Newsletter from the Iowa Society of CPAs, your primary source for profession-related information
What sets ISCPA apart? Advocacy
Each legislative session is unique for ISCPA’s state advocacy team. From meetings to special requests, ISCPA members, staff, and our lobbyists dedicate themselves to working as the voice of the profession in Iowa. ISCPA CEO Dawn Latham said, “Advocacy for the profession is a key component of our strategic plan. The involvement of our members during Iowa’s legislative session, from participating in CPA Day at the Capitol to reviewing bill text on various issues, helps advance this important initiative. A huge shout out to the members of our Legislation and Taxation Committees for their engagement these past few months, and of course, we value the guidance of Brad Epperly, our legislative counsel.” Your Society actively monitored more than 175 bills this session for issues affecting Iowa CPAs.
Tax reform was a top priority in the Statehouse this year, and separate bills were introduced with the same intent of lowering the state income tax rate. In the final days of the session, SF2442 was a compromise bill, accelerating the current phase down to create a flat individual income tax rate of 3.8% for tax year 2025.
The legislature also moved on legislation that would amend Iowa’s Constitution, requiring a two-thirds majority approval for legislators to raise individual income taxes. The same language must be adopted during the next legislative session. If that occurs, it will be placed on the ballot for voter consideration in 2026.
Members of the ISCPA Taxation Committee and Legislation Committee held monthly meetings with the Iowa Department of Revenue during the legislative session. This is an opportunity to discuss legislative issues pending before the state legislature and other matters important to members.
Commissions and Boards
Last year, the Boards and Commissions Review Committee reviewed Iowa’s boards and commissions and submitted a recommendation to eliminate and consolidate several boards. The final report recommended decreasing the Iowa Accountancy Examining Board (IAEB) by removing one public member, the designated LPA member, and one CPA member. After the Senate and House considered widely different bills, a compromise was made, and a final bill (SF2385) was sent to the governor for signature. This bill adjusts the IAEB to five board members.
Legislation that would allow excess continuing education credits earned during one renewal period to be used toward the subsequent renewal period did not survive the second funnel in March but did return as an amendment to the State Government Reorganization bill. It is expected to be signed into law.
Auditor of State
Members from the Legislation Committee and the Governmental Auditing and Accounting Committee met with Auditor of State, Rob Sand in January. The discussion included current pipeline challenges and the small number of firms performing government audits in Iowa. ISCPA also monitored legislation that would allow CPA firm income earned from performing Yellow Book audits to be tax exempt. This bill was not enacted into law.
ISCPA carefully monitored legislation (SF2311) allowing state departments to hire CPAs outside of the Office of the Auditor of State to perform the required audit work and submit the results to the AOS. The bill passed in the House but did not get out of Senate committee before the second funnel deadline.
Continued on page 2
National scene
The Society’s advocacy efforts extend beyond the borders of Iowa. ISCPA CEO Dawn Latham and a team of ISCPA leaders attended the 2023 AICPA Spring Council in Washington D.C. and met with the members and staff of the Iowa delegation. The issues discussed include:
• Accounting is STEM (S. 1705) (HR 3541)
• Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (S.722) (HR 1477)
• Fiscal State of Nation (S. Con Res 10) (H. Con Res 46)
Following these meetings, ISCPA joined a coalition to continue advocating for the workforce legislation that would expand eligible uses of 529 savings plans to cover costs associated with credentialing programs like CPAs. ISCPA also co-signed a letter to Congress encouraging co-sponsorship of the STEM legislation that would allow accounting programs access to existing STEM K-12 grant funding for accounting awareness and education.
When comprehensive tax legislation reached the U.S. Senate, ISCPA wrote to Sen. Grassley and Sen. Ernst expressing concern on the timing of the bill and the potential changes to tax laws during the height of tax season. Members of the Taxation
ISSUE NO. 2024-5
Published 10 times per year by the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants (ISCPA). Send address changes, advertising inquiries and all correspondence to: 1415 28th St., Ste. 450 West Des Moines, IA 50266

Email: iacpa@iacpa.org
Website: www.iacpa.org or contact the ISCPA office: 515-223-8161
Cover Photo by Payton Shields: Pella, Iowa
Committee met with Sen. Ernst’s staff to underscore these concerns.
ISCPA actively advocated for the delay of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements that went into effect Jan. 1. The most recent request was co-signing a letter requesting a delay in enforcement following a court ruling that determined the CTA to be unconstitutional as the decision in this complex case compounded the confusion of who must comply.
Future success
Events like Iowa CPA Day at the Capitol held each January continue to promote dialogue between members and legislative leaders and create a unified voice for the profession. ISCPA members discussed issues facing the CPA profession with key officials including House Speaker Pat Grassley, House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl, Senate President Amy Sinclair, Sen. Jason Schultz who is Chair of the Senate State Government Committee, Rep. Jane Bloomingdale who is Chair of the House State Government Committee, and Rep. Mike Bergan who serves on the House State Government Committee. ISCPA expressed opposition to any initiatives that would impose a sales tax on services and voiced concerns about the emerging pipeline challenges confronting the accounting profession. The only way to improve on the day is for more members to attend. Plan to join us in 2025!

IParting thoughts from...
Outgoing Chair Alison VanOtterloo
t has truly been an honor to serve as chair of the Iowa Society of CPAs Board of Directors. As I stepped into this role, I was asked what I would like to focus on this year. The pipeline was an easy answer. "The Accounting Profession Is in Crisis" was a recent article headline from The CPA Journal. The combination of fewer students choosing accounting as a major with the number of current accountants set to retire in the near future has created a significant situation impacting the profession on a national level. Many of you have probably felt that pain whether it is trying to hire CPAs or trying to find a CPA to provide the necessary services you need. At ISCPA, we decided the time to act was NOW, so we did just that.
Looking ahead
It started with our board and committee chairs’ strategic planning session last summer where we discussed priorities to establish a new vision and mission statement for the Society. Our vision statement became, Trusted advocate transforming the future of the profession. Notice a key word in there. We don't intend to just sit back and watch the future of our profession unfold. We want to be active in creating that transformation. This led to a mission statement and strategic priorities to support that vision. The ISCPA staff went to work creating specific goals, activities, and desired outcomes to support this vision. As it turns out, pipeline was a huge part of the strategic plan.
CPA licensure task force
In 2023, we created the ISCPA Pathways to CPA Licensure Task Force centered around the debate of the 150-hour education requirement to become a CPA. This was in large part due to a bill proposed in the state of Minnesota to create an alternative pathway to CPA licensure by requiring only 120 hours plus two years of experience. This task force and ISCPA staff led focus groups across the state and deployed surveys of members, non-members, and students. Based on the feedback we received, the task force recommendation approved by the board of directors was to pursue alternative
pathways to licensure in Iowa that preserve mobility. We have yet to determine what those pathways might be, but one course of action could be to follow Minnesota. We plan to take a "wait and see" approach and be ready to follow suit with our own action in Iowa if the Minnesota bill is enacted into law. While the pipeline issue is definitely multifaceted with several driving forces, most believe the 150-hour education requirement is a significant contributing factor to current hiring challenges based on what we heard from our membership. Stay tuned for news as this task force continues their critical work.
Legislative advocacy
We also had an opportunity to advocate for the profession both to our Iowa delegation in Washington D.C. and our state representatives in Iowa during our CPA Day at the Capitol. We're fortunate to have Dawn Latham as our CEO as she has many years of experience working with legislators. She helped us navigate these efforts to position us for the best possible outcome. At both the federal and state levels, we shared our concerns around current pipeline challenges as well as initiatives they could support. We received favorable feedback and will continue our outreach efforts as we work to transform and evolve the CPA profession in Iowa.
We attended a spring and fall national council meeting with the AICPA where pipeline was at the forefront of the conversation. We are thankful for the multiple efforts being put forth by that organization to also help solve this issue on a national level. The ISCPA team continues to be engaged with other state societies around the country, but especially in the Midwest to see how we can work together to make meaningful progress.
As I transition to the past-chair role, I am thankful for our ISCPA team and our members who are so willing to tackle the tough issues, collaborate
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Our new program provides a path to earning a specialized degree that helps you get ahead in today’s business environment. You’ll take a deep dive into a well-rounded selection of accounting and business analytics topics while learning to expand your analytical skills, which are critical to the accounting profession. Scan the QR code to learn more.

together as one voice, and work to transform the CPA profession in Iowa. I pass the baton to Erik Bonstrom, our new ISCPA chair, and have great comfort in knowing our efforts will continue smoothly as Erik has been working hand-and-hand with me all year. Thank you for your continued
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support and membership in the ISCPA. We are truly making a difference through this organization. Alison VanOtterloo is a CPA and Senior Vice President Underwriting at Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company in Algona. She has been a member since 2006.
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Henze recognized for highest foundation achievement
ISCPA member Daryl Henze, a retired audit partner at KPMG LLP in Des Moines and an ISCPA past president (1981), is the first to reach the crown level of giving for the Iowa CPA Education Foundation, the foundation’s highest donor recognition level. Crown level donors have contributed $50,000 or more from one-time or cumulative contributions.
“I remember when I was in college and how much the two scholarships I received helped me,” said Henze.” Getting an education is the most important thing an individual can do, and helping someone get there is a great feeling!”
Henze is the largest donor to the foundation since its launch in 2014 and will have the opportunity to name and present a scholarship. Not only has he supported the foundation financially, but he volunteers his time on the Iowa CPA Education Foundation Advisory Committee. He was also a member of the subcommittee that helped guide ISCPA through a months-long process of establishing the foundation.
Thank you, Daryl, for your contributions and dedication to the next generation of CPAs!

The Iowa Society of CPAs is reflecting on this year’s milestones. We not only want to share this year in review, but we also want to thank you for driving the success of the organization. We are a membership organization that thrives on engaging members in all areas of focus. We look forward to seeing what we will accomplish together in 2024-25.

It’s all about the members!
This year we asked to hear from you! Members shared their thoughts on the direction of the profession and how to attract more to pursue the CPA license.
✓ Established the Pathways to CPA Licensure Task Force to explore the barriers to entry to the accounting profession.
Career awareness and outreach
Staff and members visited 14 college campuses across the state, including 4 community colleges. | Accounting Opportunities Experience sparked 40 ISCPA members to reach over 2,300 high school students in 39 classrooms across Iowa. | ISCPA Case Competition allowed 97 high school students from 9 school districts to connect high school accounting classes with active CPAs in real accounting case simulation. | 12 CPA members volunteered in these classrooms to teach educational modules. 9 firms hosted competition teams and connected with Iowa’s future CPAs. | Our Career Awareness committee is composed of 60 members who are passionate about the future generations of this profession.
Iowa CPAs Month of Service
This community service event represents the profession’s ongoing commitment to give back to local communities through volunteer efforts.
495 volunteers reported service
23 teams participated
68 organizations impacted 2,785 volunteer hours

ISCPA promotes lifelong learning for accounting professionals. Our goal is to make Iowa CPAs future-ready and successful in their professional endeavors.
✓ Introduced the Free Members-Only CPE Series, featuring over 12 hours of complimentary CPE hours. Each session attracted an average of 92 attendees, covering a diverse range of topics crucial to members.
✓ Joined forces with fellow Midwest CPA societies on a brand new initiative to provide an extensive range of CPE offerings. This collaboration allowed a more robust line up of offerings drawing experts from around the country.
✓ The Iowa Tax Update saw significant growth, nearly doubling its popularity from 2022 with 455 attendees.
✓ Offered an array of learning opportunities covering just-in-time topics such as BOI, CTA, and PTET, ensuring members stay informed and upto-date as important topics unfolded.
Iowa CPA Education Foundation

Talk about the profession
3 DisCo Hours (Discussion + Conversation) with CEO Dawn Latham and AICPA’s Carl Peterson provided a platform to talk about the profession, discuss ideas and hear about hot topics.
✓ Endow Iowa Fund $329,164 ($14,152 donated 2023-24)
✓ Non-Endow Fund $126,856 ($25,103 donated 2023-24)

Renew membership early
To take full advantage of all your ISCPA membership offers, be sure you renew today. May is the first month of a new membership year, and you won’t want to miss the FREE CPE series only available to members by delaying your renewal. The total value of this FREE CPE series benefit alone is more than your annual membership dues! Look for your renewal statement in your inbox, mail, or visit www.iacpa.org/renew
Stronger by association
Being engaged with your state society can lead to opportunities you’ve never thought possible. Attend a conference or connect with others through discussions on ISCPA Link, our member online community. Upskill with our learning options for CPE credit and take advantage of our social networking events. Volunteer for a committee, task force or annual Iowa CPAs Month of Service. Becoming more engaged means you build relationships with amazing people!
Quality first
With an eye on the needs of our members, we continue to deliver the highest quality events and initiatives. From an ever-expanding list of highly rated online learning choices to our growing outreach to younger generations, we equip members with new skills and knowledge while opening the minds of those looking for an exciting future profession.
Invest in yourself, your state society and your profession by renewing your membership.
A message from your board
The ISCPA board of directors met April 26, 2024. Decisions and activities are listed below.
• Approved consent agenda items including minutes of the Dec. 1, 2023 meeting of the board, the March 4, 2024 special executive committee unanimous consent vote, and the March 22, 2024 meeting of the executive committee.
• Received a state legislative update from Brad Epperly, ISCPA’s legislative counsel.
• The board voted to update the Society’s legislative retainer agreement to list the new consulting practice of Brad Epperly and Dustin Miller.
• Received information from Fran Haas, Nyemaster Goode PC on DEI resources and implicit bias.
• Presentation on fiduciary responsibilities of directors by Bill Boyd, Nyemaster Goode PC.
• Approved the 2024-25 budget.
• Discussed and approved 401(k) discretionary contribution.
• Received a report from Dwayne Vande Krol, AICPA Regional Council Meeting held in March.
• Discussed ISCPA policy update needs for committee meetings.
• Received a report from Chair Alison VanOtterloo.
• Vice Chair Erik Bonstrom presented Alison VanOtterloo an award for her leadership as chair.
• The board elected Dawn Latham as chief executive officer of ISCPA.
• Recognized outgoing board members.
• Scheduled a meeting for Sept. 27, 2024.

Data analytics in financial reporting: Enhancing decision-making in accounting
By Tommy Stephens, CPA.CITP, CGMAThe increased use of data analytics (DA) across various industries has improved overall operations and business efficiency. For example, in the financial sector, the opportunities for accountants through the effective use of data analytics in financial reporting are massive. DA helps accountants make fast, informed decisions for their clients or companies. In addition, DA helps optimize operations to improve accounting procedures continuously.
What are data analytics?
Data analytics is the discipline of gathering data to glean insights into certain aspects of a business. For example, in terms of accounting, looking at data can help make standard accounting processes more efficient and allow decisions to be made more accurately and efficiently. Above all, accountants can provide management with additional insights on costs, regional or individual performance, product lines, and other critical business metrics.
Data analytics in finance
When it comes to accounting, a lot of responsibility lies in making critical financial decisions for an organization. Therefore, keeping track of an organization's income and spending is integral to business accounting. Consequently, the use of data analytics within this field has proven to be a game changer when it comes to enhancing accountants' professional decision-making skills. Information typically presented in reports can be presented graphically or in dashboard formats. Frequently, drill-down capabilities through the graphics expose the underlying data.
By incorporating data analytics into accounting departments, the rate at which critical financial decisions are made and the accuracy with which they are made can drastically increase if used effectively.
Data analytics and the opportunities for accountants
Aside from improving day-to-day financial operations, data analytics presents several new opportunities for accountants to take advantage of on behalf of their clients. Businesses can achieve increased production rates and improved decision accuracy through data analytics.
Informed decision making
Using data analytics drives decision-making in accounting, with some systems allowing professionals to pull the relevant data to reveal financial patterns, assisting accountants in making informed and accurate financial decisions on behalf of their clients or organization.
Financial decisions move beyond simply budgeting accurately and making predictions. Accountants can assist their customers in building business plans and hone potential business opportunities by using data analytics. Tools like 4ImpactData contain codified knowledge in Power BI dashboards that analyze cash flow and optimize various operations.
Improved client interactions
Through the proper use of data analytics, accountants can provide advice to their clients based on their specific needs. Data analytics can tell accountants a lot about how their clients fare in their industries and help determine the best route for financial reform and take effective next steps. Tools like Abrigo ProfitCents provide comparative financial metrics for industry sectors.
Executives often turn to accountants to help make critical calls, not only financially but in general business operations too. With data analytics opening the door to more information and insights, it allows accountants to leverage data and knowledge to advise their clients accurately.
Data analytics can help accountants drive results that ultimately increase client satisfaction, giving them increased authority and ownership over their decisions. Combining accounting expertise with complex databases is the future of best accounting practices.
Operating within complex parameters
Some organizations operate within more complex parameters than others and using data analytics can simplify these parameters to make them more understandable to the organization's executives and other staff. In addition, proper use of data can break down seemingly complex processes and financial circumstances into digestible pieces of information, allowing accountants to combine their expertise with relevant facts and figures to make critical
decisions. Tools like Tableau, Qlik, Domo, and Zoho Analytics combine multiple data sets to analyze complex processes and parameters. View other options at K2's Accounting Software World website. Business and finance parameters are never set in stone. Therefore establishing market and economic patterns can be difficult when done manually. Data analytics provides an opportunity to stay on top of changing economic environments, allowing accountants to add value and make decisions based on live data. Organizations have to be adaptable and remain current to succeed.
Using data analytics for tax returns
Another critical aspect of accounting is assisting and advising clients and organizations on the right processes to follow when it comes to tax returns. Organizations rely on accountants' expertise and experience to file taxes, not only correctly but in a manner that financially benefits their organization based on the space in which they operate and their performance over the financial year.
Keeping track of businesses through EINs
Accountants will often liaise with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to file taxes for their clients or assist in filing their tax returns. One of the critical pieces of data required for this is access to an organization's employee identification number (EIN). Using data analytics, accountants can ensure that the information on record with the IRS associated with their client's EIN is current and that they continue to operate within the correct financial parameters in an ever-changing business environment.
An EIN also helps banks that provide business accounts maintain records of their client's performance and operations. In addition, with data analytics, accountants can advise on other products and services available from these banks, which may be more cost-effective for business account holders, possibly saving a business time and money in their financial affairs.
Sales and Use Tax compliance is also critical in most of the United States. SALT (State and local tax) is also essential to compliance. Unlike Canada and much of the rest of the world that uses VAT, GST, or HIT, sales tax laws are byzantine and complex down to the local governmental unit. Analytics can predict SALT liabilities, while automated platforms like Avalara AvaTax, Vertex, or CCH SureTax can assist with the filings.
Types of data analytics available to accountants
In modern accounting practice, four main types of analytics are available to accountants in today's business world. In short, the four types include:
• Descriptive analytics. These provide accountants with insights into the current financial environment and answer questions about what is happening within their client's industry.
• Diagnostic analytics. Problem-solving is another crucial role accountants play. Therefore, diagnostics can help accountants make decisions about why certain things occur and help them provide clients with practical solutions.
• Predictive analytics. An accountant's decisionmaking establishing a route forward can be tricky manually because of speculation. Predictive analytics can help drive accurate and effective decisions for the future and mitigate risks.
• Prescriptive analytics. This type of analysis can help accountants advise their clients on the exact actions to take when implementing change. It answers the question of "what to do" in given circumstances.
Overall, data analytics is a significant change for accounting practices. Integrating data analytics in financial reporting will grow the accountant's professionalism and expertise and the accounting profession.
Tommy is a shareholder of K2 Enterprises. At K2, Tommy focuses on creating and delivering content and is responsible for many Firm management and marketing functions. You can reach him at tommy@ k2e.com or learn more about K2 Enterprises at www.k2e.com
CPE Spotlight

ISCPA members-only Free CPE series
Elevate your expertise with our new series of FREE continuing education courses exclusively available to ISCPA members for the 2024-25 membership year. As a member of ISCPA, you gain exclusive access to 12+ hours of valuable CPE content at no cost. That’s a savings of $580 just for being an ISCPA member! Be sure to renew your membership in May to take advantage of this series. Get more details at www.iacpa.org/24free
Unique multistate tax learning opportunity coming in June
ISCPA has joined forces with four Midwest state CPA societies to offer a valuable learning opportunity focused on regional tax insights. Led by a panel of multistate tax experts from Minnesota, North Dakota, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska, this new virtual seminar explores the nuanced aspects of each state's tax framework. If you do business or serve clients across state borders, this seminar presents an exceptional chance to remain informed about pertinent state and local tax matters and developments.
June 26 | 8:30 a.m.-noon CDT | 4 hours CPE | Live virtual seminar
Explore our CPE and events catalog!
Visit www.iacpa.org/cpe to discover a diverse array of opportunities on:
• Engaging in-person seminars and conferences
• Dynamic live virtual seminars
• Convenient on-demand/self-study learning
• Valuable social and networking events
Streamline your search by leveraging our user-friendly filters, allowing you to refine results by keywords, location, curriculum, credit hours, discussion leaders, and more.

My CPE Tracker Another great benefit of ISCPA membership. Access your CPE Dashboard at www. iacpa.org/my-cpe/tracker
May 21 | 8 a.m.-4:25 p.m. CDT | 8 hours CPE West Des Moines Marriott and live webcast
There’s still time to join us at this year’s annual Financial Institutions Conference, where we bring together CPAs and other professionals working in or with the banking industry. This is the perfect opportunity to explore the latest trends, innovations and challenges facing the industry today.

8 a.m.-4:20 p.m. CDT | 8 hours CPE with bonus session Meadows Events & Conference Center, Altoona and live webcast
Discover fresh trends and top-notch practices shaping the insurance sector. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to the field, this conference promises to arm you with valuable insights and expertise to level up your understanding of the insurance world.
LEAP forward
…Need-to-know news and events for leaders emerging in the accounting profession
Visit www.iacpa.org/young-professionals for detailed information about these events.
Game Night was a hit!
The Iowa Society of CPAs LEAP (Leaders Emerging in the Accounting Profession) Committee for young professionals hosted a game night in April at Ricochet in Des Moines.
More LEAP Committee social and service events are in the works for the 2024-25 membership year. Reach out to Natalie Harwood at nharwood@iacpa.org to learn how to join the committee or participate in activities.

Emerging Leaders Conference
Save the date! The ISCPA Emerging Leaders Conference is our premier event for young professionals wanting to explore key skills and strategies needed to succeed in a constantly evolving work environment. Gain knowledge and discover tangible tactics on what it takes to lead in your personal and professional roles.
Aug. 7 | West48 Conference Center, West Des Moines
Thank you to event Lunch Sponsor: Deloitte
Gold Sponsor: The Reserves Network


The following individuals have recently joined the Society. Please take time to welcome them and invite them to participate in events and programs with you. Find these members in ISCPA’s Member Directory at www.iacpa.org/my-cpa .
Kayla Aronow
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
West Des Moines
Gabe Black
Allen Mitchell LLP
Pam Bormann
Office of Auditor of State
Des Moines
Cole Borwick
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Cedar Rapids
Cody Brandes
Meriwether Wilson and Company PLLC
Tyler Brinning
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Cedar Rapids
Alex Cappel
Dallas, Tx.
Zachary Deitering
Hogan-Hansen PC
Cedar Rapids
Luke Delap
Des Moines
Ben Einck
Athene USA
West Des Moines
Lauryn Embleton
West Des Moines
Kelly English Honkamp PC
Kaitlyn Evans
Paige Grimm
Dahm Knapp & Associates PC
Brenton Gustofson
West Des Moines
Chris Harkey
LattaHarris LLP
Eric Hensley
Forge Financial and Management
Consulting Inc
West Des Moines
Jonathan Hilgendorf
The Brems Group LLP
Cedar Rapids
Justin Kent
Ernst & Young LLP
Des Moines
Tyler Lind
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
West Des Moines
Ryan Luehring
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
West Des Moines
Chase McAlister
Henkel & Associates PC
New Student Affiliates
Des Moines Area
Community College
Braden Carpenter
Kathleen Gallegos
Jenica Minor
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Cedar Rapids
Austin Monahan
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Cedar Rapids
Kaylee Payne
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Eric Remus
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
West Des Moines
Zach Ripka Gilbert & Cook Inc
West Des Moines
Jason Sevcik
Frisco, Tex.
Andrew Stanford CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Cedar Rapids
Liam Stubbe Williams & Company PC
Dylan Taylor
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Cedar Rapids
Jordan Timmerman
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Cedar Rapids
Ellie Vitamvas
Iowa State Bank
Orange City
Dave Weber
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
West Des Moines
Bryce DeKoning
BakerStarrett LLP
Jarrett DeKoning
BakerStarrett LLP
Carter Erickson
Hacker Nelson & Co PC
Bryce Hasselmann
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Des Moines
Brandt Heintz
Meriwether Wilson and Company PLLC
West Des Moines
Carter Hovey Meriwether Wilson and Company PLLC
West Des Moines
Derek Koppes KPMG LLP
Denver, Colo.
Ashley Krebill
BakerStarrett LLP
Nick Reiter
Eide Bailly LLP
Dylan Wiedner
Meriwether Wilson and Company PLLC
West Des Moines
Mikayla Hyink
Andrew Jackson
Carter Mcinville
John Peak III
Jacob Puente
Ahmed Saber
Members in the news
Jordan Bergman has been hired by the Iowa State University Foundation, Ames, as director of financial reporting and budgeting.
Kelli A. Breitbach, Eide Bailly LLP, Dubuque, has been promoted to manager.
Blake Ellinor, Eide Bailly LLP, Dubuque, has been promoted to manager.
Bailey Finney, Eide Bailly LLP, Des Moines, has been promoted to tax senior associate.
Felicia Gibbs, Eide Bailly LLP, Dubuque, has been promoted to manager.
Johnna Haarsma has been hired at Perishable Distributors of Iowa, Ankeny, as transportation accounting supervisor.
Caitlin Hansen, Eide Bailly LLP, Dubuque, has been promoted to manager.
Michael Jones, Eide Bailly LLP, Dubuque, has been promoted to senior associate.
Dylan Kneip, FORVIS LLP, West Des Moines, has been promoted to audit senior manager.
Brooks Kehoe has been hired by Fryar Private Wealth, West Des Moines, as director of financial planning.
Brian Lepa, Veridian Credit Union, Waterloo, has been promoted to manager of finance.
Jenna Lovell, Eide Bailly LLP, Dubuque, has been promoted to senior associate.
Spencer Macklin, Eide Bailly LLP, Des Moines, has been promoted to tax manager.
Ryan Manglos, Eide Bailly LLP, Des Moines, has been promoted to audit senior associate.
Alex Merfeld, KPMG LLP, Des Moines, has been promoted to audit manager.
Jennifer Mosher, FORVIS LLP, West Des Moines, has been promoted to tax manager.
Lisa Peters, Winther Stave & Co LLP, Spencer, has been promoted to manager.
Brooke Seuferer, Eide Bailly LLP, Des Moines, has been promoted to tax senior associate.
Joe Sofen has been hired by Athene USA, West Des Moines, as senior investment accountant.
Hunter Weatherman has been hired by F&G Life, Des Moines, as director of finance operations.
Ben Wetzeler, Eide Bailly LLP, Des Moines, has been promoted to tax senior associate.

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JOB: Tax and treasury manager with Lauridsen Group Inc. in Ankeny
HOMETOWN: Pleasant Hill
ALMA MATER: Iowa State University

COMMUNITY & SOCIETY ACTIVITIES: LEAP Committee member, Bondurant-Farrar School District Board Member, Bondurant-Farrar Education Foundation Treasurer, Bondurant Christian Church Preschool Treasurer
Kayla and her husband, Matt, live in Altoona with their children Brady, Peyton and Brett.
My inspiration to become a CPA comes from:
My high school accounting teacher. While in college, I learned that many people in key management positions had their CPA, even though their titles may not be accounting specific. It was a way to differentiate myself from others and help propel my career forward. I’ve had several unique opportunities that would not have happened or even been an option without being a CPA.
My favorite thing about my job? The people I work with! I’m blessed to work with incredibly talented and driven people who care about one another.
I am passionate about: Helping others! Whether that’s solving problems and brainstorming ideas together or really digging into the work to get something accomplished.
Message for high school and college students considering a career as a CPA: The options are endless. There are many opportunities to learn and grow as a CPA and they’re not just sitting behind a desk. Building relationships is key. You never know when you'll meet a future coworker, boss or even client. Be genuine and authentic. I
First job as a teen: Pizza Ranch
What I wanted to be when I grew up: A veterinarian
I never leave home without: A water bottle
TV show I’m currently obsessed with: Survivor
Favorite food: Pizza
think in any business, showing that you care about people can take you further.
Some of my philosophies and principles toward work and life: My faith is important to me and drives all my decisions!
Mentors who have helped me: A wise person once told me that everyone should have a personal board of directors – these are the people who will be your biggest cheerleaders but also the people who can help you get back on track. I’m thankful to have a solid group of people in my corner.
When I have free time, I prefer to: Be outside, read, and walk.
Last book I read: “House of Earth and Blood” (Crescent City), by Sarah J. Maas.
Favorite TV show: I could watch “The Office” reruns forever.
Place I’d love to live: We live on a small acreage on my husband’s family farm. There is no place I’d rather be!
Favorite podcast: The Lazy Genius
Favorite vacation: Any time spent at the lake
Favorite mantra: You can do hard things
Favorite music genre: Country
Go-to karaoke song: Any NSYNC song
First guest if I hosted a talk show: Patrick Mahomes