inVLC April 2013

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Make the most of the Valencian Community

April 2013

Spring forward

Independent reviews Monthly essentials Language learning Dutch Corner Food & drink My town Recipes News

Free! The very best in Valencia & the Community


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Regulars 4 Before we start 5 Did you know... & Dutch Corner 6 News in brief 16 City Maps 31 Classifieds, Weekly markets & Rastros

inVLC Talks 7 Monthly essentials 8 Independent review

Language learning 26 Learn English with the British Council 27 Language exchanges

inVLC Contact information 622055534 Scan this code to be taken to previous issues of inVLC

in this issue

Health, Food & Drink 14 Recipes 22 Spice up your life 23 Springtime cocktails

Features 10 My town 12 Music 18 Levante Cricket Club 19 Internet in Spain 20 Getaways 21 It must be a girlie thing 24 Life on the markets 25 Endurance 28 Expat business 30 Eco-shop Morhada

inVLC is for all people in the community of Valencia: whether born here, visiting for a day, or living a new life in the sun. We hope to guide you on what’s going on in the community, help those living in it, and support language learning with a bit of added fun. facebook inVLC If you are looking for more up to date information or have any thoughts or comments please 'like' us on Facebook and join in the fun. Important numbers & Embassies / Consulates Fire | 080 Local police | 092 French | 96 351 0359 Dutch | 96 341 4633 Medical | 061 General | 112 USA | 96 351 6973 German | 96 310 62 53 British | 96 521 60 22 Depósito legal V-816-2006 inVLC We do our very best to strive for accuracy but we do not accept responsibility for unintentional errors or omissions, accuracy of advertisements or contributors’ opinions.


Before we start

The temperatures rising

Well, the dust and ash has finally settled after Fallas and things are back to relative normality here in Valencia. The temperature is rising and the evenings are longer as Spring finally arrives.

We also have an amusing observation titled Endurance from Eoghan Ryan, which is perfect for Spring and our Expat Business guide with the help of Tabitha from Loved Books.

In addition, if anyone is interested in contributing articles, pictures, ideas or information etc... please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

There's plenty of things to do this April as As you can see, there's plenty of interesting you can see in our Monthly Essentials. We information for you to enjoy packed into the also have our usual round up of News items, pages of April's inVLC. Independent Reviews, Recipes and articles.

Don't forget that you can read the magazine online and you can also head over to our Facebook page where you'll find more information, discussions and updates throughout the month.

In this issue you can discover Alborache and learn all about Life on the Markets thanks to our contributor, Vanessa. We also present to you the music of 5th and Pontiac, how to make a popular Spanish snack with a twist, get the best out of your internet and we also have our Getaways guide if you fancy a holiday.

On a different topic, here at inVLC we are looking to expand our scope and we are interested to hear from people with ideas and thoughts on what services and infrastructures that expats from all countries feel could be missing from their communities. So, please send us your ideas and we also plan to discuss similar topics on Facebook during the month to share ideas and thoughts.

“Spring is the time of plans and projects.� Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Stay tuned and until May; Enjoy!

Lisa & Paul


Did you know

that in April...

1912 Titanic left Southampton port on its ill-fated journey to New York. The British passenger liner had over 2,200 people on board and was the largest ship afloat at that time. On the 15th April it collided with an iceberg and sank causing the death of 1,502 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters. On 26th February of this year, mining tycoon Clive Palmer announced he was to build a replica, Titanic 2, which will follow the same route and be launched in 2016. 1953 Ian Fleming published his first James Bond novel, Casino Royale and it paved the way for a further eleven novels. It was written by Fleming in Jamaica over a period of around two months. He also devised the artwork for the cover. It sold out in less than a month in the UK, although sales in the United States were much slower. 1968 It was on the 4th April that the American black civil rights leader, Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee aged only 39. He was there to lead a march of sanitation workers protesting against low wages and poor working conditions. He was stood on a hotel balcony with Rev Jesse Jackson when a bullet hit him in the neck; he was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital where he was pronounced dead. James Earl Ray was arrested for the murder and sentenced to 99 years in jail; he died in prison in April 1998 aged 70.

1976 Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs design the first Apple personal computer working from a garage at Jobs parents home in Silicon Valley California. By the time Apple 2 and the Mac rolled around, Jobs and Wozniak had popularized the personal computing revolution and the rest as they say, is history. 1990 Strangeways Prison riot was a 25-day prison riot and rooftop protest at Strangeways Prison in Manchester, England that began on 1st April 1990 when prisoners took control of the prison chapel. The riot quickly spread throughout most of the prison and the riot and rooftop protest lasted until 25th April when the final five prisoners were removed from the rooftop. This made it the longest prison riot in British penal history. One prisoner was killed during the riot and 147 prison officers and 47 prisoners were injured. Much of the prison was damaged or destroyed and it paved the way for penal reforms after conditions were described by a public inquiry as 'intolerable'. 1992 Seville Expo’92 took place; the theme was “The Age Of Discovery”. It was built on 215 hectares of land at Isla De La Cartuja and saw over 41 million visitors during the 5 months it was open. It also commemorated the 5ooth anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ first voyage to the Americas and was a showpiece of modern architecture with spectacular buildings constructed into pavilions showcasing over 109 different countries.

Dutch corner Gegroet, alle nederlands sprekende mensen die in en rondom Valencia vertoeven! Hierbij wil ik ook niet vergeten de vlaams sprekende belgen te noemen! HET feest van Valencia, de Fallas is nu alweer een herinnering en voor mij is het altijd weer verbazingwekkend hoe intens en toch gedisciplineerd dit verloopt, duizenden mensen, die precies weten wat wel en wat niet getolereerd wordt (uitgezonderd enige incidenten uiteraard). De lente is hier alweer volop in gang en na een frisse en natte winter is het alweer heerlijk op terrasjes vertoeven en de heerlijke geur van de bloeiende sinaasappelbomen te ruiken! Het wordt dan zo langzamerhand ook weer aantrekkelijk naar het strand te gaan, het brede strand van Valencia is vaak erg rustig. Ten zuiden van Valencia is er dan El saler, met de stranden en duinen, men kan zich bijna terug in nederland waren! Voor de mensen die wat verder willen wagen is het strand van Cullera (ook ten zuiden van Valencia) een aanrader, vooral voor families met kleine kinderen. Het strand ligt aan een grote baai en de zee is daarom erg rustig. Behalve het strand zijn er natuurlijk ook de vele rivieren, waaraan 's zomers veel spanjaarden de voorkeur geven, en gelijk hebben ze, de rivieren zijn schoon en er is schaduw; een paar plaatsen die ik kan aanraden zijn: de Charco

Louise van den Berg

Azul in Chulilla ( CV 35 richting Ademuz), een natuurlijk meer tussen steile rotswanden en Montanejos, (neem de A23 richting Teruel en vervolgens de CV 195 richting Caudiel). De rivier die langs dit dorpje loopt wordt door warme bronnen gevoed en het water is nooit kouder dan 25 graden! Echt de moeite van een tochtje van ongeveer een uur waard. En voor degenen die een stukje land hebben, de natuur is alweer ontwaakt en alles begint weer te groeien en bloeien, voor mij is het nog stteds een grote luxe de sinaasappels zo van de boom te plukken en te eten, heerlijk! Wel heb ik ontdekt dat er veel werk aan verbonden is, er moet gesnoeid, gevoed en gewaterd worden. Tip voor degenen onder jullie die hier slechts even op vakentie zijn: de sinaasappels aan de bomen in de stad zijn niet te eten!! Commentaar, vragen op- en aanmerken op deze column, altijd welkom via


News in brief A disturbance broke out in Valencia during Fallas in front of one of the fallas which featured Hindu gods and goddesses that were about to be burnt. Falleros fought back crowds of Hindu follows who gathered, shouting and screaming that the falla monument was going to be burnt whether they liked it or not. Amongst this, a 40-year-old Indian man was taken into police custody for attempting to set fire to himself next to the monument when he poured petrol over himself.

the spectacle who declared it amounted to "censorship" and showed "a lack of respect for a much loved tradition". YouTube confirmed it had removed content showing bulls being killed with the matador's sword because such videos contravened one of its guidelines which states: "Don't post videos showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, or bomb making".

A crisis meeting between the falla commission and the local Hindu Temple concluded with the former agreeing to remove any elements from the monument which 'might offend if they were burnt' and donate them to the Temple where they would be put on display.

A spokesman for the company said it "reserved the right to remove any video which does not comply with these terms and conditions". It said it would still allow uploads of videos of other moments of the corrida such as when the matador uses his cape to attract the bull in a series of passes but that "bloody scenes with the picadors and The rest of the monument was burnt, with the falla commission sword" would be removed. saying it would not enter into any further complaints or actions against the incident now or in the future, insisting that the donation An online petition was started on Thursday calling for YouTube to of the religious symbols be 'full and final settlement' of the dispute. reinstate channels removed because of their bullfighting content. It collected more than 2,000 signatures within the first 24 hours. A 63 year old woman was arrested after being caught burgling a shop in the city. She stole 715â‚Ź from a till in a beauty salon in the Russafa Spain's conservative ruling party has launched a lawsuit against top district, thinking the premises was unmanned. newspaper El Pais for allegations of corruption among the party's leaders. However, the staff were having their lunch in the back room and went to investigate when they heard noises in the salon area. In January El Pais published account ledgers purportedly showing that Mariano Rajoy (now prime minister) and other party leaders The burglar fled the scene immediately but a woman who worked received tens of thousands of euros in undeclared payments there chased her and another called the police. Officers caught her channelled from donors. almost straight away and found a screwdriver she had thrown in a nearby skip, as well as a small knife, gloves and the money she had The Popular Party brought a lawsuit for “infringement of its honour stolen, which she was carrying on her person. against the publisher of the newspaper El Pais." It has also presented another suit against the author of the false documents that were The accused is also believed to have burgled a driving school published," it added. According to El Pais the accounts were drawn premises using the same method near the beauty salon just minutes up by the party's former treasurer, Luis Barcenas, but he has denied earlier, making off with 950 euros in cash. it. The party reiterated its denial of any undeclared payments and said Popular online video sharing portal Youtube has banned bloody any suggestion that it had kept secret accounts was "radically false". images of Bull Fighting contests that show bulls being killed in the ring labelling it "animal abuseâ€?. It closed down channels devoted to Spain's "national fiesta" provoking immediate outrage from fans of


inVLC talks

Monthly essentials

1st of April in the UK is April Fool's day, which is also celebrated in many countries every year. Although not a public holiday, it is widely recognized and celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other.

The annual Wine Festival is on from 3rd until 8th. Usually hosted next to Alameda Metro in the Turia Gardens, this is a great place to sample some local and international wines alongside some great food. Last year also saw the introduction of local beer brewers as well. You buy a booklet of tickets on entering and then exchange the tickets for In Italy, France and Belgium, children and adults traditionally tack what ever tickles your taste buds. An excellent afternoon out. paper fishes on each other's back as a trick and shout "April fish!" in their local languages (pesce d'aprile!, poisson d'avril! and aprilvis! in Italian, French and Dutch , respectively). April 8th is the celebration of San Vicente Ferrer, the patron saint of the Valencian community. In a tradition that dates back to 1561, In Scotland, April Fools' Day is traditionally called Hunt-the-Gowk families would make their way to his birthplace, which has since Day ("gowk" is Scots for a cuckoo or a foolish person), although this been turned into a chapel, where children would drink from the Pouet name has fallen into disuse. The traditional prank is to ask someone de Sant Vicent (Saint Vicente's well) so that they'll learn to speak at to deliver a sealed message requesting help of some sort. In fact, an early age, won't suffer from tonsillitis, won't take the Lord's name the message reads "Dinna laugh, dinna smile. Hunt the gowk another in vain and won't swear. mile". The recipient, upon reading it, will explain he can only help if he first contacts another person, and sends the victim to this person with an identical message, with the same result. April 11th until 14th sees the biannual Feria de Discos or Record Fair coming to the Nuevo Centro. Last year the fair seemed smaller than The earliest recorded association between April 1st and foolishness previous years but in the past there have been traders from around can be found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales from 1392. Europe offering secondhand, rare and collectable vinyl, CDs and memorabilia, so we'll see what this month's fair offers. Impossible to miss, it is situated slap bang in the middle of the shopping centre.

Saint George's Day is celebrated on 23 April, the traditionally accepted date of Saint George's death in AD 303. Apart from being a symbol of England, St George is also associated with several areas of Spain. For example, here in Valencia St George's Day is commemorated as a thanksgiving celebration for the aid the Saint provided to the Christian troops fighting the Muslims. People commemorate the day with festivities in which you can find parades in medieval costumes, forming two "armies" of Moors and Christians.

Ryanair start their summer schedule which means that England is within easier reach again. During the winter months flights direct from Valencia are very restricted but they are now available into Bristol and Manchester as well as London. Also, check out EasyJet for flights into London. Direct flights are also available to Ireland via Ryanair into Dublin.

April and May are two of the best months to enjoy the Valencia. You can avoid the largest crowds and the temperatures hover pleasantly in the low 70s. It’s the perfect time to enjoy the plentiful beaches that surround us at Malvarrosa, El Saler or Port Saplaya for example, as the crowds haven't quite arrived and the water is warm. You can also visit the Albufera Nature Park, visit the Biopark or City of Arts and Sciences and those of you who feel particularly frisky can climb to the top of the Miguelete to enjoy excellent views over Valencia and out to the sea. As you can see, there is no excuse not get out there and enjoy yourself this Spring.


I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate. :: George Burns

inVLC talks

Janis Smith

Independent review

Another tour experience in Valencia? I have to say I was a little sceptical. How much fun could it be being Served Martinis and more snacks we were escorted onto a boat to driven around in a VW camper-van to see the sights of a city that I embark on a little voyage that was both peaceful and interesting. Our already know so well? To my surprise a lot! guide regaled facts and stories about the heritage and wildlife of the historical lake. Climbing in the back of the pristine van with four other friends, we were instantly transported back in time. The fun, colourful vintage Back on land we were greeted by a wonderful table adorned with fresh decor immediately put a smile on our faces, as did the charm of our flowers, wine and the most appetizing home-made food including friendly English-speaking driver and organizer. With complimentary the best Valencian Paella I've tasted to date. The attention to detail, drinks and snacks firmly in hand and in plentiful supply – we were effort and quality of the feast was nothing short of spectacular. off! After dining alfresco with our stomachs sated and our spirits high, What first struck me was the reaction of the pedestrians and other we took our time to let the food settle while taking in the calm drivers. So many people where waving and taking pictures, they surroundings. seemed genuinely happy to see our bright yellow hippy van cruising through the streets. Piling back in the van, we were so relaxed driving back to the city and so ended our fantastic tour experience. Music of the 60´s era filled our ears as did our overenthusiastic singing. All in all, the value for money, the care that was taken and spades of fun, this is one trip that is highly recommended and will be repeated Out of the city, we made our way to Albufera. On one side of the road, in our household. a picturesque nature reserve. On the other, acres of rice fields; home to an array of beautiful birds including the graceful Heron. For more information contact We arrived at a tranquil site by a lake. With the music now stopped we were able to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy a stillness that is rare in the city.



My town

Vanessa Maria Lewis

Alborache / Al-buraij

Alborache sits between Buñol and Turis and boasts the most attractive panoramic views and offers a variety of leisure activities that guarantees a wonderful day trip out for all the family, from youngsters to the older generation. If you fancy something different from the city, this is truly a “breath of fresh air!”

With breath-taking, beautiful nature walks within our mountain trails or alongside the river Buñol and with the pine forest and orange groves, you can witness local wildlife freely going about their day. We are fortunate to have six “fuentes”, natural water drinking fountains to top up your water bottle to help you continue your walk.

Easy to get to using the A3 to Buñol, the town is then signposted from there. Alborache has certainly seen an interesting history! Dating back to 1094, it has been dominated by the Romans, been occupied and experienced conquests and take overs. All this can be discovered with information leaflets available at the very friendly Ayuntamiento, which can take you on a trail of discovery to find the historic landmarks that remain.

For tranquillity we would recommend “Charco azul”, a beautiful ravine and there are also many hidden caves that pop up as a surprise just at the right time for a pause in the shade on a warm sunny day. Alborache is also ideal for mountain bike ventures with three bike routes according to your level of ability.


Our outside pool and sports centre, which sits below the “Avenida de Música”, can be heard the other end of Alborache with the laughter and shrieking of fun and excitement during the summer months! The entrance fee for the whole day is extremely reasonable and offers a friendly bar serving food too.

Fashion is what one wears oneself, what is unfashionable is what other people wear. :: Oscar Wilde


In the centre of Alborache you will find our local bar “Pacquitos”, the post office, hardware store, chemist, bakery, delicatessen, supermarket, hairdressers, tobacconist and newsagents. A restaurant well worth a recommendation is “Abetos” who offer a value for money “Menu del dia” which includes a variety of traditional Mediterranean cuisine such as a national famous baked rice and not forgetting my favourite, Gazpacho. This is accompanied by superb local oils and wines: without a doubt, quality food, excellent service and all with a genuine smile!

watch the hustle bustle of the market whilst enjoying your café con leche and yummy patatas bravas . . . mmmmm!

Just a little further on the Buñol road you will find Albergue ACTIO, an activity centre offering archery, abseiling, swimming pool, sports pitch, multi-ventures, children’s park, cafeteria and eco-museum. Plus, an environmental awareness program for schools and groups. For something marking a moment in your own history, ACTIO also offer tree planting days. Accommodation is available for families and groups, plus event organisation for celebrations, banquets and birthdays.

Bar Pacquito 96 251 60 57

Sunday hosts our FAMOUS market which begins at the “Plaza de España” and continues all the way up through the main street of Alborache – oh yes, it's BIG! You'll find just about everything on offer and at remarkable prices for quality items with personal service that in many cases, has been passed down from generation to generation. Bar/Restaurant Mesón sits on the Plaza and you can sit outside and

My Town is a series of articles written by expats living in different towns in the Valencian community. If you think that people should know more about your town, it's history, places to eat, things to do etc... and you wish to submit an article, please send your contributions to along with a few high resolution (300 dpi) images.

Alborache is welcoming, friendly, caring, happy and fun, we'd never live anywhere else! Come, visit and ENJOY! Directory Alborache Ayuntamiento 96 251 66 08

Abetos 96 250 83 78 Albergue Actio 96 250 86 01 Mesón La Plaza 66 624 21 83


If you want to make God laugh, tell him your future plans. :: Woody Allen.


5th and Pontiac

From the elegant Spanish city of Valencia, famous for it's beaches, 2. Why did you come to Spain and specifically, Valencia? orange groves, historic old town and working class traditions, comes a cultural and musical hybrid with a distinctive Rock'n'Roll sound. A couple of mates I knew from bands in Glasgow moved to Valencia They are called...5th and Pontiac. and I used to visit from time to time. I fell in love with Valencia and decided that a change of scene was in order. One of my better We were lucky enough to interview singer Mark Tait, a Glasgow native decisions as I love the place, culture and people. Moving here shook about the bands music, his move to Valencia and 5th and Pontiac's off the cobwebs just nicely. current musical ambitions. 3. How did you go about putting a band together here? 1. Can you tell us a bit about what you did musically before coming to Spain? It happened by total accident. I was introduced to the group as they were looking for a singer. I knew straight away that this was what I I have played in bands in the UK since I was a boy, touring and needed to do and thankfully so did they. recording. One of the best bands I had was called ZOBI and a guy called Guy signed us to Virgin Records. Two days later he got the sack 4. Tell us a bit about 5th and Pontiac? and they ripped up our contract. These things happen I suppose. Later on I started a solo project called 5th and Pontiac and did one My band mates had been working on putting a group together for man shows using sequencers and stuff for the live gigs and released several months, rehearsing while looking for a singer. Goss and an album entitled "Terms and conditions apply" before deciding to Guindi had played together in various bands before and had plenty head to Valencia. of experience as had Sergio.


They had all played in really good groups and knew exactly what they 7. Can you give us your opinion on the live music scene here in wanted to do, so when I turned up it all just gelled perfectly. We were Valencia? gigging within a few weeks. It all seemed so natural from day one. Before we moved to our own rehearsal place we used to practice in a 5. Tell us about the new album? complex called Lassaig. It has over twenty rooms and a bar and venue attached. I noticed that in a period of about two years the bands Again, by accident we were introduced to Raul Nacher who is just coming out of Valencia had become much more original and varied. an incredible producer/arranger and musician. He loved what we The standard of playing had always been good but over a really short were doing and we really enjoyed working with him. What started period of time bands from Valencia were finding their own identities as a project to record two songs developed into making an album. and that is always a good sign. We recorded it bit by bit over a ten month period. Raul is a very big part of what makes the group tick and it was a real joy doing the 8. What are your plans for the future? sessions. We all had a good time and I think that you can hear that in the recordings as sometimes making a record can be a bit of a grind. Now the band are concentrating on putting together a really good live show so we are just getting out there and playing as many concerts as 6. The album is a digital release only at the moment. Why did you possible. We are heading to my hometown of Glasgow in Scotland to decide to do it this way? play our UK showcase in June. To get on the festival circuit, amongst other things, this is still vital for a band like us to do. We will be The album will be released on cd before May, in time for the band releasing a new single for the beginning of May and playing more hitting the road and playing shows for the summer. It is kind of normal shows in Spain. We have our own website for people to see where practice to do the digital release first these days. Downloading music and when we are playing along with videos and information about via iTunes etc‌ has for better or for worse become the modern way the band. for people buying their music. For more information on the band go to to find news, photos, music and videos. They can also be found on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter.



Marina Lekkerkerker

Rosquilletas and humus

I love the tradition in Spanish villages where people may use the local bakery to prepare their own delicacies. In my village Chulilla (about 60 km westwards of Valencia) this happens every Wednesday. This day, the (mostly elderly) village ladies come out of their houses and prepare tons of cookies on the large table in our wood fuelled Horno Esteve. You can imagine that this tradition has a big social function. But originally it wasn’t only initiated to give the chatterboxes a good morning out. In the older days, many people just didn’t have an oven at home. And fuel wise it’s much more economical to heat up one big oven and share the costs and space inside.

Funny detail My mother in laws' original recipe (she took me with her on baking day as a kind of initiation rite) only tells you to use as much flour as you need and to ask the baker for the amount of yeast required. To prepare Mix the yeast with one cup of tepid water. Put about 500 grams of flour in a bowl and pour in the yeast and water mix. Stir and add the oil, lemon juice and bit by bit the other water. Mix with your hands and add the anise seeds and salt and as much extra flour as you need to get a nice bouncy and very elastic dough. Keep kneading for about 10 minutes on a clean table on which you sprinkled some flour so as not to make the dough stick. Shape your dough in a ball and leave to prove for about 45 minutes in a warm place. If you want you can repeat this process (two provings), but it's not necessary as dough for Rosquilletas doesn't need to rise as much as for bread.

So here I’ll give you the recipe for one of most often prepared snacks on baking days: Rosquilletas. You can buy these bread sticks also in every self-respecting Spanish supermarket (often sprinkled with sunflower seeds), but I can guarantee you that nothing beats the selfmade ones. Shape & bake Next, shape the dough in the palms of your hands into golf ball size Ingredients balls. When you have used up all the dough this way, start rolling ball 1 cup of sun flower oil by ball with a flat hand on the table into cigar shapes. Sprinkle a little 2 cups of water bit of flour onto your worktop to prevent the dough from sticking onto 2 tablespoons of anise seeds it. Try to make the "cigars" as even as possible. After a few messed up optional: 1 table spoon of cumin seeds ones, you should get the hang of it. But when you get fed up rolling, optional 1 tea spoon of sumac the Rosquilletas also turn out quite nice when you press the little ball juice of one lemon flat like a cookie! salt (some table salt as well as some sea salt) about 20-25 grams of fresh yeast Put the Rosquilletas on an oven tray and sprinkle some coarse about 750 grams of (strong) flour + some extra sea salt on top (you might have so many that you need to bake in two goes). Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200º Celsius for about 15 minutes. Check now and again to see if your bread sticks don't get too brown.


When necessary, turn them around. Let the Rosquilletas cool 10 minutes on a rack before trying them. If you made more Rosquilletas than you can eat, you can easily deep-freeze them. Just make sure they are fully cooled before freezing. After defrosting they should be crisp again. If you are not sure about that, pop the bread sticks back in a preheated oven for a few minutes.

Prepare the humus a few hours before eating. This way, the taste intensifies and that's good! Afterwards, serve the humus with some fresh coriander and parsley on top and stick in some of the Rosquilletas. Even my mother in law likes them!

Variation with Humus In my experience Spanish people don't really like to experiment with food and they don't like to try out things they don't know. But when you do manage to convince them to give it a try, more often than not they are open minded enough to like what is good! I really like to add some non-traditional spices to the dough mix, like cumin and sumac (a red and flaky Lebanese spice with a citrusy taste). Eat these sticks with humus and you get a really special and non-traditional way of eating one of Spain's most traditional snacks. You can buy humus in most supermarkets, but it's easily made yourself as well. Use a hand blender to mash up a jar of rinsed chickpeas, about a cup of olive oil, 2-3 tablespoons of Tahini (a sesame paste you can buy in better supermarkets or in a Moroccan shop), the juice of one lemon or lime and a small cup of water. Don't forget to add some pepper and salt, cumin, chili flakes and crushed coriander seeds. I also blender in a sweet potato which beforehand I've softened up in the microwave for 10 minutes.

Marina Lekkerkerker For more recipes and stories please visit the blog:

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Hilux Hostel in Valencia

Calle Caba llero s

Bodeguilla del Gato

ers Cadir

Calle M urillo

Bar Azahar



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City maps

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(c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA

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I don't like cricket

I love it

For those of you who enjoy the thwack of willow on leather, there's a new cricket club based in Valencia.

from the UK that come over for long weekends to play cricket in the much missed sun.

Levante Cricket Club was set up last season with just a few ex-pat friends playing under the Alameda bridge but has quickly gathered interest from players from all different backgrounds and started to gather pace as a club.

During the season, there will be monthly reviews of all their games on their website and an update of their progress in the Spanish competitions as they hope to generate lots of local and national interest as they improve and hopefully, bring a few trophies home!

Today, there are 25 registered playing members and the club is registered with Cricket España and will be competing in the ECCL Div 2 of Spain from this season.

The club are currently looking for players, but just as importantly they are interested in being in touch with anyone who is interested in the game of cricket, especially those who can umpire or score the games. Volunteers who enjoy watching the game and can help make a half time cup of tea are also welcome.

To the best of our knowledge, Levante Cricket Club are the only cricket team that has ever been based in the city of Valencia. There have been other clubs but they have always had to travel long distances (to La Manga usually) just to play their home games. Recently the club purchased a €4k wicket with the help of Cricket España and hope to be playing their home games at the baseball ground in the Turia riverbed. They will also be hosting touring teams

For further information you can log onto their website at where you will find more information and you can also follow them on twitter @levantecc Below: In action during a team practice to unveil their new wicket.


Is there anything worn under the kilt? No, it’s all in perfect working order. :: Spike Milligan.

Internet in Spain

Roy Cook

Making it clear Here in Spain, on a daily basis I hear two things about internet 4. WIFI (or WiMAX) is a system whereby a company installs a access: transmission system that can feed many homes by a radio link from source. They come and install a small box on your roof that receives 1. Its slow or unreliable the signal from their base or sometimes from what is known as a 2. It’s expensive relay station. These systems usually start from 1mbs download for a very cheap price and go up to around 3mps for more. These systems Both seem to be correct when you compare them to the service are only as good as the internet being supplied to the source. They available in the United Kingdom but as I say, this is Spain. In this suffer from a number of problems. 1) Your home must be within what article I will not be discussing companies, just what everything is called 'Line of Sight', which means the supplier must be able to see means and how it is achieved. their transmitter, if not you cannot have it. 2) You share bandwidth with many people, therefore at busy times internet can be very slow So what is the internet? The internet was designed originally for and unreliable and 3) They can suffer quite badly during very humid military communication in the event of war. The spider web design conditions. of the system would ensure that if large portions of the system were removed by the enemy, then all existing installations would still be 5. Satellite broadband is designed for remote locations where some able to communicate with each other. After most of the threats of or none of the other mentioned systems can reach, by installing a the world were resolved, the military no longer had a great need small dish in a south facing direction and a modem in the house. It for this system, so they released it to universities, research centres was painted in previous years as being unreliable or expensive but and the like, then slowly released it to the people at home. In the not anymore. Now it is fast, very reliable and quite inexpensive with beginning the internet was complicated to use, having to enter speeds of up to 20mbps download and 6mps upload and now can special commands to access information stored on it, but slowly work extremely well with Skype etc. programmers wrote code and programs to make it easy to view and access information turning the internet into what we see today. I hope this was informative. There are now a number of ways to receive internet here in Spain. Next month I will discussing internet security and how to protect 1. ADSL and VDSL are the most common ways of receiving internet yourself from the latest threat, Wi-Fi thieves who use your internet here. The data is run through the standard telephone lines and you for free. have a modem which delivers internet to your computers. The speed available on this can vary greatly, based on how long the cable length to your home from the telephone exchanges are as the longer the line, the slower the speed. So if you are a long distance from your exchange a 3mb internet system may run much slower than you would hope. There are many companies here that supply this service but the fact is that all of their services use lines supplied by Movistar. 2. Cable and fibre optics. This internet is similar to the above but uses dedicated cables to connect to your home. Usually it is very fast but is only available in cities or large towns. 3. 3G and GSM are systems supplied by the mobile phone companies they work on a higher frequency than that you use to make mobile phone calls. Slowly most of the companies are upgrading their transmitters to use 3G and phasing out the much slower old counterpart GSM. 3G is limited to a maximum speed of around 4mbps download and this is affected greatly by the amount of mobile signal you receive to you phone or 3g dongle. 4G is now super fast access by mobile phone. But don't hold your breath for this to happen here anytime soon. Maybe if you live in the centre of Madrid !!!


Don’t worry about your heart; it will last as long as you do. :: W.C. Fields.



Porto or Oporto, is Portugal's second largest metropolis that mixes monuments by leading world architects from the past and the present and features some fantastic baroque carvings. It adds a world-famous sweet wine and sits by a grand river; all of this gives you one of Europe's most charismatic cities.

MAJESTIC CAFÉ Have a drink at "Café Majestic", a classic European Art Nouveau café and a city landmark.

LELLO BOOK STORE One of the world’s most beautiful bookshops, go inside "Lello & Oporto is not a new city. It is an ancient port steeped in history and Irmão” to see an historic space with a Neo-Gothic interior featuring a tradition and a highly atmospheric place that has become known grand staircase and stained glass. for its monuments. This is the city that gave birth to and named Port Wine, and was even home to Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling who was living in Oporto as an English teacher when she started writing Outside of the city you can also take day trips to several attractive her first book. Portuguese and Spanish cities such as Braga, Guimarães, Vigo or Santiago de Compostela. However, one of the most spectacular You should allow at least two days to get the full taste of the city. attractions outside of Porto is World Heritage Site, the Douro Valley. Below, you can read some of the top attractions to help you enjoy this unique city. Flights are currently available direct from Valencia airport departing several times a week. CAIS DE GAIA The city's postcard skyline and the birthplace of one of the world's most famous wines. SÃO FRANCISCO CHURCH One of Europe's most extraordinarily lavish church interiors, completely covered in gold. CAIS DA RIBEIRA Atmospheric, colourful, World Heritage riverfront medieval district. CLERIGOS TOWER Iconic landmark overlooking the city PALACIO DA BOLSA The exuberant interior of the former Stock Exchange Palace.


It must be a girlie thing It has been said that the inside of a woman’s handbag can tell you a lot about the owner and is possibly a miniature version of her home, where you can find almost anything you should need on a daily basis. Apart from the essentials we also carry a lot of junk, no, don’t try to deny it, it’s true, and often the contents are as much a mystery to the outsider as to the owner herself. When you look at the list of basic items you begin to wonder how the small handbag ever took off. For a start there’s the purse containing bank cards, money and driving licence, your mobile, keys for both car and home and to make sure you look good all day, make up, lip gloss, brush or comb and your favourite perfume. Any medication you may need, small pack of tissues, mints, empty mint wrappers; well when was the last time you had a clear out? Somewhere in a deep dark corner is a nail file, pens, hair scrunchies, used travel tickets and, oh! that’s where my fold up umbrella is. After basics comes extra items like a scarf if it gets cold, sunglasses if the sun comes out, I-pod to keep you entertained and last time I cleared mine out, a memory stick; what was that all about? Apart from this, there's mints and a bit of chocolate or a biscuit just in case you don’t have time to stop for lunch. Celebrities and actresses have been known to carry pampered pooches around in their handbags, but personally I once found a metal door hinge at the bottom of mine after putting it in there with the intentions of buying new ones that matched; I’d forgotten about it and carried it round with me for weeks. Have you way too much in your handbag and would you feel comfortable letting someone look through it? What strange item might be found lurking in yours?



¿Quieres publicidad? Want to advertise?

If you are a business or individual who wants to advertise in the next edition of inVLC then please contact us for more information. 622055534


Spice up your life Spices have an historic tradition of being treasured, prized and even sore throats. Other digestive remedies will use Cardamom, which is revered not only for their aroma, colour and flavour, but also for their also used as an inflammatory treatment. In addition, Cinnamon has healing properties; they come from seeds, barks, fruits and roots. antibacterial properties and Cumin is a diuretic and muscle tonic. Ancient Indian alternative healing, Ayurvedic, mentions many spices for the treatment of conditions such as rheumatic pains, coughs and even poor vision. Here are a few favourites we use without really knowing their medicinal qualities. Saffron grown from Crocus flowers is the world’s most expensive spice by weight and is used to treat depression by increasing serotonin in the brain, it may also help with conditions of the eyes such as damage caused by bright sunlight and general wear in old age. Turmeric is also used for poor vision and an antioxidant which helps with liver and cholesterol problems. It has been shown to increase bile acid output, which aids digestion. Ginger has been used in Chinese medicine for over 2500 years and is used to help with morning sickness, it is considered a tonic for the digestive tract and it also has the ability to help with bowel problems, coughing and rheumatism. Cayenne is thought to help counter psoriasis, is good for ear infections and is another spice that helps against the effects of rheumatoid arthritis. If you need a hangover remedy, try Tabasco pepper added to drink or food, this spice is also helpful for



ÂżQuieres publicidad? Want to advertise? If you are a business or individual who wants to advertise in the next edition of inVLC then please contact us for more information. 622055534

Make the most of the Valencian Community


A man’s only as old as the woman he feels. :: Groucho Marx.


Mojito & Dune Bug

Try making this minty, lime-packed cocktail Another spring-time cocktail to tickle your taste that's perfect for Spring. buds. History of the cocktail


Rum was available as a medicinal 'tot' to slaves working on sugar plantations in Cuba. They used it as a pick-me-up by adding mint, water and sugar cane to take the edge off. Mojito literally means 'something a little wet'.

The June Bug or Dune Bug is a tropical cocktail. It consists of a mixture of a strong spirit, usually coconut rum (such as Malibu), banana and melon liqueur (such as Midori), orange or pineapple juice, and lime juice. It is shaken with ice and served long, in a highball glass or hurricane glass and over ice with optional fruit garnish. Depending on the relative quantities used, it may range in colour from bright green to a sludgy orange-brown.

Recipe serves 1 Ingredients

Recipe serves 1 1 tsp white sugar a good squeeze of lime or lemon juice Ingredients a handful of mint sprigs, (don't cut off the stalks as these contain essential oils vital for the flavour of the drink) 30ml Midori ice 15ml Coconut Rum soda water, to serve 15ml Banana Liqueur 50ml white rum 60ml Pineapple Juice a dash of Angostura bitters 30ml Lemon Juice lime slices, to serve ice



Nutrition per serving 138k calories, protein 0.4g, carbohydrate 6.7g, fat 0.1 g, saturated fat 0g, fibre 0g, salt 0.01 g

Natural Soaps


Vanessa is available at these markets

Friday Turis 09:00-14:00 Saturday Cheste 09:00-14:00 Sunday Alborache 09:00-14:00 Facebook HappyKarmaSoaps

C.I.F: F.98.144.280

Put the sugar in the bottom of a glass and pour the citrus juice over Shake ingredients with ice then strain into a tall glass over fresh to just cover it. Add 2 long sprigs of mint. Muddle (gently pound) the cubes of ice. juice, sugar and mint. Add ice to the top of the glass, fill the glass two-thirds full with soda water. Add the rum. Stir and add a dash of Angostura bitters. Top with slices of lime.


In my house I’m the boss, my wife is just the decision maker. :: Woody Allen.

Life on the markets

Vanessa Maria Lewis

Mercado de Cheste

Cheste as we all know is famous for its motor circuit but it also has an interesting history, places of interest around the town and a lot of events throughout the year; so get down to the tourist information centre for more details of what's on. Cheste also boasts a very SPECIAL market on Saturdays! It's easy to get to, just off the A3 (Madrid road) then follow directions to the town centre.

has purchased an item she would never have normally thought of, but it looks FANTASTIC and she feels GREAT and has walked away with a HUGE smile! This is PERSONAL SERVICE. Something we believe is becoming lost in this economic crisis; the desperation in some businesses just to make a sale forgetting the seller/customer relationship. We believe in keeping the customers interests at heart and care for ALL our customers; that's exactly what makes our market Our Saturday market is SO colourful, not just because of the stalls but so individual and so SPECIAL! also the sellers! We are such a warm friendly group of market traders; we are fast becoming a close family. You'll always find the market Cheste market has a warm buzz of good energy! We have a lot of fun easy to reach from the sound of laughter! on Saturday mornings and more and more customers are returning back each weekend to see what's NEW!, enjoy the laughter! and search out what new OFFERS we have for this week. This is well on the road to becoming a very sought after market! This special market is situated in the attractive plaza between the church and the lemon yellow painted municipal market. Here you will find quality goods at exceptional prices from the butchers, bakery, fruit and veg stall, fishmongers and from the sweets and savouries stalls. You can then sit in the sunshine and enjoy the market laughter whilst sipping a delicious café con leche and eating a croissant from our lovely ladies at the café/bar.

We're a multi-cultural group of traders from Spain, Ecuador, England and Morocco and our happy market supervisor Arden is French. I've learnt more about other cultures since working the markets than I ever did in geography or social studies at school! It's nice to hear the differences between countries and we all have our own individual stories of why Spain is such a lovely country to live in. Our Saturday market offers you: quality bed linens/bedspreads & traditional national crochet table covers that make a beautiful holiday purchase to take back home to England. Pyjamas, scarves & accessories. Handmade natural soaps, leather bags, women’s fashion, sofa covers & cushions, jewellery, crystals & candles, shoes and boots, second-hand clothing, bras socks & knickers, kitchen accessories & cleaning aids, leisure wear, baby & children’s clothes. We are fast growing so we've new traders starting each week . . . ! Understandably as market traders, we are feeling the pinch of the economic crisis but more so competing against the major chain stores. However, we offer a more personal service. A majority of the stalls have been family owned for generations upon generations, thereby giving the customer an experienced seller. For example, I've seen a customer come to Vanessa's fashion stall with an idea of what item of clothing she's searching for and Vanessa has known what would suit her shape better. With careful advice the customer

Cheste Saturday Market is vibrant, busy and very interesting, we may be small, but we offer something very special indeed! Small IS beautiful! From 09:00 – 14:00. We'd love to see you! FLASH YOUR COPY OF inVLC AT CHESTE FOR A FREE SAMPLE OF x1 HANDMADE OLIVE SOAP throughout April from Vanessa!



Eoghan Ryan

If you would like an illustration of the capacity of the human body to endure, seek not the marathon runner, extreme athlete or prize fighter but locate a teenage boy in a physically uncomfortable position with a pretty girl. Observe the heroic physical durability.

The boy seizes this opportunity and springs gingerly to his feet. His kneecaps and the balls of his feet hurt, his shoulders ache and his rib cage feels bruised. He turns away, digging in his pocket under the pretence of checking his phone. He readjusts his potential embarrassment under his belt with amazing dexterity and removes Take the young man near the City of Arts and Sciences on this lovely the phone. He clicks through an empty inbox and then replaces it Friday evening. He lies on the grass face down, his head propped up in his pocket. He brushes the grass and dirt off his green polo and just far enough to keep his new shiny sunglasses in place. On his adjusts his sunglasses. back lies a girl, looking up at the pale blue sky. At the side, another girl, lying, knees bent, her head and shoulders supported by the The silence demands intervention and so he grabs the girl who torsos of the twinned bodies. had laid on his back and folds her over his shoulder. She kicks and screams playfully and so he lowers her to the ground and lunges for The position of his elbows, wedged under his shoulders, and his feet, the other. Her giggling scamper away is enough to avoid his grasp. pursed against the turf, brace him against the pressure. He holds this position, fighting any physical betrayal of discomfort, any show of The girl he put on the ground is up and kicks him from behind. weakness, any squirm that might prompt the girls to break contact. He makes a dramatic fall forward and reaches into an attempted handstand. He topples back, right side up, quickly and loses a shoe He doesn’t say much, the desire to flirt verbally contained by the fear in the process. that a flutter in his voice might reveal weakness. His phone is in the pocket of his denim shorts, not under the weight of the two bodies The girls have come together, brushing debris off their shirts and but slightly to the side. The taut material keeps it’s pressence felt. If straightening their shorts. The boy plays with the shoe like a football it rang he would have cause to shimmy onto his back, reposition but and gives it enough air to attempt a climax by lowering his head to not break contact, but if it were his Mother calling all would be lost. trap the shoe between his shoulder blades. He fails, but the girls, as if on cue, take advatage of his prone position to push him over and The boy holds tough, steadfast, for an unnatural length of time. pile on top of him. The girl at the side, being slightly removed from the intimacy and Face up this time, he is crushed in exquisite discomfort, determined not having to concentrate on her balance like the girl on top, or he can endure. survival, like the boy, eventually prompts a reprieve by standing and straddling the other two. Her weight on the the other girl’s stomach provokes cries and laughter and the demolition of the coupling.

Expat Services Spain All Your Insurance Needs In Spain In English

House, Car, Pet, Life and Boat Insurance plus Savings Plans and Funeral Plans

All Areas of Spain Covered Official Agent for Liberty Seguros Caroline Goose (0034) 962 857 116

Dog of the month P.E.P.A Name: Dolly Age: 10-11 months Size: Small to medium - 10kg Breed: Mixed Health: Health vaccinated, sterilized, micro chipped Personality: Dolly is a young dog, extremely affectionate and would make a super loving pet. She gets on well with cats. For more info contact P.E.P.A. on 650 304 746.


Fancy a curry? Millions do! by Andy Keedwell

Activity 1 Decide Activity if these statements are true or false. 1 Ethnic food is only available in London. 2 It was hard to find ethnic food until the 1970s. 3 Indian cooking has a long history in the UK. 4 Travel encouraged British people to vary their diet. 5 Fusion food involves food from more than one continent. 6 Chicken tikka masala is commonly served in India. 7 Ethnic food is always expensive. 8 You can only find ethnic food in UK restaurants.

Activity 2 Each word below describes food and is in the text. Complete the word. What does each word mean? Which of these words describes food from your country?

7 v ________ n

4 f ____ n

8 b ___ d

Ethnic eating in Britain isn’t always cheap, but there are other options. Fancy a curry, as the British say? Head for Birmingham or Bradford, where you’ll find delicious, spicy Balti cooking. Vegetarian? Try London’s Drummond Street, just behind Euston Station. Check out local bakers and delicatessens in areas where people from abroad have settled. You might not be able to pronounce the names of everything but you are certain to find something you like. Whatever you do, do as the British do and experiment with the exotic!

For more fun activities to help you learn English visit

5 Greece

2 Brazil

6 Japan

3 Ethiopia

7 Poland

4 France

8 Thailand

Word of the week Word food Fusion Body A type of cooking that is a combination of different countries’ cuisines.

Over to you What kinds of food do people enjoy in your culture? How would you describe your ‘ethnic cuisine’?

4 fusion 5 tasteless 6 delicious 7 vegetarian 8 bland

Many people think of Britain’s national dish as being fish and chips- but it’s more ethnic than that. Many more, including former Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, see chicken tikka masala as representing British taste. It’s a dish with no particular recipe, but involves chicken in creamy sauce, Indian style. You won’t find it in India though – one story is that it was invented by an Indian chef in Glasgow in the 1930s. It’s come to symbolise multicultural, multiethnic Britain.

1 Bangladesh


So why did the British grow bored with their boring food? Firstly soldiers, administrators and planters who had worked overseas encouraged others to try out new food. In the 1970s, the British began to take holidays abroad and discovered new tastes. And at the same time, people from around the world settled in the UK to live and work, bringing food from home which attracted the British.

We form words for nationalities in different ways, for example Britain becomes British but India becomes Indian. What are the nationality words for these countries which are mentioned in the article?

Activity 1 Activity 1 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 T 1 Answer 6 F 7 F 8 F

Thai restaurant dates from the 1960s but many other ethnic outlets are much newer.

Activity 3 1 Bangladeshi 2 Brazilian 3 Ethiopian 4 French 5 Greek 6 Japanese 7 Polish 8 Thai

It hasn’t always been the case. Once upon a time, other Western Europeans described British food as boring and bland, too heavy and full of fat, with tasteless soups and puddings only the British could love. Sixty years ago, there were only four Indian restaurants in the UK – now there are over 8,500. There were Italian restaurants in Britain in the nineteenth century but no real Chinese restaurant until the 1930s. The first Indian restaurant in the UK opened three hundred years ago. Today, the oldest Indian restaurant is Veeraswamy’s, which opened in 1936. The first

6 d _______ s

3 ex ___ c

Activity 2 1 ethnic 2 spicy 3 exotic

Travel around London and you’ll find food from around the world. You might come across restaurants and cafes serving ethnic food from – take a deep breath – Armenia, Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, Somalia, Turkey and Yemen. Take a look on the internet and you’ll find even more, from Africa, South and Central America and the Pacific. Some restaurants mix different cuisines to create fusion food – anyone for Brazilian/Japanese or Indian/French? It’s almost the same in other big UK cities. Britain’s ‘foodies’ – people who enjoy good food – are always looking for new adventures.

5 t _______ s

2 s ___ y

Activity 3

© britainonview/Martin Brent

People used to say that British food was boring and bland. Nowadays people in Britain have a world of food to choose from.

1 et ___ c

© British Council 2010

Don’t look now but there’s one too many in this room and I think it’s you. :: Groucho Marx.


Specializing in sales, service and repair Sky & Free-view television Solar standalone systems Generators All general repairs and maintenance for your home and property Contact Pat email: phone: 637068811

Intercambios Portland Ale House - Calle Salamanca, 10 - Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30pm English Night & Thursday 8:30pm German Night Anfora - Avenida de Francia, 65 - Thursday 8pm Bar 7 - Plaza Honduras, 34 - Thursday 8:30pm St Patricks - Gran Vía Marqués del Turia, 69 - Thursday 8pm English, Spanish & German Cafe de las Horas - Calle del Conde de Almodovar - Monday 8pm Thomas & Johnsons - Calle Chile 9 - Thursday & Sunday 8:30pm The Lounge - Calle de la Estameneria Vieja - Monday 9pm Big Ben - Plaza Honduras, 36 - Monday 8pm El Labratorio - Plaza Cors de la Mare de Deu, 3 - Tuesday 7pm The Black Sheep - Plaza de la Porta de la Mar, 6 - Tuesday 7pm Sofa Club - Avenida Tirso de Molina, 15 - Tuesday 7pm Ubik Cafe - Calle Literato Azorin, 13 - Tuesday 8:45pm Sally O'Brien - Avenida de Aragon, 8 - Thursday 8:30pm Route 66 - Avenida Regne de Valencia, 59 - Thursday 8:30pm


Expat business

with Loved Books

Name: Tabitha Lovelock Nationality: British Business: Owner - Loved Bookshop “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”

the largest aquarium in Europe and contains representatives of the world's main marine ecosystems. The entire complex, designed to celebrate the arrival of the 21st century, looks as though it might have been beamed down to earth from another planet. All this and more makes Valencia a great city to live in, with lots to offer if one wants to get involved. I used to buy Valencian oranges at a hefty price from Tescos, now I pick them myself or my neighbour supplies me with bucket loads of them every spring and autumn. The combination of the Spanish Sun and Valencian energy with its numerous events and fairs has instilled me with a great sense of vitality. It’s been called the New Barcelona with lots more sun, much lower property prices and the best paella in the country! Valencianos do like their festivities and they are always welcoming. Holidays are numerous and it’s very easy to feel like you are on holiday all the time. What more can I say. I love living here! 3. Tell us about your business?

1. Can you tell us something about yourself before you moved to Spain? Before moving to Spain I was self-employed and working in the health and safety industry in the UK. When I moved to Spain in 2007, I was able to continue working with various UK based companies for the first 2 years after moving to Valencia. This meant being on Ryanair every 3 weeks, flying to and from England. Definitely not the best two years of my life. Every time I left Valencia my heart literally sank. It became too unbearable to go on like that. So, I was ready when the bookshop came up for sale. All thanks to, in my opinion, the best estate agency in Valencia, They were a great help and made it all possible. 2. Why did you decide to settle in Valencia? Valencia! My favourite Spanish city! What’s not to love? It’s easy to get to and from and has great new metro and railway lines. The capital Madrid is now only two hours away. It has great, easily accessible beaches along the Mediterranean and the most beautiful mountain walks are just a short train ride or quick drive away. It also has a truly mind blowing confection of some of Europe's most awesome architecture, the City of Arts and is fast becoming one of Spain's top tourist attractions. This futuristic 'city within a city' must surely rank as one of the world's most exciting and imaginative millennium projects. The Oceanografic which is also within this small 'city' is

I opened the bookshop LOVED BOOKS (formerly KANDABOOKS) on the 1st of November 2012. I have always been a big reader and I had a garage full of books to add to the shop. LOVED BOOKS is the best, also the cheapest, new and second hand English bookshop in downtown Valencia. We are just behind the famous Plaza de la Reina in the centre of the city. A mere two minutes short walk from the Plaza de Ayuntamiento. Setting up the business was very easy because it was already a well-functioning bookshop in full operation. Again, Valencia is probably the best place to run an English bookshop because firstly, so far there are not many other places where you can find English (or most other languages except Spanish) books and secondly, the number of people wanting to learn English here is increasing very rapidly. There has also been a noticeable increase in the demand for German and Spanish books and we have plenty in both languages. Other languages we carry are French, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, and a few Swedish.


The art in the shop is by the great contemporary artist Gary Kirkpatrick and we have also just started to incorporate some wonderful art by Geoff. His art is very unique and different from anything I have seen before. They've called it realistic or life-like and almost photographic. If you love art, it is definitely worth a visit to the shop to see for yourself. Both types of art really do add a nice flavour to the bookshop! LOVEDBOOKS has also become a meeting point for many people. Lots of friendships have been formed and we always try to help people who are looking for various activities such as yoga and meditation classes, to the nearest intercambios and from the best hotels to the best Spanish tapas. Whatever you are looking to find, we will try and assist you as best as we can. 4. Do you have any advice for people wanting to start their own business? With the spring in full swing, tourists are coming to visit Valencia in droves and business at the shop is picking up significantly. We are getting more and more customers as we move towards summer. We have a great returns system where we offer a 20% discount if you bring your finished book back and want to get another. Occasionally we have huge student discounts and we do a half price drop every now and then. We have a good children's section, which we keep replenishing. Just keep an eye on our Facebook page which is still 'Kandabooks' since Facebook would not let us change the name.

The crisis is here and as they say, what goes up must come down and vice-versa; things will improve. If you feel strongly inspired enough to start your own business in Valencia, or even anywhere else in the world, my advice would be just do it. Energy is always moving, so it’s best to hook on to the positive flow. Whatever feels good for you.



Declan Lehane

Eco stand in Mercado Central

In this edition I'm going to introduce you to another Eco-shop in the Mercado Central which, is housed in a really beautiful building in the centre of Valencia. It is indeed a very big indoor food market and has a vast variety of food stands. The fish section (for obvious reasons) is separated from all the other stands, while the rest sell all types of food; everything from a wide variety of meat, fruit and veg, cheeses, bread and cakes, juices, nuts and dry fruit etc... It is enjoyable and relaxing just to stroll around the market and experience the grand array of colours, smells and sights. In the big open space in the centre of the Mercado Central there's always something going on. The other day there was a company promoting the consumption of broccoli and on a previous day there was a group playing music.

Josu, who is just across the aisle in stand no 232-233, sells all types of Eco-cosmetics and cleaners. He is also very easy going and will be of assistance and answer any of your questions. His stand hasn't been completed yet but it will look really well when finished. Both stands use low energy LED lighting, which at first is more expensive but in the long run it is a lot more ecological and economic. Josu's stand is relatively new (late last year) but Lucía has just celebrated 10 years in business!!! Congratulations and long may it last.

6 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD EAT ECOLOGICAL FOOD 1) The food has more vitamins and minerals to keep you HEALTHY The stands I want to talk about are called "Morhada" ( If you enter the building through the main entrance (on La Lonja side) and go straight down to the centre of the Mercado Central. From there, the two stands are to the north west, if the entrance is to the south. There are two stands with an aisle separating them. Lucía, who has stand no 225-227, has all types of fruit and veg, cheeses, cereals, teas, jams, and many other foods. She is very knowledgeable about Eco products and will help you to choose the best products, those which are in season, of good quality and of reasonable price. Lucía's stand has won prizes for its overall design and presentation. Personally I go there on Tuesdays when a lot of the fresh fruit and veg come in.

2) You are supporting producers that take care of the PLANET 3) You are doing your part to restore the planet to its original PRISTINE CONDITION. 4) Saves you MONEY and saves you from bad times as you spend less time being ill. 5) Its an investment in your FUTURE and your children's future. 6) The TASTE is altogether much better

Cycle lane that makes common sense The other day I discovered something very positive on the ring road which goes between Benimaclet/Oriolls and the village Alboraya. In the original plan for the road there were two EMT bus lanes included in the design, one for each direction. However, now they (whoever they are) have converted one of the lanes into a two way bicycle lane and even though its on the road, it is separated from the traffic by a 15 cm high ramp. It cost almost nothing to do and it has added greatly to the bicycle lane network.


Classifieds Dear readers, When we took over the magazine in December, we did some research and one of the things that we were often told was that many people missed the Classifieds section and wanted to see it return. However, since reinstating the Classifieds there have been very few submissions. Whether this is due to the fact that it is early days and not everyone knows about the return of inVLC, we're not sure but what it does mean at the moment, is that we are not receiving enough adverts to continue the section on a regular basis. To the best of our knowledge almost all of the 'for sale' listings we have printed, have been successful. Therefore, if like us you want to see the Classifieds succeed, please send in your 'for sale' or 'wanted' adverts etc... and events listings by April 21st for inclusion next month. All the best, Lisa & Paul.

Send us your

FREE adverts

Private individuals only please, no businesses.



For Sale Motorbike, blue Kawasaki ER 5, 2006 model, 32000km, excellent condition, serviced, new rear tyre, bikini fairing included. Price 1800 Euros ONO. Contact 669786970. Wanted Small automatic car. Shogun for spares. Garden furniture; stone table and chairs, benches and terrace furniture. Microcar. Petrol hedge cutters. Quads. Lathe and milling machine. Building materials; blocks, slab, tiles. Mechanics and engineers tools, roll cab and box. Solar panels and batteries and Mazda MX5. Contact 693496283.

Weekly Markets and Rastros Markets Monday

Montroy, Riba Roja, Manises and Valencia (Ruzafa)


Monserrat, Alfafar, Paterna, Turis, Bunol and Valencia (Jerusalem, Nazaret and San Pedro Nolasco)

Wednesday L’Eliana, Casinos, Piccassent, Alzira, Villamarchante, Aldai, Catadau and Valencia (Avd del Cid, Mossen Sorell and Grao) Thursday Alaquas, Gandia , Lliria, Yatova and Valencia (Torrefiel) Friday

Moraira, Turis, Villar Del Arzobispo, Torrente, Chiva, Bunol and Valencia (Benimaclet, Malvarrosa and Cabanyal)


Real de Montroy, Gandia , Torrente, Cheste, Godelleta, Macastre and Valencia (Jesus Patraix, Pinedo)


Alborache, Montserrat, Siete Aguas and Valencia (Plaza Redonda)

Rastros Every 2nd Sunday of the month at Bar Sardi in Pedralba. Table money donated to Animales y Naturaleza. To book tables phone Lin 680790059. Every Sunday next to Mestilla football ground. 1st Sunday of the month, Montroy c/La Pau, 625 674 906 Sagrario


TEACHER TRAINING COURSES 2013 Trinity Certificate in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL) is an intensive 4 week course involving input and observed teaching practice. For teachers who want to gain an initial recognised qualification in teaching English.

For more information contact T 96 339 29 80, Avd Catalu単a 9 46020 Valencia

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