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VIDEO PRODUCTION Media Arts Standards
The overall goal of the visual / media arts program is to foster a sense of students as artists, allowing them to build upon personal experiences and passions to create meaningful work.
The Studio Habits of Mind serve as a framework for everything students experience. They observe more closely, are curious, ask questions, think creatively, and work collaboratively to approach challenges with an open mind. These courses can help prepare students for high school Visual /Media Arts courses, but more importantly, they lead to a more fulfilling life and connect students to their humanity.
Unit of Study
Intro to Media-Arts / Missing Person
Essential Questions
• How do media artists generate ideas?
• How can ideas for media arts productions be formed and developed to be effective and original?
• How do media artworks function to convey meaning and manage audience experience?
My Favorites
Genre Study - Then & Now
• How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?
• What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved?
• How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks?
• What is required to produce a media artwork that conveys purpose, meaning, and artistic quality?
• How do media artists improve/refine their work?
• How does time, place, and audience affect choices for media artworks?
Music Video / Film Reel Wrap Up
• How does media-art relate to its various contexts, purposes, and values?
• How are complex media arts experiences constructed?
• When and how should we evaluate and critique media artworks to improve them?
Additional Course Information
This course takes students from an individual able to push the record button, to someone who can work with a team, think artistically, leverage editing software, tell a story and produce a final product that is enjoyable to watch. Students will explore their creative voice while developing technical skills in all aspects of basic video production. Students will also expand prior knowledge of responsible digital citizenship and use of social media or creative online tools. Collaborations and ability to communicate with media-arts will be developed specifically in the following roles: filming, editing, scripting / storyboards, sound-design, and directing.