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Table of contents Introduction of the Editors........................................................................................13 Preface by G. Mialaret ..............................................................................................35
VOLUME I EUROPE ALBANIA - Teacher Training in Albania, Bardhyl Musai.. ....................................43 AUSTRIA - Teacher Education in Austria, Peter Posch ........................................61 BELGIUM - Teacher Training in the Belgian French-Speaking Community: between Continuity and Change, Sabine Kahn ..................................................83 BULGARIA - Training Teachers in Bulgaria: changing Learning Paradigms, Irene Psifidou ......................................................................................................97 CROATIA - The Education of Lower Primary And Pre-School Teachers in The Republic of Croatia Vinka Uzelak, Elvi Piršl and Dunja Anđić ..............123 CYPRUS - Teacher Training in Cyprus: Past, Present and Future Issues, Georgia Pashiardis and Petros Pashiardis ......................................................157 CZECH REPUBLIC - Teacher Education and Training in The Czech Republic: Development and Current Problems, Eliška Walterová ..................................175 DENMARK - Between Communality and Modernity – Danish Teacher Education as a case of unresolved conflicts, Hans Dorf ..................................195 ESTONIA - Teacher Education in Estonia, Hasso Kukemelk, Karmen Trasberg, Jüri Ginter, Anne Raam ......................................................221 FINLAND - Teachers as high level professionals – What does it mean in teacher education? Perspectives from the Finnish teacher education, Hannele Niemi ..................................................................................................237 FRANCE - Teacher Education in France, Aspasia Nanaki & Marguerite Altet ................................................................................................255 GERMANY - Teacher Education and Training in Germany before and after Bologna: Trends, Problems, and Prospects, Solvejg Jobst ......................269 GREECE - Teacher Education in Greece: training, issues and challenges for Teacher Profession, Konstantinos G. Karras ....................................................291 HUNGARY - Teacher Training in Hungary, Ildikó Holik ....................................305 ITALY - Teacher Training in Italy, Nicola S. Barbieri ..........................................315 LITHUANIA - Teacher Training in Lithuania, Rimantas Zelvys ..........................341 7
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MOLDOVA - Soviet Legacy or Change: Teacher Training and Retraining in Post-Soviet Moldova, Victorina Baxan and Aliona Ixari ............................359 NETHERLANDS - Teacher Education in the Netherlands, Bram de Muynck and Peter Ruit ..................................................................................................377 POLAND - Teacher Education in Poland, Witold Tulasiewicz ..............................399 PORTUGAL - Becoming a Teacher in Portugal - Initial Teachers Training: a Review, João Ruivo & Helena Mesquita......................................................429 ROMANIA - The Governance of Teacher Education in Romania: Modern Professionals in the Europeanisation era?, Monica Mincu & Irina Horga ......449 SERBIA - Teacher Education and Training System in Serbia, Dragana Bjekic and Lidija Zlatic................................................................................................473 SLOVAC REPUBLIC - Teacher Training in the Slovak Republic, Peter Gavora and Bronislava Kasáčová ..........................................................495 SLOVENIA - Teacher Education in Slovenia from the First Schools to the Present Day, Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec, Milena Ivanuš Grmek ......................511 SPAIN - Teacher Training in Spain, Inmaculada Egido ........................................525 SWEDEN - Teacher Training in Sweden: Reforms and Trends, Songul Kilimci and UllaRiis ......................................................................................................543 SWITZERLAND - Teacher Education in a decentralised setting: the case of Switzerland, Markus Maurer & Bruno Leutwyler ........................559 UNITED KINGDOM - Teacher Education in England, Gillian L S. Hilton ........585 Teacher Education in Northern Ireland, Anne Moran ......................................601 Initial Teacher Education in Scotland, J. Eric Wilkinson and Margaret Martin................................................................................................617
AFRICA ALGERIA - Teacher Education and Training in Algeria: the weakest link of the education system, Sassia Haouam-Ghedjghoudj ..................................633 BOTSWANA - Teacher training in Botswana, G. Ndwapi ....................................643 BURUNDI - The Challenges of Teacher Education in a changing context: the case of Burundi, Herménégilde Rwantebagn ............................................657 CONGO - Teacher Training in the Democratic Republic of Congo: challenges and prospects, Rachel Nsimire Bigawa ..........................................667 EGYPT - Teacher Education in Egypt: past, present and future directions, Heba EL-Deghaidy ..........................................................................................675 ERITREA - The Development of Teacher Education in Eritrea, Hailemariam, Chefena, Ogbay, Sarah and Goodith White ..............................701 8
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ETHIOPIA - Teachers’ Education and Training in Ethiopia - A Historical Overview and Current Challenges, Jana Zehle ..............................................717 GAMBIA - Teacher Training in the Gambia: Issues, efforts and policy recommenda-tions, Williams Emeka Obiozor, Isatou Ndow............................737 KENYA - Teacher Training in Kenya: An overview, Robert W. Oduori ..............759 LESOTHO - Teacher Education in Lesotho – Trends and implications for the future, R. Matheolane and M.Seotsanyana ..........................................773 MALAWI - Teacher Education and Development in Malawi, Joseph Chimombo ............................................................................................789 NAMIBIA - A Critical Review of Teacher Education in Namibia, Elizabeth M. Amukugo, Gilbert N. Likando, Geoffrey N. Shakwa and John Nyambe ....................................................................................................809 RWANDA - Teacher Training in Rwanda, Wenceslas Nzabalirwa........................829 SIERRA LEONE - Teacher Training and Management in Sierra Leone: Challenges Faced by a Post-conflict Country in Attempting to Achieve Education for All, Mikako Nishimuko ..............................................................849 SOUTH AFRICA - Teacher Training in South Africa: Reforms and challenges, C.C. Wolhuter....................................................................................................867 SOUTHERN SOUDAN - Building from the ashes: Teacher Training in Southern Soudan, Petrus J. Du Toit..................................................................883 TANZANIA - Genesis, Developments, Practices, and Problems of Teacher Training: the experience from Tanzania, William A.L. Anangisye ..................905 ZIMBABWE - Teacher Education in Zimbabwe: Current status quo and Future Prospects, Jacob Marriote Ngwaru, Cathrine Ngwaru, and Viola Machingura..............................................................................................927 AUTHORS (Curricula Vitae) ................................................................................943