'City councils have neither the time nor the resources required for their development.
CEO Kristof Vanfleteren and Pierre Gielen
— You took a new step in the group’s
meet at the confluence of the Sambre
expansion with the Namur business unit.
and Meuse rivers. Pierre only just started
What made you decide to expand your
as a Business Unit Manager on the ION
business into Wallonia?
team barely three days ago. And that was
Kristof: There’s a whole market waiting to
after a 23-year career at Eckelmans. The
be developed in Wallonia. Whereas the local
CEO and his new recruit taking a look at
players are primarily involved in the residen-
the future from the Citadel that towers
tial sector, ION also has experience in very
over Namur. At least it seems certain that
different areas, such as service flats, logis-
there are plenty of opportunities waiting
tics, and social housing.
for them. — What are your plans for ION activities there? Kristof: We firmly believe in having a solid local base. All regions have their own specific characteristics, which makes each development different. This is why it is vital to find someone locally with good references and an extensive network while also having a strong sense of ION’s DNA. That person turned out to be Pierre.