amount you actually get can rapidly accumulate. It is this deficit that grows every time we skim some extra minutes off our nightly slumber. The Committee of Sleep keep the population updated as to their debt levels through monthly reports, highlighting individual’s debt levels and, if at all, those who have been blacklisted. The report comprises of 10 individuals from which diagnostic reports and sleep pattern diagrams were created—appearing on the reverse and front, respectively. The sleep pattern diagrams draw from the individuals REM and NREM sleep patterns and are converted into ratios on the reverse. These ratios reveal a regular or irregular pattern.
Personal: Biography
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Yoko Ono
biography Visual response to a famous person’s life from the past as a personal project. Information graphics best display Ono’s multi-disciplinary life thus far. Her life’s activities have been revealed through a double-sided poster of circular graphs, representing: the artist, activist, lover, mother, musician and author. Each ring within each diagram represents a decade, accumulating to 60 years worth of Ono’s existance.
Personal: Victims & Villains
Victims & Villains Personal project revealing both sides of a news story that was making headlines at the time. As the organisation Wikileaks was revealing all manners of truths to an unsuspecting public around the world, their actions were min-interpreted by some. This personal project collates news articles on the subject from a variety of newspapers from around the globe to encapulates the reactions , both fore and against the organisation’s actions, and express in a mock-broadsheet to echo the origin of the news articles.
Balanced: Horse Feeds
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Horse feeds Live brief commissioned to rebrand & update existing packaging. A local horse feed company, based in Surrey, wanted to update their existing packaging and corporate identity. By undertaking this face lift, the company would be able to address issues most of their competitors answer more successfully窶馬amely range differentiation and aiding and informing product choice. The revised packaging and corporate identity was not to be a complete change but in keeping with their distinctive red and white branding known by their present customers. The logo and typefaces were first to be reviewed, the order and heirarchy of the information for the packs came secondly, and thirdly the use of the branding. Working alongside the client, it was decided on the use of colour and a careful selection of horse imagery for the packs as a clear marker between the different ranges. Unique and simplified icons are used throughout the ranges to signify and highlight specific properties within each pack as well as consice bullet points for a more informed product choice.
Balanced: Horse Feeds
Ideas & visuals: Illustration
clockwise from right media: Variety of applications utilised from traditional pencil and ink to digital tablets
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Ideas & visuals
Illustration From client based work to personal work, everything begins with a sketch. Scribbling the idea down on paper with enough descriptive detail, before it vanishes, is half the battle. The other half is then finding the time to return to complete them. The following sketches, drawings, paintings or doodles appear from sketchbook entries and exercises to client visuals.
Ideas & visuals: Illustration
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left then right concept sketches Line drawing ended up in Reading Between the Lines publication while the pitt pencil illustration appears in the Minotaur box set
Ideas & visuals: Illustration
Comparative Mytholog y: Reading Between the Lines
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Comparative Mythology
Reading bet ween the lines A Publication—as a continuation from ‘Comparative Mythology’—suggests links between one of the first civilisations (ancient Sumer) with Christian mythologies and ideologies. As an aid to a larger project, the publication continues to trace and highlight the past with the present, more specifically the Sumerian civilisation with the Christian genesis myth. This 16-page piece reflects on myths such as the creation story in both the New and Old Testament as well as the first man and the Garden of Eden. The imagery are a culmination of illustrations that did not make the double-sided poster series.
Origin: Comparative Mytholog y
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Comparative My thology As an on going trilogy, the series attempts to identify shared themes, traces and highlights common origins from 7 mythologies of different cultures. The series takes the form of 3 double-sided, B1 posters which fold down into individual, attached hardcovers. These hardcovers are then neatly encased into a debossed slipcase, all of which—from printing to assembling—has been done so by hand. Mythologies from 7 cultures (Sumerian, Babylonian, Norse, Greek, Roman, Islamic & Christian) are compared and analysed through various criteria and each other—forming a timeline of sorts—running from what is considered the first human civilisation 6000 years ago to the present. The trilogy begins with Origin: The Solar System & Mankind, followed by Chaos & Order: Rebellion in the Heavens and concludes with Deus Otiosus: The Idle God. The first, Origins, deals with the myth of creation, from our solar system to mankind. Core texts from antiquity of all 7 cultures are referred to throughout the series.
Origin: Comparative Mytholog y
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Each of the 3 hardcovers, were hand bound, screen printed and attached to the posters. The slipcase was given the same treatment.
opposite construction The double-sided posters were printed using flexography. The A0 light sensitive photopolyer plates were exposed twice with the image and after rubbing the ink in were run through an intaglio press.
Origin: Comparative Mytholog y
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E michael.p.speed@gmail.com W cargocollective.com/michaelspeed For those of you who prefer something more tangible, a business card is available.