Parkhotel Beside the two impressive residential towers, the first four-star hotel in Waregem is also located on the Waterfront site. This time we are not talking to a “real” resident but to Niels Demuynck, General Manager of Parkhotel.
A warm welcome in
Waterfront 'I have a hugely versatile job, and I love it.
Niels Demuynck can be found at Parkhotel
Parkhotel is located right in the center of
in Waregem every day. As the General
Waregem and at the base of the Waterfront
Manager, he knows everything about the
Towers. Waregem’s first four-star hotel has
ins and outs of the hotel. He tells us about
72 rooms, several conference rooms, a sun
the ambiance, the dishes he loves from the
terrace, and a trendy bar. “The hotel has a
gastro bar, and what he likes most about
very pleasant ambiance,” says Niels. “It’s light
his job. “I love chatting to the customers
and airy but still professional. Customers are
and staff, which I find important,” he says
always approached in a friendly manner, and
there is always time for a chat. I call it the Parkhotel style,” he laughs. “We used the same ambiance for Waregem as we did for Parkhotel Kortrijk.” The people that come here are mainly business-related visitors. However, that is not our goal. “We notice that many business people stay here especially during the week, but we see a different kind of public on the weekends. It depends very much on the events taking place in the area. We were fully booked during Waregem Koerse and again during Alcatraz in Kortrijk. In any case, we are open to everyone, not just hotel guests. Feel like a quick bite to eat or a tasty breakfast? Our doors are always open!”, says Niels