International College of Dentists USA Section DUTIES OF ICD EDITORS Refer to ICD USA Section Bylaws, Article X. Section 5 DESCRIPTION Constituent Chapter Editors are appointed by the Deputy Regent with the approval of the District Regent. Some Districts may choose to have a District Editor which will be appointed by the Regent in consultation with the Deputy Regents. The primary responsibility of the Editor is to provide better communication of activities, events and other salient information to Fellows within the District or state, and to share appropriate information in the USA Section of the ICD. This will be done through any media source which is available and can include, but not be limited to, printed newsletters and electronic communication. DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES (could be included, but not limited to): • Adhere to the Code for Dental Editors which is published on the ICD USA Section webpage under News & Publications > Editors Resources > Resources: “Guidelines” in PDF or Word format. • Be familiar with the USA Section website and its contents: • District Editors should coordinate communication efforts for the Chapters within the District. • Chapter Editors should partner with the Deputy Regents to identify Component Editors as needed. • All Editors should partner with the Regent, Vice Regent, Deputy Regents, and Counselors to determine the most effective way to promote the ICD. • Participate in the development and implementation of a long-range Strategic Plan for the District, Constituent, and/or Component. Develop a regular “communication” (newsletter, bulletin) for Fellows within the District, Constituent Chapter, or Component. Request updated mailing labels/emails from the Section Office for each distribution. Submit timely District/Chapter news articles for the USA Section website and/or Facebook. Digital photos should be 300 megapixels or more for a clear copy; caption should be included. Email to Kylie Evans: • For articles to be considered for publication in the KEY (the official publication of the ICD USA Section) submit them to Section Editor Dr. Richard F. Roadcap at by no later than January 15 for inclusion in that year’s issue. • Develop any other communication necessary within District, Constituent Chapter, or Component. • Become familiar with the Fellows in your designated area of responsibility-District, Constituent Chapter, or Component. • Attend local, state, and District dental functions to be able to report activities and honors of ICD Fellows. • Attend the Fellowship Convocation and Dinner Dance at the USA Section ICD annual national meeting when in town. • Attend the White Coat Ceremony for the Freshman class of the dental schools. • Photograph ICD Fellows at all events to personalize your articles. • Make arrangements, when absent from these functions, to communicate with other leaders in attendance to accurately report these events, if applicable. • Promote USA Section ICD Foundation contributions. • Mentor dental students, young dentists, and new Fellows.