IPL Newsletter November 2024

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NationalJournalist:MichelleGreene, ZetaUpsilonChapter,SR

National NewsletterCommitteeChair: SororKarenWilliamsAguirre, AlphaLambda,CR

NationalNewsletterCommitteeMember: SororDanaParrish, ZetaUpsilon,SR

NationalNewsletterCommitteeMember: SororLisa Washington, NuChapter,SR

GreetingFrom SouthernRegional Director


Asthebeautyoffallgraces,us,weareremindedofthetransformativepowerofeducation, leadership,andservice,valuesthatIotaPhiLambdaholdsdear.Thistimeofyear,our Sororityisfocusedonimpactfulinitiativesthatresonatedeeplywithinourcommunities.

WithAmericanEducationWeekfastapproaching,wereaffirmourcommitmentto promotingexcellenceineducation.ThisweekNovemberisanimportanttimetocelebrate theteachers,students,andschoolsthatshapeourfuture.Iencourageeachofyouto continuesupportingeducationaleffortsinyourlocalcommunities,fromvolunteeringat schoolstoorganizingenrichmentprogramsthatinspirelearninganddevelopment.

TheEvelynD.WilkeyNationalEssayContestisnowunderway,reflectingourcommitmentto youthempowermentandthecorevaluesthatuniteusassistersinservice.Thisyear’s theme,“TheImportanceofDiversity,Equity,andInclusioninEducation,”addresseskey issuesthatinfluencebotheducationalenvironmentsandsocietyatlarge.Byencouraging diverseperspectivesandpromotingequityandinclusion,wearenotonlyenhancing educationalsystemsbutalsonurturingfutureleaders.Empoweringyoungpeoplewith thesevaluesensurestheywillthriveinvariousspheres,contributingtoamoreinclusive andjustworld.

AsThanksgivingapproaches,letusbegratefulforthesisterhoodweshareandtheimpact wemaketogether.Thisseasonofgratituderemindsustoupliftoneanotherandcontinue ourmissionofservice,support,andunity.Maywegoforthwithpurpose,knowingthatour collectiveeffortsarecreatinglastingchangeinourcommunitiesandbeyond.

Aswemoveforward,let’scontinuetoembraceourFounders’aimandvisionforthisgreat sisterhood,stayingrootedinservice,education,andbusinessempowerment.Your dedicationandservicearevitaltothesuccessofourSororityandtothelivesofthosewe touchthroughourwork.


FIL Auxiliary in Action


It was a GREAT End of the Year Celebration for our FIL that took us to GOLF MIAMI in Miami Gardens! Multiple games were available …UNO, Tic-Tac-Toe, Playstation, Karaoke, BINGO and Putt-Putt. FIL tried out several games, but the motivation was to get the highest score on the simulated golf course. Winners were FIL Jordan and FIL ChristiaRose. The lunch was “fresh and wholesome”—-straight out Ms. Ebony’s kitchen—fresh burgers and sub sandwiches with chips and

beverages! An afternoon filled with Fun! Fun! Fun!

Volume 2 Issue 1 September 2024


Left: Soror Agia Hicks and her dance team were featured at the CMA awards.

Right: Soror Paris Love has a business that helps professionals overcome the barriers of disorganization, dissatisfaction and discontent in their business and/or lives.

Your paragraph text

Left: Soror Paula Collick received her bachelors degree as Summa Cum Laude!

Right: Soror Tiffany earned her Master of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership from Trevecca Nazarene University.

Left; Soror Furtesha Woods received the Dan Lan Award which is given byNational Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB)

Right: Soror Micah Woodard received the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) - Rookie of the Year award and Multimillion Dollar Producer Award

Delta Chi


Are you ready to gain an hour when Daylight Saving Time returns to standard time?

Daylight Saving Time is an annual period when the United States and other countries change the clocks to extend daylight. In March, the clocks "spring forward" an hour, and in November, they "fall back."

In 2024, we'll return to standard time on Sunday, Nov. 3. The time change helps maximize natural daylight.

For many, it's good to wake up and feel like you got more sleep or to wake up earlier than usual. Hopefully, this will make you feel more rested.

Here are some common questions about Daylight Saving Time

Did the time change today?

Daylight Saving Time ends yearly at 2 a m on the first Sunday in November That means you should plan on resetting any microwave or regular clocks before going to bed on Nov 2 The time will change at 2 a m Who is in charge of Daylight Saving Time?

The U.S. Department of Transportation oversees the observance of daylight saving time, as well as U.S. time zones, according to transportation.gov. The DOT said energy reduction and reduced crime are reasons for having both standard and daylight saving time. Which states don't observe daylight saving time?

Arizona and Hawaii do not recognize daylight saving time, nor do territories of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Marianas.

It's not Daylight Savings Time

Some might refer to it as Daylight Savings Time, but it is Daylight Saving Time Just a tip for next time you search

USPS Announces Recommended Mailing and Shipping Dates for 2024 Holiday Season

MariaCortesGonzalez,ElPasoTimes Fri,October25,2024at8:29AMPDT

WASHINGTON The U S Postal Service has announced its recommended mailing and shipping dates for holiday mail and packages today.

The following are recommended send-by dates for expected delivery before Dec. 25.

2024 Holiday Mailing and Shipping Dates for Items Sent to Addresses in the Contiguous United States (Lower 48 States):

USPS Ground Advantage service: Dec 18

First-Class Mail service: Dec. 18

Priority Mail service: Dec. 19

Priority Mail Express service: Dec. 21

2024 Holiday Mailing and Shipping Dates for Items Sent to Addresses in Alaska and Hawa

USPS Ground Advantage service: Dec 16

First-Class Mail service: Dec 18

Priority Mail service: Dec. 19

Priority Mail Express service: Dec. 20

For customers sending packages internationally, or to military addresses, USPS suggests checking the complete list of recommended holiday mailing and shipping dates at usps.com/holidayshippingdates. USPS urges customers to plan ahead and ship early during this holiday season The earlier you send, the better; don’t delay mail and ship today!

For tips on preparing shipments, including packaging guidelines, ordering free shipping supplies and finding information on local Post Office location hours, visit usps.com.

Technology Report

How to distribute Group E-mail

Step 1: Open Gmail

Open a web browser (like Chrome or Safari).

Type gmail.com in the address bar and press Enter.

Sign in with your Gmail account, if you aren’t already logged in.

Step 2: Access Google Contacts

In the top-right corner of your Gmail inbox, look for the Google Apps icon (a small square made up of dots) and click on it.

Select Contacts from the list of apps.

Step 3: Create a Label (Group)

Once in Google Contacts, look on the left side for a section called Labels. Click on Create Label.

Name the label (for example, “Senior Group”). Click Save.

Step 4: Add Contacts to the Group

Still in Google Contacts, click on the checkboxes next to the names of the people you want to add to the group.

Once you’ve selected the contacts, click the Label icon (looks like a tag) at the top of the page.

Select the group label you just created (e.g., "Senior Group"). Click Apply.

Step 5: Send an Email to the Group

Now go back to Gmail. Click Compose to start a new email.

In the To field, type the name of the group label you created (e.g., “Senior Group”). Gmail will automatically fill in the email addresses for everyone in the group. Write your email and click Send when ready.


AmericanEducationWeek,celebratedannuallyduringafullweekin November,isatimededicatedtohonoringtheimportanceof educationandthepeoplewhomakeitpossible.Establishedin1921by theNationalEducationAssociation(NEA)andtheAmericanLegion, thisweek-longobservanceshinesaspotlightontheachievementsof students,educators,andthecommunitiesthatsupportthem.

Itssignificanceliesinpromotingpublicawarenessaboutthevalueof qualityeducationandrecognizingthecriticalrolethateducatorsplay inshapingfuturegenerations IotaPhiLambdachaptersacrossthe nationjoininthiscelebration,oftenengagingineducationaloutreach andserviceactivities,asourillustriousorganizationwasfoundedwith theaimoffosteringeducationalgrowthandcivicresponsibility.

AmericanEducationWeekisachancetoreaffirmourcommitmentto academicexcellence,communityservice,andleadership development,aligningourvalueswiththebroadergoalofsupporting educationaladvancementacrosstheUnitedStates.

Sorors,tellusaboutyourregion’sAEWprojectsandworkshops;we wanttoknow!

Holiday 2024

Placesettingetiquetteis asubtleartdesignedto createandorganized andwelcomingtablefor yourguests.Typically,a formalplacesetting includesutensilsand dishesarrangedinthe ordertheywillbeused, withforksontheleft, knivesandspoonson theright,andglasses positionedabove.The napkincanbeplacedon theplateortotheleft of theforks.This arrangementensures thatguestscannavigate themealeasily,witha placesettingthatisboth practicalandelegant.

Beyondlayout,table etiquetteencouragesa considerateand enjoyabledining experience.Simple practiceslikewaiting untileveryoneisserved beforestarting,passing dishestotheright,and avoidingelbowsonthe tableshow. respectforothersdiners. Thoughtfulhostingcan makeanyoccasionfeel specialand memorable, ensuringeveryonefeels atease.

Greetings, Sorors!

Exciting news! Registration is now open for the upcoming Community of Practice (CoP) 87, scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 2024. This event is an incredible opportunity for us to make Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. shine as we support the Good Health WINs initiative.

The recent LMPF I3 Symposium provided a platform for us to showcase Iota's commitment to health advocacy, and we made a remarkable impact. Now, we have the chance to continue that momentum in CoP 87, which focuses on Vaccine Champions. Our presence matters, and Synovia Moss, NCNW’s National Project Director for Good Health WINs, has set a goal for 100+ Iota Sorors to attend. Let’s make this vision a reality and show the strength of Iota’s sisterhood and dedication to community health!

Important Note on Signing In When signing into the event, please add “Iota Phi Lambda Soror” to your display name (not just “IPL”). This will help us stand out collectively as a strong, unified presence.

Event Details

Event: GHWs Community of Practice (CoP) 87: GHWs Vaccine Champions

Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024

Time: 7:00 PM EST / 6:00 PM CST / 4:00 PM PST

Registration Link: Register Here

https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodOmhqDIsG9R9LAMg2tPzmJMNb M4DA3qD#/registration

Share this invitation with your Sorors, and let’s make this a powerful turnout! The strength of Iota is in our unity, and by coming together, we amplify our voice and impact.

We’re better together! Let’s represent with pride.





The Lola Mercedes Parker Foundation’s I3 Symposium took place in Dallas, Texas, from October 17–20, 2024, offering a four-day experience. This dynamic event provided participants with invaluable knowledge, resources, and key networking opportunities.

Attendees received insights from leaders in education, health, and finance, who shared cutting-edge expertise in their fields. There were hands-on sessions provided practical skills for immediate application. Attendees connected with professionals and leaders, forming relationships that support personal and professional growth. The event concluded with a Gala, celebrating achievements and offering attendees the chance to network with key influencers. During the soriee the symposium also featured the Year of the Woman award, a prestigious recognition that was awarded to Tonya K. Young, honoring her contributions and achievements.

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