Annual Report 2020/21

Page 1


Inspire Engage Empower

June 30 2021






Learning @ ISP

4// From the Director

10// From the Chair of the Board of Trustees

12// ISP Learning Principles

6// The Heart of ISP’s Campus 8// ISP at a Glance

11// Board of Trustees and Standing Committees

16// Early Childhood Foundations 18// Elementary School 20// Middle School 22// Upper School 24// Class of 2021 Results and University Destinations



26// Students & Families

40// Financial Oversight

28// Faculty & Support Staff

42// Consolidated Balance Sheet

Our Community

30// Alumni 31// School Community Association 32// Donors

Financial Report

43// Consolidated Income Statement


From the Director A message from outgoing ISP Director Dr. Arnie Bieber The academic year ending 30 June 2021 (2020/21) was certainly unprecedented at the International School of Prague s.r.o. (“ISP” or the “Company”). ISP adhered to the Czech Government’s safety guidelines, which meant that while we had a fairly ‘normal’ opening in August 2020, students had to operate under a mix of onsite, hybrid, and remote learning for the majority of the school year. Congratulations to all ISP employees for their superb response to a very challenging year. Thanks to an improving pandemic situation, happily we were able to complete the year with all grades with the exception of seniors on campus, and hosted the Senior Graduation, and Elementary and Middle School moving-up ceremonies onsite at the end of the school year. In August 2020 we welcomed a steady enrollment of 842 students. These consistent numbers are testament to the educational experience available at ISP, the professionalism of our faculty and staff, and our wonderfully supportive community in challenging times. I was impressed by the efforts of our senior class of 2021. As an inclusive school, every student at ISP has the opportunity to become an IB Diploma (IB = International Baccalaureate) candidate if they choose to do so. IB Diploma recipients at ISP consistently perform significantly above the world average and the scores of the Class of graduates of 2021 were no different.

Despite the challenging backdrop of distance learning and the global pandemic, 100% of ISP Diploma candidates achieved the full IB Diploma with an average score of 36 (compared to the world average of 33) and with an average exam score of 5.75. The highest score from an ISP student was 45 out of 45. We congratulate all of the graduates of the class of 2021, their parents, and their teachers on their fantastic results achieved under difficult circumstances. On a personal note, 2020-21 marked the final year of my tenure at ISP. It has been an honor and privilege to serve the ISP community. I am proud that with the steadfast support of the Leadership Team, faculty and staff, Board of Trustees, students and the wider community, ISP has been transformed during my time as Director into being a mission-driven school with an enhanced campus and a very positive future. I am confident that my successor as Director, Dr. Chip Kimball, will effectively lead ISP into the future, from great to greater for years to come. Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Arnie Bieber



A message from incoming ISP Director Dr. Chip Kimball It is a privilege to serve as the new Director of International School of Prague starting in the summer of 2021. Even though my official duties had not begun during the 2020-21 school year, I nonetheless spent considerable time becoming part of the ISP community which was a uniquely challenging year for schools worldwide. Throughout the year I was in close contact with the ISP Leadership Team and others to ensure a smooth transition during 2021-22. I must pay particular tribute to my predecessor, and someone I am now glad to call a friend, Dr. Arnie Bieber. Arnie’s leadership during his 13 years at ISP was truly transformational, and leaves a rich legacy exemplified by the fantastic Learning Innovation Hub that will Inspire, Engage and Empower ISP learners in design, collaboration, innovation and of course, reading for years to come.

Leadership Team

I look forward to my inaugural year as ISP Director, and am thankful for Arnie’s openness, support and friendship as we prepared the transition. I look forward to building on the fantastic work of the ISP team as we take ISP on the journey from great to greater! Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Chip Kimball ISP Director

Dr. Chip Kimball Director

Joe Monks Director of Activities

Dr. Cindy Gause-Vega Elementary Principal

Dr. Eric Sturm Upper School Principal

Petr Draxler Director of Human Resources

Jimena Zalba Elementary School Associate Principal

Teresa Belisle Director of Learning, Research and Development

Monica Stanciu Director of Advancement

Matt Smith Middle School Principal

Sheldon Bradshaw Director of Information Technology

Barry Freckmann Director of Finance and Operations


The Heart of ISP’s Campus

The newly launched Learning Innovation Hub The remarkable transformation of the ISP library into a new Learning Innovation Hub during the summer of 2020, created a welcoming, open, and transparent space that encourages learning, exploration, design, creation, and collaboration between students, teachers, and the broader community. While the pandemic meant that the Hub was only used for part of school year, ISP students and employees saw enough to confirm that the Hub will inspire ISP learners to not only read and research, but also to design, collaborate, innovate, and create for years to come. Much more than a library, the Learning Innovation Hub (or the Hub), funded by the Kellner and Křetínský Families, is a contemporary environment pointing to the future of learning. Upon entering this visionary facility, learners have found an adaptable and flexible future-focused environment. “As ISP parents, we are delighted to support this magnificent transformation of the library space into the ISP Learning Innovation Hub, which provides a learning environment fit for the future of learning, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic.” Mr. Daniel Křetínský, ISP parent and donor

Another striking feature of the library design, the ‚paper plane‘ acoustic baffle system soaring across the ceiling, is inspired by Sís’s Birds mobile. „Our goal is to create a place where everyone feels comfortable, and everyone feels like it is their library. I definitely believe that we have done that. The Learning Innovation Hub is the heart of the school. It is our mission as librarians to make sure that it remains as the ‘heart of the school.‘ The Hub has a beautiful vibe to it. It‘s peaceful, calm, and bright. Students tell us all the time how much they like it and Elementary students love being here.“ Tara Russell Ethridge, Elementary Librarian

Influenced by Petr Sís Creating a participatory learning environment The Hub is the heart of the school. It encourages participatory learning and co-construction of understanding and skills utilizing the varied spaces and resources. The role of a contemporary library is to promote literacy, a love of reading, and to provide access to information and services, all while encouraging the sharing of knowledge and ideas. Our resource collection is constantly changing in order to meet the immediate needs of our learners. This design of the Hub has been inspired by the aesthetic of one of the Czech Republic’s most renowned artists, Petr Sís. A large rendering of Sis’s, The Labyrinth, is the focal point of the Hub, serving as a reminder of the peaceful frame of mind and focus most conducive for deep exploration and profound learning.



The Idea Lab “When I think of ISP’s mission, to inspire and engage and empower – that’s the Idea Lab. We want to be a space that encourages people to learn with their hands and hearts, as well as with their minds. Whether you are an eight-year-old sewing a scary monster puppet or an eighteen-year-old modeling a new kind of centrifuge, with the new Idea Lab we have the space to help you realize your dreams.“ Dr. Elizabeth Perry, Technology and Innovation Coach

The Idea Lab is a technology- and design-focused maker space integrated into the Learning Innovation Hub. The Idea Lab supports students’ curiosity and inquiry, extending hands-on learning with both traditional and contemporary tools. Learners can explore 3D printing, laser cutting, computational embroidery, robotics, and more – within a state-ofthe-art, purpose-built space. Technology and Innovation Coaches work with the community to help develop their ideas and skills, providing advice, instruction, and pedagogical support. Glass walls invite the curious to observe the active learning going on inside. In the Idea Lab, students and teachers can learn with and from each other as they make, tinker, prototype, test, reflect, design, and share their creations and discoveries.

The Idea Lab benefits from state of the art equipment purchased through the generous donation of long-term supporters of ISP Eltodo.





2.6 - 19





more than

65.000 m

Early Childhood Foundations


Elementary School



14.000 m2 OUTDOOR AREA more than

51.000 m2



Middle School


Upper School




iPad program Grades 1-4

1:1 Apple Laptop program Grades 5-12

(Bring your Own Laptop Program for Grades 9-12)











MIDDLE SCHOOL 4* Sports Teams / 14* clubs UPPER SCHOOL 4* Sports Teams / 24* clubs *part of them running online throughout the year


2 500


From the Chair of the Board of Trustees Dear ISP Community, My third year as ISP Chair was another challenging, but ultimately rewarding, year for everyone in the ISP Community. The manner in which our students, faculty and staff, parents and my colleagues on the ISP Board of Trustees showed their adaptability and commitment to education under the circumstances of Distance Learning was very inspiring. It was nonetheless a great relief and source of joy that students were able to complete the school year where they should be, on campus. Personally, it was fantastic for me to have the opportunity to address the Graduation Ceremony of the Class of 2021. The ceremony was not so much a light at the end of the tunnel, but more a beacon of hope for the future. The Class of 2021 faced multiple challenges as a senior class so it was truly inspiring to see bright, optimistic, internationally-minded young people ready to go out into the world and make a difference. As father of three ISP Alumni, I know how much of a milestone the Graduation Ceremony can represent, so it was wonderful to see this year’s Class have their special day.

The graduation ceremony was also poignant as it marked the last year for our Director, Dr. Arnie Bieber. I would like to say thank you to Arnie for his leadership and commitment throughout his 13-year tenure. Arnie’s time at ISP is characterised by the school being forward-looking, progressive, and transformational. I am also assured that ISP is in the best possible hands going forward with Arnie’s successor Dr. Chip Kimball at the helm. I have already had interesting and constructive conversations with him and I am looking forward to seeing how he will take ISP to even greater heights as a leading school in Europe. With best wishes,

Staffan Erenmalm Chair of the ISP Board of Trustees



ISP Board of Trustees 2020-21

Staffan Erenmalm Chair

Dave Sturgeon Board Treasurer

Martin Blecha Board Secretary

Susanna Backman Member

Ivo Bárta Member

Gabriel Eichler Member

Dorota Keleher Member

Larry Korb Member

Martin Kováč Member

Gary Mazzotti Member

Peter Ridder Honorary member

Jan Sýkora Honorary member

Advancement Committee

B&G Committee Members

Gary Mazzotti (Trustee, Committee Chair) Dorota Keleher (Trustee/Parent) Yuval Ben Itzhak (Parent) Dr. Arnie Bieber (ISP Director) Tatiana Eichler (Parent) Vazil Hudak (Parent) William Jalloul (ISP Alumni) Andrea Koudelková (ISP Admissions Manager) Elizabeth Perry (ISP Technology & Innovation Coach) Marta Spurna (Parent) Monica Stanciu (ISP Director of Advancement)

Susanna Bäckman (Trustee, Committee Chair) Martin Kováč (Trustee/Parent) Ivo Bárta (Trustee/Parent) Dr. Arnie Bieber (Director) Ronald Dasbach (Parent) Barry Freckmann (ISP Finance & Operations Director) Isold Heemstra (Parent) Neville Parry (Parent) Martin Valášek (ISP Facility Manager)

Finance Committee Members

Governance Committee

Dave Sturgeon (Trustee, Committee Chair) Gabriel Eichler (Trustee/Parent) Gary Mazzotti (Trustee) Vadim Belovs (Parent) Dr. Arnie Bieber (Director) Barry Freckmann (ISP Finance & Operations Director) Nikolay Hadjiyski Szilvia Horvath-Cook (Parent) Lenka Obodová (ISP Finance Manager) Ajit Virk (Parent)

Martin Blecha (Trustee, Committee Chair) Staffan Erenmalm (Trustee) Ivo Bárta (Trustee/Parent) Dorota Keleher (Trustee/Parent) Larry Korb (Trustee/Parent) Dr. Arnie Bieber (ISP Director)


Learning @ ISP DEFINITION OF LEARNING: what does it mean to learn at ISP?

Learning is a transformative process that: Builds on what we know and can do, Deepens what we understand, and Changes who we are.

LEARNER PROFILE: ISP learners are...

Curious Competent Compassionate


ISP LEARNING PRINCIPLES Learning best happens when…

Learners’ curiosity drives what and how they learn Learners feel a sense of safety and belonging

Learners know what they’re learning and why it is significant

Learners apply their learning in diverse and challenging contexts

Learners know where they are as learners and how to go further

Learners consider and connect complex ideas

Learners persist with relevant and rich challenges



Learners persist with relevant and rich challenges Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Adventures@ISP Guided and supervised by our Activities Office, Duke of Edinburgh Gold, Bronze and Silver students successfully passed their hikes in the beautiful but challenging terrain of the Sumava National Park. They hiked over 200 km combined while they faced obstacles from cold weather and rain to hot sunny days and heavy backpacks.

Learners feel a sense of safety and belonging Community Resilience As 2020 drew to a close, we all recognized how challenging it had been to maintain learners’ sense of safety and belonging while navigating between Distance and Hybrid Learning settings. We have, however, a resilient community where everyone is committed to finding creative ways to keep our ISP community connected. Thanks to the hard work of our music department, their tech savviness, and many willing contributions, we enjoyed a virtual Annual Whole School Music Event.

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Learners consider and connect complex ideas Sound Scientists In Early Childhood Foundations (ECF) 5 children are introduced to the scientific process as part of the Sound Investigation Unit of Inquiry. These budding scientists explored, discovered, predicted, made connections and shared their learning journey with the rest of the school. They created a sound library, as set of seven books, that highlighted the sounds of food, water, thumping & scratching, quiet, nature, animals, and cutting.

Learners apply their learning in diverse and challenging contexts DNA Detectives Grade 11 Biology students, in their Genetics Unit, developed their skills as scientists through practical, real world applications. Guided by their teachers, the students first did a Bacterial Transformation Lab and then a Crime Scene Analysis.

Learners’ curiosity drives what and how they learn Spring has Sprung at ISP Children’s curiosity drives them to build their understanding and skills as gardeners, scientists, and nature lovers! Seeing the most recent enhancements to the outdoor learning spaces, elementary students quickly “dug into” discovering all that spring has to offer, under the guidance of our Outdoor Learning Teacher.



Learners know what they’re learning and why it is significant Scientists for Sustainability Learners across the school at ISP build their understanding of sustainability as they develop their scientific literacy and explore the complexity of current issues. Taking responsibility to find unique solutions, learners can make a difference now while developing a lifelong commitment to contribute to the urgent challenges we all face to ensure our world is viable for future generations.

Learners know where they are as learners and how to go further Early Childhood Foundations learners build the foundations to become empowered thinkers, writers, and scientists In Early Childhood Foundations, children make self portraits three times per year. Our job, as educators, is to guide them so they can depict what they see in the reflective surface of the mirror we place in front of them. Building this habit and skill of close observation and drawing details is foundational for scientists, illustrators, and thinkers. Self-portraits are only one of many exciting and engaging ways ECF learners build the foundational mindsets, skills, and self-awareness to become empowered thinkers, writers, and scientists.


Early Childhood Foundations Early Childhood Foundations (ECF) 3/4: Our 3 and 4 year old children learn together in beautiful, calm spaces. We enable the formidable powers of curiosity, investigation, and creativity in young chidlren to flourish in many ways and places; in the classroom, outdoors, in the beautiful nature reserve that is right on our doorstep, and in the city. Early Childhood Foundations 5 at ISP is rooted in inquiry, nurturing learners’ curiosity while developing key skills and understandings in literacy, numeracy, and the social and physical world surrounding them. Students also develop their competencies in the areas of music, physical education, visual arts, integrated technology, and outdoor learning with a specialist outside of their homeroom class.







Learning with an Atelierista As a Reggio-Inspired Early Childhood program, ISP’s ECF learners have the unique advantage of regularly learning with an Atelierista. The Atelier and Atelierista are at the heart of the world-renowned Reggio-Emila Approach, started in Italy and now spread to more than 145 countries. ISP’s Atelierista, Ms. Akshaya Krishnamoorthy, an accomplished artist and expert early childhood educator, leverages children’s curiosity to build skills, knowledge, and understanding of the world around them. Piquing their interests with “provocations” and exploratory experiences with materials and mediums, these young learners have the time and guidance to engage with the “what” and “how” of materiality while exploring their wonderings. The Atelier of Sunflowers Stimulating interest with this unique object Ms. Akshaya brought to school, the children figured out, over time, that this object is indeed the dried up head of a sunflower and has at least 100 seeds.



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Just outside the ISP campus there were sunflowers growing in a garden. The children took mini field trips to make close observations, they learned about bees and birds feeding off the flowers and got to meet the friendly owner of the garden. A lot of seeds were eaten and a lot of the flowers were in different stages of decay or bloom. Taking a few specimens back to the atelier, the children watched them change over time.



Leaving the campus can feel like a big adventure for our young learners. So, the children created “maps” that showed how to get to the sunflowers. On one of the visits to the sunflowers the children found out that the nice sunflower lady had done some gardening and had removed the sunflowers. The tall stalk with its flowers came back to the atelier along with the children.

Connections The children were making bird feeders with ES Outdoor Learning Specialist, Ms. Kerry Craig. When looking at different birds in the Czech Republic, they discovered one that loves sunflower seeds.

Through regular close observation of the collection of sunflower specimens, the children built a relationship with these materials, watching them change and dry up. Mystery, Materials and Making One day the children realised that a few seeds were missing from the dried sunflower head – the original one that birthed the collection. Unhappy, the children wondered, “we have a seed robber.” They found no other explanation satisfactory. The theory of the robber and building a trap to catch the robber allowed the children to explore a number of different materials and techniques/languages in the atelier: sculpting fake seeds and sunflowers with clay, sewing a big sunflower monster, trying to construct seeds that look like sunflower seeds so the real ones are safe, painting a giant fabric sun so the sunflower monster gets light in these dark days, and working on drawing “plans” for the seed robber trap. Below right students are making impressions of the seed pod and learning about frottage printmaking.

“I see him in my garden all the time,” Ms. Kerry shared – a new theory was presented to the children: MAYBE the bird is the seed robber. “Yes, yes! Our seed robber has this bird as a pet; that is why he is stealing our seeds to feed his pet,” the children explain. The robber remains a human, now with a pet bird. One of the many theories the children had was “the seed robber is stealing our seeds so he can plant them and get a hundred thousand seeds.” Ms. Akshaya and Ms. Kerry found a way to connect outdoor learning with their ongoing fascination with sunflowers in the atelier. What would happen if we planted some seeds? Would the seed robber be interested in them?


Elementary School Elementary School (ES) classes at ISP nurture learners’ curiosity. Students develop key knowledge, skills, and understandings in Literacy, Mathematics, and the social and physical world surrounding them. Students also develop their competencies in the areas of Music, Physical Education, Visual Arts, and Integrated Technology. Students will take Czech Language & Culture with a specialist in Grade 1 or during their first year at ISP. Following that, students will take either English, Czech, German, or Spanish with a specialist.







Outdoor Learning - Stepping Out into Nature In 2020-21 Elementary School (and Early Childhood Foundations) have enhanced outdoor learning with the introduction of a dedicated outdoor specialist educator.

The Outdoor Learning Specialist drives expanding outdoor learning options for young students. Oncampus and in the natural learning environment of the forest on ISP’s doorstep, Divoká Šárka, outdoor learning is driving curiosity in what and how students learn.



ing n r Lea ction in A

ISP’s oldest Elementary students in Grade 5 take a hands-on, outdoor approach to science learning. They prepare for lessons in the specially-adapted Outdoor Learning Room, before taking to the forest to hone scientific skills of close observation, by sampling, data collection, and testing theories on the flora and fauna a short walk from campus.



ISP saw lots of changes in our outdoor learning area during the spring, especially in the garden. The near constant rain was actually a gift as it accelerated our plant growth! Children had the opportunity to participate in the upkeep of our raised garden beds - planting, watering, weeding, and grass cutting. They had opportunities to distinguish plants (to try and tell an unwanted plant from a wanted one), used a variety of garden tools, learned how to use the hose and water efficiently, and transplant vegetables so that they have space to grow.

They learned that sometimes it’s too cold to transplant and sometimes it’s too hot - we’ve lost plants to every weather - wind, hailstones, and sunshine! The hard work culminated in digging up vegetables, tasting them, and making salads. The excitement as classes dug up their first radishes was infectious and even those who swore they did not like them were tempted to try them. Of course, once they were washed as there was some disbelief at how dirty they were when they came out of the ground!

“We tried spinach. It was like a leaf. It tastes good, it tastes like nature” The radish tastes sweet, but then after you swallow it, it tastes spicy” The children gained a greater understanding of where food comes from, the time and effort to grow it, and a plant‘s life cycle. They also used their fine and gross motor skills as they learned how to use garden tools and were satisfied with seeing and tasting the fruits of their labour.


Middle School Middle School (MS) classes at ISP build on learners’ curiosity through questions, investigations, and authentic challenges. Students develop key knowledge, skills, and understandings in language arts, social studies, mathematics, and science. Students also develop their competencies in the areas of music, drama, physical education, health, visual arts, modern languages (English, Czech, German, Spanish or Mandarin) and an additional elective of their choice each semester.





A Student’s Take on a Unique Year at ISP



ng rni n a Le ctio in A Jasmine learned to cook during her additional time at home during Distance Learning

Written by: Jasmine, Middle School, Grade 8

After the first lockdown was announced in 2020, it was a strange time. Excitement bubbled in the air at the prospect of getting an extra week or two to relax at home. It was surreal to watch the world we knew change so suddenly. I felt like I was dreaming. Until that moment, the pandemic seemed like something distant, something from the other side of the world that couldn’t touch us. And then it came, and the world turned upside down. The first few days weren’t bad at all. Orienting ourselves online was a little tricky, but worth the possibility of waking up at 8:40 and breakfast in bed. We never thought it would last long then, just until things calmed down. We had no idea.

Bella enjoyed Jasmine being home more often!



It didn’t take long before I started missing walking onto campus on Monday mornings. After some time, days shrunk to nothing, being both as long as a year and as quick as the turning of a page. And then Monday was not Monday anymore but Wednesday. Wednesday became the same as a Saturday. But it was different for everybody — some despised it, some loved it, and I guess I was just lingering somewhere in between. We kept coming and going from home to school and back again until it became almost funny how many times we thought it was over and it wasn’t. But each time we went back into lockdown, I tried to change my approach a little, and tried to make the best of the situation we were thrown back into. I spent more time with my dog and family, played guitar, learned to cook (somewhat), did so many things that I’d never paid nearly as much attention to. And I’m not saying I’m glad about the fact this happened — I’d give anything to have this past year back and to be able to live it normally — but maybe when I look back at this time, I won’t remember how bad it was, but the good things that came with it.

Jasmine and her dog Bella in their home learning space

Later we came back to campus, and I just appreciate the fact I get to see my friends and teachers on Monday mornings instead of complaining about having to wake up early. And I think I speak for many of my classmates when I say that the way I see school now has changed completely since last year. With memories of this past year still hanging fresh in the air, and knowing that at any given moment, a new wave might come and we could go right back into lockdown, I find myself trying to drag each week out for as long as possible, because school is now a place where I really want to be.


Upper School Upper School (US) students learn to think critically, creatively, and deeply within and across disciplines while taking on authentic and real world challenges. Highly qualified and experienced IB Diploma educators guide young adults in gaining expertise in their areas of interest, as they prepare for university and purposeful lives.





Making Learning Relevant Written by: Ms. Springs Pacelli, Science Teacher

Racial bias, the death penalty, and sexual assault are not typical topics you would think are part of the IB Biology course curriculum. And you would be right, as they are technically not part of the course. However, one of the most important questions I ask myself before I begin a unit of learning is, “How can I make learning relevant? How can I link our content to a global context?” One of my favourite learning activities this year involved role-playing and DNA fingerprinting.



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DNA fingerprinting has many real-world applications, which might include: human relatedness, animal relatedness, anthropological studies, food identification, human remains identification, monitoring transplants, and of course crime scene investigation. In this activity, the Innocence Project hired our ISP forensic scientists to use DNA technology to examine evidence from a historical case involving a man whom they think had been wrongly convicted. Anderson, a darkly pigmented man, was charged with robbery, abduction, and sexual assault and was sentenced to prison for 210 years. This case involves prosecutor misconduct, corruption of the justice system, and clear racial bias. In this activity, our forensic scientists analyzed six different samples of plasmid DNA. One sample collected from the “crime scene” and five samples obtained from “suspects” are digested with two restriction enzymes. The resulting DNA fragments are separated based on size and then our students were able to visualise them in agarose gels. Based on DNA fragment patterns, students were able to compare the crime scene evidence with the suspects’ DNA samples collected and were able to conclude that Anderson was innocent. After 20 years in prison, Anderson was exonerated on all charges. Today, Anderson serves as a Chief of the Hanover, Virginia Fire Department and also serves on the Board of Directors for the Innocence Project.

This lesson allowed us to link our learning about biotechnology to the historical significance of racial bias that has been propagated by political and government agencies for generations. This evolved into discussing Malcolm Gladwell‘s recent book Talking To Strangers. At the end of the lesson, we reviewed ways in which students could get involved in helping those who have been wrongly convicted. My hope is that when students leave my classroom they feel empowered to make a difference.


Class of 2021 Results and University Destinations

Congratulations to the ISP class of 2021, of whom 100% gained the International Baccalaureate diploma with an average score of 36 and subject score of 5.75! These scores were outstanding given the challenging circumstances the class faced during the global pandemic.

Diploma Results Class of 2018-2021

After graduation, ISP students embark on a variety of paths that embrace the ISP Mission to lead healthy, fulfilling, and purposeful lives, preparing them to adapt and contribute responsibly around the world. Typically ISP graduates attend prestigious universities around the world, with the majority continuing their academic journeys in North America and the United Kingdom.

ng rni n a Le ctio in A From Bohemia to Boulder: Class of 2021 ISP Alumna Suri takes her IB experience to the University of Colorado “I’ll definitely remember the ISP friendships I made. Since I was at ISP for fourteen years, I’ve so many amazing memories. In the IB, I took the Environmental Systems and Societies unit, which is what led me to my interest in environmental studies. Something that I’ll take from ISP for the rest of my life is the multicultural experience. So far, every time I mention I went to an international school, I’m met with awe. I find myself telling stories about the fun times I had with my friends from ISP and I know that I’ll still be telling those stories for years to come.” Suri Ridder Class of 2021



University Destinations Europe American University of Paris (FR) Anglo-American University (CZ) Charles University (CZ) Cologne Business School (DE) Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ) Delft University of Technology* (NL) Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne* (CH) Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (NL) Erasmus University Rotterdam* (NL) EU Business School (SP) Evangelische Hochschule Berlin* (DE) FAMU (CZ) Franklin University Switzerland (CH) Free University of Amsterdam (NL) Grenoble School of Management (FR) Hanze University of Applied Science (NL) Hotelschool The Hague (NL) Istituto Marangoni, Paris (FR) Jacobs University (DE) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology* (DE) Koninklijke Militaire Academie (NL) Leiden University College The Hague (NL) Les Roches Hotel School (CH) Marangoni Fashion Institute* (IT) Parsons Paris (The New School) (FR) Technical University Delft (NL) Technical University Munich (DE) The Hague University of Applied Sciences (NL) Trinity College Dublin (IRL) UMPRUM Academy of Arts* (CZ) Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (ES) University College Roosevelt (NL) University of Amsterdam (NL) University of Bordeaux (FR) University of Groningen (NL) University of Maastricht (NL) University of New York in Prague* (CZ) University of Utrecht (NL) United Kingdom Bath Spa University* Birkbeck, University of London Cardiff University Goldsmiths, University of London King‘s College London* London Film Academy Loughborough University Newcastle University Nottingham Trent University* Oxford Brookes University

Plymouth College of Art South Gloucestershire and Stroud College University College London University for the Creative Arts University of Aberdeen University of Bath University of Birmingham University of Cambridge* University of Edinburgh* University of Essex* University of Exeter University of Greenwhich* University of Hertfordshire University of Hull University of Leeds* Univeristy of Leicester* University of Liverpool University of Manchester* University of Nottingham* University of Oxford* University of Queen Mary * University of Reading University of Southampton University of St. Andrews University of Stirling University of Surrey University of Warwick University of York* United States American University* Berklee College of Music Boston College Boston University* Brigham Young University Case Western Reserve University Costal Carolina University* Colgate University College of Wooster Fordham University* Georgia Institute of Technology Hanover College Harvey Mudd College Hendrix College* James Madison University Lynn University New York University* Northeastern University* Northwestern University Otis College of Art and Design Parsons School of Design*

Pepperdine University* Pratt Institute* Pratt MWP College of Art & Design Princeton University Quinnipiac University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Sacred Heart University* Southern Methodist University* The New School* University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis* University of California, San Diego* University of Colorado, Boulder * University of Georgia University of Michigan University of Massachusetts, Boston* University of Montana UNC School of the Arts University of Puget Sound Australia University of Melbourne Canada Fleming College McGill University University of British Columbia University of Calgary* University of Toronto* University of Waterloo* China University of Hong Kong Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology* Korea University* Korea University for Business Sogang University for Economics Yonsei University for Economics Yonsei University-Underwood College* Malaysia University of Nottingham, Malaysia United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi New York University: Abu Dhabi Université * – class of 2021 matriculation


Students & Families

The International School of Prague Community draws over 850 students from 60 nationalities who come together in the beautiful city of Prague to learn and grow in a challenging and nurturing environment.

Early Childhood Foundations












Elementary School AGE GROUP






Middle School








Upper School


















Faculty & Support Staff

The International School of Prague employs over 200 people drawn from over 23 nationalities. ISP benefits from exceptionally qualified and experienced educators and support staff who are constantly refining and updating their approaches to Inspire, Engage and Empower learners.






over 70%









Australia Brazil Canada Czech Republic Estonia France Germany China India Indonesia Ireland Italy Netherlands Peru Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia South Africa Spain Ukraine United Kingdom USA


Alumni The ISP Alumni Program promotes activities that: are valued by alumni build enduring and mutually beneficial relationships inspire loyalty and financial support strengthen the institution’s reputation involve alumni in meaningful activities to advance the institution’s mission. Virtual Alumni Gathering In 2020-21, it proved impossible to organise some of the great ISP alumni events held in previous years in London, New York and Prague. All was not lost, however, as over 80 alumni from around the world joined a first virtual alumni gathering on 22 May 2021. On what was a fun and at times poignant event, outgoing Director Dr. Arnie Bieber reflected on his 13 years as ISP Director before introducing a live musical contribution from former ISP faculty member Tony Ackermann.

Advancement Director Monica Stanciu introduced new ways for the school to engage with ISP alumni, followed by Lawrence Hrubeš, long-term ISP IB Theory of Knowledges teacher, encouraging alumni to get involved in TEDx events at ISP. There was also a spectacular performance by Coloratura Soprano Singer, ISP Alumna and current parent Hana Chelberg before the event was brought to a close by the Mr. Keith Richards, who reflected on his many years of ISP graduation speeches.

A Musical Journey from Nebušice to New York City

i mn n u l o A cti A n i

Stories of how ISP alumni have brought the ISP Mission to life continue to inspire the entire ISP Community. Lucie Vágnerová (Class of 2006) is a researcher, teacher, and editor with a Music History PhD from Columbia University and a passion for public outreach work. She is an expert in gender, race, labor, and music technology and volunteer in Adult Literacy. Since ISP, Lucie has embarked on a fascinating journey to New York City via college in the United Kingdom, which has been her home for the last decade. “ISP opened many educational opportunities for me and transformed the way I think of myself in relation to the world. I went to college in England and grad school in the U.S. Being part of an international community changed my worldview and it was at ISP that I developed a sense of critical thinking and empathy. I was wholly uninterested in becoming an educator myself before I entered ISP. The engaged and creative approaches of my teachers at ISP were instrumental to my entering the education sector in one of the most diverse and international cities in the world.”



School Community Association The School Community Association (SCA) is at the heart of the ISP Community and is committed to promoting an active partnership among parents, students, faculty and the administration at ISP. The SCA is dedicated to helping provide the best possible educational and social environment for ISP’s students and the School Community. The SCA supports community life through volunteer organization of student and community programs, activities, and events.

Unlike in previous years, there were not the in-person opportunities for the community to get together in person. The SCA stepped up to provide opportunities for the community to get together online and safely in-person, with the planning of online coffee mornings, cycle get-togethers, socially-distanced group walks, and a fantastic staff appreciation video put together by ISP families. All of these activiities helped keep the community together in challenging times.

Newcomers Committee

The Newcomers Committee worked particularly hard during 2020-21 to improve and expand their New Family Liaison Program. This program helps to connect new ISP families with established ones from their home country or native language. With a diverse community of over 60 nationalities, this is a very important initiative that does so much to ease the transition to ISP and Prague, which was even more vital in the midst of a pandemic.

A fantastic team of multi-national volunteers took part in a socially-distanced Newcomers’ Orientation Day at the outset of the school year. These families provided support to new families at the event and in many cases, provided support throughout the year as new family liaisons.



ISP is a not-for-profit school. We count on the support and involvement of our community to strengthen our mission to Inspire, Engage and Empower all learners. 100% of our donors‘ generosity goes directly to enhance the experience of our students by preserving what is best about ISP: exceptional teachers, a challenging and responsive learning program, and unique experiences in and out of the classroom. ISP would like to give sincere thanks to everyone who supported fundraising efforts in 2020-21. Donations from parents, alumni, employees, and the wider ISP community provided vital resources to allow students and educators to take the next step in learning. The following fundraising programs took place in 2020-21:

1. The ISP Fund 2020-21 Collective support through the ISP Fund (previously known as the Annual Fund) enriched the ISP unique learning experience to a level that tuition alone could not provide. Donations helped ISP go the “extra mile“ with unique programs and exceptional resources including: Contributing to the dedicated Elementary School Outdoor Learning Coordinator Early Childhood Foundations (ECF) and Elementary School have enhanced outdoor learning with the introduction of a dedicated specialist educator. The new Outdoor Learning Coordinator drives expanding outdoor learning options for younger students. On campus and in the natural learning environment of the Divoká Šárka forest on ISP’s doorstep, outdoor learning is driving curiosity in what and how students learn. Sprinkling a touch of magic and a love of reading through “Book Fairies” Elementary teachers and librarians got together to promote a lifelong love of reading in an extra special way. Our educators specifically ordered books which they knew the kids would love for classroom libraries. Special messages accompanying the titles from the ‘Book Fairies’ were delivered personally by speciallydressed educators! Bringing musical beauty to the Landau Theatre: a new grand piano The ISP Landau Theatre has always had a piano, but due to generous support from the ISP Annual Fund, our theatre has a fabulous new Yamaha baby grand piano! This addition to our performing arts program fills the theatre with glorious music as never before.


OUR COMMUNITY Helping create a true learning community: the Edge in Education series Edge in Education is a series of seminars and workshops which take place each academic year at ISP. Assisted by donations to the Annual Fund, the series attracts international speakers and educational consultants to speak with ISP educators and parents, epitomising who we are as a learning community. In 2020-21 ISP brought the prominent writer and thinker Ian Leslie, author of ‘Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It,’ to an ISP parent audience online.

Encouraging tech innovation from 8 to 18: FalconTech Robotics FalconTech Robotics is now integrated into Elementary, Middle, and Upper Schools at ISP. As part of ISP’s comprehensive After School Activities programs, Elementary, Middle and Upper School robotics students meet weekly and represent the school at local and international tournaments.

The ISP Biking Program: Learning on two wheels Funded entirely by the generosity of donors, the Middle School Mountain Biking Program allows ISP students to take advantage of the wonderful natural playground on ISP’s doorstep. From experienced bikers to complete novices, the program allows students to learn an important life skill or hone their technique under the guidance of our physical education team.

Visiting professional musicians ISP’s instrumental program has grown significantly over the past six years, with beginning Grade 6 players numbering more than 50, close to 40 players in each of our two Middle School bands, and more than 20 players in our Upper School band. Visiting experts not only inspire our young musicians but also help in accelerating their learning.


2. Transform, the Capital Campaign for the International School of Prague In August 2020, the ISP Learning Innovation Hub opened its doors to students. This project transformed the ISP Library into a contemporary learning environment pointing to the future of learning. This magnificent transformation, which will inspire learners at ISP for years to come, was completely funded by the generosity of the Kellner and Křetínský families, and other benefactors from the ISP community, including Mr. Martin Kováč. Tragically in March 2021, long-term parent and steadfast supporter of ISP, Mr. Petr Kellner, passed away in an accident. Everyone at ISP offers heartfelt condolences to the Kellner family and all who knew him. Mr. Kellner‘s generosity will leave a legacy that will impact generations of students into the future.

3. Dr. Arnie and Marianne Bieber Distinguished Speaker Fund This Distinguished Speaker Fund has been created to honour Dr. Bieber’s legacy at ISP. Dr. Arnie Birber has been the ISP Director from 2008 to 2021. The fund will support distinguished speakers to come to ISP to inspire, enlighten, and inform our community. The speakers may include local and world leaders, Pulitzer Prize winners, best-selling authors, explorers and celebrated personalities from around the world, offering profound insights and inspiration. This Distinguished Speaker Fund was made possible through the extraordinary generosity of the following donors: Anonymous

Dorota & Neil Keleher

Roger & Venetia Dunlop

Peter Ridder & Carol Coke Sanford


Charlotta & Staffan Erenmalm

William & Alexandra Lobkowicz



4. The ISP Scholarship Program ip rsh a l o m Sch ogra n Pr ctio in A

The ISP Scholarship Program provides transformational opportunities to local Czech and other students of outstanding promise and potential to experience a unique ISP education. These young people are selected, not only based on their academic ability but also their attitude and potential to contribute to the continued development of the ISP community. Since the inception of the ISP Scholarship Program 22 years ago, 30 locally based students have benefited from receiving ISP scholarships.

Vahe Asatryan, Scholar, Class of 2016 A Czech national of Armenian heritage, Vahe is a ‘Blue Book Trainee’ at the European Commission and a ‘Young European Ambassador’ at ‘EU NEIGHBOURS east’. After ISP, Vahe studied in London, where he completed his bachelor’s degree in Political Economy at King’s College London, followed by a master’s degree in International Social and Public Policy at the London School of Economics. “I can humbly say that being a recipient of the ISP Scholarship has had a transformational effect on my life. I believe an invigorating environment surrounded by incredible family and friends, kind and supportive teachers, as well as ample opportunities for growth and development defined my years at ISP. Not only did the scholarship provide me with a springboard for personal success and open the door for bright opportunities in the future, but also allowed me to study at a school that equipped me with key skills for the 21st century. Studying at ISP through its scholarship programme also provided me with an enriched understanding of the world based on universal values, critical thinking and international-mindedness, for which I am forever grateful.”

Scholarship Program Corporate Donors (lifetime)


ISP Annual Gala ISP’s major fundraiser for the ISP Scholarship Program - and the community’s premier social event of the year - took place virtually on 8 May 2021! The Virtual Gala Night brought the ISP community together and celebrated two causes close to our school’s heart – raising funds for ISP Scholarships and awareness about the Happy Caravan school in Thermopyles Refugee Centre in Greece. While the community couldn’t get together in person, the evening was no less entertaining than our traditional annual fundraising gala and included: An exclusive Gala-only musical performances by ISP students and staff led by Mr. Chapman and Mr. Ethridge, and alumna Mrs. Hana Chelberg, coloratura soprano singer Upper School student change-maker presentations and appearance from Happy Caravan founder Alaa Eddin Janid Alumni scholars sharing the impact of their ISP education A silent and live auction with fantastic gifts A performance from the Czech National Symphony Orchestra Special thanks to the Virtual Gala Night Committee for their superb organisation of this event.

Tatiana Eichler (Co-chair)

Vazil Hudak (Co-Chair)

Kelly Esparza

Anna Lukyanova

Andrea Wiant

Jana Žantovská

Martina Reckziegelová

Monica Stanciu

Charlotte Petersen

Marta Spurna

Blanka Smith

Gala Auction Donors and Sponsors The Virtual Gala Night program contained a fantastic array of auction prizes, courtesy of our generous donors who are listed below.

Sponsors Pilsner Urquell Manifesto Market Gedevani Georgian Wine

Coca-Cola Cuga Restaurant

Experiences offered by the ISP Community Anonymous Donor Jason Bell (Upper School Physical Education Teacher) Robert Bohat (Upper School EAL Teacher) Jeremy Chapman (Upper School Music Teacher) Patrick Frape (ISP Tech Coach) Kateřina & Milan Kratina (ISP Parents) Vivi Lanzarotti (ISP Alumna) Joe Monks (ISP Activities Director)

Lily Lee (ISP Alumna) Elizabeth Perry (ISP Tech Coach) Igor Popstefanija (Upper School Computer Science Teacher) Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Cameron Stauch (ISP Parent & Chef) Rich Thornley (ISP Chemistry Teacher) Joe Monks (Activities Director) Upper School Students – Community Service Club Upper School Students – Happy Caravan Club



Auction Donors

Antonín Barák & Vladimír Šmicer

Hana Chelberg (ISP Parent)

Jim Cusumano (ISP Parent)

Radek Kubina

Simona & Petr Dzurcovi (ISP Parents)

Tatiana Eichler (ISP Parent)

William Jalloul (ISP Alum)


Donors - making a difference Donor Roll 2020-21*

ISP is a not-for-profit school. We count on the support and involvement of our community to strengthen our (CZK) mission to Inspire, Engage and Empower all learners. 100% of your generosity goes directly to enhance the experience of our students by preserving what is best about ISP: exceptional teachers, a challenging and The ISP Comenius Society 500.000 and above responsive learning program, and unique experiences in and out of the classroom.

Donor The ISP Falcon Society 250.000 to 499.999 Recognition In 2020-21 donor support continued to transform the ISP experience for all out learners. Gifts to Annual The ISP Nebušice Society 175.000 tothe249.999 Societies Fund, the ISP Scholarship Fund and to Transform, the Capital Campaign for the International School of Prague

ISP Gold & Black Society 100.000 toISP174.999 cumulatively totalled XXXXXXXThe CZK. These gifts from parents, alumni, employees and the wider community provided vital resources to allow students and educators to take the next step in 1learning. The ISP Supporter‘s Society - 99.999 ISP would like to give sincere thanks to everyone who supported fundraising efforts in 2020-21. The following fundraising programs have enriched the ISP’s unique learning experience:

The ISP Comenius Society

Ufku Akaltan & Gülnur Akaltan

Gabriel Eichler & Tatiana Eichler Petr Kellner Daniel Křetínský Peter Ridder & Carol Coke Sanford UPS

Ivo Bárta & Markéta Bártová Andrea Bartošová Doron Bashan & Anna Bashan Line Becher & Kenneth Nielsen Alexandru Belenchi & Anna Lukyanova Teresa Belisle & Stephen Guthrie Arnie Bieber & Marianne Bieber Erik Black & Caroline Black Martin Blecha Andrey Bondarenko & Elena Bondarenko Sheldon Bradshaw & Laura Bradshaw Arnaud Brel & Chantal Spapens Radka Brewer & Emery Ray Brewer Dena Brownlow & Jeff Patmore Taylor Buff & Melanie Buff Linda Caklová & Tristan Lawrence Lucie Čechová & Tomáš Čech Kateřina Chovancová & Milan Chovanec Gyula Csák & Eszter Csákné Barna Petr Draxler & Jana Draxlerová Roger Dunlop & Venetia Dunlop Jean-Pascal Duvieusart & Chantal Champagne Simona Dzurcová Brázdilová & Petr Dzurec Fernanda Escobar & Krysztof Rucinski Zamira Eshanova & Andreas Albrecht Kelly Esparza & Christopher Esparza

The ISP Fund 2020-21 Anonymous Nicole Anderegg-Hochmuth & Marco Anderegg Collective support through the ISP Annual Fund enriched the ISP unique learning experience to a level that Eltodo Advisory, s.r.o. Ravit Avidor & Yuval Ben Itzhak tuition alone could not provide. Donations helped ISP go the „extra mile“ with unique programs and exceptional Doosan Bobcat EMEA Štefan Balgavy & Ingrid Balgavy resources. The Annual Fund contributed towards the following programs in 2020-21:

The ISP Falcon Society Staffan Erenmalm & Charlotta Erenmalm The ISP Nebušice Society Arriello s.r.o. Michael Kimsey & Marcela Kimsey The ISP Gold & Black Society none The ISP Supporter‘s Society 24SAFE Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous

*Families appear in alphabetical order by donor‘s surname.



THANK YOU! (continued) Karen Feldman Patrick Frape & Jenny Snively Barry Freckmann & Angeliki Freckmann Guy Gani & Vered Maizner-Gani Cindy Gause-Vega & Juan de Vega Rita Gedevanisvili Kvas & Alexander Gedevanisvili Rowena Gerber & Andrew Gerber Vazil Hudak & Katarina Pochova Christopher Hunt & Deborah Hunt Hans Jacob Bødker Høegh & Line Bødker Høegh William Jalloul Andrea Johnova Martina Kaderová & Michal Kadera Alexandra Kala Alexandros Kanaouris & Susanna Backman Dorota Keleher & Neil Keleher Robert Kenney & Joanna Kenney May Khalife & Ilias Assimakopoulos Rohil Khanna & Surabhi Khanna Chip Kimball & Cheryl Kimball Liv-Monica Klungtveit & John Tokaruk Lawrence Korb & Julie Korb Andrea Koudelková Martin Kováč & Ingrid Kováčová Danka Kúšikova & Martin Kúšik Kyriakos Kyriakou & Jana Kyriakou Kieran Leahy & Hilda Leahy Jan Liška & Šárka Lišková Grant Liversage & Andrea Coghlan William Lobkowicz & Alexandra Lobkowicz Tereza Maxová & Burak Oymen Gary Mazzotti & Clare Mazzotti

Gifts in Kind BTL Medical Technologies s.r.o. VIATRIS Lucia Mandryšová & Zuzana Mandryšová

Leanne Monaghan & Nicolas Monaghan Joe Monks & Avis Beek Jana Moťková & Otakar Moťka Žaneta Nepalová & Pavel Nepala Donatella Pagliuca & Gabriele Pagliuca Tiago Palhano & Filipa Ramos Elizabeth Perry & Mark Stroup Charlotte Petersen & Juan Tomas Gonzalez Flores Timothy Pierson & Nicole Pierson Luděk Podola Martina Reckziegelová Azeneth Russell & Michael Russell Donald Seymour & Amy Seymour Eva Shaw & Timothy Shaw Catherine Sinclair & Mark Sinclair Blanka Smith & JR Smith Matt Smith & Ms. Megan McLain. Marta Spurná & Tomáš Spurný Monica Stanciu & Sarthak Satapathy Ivan Stankovič & Ivana Stankovičová Cameron Stauch & Ayesha Rekhi Paul Strebel & Kim Strebel Eric Sturm & Sheila Esshaki Jan Sýkora & Ericka Hernandez Rosales Petr Syrovátko Jr. Christian Thor-Larsen & Line Thor-Larsen Victoria Tortorici & Joseph Tortorici Jan Vild & Nikola Vild Mitosinkova Andrea Wiant & Gerald Wiant Květa Wolff Alexey Zakharov Jimena Zalba & John Esteller Jana Žantovská & Michael Žantovský


Financial Oversight

From the Board Treasurer & Director of Finance & Operations We are pleased to report that ISP ended its 72nd year of operations with strong enrollment (855 students, calculated as full-time equivalents) and a continued healthy financial picture despite the challenges and restrictions presented by the pandemic. In light of these results and the pressures placed upon our community from the pandemic, tuition fees have been frozen for 2021/22 and the administrative fee for Special Payment Plans foregone for an additional year. The school thus continues its efforts to offer the fullest educational program possible within the framework of announced health restrictions and guidelines. During the 2020/21 fiscal year, tuition income increased by 0.9%, to CZK 485.6 million, the unexpected and material decrease in enrolment being offset by the planned increase in tuition fees. Tuition and Capital Assessment accounted for 93% (compared to 96% in the previous year) of total institutional income for the year. Consolidated operating expenses increased by 0.5% to CZK 422.8 million. As with most schools, salaries and benefits represent the school’s greatest expense, at 77% of total expenses. The school’s net surplus increased to CZK 71.7 million compared to a positive result of CZK 60.6 million in the prior year, mainly due to the receipt of significant donations towards The Learning and Innovation Hub project. The positive result itself continues to allow the school to maintain its dedicated annual financial reserve (of 25% of budgeted expenses) as well as providing strategic funding for the long-term maintenance and improvement of the campus. ISP’s Financial Statements and Annual Report are audited annually by PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o.

FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT By the nature of its work as an international school, ISP faces a number of market risks. ISP’s focus in this area is to reasonably protect itself from imaginable economic and financial risks (such as currency fluctuations, inflation and differing enrolment levels). The School uses available tools, such as currency forward agreements, to minimize the impact these risks would have on its operations.

YOUR FEES AND DONATIONS AT WORK ISP is able to provide its educational model not only through the fees it charges, but also thanks to the donations it receives. We hope the information below will provide further clarity around the use of your fees and donations.


ISP is a non-profit institution in the form of a Czech corporation (an “s.r.o” - společnost s ručením omezeným” or in English, Limited Liability Company). Educational regulations in the Czech Republic require that an international school offering a non-Czech curriculum be owned by a non-Czech entity; the nonCzech owner in our case is the International School of Prague Foundation, a U.S. not-for-profit entity (a “501(c) (3)”). This type of non-profit organisation has decades of legal and tax standing in the USA. The foundation document of the Czech s.r.o, for its part, stipulates that no dividends or benefits are to be distributed; all monies the school raises are reinvested in the school and no profits accrue to any individual. Each year, as with any well run organization, the school endeavours to finish the year with a positive financial result. This is planned as part of the budget process. During budget planning, fees (which include both Tuition and Capital Assessment) are set. Tuition is intended to meet the current costs of educating students. The Capital Assessment, for its part, may be used for current year capital expenditures (investment in infrastructure), to assist in retiring debt incurred for the major capital investments of the school, or be allocated to a capital fund to help in the future funding of major strategic investments in the facility. Although the exact amounts vary annually, payers can expect that the majority of their overall fees are going for current year expenses as well as towards planning for the future. This is essentially “paying it forward”; current families are the beneficiaries of the Capital Assessment paid by prior families, just as future families will be the beneficiaries of the Capital Assessment paid by current families. Funds that are in excess of the above needs may from time to time be placed by a vote of the Trustees into the school’s endowment to further support students.




Donations are generally received and managed through these two entities: Friends of the International School of Prague (FoISP), z.s. is a non-for-profit association that raises funds in support of the International School of Prague. The International School of Prague Foundation, Inc. is a US non-profit (501(c)3) organization whose mission is to support education. It is this Foundation that formally owns the School. In 2020/21 donations received totals 28.038.414,-CZK and 139.280,-USD. These donations were restricted to one of the following programs: Capital Campaign: 25.000.000,-CZK and 35.500,-EUR donations were received to complete redevelopment and enhancement of the library into the Learning Innovation Hub. ISP Endowment: 525.000,- CZK and 102.980,-USD donations restricted for the ISP Scholarship Endowment, which consists of donations made through the generosity of individual and corporate friends of ISP. As of June 30 2021, the value of ISP’s Endowment is CZK 21.7 million, which consists of both scholarship restricted and unrestricted funds. ISP Scholarship Program: 1.201.159,-CZK donations to support new scholars to join ISP. In the school year 2020-21, we had six scholars in the Upper School. Annual Fund: 930.255,- CZK and 10.800,- USD donations, which allow targeted spending on programs that enrich the ISP unique learning experience. Restricted Major Gifts: 382.000,- CZK and 25.500 USD donations were received for Dr. Arnie & Marianne Bieber Distinguished Speaker Fund.

Barry Freckmann ISP Finance & Operations Director

Dave Sturgeon ISP Board Treasurer 2020/21


Consolidated Balance Sheet (CZK ‘000) - ISP sro + ISP RS

30. 6. 2021

30. 6. 2020







1 542 207

-371 027

1 171 180

1 112 332

Fixed assets

911 313

-366 621

544 692

547 417

2 377

-2 139



908 936

-364 482

544 454

547 157

Current Assets

617 492

-4 406

613 086

550 736







14 053

-4 406

9 647

12 556


602 513


602 513

537 337

Prepayments and accrued income

13 402


13 402

14 179

Intangible Fixed Assets Tangible fixed assets

30. 6. 2021

30. 6. 2020


1 171 180

1 112 332


774 213

695 745

Share capital



Share premium and capital contributions

638 248

631 490

Retained earnings / Accumulated losses

64 155

3 591

Profit / (loss) for the current period

71 710

60 564


395 653

415 462


6 406

13 445


389 247

402 017

Long-term liabilities

13 332

3 088

Short-term liabilities

375 915

398 929

Accruals and deferred income

1 314

1 125

Liabilities and Equity



Consolidated Income Statement (CZK ‘000)



Sales of products and services

485 619

481 441

Sales of goods



Cost of sales

65 764

70 787

Staff costs

324 971

322 344

Value adjustments in operating activities

29 831

28 491

Operating income - other

34 907

9 488

Operating Expenses - other

2 541


Operating Result

97 676

70 134

Financial Result

-6 710

6 807

Net profit / (loss) before taxation

90 966

76 941

Net profit / (loss) after taxation

71 710

60 564

Net profit / (loss) for the financial period

71 710

60 564

Net turnover for the financial period

523 931

499 731



Net profit on ordinary activities before tax

90 966

76 941

Net cash flow from operating activities before tax and changes in working capital

123 106

102 555

Net cash flow from operating activities before tax

108 123

73 619

Net cash flow from operating activities

90 772

61 879

Net cash flow from investing activities

(25 596)

(23 465)

Net cash flow from financing activities



Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

65 176

38 414

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year

537 337

499 441

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year

602 513

537 855

Cash Flow Statement (CZK ‘000)

Cash flows from operating activities

22 October 2021

Members of the Finance Committee International School of Prague s.r.o. Dear Sirs, We have completed the audit of the consolidated financial statements of International School of Prague s.r.o. (“the Consolidating company”) and its subsidiary (together “the ISP Group”) prepared 22 in October 2021 with Czech accounting legislation for the year ended 30 June 2021. accordance We are going to issue the accompanying report which summarizes the course and results of the audit procedures performed. Members of your the Finance Committee We value feedback and we hope that this document will facilitate two-way communication with you and welcome any suggestions and observations you may have. International School of Prague s.r.o. Yours very truly, Dear Sirs, WeVáclav have completed Prýmek the audit of the consolidated financial statements of International School of Prague s.r.o. Partner (“the Consolidating company”) and its subsidiary (together “the ISP Group”) prepared in accordance with Czech accounting legislation for the year ended 30 June 2021. PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o. We are going to issue the accompanying report which summarizes the course and results of the audit procedures performed. We value your feedback and we hope that this document will facilitate two-way communication with you and welcome any suggestions and observations you may have. Yours very truly,

Václav Prýmek Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o., Hvězdova 1734/2c, 140 00 Praha 4, Česká republika T: +420 251 151 111, F: +420 252 156 111, PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, s.r.o., se sídlem Hvězdova 1734/2c, 140 00 Praha 4, IČ: 40765521, zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 3637 a v seznamu auditorských společností u Komory auditorů České republiky pod evidenčním číslem 021.

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