3 minute read
Program Area Philosophy Summary
We believe communication is at the heart of the human experience. To thrive as global citizens, we need to effectively communicate within a wide range of multicultural contexts.
We believe world language learners are able to:
• communicate effectively and confidently in the international community
• understand and respond appropriately to spoken, written and body language
• clearly communicate ideas and information appropriate to a given audience
• generalize and apply language in new situations
• connect to prior learning and cross curricular concepts and ideas
• understand the nature of language and gain insight into other languages
• understand the concept of culture and gain insight into other cultures
• display cultural sensitivity to diverse perspectives, practices and products
• be flexible, tenacious, self-reliant, reflective, and take risks
We believe world language learning happens best with a communicative approach, where learners build upon prior knowledge to actively construct and monitor their understanding through meaningful engagement that often extends beyond the school setting. The language learning expectations and experiences are developmentally appropriate and aligned to a coherent proficiency-based curriculum with multiple entry points.
Additional Program Information
• In the MS World Language program (Language B) we offer French, Mandarin, and Spanish.
• Thai Nationals are required to study Thai.
• Any students new to ISB will be given a language placement test to support appropriate
• course placement.
• One semester of “Thai Language and Culture” is required for non-native students who enrol at ISB during MS.
Course Progression
Typical Entry Points into the MS WL courses and Expected Course Progression
World Language standards
This course focuses on the learning standards for Level 3 on the ISB World Language Continuum.
Unit Titles
The Individual - Who am I
Family and Friends
School - Daily Routines - Activities and sports
Essential Question:
• How can I communicate when my ideas are more complex than my ability to express them?
• How can I explore other cultures without stereotyping?
• How can the approaches to learning a language help solve problems both within and outside my language classes?
• How can learning a language help us respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values?
This course focuses on the learning standards for Level 4 on the ISB World Language Continuum.
Unit Titles
Around Town
Shopping in Town
Food and Eating Out
Vacation and Travel
Essential Question:
• How does language change in different situations?
• How do customs and products increase the understanding of cultures? (perspectives, traditions)
• How do customs and products increase the understanding of cultures? (perspectives, traditions)
• How does language change in different situations?
This course focuses on the learning standards for Level 4 on the ISB World Language Continuum.
Unit Titles
Health and Emergencies
The Environment
Current Events
Childhood (hobbies and entertainment)
Essential Question:
• How can we be an effective communicator?
• How can the approaches to learning a language help solve problems both within and outside my language classes?
• How does language change in different situations?
• How can learning a language help us respond open-mindedly to different ideas?
Language 1
This course focuses on the learning standards for Level 3-4 on the ISB World Language Continuum which aligns to the HS Language 1 course.
Unit Titles
Self, Family and Friends
Essential Question:
• How can I communicate when my ideas are more complex than my ability to express them?
Home • How can learning a language help us respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values?
School - Daily Routines
Activities - Shopping in Town
Food and Eating Out
Media, Sports and Entertainment
• How can the approaches to learning a language help solve problems both within and outside my language classes?
• How do customs and products increase the understanding of cultures? (perspectives, traditions)
• How do customs and products increase the understanding of cultures? (perspectives, traditions)
• How can learning a language help us respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values?
Thai Language And Culture For Non-Thai Students Who Are New To Thailand
Unit Titles
Getting to Know Each Other
Go Shopping
Around Town
Eating Out
Exploring the Kingdom
Essential Question:
• How can I communicate when my ideas are more complex than my ability to express them?
• How do customs and products increase the understanding of cultures? (perspectives, traditions)
• How do customs and products increase the understanding of cultures? (perspectives, traditions)
• How do customs and products increase the understanding of cultures? (perspectives, traditions)
• How can learning a language help us respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values?