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人文社會科學研究中心 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica





11529 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號 電話:02-2782-1693•2789-8100 傳真:02-2785-4160 128 Sec.2,Academia Rd.NanKang,Taipei,11529 Taiwan ,R.O.C Tel:886-2-2782-1693 Fax:886-2-2785-4160


人文社會科學研究中心 Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica



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個人研究 本中心尚有部分研究人員不隸屬於特定「專題中心」或「研 究計畫」,其主要研究方向與研究計畫如下:

蔡吉源(副研究員) 地方財政

高明瑞(副研究員) 貨幣與總體經濟理論

鄭曉時(副研究員) 中國古代的政治與軍事

楊春雷(副研究員) 實驗經濟學、賽局理論 研究計畫:「有分手選擇的囚徒難局:合作行為的實驗研究」 C



陳秀容(助研究員) 多元文化主義、少數權利理論


研究計畫:「少數權利理論的論證:兼論Will Kymlicka的理論方






彭文賢(兼任研究員,世新大學行政管理學系教授) 非營利組織 研究計畫:「非營利組織的績效資訊與評估」

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心





上午 08:49:30

人文社會科學研究中心 Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

目錄 人文社會科學研究中心───────────── 3 現有設備─────────────────── 5 政治思想研究專題中心───────────── 9 海洋史研究專題中心───────────── 11 制度與行為研究專題中心─────────── 13 調查研究專題中心────────────── 15 亞太區域研究專題中心──────────── 17 考古學研究專題中心───────────── 19 地理資訊科學研究專題中心────────── 21 衛生史研究計畫─────────────── 23 東亞經貿發展研究計畫──────────── 25 大腦、認知與行為科學研究計畫──────── 27 歷史人口研究計畫────────────── 29 華人家庭研究計畫────────────── 31 個人研究────────────────── 33 Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica─ ───────── 2 Research Facilities────────────────────── 4 Center for Political Thought───────────────── 8 Center for Maritime History───────────────── 10 Center for Institution and Behavior Studies─ ─────── 12 Center for Survey Research───────────────── 14 Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies─ ─────────── 16 Center for Archaeological Studies─ ──────────── 18 Center for Geographic Information Science ──────── 20 Program for History of Health─ ────────────── 22 Program for Economic Development and Trade in East Asia──────────────────── 24 Program for Brain, Cognitive, and Behavioral Sciences─ 26 Program for Historical Demography─ ─────────── 28 Program for the Study of Family in Chinese Societies── 30 Individual Research─ ──────────────────── 32

2006年12月,南港 台北 台灣 Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan December, 2006

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心



esearch Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica The mission of the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences is to engage in interdisciplinary research. It was founded in July 1, 2004, reorganized from two former academic units in the Academia Sinica, the Sun Yat-Sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, and the T’sai Yuan-Pei Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. From the researchers in the previous Sun Yat-Sen Institute, three thematic centers, political thought, maritime history, and institution and behavior studies, and three research programs, history of health, economic development and trade in East Asia, and ethics, law and genomic medicine, were organized. Another three thematic centers, survey research, AsiaPacific area studies, and archeological studies, and four research programs, geographical information sciences, brain, cognitive and behavioral sciences,


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

人文社會科學研究中心 在單一學門設所、多學科設中心的發展方向之下,中央研究院於民國 93年7月1日將原有的「中山人文社會科學研究所」與「蔡元培人文社 會科學研究中心」兩個研究單位,整合成為一個「人文社會科學研究中 心」。 本研究中心以原「中山人文社會科學研究所」同仁(包括留下的專任 與合聘人員)為基礎,組成了政治思想研究專題中心、海洋史研究專題 中心、制度與行為研究專題中心、衛生史研究計畫、科技與人文價值研 究計畫與東亞經貿發展研究計畫。這幾個轉型而成的「專題中心」與 「研究計畫」,加上「蔡元培人文社會科學研究中心」既有的研究單位 (亞太區域研究專題中心,調查研究專題中心,考古學研究專題中心, 地理資訊科學研究計畫,大腦、認知與行為科學研究計畫,歷史人口研 究計畫,以及華人家庭研究計畫),組成一個包含6個「專題中心」和 7個「研究計畫」的研究中心。在95年中,經過部分的調整,本研究中 心目前包含7個「專題中心」及5個「研究計畫」。「專題中心」設執行 長,「研究計畫」設召集人,統籌研究事宜。 本研究中心的使命,乃是跨領域研究。除了專任人員之外,各個「專 題中心」或「研究計畫」的運作,必須依賴相當數量的合聘、兼任、及 有興趣參與的研究人員。相較於過去原有的兩個研究單位,專任研究人 員減少,但合聘與兼任人員則增加甚多。 本研究中心設立之初,由劉翠溶副院長代理主任,積極進行重組,建 立各種新的辦事要點與行政運作機制,使得研究人員能在重組之後益 加發揮研究專長。94年7月4日院方指派合聘研究員章英華先生擔任主 任,95年7月4日聘請郭秋永先生擔任副主任。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


historical demography, and the study of family in Chinese societies, were transferred directly from the T’sai Yuan-Pei Research Center. With minor reorganization, the Research Center has had seven thematic centers and five research programs. Each thematic center has an executive director and each research program has a convener. The executive director or convener leads a research team to conduct well-defined research projects. The team comprises full-time, joint-appointment, adjunct and affiliated researchers. Vice President Liu Tsui-jung was appointed the active director on July 1 of 2004. Dr. Chang Ying-Hwa succeeded as the director on July 4th, 2005. Dr. Kuo Chiu-Yeoung was appointed the deputy director on July 4th, 2006.

Research Facilities Library of the Research Center Director Tang Shi-Yeoung Periodicals, Western 619 titles ; Chinese 966 titles (including those from mainland China, and in Japanese or Korean) Books, Western 44,500 volumes Chinese 74,880 volumes (including those from mainland China, and in Japanese or in Korean) Microfilm, 315 titles Microfiche, 738 titles Databases, 8 titles Other, two OPAC, two photocopiers, one microfilm reader, one network printer

Collections of the Center for Survey Research Periodicals, 20 titles (Chinese and English) General books, 3200 volumes (Chinese and English)

Collection of the Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies Periodicals, 105 titles. Eastern Collections, ca. 8,000 volumes. Western Collections, ca. 3,000 volumes.


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

現有設備 圖書 人社中心圖書館 主任:湯熙勇副研究員 (一)期 刊:西文619種;


(二)圖 書:西文44,500冊;


(三)微縮資料:微捲315種;微片738種。 (四)資 料 庫:8種。 (五)其它設備:OPAC查詢電腦2部;影印機2部;微縮影機1部;網 路印表機1部。

調研中心圖書室館藏 (一)期刊:共20種(含中、英文)。 (二)圖書:共3200冊(含中、英文)。

亞太區域研究專題中心圖書室設備 (一)期刊:105種(含中、英文) (二)圖書:英文圖書約8,000冊;中、日文圖書約3,000冊。 (三)CD-ROM:1種。 *亞太專題中心之期刊與圖書,借放於民族學研究所圖書館。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


CD-ROM, 1 item.


Director of the Office of Computing Service Kao Ming Ruey PC Server, Windows 2003 Server, WWW Server, Mail Server, DNS Server Desktop Computers, 160 Notebooks, 3 Network Laser Printers, 8 Network Color Laser Printers, 2 CD/DVD duplicators, 2 Network Scanners, 3 Digital Cameras, 2 LCD Projectors, 2

Publications The Research Center, continuing the journal and the book series of the San Yat-Sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, publishes “Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences” quarterly; and Book series (No. 1-No. 53). The Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies publishes “Asia-Pacific Forum” quarterly, Book Series, Research Bibliography Series, and Research Paper Series. The Center for Survey Research publishes “Survey Research, Methods and Application,” bi-annually. *In the profile of thematic centers and research programs, after their name, the title of full-time researchers is attached; jointappointment and adjunct researchers have their joint or adjunct position and their main affiliation attached; while for participating researchers their main affiliation and the position are attached.


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

資訊室 主任:高明瑞副研究員 電腦主機伺服器: Windows2003 Server、WWW Server、Mail Server、DNS Server。 個人電腦:160部。 筆記型電腦:3部。 網路雷射印表機:8部。 彩色雷射印表機:2部。 光碟燒錄機:2部。 網路型掃描器:3部。 數位相機:2部。 單槍液晶投影機:2部。

人社中心出版品: 原「中山人文社會科學研究所」有專書系列,並編輯期刊一種, 「人文社會科學研究中心」延續此一傳統,出版有: •《人文及社會科學集刊》(目前為季刊,現已出刊至第18卷第三期) •專書(現已出版至編號第53) •「亞太區域研究專題中心」出版有專書系列以及《亞太研究論壇》 (季刊) •「調查研究專題中心」出版有《調查研究-方法與應用》。(半年 刊) *以下各單位的簡介中,專任研究人員只列職銜;合聘與兼任人員 列出其合聘或兼任職銜及本職單位;參與研究人員列出本職單位與職 銜。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Center for Political Thought Political thought in its broadest sense consists of theoretical reflection on significant phenomena in our practical world. Past political thinkers


offered us not only myriad political discourses on human practices and

Ying-Wen Tsai (Executive Director;

institutions with the recommendation of ultimate principles, such as the

Research Fellow; specialty: Western

theory of sovereigns and the principles of justice, but also a variety of

Political Philosophy)

interpretative viewpoints of the traditions of political thought and their

Fu-Kien Chang (Executive Secretary;

contemporary significance. Owing to the wide and complicated scope

Associate Research Fellow; specialty: Western Political Philosophy) C h i u - Ye o u n g K u o ( Vi c e - d i r e c t o r, Research Fellow; specialty: Political

of political thought, research on political thought needs to proceed by coordinating philosophy, history and jurisprudence. In most countries, political thought constitutes a major field of research comparable with


other fields, such as international politics and the comparative study

Carl K.Y. Shaw (Research Fellow;

of institutions, so it is appropriate to also establish a research team on

specialty: Political Philosophy)

political thought for the study of politics in Taiwan.

Sechin Y. S. Chien (Associate Research

Research Directions

Fellow; specialty: Philosophy) Run-New So (Associate Research Fellow; specialty: Political Philosophy)

The Center for Political Thought aims to integrate the study of western political and social thought and jurisprudence. It intends to cooperate

I-Chung Chen (Associate Research

with the research institutions in Hong Kong University, Cambridge

Fellow; specialty: Political Thought)

University and L.S.E. in the U.K., and to invite distinguished scholars

H u o - Ya n S h y h ( J o i n t - a p p o i n t m e n t

to visit the center. It plans to hold an international conference every

Research Fellow with Institute of Political

two years, beginning with "the Reflection of Contemporary Political

Science) Shin-Min Chen (Joint-appointment Research Fellow with Institutum Iurisprudentiae)

Thought on Modernity" held in December 2005. The research foci are as follows. 1. To interpret the legacy of political, social and legal thought, especially

Chien-Liang Lee (Joint-appointment

with a focus on the dialectical development of modernist and political

Associate Research Fellow with

thought since the 17th century.

Institutum Iurisprudentiae)

2. To explore the change and development of Chinese and Taiwanese

Web Site h t t p : / / w w w. r c h s s . s i n i c a . e d u . t w / organization/t_01.htm

political and social ideas, especially on the development of human rights as well as the modern revolutions and their Constitutional ideals in the Western and Chinese worlds. 3. To interpret the issues about political and culture conflicts in a multicultural world, with an attempt to establish the normative principles for resolution of such conflicts. Ongoing Research Projects The center is currently executing three cooperative projects: Fundamental Political and Social Ideas in Modern Civic Society is dealing with the basic modern political and social ideas in the West and China. Citizenship in Taiwan aims to integrate theoretical interpretations and empirical research; Constitutionalism and Its Fundamental Values explores the development of Liberal and Democratic Constitutionalism with its fundamental political values, (e.g. liberty, equality, and justice) in modern Western, Chinese and Taiwanese history. The center serves as a base for “Societas: A Journal for Philosophical Study of Public Affairs.


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

政治思想研究專題中心 本專題中心旨在結合政治學、哲學、法律學、歷史學、以及 社會學等學者,探究古今中外的政治思想。政治思想向來就是人 文、社會科學領域中的一門基礎性的學科。它的主要研究課題,
































一、闡釋西方政治、社會與法律思想的傳承,特別著重於十七世 紀以來現代性與政治思想之互為辯證的發展。


二、探討中國與台灣自十九世紀中葉以來政治與社會理念的變遷 和發展,尤其關注於西方的公民意識與權利觀念、台灣公民 organization/t_01.htm

意識與公民權之特質與發展、西方與中國近代之革命及其憲 政理念。 三、探討多元文化之下,政治如何去調適文化多元與衝突的問 題。 目前執行的計畫 自2004年開始,本專題中心以現代性之探討為主軸,規劃了下 列三項主要的研究計畫: 一、延續本專題中心「公民社會之政治與社會觀念」之研究計 畫,並擴大其研究的範圍,探討西方現代性之重要理念在東 亞地區之歷史脈絡中的移植與承受的問題。 二、「台灣公民意識」之研究計畫。這個研究計畫嘗試結合規範 性與經驗性兩種研究,一方面闡述公民身份及其權利在西方 政治思想史脈絡中的演變及其主要之議題;另一方面則以經 驗實證的途徑,測度台灣公民意識的表現,據此進一步解釋 台灣公民文化的發展及其特性。 三、「憲政基本價值」之研究計畫。這個研究計畫的旨趣在於探 討自由民主之憲政發展,及其牽涉的政治價值(如自由、平 等、正義…等價值)的選擇與實現的問題。除了闡釋西方自 十七世紀以來現代之自由與民主憲政的發展之外,本計畫亦 嘗試探討台灣自由與民主憲政的內在問題。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Center for Maritime History This center was created on the basis of a research project on Chinese

Researchers Pin-tsun Chang (Executive Director; Research Fellow; specialty: History)

maritime history in the former Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy. The project was launched in 1983 with the awareness of two main points: first, that the study of history in Taiwan had long

Shiuh-feng Liu (Executive Secretary;

been lopsided, as the mainland had always been in the spotlight, and

Associate Research Fellow; specialty:

the maritime sector was marginalized; and second, that ever since the


Age of Great Discovery in the late fifteenth century, global history has

Te-lan Chu (Research Fellow; specialty:

been radically transformed by Europeans’ expansion, their maritime

History) Shih-chi Liu (Research Fellow; specialty: History) Shi-yeoung Tang (Associate Research

expansion being a foremost contributor. Under the project, seminars and lectures were regularly carried out, and a conference was held every 2-3 years to pool together local and

Fellow; specialty: History)

international research findings. Nine conference volumes have been

Yung-ho Tsao (Adjunct Research Fellow;

published. They seem to have been well received, and the original

Academician, Academia Sinica)

purpose of the project has been partially fulfilled.

Kuo-Tung Ch'en (Joint-appointment

Direction of Research

Research Fellow with Institute of History and Philology) Ping-Ti Ho (At-Large Research Fellow;

The center continues the direction of research laid out in the project of Chinese Maritime History, with some modification. Three areas remain

Academician, Academia Sinica)

the focal points of study, viz., coastal China, Taiwan, and overseas

Yen-Ping Hao (At-Large Research Fellow;

Chinese. Modification involves a greater emphasis on the link of the

Academician, Academia Sinica)

said direction to global changes.

Web Site chinasea/

Each of the small research groups of the center is free to pursue its own topics of interest in relation to the direction of research. Intellectual resources from outside will be tapped to broaden topical coverage. The conference which takes place every two to three years draws concerned scholars together to discuss invited papers, which after a due process of review will be collected into a volume and published for wider readership. Current research is focused on problems concerning shipping, trade, port cities, maritime cultural intercourse, and migration. In addition to maritime China and Taiwan, East Asia and Southeast Asia also fall under the purview of various topics. Sometimes sporadic attempts are made to cruise into a wider world. Research on these topics spans from the sixteenth century to the present time, roughly the five centuries since the Age of Great Discovery. Research in Progress The research projects currently undertaken include: 1. Taiwan in Early Modern Maritime East Asia; 2. The Formation and Development of Treaty Ports in Modern China; 3. Adjustment of Chinese Assistance for Shipwrecked Foreigners in the Late Qing and Its Implications; 4. Business Operations of Japanese Enterprises in South China, 1895-1945; 5. The World according to Kai-Hentai – The Study of Maritime Exchange in East Asia during the Late Ming and Early Qing; 6. The Amoy Cohongs Merchants in the Mid-Qing; 7. The Growth of Chinese Mercantile Power in Southeast Asia, 1600-1800.


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

海洋史研究專題中心 十五世紀末,在西歐人的主導下,開啟了大航海時代,其 影響所及,遍佈整個世界。在二次大戰結束以後,從海洋的角度 來觀察人類社會演變的歷史研究,蔚為風氣。中國歷史的研究, 從來都是以大陸或陸地作為中心。但時到今日,特別是要探討近 代以來的中國歷史演變,必須輔以海洋的視角,才足以瞭解中國 文明的面貌,和詮釋世界文明的變遷。基於這樣的理解,中研院 人社中心推動以中國海洋發展史為重點的研究計畫。自1983年 迄今,中國海洋發展史的研究計畫已經累積了一些具體的研究成 果。這些成果主要表現在先後舉辦了十次國內及國際性的學術研 討會,以及經過審慎評選而集結出來的九輯論文集。上述這些成 果,已獲得國內外歷史學界的好評,因而使這個主題研究,成為 人社中心學術發展的重要特色之一。

研究人員 張彬村(執行長,研究員,歷史學) 劉序楓(執行秘書,副研究員

劉石吉(研究員,歷史學) 朱德蘭(研究員,歷史學) 湯熙勇(副研究員,歷史學) 曹永和(兼任研究員,本院院士







本專題中心的研究方向,除了賡續中國海洋發展史的研究 外,為了擴大其範圍視野,擬進一步以「海洋史」為專題,推動 跨領域研究。在地理區域方面,其範圍不僅包括中國大陸沿海地




區和島嶼(台灣和海南島),同時也含括世界其他地區;在海洋 的聯繫下,這些區域彼此構成緊密的關係。為了兼顧專門研究和 跨領域研究,本專題中心將結合本院相關所處有興趣的同仁們, 及本院以外的中、外學術界人士,透過學術團體合作方式,一起

網址 chinasea/

在海洋史領域中努力,系統性地把海洋的中國史觀與世界史觀銜 接起來,讓過去幾個世紀的主要變遷趨勢之一的海洋史更具有現 代意義。 本專題中心成立初期的研究重點包括:1.航運、貿易及港市 研究;2.海洋文化交流研究;3.移民研究。在這些研究重點下,我 們將進行東亞地區港埠貿易與港口城市發展型態研究,航運與貿 易、船隻建造及技術演變、海難救助及外交處理等專題研究。同 時,我們也將推動十六至十八世紀華人在東南亞及東亞區域的商 業勢力發展,以及華人與荷蘭東印度公司的關係等議題的探討。 二十世紀臺灣人民向海外移動(如非洲等)的經驗,也是另一項 值得注意的研究計畫。此外,臺灣經濟發展與政治變遷及其與世 界史的關連,臺灣周邊島嶼國家(包括太平洋島嶼)歷史變遷與 大航海時代來臨的關係,中國與亞洲地區文化交流發展史等議 題,均是致力研究的範圍。 目前執行的計畫 本專題中心目前正在進行下面幾個研究計畫:1.近代早期台灣 在海洋東亞上的地位;2.近代中國通商口岸的形成與發展;3.晚清 中國救助外國籍海難船方法的調整及其涵意;4.日本企業在華南地 區的商業活動(1895-1945);5.《華夷變態》的世界─明末清初 期東亞海域國際交流史研究;6.清中葉的廈門行商;7.17-18世紀 華人在東南亞的商業勢力發展。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Center for Institution and Behavior Studies This center aims to study the development and functioning of socio-

Researchers Kong-Pin Chen (Executive Director; Research Fellow; specialty: Economics) Shih Chun-Ji (Research Fellow; specialty: Economics; Chairperson, Financial

economic institutions, institutional effects on behaviors and the feedback of behaviors on institutions. Through the interdisciplinary effort of researchers of economics, politics, sociology, psychology, law and humanities, the research may help us to understand the mechanisms of various socio-economic institutions and to formulate schemes for

Supercisory Commission)

institutional reforms.

Yung-Ming Hsu (Assistant Research

Major research topics

Fellow; specialty: Political Science)

The major research topics include regulatory economics, regulatory

Joan C. Lo (Joint-appointment Research

regimes and reforms, family, social norms and laws, network economics

Fellow with the Institute of Economics ) Ruey-Ling Chu (Joint-appointment Research Fellow with Institute of Ethnology; specialty: Psychology)

and business behaviors, health insurance systems and reforms, biomedical ethics, and the establishment of a database on Taiwan’s political economic structure.

Terence Tai (Joint-appointment Research

Research Projects

Fellow with Department of Philosophy ,

1. Family Institutions and Cultural Norms. The project integrates the

National Chengchi University)

researchers of three central themes, the law and family, family

Yu h - H u e i J o u ( J o i n t - a p p o i n t m e n t

ethics,and family relations It explores the interplay of social structure

Associate Research Fellow with the Institute of Ethnology; specialty: Psychology)

and cultural norms on families in Taiwan. 2. Transactions and Business Behaviors. This project explores the

Tze-Shiou Chien (Joint-appointment

change of transaction behavior and implied business patterns arising

Associate Research Fellow with

from the emergence of the internet. Research issues cover network

Institutum Iurisprudentiae; specialty: Law

externalities and implications for antitrust issues, internet auctions,


online market order, intellectual property rights, and open source.

Kung-Chung Liu (Participating Research Fellow;specialty: Law Science Commissioner; National Communications Commission ) Web Site

This is a typical project of law and economics. 3. Ethics, Law, and Genomic Medicine. Biomedical research relies on collecting human biological samples, together with health records of the participants, and also on clinical experiments. All the processes should comply with international ethical standards to safeguard the basic rights and welfare of individuals and particular groups. The project intends to design an adequate ethical and legal regulatory framework for biomedical research. 4. Health Insurance and System Reform. National Health Insurance has been implemented in Taiwan. Searching for solutions for its financial problems is a continuing process. This research aims to study the impact of a payment system on a physician’s treatment decisions, and tries to design a reform proposal that balances equity and efficiency while maintaining financial accountability. 5. Regulatory Regimes and Reforms. The aim is to investigate the regulatory regimes for communications and intellectual property, by utilizing the analytical tool of regulatory economics combined with legal studies on policies of liberalization and regulatory reforms. 6. Database on Taiwan’s Political Economic Structure. The aim is to establish a database on Taiwan to serve as a basis for studies on changes in Taiwan’s political-economic structure. The data will consist of four layers, political-economic elites, conglomerates,


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

economic and financial policies, and related acts.

制度與行為研究專題中心 本專題中心的任務在聯合經濟、政治、社會、心理、法律與 人文學者,研究制度的形成、運作與演化,探討制度對行為的影


















戴 華(合聘研究員,政治大學
















過檢體蒐集、基因資訊的統計比較、以及臨床試驗等;而其 過程更須符合國際醫學倫理的規範,方能維護個人與特定社



表,更難進入後續的知識移轉或商業化。如何規畫一套合乎 正義的倫理規範與法律管制制度,乃是本計畫的研究主題, 由於基因倫理的研究涵蓋範圍相當廣,因此這一個專題計畫 也結合相當多的倫理、法律、社會與醫學方面之學者共同參 與。 四、健保制度與制度改革:全民健保實施十一年以來,改革之呼 籲不曾間斷,本研究從健保支付制度對醫療處置行為的影響 著手,研擬兼具公平性與效率性,並使全民健保能永續經營 的改革方案。(結合經濟、財政與公衛之研究) 五、管制制度與管制革新:政府對社經活動的管制,範圍既廣且 深,所以管制制度的設計與解除管制的步驟對經濟社會的影 響重大無比;本研究以管制經濟學為分析工具,結合法律研 究探討自由化與管制革新政策,並以通訊、傳播及智財權的 管制制度為研究主題。 六、台灣政經結構資料庫之建置:這個結合政治、經濟與社會調 查之計畫,希望建構一個大型政經資料庫,作為研析台灣民 主化之後政經結構變遷的重要資料;資料庫分成四個層次建 置,包括:政經菁英、企業財團、財經政策及重大法案等。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Center for Survey Research The Center for Survey Research (CSR), founded in 1993 as the Office of Survey Research, is devoted to integrating survey research resources in order to improve the efficiency of survey work and to promote the

Researchers Tsu-Tan Fu (Executive Director; Jointappointment Research Fellow with Institute of Economics) Pei-shan Liao (Executive Secretary; Assistant Research Fellow; specialty: Sociology) Ruoh-Rong Yu (Associate Research Fellow; specialty: Economics) Su-Hao Tu (Associate Research Fellow; specialty: Sociology) Ji-Ping Lin (Associate Research Fellow; specialty: Geography) Alfred Ko-Wei Hu (Assistant Research Fellow; specialty: Sociology) Meng-Li Yang (Assistant Research Fellow; specialty: Psychology) Lung-An Li (Joint-appointment Research Fellow with Institute of Statistical Science) Web Site

adequate use of survey data. The CSR thus consists of a survey division and a data archive division. In addition, the CSR also holds workshops and seminars on survey methodology, as well as publishing surver Research, newsletters and survey-related manuals. Moreover, the research in the center is devoted to studies on survey methods. Main Tasks The Survey Division provides researchers at the Academia Sinica with consultation on survey methods as well as assistance in survey field work. Most survey projects assisted by the center have been social science related, while some are in the fields of biological sciences. CSR’s services include budget planning, sampling recruiting and training of field interviewers, and carrying out survey interviews (including face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, mail surveys, and focus group interviews, etc.) Researchers who need our services are required to submit an application for review three months prior to the beginning of the planned survey. Applications must include the topic and design, the content of the survey, samping design and sample size and include a budget plan. The division can be contacted at (02) 2788-4188 ext. 301. The Data Archive Division aims to facilitate the efficient utilization of survey data. The archive started from donated data and survey projects conducted in the center. It has regularly conserved data from survey projects funded by the National Science Council and other national agencies. Most survey data available are in the fields of sociology, economics, political science, education and public health. Data sets include raw data files, blank questionnaires, codebooks, data column definition programs, and project reports. Data dissemination is announced in the Academia Sinica Weekly, our survey research journal, and on our homepage. The division can be contacted at (02) 2788-4188 ext. 209, or e-mail The researchers are engaged rigorously in research on survey methods, including data attrition in panel surveys, interviewer effects, questionnaire design, sampling design, GIS applications, etc.. Major Projects •Taiwan Social Change Survey •Panel Study of Family Dynamics •Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan •Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) •Genetic Research and Public Opinion: Survey Interview and Database in Taiwan •Taiwan Social Science Data Archive


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

調查研究專題中心 調查訪問是研究現代社會現象的一項重要方法。本中心自民 國八十二年成立以來,致力於整合調查研究的資源,讓調查訪問 能更有效運作,調查資料能更加充分利用。 整合調查研究資源的作法有兩大重點:第一,協助研究人員
























二、釋出調查研究資料(資料管理組): 蒐集、整理與釋出國內重要調查資料,以發揮調查資料交流 之最大效用。現階段可供釋出的資料涵蓋社會、經濟、政治、教


育、管理、公共衛生等領域,資料項目一般包括資料檔、空白問 卷、過錄編碼簿(Codebook)、資料欄位定義程式、研究報告書 等。在申請成為本中心「學術調查研究資料庫」會員後,可利用 網路檢索資料,瀏覽問卷、次數分配表與報告書,並直接下載使 用。另發行「學術調查研究資料庫」通訊及電子報,供各界免費 訂閱。 有意捐贈調查資料或申請成為會員者,請洽本中心資料組: (02)2788-4188轉209。資料庫網址:。 三、調查與研究方法之提升: 舉辦調查方法研習班和研討會、定期出版「調查研究-方法與 應用」期刊、不定期出版與協辦調查或資料檢誤相關的手冊,以 期改進調查訪問方法、推廣調查資料,並提昇調查研究的整體品 質。本中心研究人員亦進行與調查和研究方法相關之研究。 目前協助執行的主要調查計畫 「台灣地區社會變遷基本調查計畫」 「華人家庭研究計畫」 「國民營養健康狀況調查」 「台灣教育追蹤資料庫建置計畫」 「台灣地區基因體意向調查與資料庫建置之規劃」 「台灣社會科學後設資料整理與資料網站的建立」

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies The Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS) was established in January 2003 to further integrate the research resources for facilitating productive multi-disciplinary studies on the Asia-Pacific area at the

Researchers Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (Executive Director; Joint-appointment Research Fellow with Institute of Sociology; specialty: Sociology) Wen-Chin Chang (Executive Secretary; Assistant Research Fellow; specialty: Anthropology) C h e n g - Yi L i n ( J o i n t - a p p o i n t m e n t Research Fellow with Institute of European and American Studies; specialty: Political Science) Tzu-Chin Huang (Joint-appointment Research Fellow with Institute of Modern History; specialty: History) Deng-Shing Huang (Joint-appointment Research Fellow with Institute of Economics; specialty: Economics) Bien Chiang (Joint-appointment Associate Research Fellow with Institute of Ethnology; specialty: Anthropology) Gungwu Wang (At-Large Research Fellow with Institute of East Asian Studies, National University of Singapore; Academician, Academia Sinica; specialty: History) Web Site

Academia Sinica. CAPAS is reorganized from the former Asia-Pacific Research Program (APARP). Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia and the Pacific Islands now constitute the three main area foci. CAPAS also aims to cultivate a new generation of domestic Asia-Pacific scholarships and strengthen academic exchange and cooperation between the Academia Sinica and related research institutions around the world. Main Research Directions 1. Asia-Pacific history 2. Languages, religions, ethnic groups and indigenous cultures in the Asia-Pacific region 3. Post-colonial political, economic and social transformations and developments in the Asia-Pacific region 4. Interaction of ethnic Chinese and local societies in the Asia-Pacific region Organizational Goals 1. Establish an academic foundation for Asia-Pacific studies among different institutes and preparatory offices under the Research Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences 2. Enhance collaboration between the Academia Sinica and other prestigious research institutions and scholars in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the USA, and promote academic exchange of mutual benefit 3. Promote practical and policy studies related to the Asia-Pacific region 4. Cultivate local talents on Asia-Pacific research Research Projects and Activities In order to coordinate and promote Asian-Pacific area studies in the Academia Sinica and Taiwan, the Center regularly finances individual research projects conducted by the Academia Sinica’s researchers, and collective research projects led by the Academia Sinica’s researchers with collaboration from scholars of other universities. The participants are from institutes of the humanities and social sciences of the Academia Sinica. For cultivating young scholars, it offers research grants to doctoral students and MA students annually. It also recruits Post-doctoral fellows through the grants of the Academia Sinica. The Center publishes a quarterly Journal namely Asia-Pacific Forum, as well as Book Series, Research Bibliography Series.


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

亞太區域研究專題中心 亞太區域研究專題中心(Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, 簡稱CAPAS)成立於2003年1月1日,是為進一步整合與推展人 文社會科學領域之區域研究,其前身為「東南亞區域研究計畫」 (1994-2001)、「東北亞區域研究計畫」(1998-2001)、及




















蔣 斌(合聘副研究員,本院民族所


二、加強本院與東南亞、東北亞及歐美各國研究區域有成之學術 機構及學者專家之合作關係,並推動更具互惠效益之學術交





流。 三、推動與亞太區域有關之實用性及政策性研究計畫。



主要研究計畫與工作 本專題中心透過個別型計畫、整合型專題計畫、博士後研究 學者計畫、博士候選人培育計畫、碩士論文獎助計畫、學術研討 會、午餐討論會、出版專書與期刊等工作,推動並領導院內及台 灣學界之亞太區域研究。 2006年補助院內十位同仁進行十個個別型計畫,分屬台史 所、近史所、民族所、經濟所、社會所、法律所。另有兩項專題 計畫:「東南亞穆斯林國家的宗教融合與衝突─以馬來西亞為個 案」(含五個院內外同仁主持之子計畫)與「越南在地社會對外 來文化的回應與挑戰」(含四個院內外同仁主持之子計畫)。並 且補助一位博士後學者之研究計畫,三位博士候選人與十一位碩 士進行他們有關亞太研究之學位論文計畫,舉辦七次學術研討 會,十二次午餐研討會。本專題中心目前每年出版四期《亞太研 究論壇》,並積極出版專書和相關研究書目彙編。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Center for Archaeological Studies Archaeology was one of the disciplines in the Academia Sinica’s founding stage more than 70 years ago. Ever since then, it was one of the departments of the Institute of History and Philology (IHP) along with history, philology, anthropology, and paleography till 2002. Archaeology is one of the key disciplines for studies on human origin and


dispersal, cultural change, and emergence of civilization. It depends heavily

Yi-chang Liu (Executive Director;

remains in the past, archaeological practices involve various disciplines

Research Fellow with Institute of History and Philology; specialty: Archaeology) Kwang-tzuu Chen (Executive Secretary; Joint-appointment Associate Research Fellow with Institute of History and Philology; specialty: Archaeology) Scharlett Chiu (Assistant Research Fellow; specialty: Archaeology)

on available raw materials for analysis. Focusing on human behaviors and and cover wide research areas. The Center for Archaeological Studies is set up for promoting disciplinary competence and coordinating archaeological studies in Taiwan. The Center provides resources to key studies and starting funds for some pioneering work. It also functions as a base for international cooperation, targeting the promotion of research standards, and the enhancement of international prestige. The center now serves as the base for the journal “Field Archaeology of Taiwan”.

Subjects of research Web Site h t t p : / / w w w. r c h s s . s i n i c a . e d u . t w / organization/t_04.htm

In the early stage, efforts will be waged on topics that are complementary to those worked on by research fellows at the IHP to accomplish a holistic study on Taiwan archaeology. The Center will focus on the southeast coast of China, the Island Southeast Asia and Austronesia. At the same time, major efforts will be made to conduct interdisciplinary studies especially on interactions between ancient people and their environment. The major studies of the Center include as followed.

The Origins and Migrations of Austronesian will incorporate studies of archaeology, linguistics, ethnology, and physical anthropology, in order to study the origins and migrations of Austronesian people. Researchers specializing in Island Southeast Asia will be recruited, facilitating a holistic study covering the vast Pacific region that spans from Taiwan to New Zealand.

Subsistence Systems and Adaptation plans to resume the work planned by the late academician Chang Kwang-Chih in the 1970s—the Cho-Ta River Valley Project—as its starting point. This regional study will be reviewed with a large amount of data accumulated in the past thirty years to establish a long-term process of human subsistence and adaptation of ancient people in Taiwan and her neighborhood.

Archaeological Approach on the Studies of Taiwan’s Early History is focused on the proto-history and early history of Taiwan based on archaeology, history, ceramics, fine art, and ethnology. It extends Taiwan historic studies to the T’ang and Song Dynasties and draws scholarly attention to proto-historic Southeast Asia. This study is to be conducted in cooperation with the Institute of Taiwan History at the Academia Sinica and other academic agencies by using the large amount of data gathered in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Field work will be conducted together first-hand data and enrich the international significance of this area of studies.

Special Project on Archaeological Sites plans to carry out studies with cultural administration authorities through surveys and excavations before any public or private construction on archaeological sites is conducted. Meanwhile, research on formation processes of relevant sites will be carried out as well.


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

考古學研究專題中心 考古學是中央研究院在七十多年前創立時期即已設立的研究 學科之一,當時與歷史學、語言學、人類學等學科聯合設立「歷 史語言研究所」。考古學是研究人類起源、分布及其文化變遷與 文明形成的重要學科,也是一個依賴原始材料,透過分析材料的 方法並與理論結合的學科,相關的學科複雜,研究區域廣泛。依 本院之規劃,考古學研究擬先組成一個具有拓展學科研究功能的












考古學研究專題中心在初期將發展與考古學相關之跨科際及 科學技術的研究,未來將著重與本院史語所考古學門同仁之研究 主題互補,初步在院內達成考古學的總體研究。目前史語所考古 研究同仁以臺灣、中原為兩大主要研究區域,而本專題中心未來

網址 organization/t_04.htm

將以中國東南沿海與島嶼東南亞太平洋地區為主要研究區域,延 攬人才從事該地區之研究。同時積極開展以考古學為中心,探討 人、地關係互動之跨學科區域研究。研究重點如下: 一、南島民族起源與遷移研究 結合語言學、民族學、生物人類學等學科,從事南島民族的 起源與遷移研究,延攬島嶼東南亞考古人才,配合臺灣考古研究 形成從臺灣到紐西蘭、太平洋地區之整體研究,用以解決長期以 來南島民族起源與遷移的課題,凸顯臺灣在此領域之重要地位。 二、生業系統與適應 結合地質學、地形學、古生態學、生物學、民族學、歷史學 等領域學者,進行跨學科之區域整合研究。延續一九七O年代初 期本院張光直院士進行之「濁大計畫」,以近年來所累積之大量 資料重新檢討區域研究,用以建立長時限人類生業系統與適應之 過程,深化臺灣與周邊區域人類活動史的研究。 三、臺灣歷史的考古學研究 結合歷史學、陶瓷學、美術史學、民族學等領域學者,進行 十二世紀以來臺灣原史(proto history)時代到早期歷史研究,將臺 灣歷史的眼光伸長至中國唐宋時期,並擴展至大東南亞地區。本 項研究擬與本院臺灣史研究所及國內外其他相關學術機構合作, 並實地進行考古學田野工作,以取得第一手資料,深化臺灣史研 究的國際意涵。 四、考古遺址研究專題計畫 本專題計畫擬結合我國文化主管單位,針對考古學研究相關 之重要考古遺址在公共或私人工程進行前,進行考古遺址之調查 發掘與研究作業,同時進行該遺址相關之形成研究。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Center for Geographic Information Science Scholars in the Academia Sinica have been aware of the significance of GIScience since the late 1980’s. The idea of applying GIScience as media for interdisciplinary research was realized fully when the Institute of History

Researchers I-chun Fan (Executive Director; Jointappointment Research Fellow with Institute of History and Philology; specialty: History) Ts ' u i - j u n g L i u ( J o i n t - a p p o i n t m e n t Distinguished Research Fellow with Institute of Taiwan History; Academician, Academia Sinica) Chin-Chuan Cheng (Joint-appointment Distinguished Research Fellow with Institute of Linguistics; Academician, Academia Sinica) B o r- We n Ts a i ( J o i n t - a p p o i n t m e n t Assistant Research Fellow with Department of Geography, National Taiwan University) Ya-wen Ku (Post-doctoral research; specialty: History) Web Site

and Philology set up a GIS Lab in November 1996. It became a multidisciplinary research group in cooperation with the Computing Center, and provided various GIS related services and technical consultation for researchers at the Academia Sinica. It has constructed digital infrastructures of Chinese Civilization in Time and Space and Taiwan History and Culture in Time and Space. The predecessor of the center was included under the Tsai Yuan-Pei Research Center in January 2003 as the Program of Geographic Information Science and has been a thematic center of the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences since March 2005.

Main Projects Creating maps and remote sensing imagery database. The GIS Lab continues expanding collections and digitization of various Chinese and Taiwanese maps and remote sensing images. This is expected to become one of the largest maps and remote sensing imagery databases on China and Taiwan owned by a single research institute. Integration of spatio-temporal infrastructure and the database of maps and remote sensing images. The maps and remote sensing imagery database will be fully integrated with the Chinese and Taiwanese spatio-temporal infrastructure. It will also increase the modeling capability of virtual reality functions used for research in both macro and micro environments. Incorporating temporal and spatial elements tocreate virtual geolibrary. In cooperation with the National Digital Archives Program, the GIS center is collaborating with members in the Institute of History and Philology and the Fu Su-Nien Library to conduct a pilot project which is attempting to transform a traditional library and its collections into a virtual library incorporating temporal and spatial elements. Web-GIS will be introduced into the concept of virtual library to improve library searching functions, and to use the internet as an agency for information and knowledge exchange. The purpose of this project is to build a virtual library that incorporates spatial and temporal elements to realize the integration of traditional knowledge and modern technology. Promoting application-oriented research. The GIS Lab plays a catalyzing role to promote cooperative research projects among disciplines. It provides researchers with assistance and services including accessing materials, and training sessions. In addition, the GIS technology can be used to produce customized maps according to researchers’ individual needs and purposes. The initial projects on the research agenda include: (1) Database of Chinese and Taiwanese historical and environmental transformation, and (2) Chinese regional development and socioeconomic transformation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

地理資訊科學研究專題中心 早在民國78年,本院便有同仁意識到地理資訊科學在學術研 究方面的重要性。一直到民國85年11月,歷史語言研究所正式成 立院內第一個地理資訊工作室,隔年與計算中心合作,積極建構 一個全院性的「地理資訊聯合實驗室」,本中心前身(地理資訊 科學研究計畫)即為該實驗室之成員。期間並蒙院方大力協助, 撥款購置軟、硬體以及基本圖資的取得等。

研究人員 范毅軍(執行長,合聘研究員

地理資訊科學源自一九六O年代美、加學者探討以電腦製作 地圖,並以之做為國土自然資源規畫與管理的機制。在這一基礎 上,首先形成了地理資訊系統(Geographical Information System), 進一步與遙感(Remote Sensing)、衛星定位系統(Global Positioning System)等技術整合,大為擴充與豐富了地理資訊科學的內涵。原 本侷限於自然與應用科學領域範疇的運用,但自一九九O年代中 期以來,逐漸擴展至人文社會科學領域。本院地理資訊聯合實驗









室就在這一趨勢下應運而生。 地理資訊科學的基本原理,乃是以最符合人類思考模式的資 訊整合應用方法與環境(資料產生、擷取、處理、傳播、呈像,


以及依需要加以改變),針對空間資訊的處理,提供專屬的資料 架構、軟體模組(如空間資訊分析與圖層處理等),以及應用和 呈像介面。藉其有效的獲取、儲存、更改、處理、分析及顯示任 何形式的空間資訊,進而透過時空架構橋樑,可將各種類型、不 同時空的資料與數位資訊處理系統,作最有效的整合與應用,最 後則以多維方式展現資料的內涵與意義。 基於上述原理,本中心近年來除不斷提昇既有地理資訊技術 整合、操作與運用的能力外,並且積極開展地理資訊科學資料來 源的收集。這包括大量中國大陸與臺灣地區新舊地圖、航測與衛 星影像的取得與數位化。 已完成或執行中計畫: ●中國歷史文化地圖(CCTS) ●台灣歷史文化地圖(THCTS) ●近代中國歷史地圖與遙測影像資訊典藏計畫 ●95年研究用漢籍及檔案資料數位化計畫 除前述基礎研究與環境建置外,更推動學界的整合應用研 究,可以分成單向服務與積極協作兩方面。就單向服務而言,本 中心將對研究人員提供基本的服務與協助,此包括編製教材、開 設課程、舉辦演講等,以普及地理資訊科學的知識與技術,另外 可應研究人員需求,為其編繪研究用的工作地圖或成果圖等。也 可以就其特定目的,以本中心掌握的各種圖資,利用地理資訊技 術為其建立一個小型訂製的(customized)的地理資訊系統,以方便其 研究。就積極協作而言,本中心將主動尋求與研究人員合作,或 提供必要條件以促成研究人員間的整合研究。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Program for History of Health Researchers Angela Leung (Convener; Jointappointment Research Fellow with Institute of History and Philology; specialty: History) Shih-yung Liu (Executive Secretary; Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of

The original project is a collaborative one financed by the Academia Sinica from 2002-2004. It consists of eight individual projects that cover, geographically, Taiwan, mainland China (especially the southern coastal areas), and Manchuria, and chronologically from the Ming and Qing to the 1950s. We aim at specifying China’s “modernity” by looking at how she coped with the introduction of Western “public health”, given the rich legacy of traditional Chinese medicine, especially in regard to personal hygiene and

Taiwan History)

other strategies in the face of diseases and epidemics.

Wen-shan Yang (Joint-appointment

Main Themes

Research Fellow with Institute of

1. Different Chinese societies will be looked at, including Hong Kong,


Macau, Singapore, and various cities or treaty ports in China, and even

Shang-jen Li (Assistant Research Fellow,

Chinatowns in the Americas, Australia and other parts of the world.

Institute of History and Philology) Sean Hsiang-lin Lei (Associate Professor, Institute of History of National Tsing Hua University) Chia-ling Wu (Associate Professor, Department of Sociology of National Taiwan University) Yi-ping Lin (Assistant Professor, Institute of Public Health of National Taiwan University)

2. Colonial medicine and public health will be further investigated. The colonial period stood between the late imperial age and the mid- to late 20th century and was a most critical period for the development of medicine as a western ‘science’, and public health as an essential part of the modern state machine. 3. Efforts will be concentrated especially on the history of “health” from the traditional to the modern periods. The notion of being “ill” or “unhealthy” will be further scrutinized, and so will the relation between the state and the individual on the matter of health and “well-being”.

Wen-chi Wang (Assistant Professor,

4. The history of medical technology from the traditional to the modern

Department of History of National Taipei

period is another focus. How different tools or techniques were invented,


introduced, received, or rejected by the various Chinese societies and the

Wen-hua Kuo (Ph.D. Program in Science,

reasons behind their reception or rejection. These will include important

Technology any Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Ruth Rogask (Assistant Professor, Department of History of Princeton) Web Site r_07.htm


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

technology and inventions such as vaccinations, syringe needles, milk bottles for babies, various forms of pharmaceutical forms (pills, liquids, capsules, powder etc.), thermometers, and so on. How and why Chinese societies have chosen some of the above techniques and rejected others during specific historical periods is a valid indicator of the cultural, political and economic development of these societies.

衛生史研究計畫 本計畫緣起於本院主題計畫「明清至近代漢人社會的衛生觀 念、組織與實踐」。於民國91年1月開始執行,至93年12月底止。 主題計畫執行結束後,繼續為人社中心的研究計畫之一。





試從觀念的變化到相關政策的實踐,而來探討明、清時期 至一九五O年代初期漢人社會的衛生問題。就衛生史的角度看, 這段時期跨越了傳統時期、殖民地醫學時期、及後殖民地醫學初 期。所要研究的地域,則涵蓋明、清時期較發達的江南地區、近 代通商港埠、以及日本殖民統治的臺灣與滿州地區。本研究計畫 的重點有二:一為透過探討傳統至近代之衛生觀念的演變,而來 了解中國「現代性」的問題,特別著重於西方近代生物醫學的洗 禮與殖民主義的經驗;二為從探討漢人社會的衛生觀念與實踐, 而來檢視漢人社會的特色,尤其是傳統社會的文化特性。













首先是擴大「漢人社會」的研究範圍。其次是深入探討有關 殖民醫學方面的問題,特別著重於十九世紀末至廿世紀間殖民與 後殖民醫學及相關制度的研究。再次是探究現代國家形成過程中 (從傳統至現代社會)「健康」概念的演變。最後是有關醫學技 術的發展與傳播,尤其關注現代國家形成過程中一些醫學技術為 何被發明、推廣、引進、甚至被抗拒的問題。







Ruth Rogask(Princeton 歷史系



人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Program for Economic Development and Trade in East Asia Researchers Wan-Wen Chu (Convener; Research Fellow; specialty: Economics)

This research project focuses on the long-term economic and trade development in East Asia, including that of Mainland China, using a multidisciplinary approach encompassing economical, political and historical

Hong Hwang (Executive Secretary;

analysis. Research questions include issues related to globalization,

Joint-appointment Research Fellow

industrial policies, and causes of long-term economic development.

with Department of Economics,

Research Projects

National Taiwan University ; specialty:

1. Chinese Economic Development since 1979. The Chinese economy has

Ecomomics) K o n g - p i n C h e n ( R e s e a r c h F e l l o w, Speciality: Ecomomics) Tain-Jy Chen (Joint-appointment Research Fellow with Department of Economics, National Taiwan University; specialty: Ecomomics) Chau-Nan Chen (Adjunct Research Fellow; Academician, Academia Sinica;

experienced rapid growth since economic reform began in 1979. The change has greatly affected the world and Taiwan in particular. Thus, it is imperative to study the Mainland economy, an area of research which has been much ignored till lately in Taiwan. This project will help to promote this field of study in Taiwan, with an emphasis on the industrial development since reform began in 1979. 2. Issues related to Taiwan’s Economic Development a) Industrial Policy and Related Studies. Whether industrial policies

specialty: Economics)

have played an important role in promoting East Asian economic

Chao-Cheng Mai (Adjunct Research

development in the postwar era has been a highly controversial topic

Fellow; Academician, Academia Sinica;

in development economics. There have been many studies concerning

specialty: Economics)

the role of industrial policy late in the postwar period. This sub-project

Tien-Wang Tsaur (Adjunct Research

will instead explore the events in the early 1950s. Besides examining

Fellow; specialty: Economics)

the effects of industrial policies in this early period, the project will

Chun-Tien Hu (Adjunct Research Fellow; specialty: Ecomomics) Lawrence J. Lau (At-Large Research Fellow; Academician, Academia Sinica; Chancellor, Chinese University of Hong Kong; specialty: Economics)

also study the effects of Japanese colonialism on the postwar economic development in Taiwan. b) Globalization and Regionalization. As Taiwan liberalized its economy in the last two decades, the impact of globalization became all the more apparent. During the process, the rise of China and continued growth of other Asian economies led to an increasing degree of integration within Asia. This sub-project intends to study how the development affects the

Web Site h t t p : / / w w w. r c h s s . s i n i c a . e d u . t w / organization/r_09.htm


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

policy space for countries concerned, the trade flows and the division of labor in the region. Relevant trade and regional development theories will be examined against these new developments.

東亞經貿發展研究計畫 本計畫結合經濟學、政治學、歷史學之研究,以東亞長期的





黃 鴻(執行秘書,合聘研究員



























台灣達到工業化,並不斷進行工業升級與深化,成長記錄在戰後 後進國之中遠高於平均。諸多研究發展的學者競相提出對東亞奇





的作為;國民政府在大陸時期的發展歷史;戰前與戰後作為的比 較;主要將聚焦戰後初期台灣經濟情況,及國民政府在當時所面 臨的發展難題以及其所可能的政策選擇,希望能爬梳出脈絡來, 瞭解當時情況下發展可能性為何、發展成因為何。這些歷史經驗 的研究也將用來檢驗各種不同的相關理論,包括關於東亞奇蹟的 不同解釋。同時,將放在較廣泛的落後國家經濟發展的理論中來 做評估。 (二)台灣經濟的全球化與區域化 近年來,台灣經濟自由化、全球化的趨勢與影響相當顯著, 不過在此過程中,因為中國大陸經濟的快速崛起,台灣經濟和亞 洲區域尤其大陸的關係日漸密切。如此的趨勢與發展,會如何影 響產業與經貿政策?政策工具與政策空間是否縮減?會如何影響 兩岸、區域、全球的分工模式?這些發展如何的檢驗並修正以往 以國界為分析單位的相關經濟理論?相關的國際經貿組織的發展 以及區域協定之影響為何?本計畫擬探討以上相關議題,整理台 灣這方面至今的發展經驗,來檢驗並修正相關的理論。這部分除 了經濟發展、產業政策、貿易政策相關議題之外,也包括區域相 關議題。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Program for Brain, Cognitive, and Behavioral Sciences Researchers Ovid T. L. Tzeng (Convener; Jointappointment Distinguished Research Fellow with Institute of Linguistics; Academician, Academia Sinica; specialty: Psychology) Fu Chang (Executive Secretary; Jointappointment Associate Research Fellow with Institute of Information Science; specialty: Mathematical Statistics) fchang/eindex.html We n - L i a n H s u ( J o i n t - a p p o i n t m e n t Research Fellow with Institute of Information Science; specialty: Document analysis and recognition Machine Learning) html

By means of neuropsychological and computer experiments, we aim to study the human brain from various perspectives, including its knowledge representations, learning mechanisms, and functional aspects. Main Dirctions The first is to understand the relations between the human brain and cognitive processes. Our laboratory focuses on the brain’s plasticity in learning to read Chinese. In order to have a deeper understanding of this relationship, we established a MEG platform to examine the msec. by msec. activities at different areas of the brain with respect to their interactions in a dynamic system. The second is “Natural Language Understanding.” The details are: Chinese natural language processing, question answering, and knowledge representation in e-learning. The third lies in the field of machine learning. Several new methods have been invented and various learning techniques have been applied, including document analysis and recognition, classification of neural signals, ethnic classification through genetic polymorphism, judgment of facial attractiveness, categorization of news articles, etc.

Web Site Web site organization/r_10.htm

Projects 1. The nature of lexical and sublexical processing in reading Chinese phonograms: the event-related potential and eye-tracking studies. 2. Representation of Mental Imagery Through Natural Language Scripts 3. Document analysis and recognition via machine learning methods 4. Investigate the nature of lexical and sublexical processing in reading Chinese phonograms by using event-related potential (ERP) and an eyetracking system. We will also use the eye-tracker to verify whether direct and mediated semantic associations are related to different hemispheres by using a divided visual field paradigm. 5. Research on natural language understanding involves many aspects including the analysis of not only word, phrase, and sentence, but also paragraph and the whole document context. We intend to develop tools for the construction of event frames and their related scripts so that useful knowledge can be represented and extracted through these tools. 6. Many problems in document analysis and recognition can be solved via the approach of machine learning, including binarization of documents with non-uniform luminance, document layout analysis, language identification of characters in multi-lingual documents, recognition of individual characters, etc.. In solving these problems, we have created a few methods of our own, including adaptive prototype learning algorithms, acceleration of vector matching in terms of statistical method, solving large-scale classification problems via decomposition of sample space or class space, etc..


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

大腦、認知與行為科學研究計畫 我們使用神經心理學以及電腦實驗的方法,從幾個角度來探 索人類的大腦,包括大腦的知識表徵、學習機制、以及種種功能

研究人員 曾志朗(召集人,合聘特聘研究員,本







張 復(執行秘書,合聘副研究員,本





cindex.html 許聞廉(合聘研究員,本院資訊所,作

系統、以及數位學習領域的知識處理。 三、機器學習:不僅有數項創新方法,並且應用於許多問題 上,包括文件分析與辨識、神經訊號分類、基因判別族群歸屬、




目前執行的計畫 總計畫:大腦認知研究



與次字彙處理歷程:本計畫旨在利用事件誘發電位(event-related potential, 以下簡稱ERP)以及眼球追蹤儀來探討形聲字及其音旁在 文字辨識中所扮演的角色。此外,我們希望利用眼球追蹤儀,進 一步驗證直接語意關聯(字彙)與間接語意關聯(次字彙)在左 右大腦側化的現象是否有所差異;同時藉由視野呈現(visual field display)的實驗典範,亦能瞭解眼球移動(saccade)時,前後凝視點訊 息整合(transsaccadic integration)過程是否會受到不同語意關聯程度 的影響。 子計畫二,用自然語言的角色劇本來表達心理影像的認知: 自然語言理解的研究包含了很多層面,這裡面要處理的不僅有 詞、短語、單句的分析,還需要整篇文章的脈絡(context)分析。我 們希望在這個計畫能發展出事件框架(frame),以及由一連串框 架所形成的場景(script),並能藉此工具從文件中擷取出有意義 的、具代表性的知識。 子計畫三,以機器學習方法從事文件分析與辨識:文件分析 與辨識有許多問題可以使用機器學習的方法來解決,包括不均勻 光度影像的二色化,文件排版分析,在多語言裡文字的語言歸屬 分類,個別文字的辨識等。在解決這些問題時,我們發明了許多 新方法,比如,調適性的原型學習計算法則,使用統計性的方法 來加速向量比對的速度,以樣本空間或類別空間的切割來解決大 型分類問題等。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Program for Historical Demography Researchers We n - s h a n Ya n g ( C o n v e n e r ; J o i n t appointment Research Fellow with Institute of Sociology) Ing-hai Pan (Executive Secretary; Jointappointment Associate Research Fellow with Institute of Ethnology; specialty: Anthropology)

The program takes the household registries of Taiwan during the Japanese colonial rule as the foundation to conduct research on historical demography. Professor Arthur Wolf and Professor Chuang Ying-chang, funded by the Luce Foundation and the Academia Sinica, extensively collected Japanese household registries from the whole of Taiwan between 1989 and 1995. As yet, the program has obtained the Japanese household registries of 19 research sites. Continued efforts are being made to collect more household registries, while the collected data are being computerized.

Ying-chang Chuang (Dean, Department

The Program for Historical Demography was officially launched in

of Humanities and Social Sciences

2003 with support from the Academia Sinica. More than 10 scholars of

of National Chiao Tung University;

Taiwan, the United States, and Europe are involved with it. To enhance the

specialty: Anthropology)

communication among scholars, the program holds regular workshops and invites American and European scholars to Taiwan.

Web Site

Main Directions and Tasks The prime task of the program at the current stage is to establish a database on Taiwan’s historical demography that includes the records of birth, marriage, adoption, migration, and death on the island during the 19th and 20th centuries. So far, the program has preserved a considerable collection of the Japanese household registries of Taiwan and produced a remarkable amount of research results. It also established a well-developed mechanism for international academic communication. However, there are still many opportunities left for the study of the Japanese household registration data, and the enhancement of further research requires the participation of more scholars, especially scholars of a younger generation. Therefore, the program will recruit more researchers from various institutes of the Academia Sinica, while encouraging the participation of more scholars and graduate students in the related fields outside the Academia Sinica. The four goals of the program are as follows: 1. To establish a database on Taiwan‘s historical demography based on the currently available household registration records of the Japanese colonial era for scholars to conduct research. 2. To conduct comparative research on Taiwan‘s historical demography and European historical demography and thereby to promote international scholarly exchange. 3. To provide historical demographic training to domestic scholars and to enhance the understanding of the links between demographic features and social changes. 4. The long-term goals are to enhance interdisciplinary participation and to establish the Center for Taiwan‘s Historical Demography.

Current Research Projects 1. The transition of infant mortality under Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan, 1905-1915, an analysis of household registration data 2. Why doesn’t childhood association always inhibit sexual attraction? 3. The digitalization of the data of the second interim household census of Taiwan during the Japanese colonial rule


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

歷史人口研究計畫 本計畫以日治時期的台灣戶籍資料為基礎,進行歷史人口的 研究,美國史丹佛大學人類學系武雅士(Arthur P. Wolf)教授是首 度利用此一資料庫探討有關漢人社會之婚姻與收養,並獲學界之 肯定。之後,於1989年迄1995年間,武雅士教授與莊英章教授先 後獲美國魯斯基金會與本院主題研究計畫之支助,陸續收集臺灣 全島各地之日治時期戶籍資料,進行有關福建與臺灣之社會文化 比較研究。目前已累積完成19個研究地區,並持續進行台灣其它 各鄉鎮戶籍資料的收集與電腦建檔工作。 2003年,在本院支持下,集結國內學者、美國學者及歐洲學 者共十餘人,正式成立歷史人口研究計畫。本計畫除持續定期舉 行工作坊進行學術討論與研究交流外,也邀請歐美學者來台進行

研究人員 楊文山(召集人,合聘研究員







學術交流。2004年3月間由台灣及歐美學者組織了兩個學術專題討 論場次,前往德國柏林參與歐洲社會科學歷史研討會,共發表8篇 論文。本研究計畫團隊的研究成果在研討會中受到相當的肯定, 目前已完成論文修訂與審查由荷蘭Aksant出版社赴梓出版。 主要研究方向或主要工作 現階段主要工作項目在於建立台灣於19-20世紀之出生、婚 姻、收養、遷移、死亡等歷史人口動態資料庫。迄今,歷史人口 研究計畫已累積了相當的台灣人口戶籍資料與成果,同時也建立 深厚的國際學術交流機制。然而,若要從日治時期戶籍資料發展 成歷史人口之研究,則仍然尚待努力,尤以培養國內新生代研究 群最為重要。將以本院民族所、人文社會科學中心、近史所及臺 史所等既有人員為主,並吸納院外相關科系(所)之研究人員與研究 員共同參與,以達至下列四個主要目的: 一、以現有日治時期戶籍資料為基礎,建立臺灣歷史人口資料庫 之雛形,提供國內外學者進行相關研究。 二、利用此雛形之歷史人口資料庫與歐洲歷史人口資料進行比較 研究,促進國際學術交流。 三、培養我國歷史人口之研究人才,深入瞭解日治時期台灣人口 特質與社會發展間的關係。 四、長遠目標在於吸引更多跨學科之研究者的參與,並成立「臺 灣歷史人口研究中心」。 目前執行的主要計畫 1.「日治台灣嬰兒死亡率變遷,1905-1945:家戶戶籍資料分析」 2.「Why doesn’t childhood association always inhibit sexual attraction?」 3.「第二次臨時戶口調查統計數位化」

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Program for the Study of Family in Chinese Societies Researchers Kamhon Kan (Convener; Jointappointment Research Fellow with

Because families in Chinese society are far more complicated in types, structures and manners of interaction than those in the West, the program plans to establish a data bank called the "Panel Study of Family Dynamics".

Institute of Economics; specialty:

This data set will be used to establish a research direction that can fit to the


local environment and can also be appreciated by western academics.

Rouh-Rong Yu (Associate Research

The program began by collecting information in Taiwan, using families as

Fellow; specialty: Economic)

the units for follow-up interviews, and establishing a database of family

Alfred Ko-Wei Hu (Assistant Research

dynamics of Taiwan, and then expanded into Mainland China. On the one

Fellow; specialty: Sociology)

hand, the data collected can be used to test whether western theories can

Ying-Hwa Chang (Joint-appointment Research Fellow with Institute of Sociology) Ruey-Ling Chu (Joint-appointment Research Fellow with Institute of Ethnology; specialty: Psychology) C.Y. Cyrus Chu (Distinguished Research

apply to Taiwan; on the other hand, from the information collected, we can also develop new theoretical structures that may be different from those of the western world.

Main Project: Panel Study of Family Dynamics The project began its fieldwork in 1999. By multi-stage-stratified random sampling in Taiwan, we successfully completed interviews with 1,000

F e l l o w, I n s t i t u t e o f E c o n o m i c s ;

respondents born between 1953 and 1964 in 1999 and 1,959 respondents

Academician, Academia Sinica)

born between 1934 and 1954 in 2000. These completed sample points are

Su-Ling Tsai (Research Fellow, Institute

the main respondents in our follow-up interviews for the following years.

of Sociology)

Since intergenerational transfer between parents and children is one of the

Hung-Jen Wang (Research Fellow,

research interests in our project, we started to interview the children of main

Institute of Economics)

respondents aged 16 to 22 in 2000, with the follow-up interviews done every

Wen-Jen Tsay (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Economics) Pao-Chih Cheng (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National Central University) Fengbin Chang (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, National

two years. Starting from 2001, we have interviewed the children of main respondents once they turn 16 years old. The main respondents born between 1964 and 1976 are included in 2004. Additionally, children of the main respondents over the age of 25 are also included as our main respondents since they are economically independent and have their own interpersonal network. In 2006, we conducted the 7th

Chengchi University)

follow up for the main respondents of the 1953-1964 cohort, the 6th follow

Web Site


up for the 1934-1954 cohort, and the 3rd follow up for the 1964-1976

Data Release The PSFD data sets of 1999 to 2005 are released to the public with the Survey Research Data Archive (SRDA) handling the public distribution of the data files, questionnaires, and codebooks, available in both Chinese and English versions. We supply these data files for use with statistical software, such as SAS, SPSS, and STATA. Application can be made online via the SRDA website ( Please go to our website or SRDA for the most recent data release information. According to SRDA, the total number of users who have downloaded the PSFD data sets is 133 in 2003, 235 in 2004 and 263 as of November 2005.


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

華人家庭研究計畫 計畫鑑於華人社會的家庭型態、結構、與互動模式,都遠








































構成主樣本之一環,因而列入主樣本群,適用主樣本問卷。直至 2006年為止,前述三群主樣本已完成第七波、第六波、第三波追





於2002年開始,將以2004年進行的上海、浙江、福建三地樣本, 建構類似台灣的長期問卷訪問資料檔。 計畫實行至今已有八年,為推廣調查資料、交流資料使用經 驗,於2005年12月2-3日舉辦「2005年華人家庭動態資料庫學術研 討會」,會中除介紹台灣與大陸的訪問計畫外,並發表了利用本 資料庫完成的研究論文。 資料釋出情況 目前已公開釋出1999至2004年的調查資料。2005年問卷調查 資料,正在進行初步檢誤,待完成檢誤後,也會立即公開釋出。 資料檢誤工作,由本計畫(與「學術調 查資料庫」(合作進行並透過後者釋出資 料。釋出檔案包含問卷、過錄編碼簿、資料檔(含SAS、STATA、 SPSS 系統檔)等,並已編製中英文版本,開放於網站下載。根據 調查研究專題中心「學術調查資料庫」的統計,在2003、2004、 2005年間,下載資料的人次分別為133、235、263(截至2005年 11月底)。

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


Individual Research There are several researchers who are not affiliated with any thematic center or research program and conduct their own research independently. Their specialized research areas and projects are as follows.

Chi-Yuan Tsai (Associate Research Fellow) Local Public Finance

Min-Ruey Kao (Associate Research Fellow) Macro-Economic Theory

Hsiao-Shih Cheng (Associate Research Fellow) Civil-Military Relations in Ancient China

Chun-Lei Yang (Associate Research Fellow) Experimental Economics, Game Theory Project on Cooperation in Prisoners’ Dilemma with exit option: An experiment

Hsiu-jong Chen (Assistant Research Fellow) Multiculturalism and the Theory of Minority Rights Project on the Theory of Minority Rights: Also a Comment on the Theoretical Method of Will Kymlicka

Wen-Shien Peng (Adjunct Research Fellow) Non-Profit Organizations Project on Performance Information and Evaluation of Non-Profit Organizations


Research Center for Humanities and Social Scicenees, Academia Sinica

個人研究 本中心尚有部分研究人員不隸屬於特定「專題中心」或「研 究計畫」,其主要研究方向與研究計畫如下:

蔡吉源(副研究員) 地方財政

高明瑞(副研究員) 貨幣與總體經濟理論

鄭曉時(副研究員) 中國古代的政治與軍事

楊春雷(副研究員) 實驗經濟學、賽局理論 研究計畫:「有分手選擇的囚徒難局:合作行為的實驗研究」

陳秀容(助研究員) 多元文化主義、少數權利理論 研究計畫:「少數權利理論的論證:兼論Will Kymlicka的理論方 法」

彭文賢(兼任研究員,世新大學行政管理學系教授) 非營利組織 研究計畫:「非營利組織的績效資訊與評估」

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心


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