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Program Area Philosophy Summary
What is science?
We believe physical education is an integral component of a student’s education at ISB. The goal of ISB’s Physical Education program is to develop the values, knowledge, skills and competencies needed to enhance and commit to maintaining a healthy, active and balanced life. Individuals who are physically literate move with competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical and health related activities and in multiple environments that benefit the healthy development of the whole person.
Physical Education at ISB aims to develop physically literate students who understand / demonstrate:

• that individuals and groups consistently develop the motivation and ability to communicate, apply, and analyze different forms of movement
• that the personal choices they make related to their physical well-being will affect their quality of life
• the intrinsic rewards of being active

• an appreciation of the artistic, creative, strategic and competitive aspects of physical activity
• the ability to set appropriate goals and persevere in attaining them
• Physical education at ISB encourages individuals to make healthy, active choices that are both beneficial to and respectful of their whole self, others, and their environment.
Courses Information
Grade 6-8 Physical Education Standards
Grade 6 Physical Education
In this course, students are introduced to a wide variety of activities that develop personal, group, and team skills appropriate to their age and skill level. Students will be expected to work individually, in pairs, and cooperatively in teams. Activities may include aquatics, gymnastics, minor/cooperative games, racquet sports, soccer, track and field, throwing, catching, and striking/fielding games. Students are assessed to the standards and benchmarks for each unit. Fitness is interwoven in all activities with a focus on the health related components of fitness.
Grade 7 Physical Education
In this course, students learn more advanced strategies and techniques of physical activities, they will build on what they learned in grade six, as well as continuing to develop their team play and sporting aware- ness. Interpersonal skills, such as sportsmanship, inclusive behaviour and helping others are an ongoing focus. We will explore new activities, such as Australian Rules Football, Floor hockey, and multi activity units such as Hoops, as well as a number of other diverse activities throughout the year. There is a continued emphasis on personal fitness. As in 6th grade, personal fitness is interwoven in all activities.
Grade 8 Physical Education
In this course there are opportunities for students to take more control and responsibility for their own learning. We will make use of the Sport Education Model to encourage students to explore the different roles available in sports teams. In the Dance unit, students work in groups to create and perform their own dance routine. Students are also introduced to new activities such as Touch Rugby, while we revisit other activities, albeit with a different focus, like Badminton. Throughout all units, we continually emphasize skill development, spatial awareness and team concepts. As in 6th and 7th grade, personal fitness is interwoven in all activities. Again acquiring and demonstrating positive interpersonal skills continues to be a major focus within the different activities students participate in throughout the year.
Assessment Strands: Overview:
Active Participation
Students will actively participate in a wide variety of program activities, according to their capabilities, while applying behaviours that enhance their readiness and ability to take part in physical activity.

Physical Fitness
Students will participate in sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity. Assess their level of healthrelated fitness during various physical activities and monitor changes in fitness levels over time. Develop and implement a personal plan to meet their fitness goals.
Safety and Interpersonal Skills
Students will demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize the safety, both physical and emotional, of all participants. Students will demonstrate inclusive team behaviour and appropriate attitudes towards winning and losing.
Movement Skills and Concepts
Students will perform smooth transfers of weight and rotations, in a variety of situations. Students will perform a wide variety of locomotor movements, while responding to a variety of external stimuli. Students will send, receive, and retain a variety of objects.
Movement Strategies
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the components of