2 minute read
Program Area Philosophy Summary
We believe language is at the heart of human communication, thinking, feeling and making sense of our- selves and our world. We believe literate global citizens have highly developed expressive and interpretive capacities for language that are used purposefully, creatively, and flexibly in varied and complex contexts of our world.
We believe literate people . . .
• write and speak effectively for an identified purpose and audience
• actively dialogue with others through effective listening, questioning, and responding

• develop a deeper understanding of human experience through literature
• critically interpret and evaluate information, authors and their intentions demonstrate stamina, volume and fluency in reading and writing
• express and explore knowledge, needs, and opinions interpret others and express them- selves both for pleasure and learning
• actively construct understanding by connecting to prior knowledge and experiences

• effectively use appropriate media for expressive and interpretive communication
• use metacognitive skills to monitor and direct the process and product in pursuit of a goal
We believe literacy best develops when . . .
• there is a literacy-rich environment and community with ample opportunities for collaboration
• the focus is on developing the learner, not merely the text or activity
• there is inquiry, choice, access, and ownership in accomplishing meaningful tasks for authentic audiences
• there are daily opportunities with significant time to read, write, speak and listen in a safe, interactive, environment
• skills, processes and strategies are explicitly modeled, followed by guided practice and multiple opportunities to apply within varied contexts throughout the years
• learners are given timely and meaningful feedback explicitly taught across disciplines
• framed within a developmentally appropriate, aligned, and coherent curriculum
Additional Program Information
Our English course encompasses reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Units of study focus on specific reading or writing concepts, with listening and speaking embedded within each unit.

Grade 6 English Language Arts
Unit of Study
Building A Reading & Writing Life
Essential Question:
• Why write and talk about reading?
• How can I grow as a reader?
• How do I develop and refine my ideas?
• How can discussion increase my understanding and expand my thinking?
Reading Narrative Texts (F): Realistic Fiction Book Clubs
Narrative Writing (N): Realistic Fiction Short Stories
Reading Informational Texts (NF): Nonfiction Book Clubs
Writing Informational Texts (I): Feature Articles
Argument Writing (A): Persuasive Letters
• What can we learn by studying characters?
• How can I use evidence from the text to support my thinking?
• How do I develop the message of my story?
• How do I grow as a writer?
• What can I learn from writers I admire?
• What impacts can informational texts have?
• How can I best approach reading informational texts?
• How can I dig deeper into a topic?
• How can I use my voice to inform?
• What can I learn from other writers?
• How can I be an effective speaker?
• How can I best express an opinion?
• What can I learn from other writers?
• How can I use my voice to influence?