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Visual Arts Standards
All Visual Arts courses focus on students as artists, allowing them to build upon personal experiences and passions to create meaningful work. The Studio Habits of Mind serve as a framework for everything students experience in these classes. Working as artists, students become nimbler thinkers. They observe more closely, are curious, ask questions, think creatively, and approach challenges with an open mind and persistent work ethic. Students maintain a sketchbook for drawings, research, idea development, and media trials. These courses can help prepare students for high school Visual Arts courses including IB Film and IB Visual Arts, but more importantly, they lead to a more fulfilling life and connect students to their humanity.
Key Goals for the ISB Visual Arts Program:
• Students develop the concepts, mindsets and skills employed by artists as a way to think and act creatively and artistically.
• Students are engaged and persist throughout the entirety and complexity of creative and artistic processes, including creating, presenting, responding and connecting.
• Students take risks through sustained investigation and solution-based outcomes.
• Students explore, appreciate and engage with the role of art and artists in communities,

• societies and worlds.
• Students see themselves as artists and curators and embody a growth mindset.
• Students develop an understanding of self and the world through the visual arts.
Grade 6 Visual Arts
(Required 6th grade class)
Students will work individually and collaboratively to create art that reflects their personal experiences as they transition from Elementary to Middle School.

Assessment Strands
Essential Questions
• How does collaboration expand the creative process?
• How do artists create works of art that effectively communicate?
• How does refining artwork affect its meaning to the viewer?
• How do life experiences influence the way we relate to art?
• How does engaging in creating art enrich people’s lives?
Additional Art Course Information
Students are required to purchase a middle school sketchbook.
The following Visual Arts courses are available to students in grade 7 and 8. Students must take at least one Visual Arts course in grade 7 or grade 8. They may repeat these courses as the content is adapted based on students’ interests, art opportunities within Bangkok, and current events.
Students will work individually and collaboratively to create art in a variety of two-dimensional media which may include: drawing, painting, photography, collage, printmaking, batik.
Assessment Strands Essential Questions
• Why do artists follow or break from established traditions?
• What role does persistence play in revising, refining and developing work?
• What criteria are considered when selecting work for presentation, portfolio or collection?
• What can we learn from our responses to art?
• How do images influence our views of the world?
• How do people contribute to awareness and understanding of their lives and community through art making?
• How is art used to impact the views of a society?
Additional Art Course Information
Students are required to purchase a middle school sketchbook.
Students will work individually and collaboratively to create art in a variety of two-dimensional media which may include: drawing, painting, photography, collage, printmaking, batik.
Assessment Strands
Essential Questions
• What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks?
• How does knowing the contexts, histories, and traditions of art forms help us to create works of art?
• What criteria, methods and processes are used to select work for preservation or presentation?
• How do life experiences influence the way we relate to art?
• How does making art attune people to their surroundings?
• How does art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places and cultures?