Meetings The Board of Regents usually meets twice a year. One meeting is in the spring, the other in the fall usually immediately prior to the ADA meeting. Special meetings may be called by the President or the Registrar, or by a written request to the Registrar signed by at least five Board members. There is a written notice at least ten days prior to any meeting of the Board of Regents. A Regent may call an executive session of the Board of Regents with the concurrence of the President and the majority of the Board of Regents. Regents will attend the two Board meetings, the Fellowship Orientation Program (FOP), the Convocation rehearsal, and the Convocation. The Regent is encouraged to attend the annual Dinner Dance. In multi-state Districts, a Regent should try to visit each state every three years. This meeting usually is the state’s annual meeting. The ICD Section will reimburse the Regent by voucher for coach air travel or the current IRS mileage allowance and lodging required for the visit (usually one night). In single state Districts, the Regent is reimbursed for one visit a year in his state. The Regent may request a visitation to a meeting in his District by the President, Registrar or other officer. It is not always possible to grant every request for a visitation. (See “How to Host an ICD President/Officer” in this manual.) Vice Regents are welcome at USA Section Board meetings, but no reimbursement from the Section will be made. Some Districts may provide funding for the Vice Regent.