Iowa CPA Day at the Capitol
CPA licensure legislation in 2025
Advocacy for CPAs and the accounting profession is a cornerstone of our association. The saying, “There is strength in numbers,” is especially true when working to promote and protect the interests of members. You are invited to the Iowa CPA Day at the Capitol on Jan. 22 to make sure our state’s policymakers understand issues affecting the profession.
One focus will be on proposing an alternative pathway to CPA licensure in Iowa. If you’ve been following our efforts to listen and learn how members feel about alternatives to the current 150-hour education requirement, you understand the importance of members attending this 2025 event to show their support. Become more engaged with the Society and learn about state legislative activities impacting the profession.
Redesigned in 2024, Iowa CPA Day at the Capitol aims to increase our outreach efforts and reduce anxiety about talking to legislators thanks to provided talking points as well as group meetings with key contacts. We want to use this opportunity to continue educating legislators on the accountant shortage in Iowa and our intent to introduce another pathway to CPA licensure.
ISCPA is currently pursuing legislation to enable future CPA candidates to be licensed in Iowa upon earning a bachelor’s degree with required accounting coursework, two years of experience, and passing the CPA Exam. Building relationships with legislators is one way you can help us advocate for change.
Free for all members, the event begins at the Hoover Office Building where we welcome attendees, have a light lunch, and review ISCPA’s legislative agenda with Brad Epperly, ISCPA’s legislative counsel. We will provide talking points to help spark conversation with lawmakers and reduce the anxiety about how to approach the issues. The Iowa Department of Revenue directors will also address the group and answer questions before we walk to the Capitol through a tunnel.
All are encouraged to arrange short one-on-one meetings with their district representatives to introduce yourself and establish crucial connections. When advocating for a need or legislation, relationships are vital.
“My first CPA Day at the Capitol was in 2024. As chair of the Pathways Task Force, I was especially proud to advocate on behalf of our members, emphasizing the need for changes to CPA licensure requirements to address the critical pipeline issue facing the profession. I highly encourage everyone to join us and witness firsthand how the power of ISCPA and its members make a real difference at the state level,” said Ardis Kelley, ISCPA interim CEO.
The more members involved, the larger our impact on lawmakers. The Iowa General Assembly meets January to mid-April. While we are entering a busy time of year for many CPAs, this is the best time to express to elected officials how the work of CPAs impacts the economic and business environment in Iowa.

Don’t miss this chance to be a catalyst for positive change in the profession.
A message from your board
The ISCPA board of directors met Dec. 6, 2024. Decisions and activities are listed below.
• Approved consent agenda items including
» Minutes of the 9/27/2024 meeting of the board.
» Minutes of the Executive Committee meetings on 11/4/2024 and 12/2/202.4
» Reviewed Antitrust Policy Statement.
» Reviewed foundation memorials.
» Reviewed financial statements.
» Iowa CPA Education Foundation statements.
» 2024 contribution for Power of Associations Fund.
• Received a CEO report from Ardis Kelley.
• ISCPA’s legislative counsel, Brad Epperly previewed the upcoming state legislative session and updated the progress on the Iowa CPA licensure bill introducing an alternative path.
• Received an update from Courtney Clarke, PMA Asset Management on the ISCPA portfolio and voted to approve the investment policy statement.
• Received a summary of the ISCPA member survey from Stephanie Majeran of Bâton Global.
• Lindsey Haley and Nancy Gion provided a recap of the 10 Community Connections member meetings held in November.
ISSUE NO. 2025-01
Published 10 times per year by the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants (ISCPA). Send address changes, advertising inquiries and all correspondence to: 1415 28th St., Ste. 450 West Des Moines, IA 50266
Email: iacpa@iacpa.org Website: www.iacpa.org or contact the ISCPA office: 515-223-8161
• Approved a motion to renew the ISCPA office lease after an update from Peter Brown and Emma Brown of Peter Brown Commercial Real Estate.
• Received and approved the Nominating Committee report from Erik Bonstrom on behalf of Alison VanOtterloo, chair of the committee.
• Received a report from Chair Erik Bonstrom.
• Received a report from Jim Smith, AICPA representative, on the October AICPA Council meeting.
• Discussed upcoming meeting dates.
• Scheduled a meeting for April 25, 2025.
Award nominations due April 1
Do you know an Iowa CPA who demonstrates a commitment to the profession and has made a positive difference in the business and/or general community? Nominate them for one of these ISCPA awards to be presented at the NEW ISCPA Circle of Excellence Awards on Sept. 25.
Public Service Award
Recognizes an Iowa CPA who has exhibited a distinguished record in their work for nonprofit, charitable or civic organizations. Nominees will be judged by their voluntary participation in one or more organizations over periods of time in their local community, the state of Iowa, or the nation.
Outstanding CPA in Business and Industry
Honors the achievements of an Iowa CPA in business and industry and promotes the CPA certificate as the preferred credential for business. Candidates are judged for having made a significant contribution to the growth and success of their employer or to a notable entrepreneurial achievement.
Rising Star award
Recognizes the accomplishments of younger members who are emerging as leaders. Candidates must be 40 or younger and a volunteer for ISCPA, with a civic or charitable organization, or with another professional association.
For more information and nomination forms, visit www.iacpa.org/ cpa-awards
Beneficial ownership information reporting on hold
Beneficial ownership information (BOI) has been a big topic over the past year. On Dec. 3, a federal court in Texas issued a ruling that finds the CTA is likely unconstitutional. Within the decision is an injunction prohibiting the enforcement of the CTA and BOI reporting rule.
Keep in mind, this is likely not the last we will hear of this issue. While enforcement is currently barred, the original deadlines are technically still in effect. Future actions and rulings on this case may occur in the coming months. If the injunction is lifted, clients must be prepared to file the BOI report.
As the reporting deadline for the BOI approaches, ISCPA has concerns regarding the lack of clarity and guidance from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the Jan. 31, 2025 deadline. Together with other state CPA societies and the AICPA, we have brought these concerns to the attention of the Department of the Treasury and FinCEN and have urged them to delay the filing deadline for initial filings by at least one year to no earlier than Jan. 1, 2026.
Our most recent letter – signed by ISCPA and the AICPA – specifically cites additional confusion

caused by the recent decision in the case of Texas Cop Shop, Inc., et al. v. Garland, et al., which imposed an injunction on BOI reporting nationwide. This case, along with several other court cases with conflicting outcomes and staggered delays for areas hit by natural disasters, has led to a widespread confusion of the reporting requirement and corresponding deadlines. As we noted in the letter, close to 80 percent of small businesses have yet to file their BOI information in the FinCEN database – this is a very concerning fact and is a clear indication of the lack of awareness among businesses across the country.
ISCPA has information to help keep members aware of the latest BOI news on our website at www.iacpa. org/BOI , and AICPA continues to work with state societies to advocate for a delay in BOI reporting, during which time FinCEN can continue to engage stakeholders and the small business community to ensure that the reporting requirements are known and understood. In the meantime, we join the AICPA in advising members to continue getting clients ready to file their BOI report in the event the injunction is lifted.
The efforts by ISCPA, other state societies and AICPA have had an impact! A House continuing resolution budget bill introduced on Dec. 18 includes a BOI reporting deadline extension, however it faces a hurdle with the Senate wishing to strip all nonfunding measures from the bill. While the resolution still needs to pass both the House and Senate at the time of this writing, it would push the effective date to Jan. 1, 2026.

Sign up for Courage on the Court
Join other young professionals for a fun day supporting Can Play. Let us know if you want to join a team for Can Play’s Courage on the Court Wheelchair Basketball Tournament on Feb. 21 in West Des Moines.
Can Play’s website states, “This unique event allows players to experience play from a different perspective and see the challenges our Courage program participants experience every day. In addition, the funds raised through Courage on the Court help ensure that Can Play can continue to break down barriers to play in our community.”
We’re looking for players to join our team. Enjoy a fun way to represent the profession! Spots fill on a first come basis. Contact Lindsey Haley at lhaley@iacpa.org .

CEO Message
By Interim CEO Ardis Kelley, CPA
A time of transition
It has been a busy month and a half of listening and learning since I joined ISCPA as interim CEO in November. Thank you to the ISCPA staff, volunteers, board, and members for the very warm welcome. I have truly enjoyed getting to know you and better understand the organization.
We’ve already accomplished some great things. In the advocacy space, ISCPA submitted a comment letter expressing concerns about subjectivity and inconsistencies in the proposed alternative pathway to licensure Competency-Based Experience Framework exposure draft released by AICPA and NASBA on Sept. 12, 2024. Thank you to the members of the ISCPA Pathways to CPA Licensure Task Force for your many hours of work on this effort over the last 18 months.
Together with our legislative counsel Brad Epperly, we have drafted a bill amending Sec. 1. Section 542.5, subsection 7, Code 2024, to include an additional licensure pathway in Iowa. This pathway welcomes applicants who have completed a baccalaureate or higher degree, successfully completed the CPA Exam, and obtained two years of general accounting experience. Our Board of Directors approved introducing this bill during the upcoming state legislative session. I hope you will join us for Iowa CPA Day at the Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 22 as we discuss the bill and the need for more CPAs in Iowa with state
legislators. Learn more about this free event on page 1.
ISCPA also cosigned a letter with AICPA and other state societies requesting FinCEN and the US Treasury delay the implementation date of the Beneficial Ownership Interest reporting requirements. While the courts have placed an injunction on enforcement of the reporting rule, the original deadlines are still in effect and are subject to future court rulings. As of this writing, BOI filings remain voluntary.
We are always looking for new ways to collaborate and support our members. ISCPA has partnered with eight Midwest state CPA societies to launch the new CPA Firm Regional Leadership Network. This virtual network provides facilitated discussions among leaders of similar-sized public accounting firms (those with a minimum of two CPAs), creating a platform to explore industry trends and share best practices. If you haven’t heard about this new program and would like to learn more, please email me.
Looking ahead: goals during the transition
I’ve established goals in five areas to concentrate on during the transition to a permanent CEO. First, rebuild trust and stability by engaging with staff, board members, and members to address immediate concerns and restore confidence.
Second, focus on member engagement. We want to strengthen connections with members by listening to your needs and enhancing communication. I had the pleasure of meeting many members within the first week of my time here at ISCPA. Attending Community Connections events in Decorah and Dubuque was certainly a highlight for me. These Community Connections meetings were very successful, and the staff look forward to the 2025 Community Connections series. Stay tuned for dates and locations in a future issue of Iowa CPA. I also had the opportunity to pop into a few firms and businesses to meet other members while in northeastern Iowa, which was an added treat.
Third, drive business development to solidify ISCPA’s future. We want to identify additional revenue streams available through sponsorships and partnerships with key CPA firms and businesses employing CPAs. Additionally, we will develop and promote services and products that respond to the evolving needs of our members and prospective members. Business development also means implementing strategies to grow membership and improve retention by clearly demonstrating the organization’s value.
Supporting advocacy and CPA pipeline growth is the fourth goal. We will continue advocacy efforts to protect and advance the CPA
ISCPA scholarships for aspiring CPAs
The nomination window is now open. Each year, ISCPA awards scholarships from the Iowa CPA Education Foundation to Iowa college students planning to become a CPA in the state. The application deadline is April 1 and requires an ISCPA student membership (which is free) and coordination with the college’s faculty liaison.
Please help spread the word. We want Iowa accounting students to apply. Find criteria, faculty liaison list and details at www.iacpa.org/foundation
Eligible applicants must meet or complete the following:
• Attend an NCA and/or AACSB accredited educational institution in Iowa during the next academic year.
• Be an Iowa resident and currently intend to work in Iowa following graduation.
• Have not taken the CPA exam, but plan to take the exam and be licensed in Iowa.
• Have a 3.0 GPA or better.
• Have completed at least 60 semester hours of college credit, including 15 semester hours in accounting by the end of the upcoming fall semester. (Does include principles of accounting.)

• Confirm your intent to take the CPA examination conducted by the Iowa Accountancy Examining Board for the purpose of being granted a Certified Public Accountant certificate.
• Be a student affiliate member of the Iowa Society of CPAs (ISCPA).
Continued from page 4
profession and collaborate with educational institutions and stakeholders to build a robust pipeline of future CPAs.
Finally, the fifth goal is to set a strategic foundation for the future. We will develop a short-term strategic plan focused on business growth, member value, and advocacy priorities as well as lay the groundwork for long term success by establishing clear goals and creating a framework for the next leader.
Again, thank you for welcoming me. While I’ve been engaged with ISCPA through committees and serving as chair of the Pathways to CPA Licensure Task Force, there is more to the organization than I ever could have imagined. I invite you to explore all the Society does and discover ways to engage.

Accounting Opportunities Experience = Career Exposure for High School Students
As accountants, balancing is fundamental to everything we do. Unfortunately, the career pipeline is unbalanced. Fortunately, ISCPA members are working hard to fix this! Members from across the state are volunteering a significant amount of time exposing students to the accounting profession with the goal of encouraging them to explore accounting careers and, ideally, CPA licensure. In November, for the third consecutive year, Iowa Society of CPA members participated in Accounting Opportunities Experience (AOE). This is a nationwide, month-long outreach campaign that provides members an opportunity to share information about careers in accounting with high school students. One key to the profession’s pipeline challenge is perception. The perception that accounting is boring, the perception that the CPA exam is too hard, the perception that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace humans, etc. Iowa CPAs are passionate about debunking these misconceptions and the Accounting Opportunities Experience provides a great platform.
This year over 50 ISCPA members and their colleagues delivered presentations at 51 high schools across the state, from Sioux City to Guttenberg,

engaging more than 1,900 students through classroom and school events. In addition to reaching the students, a great benefit of this outreach is that business teachers develop a better understanding of career opportunities in accounting, and they can share with their students.
Jenny McGarry, ISCPA board member and Career Awareness Committee member shared, “It is such an honor to be invited into a school, into a classroom; and it’s a blast when students engage and walk away knowing a little bit more about accounting. While I love chatting with the students, there is such value in also helping the teachers learn more about accounting. Teachers are instrumental in helping us spread the word so they can help students make connections to the profession throughout the entire school year!”
Business educators from high schools across the state expressed gratitude for ISCPA members’ enthusiasm and excitement for the profession. “Partnering with the ISCPA this year has been great. They have connected us to several accountants who bring life to the industry. The ISCPA team has introduced my class to accountants with various roles: business owners,
Continued on page 7

CPAs, public accountants, college instructors, corporate accountants, and more. Their shared insights are helping drive interest in the field and show that accounting is connected to all industries and is a skill in high demand,” shared Michael Mertz, business educator in the Ankeny Community School District.
ISCPA will continue to pair interested members with schools for presentations throughout the year
because we know that Accounting Opportunities Experience must extend beyond the month of November. ISCPA’s acCOUNTing ME IN program provides members with simple presentation materials and handouts needed to make a great classroom visit. If you are interested in talking about your passion for the profession, let us know.
Thank you to the Accounting Opportunities Experience ISCPA member volunteers:
Emily Archer
Sally Boyer
Lisa Brandau
Andrea Cerda
Valerie Culp
Ben Currie
Amanda Daugherty
David Deeds
Ashley Didesch
Kelley Ellis
Eion Fitzgerald
Rod Foster
Todd Glynn
Paige Grimm
Joe Haley
Brett Huth
Mike Jensen
Matt Kalof
Gina Keck
Matthew Kelderman
Ardis Kelley
Jef Konrad
Bob Krogmeier
Valerie Kulp
Shannon Larson
Sara Lehan
Rebecca Maire
Dennis Martin
Lee McFee
Jenny McGarry
Hunter Moore
Kaleb Moser
Alec Mousel
Alexis Munsell
John Murphy
Jennifer Penning
Greg Reimann
Jacob Reuter
Tanya Ruden
Rachel Ruplinger
Elsa Saemrow
Mason Sander
Bruce Schmiedlin
Laurie Siegel
Cassie Silva
Sandi Smith
Ben Spadt
Andrew Steckel
Susan Stutzel
Michael Trettin
Joe Ugrin
Libby Van De Pol
Seth Van Gorp
David Wall
April Wilker
It is important that we recognize all of the members who are doing this great work to improve the CPA career pipeline. If you have presented to high school students about the accounting profession during this school year and your name is not listed above, please let us know! Email Lindsey at lhaley@iacpa.org

Iowa CPA shifts to email delivery
The new year will bring changes to your Iowa CPA delivery options. As a nonprofit organization, we are conscientious of how we use every dollar. While 75% of members currently choose to receive this publication by email, some still prefer to receive a physical copy at their home or business. Due to increasing print and mail costs, we are reducing the print version of our newsletter to four issues this year. We will continue to produce 10 issues of Iowa CPA and share a digital version via email and on our website.
If you currently receive the printed Iowa CPA each month, we encourage you to opt in to the email version so you don’t miss the latest news delivered directly to your inbox. To do this:
1. Sign into the ISCPA website at www.iacpa.org; if you don’t recall your login information, use the easy Reset Your Password feature.
2. Once logged in, go to Manage Communications under “Profile” in My ISCPA, or use this link: www.iacpa.org/ my-cpa/subscriptions .

3. Select the box for “Iowa CPA newsletter” found in the Membership and Events category; you may need to scroll down the page to find.
4. Click the Save My Preferences button at the bottom of the page.
The website will continue to be your source for current and past issues of Iowa CPA regardless of your selected delivery method.
Customized onsite learning solutions
Does your organization have 10 or more employees who need the same type of training? ISCPA’s onsite learning could be the perfect fit for you. We offer a wide range of courses that can be customized to meet your specific needs with access to numerous skilled instructors who deliver high-quality training on almost any topic.
How it works
1. Share your unique learning requirements with ISCPA.
2. Our learning team will collaborate with you to design the course and provide expert instructors.
3. Choose the date, program, and location that work best for you.
Why customize your learning?
• Receive tailored presentations to meet your organization’s specific needs.
• Learn in a confidential and focused environment.
• Enjoy less travel time and expense for your staff.
• Benefit from flexible pricing options.
For more information, contact Katie Shields, kshields@iacpa.org
McGarry and Haley present at accounting conference
The Ivy College of Business Department of Accounting hosted the 22nd annual Contemporary Issues in Accounting Conference on Nov. 25 at Iowa State University. This event served not only as a platform for advancing professional knowledge, but also as a crucial opportunity to highlight the necessity to inspire and recruit the next generation of accountants. Seventy-five attendees learned from industry leaders and enjoyed a day on campus. The conference featured several keynote speakers, with topics ranging from how to use artificial intelligence at work to the future of the accounting profession. Jenny McGarry, a member of ISCPA’s Board of Directors, joined ISCPA Director of Membership and Business Development Lindsey Haley, in leading the conference’s closing session entitled “The Future of Accounting: Where Do We Go from Here?”. McGarry and Haley shared the challenges and opportunities facing the accounting profession as it seeks to address a shrinking talent pipeline and evolving workforce expectations. Declining birth rates, perceived barriers such as the 150-hour CPA education rule, and the rising costs of education are deterring students from pursuing accounting careers. To counter these trends, the profession is exploring alternative licensure pathways, revamping academic curricula to be more engaging, and enhancing out reach efforts to inspire interest among younger audiences. Is there room to add a participant quote? It just came in yesterday.
“This session resonated with me. Even though I am not in an
accounting organization, it is part of a larger challenge facing the workforce as a whole and will require ingenuity to find a solution,” said Ainslee Barnes, operations implementation manager with Casey’s.
McGarry and Haley shared details about ISCPA’s initiatives such as Accounting Opportunities Experience, which puts members into high school classrooms across the state, reaching more than 1,900 students during the fall 2024 semester. In addition, ISCPA will host the third annual high school case competition in May, and members share their passion for the accounting profession at middle school STEAM events, high school student and family career fairs, and through projects such as Future Ready Iowa and Avenue Scholars. If you’re interested in getting involved in any of these projects, please join ISCPA’s

Career Awareness Committee or contact Lindsey Haley at lhaley@ iacpa.org
The session left participants with a call to action to get involved McGarry and Haley emphasized the need for collaboration among educators, employers, CPAs, and state CPA societies to address these issues, while also promoting the profession through compelling storytelling and increased engagement in high schools and colleges. They stressed the urgency of adapting to demographic and cultural changes while investing in education, diversity, and workplace improvements to ensure the profession’s future success. By taking these steps, the accounting profession can adapt to changing dynamics and secure a vibrant future.

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Thank you to the following members for contributing articles, quotes, comments and member features to Iowa CPA in 2024.
Lambert Blank, Jr., managing member of Lambert Blank Jr. MST CPA PLC in Clive
Erik Bonstrom, partner with UHY LLP in West Des Moines
Valerie Culp, adjunct accounting instructor at DMACC in Ankeny
Daryl Henze, Urbandale
Michelle Hutson, senior financial analyst with BCC Advisers in Des Moines
Katie Kerker, senior manager with RSM US LLP in Cedar Rapids
Max Miller, CPA with McGowen & Associates PLLC in Clive
Devon Neitzel, tax associate with Eide Bailly LLP in Des Moines
Brandon Pratt, founder and guide of The Capital Collective in Clive
Twyla Rosenbaum, associate professor with Morningside University
Mason Sander, supervisor with Denman CPA LLP in West Des Moines
Kelli Schmidt, partner with KPMG in Des Moines
Grant Seuferer, tax senior manager with Deloitte Tax LLP in Des Moines
Jim Smith, MHCS PC, Winterset
Sandi Smith, senior director – accounting and finance with Principal Financial Group in Des Moines
Tim Stiles, finance director with the City of West Des Moines
Susan Stutzel, owner of S Stutzel CPA LLC in Tipton
Monica Sullivan, senior tax manager with Boulay PLLP of Eden Prairie, Minn.
Jan Towne, principal with Riverview Financial Group, PC in Keosauqua
Dwayne Vande Krol, shareholder at Nyemaster Goode PC in Des Moines
Kayla Vandehaar, tax and treasury senior manager with Lauridsen Group in Ankeny
Seth Van Gorp, CPA with Kroese & Kroese PC in Sioux Center
Alison VanOtterloo, SVP underwriting with Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company in Algona

The following individuals have recently joined the Society. Please take time to welcome them and invite them to participate in events and programs with you. Find these members in ISCPA’s Member Directory at www.iacpa.org/my-cpa .
Dayne Bergan RSM US LLP
Iowa City
Tucker Bland RSM US LLP Davenport
Alan Castaneda RSM US LLP
Des Moines
Allison Crump RSM US LLP
Des Moines
New student affiliates
Jacob Deitrich RSM US LLP Davenport
Dylan Determan Honkamp PC Dubuque
Carly Haden Cain Ellsworth & Co LLP
Sheldon Logan Kipper RSM US LLP Dubuque
Des Moines Area Community College
Elizabeth Knickerbocker
Drake University
Caitlyn Erland
Noah Honnold
Ja’Mona Smith
Morgan Kramoski RSM US LLP Davenport
Ethan Miebach RSM US LLP Davenport
Brian Norberg RSM US LLP Davenport
Josh Paulson
MHCS PC West Des Moines
Members in the news
Joel Anderson, RSM US LLP, Des Moines, has been named partner.
Jamie Cornish has been hired by Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines as chief audit executive.
Meghan Cowan has been hired by TDT CPAs and Advisors PC, Cedar Rapids, as senior tax associate.
David Droessler, RSM US LLP, Cedar Rapids, has been named partner.

Update your profile
Sara Pierce-Moore Fairmont, Minn.
Sam Richter RSM US LLP Davenport
Jared Tigges RSM US LLP Davenport
Jay Figgins, RSM US LLP, Dubuque, has been named partner.
Davis Kennedy has been hired by MHCS PC, West Des Moines, as staff accountant.
Alec Kestel, RSM US LLP, Iowa City, has been named partner.
Luke Martin has been hired by Koch & Lipkea PC, Cedar Rapids, as tax accountant.
As we start a new year, it’s a great time to check and refresh your ISCPA profile! Check your member dashboard to make sure your information is up to date. This helps us communicate the information you want so you can stay informed with news, events and learning opportunities including free CPE offerings. Visit www.iacpa.org/my-cpa to review your profile, job title, contact data, and adjust communication preferences.
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CPE Spotlight

Go bananas on Jan. 14
Join us Jan. 14 for a Free CPE session featuring Savanah Bananas CFO, Dr. Tim Naddy, CPA, MAcc. This entertaining and engaging session will dive into how the Savannah Bananas have revolutionized the sports industry, blending entertainment and business innovation. Hear how Naddy helped the team transition from a local baseball club to a viral sensation through bold, fan-centered business decisions. Learn leadership strategies focused on creativity, managing change, and taking calculated risks that drive success. Discover how Naddy’s leadership and financial expertise helped the Bananas exceed growth expectations, reshape their business model, and set a new standard in sports entertainment. Register at www.iacpa.org/24free.
Did you know?
ISCPA is a 501c(6) organization. This designation means ALL our earnings must be reinvested back into the organization. There are no shareholders –just our wonderful members!
One of our primary sources of revenue comes from the robust professional development opportunities we provide. Whether it’s attending ISCPA conferences, seminars, webcasts, or other events, you’re not just enhancing your knowledge and skills, you’re directly impacting our ability to serve you and the entire profession.
We get it; there are numerous options out there. As you plan your professional development for the year, we have a simple request: choose ISCPA. By doing so, you’re not only making a smart decision for your professional growth, but you’re also helping us pay it forward. Thank you for being part of our mission!
Upcoming learning opportunities for Business and Industry
• Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 | CFO Series - February 2025 Webinar Bundle, Live Virtual Seminars
• March 25 | Business and Industry Conference, Ankeny
• March 27 | Current Developments and Best Practices for Today’s CFOs and Controllers, Live Virtual Seminar
• March 28 | I nnovative Forecasting and Budgeting: Moving Beyond the Traditional Techniques, Live Virtual Seminar
• March 28 | Technology Trends and Hot Topics Impacting the Accounting Profession, Live Virtual Seminar
2025 Conferences at a Glance MARCH 25 Business and Industry MAY 1 Leadership Summit MAY 13 Iowa Governmental Roundtable MAY 20 Financial Institutions
JUNE 9-10 Technology
JUNE 18 Insurance Industry
AUG. 14 Emerging Leaders
SEPT. 16-17 Fall CPE
SEPT. 25 Circle of Excellence Awards
There’s still time to get tax season ready
Jan. 8
Jan. 13
Jan. 20 Monthly Federal Tax Updates - January 2025
Jan. 22 Federal Tax Update: Individual Form 1040 2024
Jan. 24 2024 Multistate Taxation - Issues and Planning Opportunities

ISCPA comments on CPA pathway exposure draft
ISCPA provided AICPA and NASBA with a comment letter on the proposed CPA CompetencyBased Experience Pathway outlined in the UAA Exposure Draft (www.iacpa.org/cbepath). The ISCPA Pathways to CPA Licensure Task Force worked to identify and communicate key issues in the exposure draft knowing the proposed changes carry significant implications for the accounting profession and aspiring CPAs.
The exposure draft proposal reflected an understanding of the challenges facing the profession, particularly the need to expand the CPA pipeline, attract a broader pool of candidates, and remain competitive with other professions.
However, we expressed concerns about the potential for subjectivity and inconsistency in the proposed Competency-Based Experience Pathway, particularly regarding the role of the CPA Evaluator. Relying on the evaluator’s “professional judgment” rather than clearly defined, measurable competencies could lead to inconsistencies in candidate assessments. Variations in evaluators’ judgments risk creating uneven standards for licensure, introducing ambiguity, and undermining trust in the process.
Additionally, we pointed out that firm-level incentives may inadvertently influence evaluators’ decisions, compromising their objectivity. Without clear guidelines and accountability mechanisms, the framework could fail to ensure a reliable and equitable standard for qualifying CPA experience. For these reasons, we urged for reconsideration of the competencies to establish a more effective, verifiable, and consistent measure of CPA experience.
As an advocate of the accounting profession, ISCPA is committed to licensure requirements that focus on critical competencies for entry into the profession while avoiding undue subjectivity or burdens on candidates, firms, and state boards of accountancy (SBOAs).

Through extensive information-gathering efforts over the past two years, ISCPA found an overwhelming majority of our members support an alternative pathway based on the following:
• Completion of a baccalaureate degree – with 120 semester hours (or the trimester/quarter equivalent) and the required accounting and business concentration.
• Completion of two years of general accounting work experience.
• Passage of the Uniform CPA Exam.
In the comment letter, we expressed belief that such a pathway offers a practical, transparent, and equitable solution that addresses many concerns raised by the pipeline crisis. It reduces barriers to entry, alleviates cost and time burdens for candidates, and ensures that CPA candidates meet essential competencies while fostering growth in the profession. We also addressed concerns that automatic mobility was not included in the proposed framework or the UAA updates. With proper guardrails in place such as education, experience, and the CPA Exam, automatic mobility would provide a stronger foundation for CPA licensure and help reduce the risk of disruption. It would also ensure that boards of accountancy retain jurisdiction over complaints involving CPAs practicing under licenses issued by other states. Given its importance for public protection, we stated our surprise and disappointment that automatic mobility was not included in the exposure draft.
ISCPA supports efforts to explore alternative pathways to CPA licensure, as these initiatives are crucial for expanding the pipeline and addressing the profession’s long-term needs. We will watch for further developments from AICPA and NASBA on the pathway draft and UAA updates.

JOB: Managing director of accounting and finance with Kingland Systems, LLC in Clear Lake
ALMA MATER: Buena Vista University

COMMUNITY AND SOCIETY ACTIVITIES: Business and Industry and LEAP Committee member
What I wanted to be when I grew up: As a really young girl, I wanted to be a teacher. I remember lining my stuffed animals and dolls up and pretending to read to them in the “classroom.” During middle school and high school, I knew I wanted to enter the business world in some degree, but I wasn’t quite sure how or where.
My inspiration to become a CPA comes from: Me. My inspiration and motivation really came from within. During my sophomore year of college, I accepted a year-long accounting internship. At the time, I was majoring in general business, with a minor in accounting. I ended up enjoying my internship so much that I not only changed my major to accounting, I also never left that company. I have now been with that company (Kingland) for over 15 years. My full-time position didn’t require a CPA designation, but I knew it was something that I had wanted to achieve for myself. I actually began to study for the exam fresh out of college but was feeling burnt out after completing a triple major in four years, while working a full-time job. I took some time off from studying and decided over four years later to begin studying and sit for the exam. I’m proud to be a CPA, and so happy that I chose to continue to pursue the designation.
How has being a member of ISCPA helped you professionally? I have really enjoyed the connections that I have made through ISCPA, whether it be with the ISCPA staff members or other CPAs that I have met at conferences. It has been a great networking opportunity for me, especially coming from the private sector.
Favorite food: Anything that gets cooked for me. If I were to choose, I would probably pick something Italian.
What is your favorite thing about your job? I enjoy the challenges that it gives me. In my 15-year career, I’ve had the opportunity to work in all areas of accounting and see many different types of activities and transactions. I’ve always enjoyed the people that I work with, and the opportunities that have been presented to me at all stages of my career. Whether it was working with senior leadership as an intern, or leading an implementation, or even dabbling in HR. It’s been enjoyable to have such a wide variety of roles.
What message do you have for high school and college kids considering a career as a CPA? If it’s something you’re passionate about, do it! A CPA designation is something you can be proud of, no matter where life takes you.
Tell us some of your philosophies and principles toward work and life. Effort creates opportunities. Embrace challenges, and stay adaptable.
Have you had any mentors who helped you along the way? I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with a lot of really great people throughout my life. These people have not only supported my personal and professional growth, but they have helped shape who I am today.
Lindsay and her husband Sam live in Clear Lake with their daughters Olivia (3) and Emma (3 months).
When I have free time, I prefer to: Spend time with my family and friends, read a good book, or shop.
Three words that describe me best: Hardworking, loyal, and caring.


Ken Tharp