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Program Area Philosophy Summary

We believe health and well-being education makes a significant contribution to the social, emotional, physical and cognitive (learning potential) development of our students. The goal of ISB’s health and well-being program is to develop individual values, attitudes, competencies and beliefs that will empower students to commit to their own and others’ health and well-being throughout their lifetime.

Health and well-being education at ISB aims to develop students who understand that:

• the personal choices they make related to health and well-being will improve their quality of life

• goal setting skills are essential to the development of healthy behaviors

• physical, social and emotional development, and well-being are interrelated

• our values, beliefs and assumptions affect our decisions

• how to locate appropriate, accurate and reliable health information to support informed decisions

• how effective communication enhances their health and well-being and reduces risks

• the structure of the human body and patterns of growth and development

• they have the right to feel safe and know how to create safe boundaries

Health and well-being education at ISB encourages young people to lead healthy, active, and balanced lives. Students are provided with opportunities to acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

Additional Program Information

Health and Well-being classes are integrated into our Physical Education program in grades 6 and 7. In grade 8, each student will take a one semester stand-alone Health and well-being course.

Students will independently use their learning to:

• Take personal responsibility for lifelong health

• Enjoy being active and healthy throughout their lives

• Make choices to enhance their wellness and that of others

• Make informed use of health-related information, products and services

• Develop resilience and a secure identity and sense of self


Health and Well-Being Standards

Grade 6 Health and Well-Being

Skill Focus

Human Diversity and Identity

Nutrition, Physical Activity & Sleep

Essential Question:

• How do our values, beliefs, and assumptions about culture and diversity influence our perspectives?

• How do our personal and cultural identities change over time?

• How will personal actions and decisions affect one’s overall health?

• What are the absolute best foods that I should eat on a regular basis?

• Why are diet and exercise important for my brain to work well?

• What are the benefits of healthy eating and active living?

• How can I develop and maintain my health and well-being?

Communication and Digital Citizenship

• Examine emotions and brain research associated with emotional response.

• Examine ways that we can develop our brains to become more resilient.

• Develop a practice of kindness and gratitude and understand that compassion, kindness and gratitude can contribute to happiness and wellbeing.

• How do I have a positive friendship & be a good friend?

• Evaluate and practice good listening skills

• Understand how online friendships are different to real-life friendships

• How does the influence of technology affect social inter actions?

Puberty and Emotional Management

• How do I understand and manage in a positive way the changes that are happening to me?

• What mental and emotional changes take place during adolescence?

• How can I develop and maintain my health and well-being?

• What physical changes take place during adolescent years?

• Where can I access appropriate information on physical changes, reproduction and sexual health?

Grade 7 Health and Well-Being

Skill Focus

Empathy, communication, social media and online safety

Essential Question:

• Investigate personal, social and cultural factors that influence the way individuals respond emotionally to different situations

• Explore different viewpoints, practising being empathetic and considering alternative ways to respond

• Recognise and interpret emotional responses to stressful situations and proposing strategies for managing these responses

• Explain how stress affects mental health and emotional wellbeing, and demonstrating an understanding of how to use a variety of strategies for relieving stress and caring for oneself

• Examine one’s own social media presence & pressures associated with online apps

• Explore character strengths, family values and the ways in which values, altruism and compassion can increase happiness and well-being.

Decision Making, Substance Abuse Prevention, Nutrition and Physical Activity

• How will personal actions and decisions affect one’s overall health?

• How do I analyze situations in advance to help me from putting myself in a potentially dangerous situation? What are personal safety risks?

• What are protective behaviors I can use to stay safe? (assertiveness, self-awareness, refusal skill)

• How can I demonstrate these protective behaviors?

• How can I make safe choices?

• What strategies can I use to avoid peer pressure to use drugs? (refusal skills)

Relationships, Sexual Health, Communication and Pro-Social Skills

• How do I understand and manage the changes that are happening to me?

• Evaluating and practising coping, communication and problem-solving skills to manage changes and emotions associated with puberty and getting older

• Understand consent and apply assertiveness skills

• Understand and apply online and social protocols to enhance relationships with others and protect their own wellbeing, including recognising and responding to inappropriate online content

Grade 8 Health and Well-Being

Unit Titles

Communication Skills for Health and Well Being

Essential Question:

• How can I contribute to different groups and communities in order to enhance my own and others wellbeing?

• How do I develop healthy communication skills?

• How do I cope with conflict?

• How do my personal values, beliefs, attitudes contribute to my health, wellbeing, safety and activity levels?

• How do I identify and implement effective goals that will help me achieve lifetime wellbeing?

Decisions that Promote being Healthy, Safe and Active

• How will personal actions and decisions affect one’s overall health?

• What do I need to do to improve my own health and wellbeing and that of others?

• How does our awareness of neuroscience (our brain) shape our thinking, feelings and behaviors?

• What are the qualities of mind that will help with personal happiness and flourishing and how do we cultivate this?

Relationships and Sexual Health

• How can I develop and maintain my health and wellbeing in sexual relationships?

• How do I understand and manage the changes that are happening to me?

• What makes a healthy relationship and how do I develop safe boundaries for myself and others?

• What are the values, expectations, rights and responsibilities in relationships?

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