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The ISCPA website allows you to update your member profile and customize your communications experience. Subscribe to the publications you want, access the member directory, check out committees and volunteer opportunities, revisit past newsletters, access ISCPA Link, your online member community and more.
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Advocacy is a cornerstone of the Society. The saying, “There is strength in numbers,” is especially true when working to promote and protect the interests of CPAs and the accounting profession.
On Jan. 17, staff and members gathered at the Iowa State Capitol to discuss key issues facing the CPA profession. The day included meetings with House Speaker Pat Grassley, House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl, Senate President Amy Sinclair, Sen. Jason Schultz, chair of the Senate State Government Committee, Rep. Jane Bloomingdale, chair of House State Government Committee.
Members advocated for CPAs by expressing concerns about legislative proposals that would impose a sales tax on services. It has been a longstanding stance of ISCPA to oppose such initiatives. We will continue to monitor as the state legislators consider various tax policies this session.
Members also voiced concerns about the CPA pipeline challenges confronting the accounting profession. As we continue to identify potential solutions to this problem, members explained ISCPA’s grassroots licensure initiative and introduced the alternative pathways concept to key legislators, recognizing that any initiatives need to take mobility into consideration. ISCPA intends to keep them apprised of the ongoing work of the Pathways to CPA Licensure Task Force.
“I found Iowa CPA Day to be interesting and a completely new experience for me as I’m generally not politically savvy. The ISCPA leaders certainly advocate for the profession. The event is a great opportunity to learn about the Society’s legislative priorities. As a bonus, it felt like an awesomely rare opportunity when representatives led a small group of us up the intricate stairwell to the peak of the Capitol,” said Mason Sander, supervisor with Denman CPA LLP.
To stay informed of legislation we are watching, subscribe to Take 5, ISCPA’s legislative update emails at
Published 10 times per year by the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants (ISCPA). Send address changes, advertising inquiries and all correspondence to: 1415 28th St., Ste. 450 West Des Moines, IA 50266
Email: Website: or contact the ISCPA office: 515-223-8161 800-659-6375
Cover Photo by: Payton Shields Yellow Banks Park Pleasant Hill, IA
recently received an email from an employee with the statement, "I love the culture here…that's why I stay," included at the end of the message. It wasn't an email I solicited or expected. It was a proactive, appreciative email sent to me following an employee meeting where our new CEO unexpectedly referred to me as a "Cultural Warrior". This employee was expressing their appreciation for a few things, including acknowledgement of my dedication to our culture, the apparent trust our new CEO was extending me to maintain our culture, and a general thank you for helping to create the culture we have at Pharmacists Mutual. The email brought me to tears. Not because it was ridiculously kind and thoughtful, but because the work I've done to assist in building our culture is not always obvious. It's not the donuts we put out on Phun Day or the HR Happy Half Hours my team hosts. Those things are fun, and they provide an ounce of assistance in creating our culture, but they aren't the heavy hitters. They don’t move the needle.
The work I do behind the scenes, that's what makes an impact on our culture: accountability to our core values, the dedication to creating a respectful and inclusive work environment, and the development of our leaders. These things take work. They take time and effort, and they take months, if not years, to see the impact. I didn't know if anyone noticed them, but this email told me they did. They saw the outcomes I wasn't even sure existed. They appreciated the focus on our culture and the drive to make it a place employees choose to stay. They appreciated that it mattered to me and that it mattered to our company.
build the culture you want. The culture that drives your company forward and the kind of culture that employees choose to stay with. That's my goal for every person that attends my session at ISCPA’s Business and Industry Conference.
Look inward, set goals for what you can impact, and influence those around you to join you in enhancing the culture. At first, you may only see the impact of these efforts within your team and then suddenly, yours is the team of choice. Next, the CEO is asking how you created a culture where you have little turnover, employees are requesting to transfer to your team, and the people are generally happy and engaged.
What will your answer be? How will you use the strategy you deployed to aid in the development of the overall culture? Will you find yourself being the next “Cultural Warrior?” I hope your answer is, "Challenge accepted."
My point in sharing this story is that it illustrates how every single one of YOU can make a difference in your culture. As a leader or team member, you can start making changes today so that you'll see results tomorrow. You don't need to have the best idea or the biggest cultural shift in thought process. Every decision you make, every interaction with an employee, and every moment you choose to lead by example, you're creating an opportunity to
Our new program provides a path to earning a specialized degree that helps you get ahead in today’s business environment. You’ll take a deep dive into a well-rounded selection of accounting and business analytics topics while learning to expand your analytical skills, which are critical to the accounting profession. Scan the QR code to learn more.
Iowa high school students will embark on an exciting journey into the realm of accounting with the Iowa Society of CPAs Accounting Case Competition where participants showcase their financial acumen and strategic thinking. Teams of 4-5 students will engage with real-life accounting concepts and get feedback from CPAs with a variety of backgrounds. Up to 30 teams will compete from April 17-30, with judging scheduled for May 1-8. The winners will be announced on May 10. We are looking for ISCPA members to present accounting concepts to the participating teams and volunteers to judge the final presentations.
Presentation volunteers will help ensure teams are prepared for competition by covering essential accounting topics from four modules. Content includes Accounts Receivable, Bad Debt Expense,
Debt v. Financing, and Financial Statement Analysis. These modules lay the groundwork for success in working the case.
On the day of competition, participants will delve into the professional world by visiting a local CPA firm or company. A tour and a brief company introduction set the stage for a 3–4-hour period to work the case. Finally, teams record and submit a polished 5–7-minute video presentation using a predefined rubric.
Volunteer judges will use the presentations to help select the 2024 winners.
Don't miss this opportunity to inspire the next generation of accounting students and help them discover the possibilities that await future CPAs. Contact Natalie Harwood at to sign up for this rewarding activity.
Members of the Legislation Committee and the Governmental Auditing and Accounting Committee met with Auditor of State Rob Sand in January. They discussed challenges with the current pipeline and concerns about the declining number of firms engaged in governmental audits, especially school audits.
Firms are steering away from these services due to issues with increased time and costs associated with performing Yellow Book audits. This includes additional continuing education requirements, stringent auditing standards, and that lowest bid is often the deciding factor for schools.
The AOS pre-filed several bills this session to provide additional incentives for firms to do this type of work, including a proposal that would allow income a CPA firm earns from performing Yellow Book audits to be exempt from state tax.
Iowa is not the only state facing these issues, and all are exploring ideas for solutions to the shortage.
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The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), enacted in 2021 and administered by FinCEN, now requires reporting of beneficial owners’ information (BOI) from companies, including small businesses.
Questions surrounding the CPA's role in assisting clients with BOI reporting remain. As clients ask their trusted advisors for guidance, please know there is still much debate on who should accept the responsibility for the new CTA reporting. Debate persists on whether non-attorney practitioners advising clients on the new BOI reporting form could be considered an unauthorized practice of law (UPL). This leaves CPAs in a difficult position.
ISCPA has been looking for guidance on whether assisting on BOI forms equates to unauthorized practice of law (UPL) for our members. Unfortunately, clarity doesn’t seem to be coming quickly and Iowa, like all other states, is trying to find definitive answers to these questions. With the ultimate decision on UPL lying with Iowa’s Supreme Court, ISCPA is working to determine what may be required for the Court to settle these questions and the steps to do so.
Resources and more information on this topic can be found under the Resources tab of our website or go directly to We will continue to update this page as new information becomes available.
9 *ISCPA Member
($5,000 to $14,999)
Daryl K. Henze, Urbandale
Deloitte, Des Moines
KPMG LLP, Des Moines - ($4,000 toward five-year $5,000 pledge)
The Iowa Society of CPAs would like to thank these generous donors for their annual contribution or pledge to the Iowa CPA Education Foundation . You make a tremendous impact on the lives of future CPAs with your financial support. Donation period is Jan. 16, 2023 - Jan. 15, 2024.
($1,000 to $4,999)
Tim DeVries, Des Moines
Kevin Den Adel, Iowa City
Kim Ceilley, West Des Moines
Kevin Garrett, Atlantic
Doug Shull, Indianola
Tom Thompson, Fairfield
($500 to $999)
Twyla Rosenbaum, Sioux City
Heath Baker, Sioux Center
Under $250
Robert & Marlene Buckley, Des Moines
Francis Clark, Council Bluffs
Michael Cooney III, West Des Moines
Mike Theobold, Oskaloosa
Van Maanen, Sietstra Meyer & Nikkel PC Pella
($250 to $499)
Tracey Ball, Urbandale
Renee Scheuermann, Boone
Faye Dykstra, Louisville, KY
Marty Fredericks, West Des Moines
Ron Grohe, Des Moines
Matthew Kelderman, Sioux Center
Steve Marlow, West Des Moines
Ann Menke, West Point
Cynthia Adams, West Des Moines
Bob McGowen, Waukee
Jerry Murphy, Clive
Allison Appel, Webster City
Jacob Reuter, Epworth
Kevin Ballard, Marion
Kevin Banwart, West Bend
Bill Cook, West Des Moines
Jackie Dammeier, Johnston
Mike Meinders, Waterloo
Jim Pratt, Iowa City
Dean Price, Iowa City
Angie Sanders, Urbandale
Todd Thorson, West Des Moines
Alan Bauer, Sterling, Ill.
Dan Bontrager, Iowa City
Steven Schuler, Urbandale
Andrew & Monica Steckel, Waukee
Susan Stutzel, Tipton
Michelle Thompson, West Des Moines
Jim Buxton, Iowa City
Al Fletcher, Cedar Rapids
Dakota Hageman, Decorah
Michael Haight, Orange City
Anne Halbmaier, Cedar Falls
Ronald Kircher, Fulton, Ill.
Kirk Tibbetts, Urbandale
Dawn Latham, West Des Moines
Peggy Trevino, Fort Dodge
Dwayne Vande Krol, Urbandale
Alison VanOtterloo, Algona
Ellen Willadsen, Ames
Donors will be recognized annually in the February edition of Iowa CPA. Donors who’ve committed to a five year pledge are recognized for the full amount of their pledge in the first year on the Iowa CPA Education Foundation donor wall and in Iowa CPA . Pledge installment amounts paid in the remaining years of the pledge will be recognized annually in Iowa CPA . Every attempt was made to acknowledge the donors who have given during this period. If you note a discrepancy, please contact us at 800-659-6375 or
For more information on how you can help individuals to become CPAs, visit .
Save these dates! 2024 Tax & Annual Updates
OCT. 28 Accounting and Auditing Update for the Real World, West Des Moines & live webcast
OCT. 29 2024 Preparation, Compilation and Review Update for the Local Firm, West Des Moines & live webcast
NOV. 1 2024 Real World Tax Update for Individuals and Entities, S. Sioux City, Neb. & live webcast
NOV. 7 Federal Tax Update: Individual and Business, West Des Moines & live webcast
NOV. 11-12 Fall Federal Tax Summit with Ron Roberson, Cedar Rapids [last chance to see Ron in person!]
NOV. 25 Iowa Tax Update, West Des Moines & live webcast
DEC. 9-10 Winter Federal Tax Summit with Ron Roberson, Live Virtual Seminar
Join us March 26 at the Courtyard Marriott in Ankeny for an exciting day of learning and networking at the 2024 Business and Industry Conference. This year's conference will cover a wide range of topics to help you and your organization thrive in today's business landscape. From exploring company culture to gaining insights from Iowa business leaders, and diving into A/P automation or staying updated on state and local tax regulations, we've curated a lineup of sessions that are informative and practical.
Attendees will have the opportunity to discover the art of financial storytelling, gain valuable insights into the economic outlook for 2024, and learn about the latest strategies in cybersecurity to
protect their businesses. Additionally, sessions on talent development and HR hot topics and trends will provide actionable takeaways to enhance your workforce strategies. As a special highlight, we will feature a success story from an Iowa-born business icon: Casey's General Store.
Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge, connect with industry peers, and gain actionable insights to drive success in your organization.
Register now at
Do you have expertise, insight and a valuable perspective to share on emerging profession issues? Are you passionate about giving back to ISCPA and the profession by sharing your knowledge with peers? Enhance your industry visibility and inspire others to grow by becoming an ISCPA speaker or guest author.
ISCPA is seeking volunteers to lead educational seminars and conference sessions at our upcoming 2024 programs, as well as contribute to articles in Iowa CPA. If you are interested in presenting a particular issue or emerging trend, please complete the request form at For those interested in submitting an article for Iowa CPA, please contact Kim Ripley at kripley@iacpa. org
March 26 Business & Industry
May 2 Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting
May 14 Iowa Governmental Roundtable
May 20 Audits of Employee Benefit Plans
May 21 Financial Institutions
June 10-11 Technology
June 20 Insurance Industry
Aug. 7 Emerging Leaders
Aug. 14 Agriculture Tax & Accounting
Sept. 19- 20 Fall CPE
Nov. 6 Business Valuation
ISCPA offers condolences to the families of: Donald J. Brush, Urbandale, member since 1972.
William C. Luedtke, West Bend, Wis, member since 1971.
Wesley C. Sampson, Toledo, Ohio, member since 1960.
The popular Women's Leadership Series returns for 2024 in a four-part webinar series. Thought leaders will share stories on how to overcome setbacks, break boundaries and rise up to build the life and career you desire. Partnered with other state CPA societies across the U.S., this series offers an unparalleled chance to connect with fellow women CPAs and accounting professionals nationwide.
Mark your calendars for the sessions on March 8, April 26, Aug. 28 and Nov. 19.
Each session can be purchased individually or go all-in with the bundle, saving $21! Online registration is available at
Construction industry accounting expert Robert Davidson makes a highly anticipated return with two brand-new virtual seminars scheduled for this summer and fall. Save the dates: Aug. 20 and Oct. 23. Here's what you can expect from each course:
Get ready for a comprehensive exploration covering vital aspects of the construction industry, including the latest trends and developments. Dive into a detailed review of construction GAAP, featuring an in-depth analysis of ASC 606 revenue recognition implementation. Plus, master the intricacies of Contract WIP schedules and analytical procedures.
Construction Industry Financial Reporting, Benchmarking, and Basic Taxation - Oct. 23
Discover essential insights into financial reporting within the construction industry landscape, alongside benchmarking and best practices tailored specifically for contractors. Gain valuable knowledge on audit and review procedures unique to contractor engagements. Explore the intricacies of financial reporting and disclosure requirements, including footnote and supplemental disclosures. Additionally, explore construction tax methods and strategies every CPA should be familiar with.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your expertise and stay ahead of the curve in construction accounting. Mark your calendars and join us for these dynamic seminars led by a renowned industry expert.
Stay tuned for registration details coming soon!
The following individuals have recently joined the Society. Please take time to welcome them and invite them to participate in events and programs with you. Find these members in ISCPA’s Member Directory at .
Crystal Breed
Hegg Health Center
Rock Valley
Lauren Fisher
Eide Bailly LLP
Des Moines
Zachary Kollasch PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Des Moines
Devin Neitzel Eide Bailly LLP
Des Moines
Taran Nelson RSM US LLP Iowa City
Heidi Rial Bondurant
Des Moines Area Community College
Sarah Bailey
Leisel Barrett
Morgan Horsley
Louisa Johnson
Kim Kruse
Ashley Lewis
Stacey McElfish
Andrew Oetker
Brieanna Robinson
Nich Schmitz
Rachel Turner
Clayton Van Wyk
Louisiana State University at Alexandria
Isaac Bair
Kip Albertson, Banker’s Trust, Des Moines, has been promoted to executive vice president.
Sarah Anderson, Williams & Company PC, Spencer, has been promoted to supervisor.
Ariana Aquilani, F&G Life, Des Moines, has been promoted to manager – finance.
Logan Aukes, Williams & Company PC, Le Mars,has been promoted to supervisor.
Jonathan Beckham, Casey’s General Store Inc, Ankeny, has been promoted to information technology controller.
Kyle Boardman, Honkamp PC, Hiawatha, has been promoted to principal.
Joyce Carlson, Denman CPA LLP, West Des Moines, has been promoted to supervisor.
Valerie Culp has been hired by Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny, as adjunct accounting professor.
Tiffany Streeby Goodman & Hayes CPAs PLLC Ottumwa
Sarah Swisher City of Johnston Johnston
University of Iowa Alyssa Seyer
Liam Steer
Olamide Sunmola
University of Northern Iowa Lourdes Salmeron Vigil
Brandon G. Verros Sergeant Bluff Tax & Accounting Sergeant Bluff
Holly Cushman has been hired by Honkamp PC, Dubuque, as tax principal.
Jenn Faust, Honkamp PC, Davenport, has been promoted to principal.
Melissa Fors, ITA Group, West Des Moines, has been promoted to senior director of accounting and finance.
Vance Glaser, LattaHarris LLP, Tipton, has been promoted to principal.
Bobbi Hartfield, Denman CPA LLP, West Des Moines, has been promoted to supervisor.
Upper Iowa University Mason Owe
Rachael HeuertzNelson, Williams & Company PC, Le Mars, has been promoted to supervisor.
Abby Hood has been hired by Science Center of Iowa, Des Moines, as chief financial officer and vice president of administration.
Kyle Kunz, shareholder at Honkamp PC, Hiawatha, has been named one of the Corridor Business Journal’s Corridor Leaders 250.
Continued on page 13
Continued from page 12
Isaac LaFleur has been hired by Principal Financial Group, West Des Moines, as a financial representative.
Tiffany Latshaw has been hired by Innovative Captive Strategies Inc, Waukee, as senior captive manager.
Gunnar Lenzen has been hired by Embark Consulting, Denver, Colo., as FAAS manager.
Corey Moss, Williams & Company PC, Sioux City, has been promoted to shareholder.
Jonathan Rector has been hired by Pathstone, Atlanta, Ga., as tax director.
TJ Reed, Tarbell & Co, West Des Moines has been promoted to partner.
Nick Reeve has been hired by PAR Services Group, Nashville, Tenn., as controller.
Taylor Reis Richmond, Edward Jones, Saint Louis, Mo., was promoted to internal audit manager.
Jeff Roy, Denman CPA LLP, West Des Moines, has been promoted to manager.
Megan Scholbrok, EY, Des Moines, has been promoted to manager.
Wendy Short, Denman CPA LLP, West Des Moines, has been promoted to supervisor.
Jodi Siebler, Honkamp PC, Davenport, has passed the Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) exam.
Toni Specketer, Williams & Company PC, Onawa, has been promoted to supervisor.
Joe Sparks, Denman CPA LLP, West Des Moines, has been promoted to manager.
Kelsi Stange, Williams & Company PC, Spencer, has been promoted to supervisor.
CONTROLLER: Are you looking to join a wonderful company where you can utilize your leadership skills and accounting skills? Keep reading! Advance Pump and Equipment, Inc is seeking a Controller. The ideal candidate will have strong experience with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and prior supervisory experience. This person will also have an accounting background in Manufacturing. Contact Rebecca Roberts at or apply online at this link
Gross revenues shown.
1. NEW - Northwest Iowa/Plymouth County EA Practice - $490,000
2. NEW -North Central Iowa CPA Practice - $1,040,000
Michelle Steining, shareholder at Honkamp PC, Davenport, was recognized as a top business leader in the Quad Cities by the Quad Cities Regional Business Journal.
Julie Squiers, Honkamp PC, Dubuque, has been recognized as the firm’s January customer service star.
Katie Thomas, president & CEO at Honkamp PC, Dubuque, has been named one of the Corridor Business Journal’s Corridor Leaders 250.
Elainie Turner, LattaHarris LLP, Washington, has been promoted to principal.
Libby Van De Pol, American Packaging Corporation, Story City, has been promoted to division controller.
Kamron Van Hulzen, PwC, Des Moines, has been promoted to manager.
Zachary Vande Weerd has been hired by Carson Wealth, Pella, as a relationship manager.
Kayla Watts has been hired by Group 1001, Zionsville, Ind., as associate director of financial planning and analysis.
Ryan Weber, RSM US LLP, Davenport, has been recognized as one of the Quad Cities 100 Most Noteworthy Business Leaders by the Quad Cities Regional Business Journal.
Callie Yearous has been hired by Life Care Services LLC, Des Moines, as staff accountant.
The University of Northern Iowa Accounting Program, led by Dr. Joseph Ugrin, has received the inaugural Accounting Program Innovation Award from the American Accounting Association for their UNI@DMACC Program.
3. NEW- Sioux City, Iowa Tax Practice - $220,000
4. NEW - Quad Cities Area CPA Practice - $760,000
5. NEW - North Central Iowa Tax Bookkeeping Practice - $277,000
6. Southeastern Iowa CPA Practice - $860,000
7. North Central Iowa Tax EA Practice - $298,880
8. Cedar Rapids/Waterloo Area CPA Practice - $825,000
9. Northeast Iowa CPA Practice - $326,000
10. NE Iowa (Fayette County) Tax & Accounting Practice - $390,000
11. Eldora, IA CPA Practice - $354,000
12. Winterset, Iowa CPA Practice AVAILABLE AFTER 4/15/24 - $704,000
More Listings COMING
JOB: Finance director with the City of West Des Moines
ALMA MATER: Luther College
COMMUNITY AND SOCIETY ACTIVITIES: Chair of ISCPA Governmental Committee, board member of the Iowa Public Agency Investment Trust, serves on the Finance Committees of the Des Moines Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Iowa League of Cities, and serves on the City of Altoona Parks Board.
Tim and his wife Michele live in Altoona and have two sons, Brock (22) and Gabe (19).
My inspiration to become a CPA: My roommate my freshman year at college was tracking to be an accounting major. He was complaining about his class and said he didn’t think I could even pass accounting, so I signed up to take an accounting class and ended up liking it.
How has being a member of ISCPA helped you? First and foremost, the education benefits – not only the technical accounting training, but it has helped with skills including leadership, management, ethics, and even public speaking.
Biggest changes you've seen in the profession: For my first job out of college at a Des Moines-based CPA firm, none of the staff had computers. What we did have were a lot of green pads, and pencils and manilla folders.
Favorite thing about your job: My co-workers. The City of West Des Moines Finance Department is a great team. Everyone on our small-but-mighty team contributes. We perform high-level public service, everyone does their job very well, and we have fun together. Managing that group keeps me excited to come to work every day. There is also a great group of management leaders in place across the various city departments.
Outside of work: I have been an Iowa High School football game official for 25 years, and spend much of my spare time playing golf, attending sporting events and relaxing at Lake Okoboji.
What I wanted to be when I grew up: A sportswriter for Sports Illustrated. As a kid, I read every word of SI and the Des Moines Register sports section.
Message for students considering a career as a CPA: Every single business/organization across the world needs a good accountant and being a CPA translates to having credibility as a good accountant. Mostly because it’s not easy to obtain. With the CPA designation, you can take your education and certification and pretty much work in any industry or environment, and that’s powerful.
Have you had mentors? I have had many but learned from my father first and foremost. He was a successful high-school football coach for his entire teaching career. My dad always coached the offensive line which was just a small unit of the larger team, but if you know football, a good offensive line is critical for any team success. He didn’t play favorites and he made sure every lineman on his unit was shown they had an important job and needed to work together. His group always knew their assignments because they practiced the same details every day. As a result, the players put in great effort and were loyal, and so many of them overachieved which translated into very successful teams.
People don’t know this about me: I am allergic to dogs and cats. In fact, my wife had a cat when we first met and fortunately, she chose me over the cat.
Best concert I’ve been to: Last summer, I got to see Bruce Springsteen play in Edinburgh, Scotland at their outdoor rugby stadium along with 67,000 fans.
Best advice I ever received: Right before I got married, my father-in-law told me, “Tim, sometimes it’s better if you just go along with it.”
First job: Concessions at Adventureland
If I weren’t a CPA, you might: Find me teaching. Both of my parents were teachers, so that might have been a path I’d have taken.
Joining an ISCPA committee allows you to connect with fellow CPAs and accounting professionals, build business opportunities, and discuss the latest changes in your niche area. Your shared challenges, best practices, and collaborative ideas help shape the future of ISCPA and the profession.
Why join a committee?
Relationships/networking: Build stronger relationships with other CPAs in your area of interest and establish life-long connections with your peers.
Development: Uncover business insights you can immediately apply and use in your professional and personal growth.
Leadership opportunities: Gain invaluable experience that can elevate your career path.
Pay it forward: Contribute to the advancement of ISCPA and the profession by giving back.
Community: Belong to a valuable community of knowledgeable and helpful CPAs.
Sneak peeks: Receive updates on new and legislative issues concerning the profession.
Get involved today.
• Committee service is open to all ISCPA members. No prior committee experience is required.
• Committee time commitments vary. Committees typically meet three to four times a year virtually (although some meet as frequently as monthly), via conference call, or in person (when permitted). Committee meeting schedules vary based on their activities.
• Committee appointments are for one-year terms, from May 1 through April 30.
Find details on each of the ISCPA committees at committees and select the join option for the any you want to get involved with for the upcoming year or contact Lindsey Haley at with questions.
In 2024, we're shaking things up and moving the event to an exciting new day: Thursday! Join us in celebrating the profession, award winners, scholarship recipients and new CPAs. Hear from AICPA Chair Okorie Ramsey, and unravel the mystery of the 5th Question with Gina Glover as we learn strategies to make the most of every new connection we make.