Intress social NGO Barcelona Madrid Baleares Spain working on labor rehabilitation in mental health

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Solidarity furniture experiences Serveis de Rehabilitació Prelaboral del Vallès Oriental i de l’Alt Urgell AEGEE Europe 06/02/2020

The Servei de Rehabilitaciรณ Prelaboral is a social service managed by Intress (Institut de Treball Social i Serveis Socials) subsidized by the Department of Treball, Afers Socials and families of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

It is a specialized social service that, coordinated with social, health, training and labor services, intervenes with people with social problems derived from Mental Health Disorders, in order to train them to acquire the necessary skills to increase their level of occupability and facilitate your labor insertion.




Our mission is to train the person served to acquire the necessary skills to increase their level of occupability and facilitate their employment.

Be a reference service in the care of people with mental health disorders who want to recover the skills to function in the labor market.

We believe in the freedom of the person Transparency Proximity Excellence Innovation

Location from Intress Prelaboral services and teams:

Attention circuit

Reception -Analysis and psychosocial diagnosis. -Proposal and link to the functional plan of activities. -Definition of competencies and difficulties that affect the socio-labor situation.

Process -Description of the individual intervention plan. -Linking to the functional plan of activities. -Revaluation and periodic redefinition of work objectives.

Exit -Definition of the socioformative-work exit itinerary. -Support to achieve the objectives Within the established departure itinerary.

Programs offered 1

•Training workshops on basic work habits and instrumental skills: Marquetry, Furniture Restoration, Handling, Gardening, Painting, Recycling Products, etc ...


•Training workshops in Attitudinal and social Habilitats: 1 day a week they have the Autonomy for Daily Life group, departures once a month, expert sessions and group tutorials.




•Workshops approach, knowledge and orientation to the world of work: 1 day a week.

•Intervention with families or living units: Multifamily workshops and family interviews.

•Tracking through individual tutories.

Special difficulties in intervention with young people Educational stage interruption

Professional trainging interrupted

Weak professional orientation

Low self� esteem

Service-learning methodology workshops Solidarity furniture experience

From the Pre-Labor service we promote the labor preparation of young people with Mental Health disorders by conducting a furniture restoration workshop. In it, work habits are acquired while serving the community. Disused furniture is restored for social use or commercialization through social entities.

Some exemples Garden benches of the social lunchroom (Vallès Oriental)

Garden benches of the social lunchroom

Some exemples Social lunchroom chairs (Vallès Oriental)

Social lunchroom chairs

Some exemples Restoration of objects for a Caritas store (Alt Urgell)

Restoration objects for a Caritas store

Some exemples Cultural Association l’Ateneu Alt Urgell chairs

What the participants think about the project

The furniture restoration workshop has helped me to improve in concentration and resistance. I would recommend to everyone that before throwing a piece of furniture think if you really can't give it another use. E.M.

I really like this activity, I learn and I think I can have a better future. V.C.

M. J.

I have improved attention, responsibility and teamwork. And reusing furniture we help people. M.C.

The professionals who have participated in this activity have observed that it greatly improves the self�esteem of the participants, there is a significant improvement in the expressiveness especially when the product is going to be delivered. There is also a greater involvement in its rehabilitation process, improving resistance capacities, organization of tasks, initiative, etc. more quickly.



Palma de Mallorca

Villarroel, 45, entl. 08011 Barcelona T. 932 172 664 - F. 932 373 634

TĂŠllez, 60 28007 Madrid T. 915 621 050 - F. 915 612 247

La Rambla, 15, 2n 1a. 07003 Palma de Mallorca T. 971 715 029 - F. 971 712 200

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