ipcm® n. 63 - May/June

Page 1

ISSN 2280-6083

The smart journal for surface treatments


ipcm digital on SPECIAL AUTOMOTIVE




11th Year - Bimonthly N° 63 - MAY/JUNE









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With Atotech’s UniPrep® AC line of products, superior paint coverage on weld and laser cut areas is achievable, even without the use of labor intensive and hazardous mechanical methods. UniPrep® AC products can operate at a mild to near-neutral pH and are free of alkylphenol ethoxylates (APE), phosphorus and boron as well as phosphoric, hydrofluoric, hydrochloric and nitric acids, satisfying many customer and regulatory requirements.

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Atotech Group +49 30 349850 info@atotech.com Global head office



© AdobeStock_olympuscat




Analysis of Corrosion Inhibitors for Hydrochloric Acid Pickling Processes – Part One

© Axalta

© AdobeStock



STOBAG Alufinish: The Installation of Two Powder Coating Fast Colour Change Booths to Meet Customer Needs




46 05 06

EDITOR’S LETTER ANALYSIS That’s Why Colour is so Important in the Paint and Coating Industry



A Versatile, Fast, and Long-Lasting Sanitization Technology: CM Spray’s Experience at the Service of Companies





A Snapshot of the U.S. Coatings Industry Amid Economic Disruption in 2020

22 26


66 68







SUCCESS STORIES INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Advanced Analytics from Dürr Bringing Artificial Intelligence to the Paint Shop

106 108

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Corona Crisis Brings Together Different Kinds of Companies to Produce Protective Masks

Kuraray’s product range Mowital®: let’s bind better!


75 84 92

IR Panels for the Quick and Effective Drying of Latex Gloves: The Unexpected Application of the Catalytic Technology


Thermoplastic Coatings in an Antimicrobial Version: Axalta Plascoat®’s Response to the Current Health Emergency


45 52

March and April in Review

12 14


BRAND-NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY The Long-Term Solution for Dry Separation


INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Adapta Launches Façade CR-0000 for a Rejuvenated Look of Façades





complete plants



IDEAS NEED TALENT C.M.V. srl - Via dell’industria, 2 - 61036 Tavernelle di Colli al Metauro, PU - Italy - T +39 0721 892274 - info.cmv@cmvimpianti.it - www.cmvimpianti.it

© ipcm ®

© Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.






Automobili Lamborghini’s Coating Plant: Artificial Intelligence Integrated with Highly Specialised Craftsmanship © Lucrezia Roda

©FCA Group



PVD-PECVD Sputtering for the Non-Shielding Protection of Automotive Radomes



96 116


FCA Group’s Great New Investment in Coating: Automatic Cells for the Application of Base Coats on Body Interiors at the Pomigliano Plant



HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH The Economic Scenario of Recovery: What Awaits Us after the COVID-19 Emergency

122 126

134 136 140 144 152



HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Beyond the Trendy Colour: Merck’s New Tool Opens Up to Innovative Combinations of Materials


Dow Introduces Two New Products to Enhance the Performance and Sustainability of Waterborne Coatings

HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Atotech: When Sustainability Drives the Change While Ensuring Process Efficiency

The Hidden Colours of the Industrial World Revealed by Lucrezia Roda’s Photographs

TOSCA Srl: Fully Customisable, High Quality Shot Blasting Systems Bringing This Company Success

Evonik Launches MACBETH, an EU-Funded Project to Develop a New Process for Catalytic Synthesis



154 156


158 162 166 170 172 176 177


We point out that copyright of the image published on page 39, issue n. 59 of the ipcm® International Paint & Coating Magazine (September/October 2019) belongs to Arcobaleno Verniciatura Srl.

Here is the answer for hook cleaning system. Now.




MODULAR www.alit-tech.com




Salcomix è il marchio di AkzoNobel per un sistema di prodotti vernicianti industriali dal design modulare, che può essere utilizzato per fornire vernici per una grande varietà di applicazioni per l‘industria leggera, in modo rapido e flessibile. Questo è possibile grazie a un sistema di miscelazione che offre una superiore precisione del colore con la massima varietà di prodotto. Salcomix is AkzoNobel's brand for a modularly designed industrial coatings system that can be used to provide paints for a variety of small-industry applications, quickly and flexibly. This is possible thanks to a mixing system that offers superior color accuracy with maximum product diversity.

www.akzonobel.com infosalcomix@akzonobel.com




Contamination and hybridisation Richiedi la versione in italiano a info@ipcm.it

Alessia Venturi

Contamination and hybridisation: the mixing of shapes, the fusion of elements of different origin, the combination of different functions and models to generate new and unexpected ones. Is this the future? Is it hybridisation understood as an escape from the limits imposed by this pandemic, which has subverted the world, erected walls and borders where they had been torn down, and suspended globalisation (while highlighting all its limits)? For the first time ever, half of humanity has been locked up in their homes for quite a long time, subjected to unprecedented restrictions of personal freedom and with disruptive effects on social, emotional, economic, cultural, educational, recreational, and tourism life. We had the perception of limits, as opposed to the openness proclaimed and supported by globalisation. What has happened will bring about radical changes in perspective and those who will first adapt to that new perspective will first emerge victorious from this situation. For instance, the hybridisation of technologies and forms of communication has been extremely helpful in overcoming the current limits placed on social relations and the mobility of people and goods but, when we will return to normality, it will also be a tool to be exploited to give added value to one’s own work or business idea. Let us think about the sector of events. Only-digital events, held in virtual environments and with avatars instead of people, will never replace live events: the inclination for unmediated interaction is inherent in human nature. The future are hybrid events: live for a small audience and, at the same time, streamed to increase visibility, guarantee access to anyone who does not want (or cannot) move, or contain costs. The world of work has also benefited from the hybridisation of operating models. Investments in digital networks and tools have enabled companies to continue their activities remotely, with minimal physical presence in the traditional workplace, thus ensuring business continuity. In addition, contamination between digital and paper has been fundamental to guarantee people information and updating even when newspapers, magazines, and books could not be printed or distributed with the usual regularity. With an already well-established digital version of our ipcm® magazines, we have been able not to stop publishing any issues and not to delay any releases despite nearly three months of lockdown. Using the most advanced digital tools and platforms, the ipcm® editorial staff produced four magazines in three months. You are holding in your hands the (hopefully) last one created during lockdown – one of the main issues of the year, our long-awaited Automotive Special. I will not say it was easy: far from it. Working remotely also means losing the sense of team, the community of purpose, pace, and synergy. However, also thanks to the collaboration of our customers and interviewees, who have enthusiastically accepted new ways of meeting to enable us to write our exclusive articles, we have managed to report about FCA’s pioneering project for the Panda Hybrid and the new Alfa Romeo CUV, about the new coating plant for Lamborghini’s first Super SUV, the Urus, and about Tesla’s first European investment. Above all, we have devoted an entire section of the magazine to the efforts that the surface treatment industry has made to put itself at the service of the battle against Covid19: a series of articles that testifies how dynamic, multifaceted, and active this sector is.

Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


® Datacolor


That’s Why Colour is so Important in the Paint and Coating Industry Rik Mertens, Datacolor AG Europe – Dietlikon, Switzerland



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

ANALYSIS The adoption of digital colour measurement and communication can have a positive impact across the supply chain for many industries – resulting in a significant reduction in time and costs associated with product development – and the paint and coatings industry, from high-solids coatings and two-component systems to powder coatings and radiation-curable coatings is no different. Colour management processes and procedures are proven and reliable, so it’s no surprise that more and more people are gravitating to it in this industry. Why is this especially challenging and important in the paint and coatings industry?

A sampling of paint and coatings applications

What is Colour Management?

Architectural coatings are probably the

Everywhere in the paint and coatings

first association we have when we think

industry, a surprisingly large amount

The global paint and coatings industry

of paint and coatings. They’re used to

of time and resources can be spent on

is a major subset of the international

decorate and adorn the interior and

measuring and communicating colour.

chemical industry with an expected

exterior of residential, commercial,

Getting colour right is fundamental

future globally growth mainly driven by

institutional and industrial buildings.

to business. That’s where colour

increasing demand in the construction

Coil coatings, one of the biggest segments

management comes into play. Colour

industry, with the automotive, general

of industrial coatings, are a critical part

management refers to the solutions

industrial, coil, wood, aerospace, railing,

of the manufacturing process. These

that measure, analyse, communicate

and packaging coatings markets also

are used in automotive materials and

and assess colour information. With the

driving demand growth.

domestic appliances, for instance. What’s

right colour management solutions in

Coatings refer broadly to any type of

more, coatings can also play a role in

place, manufacturers can overcome the

covering that is applied to an object’s

reducing heat levels by increasing the

time and resource-intensive process

surface for functional or decorative

reflectivity of roofing materials.

associated with getting colour right.

reasons, or both. Paints are a subset

Powder coatings are having a positive

Manufacturers in the paint and coating

of coatings that are also used as a

impact on the industry in many ways.

industry are held to the highest

protective coating or as a decorative,

Because powder coatings don’t require

industry standards when it comes to

colourful coating, or both. But Paint &

solvents and allow you to reuse/

their products, so it is critical for their

Coating isn’t just about looking pretty or

recycle any overspray, they are an

formulation software to deliver fast

matching. The colour of it can play an

environmentally friendly and sustainable

and accurate colour matching while

instrumental role in safety, protection


minimizing batch corrections and overall

of materials, reducing heat absorption,

Marine coatings are specially designed to

increasing reflectivity, extending the

be waterproof because

shelf-life of surfaces, and much more.

of the nature of their

Similarly, coatings help safeguard

use. Typically found on

our cars and houses, protect bridges

surfaces exposed to

and tunnels, and even save energy.

water, these are used on

Therefore, getting paints and coatings

watercrafts and marine

exactly right can be a critical element,

structures that are in

sometimes even life-saving. Because

or near water, including

of the great variety of ultra-high-gloss

offshore oil rigs. Though

and ultra-high-matte coatings, soft and

the marine coatings

silky effects, and many other types of

market has seen quite a

coatings, it’s important to be able to

significant downturn in the

accurately measure and control colour

past few years, the repair

and appearance as gloss can differ from

and maintenance of items

product-to-product. When gloss levels

requiring marine coatings

differ, companies need to compensate

is helping offset the lack of

for those differences.

new builds.

© Kanstantsin Shcharbinski

Getting colour right can be tricky.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Shutterstock

colour experts. And how we see colour can change from one person to the next, and from one day to the next. It all depends on a range of factors. Even the surface of the material can affect the way colour is perceived. That means, gloss, matte or textured products can reflect light differently. That is why it’s important to have a solution in place to ensure that no matter the individual, the day or the surface, your colours will always be accurate. And there is more, having a digital system that ensures consistent colour takes a lot of guesswork out of the process. Imagine if, instead of costs. And that’s where digital colour

large, but most are regional producers, with

shipping samples around the world

management comes into play.

only some large multinationals; however,

for verification, at least some review

most of the large multinationals have

rounds could be performed digitally—

Why Digital?

expanded operations in fast-growing areas

if not all.

Colour management starts with colour

like China and India. Large companies

measurement – you cannot manage

typically own many of these facilities,

what you cannot measure. Digital colour

making it especially important that they

measurement refers to measuring

have the ability to shift work and transfer

paint or coating samples using a

formulations from one site to another.

These are the benefits of having a streamlined, digital colour management system

spectrophotometer for consistent quality

This is why digital colour communication is

Taking advantage of high-quality

control and evaluating and sharing

critical. Being connected to a digital network

digital colour management technology

objective, numerical colour information.

allows the user to have access to the most

offers many benefits. Digital

Inaccurate colour can cost businesses

recent data and enables quick and easy

colour management tools such as

hundreds of thousands of Euros, not to

colour formula updates.

colorimeters or spectrophotometers

mention delay product to market. Digital

The colour development process is time

increase sustainability efforts even

colour measurement ensures accuracy

consuming. On lab scale, one formulation

further by reducing the need to

and offers a myriad of benefits to the

trial can take about one hour to produce

manufacture and ship physical

paint and coating industry.

one sample, leading to a longer colour

samples across the supply chain.

If you are not using a digital database that

development process than other coatings

Physical samples are only needed if

gives computerized formula predictions,

technologies. If there is a colour error,

there are colour differences within

then you wind up doing things manually.

facilities must go back and re-start the

digitally specified tolerances. Because

When manually trying to measure colour,

process. The more time you can save

of this, suppliers can avoid mailing

you could try to match a colour for days

developing a colour, the higher your

physical samples with a low likelihood

before realizing that the colour is not

productivity. Without computerized colour

of approval altogether.

possible to be matched. We see this

equipment, you simply can’t be responsive

In addition to increased sustainability,

happen quite frequently in the paint

to the coatings market or deliver quality

manufacturers utilizing digital colour

and coating industry, turning the colour


management technology also see

matching process into a waste of time,

an increase in overall efficiency and accuracy. Digital colour management

hand to make a certain colour.

The link between streamlined colour control and business success in the paint and coatings industry

The number of coatings producers is

Colour is different for everyone. Even for

up the entire colour process by

money and resources. With digital colour measurement, you will know immediately if you don’t have the raw materials on


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

allows faster, more accurate colour matching throughout the supply chain. Communicating data digitally speeds


About Datacolor Datacolor, a global leader in colour management solutions, provides software, instruments and services to assure accurate colour of materials, products, and images. The world’s leading brands, manufacturers and creative professionals have used Datacolor’s innovative solutions to consistently achieve the right colour for more than 45 years.

offering objective measurement data you can trust. Offering custom colour matching allows manufacturers to support custom and individual needs. When it comes to colour, speed and colour communication are key. Whoever comes back first with the right colour at the right price wins. This is made possible through digital colour management. It is important to consider the role digital colour management plays in efficiency of workflows in the paint and coatings market. Utilizing digital colour management in the paint & coating industry eliminates data silos, ultimately resulting in faster, more accurate matching. Digital colour management gives manufacturers confidence in their colour quality, knowing they have obtained it quickly and cost effectively. In conclusion, the benefits of the digital colour management are: - Saving money and time: Greater control over your colours means a greater chance of achieving the right colour the first time. It also means a reduction in shipping samples around the world for verification. Beyond this, production of physical fandecks is very expensive, and digital, portable and affordable tools like ColorReader can partially or fully replace this costly process. - Consistent results: Ensure accurate colour, no matter the surface. - Data stability: Samples can be compared with past results to test the strength difference of pigments, colorants and bases. This ensures consistent delivery of material between manufacturers and customers. - Better communication: When colour control goes from subjective to objective, everyone involved in a project has access to the same information, which in turn streamlines the entire process. Getting colour exactly right can mean the difference between success and failure. So having a streamlined and trustworthy system to match colour means avoiding as much waste as possible and saving both time and money. All of which are great for the bottom line.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



March and April in Review When atypicality becomes the new normal


arch was a very

© ipcm ®

Barbara Pennati ipcm®

atypical month. Perhaps the most

atypical ever experienced so far for most of us. Starting on Monday 9, most of us started working from home. By March 16, we had closed the office door behind us, with a lump in the throat but with the hope of being able to reopen it as soon as possible. It was not easy to revise our habits. True, the pace has been slower, in the hallway there is no traffic and we could sleep a little more because “going to the office” meant walking from our computer. Despite this, leaving the office gave rise to a sense of bewilderment, uncertainty and even sadness. Because the truth is that leaving the office meant having to give up the 10 o’clock coffee break with the whole team, an unfailing ritual and chance to discuss, chat and laugh on the most varied topics. It meant not having to discuss which radio to listen to anymore, with the office divided between rock and pop. It meant no longer sharing lunch break with co-workers, nor walking together to our


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© ipcm ®

the distance that separated us


favourite bar to enjoy the second (or third?

importance of training and in offering a

fourth?) coffee of the day.

quality, functional, easily accessible and

It meant not being able to gather in front

above all safe service, in all circumstances.

of the computer of Graphics to exchange

Therefore, we brought the ipcm®_Academy

opinions on fonts, vectors, layouts.

courses online: until we can return to the

It meant that we could no longer read

classroom, our course can be attended

through the huge pages of the draft of our

through a webinar platform, accessible

magazines, to correct it with our favourite red

in cloud with a simple link or app, from

pen before giving the green light to the official

desktop, tablet and smartphone.


Then we also published the ipcm® special

It meant not being able to book flights and

issue dedicated to PaintExpo, which, with

hotels anymore, nor to prepare the boxes

its 224 pages, attests the technological and

full of our magazines to be sent all over the

innovative streak of our sector.


Last but not least, to help you keeping track

Like many others, we had to adapt and

of all the cancelled and postponed fairs in

rethink some workflows to better manage

this period, we have updated our Exhibitions

them in this new situation. But our office,

Calendar 2020.

the editorial staff remained active, virtually connected but humanly cohesive.

Among the many postponed events, we find

Because the truth is that the office is not

PaintExpo, which should have taken place in

simply four walls that host desks and


computers. The office is the people who live it

If we imagine a Sliding Doors scenario - the

every day.

‘98 film with Gwyneth Paltrow - right now I

Therefore, even in this atypical March, during

would be describing one of the most awaited

which some (only a few, fortunately) would

appointments for the finishing sector,

have preferred us to stay put, we never

talking about the interesting networking

actually stopped doing what we have always

opportunities and technological innovations

done: informing, creating content, showing

that we would have presented at the fair.

the best of our sector and innovating. Our

Unfortunately, all this did not happen. But

work, neither more nor less. From home

just as in the film the two stories end up

but with the same passion that has always

merging into one, also in this case we will

distinguished us.

have the opportunity to really experience

The first big news of this month is the launch

all of this from October 12-15, in Karlsruhe,

of the eos website, completely renewed

to attend what we are sure will be the most

in graphics and content, which crowns a

crucial event for the industry.

revamping process started in July 2019, on

In the meantime, however, we have not

the occasion of the 10-year anniversary

sat idly by. As we updated our agenda,

of our company.

we published the first issue of the year

The new website, however, represents

of Protective Coatings, the magazine

much more: it is the beginning of the new

dedicated to corrosion control and

era of EOS, which enters the new decade

prevention technologies in the heavy

with the aim of providing its customers

industry, and expanded our digital offer.

with a 360-degree service, from marketing

Now, those interested in promoting their

consultancy to event organization up to

technologies and innovations can count on

graphic design.

two new advertising formats in our monthly

March meant something new also for

newsletter: the AdvertNews and a second

ipcm _Academy. We firmly believe in the

Advertorial Large.




AkzoNobel and BYK-Gardner Launch spectro2profiler to Measure and Control Textured Powder Coating Surfaces Thanks to a joint collaboration, AkzoNobel and BYK-Gardner launched spectro2profiler, a new instrument to check the quality of a textured powder coating surface, measuring colour and gloss, and analysing the 3D topography of the surface texture.


innovation milestone,” explains Pim

and our customers”, adds Jean-Paul

have developed a pioneering

Koeckhoven, Technology Director

Moonen, Architectural Segment

technology, which can digitally

for Colour at AkzoNobel. “Being able

Manager for AkzoNobel’s Powder

measure and control the textured

to objectively evaluate the structural

Coatings business.

surfaces of powder coatings.

quality of a powder coating – in a

The two companies had already

spectro2profiler, launched on April

consistent, precise and standardized

collaborated on a digital device

10, can measure colour and gloss, as

way – using a dedicated digital tool will

for AkzoNobel’s Vehicle Refinishes

well as analysing the 3D topography

be a huge step forward.”

business. Therefore, when they began

of the surface texture. This new tool

“Texture is an extremely important

working on the new spectro2profiler,

represents a major step forward

feature of powder coatings and the

the aim was to take what they had

for the industry because currently,

trend towards textured surfaces

already learned for leather-like surfaces

to check the quality of a textured

is getting stronger all the time,

and use it to explore the possibilities of

powder coating surface it is necessary

especially in the architectural

digitising the surface texture of powder

to carry out a visual inspection.

segment, where both coarse and


“We’re excited to have achieved an

fine textures are used. As the world’s

“We started researching prototypes

leading supplier of powder coatings,

two years ago,” continues Koeckhoven.

having this tool available will be

“Combining our knowledge with

a major asset to both ourselves

BYK-Gardner has enabled us to obtain

© BYK-Gardner GmbH

kzoNobel and BYK-Gardner

objective quality control © AkzoNobel

based on highly accurate measurements which just can’t be achieved with the naked eye. We are currently testing and optimizing this in our manufacturing facilities. It’s hugely exciting and we expect that in the near future, this digitization method will also be able to support our formulation activities.”

Spectro2profiler is the new instrument to check the quality of a textured powder coating surface.


Spectro2profiler can measure colour and gloss, as well as analysing the 3D topography of the surface texture.

N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.akzonobel.com

Your eco-friendly approach. 2/5

We care. Water treatments specialities


Your lasting colours. 3/5

We care. Paint strippers



From Good Comes Better: Low-VOC Version of SURFYNOL® 104 Now Available Evonik launched the next generation of its well-known product SURFYNOL® 104. Besides the lower VOC content and improved product labelling, it defoams, wets, improves levelling and has no negative impact on the formulation.


vonik’s Coating Additives business

A requirements. Besides the lower

SURFYNOL® 104 Z is a multi-functional

line presents the next generation of

VOC content and improved product

gemini surfactant, which performs

its product SURFYNOL® 104 Z.

labelling, SURFYNOL® 104 Z still

a balancing act between dynamic

The additive to improve both the

offers the benefits it is known for.

wetting and molecular defoaming. It

formulation and the finished coating is

It defoams, it wets, it improves

contains 50 % active substance. The

used in many applications. In automotive

levelling. And above all, it has no

new additive is HAPs-free and helps

or industrial coatings, coatings for

negative impact on the formulation.

formulators to transition more easily

plastic or wood, or printing inks –

As required, the product can be

from solventborne to waterborne

SURFYNOL® 104 has long been one of the

used at any stage of the formulation


most well-known and successful additives

process: in the mill base, the let-down,

in the global paints and coatings industry.

in production or during subsequent

For further information:

The new generation additive is just as

quality control.


effective as its predecessor © Evonik

with one crucial benefit: It contains virtually no VOCs (depending on regional guidelines and measuring method). This significant advantage means that the product requires minimal special labelling and is therefore easier to use, process, and store. SURFYNOL® 104 Z is a silicone-free additive, developed in response to the increasingly tight regulatory requirements. As with the previous generation, the new additive is also suitable for applications requiring food contact compliance; it meets FDA and Swiss

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


Š Eisenhans_AdobeStock


A Snapshot of the U.S. Coatings Industry Amid Economic Disruption in 2020 Interview with Aggie Lotz, Vice President of The ChemQuest Group and ChemQuest Technology Institute



he economic and financial

the duration of the pandemic spread.

everyone: we carefully examine the

forecasts for this period

Others argue that more advanced

main western markets to understand

report contradictory and

markets will suffer the consequences

and emulate successful strategies to

controversial data: some experts

of the lockdown for years possibly

recover and drive growth in local and

believe that the global economic

averted by nimble business

European markets.

recession following the health crisis

strategy and unprecedented board

Primary interview with industry experts

of the first months of the year will


to produce the American Coatings

have a short course, connected to

The situation is very uncertain for

Association-published U.S. Market


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


together with coatings performance

Aggie Lotz, Vice President of The

coating sector in your Country? What level of technological advancement has it achieved?

ChemQuest Group and ChemQuest

The U.S. coatings value chain – from

waterborne) formulations.

Technology Institute, which we

upstream chemical manufacturing

Solvent-borne industrial OEM

interviewed on these pages. This is a

and mining operations, to the

coatings have largely been displaced

lucid analysis of sector performance

coatings manufacturing process, to

by exempt solvents waterborne,

marked by collaborative technology

the composition of the materials

powder and high solids/energy-cure

innovations that have been driven

going into a coatings formulation,

coatings technologies (precluding

by environmental regulations,

to the distribution and end use of

the dominance of solvent-borne

consumer-centric sustainability

the coatings products – is heavily

technologies in coil coatings).

initiatives, and continued

regulated by local, state and federal

Special purpose coatings are now


government agencies. This heavy

facing competition from viable

regulatory burden profoundly

waterborne coatings in certain

influences competitive dynamics

market segments. For example,

and is a leading driver of innovation

traffic marking paint flipped in

Analysis for the Paint & Coatings Industry (2019-2024) – is the basis for the following observations of

What are the main features and characteristics of the

and total cost. Architectural coatings have largely converted to low-VOC (mostly

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



preference from solvent-borne to waterborne: 85% WB

mitigate edge erosion on wind turbine blades. High-performance

(2018) versus 15% WB (1990s). Having approached its

batteries, highly coveted in various industrial end-uses including to

upper limits of market saturation, WB traffic marking

power electric cars, is an emerging area of coatings R&D.

paint is being challenged in certain applications either

PPG developed a cost-effective cathode binder that eliminates

by low-VOC compliant solvents (ideal application is

the use of the hazardous solvent N-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP).

above-freezing temperatures) or alternatives to coatings

The binder reportedly improves formulation and application by

such as advanced preformed polymer tapes and

significantly reducing mixing times and contributes to longer

thermoplastic materials (barring low-temperature and

battery cycle life. Argonne National Laboratory has developed a

high-heat environments).

new coating for battery cathodes that reportedly improves the

Across the board in U.S. coatings markets, understanding

electronic and ionic conductivity of a battery while improving its

the latest technology trends and drivers (and the window

safety and cycling performance. These examples and many others

for innovation) is integral to coatings producers’ sustainable,

– including smart coatings with a value forecast of $6–$9 billion

profitable growth, and mitigating the threat of substitution.

by 2025 (annual growth of 20%) – are described at length in ACA’s U.S. Market Analysis, Chapter 4, New Technology and Market

What needs and demands does the coating sector currently have?


Unmet end-user needs and the corresponding R&D efforts

the Paint & Coatings Industry (2019–2024)1.

What are the effects on the coating sector of the international political and economic situation and of the economic agreements signed between the United States and Canada?

In the U.S., for example, improving energy management,

In order to answer this question, let me cite the letter that ACA

including conservation and generation, has succeeded in

and the U.S. paint and coatings industry sent to House Speaker

driving innovation in lower temperature curing, cure-on-

Nancy Pelosi last December2 urging action to enact the USMCA

demand, and compact process technologies. Self-cleaning

(United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement). As outlined in this

coatings that won’t impede a solar panel’s energy generation

important document, the USMCA provides multiple benefits to

performance are under development, as are coatings to

the paint and coatings industry including tariff-free markets as

1 www.paint.org/market

2 www.paint.org/usmca-house/

by market and by region are covered in the American Coatings Association’s U.S. and Global Market Analyses for

Table 1: U.S. Economic performances pre-COVID-19

U.S. Real GDP grew 2.1% in Q4 2019

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM®) reported growth early in 2020.

• Specifically, 14 of 18 manufacturing industries reported growth in February 2020: - Wood Products, Furniture & Related Products; Plastics & Rubber Products; Printed & Related Support Activities; Paper Products; Textile Mills; Primary Metals; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Computer & Electronic Products; Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components; Fabricated Metal Products; Machinery; and Chemical Products. • 3 industries reported contraction: Petroleum & Coal Products; Transportation Equipment; and Non-metallic Mineral Products. • Other news: Raw materials inventories are contracting; new orders are contracting; prices are decreasing; exports are growing; imports are contracting.

In 2019, auto & light truck production were flat, along with aerospace.

• Orders for Boeing’s 737MAX plan have nearly stopped since the grounding of this plane due to safety issues. • Grounding looks to last until 2020 and undoubtedly affects future book of orders.

Consumer spending remained strong through January 2020, with personal income gaining its largest increase (apart from February 2019) since December 2018.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© The ChemQuest Group Inc.


well as new digital trade provisions that will help to open cross-border communication and facilitate trade. The agreement will also help to create a simpler importation process. The U.S. coatings industry exports a significant portion of its production to Mexico and Canada, in 2018 alone an amount accounting for nearly two-thirds of the industry’s exports3. Fortunately, on 10 December 2019 The United States, Mexico, and Canada have reached an agreement to modernize the 25-year-old NAFTA, named NAFTA 2.0. It will be effective from next July and will help to

1 © The ChemQuest Group Inc.

introduce more certainty in our supply chain and end markets especially as this extremely difficult time.

How the health emergency of COVID-19 will impact on the American coating industry? COVID-19’s impact will vary in the U.S. coatings value chain by sector and by market (Table 1 and Figs. 1 and 2). Winners: Architectural Coatings’ do-it-yourself (DIY) interior residential painting segment is benefiting from stay-at-

2 1 © The ChemQuest Group Inc.

home orders. With more people confined to their homes, and big box stores classified as essential businesses and remaining open for business, home improvement projects are underway. DIY is expected to remain strong in 2020, disrupting the domestic preference for hiring professional contractors (PRO) for most residential painting. Demand for DIY application equipment has

3 See article “From more Functional and Smart Coatings to the Challenges of Regulatory Alignment with the US and Europe: a Closer Look to the Canadian Paint and Coatings Market” in ipcm® International Paint & Coating Magazine no. 62 (March/April 2020), page 12.

3 1

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© The ChemQuest Group Inc.


likewise increased in the short-term (10% in volume, 30% in revenue). Eventually, exterior residential painting will begin to benefit from pent-up demand. Packaging Coatings: ChemQuest is projecting a significant uptick in everything from single serve to microwaveable foods as well as food and beverage packages and containers, flexible packaging, pet food packaging and end-of-line case and carton packaging to meet high (short-term) consumer demand. Q1 realized a 10% increase; the uptick is forecast to continue through Q3.

4 1

Medical devices and equipment, both

© The ChemQuest Group Inc.

disposable and durable, are expected to continue scaling production to accommodate a spike in demand by healthcare providers aligned with coronavirus infection rates. Neutral: Infrastructure refurbishment and road maintenance are contingent on longterm contractual commitments and the need for passable roads and highways to ensure public safety. The short-term closing of non-residential job sites will be offset before Q3 when new EHS workplace practices incorporating COVID-19 protection measures and

5 1

temperature monitoring may allow

© The ChemQuest Group Inc.

for a gradual reopening of job sites in some states. Losers: In the U.S., the preliminary aggregate macro forecast ranges from a -50% decline in April to -25% in May to -15% in June. Transportation OEM and Equipment – Transportation, which was already forecast for 9-10% negative growth before the pandemic, decreased by 39% in March and could be impacted by as much as -50% by Q2. The global effect of coronavirus to automotive supply chains will cause significant disruptions

6 1


of parts supplies to the U.S.

N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


About the ChemQuest Group, Inc. The ChemQuest Group Inc. is a global business strategy and external technology development firm widely recognized among raw material suppliers, formulators, and financial investors, with focus and expertise specific to the specialty chemicals markets. ChemQuest’s mission enables its clients to challenge established thinking to unlock new and hidden insights empowering an organization’s smart risk-taking, catalysing innovation excellence and value creation. ChemQuest’s four service pillars include Business Strategy & Transformation; Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestiture; Commercial &

Operational Efficiencies; as well as Technology & Application Development through the ChemQuest Technology Institute. ChemQuest services extend across eleven formulated product categories and over 14 end-use markets within the specialty chemicals value chain. ChemQuest’s team includes former senior managers from major manufacturers, business owners, and senior technical managers including thirty-four Ph.D. chemists, with a minimum of 25 years of experience in specialty chemicals, who understand the challenges of driving and managing growth in changing markets. ChemQuest Group Inc. has recently announced the publication of the U.S. Market

Analysis for the Paint & Coatings Industry (2019–2024) and Global Market Analysis for the Paint & Coatings Industry (2019–2024). For the first time, these longstanding American Coatings Association (ACA) market studies are being published in tandem to provide a fuller view of international markets and the future direction of the industry, technology, and competitive landscape. Prepared by The ChemQuest Group, Inc., the studies’ new chapter formats are synced and similarly scoped for ease of comparing U.S. and global market performance-offering insightful analysis, with 5-year performance projections and growth drivers by sector, segment, and region.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© The ChemQuest Group Inc.


© The ChemQuest Group Inc.

7 1

8 1

Durable goods manufacturing including

Auto repair/refinishing will almost

industry, including raw material suppliers and

furniture, appliances, flooring, and

certainly decline, likely in the range

manufacturers of formulated products to

general metal finishing, is expected to

of 25%+, due to a low rate of vehicle

include coatings and adhesives. The survey

decline in line with the macro forecast.

accidents given travel constraints.

findings are shown in Figures 3 to 8. Moving forward, ChemQuest plans to

For example, Ashley Furniture’s Q2

temporarily in high demand due to

What short-term developments do you think the coating sector can achieve, i.e. in terms of technology and production?

consumers’ panic-buying of food and

In late April, ChemQuest initiated

beverages (including beer and wine).

a survey to the specialty chemicals

2020 production forecast calls for a -50% decline for Q2. With the notable exception of major appliances (primarily refrigerators and freezers) that are


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

conduct monthly surveys with (and report back to) specialty chemical industry participants. Please contact info@chemquest.com to join the panel of respondents.




DSM Introduces a New Primer Resin for Long-Term Adhesion without the Need for Sanding Royal DSM announced the launch of a new, universal primer resin, NeoCryl® HP-1000, that enables long-term adhesion and functional performance for trim and lacquer paints and eliminates the requirement for sanding.


o meet the building and

Functional Materials said: “Our new

in the trim and lacquer segment, and

construction industry need for

NeoCryl® HP-1000 resin fits well

will deliver benefits to paint applicators

long-lasting priming solutions

with our organization’s purpose-

and end-users alike. More than ever,

that offer a functional performance

led, performance-driven strategy in

together with our partners around

on all substrates, including those

that it is a sustainable solution that

the world, we are painting a brighter

that might cause adhesion problems

outperforms conventional market

future for decorative coatings!”

such as galvanized steel, polyvinyl

alternatives, enabling paint systems

chloride (PVC), cold-rolled steel

that work better for longer. This resin

For further information:

and polypropylene (PP), DSM has

represents a real step up for primers


developed NeoCryl® © DSM

HP-1000, a primer resin which enables superior adhesion on almost all common substrated, eliminating the need for sanding, shortening drying times and ensuring smooth flow and leveling. The removal of the sanding step enables time and cost savings, and also reduces painters' exposure to fine dust particles, making for a healthier work environment. NeoCryl® HP-1000 is compliant with EcoLabel, Nordic Swan, Der Blaue Engel and AgBB certification, and can be developed at low volatile organic compound level. Gerjan van Laar, Segment Marketing Manager EMEA, DSM Resins &


NeoCryl® HP-1000 enables long-term adhesion and functional performance for trim and lacquer paints and eliminates the requirement for sanding.

N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


DSM Expands its Skins Range with Sandy-Feel Resin Skins® Sandy is the newest addition to Royal DSM Skins® range of haptic coating resins. The new resin will enable print and packaging manufacturers to add sand-like textures to a wide range of materials, including food packaging.


o respond to the growing

to meet the print and packaging

texture can be obtained with a single

demand for tactile elements

industry’s need for more brand

coating without fillers or additives,

that allow to differentiate

differentiation options. In particular,

making application easier, especially

products and brands by providing

Skins® Sandy addresses the growing

for mono-material packaging that

a sensory experience, DSM has

demand for sandy-feel coatings that

can be easily recycled.

developed Skins coating resins

are sustainable and easier to apply

Skins® Sandy is compatible

range, which allows to obtain different

at industrial scale. We’ll continue to

with one-component waterborne

textures in a range of print and

expand the Skins family to offer more

systems, avoiding the need for

packaging materials.

options for haptic differentiation. And

potentially harmul solvents.

The latest addition to the range is

above all, we’ll show that these options

The new resin also offers high shelf

Skins® Sandy, a coating resin which

can be delivered sustainably, creating

stability and production

offers sandy-feel textures from fine

a brighter, more textured world for

yield, delivering competitive

to coarse, and which is particularly

all”, says Adri van der Waals, Product

cost-in-use. Its lightweight allows

suitable for overprint varnishes, paper

Launch Director, DSM Coating Resins.

manufacturers to reduce energy



and material usage.

& board, and flexible packaging, and

For further information:

“With Skins® Sandy, we’re continuing

With Skins® Sandy the sandpaper


© DSM Coating Resins

© DSM Coating Resins

including flexographic and gravure.

Features and benefits of Skins Sandy

a wide range of printing processes,

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



Exemplary Teamwork: New Electroplating Drum Unit at Reisser Combines the Know-How of All Participants A highly-modern electroplating drum unit recently entered operation at Reisser Schraubentechnik in Ingelfingen (Germany). The concept and realisation were undertaken in an exemplary joint project of all parties involved, showing that this can result in significant added value for customers as well as all partners. Excellent example of co-operative project management

this background the company, part

Dörken MKS licensee. Matthias Basler

of the Würth Group, joined with the

(Dörken Application Engineer) was

corrosion experts at Dörken MKS and

particularly impressed with the trust-

The goal of Reisser management was to

the plant manufacturers A.S.T. and

based co-operation of all participants:

expand the existing coating capacity and

Forplan Surface Technology to construct

“In a very early stage of the planning all

thereby increase productivity. A particular

an electroplating drum unit tailored to

of the parties with their specialist

aim was also to offer the long-standing

future coating requirements, one of the

know-how and experience were

customer Eaton – a worldwide leading

most modern worldwide in the field of

brought together. Throughout the

provider of pipe connector systems for

alloy-free zinc technology, opening up

project the interaction was very open

hydraulics – an even broader spectrum

further attractive coating options for

and highly collaborative.”

for the coating of diverse parts. Against

Reisser as a long-standing

© Dörken MKS

Specifically tailored to the requirements of plant technology Fluid parts for Eaton will also be coated on the new unit. These are used in various forms in vehicle engines and in plant engineering, ensuring the optimal fluid flow at connecting points of pipes and pressurised hoses. Due to the numerous challenges, these parts need to satisfy the highest corrosion protection requirements. The high corrosion resistance and outstanding functional characteristics make the galvanic zinc system from Dörken MKS DELTA-PROZINC® ideal for this. To enable a particularly efficient, one-stop coating process, in co-ordination with On the state-of-the-art electroplating drum unit objects such as fluid parts for various applications can be coated with the DELTA-PROZINC® system.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

the other project planners Forplan employed state-of-the-art centrifuge

© Dörken MKS

© Dörken MKS


One-stop coating process employed state-of-the-art centrifuge technology.

technology as well as a special furnace

The electroplating drum unit created by Forplan Surface Technology ensures gentle treatment of the parts during and after topcoat application.

standard of coating quality.

participants and much more can be found at the following link:

drying procedure. This ensures especially


after topcoat application and enables the

Interesting video of the project

even distribution of heat in the drying

Interesting information on project

For further information:

process, thus achieving a consistently high

planning, the co-operation of the


gentle treatment of the parts during and

Painting excellence for industries

Bringing your surface to perfection. Dürr offers painting solutions from manual to automatic application, high-quality and easy to integrate. www.verind.it

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© 123RF


Kuraray’s product range Mowital®: let’s bind better! From an interview with Mr. Jörg Bruss, Director, Global Business – PVB Technical Resin at Kuraray Europe GmbH

Based on its mission “For people and the planet - to achieve what no one else can”, the Kuraray Group has aimed to develop businesses that contribute to society ever since its establishment.


ounded is 1926, Kuraray Co. Ltd

synthetic fiber invented in Japan,

and Kuraray South America Ltd..

is a Japanese chemical company

and led the early phase of Japan’s

Mowital® is the trademark for a wide

which in 1950 was the first in

synthetic fiber industry. Since then,

range of different polyvinyl butyral

the world to commercialize polyvinyl

Kuraray has expanded worldwide:

resins (PVB) marketed by Kuraray

alcohol (PVA) fiber, under the brand

today, the Group includes Kuraray

Europe GmbH.

name KURALON™. This was the first

Europe GmbH, Kuraray America Inc.

ipcm® interviewed Jörg Bruss, Director


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


of Business Unit PVB Technical Resin

largest manufacturers of technical PVB

also an exciting team of competent

at Kuraray Europe GmbH to find



of Mowital®, its application and

Ipcm®: Why should customers

Ipcm®: What are PVB resins

about what sustainability means for

decide for Mowital?

main technical characteristics

Kuraray Group.

JB: “We are binding is our commitment.

and properties?

Our binding agent Mowital® gives

JB: “Mowital® polyvinyl butyral has

Ipcm®: Can you outline Kuraray’s

numerous technical applications

excellent adhesion and film-forming

PVB Technical Resin Business?

just the right binding - and as the

properties, high binding power and

JB: “We are a strong player in

European market leaders, we are

outstanding optical transparency. It

the Technical Resin Market. Our

the experts. For our customers, we

is soluble in many organic solvents

trademark Mowital® stands for a

are binding business partners and

and can be combined with a wide

wide range of different polyvinyl

offer a service tailored to their needs.

range of reaction partners. From

butyrals (PVB) marketed by Kuraray

“Binding” can also mean “engaging”

coatings and paints to adhesives

out more about technical features

Europe GmbH. With the Mowital

and “interesting”. Mowital offers not

and films: Polyvinyl butyrals (PVB)

brand, Kuraray is the European

only an exciting product that yields

guarantee the right bond as a

market leader and one of the world’s

benefits for numerous applications, but

binder in numerous applications.”

© Kuraray Co. Ltd


Jörg Bruss, Director, Global Business – PVB Technical Resin at Kuraray Europe GmbH.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© 123RF

Ipcm®: What are their applications in the coating industry? JB: “Modern coatings have to do more than adhere well. They should be easy to work with, harmonize with numerous binders, and serve additional functions such as corrosion protection. Mowital® polyvinyl butyral (PVB) technical resin is the ideal basis for all these requirements. Mowital® films display a very good adhesion to steel, iron, zinc, aluminium and other light metals. Nevertheless, adhesive strength and corrosion protection can be further improved via combinations with phenolic resins, epoxy resins, phosphoric acid and anti-corrosion pigments.” Ipcm®: What is Mowital’s goal on the market? JB: “Customers worldwide trust the original Mowital® with its roots in Germany, high quality standards and outstanding service level. This is the claim we make on ourselves and it is something we have to substantiate every day. With our broad product portfolio, we offer materials for innovative applications, such as our thin film for

keep an eye on new technologies

improves the quality of industrial coating

lightweight applications and our granules

and investigate how Mowital®

processes such as curtain coating

for demanding 3D printing applications.

materials enable innovations, for

and minimizes the use of materials.

In addition to our exciting products,

example in the area of 3D Printing.

For more specialized applications,

which offer advantages for numerous

The research team works closely

the research and development team

applications, Mowital also offers an

with the “QSHE” (Abbr. for Quality,

at Mowital develops tailor-made PVB

exciting team of competent experts.

Safety, Health, Environment)

materials with specific butyral, hydroxyl

From research and development to

department to ensure the safe use

and acetal groups that provide optimal

service and sales, the PVB experts work

of materials and optimum support

properties for your applications. The

closely together when it comes to tailor-

for compliance-relevant topics.”

technical service experts also support


our customers worldwide in optimizing

made solutions for their customers even when very special requirements are

Ipcm®: What is the focus of

your processes for processing Mowital®

called for.”

Research and Development

polyvinyl butyral materials - for the

activities for Mowital®?

highest product quality.”

Ipcm®: What are the future

JB: “The research and development

developments of Mowital® PVB

team at Mowital develops innovative

Ipcm®: What is your approach to


materials that enable you as a


JB: “You can also benefit from the

user to make your processes

JB: “Kuraray is committed to developing

know-how that Mowital offers you

more efficient. One example is the

new fields of business using pioneering

for new applications and production

temperature-resistant polyvinyl

technology that improves the

processes. The PVB experts constantly

acetal BA 55 HH, which significantly

environment and enhances the quality


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


of life throughout the world. We are currently working on our carbon footprint and have started with a lifecycle analysis for our production, which is part of extensive efforts initiated for the entire company. There are many other examples for excellence in sustainability throughout Kuraray businesses, e.g. the resin EVAL™ has excellent gas barrier properties, and can be used as a packaging material to store food for long periods and thereby helps to reduce food loss and wastage. Hollow-fiber membranes and activated carbon are also essential products for supplying safe water. Activated carbon is a particularly promising product, as its material properties make it easier for a variety of harmful substances to adsorb and desorb. The Kuraray Group also makes biodegradable products derived from biomass, such as the barrier material PLANTIC™, and will offer solutions for environmental issues with these products in a precise and timely manner to cater to market needs.” The United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - 17 goals and specific aims for achieving them. In order to realize a sustainable world by 2030, Kuraray Group has already put some of these goals into practice. https://www.kuraray.com/csr/report2019/materialities “Problems related to micro plastics in the oceans and

Dynamic contour detection Highly automated level of powder coating

plastic waste are other environmental issues that we must concentrate on as a chemical manufacturer” stated Ito san, Kuraray’s President. “Specific circumstances in each country and region mean there is currently no definite course of action in terms of governmental policy or regulations. We understand workstyle reform is to mean the creation of a workplace where a diverse range of people can be confident in their individuality as they work, and where people can feel more comfortable at work and experience high job satisfaction. We will continue promoting diversity across the Group by building a “safe and secure company” and “a company that people can take pride in”. On top of these initiatives to reinforce our foundations, we will

- Automated recognition of complex geometries for both the front and rear of the object - Optimized coating quality - Powder savings and reduction in overspray - Drastic reduction of the manual coating operation - Automated programming of U-axes. No time consuming axes adjustments

continue with our aim to be a proud company “growing sustainably” by solving social and environmental issues through “incorporating new foundational platforms into our own technologies”. ” In Japan particularly, Kuraray joined a sustainability initiative called CLOMA, led by Ministry of Economy, Trade and

Industry 4.0 Ready

Industry https://cloma.net/english. The company also became a member of Japan BioPlastic Association for PVOH and PLANTIC™ mainly http://www.jbpaweb.net/english/english.htm.

Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 20090 Trezzano s/N | Italy T +39 02 48 400 486 F +39 02 48 400 874


international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



Opening photo: STOBAG Alufinish is specialized in the mechanical processing and powder coating of aluminium profiles and sheets.


STOBAG Alufinish: The Installation of Two Powder Coating Fast Colour Change Booths to Meet Customer Needs Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®

The awning market is increasingly oriented towards customized solutions in terms of geometric shapes and colours. For a job coater this means very often to produce very small batches. To quickly meet the requests of each individual customer, STOBAG Alufinish turned to SAT for the installation of two powder coating booths, which allow rapid colour changes.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© STOBAG Alufinish


STOBAG Alufinish has been powder coating for 40 years high quality awning systems.


Wilfried Rapp, CEO of STOBAG Alufinish GmbH.

wnings systems, as well as having

for system houses, automotive,

chose to revamp one of the two

the functionality to protect

mosquito nets and mechanical

coating booths present in our

from the sun and from the bad

engineering industry. STOBAG

manufacturing plant. Satisfied with

weather, are a design accessory for

defines itself as a job coater with a

the results obtained, we recently

homes, terraces, gardens and verandas.

holistic approach: beyond its core

turned again to SAT (Verona,

In confirmation of this, today more and

business, which is represented

Italy) for the modernization of

more customers are making increasingly

by powder coating, the German

the second coating booth”, says

disparate requests: particular shapes,

company based in Wutöschingen

Wilfried Rapp, CEO of STOBAG

models and special colours. For a

also deals with the logistics of raw

Alufinish GmbH.

leading job coater such as STOBAG

and finished materials, mechanical

Alufinish GmbH, part of the STOBAG

processing and component

The partnership with SAT

Group, knowing how to meet the most

assembly. In fact, for many extrusion

“The partnership with SAT began

diverse customer needs quickly is the

customers in Italy and Eastern

in 2002 when we decided to install

priority. Also quality plays a fundamental

Europe, STOBAG Alufinish GmbH

a coating booth equipped with foil

role for the STOBAG Alufinish, which is a

offers the service of a local logistics

walls and 20 guns, to replace the

premium member of GSB International

hub with approximately 4,500

existing vertical system. After 17

e.V. and coats in compliance with

storage places for the DACH area.

years, STOBAG again chose SAT

QUALICOAT quality standards.

The German company has currently

technology to increase productivity

around 250 employees and is part

and to offer a product with an

The history of STOBAG Alufinish GmbH

of the Swiss group STOBAG, the

even higher quality level. This

world’s leading manufacturer of

time the choice fell on a V-shaped

For over 40 year, STOBAG Alufinish

individual awning systems.

powder coating booth equipped

GmbH has specialized mainly in the

“To meet the needs of a market

with 20 powder guns supplied by

mechanical processing and powder

increasingly looking for customized

Gema”, continues Wilfried Rapp.

coating of aluminium profiles and sheets

awning systems, in 2018 we

“In addition to the mandatory

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



coating standards, such as GSB and QUALICOAT, many customers are interested in the optical flow, layer thickness and corrosion resistance of the coating, as well as a defect-free surface. Thanks to the current system in combination with the ultrasound screening of all the powders used, the surface quality of our products has significantly improved once again compared to the quality level guaranteed by the equipment used previously”.

The coating process with the new V-shaped powder coating booth “The coating process begins with a pre-treatment phase through an automatic pre-brushing machine in which press defects and swarf are removed. Subsequently, the profiles go through an acid degreasing with various rinsing steps and a chrome-free no-rinse passivation. After drying, the profiles are led inside the new V-shaped powder coating booth designed and installed by SAT”. “It has been designed for the vertical powder © SAT

coating of work-pieces, leading to a very compact installation with automatic guns, installed on a multi-arm vertical reciprocator. The booth consists of 2 vertical walls that surround the path of the aerial conveyor along which the powder is sprayed on the profiles. The walls are made of sliding belts that rotate and are cleaned in continuous. The exhaust air is conveyed to a high-efficiency separation cyclone through a slot placed along the line connecting the two walls; the high speed of the air in the ducts connecting the booth with the cyclone prevents the powder deposit along the circuit. The negligible quantity of powder escaped from the cyclone is caught by the final filter. The booth allows recovering the over-spray by means of pneumatic valves placed at the bottom of the cyclone, but the booth can also work without powder recovery”, explains Andrea Trevisan, CEO of SAT. “Regarding the electrostatic powder application equipment, to adapt and reuse the existing powder application devices, the booth is equipped with 20 GEMA 60° angled heads for the powder guns and 20 guns support The new V-shaped powder coating booth developed and installed by SAT.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

extension”, continues Trevisan. “After the coating process, the profiles are

© STOBAG Alufinish


checked with non-contact coating thickness measuring devices and the necessary corrections are made immediately. The material then passes through a gelling area where small lots are parked waiting to be painted according to the colour chosen by the customer. This configuration allows the system to have no downtime”, adds Rapp. “The main difficulty we encountered during the assembly and installation of the V-shaped booth was connected to the customer’s need to continue working on an existing and operational line during our intervention. In addition, the STOBAG booth are located in an area of the plant which is very difficult to reach. The only way to Detail of the aluminium profiles painted by STOBAG with the V-shaped powder coating booth.

replace the booth was entering


about 10-15 colour changes per day were required. As a result, we needed a system that would allow us to have quick colour changes and speed in terms of booth cleaning. In early 2018, the first booth was converted by SAT to a new V-shaped coating booth. Performance and flexibility proved to be fully satisfactory from the first moment and we noticed a savings of about 16% of powder consumption. Based on these results, we have decided to replace the second cabin as well”, explains Rapp. “Another choice we made is to continue using Venturi technology instead of a dense phase powder feeding system. As we specialize in the coating of individual small batches, we have opted for a more flexible technology. With the Venturi The coating process is managed by a PLC supplied by Gema.

system all common types of powder can be processed without any problems.


Furthermore, the lower acquisition and maintenance costs were the decisive factor for the further use of the Venturi applications. On the contrary, the dense phase technology would have been more suitable for coating large batches of identical profiles”.

Conclusions “To meet the needs of the market of the awning systems industry, which is increasingly oriented towards customized products, we have chosen to modernize our coating process by installing two SAT’s V-shaped powder coating booths. We are really satisfied with the new technology. Among the advantages we have found there are less powder consumption, The coating booth is equipped with 20 powder guns supplied by Gema.

higher application efficiency, improved penetration into slot areas, and faster colour changes”. “In about 3-4 years we plan to move to a

through an access located at one meter

The reasons of a choice

new location and consequently to build

high from the booth pavement. The

“We have observed a change of the

a completely new coating installation.

spaces were very limited, but we were

trend of our customers towards

We will surely take advantage of this

able to install on schedule allowing

small customized batches and with

experience to install a new coating line”,

STOBAG not to stop the activity”,

special colours and geometries. For

concludes the CEO of the German job

explains Trevisan.

this reason, in the last few years



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


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#acciaio: The Metamorphosis of Matter in the Work of Paola Gallinatto

© ipcm ®

The work of art #acciaio by Paola Gallinatto was sold at the auction held during the event “Art within Surfaces”, organised by EOS Mktg&Communication to celebrate its ten years of activity.

#acciaio is a porcelain plate with third-firing decorations and a wooden support.


n the occasion of the

Gallinatto decided to donate her

in Briosco (Monza, Italy). Guests

event “Art within Surfaces”,

work of art titled #acciaio (“#steel”

could admire the works of art

organised on July, 24 2019

in Italian). The event, a journey

decorating the whole location

by EOS Mktg&Communication to

through art, nature, and industry,

and even participate in a charity

celebrate its ten years of activity, Paola

took place at the Rossini Art Site

auction, whose proceeds were


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© ipcm ®

© Paola Gallinatto


© Paola Gallinatto

The work auctioned during the event organized by EOS Mktg&Communication.

Paola Gallinatto is a ceramist

awarded by the IPAT President

and the owner of the atelier

(Miami, Florida, USA)

“L’Esclusivo” (Chivasso, Turin, Italy)

- 2019 - Coup de Cœur, “Salon

since 1989. She has participated in

International de Peinture sur

numerous international porcelain painting competitions receiving important awards. In 2009, she got the “Artisan Excellence” recognition

Paola Gallinatto at work in her laboratory.

for restoration of the epigraphs of the

category, “Italia Show” (San Giorgio C.se, Turin, Italy)

of the Piedmont Region in the

The work presented for the auction,

“Decoration on various artefacts”

#acciaio, is a porcelain plate with

field. Other awards included:

third-firing decorations and a

- 2013 - 2 prize, professional

wooden support. It has a diameter


category, “Italia Show” (Rezzato,

of 40 cm and a dimension of

Brescia, Italy)

50x50 cm. The artist interpreted the

- 2013 - 2nd prize, “Città di Nova donated to the Municipality of Monza

Porcelaine de Lyon” (Lyon, France) - 2019 - 1st prize, professional

hardness and vulnerability of steel

Milanese” (Nova Milanese, Milan,

through the most modern porcelain


decoration techniques, by putting

War Memorial monument installed

- 2018 - Coup de Cœur, “Salon

a spotlight on the metamorphosis

in Trento e Trieste square. Various

International de Peinture sur

of matter with a colourful butterfly

types of works were presented during

Porcelaine de Lyon” (Lyon, France)

wing. Gallinatto’s signature “bubbles”

the auction, all united by the effort to

- 2018 - 1st prize, professional

represent the link that exists between

category, “Italia Show” (San

arts and surfaces. Paola Gallinatto’s

Giorgio C.se, Turin, Italy)

#acciaio was no exception, as it puts a spotlight on the metamorphosis of matter.

- 2018 - Silver Award Winner, “IPAT” (Miami, Florida, USA) - 2018 - Winner of the prize

represent the artist herself and her lightness of thought. For further information: www.facebook.com/LesclusivoChivasso-1529668027348743

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


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Analysis of Corrosion Inhibitors for Hydrochloric Acid Pickling Processes – Part One Davide Buggio and Ernesto Caldana Quaker Sales Europe BV, Italian branch – Tradate (Milan, Italy) caldanae@quaker.com davide.buggio@quakerhoughton.com

Quaker Houghton has just concluded a study for identifying new analytical methods to develop and characterise pickling inhibitors through the application of electrochemical accelerated corrosion techniques.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


uring a hot rolling process, steel is subjected to an

© Quaker Sales Europe BV



oxidation phenomenon that generates a surface


layer of oxides composed of FeO (wustite), Fe3O4


(magnetite), and Fe2O3 (hematite), as shown in Figure 1.


Such oxides are distributed differently in the middle of the


steel coil than at its edges: this depends on the coil winding


temperature, the availability of oxygen during lamination, and the cooling rate (Fig. 2). The composition of the oxide layer affects its adhesion rate to the steel coil, thus making it more or less easy to remove by pickling, which is an


essential phase of steel production processes.

The removal of oxides The complete removal of oxides from metal is crucial not

Figure 1: Diagram of the surface composition of hot rolled carbon steel before pickling.

to negatively affect the yield of subsequent processing © Quaker Sales Europe BV

stages such as cold rolling, galvanising, or coating. It is also essential to prevent the wear of the wringer rolls used downstream in the pickling station and even in the


subsequent cold rolling one. Oxides are removed from




(Magnetite) +


Fe (Iron)

steel through hydrochloric acid pickling baths. In these systems, the addition of corrosion inhibitors is necessary

FeO (Wustite)

to protect the coil against the excessive attack of the acidic environment, i.e. over-pickling. Moreover, it greatly reduces


the consumption of acid, increases the life of the pickling bath, and gives the surfaced a uniform, glossy appearance

A 1

Coiling temperature: 700 - 740°C

while also preventing hydrogen embrittlement.

The pickling process Typically, a hot rolled steel pickling process occurs on a treatment line composed, on average, of three or four tanks, containing hydrochloric acid with different free acid concentration values and at operating temperatures between 70 and 80 °C. As shown in Figure 3, the acid concentration value is equal to 150 to 180 g/L in the last tank and it gradually decreases down to about 20 to 40 g/L in the first one. The process entails


FeO (Wustite)




(Magnetite) +


Fe (Iron)

STEEL Coiling temperature: 610 - 660°C B 1

continuous overflow between one tank and another, in order to modulate the quantity of free acid and iron and consistently guarantee effective pickling. The same concept is applied to the addition of the corrosion inhibitor, whose concentration ranges between 1 and 0.3 g/L. The coil is subjected to the treatment for 20 to 60 seconds, depending on the composition of the material, the speed of the line, and the ageing of the bath.

New development methods for the Quaker Houghton products Quaker Houghton operates in various fields of the steel industry. These include the pickling one, for which it

Fe2O3 (Hematite)





STEEL Coiling temperature: 520 - 550°C C 1

Figure 2: Diagram of the surface composition of carbon steel after rolling, at different temperatures. a) 700-740 °C, b) 610-660 °C, c) 520-550 °C.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


Š Quaker Sales Europe BV Š Quaker Sales Europe BV

Figure 3: Diagram of a hydrochloric acid pickling process on hot rolled carbon steel.

That is why Quaker Houghton has undertaken an evolutionary process in terms of both technologies and product development methods. Using innovative electrochemical analysis methods for selecting the highest performance raw materials, it is able to identify the best combinations of chemical species to formulate excellent corrosion inhibitors.

Using an analytical method to develop pickling inhibitors Quaker Houghton conducted a study to define an analysis method that applies the electrochemical techniques of accelerated corrosion to pickling systems. A preliminary comparison was performed among some corrosion inhibitors typically used in hydrochloric acid pickling processes, by using both chemical and electrochemical methods. The analysis of the results obtained made it possible to assess the efficiency of each product while, at the same time, understanding the limitations of the trial performed. The study was then continued by perfecting the analytical techniques used and paying greater attention to their possible application to the selection of raw materials. Figure 4: Electrochemical cell configuration.

The performance of a corrosion inhibitor is generally assessed in terms of inhibition efficiency associated with the decrease in the metal substrate’s corrosion rate in the presence of the inhibitor itself. This is detected with

offers a wide range of inhibitors and post-pickling rinse aid

weight loss measurements or through electrochemical

products. The company is also very active in the research and

techniques, such as Tafel extrapolation, linear polarisation

development of increasingly high performance formulations,

resistance, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

in order to keep up with the evolution of market demands,

Quaker Houghton opted for both approaches. As a result,

environmental protection regulations, and plant technologies.

the simultaneous use of multiple measurement methods


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


based on different principles enabled

(Fig. 4) in order to identify their

speed, conditioning time, and applied

it to obtain additional information

different responses to the analysis

potential range changes on the results

beyond the corrosion speed value.

methods applied. The trial then

achieved were systematically assessed

In particular, given the commercial

continued with the identification of the

to obtain an experimental setup that

nature of the products tested,

best experimental conditions for each

best reproduced the real corrosion

the application of electrochemical

system under study. The reproduction

phenomena occurring in an industrial

techniques proved useful in defining

of real hydrochloric acid pickling


the inhibitors’ performance levels in a

process conditions was used as the

Weight loss measurements were

short time, thus promoting the creation

landmark for improving the analysis

considered more realistic than any

of new formulations in the laboratory

technique. Indeed, they are highly

electrochemical technique, because

development phase.

severe and they include numerous

the system was not subjected to

factors that may cause significant

external stresses. The process

The experimental phase


occurring was in fact the same

The application of electrochemical

Hot rolled steel was subjected

happening with acid immersion,

methods in determining the inhibition

to weight loss measurements

but without favouring the anodic

efficiency of a specific commercial

in hydrochloric acid with a 17%

or cathodic reaction. On the other

product calls for the identification of

concentration and at a temperature

hand, polarisations are the extremes

the right experimental conditions.

of 80 °C, with different amounts

of the conditions to which a system

Therefore, Quaker Houghton’s study

of inhibitor. At the same time,

can be subjected. Therefore, the

included a preliminary screening of

electrochemical potentiodynamic

results obtained are an indication of

the tested inhibitors by analysing their

polarisation analyses were conducted

the behaviour of the molecules that

potentiodynamic polarisation curves

on the material. The effects of the scan

make up the product to such specific

Visionaries have no rivals.

Look into these eyes. Can you see it? Trace the purple paint with your finger. Can you feel it? It’s the motivation to discover superior solutions for the challenges of tomorrow in our ever-changing world. It’s the passion exuding from our global network of employees. It’s the confidence that we can deliver true value for your coating formulations. Now, look into these eyes. Join us in shaping the world of coatings.



© Quaker Sales Europe BV

Figure 5: η% values obtained a) with weight loss measurements, and b) through polarisation curves, on hot rolled steel in 17 wt% HCl and in the absence and presence of different concentrations of the α product, the α product without an X component, and the X component alone.

stresses. These responses depend on

Houghton α, of the same product

analysing the trends obtained through

many factors, including the molecular

without an X component, and of

weight loss measurements.

weight of the chemical species used,

the X component alone. As can be

the samples’ surface roughness, the

seen for all inhibitors, there is no


high temperature resistance values,

close correspondence between the

To summarise, although the search

and so on. These factors affect the

efficiency values η% calculated with

for the right conditions requires

inhibitors’ ability to be adsorbed on

the two different methods.

further study, the preliminarily

the metal surface.

The values obtained with the

identified combination enables us to

electrochemical method are lower:

perform comprehensive comparisons

The results obtained

let us suppose that this depends on

among different products on the

During the trial, as expected, we

the very harsh conditions created,

market as well as among the different

found discrepancies between the

which result in a less stable system

raw materials that compose them.

results obtained by gravimetric and

than the real one. This strongly

We found differences in sensitivity

electrochemical methods. We then

stimulates molecules with non-

between the two techniques applied,

gradually reduced such discrepancies.

equivalent responses. On the other

which are based on different

Without going into the details of our

hand, although the experimental

principles, but their simultaneous

experiments, here below you will

setup requires further improvement,

use allows obtaining the information

find an example of the results

the high sensitivity of this technique

necessary to develop formulations

obtained (Fig. 5).

is clearly demonstrated. By looking

by identifying the properties of the

The percent efficiency trends (η%)

at the η% trends extrapolated from

raw materials to be selected. The

extrapolated from the gravimetric

the polarisation curves of Figure 5,

idea behind our experimentation

and electrochemical measurements

good discrimination can be found

was identifying a quick and effective

are shown as a function of the

as a function of variations in the

procedure for the development of

concentration of inhibitory species

tested products’ content. This is very

new products: the combination of

in the hydrochloric acid bath. More

useful for studying the effectiveness

these analytical techniques precisely

specifically, let us consider the

of raw materials in formulations.

results in this.

behaviour of the product Quaker

Discrimination is less noticeable by


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE A Versatile, Fast, and Long-Lasting Sanitization Technology: CM Spray’s Experience at the Service of Companies

52 56

BRAND-NEW INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Thermoplastic Coatings in an Antimicrobial Version: Axalta Plascoat®’s Response to the Current Health Emergency


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY IR Panels for the Quick and Effective Drying of Latex Gloves: The Unexpected Application of the Catalytic Technology

66 68

BRAND-NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Corona Crisis Brings Together Different Kinds of Companies to Produce Protective Masks


Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

Š AdobeStock


Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

A Versatile, Fast, and Long-Lasting Sanitization Technology: CM Spray’s Experience at the Service of Companies Dariano Cattarin CM Spray Srl, Carbonera (Treviso) - Italy


Many manufacturers of surface treatment technologies are converting their production to meet the global sanitization needs. A still uncertain regulation system, made worse by the unpredictability and uniqueness of this situation, however, can favor the proliferation of service offers from companies that are not capable of guaranteeing high quality results. CM Spray, operating for over thirty years in the coating sector with its liquid and powder spraying equipment, is now exploiting its technical expertise to offer the most suitable devices for sanitizing workplaces and other areas.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© CM Spray


ne of the most frequently used terms lately is “sanitization”. On the one hand, this operation

is a part of the guide lines issued by the governments of many countries to start the Phase 2 of the Covid-19 health emergency management. On the other hand, this word recalls the concept of “safety” and makes us feel protected against the risk of infection that has frightened us so much in the past months. As a consequence, countless companies are riding the wave of the moment and converting their production to sell sanitization devices; however, they often lack adequate know-how. CM Spray (Carbonera, Treviso, Italy) has over thirty years of experience in the production of spraying equipment, systems, and machines, mainly intended for the coating, food, and pharmaceutical chemical industries. It therefore decided to exploit the skills acquired over time to develop a complete range of environmental sanitization equipment.

Sanitizing: a few explanations The goal of sanitization in a civil place such as an office or a production plant is to obtain an adequate hygiene level in compliance with applicable decrees. A good level of environmental sanitization can be achieved in several ways, but the two practices that can work effectively in an environment with a medium-low risk of contamination are cleansing and disinfection. The first one refers to the common operations carried out by cleaning staffs with detergents. The second one is the currently required intervention, which involves the use of particular sanitizing substances capable of reducing or eliminating bacteria and viruses, in order to lower the risk of contagion for people. The correct sanitization cycle to implement, therefore, includes a common mechanical cleaning stage followed by a disinfection one with a suitable product.

The CM Sonic Sanitizer device designed by CM Spray.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© AdobeStock

Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

CM Spray’s devices suitable for different needs

be applied into very small particles.

any electronic devices.

These micro-particles form a “mist”

CM Sonic Sanitizer works with an

The devices that CM Spray offers for

that facilitates the dispersion of

electric and pneumatic feeding

sanitizing work environments have

the product itself in premises such

system. The solution to be nebulized

different safety degrees and are based

as offices, laboratories, coating

is placed in a stainless steel tank

on different application principles; at

departments, and factories. The very

and put under pressure by the

the same time, the type of application

fine nebulized particles disperse and

compressed air used for the spraying

remains the same in order to

saturate the environment, regardless

process. The sanitization cycle can

guarantee the effective dispersion of

of the size of the room. In this way,

be carried out with different hourly

the product in the environment.

after a preset settling time based

spraying rates. The separate and

CM Spray offers three types of

on the type of product sprayed,

precise controls of the atomizer

sanitizing devices:

the sanitization intervention can be

and of the dispensed product

– CM Sonic Sanitizer

considered successfully concluded.

amount make it easy to use different

– CM Piston Pump

One of the most obvious advantages

compounds, depending on the

– CM Cordless System.

of this application process is the

required sanitation degree. The

time saved compared with manual

feeding device is equipped with

CM Sonic Sanitizer: for nebulizing the sanitizing product

spraying operations, which must

a PLC control system that allows

be carried out on every surface of

setting the cycle time, thus offering

the room and present the risk of

different programming solutions as

CM Sonic Sanitizer is an automatic

wetting the areas where the product


system that nebulizes the product to

is applied, thus causing problems to

The equipment also includes a


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


sanitizing trolley, which enables to work in environments where the spraying of the sanitizing product must occur in the absence of operators. The trolley is characterized by ease of transport, long operating autonomy, and ease of use. The system can integrate one or two separately adjustable dispensers for better product distribution. The ultrasonic dispensers produce an atomized mist in the form of a full cone with a narrow spray angle. Since the liquid and compressed air are supplied by different nozzles, their pressure values can be adjusted separately without affecting each other: this allows obtaining satisfactory conditions of use within a wide range of liquid flow rates. The environment is treated and saturated by ultra-fine micro-particles in a very short time, without creating any accumulations of liquid and ensuring the propagation of the sanitizing substance throughout the room. With the appropriate product, our system can apply 1000 m3 in about 10 minutes – a functional solution in a period like this, when time is of the essence.

The product makes the dierence The use of appropriate products is essential for achieving the required results. CM Sonic Sanitizer can operate effectively with any type of product, from hydrogen peroxide to sodium hypochlorite, from ammonia to alcohol. Some of these substances, however, are less effective for the elimination of bacteria and their action is less durable, so that they call for more frequent applications. The tests performed by CM Spray have obtained the best results with hydrogen peroxide and silver ion-based substances, because these two elements combined have high bactericidal and virucidal properties. Other products require to ventilate the room after application and settling; therefore, they cannot be used in food-grade environments. This is why CM Spray prefers to use products that do not call for the ventilation of the environment after use.

CM Electric Piston Pump: for risk-free manual applications This airless nebulization system enables an operator, equipped with appropriate individual protection devices, to manually spray the product through a high pressure gun connected to a pump with an electric feeding unit. In this case, larger drops are formed and the resulting wet effect cannot be avoided: due to their weight, the atomized particles fall a short distance from the delivery point.

© AdobeStock

Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

CM Cordless System: for minor interventions

and speed are adjustable for total

them to sanitize their own premises. For

control, both with dense and light

small and medium businesses, however,

This portable airless sprayer is

materials. Prolonged reliability is

it can be expensive to handle these

specifically designed for small

guaranteed by the resistant carbon

operations, which must now become

interventions in indoor, outdoor, and

piston. Portable sprayers provide the

routine practice based on current

special environments. Its advantages

same high spraying quality as the

regulations. In Italy, the Cura Italia

are convenience, excellent portability,

larger airless ones and their direction

decree helps these companies through

and quick spraying as it activates

can be fully adjusted thanks to the

tax relief provided for both those

in just a few seconds. Cleaning

DEWALT® XR lithium-system feeding

requesting these services and those

companies can easily use it for small


directly purchasing sanitization devices.

larger airless sprayers such as those

Versatile services


described above.

CM Spray’s equipment is versatile

In a confused period like this,

This system works with any water-

and suitable for any use. It is

CM Spray can be a point of reference

based liquid that can be sprayed with

therefore ideal both for companies

for those who need immediate help with

the same characteristics as the airless

that offer sanitization services and

a sanitization operation. Its products’

pump: also in this case, atomization

have to carry out interventions in

effectiveness and their results’ quality

is a mechanical process that takes

different situations and environments

are guaranteed by the company’s

place at high pressure and through

and for firms that prefer to equip

long-standing experience in the

interchangeable nozzles. Motor flow

themselves with a system enabling

spraying field.

operations without having to start


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19


Chemtec: Expertise in Surface Chemistry Devoted to the Production of Hand and Surface Sanitisers


formula. Chemtec immediately offered

In April, when Chemtec’s daily

specialises in the production of

those 1,000 litres of sanitiser to the

activity stopped almost totally due

chemical specialties for surface and

municipality of Corbetta, to a school

to the lockdown of unnecessary

waste water treatments. Towards the end

(in anticipation of its reopening, which

supply chains imposed by the Italian

of February, when in Italy it seemed that

unfortunately never took place), and to

government, the firm developed

the Covid19 emergency was limited to the

the Civil Protection. This small gesture

a complete range of solutions for

Bergamo and Codogno areas, almost by

gave it much exposure, initially in the

cleaning and sanitising hands and

chance did this company decide to produce

local press (Il Giorno, Milano Today,

surfaces: its ATOXSAN line. In addition

a hydroalcoholic solution hand sanitiser

Corriere Alto Milanese) and then at

to the hydroalcoholic solution, it

using the World Health Organization’s

the national level (independent online

developed a gel product for hand

newspaper Open, Rai Radio 1, Rai 3

hygiene. It then integrated the line

regional news, and Rai national news).

with sanitising cleaners for every

In March, Chemtec started producing

surface, from desks to floors.

1,000 litres of hand sanitiser every

In this difficult moment, therefore,

evening after regular office hours and

Chemtec’s ability to partially reconvert

every Saturday. Out of the approximately

its production and commercial

15 tonnes manufactured in that month,

activity is enabling it to survive the

about half were given to the Lombardy

emergency, thus reducing the use of

Red Cross, the Civil Protection, and the

social safety nets and avoiding getting

Carabinieri or sold at cost price (i.e. with

into medium and long-term debt to

no profit margin for the company) to

create liquidity.

© Chemtec

hemtec (Corbetta, Milan, Italy)

various municipalities in the area, www.chemtec.it

© Chemtec

For further information:


© Chemtec

non-profit organisations, and the Fire


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

The Fabric Becomes Metal with Kolzer Sputtering Machines © Kolzer


puttering is a revolutionary new treatment for fabrics, to make them more functional. The metallic coating on fabric with Sputtering is very thin, only 20nm, and is

obtained by bombarding the metal with a beam of particles or ions. The affected atoms recondense on the surface of the fabric and create a film of excellent quality, which does not involve any significant variation in weight or thickness compared to the beginning. The special coating with Sputtering, depending on the metal used, can create an antibacterial, antiviral, conductive, thermal insulation, flame retardant, water-repellent layer, can absorb and reflect infrared and UV rays, etc. Sputtering makes the fabric very resistant to humidity and ensures greater mechanical and chemical resistance, it is antistatic and therefore helps to reduce the deposit of dust and the texture is not blocked, allowing air to circulate. To face the health emergency of Coronavirus, Kolzer - a company from Cologno Monzese (Milan, Italy) specialized in the production of PVD machines – has made available expertise and machines for silver nanoparticles application on any substrate, including masks and other medical devices. Silver nanoparticles are in fact able to inhibit virus infection and prevent viral migration. The deposition of silver thin layer on materials dedicated for medical use is not new to Kolzer. In 2008, the company collaborated with the Niguarda hospital in Milan, carrying out several tests on gauze and textile that have returned

Its antibacterial properties depend on the silver ion

excellent results.

(Ag +) which is biologically active and is able to irreversibly

“We have already started coating the first fabric / non-

damage the key system of enzymes in the membrane of

woven masks currently in circulation, obtaining a mask with


an antibacterial, water-repellent, waterproof, ionizing and

A study of the Vaccinia virus showed that the 25 nm silver

thermoregulating device characteristics”, says D’Esposito. “We

thin layer inhibited its replication, preventing viral entrance.

therefore want to spread the message as much as possible:

The silver nanoparticles have in fact caused a reduction

we are available to the community, the competent authorities

from 4 to 5 log of the viral titre to non-toxic concentrations

and the companies interested in this type of treatments”.

for the cells. The virus was therefore able to absorb cells but could not enter into the cells with silver nanoparticles.

The antibacterial and antiviral properties of silver

Virus particles that had adsorbed into cells in the silver

Silver is notoriously used in medicine for its antibacterial and

the cells, indicating the lack of direct virucidal effect.

biocidal effect and for its non-toxicity for humans being.

For further information: www.kolzer.com

nanoparticles were infectious at the time of removal from

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19


Graco Launches SaniSpray HP to Sanitize Surfaces


© Graco

To offer concrete help in the protection against Coronavirus, Graco developed SanySpray HP, a sprayer line for the application of disinfectants on any surface.

o provide a solution for the sanification of environments, Graco developed SanySpray HP, a sprayer line to disinfect almost any surface safely, fast and thoroughly.

The features of SaniSpray HP - High speed and productivity: The Airless spraying technology ensures speed and efficient application. - Consistent application coverage from edge to edge: The surface is properly covered to meet chemical dwell time requirements. - Compatibility with different chemicals: The SaniSpray HP line has been built with materials compatible with disinfectants, sanitisers and deodorisers, unlike traditional airless paint equipment. The SaniSpray HP line includes several models, designed with different flow rates and therefore selectable according to the type of work to be carried out. SaniSpray HP sprayers are delivered ready to use and will soon be available in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. For further information: www.graco.com/sanisprayhpsolution

© Graco

© Graco

One of several models from the SanySpray HP line.

The accessories’ battery of SanySpray HP 20.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

A SaniSpray HP sprayer during application.


Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

Water Energy’s New Sanitisation Services for Closed Places

© Water Energy

Water Energy (San Pietro in Casale, Bologna, Italy), specialising in waste water treatment plants, transformed a part of its production to cope with the current health emergency through the brand WaterSet.


aterSet integrated Graco’s spraying

for system protection. It is suitable for larger and

systems to develop two types of

more disorganised environments, such as factory

spraying machines for sanitising

buildings, warehouses, workshops, and halls.

operations in closed places, available both for sale and for daily or monthly rental.

In addition to these spraying systems, WaterSet also started the production of a 60%-alcohol

Spraying gun

hand sanitising gel, available in 6 dispensers

A universal spraying gun for environment

or 6 500 ml-bottles or in 24 125-ml bottles, as

sanitisers, powered by rechargeable battery.

well as of two types of surface sanitisers: Trimax

The capacity of the sanitiser tank is 1 litre. It is

Power (concentrated surface sanitiser) and Trisan

suitable for use in small rooms with shelves,

(hydroalcoholic surface sanitiser).

desks, and personal computers, such as offices or small canteens.

You can check the operation of the WaterSet sanitising machines here:

Spraying system


A spraying system complete with an electric pump, a gun with a 1-metre nozzle extension,

Finally, the company is available for sanitisation

a 15-metre tube, and 2 trolleys with braked

interventions performed by its staff.

pivoting wheels. The 50-litre plastic tank for the sanitising product is complete with a filter

For further information: www.waterset.it


Opening photo: The characteristics of the PPA 571 AM polymer in terms of both bacterial and corrosion protection make the product particularly suitable for protecting any surface intended for direct contact with hands.

Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19


Thermoplastic Coatings in an Antimicrobial Version: Axalta Plascoat®’s Response to the Current Health Emergency Beatrice Bovo Tecno Supply, division of IBIX Srl - Santa Maria in Fabriago (Ravenna, Italy)


How can we protect the surfaces with which we are in contact every day against the spread of microbes and bacteria? Axalta’s Plascoat® thermoplastic powder coating range, already known for its long-lasting anti-corrosion properties, was expanded to include a new product, Plascoat® PPA 571 AM, offered on the market through its Italian distributor Tecno Supply, a division of IBIX Srl. The antimicrobial action of this new coating is suitable for treating any surface in direct contact with hands.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Axalta



ecno Supply is the division of

barrier created by Plascoat®

however effective, but in the actual

IBIX Srl devoted to the industrial

PPA 571 AM is effective not only in the

combination of this precious

coating sector. It provides high

prevention of bacterial growth, but also

nanotechnology’s antimicrobial action

quality solutions for hanging, masking,

in its limitation. In fact, it even reduces

with Plascoat® thermoplastic coatings’

and handling operations, which are

the microbial load of the contaminated

extreme durability. Indeed, these

crucial to increase efficiency and

surfaces that come into contact with

powders’ characteristics make them

profitability in painting processes. For

the treated ones.

particularly resistant to a long list of

over twenty years, Tecno Supply has also

Unlike other solutions on the market,

acid and alkaline chemical agents,

been the exclusive distributor of Axalta’s

its silver ion action does not end: the

including the most aggressive ones as

Plascoat® thermoplastic powder coatings

protection will have a permanent effect

well as all substances contained in the

in Italy. Thanks to the effectiveness of

for the entire duration of the coating

most known cleaning and sanitising

PPA 571, the most versatile and most

itself. As for its bactericidal properties,

agents, such as those based on

used product of this range, Tecno Supply

targeted tests have shown that

sodium hypochlorite (bleach), acetic

guarantees the long-term corrosion

Plascoat® PPA 571 AM reduces bacterial

acid, and ethyl acid with quaternary

protection of substrates in mild steel,

presence to a much greater extent


galvanised steel, aluminium, and metal in

(99.9999%) than common polyethylene

By their nature, thermoplastic

general, in numerous applications.

films (20-38%).

coatings are defined as “stain-proof” because, on the one hand, they

Urban furniture, metal fences, automotive

guarantee a low growth rate of

boxes, stadium seats, construction,

Additional advantages of Plascoat® coatings

infrastructure and pipes for the water

The main strength of Plascoat®

and, on the other hand, they create

sector (drinking water), and marine

PPA 571 AM does not only lie in

a barrier against any contaminating

environments are just some of the

the operating range of silver ions,

substance, as well as liquids and

sector, household appliances, battery

mosses, lichens, and other organisms

ensures protection against degradation and corrosion with unbeatable results.

© Axalta

applications in which Plascoat® PPA 571

Currently, however, one of its surface protection properties is also proving fundamental in the safeguard of human health: Plascoat® PPA 571 AM is the only solution combining the efficiency, strength, and durability of Plascoat® thermoplastic coatings with the effectiveness of silver ions in the fight against microbes and bacteria.

The antimicrobial characteristics of Plascoat® PPA 571 AM a broad spectrum of microbes, which

© Axalta

Plascoat® PPA 571 AM is effective against


0-hour UFC

14-hours UFC

PPA 571 and PPA 571 AM comparison

by the silver ion nanotechnology, which

Polyethylene film



20% reduction

reduces the presence of diffused

Polyfusion standard




micro-organisms such as methicillin-

PPA 571 AM



99,9999% reduction

includes bacteria, moulds, fungi, etc. The antimicrobial action is guaranteed

resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), E-coli, Salmonella, Bacillus Subtilis, etc. by 99.9999%. Moreover, the antimicrobial

Independent tests on the antimicrobial effect exerted on the E. Coli bacterium showed that, compared with the microbial load reduction by 20-38% guaranteed by common polyethylene films, Plascoat® PPA 571 AM reduces bacterial presence to a much greater extent (99.9999%).

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Axalta

Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

571-based coatings are approved for contact with drinking water and food in several countries and maintain excellent behaviour even in case of a fire, with a very low smoke rate at the minimum toxicity level (Class 0).

Conclusions The extraordinary characteristics of the PPA 571 AM polymer in terms of Plascoat PPA 571 AM is widely used in the coating of furniture for medical use, handles, handrails, public toilets, and support tools for the disabled. ®

both bacterial and corrosion protection make it particularly suitable for a wide range of applications and sectors.

© Axalta

Plascoat® PPA 571 AM is regularly used to coat products such as furniture for medical use, accessories and hospital aids, and other medical devices, as well as handrails and handles, i.e. any surface intended for direct contact with hands. Its bacterial spread limitation action and its certification for contact with food also enable its use in the coating of stagnant water tanks and in the protection of shelves and food containers. The guarantee of total safety for both the coated substrate and, above all, for the people who come into contact with it also makes PPA 571 AM perfect to provide additional protection The construction and urban furniture sectors can also benefit from the advantages offered by Plascoat® PPA 571 AM.

on items that could be brought to the mouth: for example, it is employed in the coating of children products and playground structures.

vapours. This allows applying finishes

underground parts, and so on.

Plascoat® PPA 571 AM can be applied

with low maintenance costs, in terms

Furthermore, they have exceptional

with conventional electrostatic powder

of both cleaning and touch-ups or

flexibility properties (650% elongation

guns and fluidised bed techniques.

repairs, always possible and quick

at break), which remain constant

Like with all other Plascoat® powders,

to perform. Its characteristics of

even in cold temperatures and which

no primer is needed. It can be applied

electrical insulation, high abrasion

enable Plascoat finishes to perfectly

in one coat directly on the metal

resistance (Taber ASTM 60 mg /

resist flaking, cracking, deterioration

surface, through a cold process in its

500 g), weathering, UV, and salt

under normal use conditions, and

electrostatic version or after pre-heating

spray resistance, and perfect colour

temperature changes (from – 50 °C to

in the case of flock spray and immersion

retention even in particularly harsh

+ 70 °C) without suffering any damage.

application methods, thus ensuring

environments make the coatings

Axalta’s Plascoat powders are 100%

excellent adhesion for many years to

based on PPA 571 AM, and in general

ecological; they do not contain any




on the whole Axalta Plascoat range,

phthalates, isocyanates, heavy metals,

particularly suitable for all outdoor

and VOCs, but they are composed

applications, however extreme:

exclusively of hydrogen, carbon,

deserts, marine environments,

and oxygen. This is why many PPA



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Infragas

Opening photo: Latex gloves in an IR oven equipped with Boostercat catalytic panels.


Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

IR Panels for the Quick and Effective Drying of Latex Gloves: The Unexpected Application of the Catalytic Technology Monica Fumagalli ipcm®


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Infragas Srl produces a range of ventilated catalytic infrared panels named Boostercat®, whose technology is based on a combination of infrared energy with the convective action of a ventilation system, integrated or forced through air ducts positioned on the rear side of the heater. They are the ideal solution for complex-shaped products from the most diverse sectors, such as that of latex gloves, whose demand has grown exponentially due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


atalysis is a chemical reaction

mass. “Another advantage lies in its

activated by a catalyst, which

space requirements,” adds Marabotti.

generates an exothermic process

“An oven with IR panels occupies half,

for the development of heat in the

if not one third of the space required

form of infrared rays (IR). In the surface

by a hot air one, because with catalytic

treatment field, the catalytic technology is

technology the infrared energy

now widespread due to its environmental

targetedly concentrates its

benefits – this form of gas oxidation is

medium-long wavelength rays towards

a notoriously clean and safe process to

the layer of liquid or powder paint

produce high efficiency energy with no

to be thermally treated. Moreover, a

flames – and for the economic savings

hot air oven must heat the mass of

guaranteed through its quick-start ovens,

components, which leads to longer

its targeted thermal treatment action, its

times and higher energy losses both

system operation at lower temperatures

for heating the air and for drying the

than conventional flame burners, and the

applied coating film.

abatement of volatile polluting compounds,

“One of the main issues in the

a part of which is molecularly decomposed

application of liquid coatings is the

in contact with the catalytic surface so that

leakage of the moisture trapped in the

it does not disperse into the environment.

film’s aqueous base, which causes a

“The main advantage of the catalytic

bubbling effect and ultimately leads

technology applied to surface treatments is

to unacceptable finishing results.

precisely this: it simultaneously guarantees

Infrared rays, on the other hand,

excellent results in terms of finishing and

directly hit the lower paint layers,

significant savings in energy resources,”

thus allowing immediate moisture

states Francesca Marabotti, the Marketing

release and coating drying and,

Manager of Infragas Srl (Mappano, Turin,

therefore, ensuring optimal results.

Italy), a company specialised in the design

The reduction of process times is

and production of gas catalytic infrared

also guaranteed by high performance

panels for surface heat treatments since

catalytic pad, which enable IR ovens to


quickly start in just ten minutes with little electricity used for pre-heating.

Catalytic technology and convection ovens: a comparison between two combinable systems

“As for powder coating, especially

Unlike in a traditional convection process,

convection ovens: the IR section

infrared energy concentrates its action on

gels the powder very quickly and the

the surface exposed to the radiation, thus

hot air oven completes its curing

avoiding dispersing heat inside the oven

stage. In this way, infrared panels

and heating up the whole components

allow increasing production capacity,

with complex-shape parts, the IR catalytic technology can be effectively combined with conventional

segr@italgard.it - www.italgard.it

© Infragas

© Infragas

Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

Boostercat panels used for melting powder paint on large parts.

The air ducting pipes arranged on the back of the IR panel and connected to the centralised fan.

reducing the occupied spaces, and

infrared radiation, which spreads

through short-wavelength infrared

avoiding any powder build-up, thus

uniformly in every part of the item

rays. They are ideal for micro flame

raising the products’ quality level.”

to be treated. The Boostercat

thermal processes that call for high

panels are therefore particularly

temperatures or rapid treatment

effective in sectors with complex-

times, such as for heating metal parts

shaped products, such as ACE

and moulds, for melting powders, and

The evolution of catalytic panels: Boostercat® Infragas has been selling its Infracat

equipment, a market where this

for many other applications.”

infrared catalytic panels series for

new catalytic technology is quickly

Whereas the Infracat and Boostercat

a long time now, which, as their


catalytic panels cover the temperature


range reached by medium and long

name suggests, combine infrared

waves (2 to 10 μm), the RHT burners

Their surface temperature can be

Main features of the Boostercat panels

adjusted from 180 °C to 550 °C

The Boostercat panels’ surface

2 μm): therefore, the Infragas infrared

and, depending on their size, their

temperature can be adjusted

systems cover the whole IR ray

power ranges from 1,5 kW (1290

from 180 °C to 650 °C and,

spectrum1. “In this way,” summarises

kcal/h) to 17 kW (14617 kcal/h). They

depending on their size, their

Marabotti, “Infragas offers solutions

are designed to generate a power

power ranges from 6 kW (5159

for any infrared-based process. The

density of 20 kW/m2.

kcal/h) to 25 kW (21496 kcal/h).

Boostercat catalytic panels can be

In the Boostercat ventilated

They generate a power density

applied in a wide variety of sectors,

catalytic infrared panels, the catalytic

of 30 kW/m2. “For applications

from plastic to glass and metal, with

technology is further enhanced (or,

requiring higher temperatures,” says

both liquid and powder coatings.

as their name suggests, boosted) by

Marabotti, “Infragas also developed

One of the most common solutions

the action of a ventilation system,

Radiant High Temperature (RHT)

in the complex component powder

integrated or forced through

gas burners able to reach a

coating field, for instance, is the use

air ducts positioned on the rear

surface temperature of 950 °C.

of Boostercat panels for the powder

side of the panel and connected

These are a safe and reliable

to a centralised fan. The hybrid

source of heat, generated by

combination of infrared energy and

the combustion of natural gas

air convection boosts the effects of

or propane and transmitted

energy and catalytic technology.



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

emit short-wave infrared rays (0.8 to


M. Fumagalli, “Higher productivity for a contracting coating line thanks to the integration of a high temperature infrared gas oven”, in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 62 (March/April 2020), pages 160-162.

© Infragas


Get more from water

Turn key solutions for industrial wastewater treatment Design and manufacturing of plants and chemicals for industrial wastewater treatment Chemical-physical plants Sludge treatment and compactor systems Ion exchange demineralization systems and reverse osmosis systems Oil separators Filtering systems Batch type systems Flotation units Chemicals and spare parts for water treatment A large-size, complex-shaped component treated in an IR oven with Boostercat catalytic panels.

Technical service, support and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants

gelling phase, which occurs very quickly and enables the workpieces to enter the conventional gas oven already at high temperatures, resulting in significant energy savings. These hybrid panels allow obtaining excellent finishing results even in the case of compound products, in which smaller or plastic parts are likely to overheat with traditional treatments, due to longer process times.”

Case study: Boostercat panels also functional for the production of latex gloves One of the most unexpected applications of Infragas’ new technology is its implementation in the drying of latex gloves. “90% of the world production of latex gloves is concentrated in Malaysia,” says Marabotti. “The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically increased the demand for personal protective equipment, including precisely latex gloves. The Infragas catalytic technology had been installed in Malaysian plants in early 2018, thanks to the collaboration with our

visit us at

Messe Karlsruhe - October 12-15, 2020 - Hall 2, booth 2242



© Infragas

© Infragas

Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

Formers for latex gloves inside an IR oven.

The Boostercat ventilated catalytic panels can be located at the top or bottom of the plant.

Malaysian agent Sam Sir Yong,

process implemented consists of

conditions of Malaysia. “This is a

the Managing Director of Kuala

an irradiation phase performed

sector that Infragas would never

Lumpur-based company ISSES.”

on the products with Boostercat

have thought of targeting,” states

Infragas had designed a customised

burners at 70 °C on the product

Marabotti. “However, thanks to

solution for drying 30 cm-long

and a subsequent phase in a hot air

ISSES’ inspiration and to the Infragas

gloves. “Together with ISSES, we

oven. Depending on the production

catalytic technology’ functional

developed a catalytic panel with

line’s structure, the IR panels can be

characteristics, the implementation

suitable dimensions for irradiating

located in the upper and lower parts

of Boostercat panels proved to be

this type of product, maximising the

of the plant or only in the lower one.

the right solution to help maximise the manufacturing efficiency of

radiant front through a dimensional study specifically performed to offer


items that everyone needs at this

maximum energy emission without

The installation of Boostercat panels

particular moment. The Boostercat

any dispersion,” explains Marabotti.

on latex glove production lines

technology is in fact highly versatile,

“Indeed, our Boostercat 10KL series is

working 24/7 has guaranteed 20

from relatively low temperature

specifically designed for this sector.”

to 30% energy savings compared

processes to higher temperature

Latex gloves are manufactured using

with the technology traditionally

applications, such as the gelling

ceramic matrices arranged along

employed in this sector, thanks to

of powder coatings on the metal

a conveyor belt. The formers are

the possibility of reaching these

surfaces of heavy vehicles

immersed in tanks containing latex

products drying temperature

and the curing of powders on

and then taken to a heat treatment

quickly and with optimal results,

two-dimensional surfaces, for

station for drying. The thermal

despite the very humid weather

example in coil coating.”


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19


Smart Mayor is a Successful Entrepreneur in the Surface Treatment Sector Loris Rossi, CEO of Alit Technologies, distinguished himself in the fight against COVID-19 as Mayor of Veronella, a town in the province of Verona (Italy).

Tackling the emergency proactively.

to help me find ideas to entertain people and keep them

This was Loris Rossi’s philosophy during the two months of

“alive”. We created a series of videos within the project

lockdown imposed due to the Covid-19 emergency in Italy. The

#iorestoacasaperché (“#Istayhomebecause”), offering daily

Italian surface treatment sector has lent one of its youngest and

information and content to stimulate everyone’s brain: it was

brightest entrepreneurs to politics: Loris Rossi is not just the

important that people kept themselves lively and reactive. We

CEO of Alit Technologies, a manufacturer of machines, plants,

also made a psychological support service available to citizens.

and chemical paint strippers for the global market, but he is also

“Moreover, we immediately distributed the free masks

the Mayor of Veronella, a town in the province of Verona.

provided by the Veneto Region, also adding two masks

In a statement issued to Verona Network (https://daily.

manufactured by our citizens per family. A company donated

veronanetwork.it/), Rossi described his activity as a Mayor

the material to the Municipality and many seamstresses and

in this difficult moment as follows: “We coped with this

housewives made themselves available to produce some

emergency proactively. We immediately tried to create direct

masks, which we distributed together with a civil protection

communication with our citizens through social media and to

team and over sixty volunteer citizens.”

make people feel safe. We started with a road sanitation plan

Thanks to Loris Rossi and his team, the Municipality of

and even a few projects with our schools and children.

Veronella proved to be one of the smartest Municipalities in

“As I am an entrepreneur, I asked my partner companies

the Veneto Region: Facebook live streaming to answer citizens’ questions, video interviews to offer interesting content, red tape simplification through digital procedures, dynamism, and concreteness. This is the same approach with which Loris Rossi organised his company Alit Technologies, truly advanced in terms of both technologies offered and communication and promotion methods used. In fact, at the end of May, the firm will also launch a new website, www.sanyfog.com, to present three product lines: - sanitisers; - ionisers; - sanitising machines for the industry, capable of atomising 1 micron-diameter drops. This new product range will be the subject of a detailed article on the next issue of the ipcm magazine. For further information: www.alit-tech.com and www.sanyfog.com


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19


SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Offers Vacuum Coating Machines for Application of Antibacterial Copper Layers To provide a permanent antimicrobial solution, also effective against viruses such as Covid-19, and reducing infection risks, SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES is offering vacuum sputtering machines to apply copper layers on all types of surfaces.


nder the brand name DECOLINE II, SINGULUS

positions. In combination with basecoats, the coating is used

TECHNOLOGIES offers cost-efficient, fully automated

for the additional finishing of two- or three-dimensional

production systems to apply copper layers on all types

components of different characteristics.

of surfaces, such as plastic, glass and metal, in a vacuum coating

The cycle time per carrier is only six seconds. Through the

process (sputtering).

use of UV-lacquers and the ability to recycle these, the output

The central component of the production line is a vacuum

of environmentally-burdening emissions is minimized, thus

sputtering machine, the POLYCOATER Metallizer, which operates

offering a real alternative to batch processes.

on the principle of cathode sputtering, creating a sustainable and

This method is available immediately and is especially helpful

environmentally-friendly coating.

in times of the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent dangerous

The complete production line integrates metallization in a vacuum


and automatic transportation of the parts to defined transfer


Why copper? Copper can inactivate a variety of bacteria, viruses and fungi in a process known as contact killing. This is especially important where high standards of hygiene are essential, and to reduce the risk of infection for example by MRSA- (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, so-called “hospital bacteria”) and E. Coli bacteria. Metallic copper surfaces not only have a permanent antimicrobial effectiveness against a large number of Gram-negative and -positive bacteria as well as against viruses, but can also effectively kill micro-organisms with a high infectious risk potential. In fact, the copper alloy applied in a vacuum makes use of a natural interaction between the cell wall membrane and simple organisms such as viruses or bacteria. The contact leads to the formation of cracks in the cell wall membrane. Through the cracks in the outer membrane, the cell loses vital nutrients and water, which generally weakens the cell and eventually causes it to die. The copper alloy is completely harmless to the human organism and the original surface character of the material is preserved. For further information: www.singulus.de

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Weber Ultrasonics AG

Opening photo: For the respiratory masks produced according to the standards for protection class FFP3, an accelerated inspection of Coronavirus pandemic breathing protection masks for Germany will be carried out.


Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

Corona Crisis Brings Together Different Kinds of Companies to Produce Protective Masks Doris Schulz, SCHULZ. PRESSE. TEXT., Korntal – Germany



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



fforts to stem the spread of Covid-19 make one problem of globalisation

clear: the dependency on low-cost

© Weber Ultrasonics AG

When you think of respiratory and surgical masks, which are currently produced predominantly in Asia, ultrasonics is probably not the first thing that springs to mind. Yet ultrasonic welding plays an important role in making these products. As an experienced technology provider for mask production equipment, Weber Ultrasonics AG now manufactures respiratory and surgical masks in Germany. This is made possible by the fast and active support of other companies as well as the huge dedication of its own employees.

manufacturing countries for personal protective equipment (PPE). That is why, in addition to protective clothing and gloves, breathing protection and surgical masks have been in short supply in Germany and other European countries since the global spread of the corona virus Sars CoV-2. ‘Since the Sars pandemic in 2002/2003, we have been producing equipment for the manufacture of different protective masks made of nonwovens based on thermoplastic synthetics. The equipment is primarily supplied to customers in Asia,’ reports Christian Unser, Chief Sales Officer at Weber Ultrasonics AG. It includes components such as generators, boosters, converters and sonotrodes as well as complete systems for welding, laminating, cutting and embossing with ultrasound. Producing masks itself was never an issue for the component and

After deep-drawing, the edges of the respiratory masks are welded with ultrasound.

plant manufacturer based in Karlsbad (Germany) – until the start of March 2020.

for these products in virtually

Ultrasonics converted the design

all countries. ‘Together with the

into a standard machine for the

Entering into production of FFP respiratory masks

customer, we developed a plant

production of complete breathing

design for producing the three-

protection masks. The first

What triggered it was an enquiry from

dimensional filter elements in a

process step of deep-drawing the

a mechanical engineering customer

very short time. The customer

masks represented a challenge.

who was unable to get filter domes

immediately placed an order

This takes place through hot-

for its special ventilated respiratory

for three machines,’ explains

forming, which requires a suitable

masks in FFP2 protection class as a

Christian Unser. In parallel

tool as well as special heating

result of the export restrictions in place

with this development, Weber

elements and corresponding

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Weber Ultrasonics AG

Special Surface Treatments Industry Against COVID-19

protection masks per hour. The aim is to achieve protection class FFP3 for the masks produced according to the current standards and to perform an accelerated inspection of corona virus pandemic breathing protection masks for Germany.

Virtual start-up with real twin for surgical masks Weber Ultrasonics has also experienced increased demand for production equipment for surgical masks. The company’s solutions in this segment so far enable the production of 200 masks per minute. ‘For this application we In order to be able to start the production of the respirator masks quickly, different other companies supplied equipment for the deep-drawing process of the nonwovens.

are currently working all-out to set up a testing plant at our premises that will use a newly developed procedure for continuous ultrasonic welding. This will enable

control units. In order to be able to

particle filter and a layer of spun-

us to increase production capacity

produce corresponding prototypes

bond are shaped through hot-

to 400, maybe even 600 masks per

quickly, Christian Unser turned to

forming. The edges of the masks

minute,’ explains Christian Unser.

a market player that also works in

are then joined in an ultrasonic

This machine combines the steps

this segment and spontaneously

welding process. To do this, an

of folding the fabric, integrating the

provided a heating element and

ultrasonic converter converts

nose wire, vertical and horizontal

control unit. The Head of Design at

the electrical signal produced by

welding, welding on an elastic band

Weber Ultrasonics obtained a second

the generator into mechanical

and separating.

one from his former employer.

oscillation. This is transferred via a

One reason for the fast

The necessary tool was made by a

booster and a customised welding

implementation of this system

neighbouring model maker and long-

tool, the sonotrode, onto the

in the factory in Karlsbad is the

standing partner of the company

surface to be joined. The frictional

current travel restrictions. ‘We

practically overnight. ‘It really is

heat this generates causes the

now need to put the plants

great how different companies have

nonwoven materials to melt

into operation virtually at our

offered spontaneous support and

specifically at the edges, where

customers’ premises and to do

cooperation,’ comments the Chief

they form a permanent bond

this it is important that we have

Sales Officer.

without distorting. At the same

the same performance here,’ says

time, the reliable, energy-efficient

Christian Unser. ‘This also has the

60 respiratory masks per hour with one machine

and productive joining technology

positive effect that we can push

ensures a soft and skin-friendly

forward developments directly

The production of the breathing

surface. After the masks are then

on the plant, perform tests for

protection masks takes place with

punched out mechanically, tapes

customers and above all produce

this standard machine in a multi-

are attached for fastening them.

surgical masks in large quantities

stage process. In the first step, an

The production capacity of the


open-pored fibrebond as stabiliser,

compact standard plant with a

a layer of meltblown nonwoven as

single tool is around 60 breathing


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


visit us at


Messe Karlsruhe - October 12-15, 2020 - Hall 1, booth 1346

Kolzer machines guarantee versatility in Metallization and PVD Sputtering treatments as well as repeatability in production. Kolzer systems perform well in all conditions, with all materials and for processing on each substrate. PVD is totally eco-friendly process with low environmental impact.







Farewell to Corrado Baroni


orn in 1946, a profound


Corrado Baroni, a leading figure of the European aluminium sector, passed away on Tuesday, 14 April.

connoisseur of aluminium and its surface treatment

techniques, throughout his long career Corrado Baroni held the positions of President of Metra Color, President of Qualanod, and President of Aital (Italian Association for Aluminium Surface Treatments). He also received the “Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic” award in 2008. In a press release issued on 16 of April, Aital remembers him with these words: “We have lost a pillar of our Association, always present and active for over thirty years. We will not go on to list the many offices held by Baroni in his long career in the aluminium world, but we would like to remember him as a staunch supporter of the interests of our industry at both the national and European levels, while he was the President of the European Association

and promoting the image of our

even at the cost of making enemies.

of Aluminium Coaters. Still active until

Association and of Italy. Yes, that

I want to say goodbye to Corrado

yesterday on our Committees and

association you have founded,

Baroni, an authoritative President at

always proactive in devising strategies

enlivened, and chaired for years, so

both the Italian and European levels

aimed at the common good of our

much so that the title of President

of the Aluminium world, to which he

Members, a truly indelible positive

will be yours forever. You will always

has given dignity, professionalism,

memory of him remains in us.”

be our President, and you will be

and a sense of communion.

with us to defend the interests of

“United we win,” he often said. Now

Franco Falcone, the CEO and General

members, non-members, and Italy

we are more alone, but we will not

Manager of CIE Srl and a great friend

all over the world.

forget your teachings, your words,

of Corrado Baroni, wrote:

You were also a frank, loyal, and

your authority.”

“Bye bye, President. You left us forever

determined friend who always had

last night. I seem to still hear your

a word of advice for everyone. This

The ipcm® editorial team offers its

latest recommendations: supporting

was Corrado: his culture and his

condolences for his sudden

member companies and their work

passion led him to always be fair,



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine




Thermal paint-stripping is performed only through heat, paint is incinerated without altering the piece dimensionally or mechanically. Pieces can be washed and/or shot-blasted after the treatment based on the subsequent use. It enables to recover an item making it perfectly polished for subsequent applications.

visit us at Messe Karlsruhe - October 12-15, 2020

hall 1, booth 1449



+39 059 386012




FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY PVD-PECVD Sputtering for the Non-Shielding Protection of Automotive Radomes


SUCCESS STORIES Lotus Chooses High-Quality and High Efficiency Top Coat Line from Dürr


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Automobili Lamborghini’s Coating Plant: Artificial Intelligence Integrated with Highly Specialised Craftsmanship


INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Advanced Analytics from Dürr Bringing Artificial Intelligence to the Paint Shop


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY FCA Group’s Great New Investment in Coating: Automatic Cells for the Application of Base Coats on Body Interiors at the Pomigliano Plant

106 108

BRAND-NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY The Long-Term Solution for Dry Separation

© ipcm ®

Opening photo: Volkswagen radomes manufactured by RICO Srl



PVD-PECVD Sputtering for the Non-Shielding Protection of Automotive Radomes Monica Fumagalli ipcm®

The automotive coating sector is facing a new challenge: keeping car bodies and components’ finishes aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting while avoiding compromising the operation of the increasingly numerous sensors integrated into them. RICO Srl, specialising in the production of electronic and electromechanical components for various industrial sectors, has chosen to coat its automotive radomes with a PVD sputtering process performed by a Kolzer Srl system.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



elf-driving cars are now reality. How many times have we heard that smart

cars will invade our streets in the not too distant future, making our travels safer and more “controlled”? AI pilots will soon replace humans, thus transforming us into passengers in our own cars. As a consequence, the number of sensors and radars installed in our vehicles will gradually increase. In fact, their arrangement inside different areas of cars is already posing a new challenge for the manufacturers of automotive coating systems and equipment. Indeed, while continuing to make sure that car bodies and components’ finishes maintain

Other components made by the Italian company.

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their aesthetic and protective characteristics, they also need to cope with all these electrical devices, whose signal should not meet any kind of screens or obstacles. This is why RICO Srl (Castelfidardo, Ancona, Italy), a company with forty years of experience in the production of electronic and electromechanical components for different industries, has chosen to treat its products intended for the automotive sector with a complex finishing process. One of the main phases of this cycle is the PVD-PECVD sputtering process performed in a plant designed, built, and installed by Kolzer Srl (Cologno Monzese, Milan, Italy).

The Kolzer PVD-PECVD system.

Technologically advanced design and production

international car OEMs, including

ACC radar devices, for the light

“With its decades of experience

Audi, Volkswagen, Lamborghini,

modules of single and complex

in the automotive sector,” says

and Bugatti, and as a Tier 2 supplier

LED signs, for lock actuators, for

Maurizio Saraceni, the firm’s

of the largest industrial groups.

voltage regulators, and for wiper

founder and owner together

We specialise in the production of

actuators. These account for

with his brother, “RICO works as

radome systems, that is, emblems

about 85% of RICO’s production.

a Tier 1 supplier of several major

and protective covers for ADAS and

Our company’s core is the R&D

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63




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A detail of the chamber.

department, where not only our products, but also our production lines are designed, such as, for example, the coating, assembly, prototype moulding, and packaging ones.” “RICO belongs to the CUBIT consortium,” adds Saraceni, “a research centre founded in 2007 by the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa for the development of highly innovative telecommunication solutions. The close collaboration with the main Pisan university institutes is further strengthened by the permanent presence of two RICO engineers in their laboratories to work on the design and development of


our components.”

Electronics, the company’s driving force Production starts in the mechanical workshop, equipped with four 3-axis CNC machines, a wire EDM system, a die-sinking EDM one. “In this department,” explains Saraceni, “we manufacture not only components, but

© Southbank Place

also prototypes, prototype moulds, equipment, lines, in-line tests, and control templates for mass production. We carry out every maintenance and product modification activity in-house.” One of the departments that has seen rapid expansion in the past ten years is the electronics one. “It deals with all electronic elements of RICO’s products, such as LED lights, circuit boards for car lights (front, side, rear, and third stop), lights for dryers, and electronic elements for weight sensors and thermostats. We assemble the chips directly on the boards with different processes, depending on specific customer needs.”



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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Radomes exiting the plant.


PERFECT The robotic application of the transparent coating with the CMA robot.

Plastic moulding and finishing “Thanks to decades of experience in the sector and to a comprehensive plant equipment,” indicates Saraceni, “RICO can deal with every phase of the plastic moulding process, from the design of a part to its production, hard coating treatment, drying, and packaging. Our plant equipment includes fiftytwo presses, both vertical and horizontal and using



one or even two colours for co-moulding processes. With our systems, we can perform operations such as moulding with very high precision surface finishes, assembly of plastic components with metal inserts, EPDM rubber moulding, and over-moulding on previously moulded parts.” international PAINT COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63 www.tiger-coatings.com &


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The control unit for the management of the CMA Robotics robot.

Part unloading after the application of the transparent coating.

Non-screen protection In order for RICO’s radome components to maintain their scratch, UV, and weathering resistance properties, they are subjected to a complex surface treatment process. “The challenge is giving the coating the required protection properties while, at the same time, avoiding that the paint layer becomes a barrier for the frequencies of the radar sensors covered by the radomes themselves. When we received an order for Volkswagen logos, we asked ourselves how to coat them while meeting all these requirements. That is why, four years ago, we carried out numerous tests to select the best machine and we finally decided to rely on Kolzer for the supply of The flow coating process.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

a PVD-PECVD sputtering plant capable of

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The quality control phase on finished workpieces.

meeting our needs.” “For RICO, we chose a Kolzer DGK36 system,” states Kolzer Srl owner Antonio D’Esposito. “It is a “hybrid” plant, because it uses PVD magnetron sputtering, PECVD activation and deposition, and thermal co-evaporation processes. The PECVD technology produces an invisible barrier-effect coating obtained at room temperature, compatible with all substrates; it is flexible, anti-adhesive, anti-scale, anti-scratch, anti-wear, and non-stick. This process results in the creation of surfaces that are chemically different RICO's moulding department.

from the initial ones, but maintain

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


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(Pavia di Udine, Udine, Italy). The coating process includes a spray application stage only involving the lower part of components and a flow coating stage in a station equipped with a rotating carousel. These are followed by a flash-off stage and a spinning one, aimed at achieving optimal coating distribution and spreading while avoiding the formation of any build-up.” Finally, the workpieces are subjected to quality control before shipment. RICO also has a laboratory equipped with accredited tools for the calibration of machines. Particular attention is paid to the control and measurement of parts, performed Maurizio Saraceni, one of the founders and owners of RICO Srl.

daily on a sample basis to check tolerances.

Conclusions The coating of radomes: a complex technique

With the inevitable increase in

characteristics – exactly what RICO needed. This is also an eco-friendly

After moulding, the workpieces

to guarantee the safety of self-

technology, as it requires low

enter the PVD chamber for the

driving vehicles, the demand will

quantities of consumables, it does

plasma-enhanced deposition

also increase for components

not use solvents, and it does not

of a coating based on an

that do not compromise the

require any by-product disposal

indium-silicon semiconductor

emission of radio waves and


material. “The sputtering

therefore the correct functioning

“The whole machine range,” says

process,” explains Saraceni,

of radars. “Currently, we produce

D’Esposito, “guarantees ease of

“enables us to give the parts a

15,000 radomes per week,” states

start-up, precision, and versatility

transparent, chrome-like effect.

Saraceni, “and demand is growing

with one button. The compact

After this 40-minute stage,

rapidly. We now optimally manage

version (ø 1000 mm x 1300 mm)

the workpieces are hung on

our production flow thanks to

allows minimising the operator’s

brackets (risers) that we have

the complete automation of

movements and simplifying

specifically developed for these

our factory, to which the Kolzer

feeding stages and connection

components and they are taken

plant also contributed with its

operations with other processes

to the deionisation station,

high capacity and quality level.

thanks to the dual loading system.

where they are cleaned and

With a complex process such

A dedicated computer controls and

arranged on trays in order to

as that undergone by RICO’s

automatically archives all operating

enter the coating department.

products, having a machine

phases, as well as providing

Here, a protective coating,

available to facilitate its stages is

real-time reports and system and

crucial to improve the products’

an advantage: we can now say

cycle data in order to inform and

wear resistance, is applied

that the metallisation process is

support the operator along the

automatically with a robot

the simplest phase of our entire

whole process.”

provided by CMA Robotics

production cycle.”

the same mechanical and physical


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

OEMs’ requests for sensors able




Lotus Chooses High-Quality and High Efficiency Top Coat Line from Dürr

© Dürr

Sports car manufacturer Lotus is automating its body painting facility at its British headquarters in Hethel. Lotus contracted Dürr to install an automated paint shop boasting a number of extremely efficient processes.

whilst maintaining the high quality of the current manual spraying process. With the composite body panels coated with conductive primer, one pair of robots process the application of primer and clear coat in one mixed spray booth whilst a second pair of robots apply the colour coat in another booth. The robots not only paint, but can also open the body doors and hoods thanks to their modular design.

Economical and fast: special paint supply using pigging system Lotus sports cars, such as the Evora, will in future be painted with painting robots from Dürr.

The high efficiency and high quality is not only achieved through the use of robots, but

D b

ürr beat worldwide

Currently all Lotus cars are painted

also through technologies with

competition during

manually, but for the future, Lotus

low material consumption.

the awarding process

will be embracing automation for

All Lotus cars are built to order

thanks to its extremely efficient

the exterior painting with four

with Lotus Exclusive allowing

technologies producing less waste

EcoRP E133 painting robots. With

customers to make their Lotus

with low environmental impact.

their six axes and rail, these robots

truly unique, with each vehicle

The modernisation includes

are flexible enough for a number

carefully finished according

an automated application line

of applications. When it came to

to individual requirements

including a special paint supply and

the design of the new paint shop,

including a choice of an almost

conveyor systems. The contract

the main priority for Lotus was

infinite number of colours

was awarded in 2019.

extremely high process efficiency

limitless on all of its model


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



© Dürr

The “EcoSupply P” pigging systems ensure a fast and economical special paint supply at Lotus.

lines. Individualisation including stripes and highlights will continue to be painted manually. To be able to provide such a variety of colours in low quantities, EcoSupply P special paint supply systems will be installed. These units pump the various paints to the painting booth in hoses – with almost zero losses reducing paint waste. EcoSupply P also minimizes cleaning material consumption and colour change times compared with conventional ring line systems.

Sixty percent less energy EcoDry Rack also helps to increase efficiency. The multistage overspray filter system, which is extremely compact thanks to its permanently installed filter walls, offers all the advantages of dry separation. It needs neither water nor chemicals, which keeps running costs low and is kind to the environment. Up to 95 percent of the supply air can be recycled as recirculated air using this technology, which reduces energy consumption in the paint booth by more than 60 percent compared with a classic wet scrubbing system. This has a positive effect on the CO2

emissions. EcoDry Rack is easy to use and service. Once the filters are saturated, they can be replaced during the production breaks or at weekends. The new Lotus body painting facility is scheduled to be The overspray in the painting booth is separated in an environmentally friendly and energy-efficiently way using Dürr technology on the basis of cardboard filters.

commissioned in 2021. For further information: www.durr.com

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

Opening photo: The Lamborghini Urus Super SUV.



Automobili Lamborghini’s Coating Plant: Artificial Intelligence Integrated with Highly Specialised Craftsmanship Monica Fumagalli ipcm®


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

© Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

Automobili Lamborghini gave a further boost to the production of its Urus SUV by equipping its plant in Sant’Agata Bolognese (Bologna, Italy) with a new paintshop, inaugurated in July 2019. This plant combines the most advanced Industry 4.0-oriented technologies with the craftsmanship that has always characterised the Lamborghini cars.

The coating department of the Lamborghini plant in Sant’Agata Bolognese, inaugurated last July.


here are companies defined

and it is now our main focus for

as “Italian manufacturers of

safe recovery, because the battle

excellence” not only because

against COVID-19 is not yet won.

they enhance the high quality of

We will constantly monitor the

their products and brands thus

evolution of the infection and we

making them famous all over

will be ready to adapt our protocols

the world, but also because their

to the national and regional bodies’

ethical entrepreneurship policies


The plant’s work flow is characterised by an innovative modular process, which distinguishes itself from the standard linear processes of conventional automotive coating lines.

and corporate missions are successfully overcome the production

employees. This is the reason

The lockdown effects were successfully overcome by offering help

why Automobili Lamborghini was

During the temporary suspension

carried out last year, whose paintshop

among the first Italian companies

of activities, the company converted

is one our greatest prides, at the

to stop production and close in

some of its departments for

end of 2019 our company achieved

the face of news on the spread of

the production of masks with

the best results ever in every field,

the COVID-19 infection, and one

the highest level of respiratory

thus bringing its annual growth to

of the reasons why it is now ready

protection and of medical visors for

unprecedented levels in its fifty-three

to restart.

the S. Orsola Hospital in Bologna.

years of history.”

Chairman and CEO Stefano

It also started a collaboration with

Domenicali states: “We are ready

the SIARE Engineering International

to start again with great energy,

Group for the co-engineering and

Lamborghini: facts and figures

but also with the necessary rigour

manufacturing of lung simulators.

Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.’s

to safeguard what is dearest

Process flexibility and careful

turnover increased by 43% in 2019.

to us: the safety of our people.

management of technological

Worldwide sales increased, too:

This was the priority that led us

developments, therefore, enabled

through a network of 165 dealers in

to immediately close our plant

Automobili Lamborghini to

51 countries, the company delivered

centred around the environment, local communities, and their

lockdown. “Also thanks to the expansion of our headquarters

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.


“For 2020,” says Domenicali, “we intended to start delivering the new versions of the Huracán EVO V10, of the Lamborghini Sián, a limited edition hybrid super sports car, and of other models not yet presented to the public. However, due to unpredictable variables linked to the current pandemic, it is not possible to provide a detailed estimate of this situation’s impact on our business for this year, at the moment.”

The first Super Sport Utility Vehicle in the world Urus, the first Super SUV ever, was launched by this car manufacturer in 2017 to create a new segment in the luxury car sector. As Lamborghini Thanks to the cutting-edge technologies of the air nebulisation systems, 80% of the paint is actually applied on car bodies, twice the rate of standard systems.

Head of Design Mitja Borkert says, “The design of a Lamborghini is unmistakable and that of our new

© Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

Super SUV Urus is no exception. Numerous elements of its bodywork were inspired by the super sports cars that have made this brand’s history legendary. Its front has a low profile that goes up towards the hood, hiding a twin-turbo V8 engine. Its rear has carved lines that convey the idea of a new level of power and performance. Finally, a dynamic line runs along Urus’ sides to complete such perfect architecture.” Moreover, this is a highly customisable car even in terms body finishing, which is one of the most complex phases of Urus’ production cycle.

“Ad Personam” body colours

A stage of the manual application process.

“The complexity of the coating phase,” says Ranieri Niccoli, Chief 8,205 cars to customers, with sales

were sold, maintaining a solid growth

Manufacturing Officer at Automobili

records in all the three macro-areas of

trend. The sales performance of the

Lamborghini, “stems for the high

America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific. In this

two super sports cars Aventador V12

colour customisation level that we

model’s first full year on the market,

(1,104 units) and Huracán V10 (2,139

offer through our “Ad Personam”

4,962 Lamborghini Urus Super SUVs

units) was equally positive.

program, as well as from the high


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


craftsmanship level required and

success has already compensated

Super SUV’s assembly line, the

from our awareness of the aesthetic

for the significant investment, while

coating plant complies with the

impact of finishes on our cars.”

enabling us to safeguard our know-

latest principles of the Factory 4.0,

In addition to traditional tints and

how, our area’s employment growth,

which integrates new production

Special and Matt colours, the “Ad

and our brand identity.”

technologies to assist operators in their activities.

Personam” program enables customers not only to personalise their vehicles

The new coating plant

with their preferred shades and

Indeed, the coating department

graphics, but also to create unique

completed the expansion of

colours as with a real work of art.

this production site, which was

“Thanks to our new coating

extended from 80,000 m2 in 2016

The Urus coating department, where A.I. and craftsmanship complement each other

department, the colour options

to over 160,000 m2 of covered area,

The plant’s work flow is

offered are endless. The creation of a

where 1,787 employees currently

characterised by an innovative

technologically advanced paintshop in

work. The construction of the new

modular process, which

our Sant’Agata Bolognese production

buildings and the installation of

distinguishes itself from the

plant, inaugurated last July, stemmed

several innovative technologies

standard linear operation of

from our will to maintain the excellent

involved over 600 firms and 3,600

conventional automotive coating

standards of this process, particularly

non-employees. The paintshop is

lines. This allows activating certain

crucial and complex at the same time.

now equipped with technologically

phases and paths depending

The new paintshop also completed our

innovative, low environmental

on the colour required, thus

strategic expansion project for the Urus

impact systems operated by highly

guaranteeing maximum process

manufacturing plant. Its extraordinary

specialised staff. Like the Urus

flexibility and production efficiency.

We create chemistry that makes lines love curves. Coatings give a car more than just long-lasting protection. Brilliant gloss and innovative colors transform contours into dynamics and design into emotion. Lines and curves are united and edges and contours are brought to life. When color and shape come together, and paint evokes passion, it’s because at BASF, we create chemistry. www.basf-coatings.com

© Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.


Moreover, the Sant’Agata Bolognese factory’s coating plant was the first one in the world to be equipped with artificial intelligence capable of defining priorities and programming processes. This smart system keeps track of every operation performed, it calculates the time required for each car, and it “learns” to program the next steps based on past experience, for example in terms of amount of a particular tint required to paint a vehicle. The warehouse is fully automated and managed by artificial intelligence, guaranteeing greater reactivity and programming flexibility compared with the conventional ones.

© Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

The “Ad Personam” program brings colour customisation to the highest levels.

Lamborghini Chairman and CEO Stefano Domenicali.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

The coating process takes place

© Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.


The unlimited variety of tints in Lamborghini's model range.

with a mix of manual and robotic

with perfect insulation and latest

states Domenicali. “In spite of

phases. In this way, the robots

generation LED lights. 95% of the

everything, our results for the first

perform the most repetitive and

colours used are water-based.

three months of the year were very

ergonomically challenging tasks,

Solvent emissions are very low

positive. We want to start from here

whereas the operators provide their

thanks to an afterburner capable of

to return to be key market players

fundamental added value with the

recovering heat and reusing it in the

and resume delivering our cars as

manual skills required to finalise

coating line’s ovens. This technology

soon as our dealers around the

the process. Another peculiarity is

also guarantees a 25% reduction in

world are open again. Finally, we

the fact that the exterior aesthetic

energy consumption. Thanks to the

want to continue implementing

elements, such as bumpers and

cutting-edge technologies of the air

our ethical policy towards both our

mirrors, are coated simultaneously

nebulisation systems, high efficiency

local community, which is seeing

with the bodywork in order to

is also achieved in terms of paint

an increase in its employment rate

guarantee shade uniformity.

consumption. 80% of the paint is

also thanks to our contribution,

actually applied on car bodies, twice

and our employees. Without them,

The eco-friendliness of the new plant

the value of standard systems.

Lamborghini would not have

Finally, water consumption for air

achieved the results of the last

This project is a proof of Automobili

filtration is reduced to zero thanks

months, it could not have overcome

Lamborghini’s year-long efforts on

to the E-Cube technology, which

the inactivity period due to the

the environmental sustainability

allows capturing overspray during

pandemic, and it would not have

front. Thanks to its vertical

the actual coating process.

been able to make its contribution to the fight against the virus.”

integration characteristics, this new plant required 30% space less than


an equivalent conventional coating

“We want to continue nurturing the

system. The building is Class A,

dreams of our fans and customers,”

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


Opening photo: The AI application Advanced Analytics by Dürr identifies sources of defects and determines optimal maintenance schedules.



Advanced Analytics from Dürr Bringing Artificial Intelligence to the Paint Shop Kristin Roth, Dürr Systems AG – Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany


Advanced Analytics is the first market-ready AI application for paint shops. The intelligent solution, which combines the latest IT technology and mechanical engineering expertise, identifies sources of defects and determines optimal maintenance schedules. It also tracks previously unknown correlations and uses this knowledge to adapt the algorithm to the plant using the principle of self-learning. Advanced Analytics is the latest module from the DXQanalyze product series. First practical applications are showing that the software from Dürr optimizes plant availability and the surface quality of painted bodies.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Dürr

© Dürr





With Artificial Intelligence, systematic errors in the painting process can be detected, thus OEE can be increased by allowing intervention at a very early stage.


hy do body parts exhibit the

The latter lets plant operators analyse

same defects with unusual

in close to real time whether there are

high frequency? When is

deviations from previously defined rules

the latest that a mixer in the robot

or target values in production using a

can be replaced without causing a

low-code platform.

machine stoppage? Precise answers success. Because every defect or every

AI application with its own memory

unnecessary maintenance that can be

What makes Advanced Analytics special

avoided saves money or improves

is that this module combines large

the product quality.

quantities of data including historical

“Before now there were very few precise

data with machine learning. In the

conclusions that would enable the early

figurative sense this means that the self-

detection of quality defects or failures.

learning AI application has a memory.

And if there were, they were generally

This means that it can use information

based on a painstaking manual data

from the past to both recognize complex

evaluation or trial-and-error attempts.

correlations in large quantities of data

Artificial intelligent (AI) makes this much

and predict an event in the future with

more accurate and automatic,” explains

a high degree of accuracy based on the

Gerhard Alonso Garcia, Vice President

current condition of a machine. There

MES & Control Systems at Dürr.

are lots of applications for this in paint

The new self-learning Advanced Analytics

shops, whether at component, process,

plant and process monitoring system

or plant level.

are important for sustainable economic

adds to DXQanalyze. The digital product Data Acquisition modules for acquiring

Predictive maintenance reduces plant downtimes

production data, Visual Analytics for

When it comes to components,

visualizing it, and Streaming Analytics.

Advanced Analytics aims to reduce

series from Dürr already included the


Via Monte Bianco 20 - 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 - f. +39.0362.861222 info@cmautomazione.it


© Dürr


Higher first-run rate increases overall equipment effectiveness At plant level, the DXQplant.analytics software is used with the Advanced Analytics module to increase overall equipment effectiveness. The artificial intelligence tracks system defects such as recurring quality defects in specific model types, specific colours, or on individual body parts. This in turn permits conclusions about which step in the production process is responsible for the deviations. Such defect and cause correlations will make it possible to increase the first-run rate in the future by allowing intervention at a very early stage.

The Dürr software reduces plant downtimes through predictive maintenance and repair information.

Plant and digital expertise expertly combined Developing AI-capable data models is a very complex process. This is because machine learning does not work

downtimes through predictive maintenance and repair

by feeding unspecified amounts of data into a “smart”

information, for example by predicting the remaining

algorithm, which then spits out an intelligent result.

service life of a mixer. If the component is replaced too

Instead, relevant (sensor) signals must be collected,

early, this increases the spare part costs and repair

carefully selected, and supplemented with structured

overhead unnecessarily, while leaving it too long to replace

additional information from production. With Advanced

a component can result in quality problems during coating

Analytics, Dürr has developed a piece of software that

and machine stoppages. Advanced Analytics starts by

supports different use scenarios, provides a runtime

learning the wear indicators and the temporal pattern of

environment for machine learning models, and initiates

the wear using high-frequency robot data. Since the data

model training. “The challenge was that there was no

is continuously recorded and monitored, the machine

generally valid machine learning model and no suitable

learning module individually recognizes aging trends for the

run-time environment we could have used. To be able

respective component based on actual use and in this way

to use AI at plant level, we combined our knowledge of

calculates the optimum replacement time.

mechanical and plant engineering with the knowledge of our experts from the Digital Factory. This resulted in the

Machine learning simulates continuous temperature curves

first AI solution for paint shops,” explains Gerhard Alonso Garcia.

Advanced Analytics improves quality at process level by identifying anomalies, for example by simulating a heat-

Interdisciplinary knowledge required

up curve in the oven. Up to now, manufacturers only had

Advanced Analytics was developed by an

data determined by sensors during measurement runs.

interdisciplinary team made up of data scientists,

However, the heat-up curves that are of vital importance

computer scientists, and process experts. Dürr also

for surface quality of the car bodies vary since the oven

entered into cooperation partnerships with several

ages during the intervals between the measurement

leading automotive manufacturers. This meant that

runs. This wear causes fluctuating ambient conditions,

the developers had real-life production data and

for example in the strength of the air flow. “These days,

beta site environments in production for different

thousands of bodies are produced without us knowing the

application cases. First the algorithms were trained

temperatures to which the individual bodies were heated.

in the lab using a large number of test cases. Next,

Using machine learning, our Advanced Analytics module

the algorithms continued learning on-site in real-life

simulates how the temperature varies under different

operation and autonomously adapted to environment

conditions. This gives our customers a permanent proof

and use conditions. The beta phase was recently

of quality for each individual body and lets them identify

successfully completed and showed just how much

anomalies,” says Gerhard Alonso Garcia.

potential AI has.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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P O W D E R C O AT I N G S I N C E 1 9 8 2

©FCA Group

Opening photo: The new Panda Hybrid is entirely manufactured by FCA at Pomigliano plant, near Naples, Italy.



FCA Group’s Great New Investment in Coating: Automatic Cells for the Application of Base Coats on Body Interiors at the Pomigliano Plant Alessia Venturi ipcm®


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



new FCA car appeared in all dealer stores: Panda Hybrid, the

©FCA Group

Last September, the FCA plant in Pomigliano, Naples (Italy) completed a very challenging and ambitious project in the painting process: the installation of two new automatic coating cells for the basecoat application on body interiors manufactured at present, and in the future, by this plant. The automation concept, developed by the FCA team and implemented by Verind in Milan (APT division of the Dürr Group) with innovative technological solutions, allowed FCA to reduce paint consumption of 30%, and to achieve important goals of environmental impact reduction.

new hybrid city car of the Group,

more eco-friendly, more digitised thanks to its new infotainment system, and with increased performance and safety. Since its launch at the Geneva Motor Show in 1980, the Panda has been synonymous with fun and easy handling. In its famous 4x4 version, it is also the ideal vehicle for mountain routes. This versatile, agile, and captivating car is now entering the hybrid market. The Hybrid model is also entirely produced by FCA’s Pomigliano plant (Naples, Italy), the protagonist of an ipcm article in 20131 reporting about

its Plastic Unit: it was the first plant in the Group to insource the whole manufacturing process of bumpers, specifically those intended for the Panda cars. Last September, in a record 5-week period, it implemented an extremely challenging and innovative project: the complete revamping of its automatic coating station applying base coats on body interiors on its Lines no. 2 and 3. In order to do so, it integrated a futuristic, highly technological automation concept developed by the FCA team and implemented with a highly technological solution by Verind, belonging to the Application Technology (APT) division of the Dürr Group.


Alessia Venturi, Nuova Panda: A cutting-edge facility for a “Made in Italy” style revolution, ipcm®_International Paint&Coating Magazine Vol. 4 no. 19, January/February 2013, pages 28-39

The futuristic, highly technological automation and application concept supplied by Verind (Dürr Group).

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



©FCA Group


The layout of the two new coating cells for the automatic application of the BC on the body interiors.

The investment in these two new automatic coating cells was aimed at improving the treatment both of the Panda Hybrid and of a new Alfa Romeo car. In fact, the Pomigliano plant will deal with this brand again after about ten years to work on a vehicle on which customers will put high expectations in terms of premium quality.

Goal achieved. Completely automatic painting of the body interiors at FCA Pomigliano Plant.

The framework of the investment “The Pomigliano plant began production in 1972 with the first Alfa Sud model, a car mainly intended for the Italian market,” says Dario Micillo, Paintshop PMM - Professional

name will be maintained. It is a high-end crossover,

Maintenance Manager at the FCA Pomigliano plant. “Over

a type of car that is currently very popular with the

the years, it was the first to attempt cooperation with a


competitor, that is, Japanese manufacturer Nissan, with

“The investment project in two new automatic body

which it developed the Arna. Then, it went through some

interior coating cells was born in 2018, because the

difficulties until the launch of some successful Alfa Romeo

need for retooling the robots we used to apply base

models such as 156, GT, and 147, two of which were

coats on our bodies’ internal parts emerged while

awarded Car of the Year. The boom in sales of these

assessing our coating systems. These robots had

cars enabled us to reach new production and market

been installed in 1992 and they had already reached

penetration peaks. In 2011, production of the Alfa 159

the end of their service life: they presented a few

ceased and the Marchionne era began, which completely

obsolescence problems that negatively affected the

revolutionised our factory. Until then, the Pomigliano

technical efficiency of the station,” says FCA Paint

plant had produced 3,800,000 cars. Since 2011, it was

Automation Manager Ewa Skonecka. “Moreover, these

only devoted to the production of the Panda, first in the

old generation robots were located in a cleanroom

gasoline version, then also in the diesel, LPG, and CNG

with exposed bins and small windows, resulting in

ones, and now in the new hybrid one. The future of the

poor visibility inside the station. This is why we decided

factory is bright thanks to the return of the Alfa Romeo

to completely retool these lines, in order to prepare

brand: here, we will manufacture its new C-segment utility

the plant for the new models ecological, and make it

vehicle presented to the media under the name Tonale,

more flexible and able to guarantee higher aesthetic

although it is not yet confirmed whether this commercial

quality levels.”


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


The decision-making drivers of the project “We had to increase the technical efficiency of the plants to guarantee adequate productivity, considering that the lines no longer guaranteed sustainable production costs,” adds Pomigliano Plant Paintshop Manager Raffaele D’Onofrio. “Our main investment driver was the will to minimise the environmental impact of our coating process by significantly reducing paint consumption and overspray and, therefore, sludge formation and energy consumption. Moreover, we wanted to limit the need for manual touch-ups and, above all, facilitate maintenance. This meant having a booth whose inside was as open and free as possible.” “Therefore, initially, we considered a system with elevated robots, which should have guaranteed visual control in the entire booth and avoided difficult-to-clean areas on the ground,” states FCA Paintshop PMM Dario Micillo. “However, after starting the project, thanks to the numerous intermediate progress meetings held between FCA and Verind, we realised that there were alternatives that could give even better results. One of them was a solution with fixed robot with an integrated seventh axis, with no rails but installed on a column located on the outside wall of the booth, halfway between the floor grating and the ceiling. This had the great advantage of keeping the lower part of the booth free from rails and, at the same time, eliminated any problem of hanging robots’ accessibility for cleaning and maintenance.” “Then, we had the courage to hit the ground running. We resumed production by using both new coating cells at their full potential and at the same time since the first cycle, because when we completed the project the demand for cars was very high,” indicated Pier Luigi Gatti, FCA Manufacturing Engineering Paint Site Operations Manager. “We could have done this in two phases, but we came to the decision that, with detailed planning, we could complete everything in one step, minimizing the risks.”

The Pomigliano plant’s project: equipment The scope of delivery of the project developed by Verind (Milan, Italy) included the mechanical and electronic dismantling of the two automatic body interior coating stations of the Lines no. 2 and 3, necessary for the subsequent installation of the new stations through the following steps: – Installation of new bases for the last generation robots, handlers, and openers;

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63




– Revamp of the paint circulating stubs for feeding the robots; – Construction of new booth walls; – Installation, commissioning, programming, and program optimisation with highly qualified personnel; – Accurate project management and organisation through mutual collaboration between the parties. The following equipment was mounted on both lines: – 4 EcoRPE 043i paint Robot – 4 EcoBell Atomizer Cleaner D2 – 4 EcoRPL 030i door opener robots – 1 EcoRPL 033i trunk lid opener robot – 1 EcoRPL 033i motor hood opener robot – EcoLCC 2 colour change system – EcoBell3 Ci high efficiency atomisers. “The Ecopaint Robots of the EcoRP E/Lxxxi range are latest generation The construction site inside the booth: the greatest challenge was the coordination of all the companies and people involved.

modular robots with 6 or 7 axis kinematics,” explains Verind APT Auto Director Alessandro Molè.


“The innovative aspect of the robots installed in Pomigliano is that they have a 7th axis integrated into their bodies, which allows avoiding the use of rails, resulting in smaller footprint both in the booth and in the cleanroom. This favours visibility from the outside and guarantees a smart movement and, therefore, greater body access capacity. This enables them to coat surfaces that, otherwise, could only be reached with the use of conventional rails or with manual touch-ups. Furthermore, the EcoRPE 043i machines are “cloud-ready” robots with integrated security systems; on the other hand, they have maintained the assembly interface of the old ones.” In the Pomigliano plant’s two new automatic cells, Verind installed the following state-of-the-art application The result of the revamping after 5 weeks.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine




1. EcoLCC 2 colour change unit with a slide system-based technology, which reduced paint loss from 45-60 ml to 10-15 ml for each operation. 2. EcoPump9 new generation volumetric pumps, with smaller dimensions and reduced colour losses and cleaning times. 3. EcoBell3 Ci high efficiency atomisers. 4. Atomizer Cleaner D2 machines, which reduced cleaning solvent consumption from 550 ml/cycle to 50 ml/cycle. “The new generation robots also called for new management and control systems, new hardware, and a new version of the command pulpit. Compared with the previous versions, this is nicer looking, easy to manage, and with limited visual impact,” indicates

Dismantling operations outside the booth.

management software program


EcoScreen 3D-ONSITE simulation


Alessandro Molè from Verind. “The

was also updated with a userfriendly interface, high graphics and simulation performance, and an interface for all major CAD formats. In general, Verind achieved the goal of providing its customer with cutting-edge coating technologies while streamlining its systems and, therefore, reducing its operating and maintenance costs.”

The benefits expected and the results achieved Detailed planning and the technical solution chosen by FCA Pomigliano allowed reducing the number of stations from two to one per line, thus also reducing the airflow rates required in the booths and, consequently, their energy impact. “Generally speaking, the results of the project went far beyond expectations. In terms of paint consumption

New hardware and a new version of the robot command pulpit: nicer looking, easy to manage, and with limited visual impact outside the booth.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63




These technical results are our greatest pride, since they far exceeded our expectations. The robots and application systems now enable us to consume much less paint than the initial forecast. They are extremely reliable in terms of OEE – I do not recall any significant breakdowns from September to today – and the coating quality they guarantee is such that it does not require any manual touch-up.” “We approached the whole project by playing in advance,” adds D’Onofrio. “Preparation was excellent: we took care of all the details in the phase we call EEM – Early Equipment Management, that is, the initial engineering stage, which is one of the pillars Another crucial milestone of the project: the pre-commissioning stage at Dürr campus in Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany.

of the World Class Manufacturing philosophy. A key concept that we understood during the EEM phase, in this case, was that electrostatic

reduction, the results exceeded

Pomigliano plant’s operators and

charge has limited effectiveness

our predictions thanks to the high

technologists,” says Pomigliano

and is superfluous for coating

transfer efficiency guaranteed by

Plant Paintshop Manager Raffaele

internal surfaces with sharp edges

the latest generation application

D’Onofrio. “We also took advantage

and complex shapes. This stage

systems. With an expected

of the activity of our Academy, a

also included a few coating tests

overspray reduction of 20%, we

knowledge dissemination centre

performed at the Dürr research

achieved a reduction of paint

that trains FCA’s employees from

centre in Bietigheim-Bissingen

consumption due to overspray

any production unit, teaching them

(Stuttgart, Germany). We sent them

of 30% with an entirely automatic

to manage complex events and

some bodies, paint samples, and

application for all colours, including

projects such as this one. These

handling tools in order to define

the low-coverage ones” indicates

skills enabled us to face the start-

in advance the parameters and

FCA Manufacturing Engineering

up of the new cells in a brilliant

patterns needed to achieve the

Paint Automation Manager Ewa

way. Another important aspect to

expected result in the required

Skonecka. The result was very

highlight was the perfect synergy


important in terms of environmental

between the parties involved: FCA

“The EEM phase is based on a “less

impact reduction.

Pomigliano Paintshop and FCA

is more” approach, so that we avoid

Manufacturing Engineering teams,

buying superfluous equipment. This

Project management: key aspects

and our suppliers. This collaboration

philosophy was applied during all

produced an incredible result:

the preparatory meetings of the

“In order to complete a project

bringing two base coat application

project,” says FCA Paintshop PMM

of this magnitude, shortening

lines up to speed with twelve

Dario Micillo. “This is how the idea

the already tight execution

colours, including the matt and

of using robots with an integrated

time and obtaining results well

glossy variants of the transparent

7th axis was born, which we did

above expectations, a key role

paint, on schedule and by meeting

not know existed. The purchase of

was played by the skills of the

the expected quality standards.

EcoRP E043i robots was perfectly in


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



line with the “less is more” principle and it enabled us to optimise our new equipment.” “The coating tests at the Dürr technical centre in Stuttgart were fundamental to streamline the two painting lines’ application of twelve colours in a very short time and on various car models,” states Micillo. “This gave us a reliable starting point. The work then continued through several phases. First of all, our coating specialists checked aspects such as coverage, pattern effectiveness, thicknesses, and finishing quality together with Verind and Dürr’s technicians. Secondly, I assessed if our specifications were met in terms of plant efficiency and ease of maintenance and if the results achieved met our expectations. Meanwhile, FCA’s operators, that is, mechanical and electrical maintenance technicians, software specialists, and the robot operator, were trained by Dürr on its campus, especially focussing on maintenance issues and problem solving methods in case of anomalies.” “For Verind, another crucial milestone was the pre-commissioning stage,” says Verind APT Auto Director Alessandro Molè. This was carried out at the Bietigheim centre: “It was a real pre-testing phase, with the preventive installation and commissioning of the actual station built for the customer. The aim was checking the system in its entirety and detecting any anomalies that could have prevented us from completing the projects in five weeks, had they arisen on site.”

Site management: perfect synergy between all parties “The most complex aspect was the need to fit a completely new system into a booth whose non-revamped part, that is, the body exterior coating unit, had to work exactly like before. The greatest challenge posed by a construction site like this, opened and closed in five weeks, was the coordination of all the companies and people involved. This was due to the uniqueness of this work: for FCA, this project was one of a kind. It called for perfect coordination both in the preparation and development stages and on site,” state Verind Project Manager Davide Bizzozzero and FCA Site Manager Ersilio Toscano, who collaborated closely


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for the whole duration of the construction site. “The know-how and ability of the line operators were crucial: all the people involved made a concrete contribution to the final result. We felt a close connection with anyone

. sas

working with us, from any firm involved. There have



Due to the Covid19 emergency, the interview was done remotely on Google Meetings. From top left clockwise: Dario Micillo, Alessia Venturi, Alessandro Molé, Ewa Skonecka, Davide Bizzozero, Raffaele D’Onofrio, Luca Cappi, Flavio Bonino.

certainly been a few difficulties, but we

shortened the project completion

FCA’s ability to implement new

overcame them thanks to everyone’s

time, which initially was longer than

car models but also, and above

collaboration and the site’s high safety

five weeks.”

all, new plant equipment more


“The secret to managing a project

and more quickly and effectively

“It was not a greenfield project,

well is detailed timing, internalised

has increased dramatically, both

which would have been easier, but

by all those who are part of the

because technology is advancing

a revamping operation entailing the

project: starting like this means

and it is increasingly reliable and

installation of two new generation

having already done 70% of the

because the presence in the

automatic cells in an already existing

work,” points out Ersilio Toscano.

FCA Group of structures such

structure that also includes older

“After six months, we can state that

as the Academy of Pomigliano

components,” says Flavio Bonino, Paint

this was a success story, whose key

guarantees professional growth to

Automation senior specialist at FCA.

aspect was the perfect collaboration

our employees,” states Pomigliano

“This resulted in a series of collateral

between the various teams inside

Plant Paintshop Manager Raffaele

activities that added complexity to

and outside the FCA Group. It is

D’Onofrio. “The more experience

the project, which also had a very

proof that close collaboration leads

we gain, the more we manage

short deadline for completion. The

to excellent results. We teamed up

to effectively introduce complex

construction site time schedule was

and completed an adventure that

systems in a very short time. We

revised several times, in order to

taught us a lot also from a technical

were among the first in the world

achieve maximum detail level and be

point of view.”

to use this Dürr robot technology and the experience acquired will

sure that the expected duration of each operation was correct. By following such


be precious for all future FCA

schedule, we achieved results that went

“As far at the automotive industry is


far beyond expectations and we even

concerned, the world has changed.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Interpon Redox Protezione gara antitta contro la corrosion ne

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Tesla Giga Berlin is Getting a World-Class Paint-Shop

© Tesla

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced that Giga Berlin will be the home to the most advanced automotive paint-shop in the world.


esla CEO Elon Musk stated

Fremont and Giga Shanghai’s paint

the production plant in January

that Berlin’s paint shop would

facilities would also receive upgrades

by removing small trees and

provide high-quality colours in

over time, “but it’s hard

implementing construction roads.

multiple layers that change with the

to retrofit these improvements to an

Since then, Tesla has recovered

curvature of the car’s body.

operating paint shop.”

World War II ammunition,

“Giga Berlin will have the world's most

This means owners across the world

uprooted trees from 90 hectares

advanced paint shop, with more

will be experiencing more exceptional

of land, found the replacement

layers of stunning colours that subtly

paint qualities. Still, the time to set

property for those trees, obliged

change with curvature,” Musk said on

these up will be more considerable as

by environmental concerns, and

Tuesday. The update comes as Giga

the company currently utilizes them

excavated the site. The company’s

Berlin’s construction process has

for production.

construction crews are waiting for

halted after the company submitted

The electric automaker purchased the

approval from the Brandenburg

its first application to begin building

300-hectare property in December

State Government, who will

the first European production plant

2019 and reached a finalized price of

decide if the automaker can break

Tesla will utilize.

$45.48 million in January 2020. The

ground on the facility itself.

Additionally, Musk noted that both

company began preparing the land for

In early December 2019, Bild


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Tesla



time. Just last week, the City of Fremont, where Tesla’s main facility is located, had received several applications from the electric carmaker. One of these described a revamp of the factory’s paint facility, which has been one of the weaker points of the factory, according to Musk. However, Tesla seems to be inciting a desire to improve paint quality for its vehicles, which is one of the more common complaints among Tesla owners. Tesla is looking toward improving its paint quality and plans to make Giga Berlin the model paint shop for the company’s other facilities. While the company only offers five options currently for paint colour, a new high-quality paint that can nearly transform through exposure to different light angles. This could provide customers with an added incentive to buy premium options like Deep Blue Metallic and Red Multi-Coat, as obtained a released diagram of what the Giga Berlin site will

these colours would likely offer some exciting variations

look like when finished. On the map of the site, a paint shop

through the sun’s rays.

was located at Location 4. Interestingly enough, Musk’s Tweet comes at an interesting

For further information: www.tesla.com

COATING METAL PARTS? Coating systems and application technology from one supplier Your expert for automatic coating machines for coating metal parts, plastic parts, glass and many more will be happy to advise you!


© Brainflash / Martin Lugger

Opening photo: A crane jib intermediate piece in the paint shop at Liebherr Nenzing.



The Long-Term Solution for Dry Separation Andrea Zanier azett kommunikation – public relations edrizzi® - Brainflash Patententwicklungs GmbH – Lienz, Austria


Since 2009, Liebherr, one of the leading manufacturers of construction machinery, has been painting smoothly and profitably, ecologically and ergonomically, with edrizzi® dry separation.


iebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH,

Alps. The company employs around

machinery portfolio comprises

founded in 1976, and specialised in

1600 people on a site of 254,000 m².

crawler cranes, duty cycle crawler

manufacturing construction machinery,

Worldwide, the company is renowned as

cranes, piling and drilling rigs.

an innovation leader. The construction

Digital solutions and services for the

is located in the middle of the Austrian


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Brainflash / Martin Lugger


of crawler cranes require a spacious paint shop with a length of 15 m. Liebherr wanted a sustainable and economical system that offers the highest possible ergonomics for its paint shop staff. This is why the company opted for a dry separation system from edrizzi®, which fulfils these criteria: The system is based on handy, corrugated cardboard cubes easy to assemble, with a complex system inside that absorbs Liebherr Nenzing GmbH is specialised in manufacturing construction machinery. Already in 2009, a paint shop with edrizzi® dry separation was installed at this site.

the paint mist. The edrizzi® system is particularly profitable thanks to its unique absorption capacity of up to 100 kg / m². Use and disposal are

construction site of the future complete

painted in the typical yellow for Liebherr

environmentally friendly; transport,

the product range. Already in 2009, a

construction machinery.

storage and changing of the compact

paint shop with edrizzi® dry separation

boxes are flexible and ergonomic.

State of the art paint shop as sustainable solution

The paint shop for solvent-based

in which the boom parts of duty cycle crawler cranes and crawler cranes are

The over-long modules like crane booms

Heimer in 2009. The dry separation

was built at the Nenzing production site,

paints in Nenzing was built by

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Brainflash / Martin Lugger


was installed vertically below the gratings, thus allowing easy access to, and a quick and ergonomic change of the edrizzi® boxes, irrespective of the painting area. The suction area covers almost 80 m², dry separation in the underfloor area is carried out vertically over both long sides of the unit with 192 edrizzi® boxes. The secondary filtration stage was installed just behind the dry separation, taking into account an air slowdown zone to ensure clean air.

Long service lives and flexible application The plant is operating in supply and exhaust air mode, with an exhaust air quantity of 100,000 m³ / h at a pressure of 1200 Pa. The application is done manually with highpressure pumps by Graco. 2000 litres of surface material 192 edrizzi® paint mist separators are installed vertically below the gratings. This position allows a quick and ergonomic change.

are processed per month. The plant runs in 2- or 3-shift operation, the paint mist separator achieving a service life of up to 16 weeks.

© Brainflash / Martin Lugger

Apart from economic, ecological and ergonomic benefits, the edrizzi® system also convinces through flexibility. When the surface material is changed, as recently carried out at Liebherr Nenzing, the type of paint mist separator can be changed quickly and flexibly. So the plant was recently adjusted from edrizzi® vario medium to edrizzi® vario rough.

Customer benefit: the economical, profitable and ecological painting Dry separation is more sustainable than wet scrubbing as it avoids using water & chemicals, and significantly reduces energy costs. The unrivalled high absorption capacity of the original edrizzi® system of up to 100 kg / m² allows an extremely long service life, even in three-shift © Brainflash / Martin Lugger

operation. The modular system means that replacing and disposing of the paint mist separator requires considerably less time and effort. In most cases, the saturated edrizzi® boxes are inexpensively disposed of in incinerators.

Technical data of the plant: Site: Liebherr Nenzing, Austria Installation: 2009 Plant: Heimer paint shop for solvent-based paints Paint mist separation: 192 edrizzi® vario medium, edrizzi® vario rough Absorption capacity: up to 100 kg / m² Service life: 12 to 16 weeks, depending on 2- or 3-shift operation The location of the dry separation below the gratings allows easy access to the edrizzi® boxes, regardless of the painting zone.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Surface material: RK-UHS for primer and 2-K-UR-HS topcoat, BASF / AKZO Nobel




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© Adapta Color

Opening photo: Façade of the Marqués de Benicarló Public School (Benicarló - Castellón, Spain) treated with Façade CR-0000.


Adapta Launches Façade CR-0000 for a Rejuvenated Look of Façades Edited by Adapta Color SL Adapta Color SL, Peñíscola – Spain



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Adapta Color


Hooks & CE Hooks

From the in-stock small and thin hook to the special hook Ø30 with EU certification and loading capacity calculation, for both small and heavy parts to be coated.

Detail of the deteriorated carpentry and beginning of the treatment with Façade CR-0000 (in the middle).

Powder coatings are widely used for the coating of aluminium and contribute to give it its appearance and to protect it from corrosion. Similarly to other building materials, like glass, plastics, ceramic or stainless steel, aluminium requires cleaning operations and a regular maintenance during its service life. To this end, Adapta launches Façade CR-0000.


egardless of whether they are

To this end, after a long process of

very high-performance coatings,

research and development, Adapta

comparable to those used in the

launches Façade CR-0000, a liquid

automotive industry, it goes without

solution with neutral pH, ideal for

saying that the latter protect their base

the maintenance of powder coated

coat with a clear coat. Still, no one can

surfaces. This preparation aims to

pretend to park a car for two years off

remove the natural limestone that forms

the coast without any cleaning, hoping

on the surface of the coating without

that with a final cleaning the vehicle will

damaging or attacking the coating itself.

look like the first day. It is necessary a

Its main virtue, apart from the recovery

cleaning protocol that can coincide, just

of colour, is that its effect can last for

like we do with cars, with the cleaning of

months depending on its location or

the glass of the metal carpentry or the

environment. The improvement of its


appearance is evident, although in some



113 www.rostirolla.it

cases, depending on the degradation of the powder

the American Architectural Manufacturers Association AAMA

coating and the degree of maintenance performed, it is


impossible to recover completely the original colour and gloss.


Frequency of cleaning


12 months


9 months

obtaining very satisfactory results in the vast majority of

Fitness club and swimming pools

6 months

cases, showing a greater impact on those with darker

Marine or costal

3 months

surface cleaning and maintenance play a fundamental


3 months

role for the durability of the coating. The periodic absence

Extremly aggressive

1 month

Satisfactory results in architectural projects The product was tested in various architectural projects

colours. During the tests, it was possible to see that

of cleaning operations contributes significantly to increase the risk of corrosion, gloss and colour change.

On façades and outdoor applications rain is often enough to effectively clean off the accumulated dirt, depending

How and how often to apply Façade CR-0000

on the structural design of the elements. Therefore, it is

Its application is very simple: once the dirt is removed

recommended to pay special attention to the most sheltered

from the profiles, just apply the product gently and evenly

areas where a greater accumulation of dirt and airborne

on the surface with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth. No

pollutants is likely to happen. Cleaning should be carried

rubbing and always in the same direction. It is advisable

out before a visible amount of dirt accumulates, which will

to rinse the surface with plenty of demineralized water

reduce costs and avoid the risk of marks and alterations on

after each cleaning operations to avoid watermarks,

the coated surface. If not effectively eliminated, in harsh,

especially in geographical areas with hard water.

industrial or marine environments these accumulations can

Façade CR-0000 is especially indicated to comply with the

also be an important focus of localized corrosion.

cleaning protocols or procedures marked by Qualicoat or

It is worth to emphasize the importance of cleaning and maintenance of coated surface since the first installation

© Adapta Color

of the powder coated elements. To do so, we strongly recommend: – To properly protect all elements during on-site transportation and installation processes; – To plan the work or construction stages, anticipating the installation of these elements in order to avoid splashing mortar, cement or other materials; – If this is not possible, to protect the elements with passive protection systems such as self-adhesive plastic films; – To perform a general cleaning prior to the delivery of the work to remove all kind of dirt or contamination such as iron or structural steel chips, residue of scaffolding elements; – If removal of stains of any type of substance is needed, it is highly recommended to first test the removal product in a hidden area of the element. Do not apply dry or aggressive products; – To perform maintenance operations in the shade, avoiding extremely cold or warm temperatures. – If scratches, cuts or punctures are detected on the coating, it is advisable to repair them as soon as Façade with deteriorated metal carpentry.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine




Š Evonik

Opening photo: Technikum of Performance Intermediates.


Evonik Launches MACBETH, an EU-Funded Project to Develop a New Process for Catalytic Synthesis Michael Richter, Evonik Performance Materials GmbH – Essen, Germany


Evonik, as part of a consortium of 24 partners, has launched the EU-funded project MACBETH. The aim of the project is to develop a new process for catalytics synthesis that combines several previously separate production steps, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 35% and increasing efficiency by up to 70%.

E 116

vonik has recently launched

and Technological Hurdles), the largest

The aim of this project is to develop

MACBETH (Membranes And

EU-funded project coordinated by the

a new process for catalytic synthesis

Catalysts Beyond Economic

company to date.

with appropriate separation

N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


equipment in a single, highly efficient catalytic membrane reactor (CMR). MACBETH is the follow-up project to the ROMEO project (Reactor Optimization by Membrane Enhanced Operation), which was completed in September 2019. The project was created by a consortium of 24 partners from ten different countries with vast expertise related to catalysis to membranes, carriers, reactors, engineering,

Efficient and reliable solutions for surface coating since 1988.

modelling as well as the perspective of the end user. “It is crucial that we think beyond the boundaries of chemistry, share knowledge and exploit synergies. One individual company could never achieve this. Our consortium brings together the know-how that is essential for the desired breakthrough in catalytic synthesis,” says Dr. Marc Oliver Kristen, Head of the Innovation Agency at Evonik and Project Manager MACBETH. In individual sub-projects, the concept of the new reactor is now being applied to various chemical reactions and put into practice. This includes hydroformylation for specialty chemicals, hydrogen production for the transport/electricity generation sector, propane

electrostatic systems for liquid painting

dehydrogenation (PDH) for large-volume chemicals and biocatalytic oil cleavage for biotechnologically manufactured products. Evonik’s focus of the project is on the hydroformylation

electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating

reaction. In this catalysis, which is traditionally carried out homogeneously, synthesis gas is used to convert olefins into aldehydes. Sustainability also plays a major role in the project: the

pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting

planned reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in largevolume industrial processes will be up to 35% and the increase in resource and energy efficiency up to 70%.

IR and UV drying systems

The new reactor design guarantees smaller and safer production plants and helps strengthening the leading role in the market: in the future, the investment costs (CAPEX) and operating costs (OPEX) of systems

robot and reciprocators

of this type can be reduced by up to 50% and 80% respectively. “Our next milestone is clear: We want to implement and operate a demonstration plant under real, industrial conditions,” says Prof. Dr. Robert Franke, Project Coordinator of the overall MACBETH project and Head of Hydroformylation Research at Evonik. “Therefore, we will now, in the first project phase of MACBETH, concentrate on the optimization of the purpose, we will utilise the promising developments


components used and the final reactor system. For this

CM SPRAY s.r.l. www.cmspray.it

and results from the previous project.”

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


Š Finishing Group

Opening photo: Adhesive tapes are among flagship products of Finishing Group.


The Economic Scenario of Recovery: What Awaits Us after the COVID-19 Emergency From an interview with Simeone Maitan, Export Manager of Finishing Group Srl (Lainate, Milan, Italy)

Using this period of global crisis to find new resources and opportunities: the answers of Finishing Group, a company specializing in manufacturing masking and hanging systems distributed under the Euromask brand, to the current economic situation.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


he forced interruption of industrial production activities caused by the

© Finishing Group


COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a break on the markets in almost all the most densely industrialised areas of the world. Finishing Group Srl is a company that manufactures and markets masking and hanging systems for the coating sector: we asked some questions to their Export Manager Simeone Maitan to discuss the new market scenarios that await our industry and the ways in which the firms with a high export share will face this recovery. ipcm®: What do you foresee for

the restart of production and the reopening of markets? Do

Simeone Maitan, Export Manager of Finishing Group.

you think that there will be a rebound in demand, a sort of “revenge spending”, or that

this delay in our target European

but also opportunities, to the

recovery will be long and slow?

markets is due to the arrival of the

coating market. Considering new

SM: As complex as it is to make

virus at different times than Italy,

investments seems difficult at this

predictions at this stage, still

which was the first country to be

moment, but those who will have

characterised by the thorny fight


the strength to resist even in this complicated period will draw lessons

against the virus, I think we will face a very gradual recovery. The

ipcm®: What needs will your target

and advantages to cope with further

extent of the shock suffered by

market have, in your opinion?

hard times in future. The sector will

the markets has been remarkable

SM: I believe that the emergency has

certainly reorganise itself. I believe

and there is still much uncertainty.

not radically changed the needs of

opportunities will have to be seized

Therefore, I think we can hardly

our customers. Flexibility will continue

to join forces, although we Italians,

expect rapid recovery in the

to play a major role, perhaps even

myself included unfortunately, are

coming months. However, it is

more than before, and we will be

not culturally inclined to this strategy.

crucial that the economy gives

ready to meet this requirement. I hope

some signs of revival as soon as

there will not be any race to lower

ipcm®: Can you make a

possible, in order to brighten up

prices, because such a policy will not

prediction on which products will

the current gloomy scenario and

guarantee the profit margin needed to

be most requested?

offer stimulating prospects for the

continue investing in innovation.

SM: I believe that the demand will


not change much from the current

In our case, for example, since

ipcm®: What economic scenarios

one. Over the last few years, the

the reopening we have noticed

will we face in the coating sector,

market has been increasingly

signs of timid recovery on the

in the medium term?

requiring us to specialise in more

Italian market, whereas exports,

SM: It is really difficult to make

and more complex non-standard

accounting for over 40% of

predictions. Sadly, this is a truly

solutions. Therefore, we will aim at

our turnover, are still very

impactful crisis – and, like any crisis,

meeting this need with increasingly

slow. Perhaps the reason for

it will bring negative consequences,

tailor-made products.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Finishing Group

protections? We should be able to decide whether to meet or not. ipcm®: What are the competitive advantages of Finishing Group that will help foster recovery? SM: Our key strengths have always been speed, flexibility, and professionalism. Our figures prove this. We handle 89% of orders in 24 hours, our stock includes 130,000,000 parts available for immediate delivery, and we only need 3 days to manufacture nonstandard adhesive samples and 3 to 5 days for special formed products.

Special formed parts are customized to needs.

Our expertise also enables us

© Finishing Group

to support our customers in the solution of any non-standard masking issue. ipcm®: What are Finishing Group’s flagship products? SM: Our flagship products are certainly adhesive tapes and customised formed parts. With standard products, as there is a drive to lower prices and our components are similar to our competitors’ ones in terms of size and quality, we can only distinguish ourselves through our service speed. We can take advantage of our twenty years of experience in sales to plan our stock and make

Finishing Group factory in Lainate (Milan, Italy).

sure that our customers never have to stop production due to the lack of regularly ordered products.

ipcm : How will Finishing Group

will enable us to cope with the

deal with the reopening phase,

situation, although we still would

ipcm®: Do you think that

with international travel still

need to travel in order to start

there will be a “new market

being limited at least in the short

three new important distributors,

normality” or that the


whose projects have slowed

market’s dynamics will remain

SM: Our companies operating

down because they need on-site


abroad, together with the efficient

training. These traffic bans are

SM: In my opinion, it will take us

and widespread global distribution

very limiting and I believe they

some time to fully understand the

network that we have developed

are a threat to personal freedom:

changes brought by this crisis. Both

over the years, are now an even

why cannot I visit my foreign

in our sector and on the market in

more precious resource. They

customers, if using adequate

general, we will unavoidably face



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Finishing Group


than some catastrophists fear. There will likely be further expansion of online commerce for industrial products as well, which had been already experiencing significant growth in the last few years, as far as we are concerned. ipcm®: How will you look for new leads, with most international trade fairs being cancelled or postponed? Could it be interesting to organise a “virtual trade fair”? SM: The lack of new contacts generated by traditional trade fairs is certainly a problem that must be overcome. We have already been increasing our online advertising budget for a couple of years now, and we are currently benefiting from this, but it is not The hooks for hanging items to being coated.

compensating for the lack of trade fairs, yet. We will participate in our first virtual trade show in July. We will let you know the results obtained from this new experience, but we already believe that it can be a

a “new normality” and we will hardly see the high

good alternative to conventional events, in this social

volumes of the recent past, at least in the short term.

distancing era. It might also prove an extra marketing

A contraction due to the reduction in the employment

tool to be exploited even when trade fairs will resume

rate will be inevitable, but I hope it will be more limited

their schedules.

© Atotech


Atotech: When Sustainability Drives the Change While Ensuring Process Efficiency From an interview with Brian List, Global Product Director Paint Support Technologies (PST), Atotech USA LLC


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Can sustainability truly be an advantage? Can it ensure cost efficiency and performance? ipcm® had the opportunity to discuss all this and much more with surface finishing solutions provider and specialty chemicals company Atotech.


e keep

and economic viability. We strongly


believe in covering the world’s


current demand for technologies

sustainability. This

and chemicals while contributing to

word has now become

a more sustainable surface finishing

part of everyone’s

industry. We do so by carefully

vocabulary. Some may

selecting and using less hazardous

think it’s just a trend,

chemicals whenever possible,

a marketing tool to

eliminating waste water to the

convince the masses

greatest extent possible, as well as

how responsible

reducing our carbon footprint.

industries are. In some cases that might be

ipcm®: What have been the

true. However, we can’t

biggest issues encountered in

deny that sustainability

bringing theory of sustainability

is (and probably will

into practice?

be for quite some

BL: The biggest challenge in

time) what drives true

bringing sustainable processes to

innovation, and real

market has been overcoming the

change along with it. A

© Atotech

change that we urgently need, if the drop in air

perception that “sustainable” is synonymous with “green”, meaning that environmental prospects

pollution and the incredible spectacle

with Brian List, Global Product

oppose economic and social

of nature that originated from the

Director Paint Support Technologies

aspects. While “green” certainly is

forced stop of human activities

(PST) of Atotech USA LLC, and

a component of sustainable, the

worldwide are anything to go by.

discuss what Sustainability in

term also encompasses innovation

Sustainability is a word that also

business and in the development

and economic viability. There is

brings with it some misconceptions,

process of a product truly means,

also the false perception that

as many times it gets associated with

and how this approach can make

environmentally sound processes

‘expensive’ and ‘lower performance’.

a difference not only in terms of

are inherently more expensive.

However, many groundbreaking

environmental impact, but also

But that does not have to be the

technologies have showed that these

as a competitive and economic

case: the effort, to successfully

are just, as stated, misconceptions:


establish a more environmentally

a product can be sustainable while

sound process can result in cuts

at the same time ensuring cost and

ipcm : Sustainability: what does

in direct manufacturing costs and

functional efficiency.

this word mean for Atotech

inventory savings. We at Atotech

In our pages we have showcased

and its business and how does

have been able to demonstrate

many companies that found the

Atotech promote sustainability

measurable cost savings for many

perfect combination between

with its products?

of our customers with the help

sustainability and performance and

BL: Sustainability for us at Atotech

of sophisticated systems such as

today, we are happy to present

means finding the balance

wastewater treatment technologies,

another one.

between industrial innovation,

waste reduction, and recycling

ipcm® had the opportunity to chat

reducing environmental impact



international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Atotech

© Atotech

ipcm®: Can you outline Atotech’s

ipcm®: Can you describe the

in 2006. At that time, energy prices

business in the Paint&Coating

characteristics of Atotech’s

were increasing rapidly, and the


new paint stripping and pre-

demand from the markets was

BL: In paint support technology, we

treatment solution?

to reduce energy consumption.

pride ourselves on being industry

BL: Atotech’s paint stripping

Atotech responded to this demand

leaders in both innovation and

portfolio consists of processes

by developing a line of cleaners

sustainability. Our business is to help

that remove paint efficiently,

that are extremely effective at low

applicators create more sustainable

without use of chlorinated or

operating temperatures. More

manufacturing processes. Our

high VOC solvents. Additionally,

recently, the requests from the

processes include sustainable

substantial effort devoted to

market have shifted to processes,

solutions for paint pretreatment,

improving the mechanics of the

which are free from phosphorous,

paint removal and paint overspray

paint removal process has resulted

alkyl phenol ethoxalates (APE’s),

(detackification). We also focus on

in processes that can operate for

nickel, zinc, copper and all forms of

developing products that conserve

years without being discarded or

chlorinated solvents. Additionally,

natural resources such as water

decreasing in performance. For

the automotive trend to extend

and energy while minimizing or

paint pretreatment, a primary

warranties is compelling paint

eliminating waste, resulting in a

focus has been in the development

facilities to seek out process

more economical process. Our

and optimization of long life,

that will also improve the paint

core processes comprise long life,

low temperature cleaning. This

performance of their parts.

low temperature cleaning; long

enables our customers to extend

life, low volatile organic content

the effective working life of their

ipcm®: How is the current

(VOC) paint removal for jig and

cleaners by 100 to 300% while

situation with ChromeVI phase

rack maintenance; high performing

simultaneously reducing energy

out? Is the industry worldwide

melamine formaldehyde-free paint

required for heating.

complying with the regulation

detackification and our newest

as expected?

product line for near neutral weld

ipcm : What were the need

BL: Since the first discussions

scale removal. The motorcycle

of the markets that pushed

about tightening the requirements

assembly, automotive components,

Atotech R&D towards the

for the use of chromium (VI)

furniture, agricultural and

development of these products?

aroused Atotech has acted as one

architectural painting are the primary

BL: The development of long life,

of the pioneers heavily investing

markets, which we serve.

low temperature cleaning began

into the R&D of processes



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


replacing chromium (VI). As a

and consumers demand high

ipcm®: What are Atotech’s

market leader for many chromium

performance and low environmental

business values for the painting

(VI)-free processes we see an

impact, for instance in the automotive


increasing demand evolving at

or in the furniture sector. We provide

BL: In our experience, many companies

the majority of applicators in the

the solution that helps our customers

are seeking a business partner who

markets served by Atotech for

meet both – in a profitable way.

respects confidentiality, collaborates

less hazardous chromium (VI)-free

closely in joint projects with his

processes. We continue to bolster

ipcm : What are the future

customers and is solely interested

our environmental platform and

developments of Atotech’s

in long-term business relationships

are well-positioned to support our

solution for the painting

instead of simply a chemical supplier.

customers in perfectly fulfilling


It is our mission to become a business

environmental laws and regulations

BL: We continue to innovate. We’ll

partner for these companies. We

for their manufacturing processes.

focus on all aspects of sustainability,

provide the products and processes

from part quality and safety to energy

that support their growth.


ipcm : What is Atotech’s goal

savings and waste reduction. Atotech

on the market with these new

has adopted a systems approach,

ipcm®: How do you see the future

range of paint strippers and pre-

which means that in addition to

of sustainability?

treatment chemicals?

creating new, better products; we

BL: Sustainability is not a buzzword or

BL: Another definition of sustainable

also seek to improve the application

a trend. Any company that does not

is “something that will last or remain

of our products by designing support

continue to improve their sustainability,

for a long period of time.” We

equipment to optimize process

as previously defined, will find it difficult

support our customers. Industry


to grow.


visit us at

Messe Karlsruhe - October 12-15, 2020 - Hall 1, booth 1242



liquid or powder spray applications

over 60 years of experience in surface finishing lines


pre-treatment | spray applications | electroplating | vertical & horizontal plants | enameling | aluminium | white goods | automotive | general industry

Š Merck


Beyond the Trendy Colour: Merck’s New Tool Opens Up to Innovative Combinations of Materials For years Merck, a company specializing in the development and production of effect pigments and innovative raw materials for the automotive and industrial coating industry, offers to its customers formulation suggestions. This is the result of an in-depth analysis of current and future social trends. Today the company has added the combination of materials from the most different sectors to its traditional colours portfolio.

From an interview with Stefano Corrado e Laura Zanini Merck KGaA, Darmstadt - Germany


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



nowing how to interpret market trends is what the

tool we translated these visions into a variety of different

manufacturers of raw materials have in common:

materials, colours and applications that we hope inspire

anticipating the needs of customers in terms of

customers to create ever more exciting, effective and

pigments and formulations is one of the strategic goals of

‘effectful’ solutions for surfaces”.

the sector.

The tool consists of 24 colours divided into 4 areas:

Merck, one of the leading chemical companies on the

Resilience, Boundaries no Boundaries, Mastering ordinary

market, has accustomed us for years to offer an effect

life and Ultra experience.

pigments portfolio which is inspired by market trends and by the changes of the society. So far, the automotive

RESILIENCE – bend but don’t break

sector was the one that determined the new colour

Materials and colours associated with ‘resilience’ are

proposals. Today the analysis has expanded to include

inspired by everything that is flexible, highly durable,

new sectors - from that of the household appliances to

weather resistant and highly mechanically resistant, for

the architectural building, from interior design to the

example protective ‘skin’, hybrid materials, synthetic spider

industrial coating in general – as well as original solutions © Merck

derived from the combination of materials of different origin.

4 macro-areas for 24 colours “The new Driving Lifestyle - Global Colour and Material Inspiration tool aims to represent an inspirational tool geared mainly toward the automotive sector, designers, creative people who are more interested in the effects, and to researchers from R&D laboratories, who are more interested in formulations”, says Stefano Corrado, Account Manager Coatings of Merck’s Italian Division. “We created four visionary directions, based on constant observations in the market, valuable conversations with our customers and stakeholders in the value chain as

© Merck

© Merck

well as dedicated trend meetings with experts. In this

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Merck

silk, responsive and self-healing

include applications never tested

materials; and with powerful yet

before, such as the simulation of the

elegant colours and changing

effect of powder-coated metal on


other materials, such as RGB printing.

“For this area we were inspired

resilient because they are more

MASTERING ORDINARY LIFE - a richer existence by being normal

accustomed to the constant

Materials and colours that symbolize

changes in society. As far as

‘mastering ordinary life’ are partly

colours and materials are

focused on the tactile sense, which

concerned, the term evokes

emphasizes authenticity, as opposed

elements capable of resisting

to the intangible online world.

both mechanical and climatic

“In this case, the analysis carried out

stresses and their rapid

highlighted the tendency to seek

transformations. The materials

happiness through a perfectionist

that characterize this group are

and almost professional approach,

mainly the most resistant, but also

which however makes us lose sight

some of the most flexible such

of the simpler aspects of life that

as polyethylene, polyurethane

are essential in our complex society.

and polymethylmethacrylate”,

The materials of this area therefore

continues Corrado.

have a high tactile value to provide

by the new generations who

© Merck

© Merck

are, by definition, the most

© Merck

the most intense sensations; the

BOUNDARIES, NO BOUNDARIES – the luxury of protection and privacy

colours are simple and natural and

“The colours and materials of

obtained by combining the series of

this area are inspired by the

Xirallic pigments with that of Iriodin of

management of big data in terms

Merck”, clarifies Corrado.

combine simplicity with elegance. The light colours proposed were

of privacy. So, while on the one of people, on the other there are

ULTRA EXPERIENCE – liberating and breaking free

many dangerous bugs that hide

Materials and colours are inspired

in its folds and from which not

by everything that radiates a lot of

everyone has the opportunity to

energy: bright pulsating colours,

protect themselves: in this sense

highly chromatic (bright) colours,

privacy has become a luxury”,

strong forms, design that refers

added Laura Zanini, Account

to the virtual and digital worlds,

Manager Decoratives of Merck.

explosive expression, sensuality, fairy

Fall into this group materials and

tales, references to outdoor and

colours inspired by roughness:

extreme sports and strong contrasts

harder materials, worn materials,

– from bright colour to deep effect

military gear, rough sandblasted


metal, inspirations from tempered

“Ultra-Experience represents the

steel, stone and coal (carbon).

desire to express our true nature

Colours are inspired by these

without limiting the freedom of

materials or by shades in infrared

others. It is a non-violent, peaceful

cameras”. The combinations of

rebellion in which everyone

materials proposed in this area

celebrates life in the best possible

© Merck

hand the net shows the best side

Some of effects and materials displayed by Merck's new tool.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


way, giving the best of himself and mirroring it in others. For this reason, the shades of this group present bright, sunny and energetic colours such as pure red or multiple red shades combined within the same finish. The bright tones are combined with the functional aspects, such as those of the laser marking to obtain indelible marks. We play with contrasts to get the best results”, adds Zanini.

The tactile experience of the tool completes the digital use “The main feature of the tool is its tactile aspect. This does not exclude that it is an instrument with an excellent digital potential. During the first days of lock-down, when the b2b presentation to our customers was no longer feasible, we thought of the possibility of making the tool usable online, adapting it to this new context. We did not limit ourselves to a simple visualization of images, but we added as much information as possible regarding the formulations, so as to allow the user to start the experiments. We are convinced that the tactile experience inherent in the tool does not compromise its use as a digital tool”, confirms Corrado. The tool has already been presented to the main automotive paint manufacturers and has obtained very positive results. “From here we aim to expand its range of action to other markets for which the new tool has been designed”.

Conclusions “Even though no one knows the future, Merck as a raw-materials manufacturer is nevertheless trying to understand the future and the resulting needs of consumers. The trends reveal a predisposition to think outside the box, which is one of the instances that Merck has been pursuing for some time. The contamination of materials arises from the combination of elements from different areas, but which together give surprising results. Another novelty of this year is determined by the desire to think in truly global terms: if before the colour trends were divided on the basis of the different geographical areas, now we aim to emphasize that there are no more particular chromatic distinctions. This too is a reflection of the times in which we live, which Merck and his numerous partners will continue to analyse with increasing attention, because it is through the interpretation of society that we can understand in which direction the market is moving”, concludes Zanini.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Tosca

Opening photo: One of the characteristics of the TOSCA plants is their completely internal manufacturing.


TOSCA Srl: Fully Customisable, High Quality Shot Blasting Systems Bringing This Company Success Marta Fumagalli ipcm®

In this interview with ipcm®, Ivan, Miriam, and Gim Scacco, three of the several children and grandchildren of TOSCA Srl’s owners, tell the story of this company between tradition and innovation, highlighting the strengths that led it to be recognised at the international level.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH TOSCA Srl’s history The history of TOSCA Srl dates back to 1966, when its two founders Bruno Tonin and Lanfranco Scacco started manufacturing medium-heavy weight carpentry parts. The name of the company, still family-run after more than fifty years, is the acronym of their initials. Over time, the firm’s production has improved and expanded to include metal structures, up to the design and construction of full shot blasting systems. In the 1980s and 1990s, Scacco and Tonin opened two new factories in Via Cavalese, 6, Canegrate (Milan, Italy), on an area of 30,000 m2 of which over 10,000 m2 are covered.

Technological choices “Here, we perform all design and in-house manufacturing stages, from sheet metal cutting, welding, turning, assembly, mechanical and electronic assembly, and coating up to the plant testing and start-up phases,” explains Ivan Scacco. “Every single stage is managed and performed within our factories, thus enabling us to improve resource efficiency by constantly controlling our entire process.” “Therefore, we can proudly say that our products are made with attention to the smallest details and “entirely made in

Ready for savings – with optimized powder coating process

shot blasting sector in every field of application, but also

With over 1,000 global installations, Nordson dense-phase technology with its HDLV® pumps has proven its multiple benefits in the most challenging applications. Our advanced spray system technology for greater productivity and operating efficiency delivers top performance at the lowest operating cost. Get in contact with our powder coating application experts and learn more about the Nordson solutions for future-proof powder coating operations

from our use of selected materials, from high-thickness

Data collection and analysis

pneumatic components.”

Remote connectivity

“In TOSCA, we like to apply advanced mechanical and

IoT readiness

electronic technologies,” says Ivan Scacco, the head of the

This and more is delivered by the next generation of Nordson powder coating system controls in combination with the highst level of the process control offered by the Encore® HD spray systems.

Tosca”, as our motto says. One of our factories also houses a well-stocked original spare parts department. This guarantees an accurate after-sales service and, therefore, the high performance and long-lasting reliability levels of our systems,” states Gim Scacco. “The fundamental characteristics of TOSCA’s plants are their ability to comply with technical specifications over time and their high quality standards. These stem from our deep knowledge of the

metal sheets to the best branded electrical, electronic, and

research, development, and design department. “Over the years, we have constantly invested in studies, research activities, and acquisitions of numerically controlled machining centres, laser and plasma cutting systems, and, in general, in the most modern carpentry production technologies.”

Highly customisable, Industry 4.0-oriented shot blasting machines

Get in contact with Nordson today for more information. ics.eu@nordson.com www.nordson.com/powder

“TOSCA specialises in the production of highly customised surface treatment machines. We are proud to be able to meet the most varied requirements of our customer while supporting them through our extensive knowledge

Performance by design international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Tosca

© Tosca

TOSCA specialises in the production of highly customised surface treatment machines

For years, TOSCA plants offer Industry 4.0-ready solutions.

and technical experience,” adds Gim

through family-run management, to

new working methods, but also the

Scacco from the technical design

the implementation of a fully integrated

certainty of our staff’s industriousness

department. “As mentioned, we

production cycle, and to the constant

and cohesion, which can make us more

have distinguished ourselves by

search for ever more advanced

productive and creative even when faced

producing Industry 4.0-oriented plants

technologies, TOSCA ranks among the

with unpredictable and uncontrollable

for years now. They use sensors,

world leaders in this industry.


automatisms, and advanced software

“What is certain is that the recovery, or

that allow interconnecting operators,

The near future

at least the continuation of work in the

machines, and production lines, thus

“The period of forced inactivity

aftermath of Coronavirus, will not be

generating the workflows virtually,

caused by the Covid 19 pandemic

easy to manage. When reopening our

enhancing production performance

worldwide has given TOSCA even

factory, we put in place every procedure

with significant advantages in terms

greater awareness of how important

aimed at safeguarding the health of

of costs and benefits, and promoting

a solid corporate structure is, as this

our workers. We are faced with new

innovation and competitiveness at the

has enabled us to cope with many

challenges and we will cope with them

same time.”

weeks of severe uncertainty,” states

with a renewed entrepreneurial spirit

“Our flagship products,” indicates

administrative manager Miriam

and responsibility, also thanks to our

Ivan Scacco, “include shot blasting

Scacco. “I do not agree with the adage

recognised experience in the shot

systems for the metal wire, wire rods,

“Everything will be alright”, because

blasting sector. We have even started

bars, and screws market, as well as

it clashes with our daily reality, which

a few improved growth processes

for those of cement and marble,

has surpassed even the most bizarre

with the acquisition of new and

automotive, die casting, hot and cold

fantasies. I prefer thinking that “Nothing

important international customers, new

moulding, galvanic processes, heat

will be as before”, because we will

technological investments, and constant

treatments, metal structures including

recognise the value of life and take

attention to details in terms of research

larger ones, coating preparation,

better care of it. In terms of business

and quality. All this makes our products

and so on.” Indeed, thanks to a

operations, the last few weeks have

up to the needs of the most demanding

sound internal organisation created

given us the opportunity to implement



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


FI.T, A New Partner to Optimise Waste Water Management


ehind a high performance


FI.T. Filtration Technologies S.r.l. is a new business operating in the waste water treatment sector. It was born from the idea that in many cases, in order to solve a problem, it is not necessary to replace a whole system, but a few targeted interventions can be enough. The services offered by FI.T. provide solutions to optimise the management of process liquids.

system, there is always a thorough study of the

customer’s needs aimed at developing a targeted solution. Inaugurated in October 2019, FI.T. Filtration Technologies S.r.l. is a key partner able to meet any customer request at best. Its founder, Klemens Schwienbacher, is well known in the field of closedloop waste water treatments. For almost twenty years, he has been appreciated for his low-energy consumption evaporators, but also for his support and availability in the post-sale phase. FI.T sprung from his realisation that, in many cases, it is not necessary to install a completely new system, but it is sufficient to optimise the quality of single flows or tanks with coalescence oil separators,

ion exchange plants with co-

mechanical compression with

separation centrifuges, or

current or counter-current resin-

thermal energy into a system with

membrane filters. Sludge removal

based lines for the treatment of

very low operating costs, seemingly

and pickling acid recovery are other

demineralised water, as well as

unattainable until now. FI.T. S.r.l. is

services offered by FI.T.

special systems for acid recovery.

available for any request, from the

With its chosen partners, moreover,

Ultrafiltration systems, coalescence

calculation of the water flow rate

FI.T. can build technologically

oil separators, and centrifuges

required in a pre-treatment plant

innovative, high performance,

for the treatment of degreasing

to lab tests and even the supply of

complete plants such as its vapour

and phosphodegreasing tanks

sample systems.

compression evaporators, which

complete the company’s range.

boast the lowest consumption

The main innovation, however,

For further information:

rate on the market. It also offers

are its evaporators combining



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Change of Management at Alufinish GmbH & Co. KG Alufinish GmbH + Co. KG, a company specializing in products and processes for the chemical surface treatment of aluminium, steel and zinc, announced the management change due to the retirement of Managing Director Otmar Monreal. The company’s goals won’t change.

© Alufinish


n January 1, 2020, Otmar Monreal took his well-deserved retirement. Mr. Monreal has led Alufinish GmbH + Co. KG Andernach, a company specializing in metal chemistry, from a

small, medium-sized company over the years together with his partner Jürgen Lutter to a globally successful company. With a view to a later successor, Dr. Nils Monreal and Stephan Zegers entered the company as Management Assistants. In collaboration with Otmar Monreal, they were able to familiarize themselves with all areas of the company. The takeover of management by 01/01/2020 by Dr. Nils Monreal and Stephan Zegers make no significant changes in the philosophy of Alufinish. As a medium-sized company, Alufinish remains a very attractive employer and partner for all customers in surface finishing. Dr. Nils Monreal, who holds a doctorate in process engineering, is primarily responsible for the operational side of the company. Stephan Zegers has experience in the global aluminium B-to-B environment and will primarily deal with further global development. The common goal is to further drive business development and to expand the global network for the distribution of chemical pre-treatment products. For further information: www.alufinish.de

The new managing directors: Dr. Nils Monreal (left) and Stephan Zegers (right).

GREAT PERFORMANCE. SMALL SPACE. C-Line wheel coating system • • • •

Highly automated coating Fast cleaning & short color change Individually expandable system Compatible with IoT platform COATIFY


international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



Energy Consumption Reduction and Productivity Increased on Painting Lines with IR System from Grafix

© Grafix

Thanks to Grafix’s IR heating system installed in Izmir (Turkey), 25% reduction in energy consumption and 1.5 times increase in productivity have been obtained.

Components entering the IR system.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



rafix Ukraine has been

to a temperature of 250 °C.

The initial line speed was 1m /

manufacturing powder

Electric IR lamps operate in the short

min. Thanks to IR heating of the

coating equipment for 10

wavelength range and the lamp

metal from the inside, the speed

years and has produced more than

power is equal to 1kW. A special

increased to 1.5 m / min. The

100 sets of equipment according

material is used to reflect the rays,

dimensions of the furnace did not

to ISO9001: 2015. Thanks to its

with a reflection of more than 90%.

change and the gas heating of the furnace remained. The installation

production workshops - including the metalworking machines, a design

IR system’s features

department and an electronics

The system is equipped with the

department - Grafix patented

followings sensor control units and

The advantages

the technology of drying and


The advantages of using an IR

polymerization of paints using short-

– Computerized management

system are as follows:

wave infrared radiation.

– Touch controller

– Significantly less power

One of its projects was the

– Base of technological modes

consumption (approximately

modernization of a gas furnace

– Data and statistics storage

25-30%) compared with

18000x2500x3500 mm with a

– Power control

convection type furnaces;

capacity of 450kW in Izmir, Turkey.

– Temperature and time control

In the conveyor furnace 168kW IR

– User and programmer accounts

process, in comparison with any

panels have been installed. The

– Smooth on / off infrared lamps

convective furnaces, at least 20%

furnace was divided into 4 zones,

– Control from overheating of


each of which is separately regulated


took 10 days.

– Accelerated polymerization

– The possibility of using combined

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Grafix


heating - electricity + gas + diesel; – Simultaneous painting of different colours, due to the low probability of transferring paint to other products, in comparison with convection ovens; – Wide control range due to flexible regulation of the power of emitters; – Instant reaction of the heat source; – The inertia of short-wavelength radiators ensures high accuracy and sensitivity of the thermal stabilization mode; – A wide temperature range of the infrared furnace allows heating products to 250 °C; – Energy yield: 50-100%; – Thanks to the formation of independent zones of thermal heating, it provides the flexibility of the system control and configuration; – Minimal space used; – Minimum amount of air supplied; – Stability of the quality of heat treatment; – Clean energy sources that do not affect the environment; – Reduction of painting costs. Grafix obtained CE certification for its IR systems from 1kW to 1000kW. Project Video: https://youtu.be/vVLqumQ_eyo

Grafix's range of products The company also produces complete painting systems and single equipment: – Spraying booth with cyclones and filters – Drying and polymerization furnaces with electric and IR heating – Washing machines and dipping baths – Manual overhead transport systems – Tribostatic powder coatings guns – Sieves and dehumidifiers. Grafix manufactures, exports and installs painting lines with a 24 month warranty and it is looking for partners in Europe, Asia and America. For further information: www.grafixpowdercoating.com The gas furnace 18000x2500x3500 mm with a capacity of 450kW installed in Izmir, Turkey.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


15-16/2020 SEPTEMBER

3RD COATINGS CONFERENCE Eastern Europe, CIS and Central Asia

Powder Coatings CIS

Coil & Can Coatings CIS

© Dow

Opening photo: Dow has launched DOWSIL™ 8016 Waterborne Resin and DOWSIL™ 107F Additive for waterborne industrial coatings.


Dow Introduces Two New Products to Enhance the Performance and Sustainability of Waterborne Coatings From an interview with Xavier Mollat du Jourdin, Technical Support and Development Manager, Dow Consumer Solutions

Dow has launched two new products - a silicone resin emulsion and a defoamer additive - that provide simpler formulation and higher temperature resistance for waterbased industrial coatings.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Dow


ipcm® had the opportunity to interview Xavier Mollat du Jourdin, Technical Support and Development Manager at Dow Consumer Solutions to delve deeper into the application and requirements of high temperature resistance coatings, the industry’s stance regarding solvent-borne and waterborne coatings, Dow’s focus in research and development, and the company’s sustainability agenda. ipcm®: Can you outline Dow’s silicone coatings business? XMDJ: Over the years, Dow has been leveraging its strong know-how in silicone chemistry and a unique access to various feedstocks to develop a diversified range of silicones additives and resins which address various market needs for waterborne/ solvent-borne systems as well as for architectural/industrial paints. Xavier Mollat du Jourdin, Technical Support and Development Manager at Dow Consumer Solutions.

Dow’s silicone additives function as hydrophobes, defoamers, wetting and leveling agents or slip additives which will guarantee film aesthetics and superior performance.


Also, Dow has been using the

OWSIL™ 8016 Waterborne Resin

environmental compliance compared to

unique attributes of the siloxane

is a new generation silicone

traditional solventborne formulations. The

backbone to develop a broad

resin emulsion for waterborne,

sustainable profile of the product and the

range of solvent-borne/solvent-

high-temperature resistant coatings that

low VOC emissions enable formulators

less/waterborne silicone resins

offers a temperature resistance up to

to meet the increasingly stringent

and intermediates which will serve

500-600°C. It provides elevated coating


as binder or co-binder to achieve

hardness for metal substrates protection,

Dow also launched

improved weathering resistance

ensuring low contribution to odour and

DOWSIL™ 107F Additive, a new

and superior resistance to heat.

emissions of volatile organic compounds

generation foam control agent

(VOCs)1. It is suitable for air drying with

combining improved compatibility with

ipcm®: How do you see the

appropriate condensation catalysts.

optimal performance at low dosage

changeover from solvent-borne

The resin achieves high paint

in waterborne coatings. The additive

to waterborne coatings in the

performance and aesthetics without

is a formulated defoamer based on

coatings industry overall?

added solvent or coalescent, facilitating

silicone polyether and hydrophobic

XMDJ: The changeover from

silica, designed for formulations

solvent-borne to waterborne

serving the architectural, wood, and

coatings in the coatings industry

metal coatings segments.

is a trend which Dow has been

1 DOWSIL™ 8016 is low VOC, being manufactured without added solvent.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Dow

and additives as the preferred source of silicone technologies enabling formulators around the world to develop and manufacture sustainable, innovative and continuously more durable coating solutions. ipcm®: What is the current focus of Dow’s Research and Development activities in coatings? XMDJ: We are positioning Dow as The range of silicones additives and resins developed by DOW address various market needs for waterborne/solvent-borne systems as well as for architectural/industrial paints.

the champion in the development of sustainable and innovative coating products and solutions delivering on the performance standards of the market. Dow will continue develop

following and strongly supporting

stoves, wood stoves & furnaces,

its expertise in coating formulation

as it is fully aligned with our

ovens, chimneys and barbecue

to help customers enter the market

sustainability goals. While this

grills; in the automotive industry,

faster, and will continue extend its

change is well-established in the

for electrical and under the

product portfolio offer in growing high

architectural coating industry, it

hood components and exhaust

value markets.

still meets some road blocks in the

pipes; and in other industrial

industrial coating industry, where

sectors such as the chemical and

ipcm®: What is Dow’s approach to

waterborne systems often suffer

petrochemical processes, for


from a controversial reputation

industrial pipes and all devices

XMDJ: Dow’s ambition is to be

regarding their level of performance

running at elevated temperature.

the most innovative, customer-

in comparison to solvent-borne

centric, inclusive and sustainable

systems. The implementation of

ipcm®: What are the main

materials science company in the

stricter regulations with regard to

requirements for high

world. Sustainability is more than

VOC emissions could however result

temperature coatings?

an important ambition for Dow. It is

in a change in strategy and could

XMDJ: High temperature resistant

key to how we apply science to drive

stimulate the need for waterborne

coatings must guarantee long-

growth, improve our operations and

solutions and their acceptance in

term coating aesthetics and the

help solve some of the world’s most

markets traditionally served with

protection of objects exposed to

complex challenges. To achieve our

solvent-borne systems and in regions

high temperature (above 150°C).

ambition, we are focused on delivering

of the world willing to support this

Under such operating conditions,

breakthrough innovations aligned to

initiative. Our approach is to adapt,

the coating should adhere well

three areas where we have the most

embrace this change and to address

and ensure maximal protection

impact and the most opportunity

it with appropriate products and

of the coated object against

to create shared value for Dow and

solutions delivering on the combined

aggressive environmental stresses

society: circular economy, climate

performance and EH&S benefits,

- to reduce corrosion for instance.

protection, and more sustainable

which the market will continue request.

materials. ipcm®: What are Dow’s market goals for its DOWSIL™ range of

ipcm®: What are the applications

coatings products?

of high temperature coatings?

Dow capitalizes on its strong

XMDJ: High temperature resistant

history of sustainable innovation

coatings find applications in the

in industrial coatings, and aims to

house appliance industry, for gas

keep our DOWSIL™ line of resins


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

ALUMINIUM 2020 13th World Trade Fair & Conference

06 – 08 October 2020 Exhibition Centre Düsseldorf, Germany www.aluminium-exhibition.com/tickets

Officially supported by


WB Coatings Using Dürr Robot to Develop Innovative Paints


he pre-installed, ready-

© Dürr

During the development of new special paints, WB Coatings reached its limits when it came to the usual manual application. That’s when the global paint and coating manufacturer came up with what seemed a rather unconventional idea for its industry: to add a compact painting robot from Dürr to its lab. This enables fully reproducible coating layer thicknesses in the μ range that are absolutely essential in the development of chrome-effect paint systems, for example.

to-paint robot from Dürr is a professional solution

for automated paint application. With coordinated and tested components, it is tailored to the requirements of the general industry – a combination that makes it unique on the market. WB Coatings is the first paint manufacturer to use the “ready2spray” robot in the development of its new products. WB Coatings has been known for its innovations for more than 135 years. Not only did it invent hammertone paint, but also many other special coatings. To this day, it is intensively engaged in research and development. The in-house lab

WB Coatings is now using the compact ready2spray robot from Dürr to test its new paints.

continuously optimizes the recipes for the traditional industrial paint sector, while the innovation centre

chrome look. WB Coatings achieves

very evenly. And the three-layer paint

focuses on new developments for

this effect using paint systems

system in particular needs very thin,

various sectors.

consisting of one, two or three

reproducible coating layers of 2 to

One new product is a chrome-effect

coating layers. “Without using a

3 μm. This is something even highly

paint that can be used, amongst

robot, we would not have been able

experienced hand painters can’t

others, for vehicle interiors. It gives

to develop these new paint systems

achieve,” explains Andreas Ohletz,

components made from plastic,

as a chrome-free alternative for

Head of Sales for Innovations at WB

such as window lift switches or

shiny, silver-coloured surfaces. The


decorative trims on the steering

challenge is to apply the coating

To meet this requirement, WB

wheel, a deceptively realistic

layers of the chrome-effect paint

Coatings opted for an automated


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Dürr


The six-axis compact robot EcoRP 10 R1100 is equipped with application technology and can be used to paint 3D objects with complex geometries.

painting solution from Dürr. It consists of the compact six-axis robot EcoRP 10 R1100 with state-of-the-art application technology including mixing and dosing technology for twocomponent paints (2C), paint supply systems, and controller.

Industrial series production modeled in the lab

we keep an eye on your AUTOMATION needs. vertical&horizontal axis reciprocators | color centers dimensional detection systems | control panels | accessories

The robot system’s automated spray program


i gent asi a libere c r e c one z per

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Dürr


“A major benefit for us is the in-house tests that we can now conduct in our technical centre with various base coats to test recipes. The robot lets us model automated industrial production and develop new paint systems that can make production more profitable for our customers involved in series production,” says Sebastian Grahammer, Head of Development in WB Coatings’ innovation centre.

Robot for complex 3D geometries Normally only sample panels and speed shapes are painted in the paint manufacturers’ labs. The flat spray system WB Coatings originally had in mind would have been sufficient for this. However, Sebastian Grahammer is convinced that the decision to opt for the six-axis robot will give the paint manufacturer the flexibility to respond to customer requirements in the future: “The robot lets us paint 3D objects with complex geometries. With a 2D spray system, we would have limited ourselves in what we could develop.”

Ready to spray in no time Since the application technology is already pre-installed, the Dürr robot system at WB Coatings was set up, installed and ready to paint within just a day and a half. Its compact dimensions enabled it to be integrated into the existing painting booth despite the space constraints. When the robot is in the parked position, painting by hand is still possible in front of the same extraction wall. A wide range of application technology can be installed on the robot, for example the automatic spray gun EcoGun AS AUTO.

“The painting robot is part of our ready2integrate concept. The concept centres on technologically sophisticated and tested application solutions that are easy to integrate into individually designed plants. Dürr collaborates with selected system partners here, since they enjoy extremely close proximity to their customers,

eliminates any deviations, and thus delivers

are familiar with their requirements, and can act with

maximum reproducibility. This starts with dosing

an extremely high level of flexibility,” explains Holger

the components in the exact same ratio every

Beiersdorfer, Vice President Industrial Products at Dürr.

time. Mixing the tiny quantities of just a few

Dürr will be showcasing its ready2spray technologies for

milligrams by hand poses too great a risk of

automated painting at PaintExpo (stand 3320, hall 3).

inaccuracies. The painting result is also influenced

The painting robot EcoRP 10 R1100 will be presented

by the application speed and the distance from

at the booths of the Dürr partners Eurotherm (hall 2,

the object to be painted. These factors inevitably

booth 2539), L&S Oberflächentechnik (hall 1, booth

vary with manual application, while the robot

1238) and SIDASA Engineering (hall 1, booth 2540).

works completely uniformly and as a result also produces identical coating layer thicknesses.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.durr.com

© Lucrezia Roda

Opening photo: From the series STEEL-LIFE: “STEEL-LIFE #5”, 2016.


The Hidden Colours of the Industrial World Revealed by Lucrezia Roda’s Photographs The third interview dedicated to the perception of surfaces through art opens to the world of photography.

Monica Fumagalli ipcm®


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



photograph pictures a moment and makes it eternal: the contrast between the ever-

changing world and photography, which captures it forever, is perhaps what fascinates us most about this particular art form. Lucrezia Roda, a young Italian photographer, was able to add a sense of mutability to her photos by portraying the salient moments of some particular industrial processes. These became the subject of her research work on the mechanical engineering sector, which resulted in her first collection, called “STEEL LIFE”. She had the idea not to portray the factories’ everyday lives that we all know, but rather to focus on metal transformation, thus revealing the unexpected colours that are hidden behind production processes. This pictures’ impact is such that it amazes any observer, whose attention is captured by the geometries, shades, and surface lights of the objects under

Lucrezia Roda.

treatment. Lucrezia Roda donated one of the most evocative images of this series for the charity auction organised last

connection. Memory, understood as

extremely fascinating and I believe

July to celebrate the tenth anniversary

the psychic function of reproducing

that the correlation between art

of EOS Mktg&Communication. We will

experiences in one’s own mind:

and industry is a great example

describe her participation in the event

everything I produce connects me

of this. Since the industrial

in the next issue of the magazine. In

with the past and, as a consequence,

revolution, the permeation of

the meantime, it is interesting and

it is concretely preserved in my

these two worlds has prompted

once again surprising to read this

memories. Curiosity, understood

reflections on big issues such as

young photographer’s words, which

as the spontaneous desire to know

the definition of essential and the

summarise her lucid and profound

for the sake of knowledge; I am

creation of relationships that are

approach to a form of expression

a very curious person and this it

not exclusively mechanistic, but

that was the subject of a debate as to

has often been the driving force of

rather involve people’s sensitivity,

whether it should be considered art or

my projects. Connection, because

memory, feelings, and culture.

not for a long time. Her answers can in

art is a sentimental language for

Indeed, I think that creative

fact clarify this controversial issue.

communicating with others.

energy does not lie in the creators’ hand and means of expression,

1) Can you describe your art and your idea of being an artist in three words?

but in their thoughts. I also

The three words with which I would

2) What relationship exists between art and industry and how does it translate into your creations?

summarise my personal relationship

I have always found the relationship

creation and reproducibility

with art are memory, curiosity, and

between tangible and ephemeral

techniques and, more recently,

believe that the industrial world has made a great contribution to art – in the past, with its

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


© Lucrezia Roda

From the series SEEN CITY, for the Dino Zoli Foundation: “la Nave Blu”, Ravenna 2019.

with new technologies and means

the “STEEL-LIFE” project, analysing

good or bad, as if I were observing

of expression. Finally, I think that

metals and their transformations, is

reality through magnifying glasses.

the correlation between art and

the one founded by my grandfather

My first approach to a project is

industry is a wonderful exchange that

and still belonging to my family.

meticulous and rational: I study

strengthens both parties.

Used to shoot “behind the scenes”

mechanisms and processes and,

My relationship with art is connected

thanks to my training as a theatre

as far as factories are concerned,

to the industrial world in many

and stage photographer, I have

what happens in their various

respects. First of all, as I consider its

always used the same approach

production phases. After that,

language in line with my expressive

when taking pictures in a factory,

when I find a subject that enthrals

and aesthetic style, I use photography

doing so with the curiosity to

me, I rely on my intuition. I do

in my projects, which is the industrial-

discover a hidden reality that most

not have a systematic method

era communication medium par

people can only imagine.

for this phase, as it is influenced by what I feel at every different

excellence. Secondly, since the dawn

moment. I try to shoot the images

roots in my personal history. Indeed,

3) What draws your attention and makes you choose the right moment to take a picture?

the first company that I portrayed for

I tend to emphasise any emotion,

in me with a detail of with their

of my artistic career, I have captured several different facets of the industry, because my connection with it has its


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

that fascinate me and attract my eyes, due to their geometry or because they arouse an emotion

From the series SEEN CITY, for the Dino Zoli Foundation: “la Casetta”, Ferrara 2019.

© Lucrezia Roda

© Lucrezia Roda


From the series SEEN CITY - “le Torri”, for the Dino Zoli Foundation: “Torre con luci e neon”, Ravenna 2019

atmosphere. The themes that

of the art of colours influences my

since I am also a great user

most draw my attention, and

photographic research starting

and enthusiast of it. Among

consequently that are the most

from the choice of subjects, along

the countless artists who have

recurring in my images, include

with many other criteria, such as

inspired me with every means

beauty, which can be found in

light and geometric rigour. I tend

of expression, photographer

every place and context, symmetry,

to emphasise tints, especially if

and director Stanley Kubrick

aesthetic harmony, and the

contrasting, thus making them as

stands out as my stylistic icon.

dualism between order and chaos,

vivid and saturated as possible.

His approach to creation was

perfection and imperfection.

Colours and their expressiveness

similar to mine, and I believe

are also crucial in the printing

that his obsession with the

4) What techniques do you use for the development of your photographs?

phase. Once developed, my

curse of perfection actually

pictures cannot be defined

allowed him to achieve it. If I

drastically different from the

had to choose only one work, I

In the selection and post-production

reality portrayed, but neither an

would mention one belonging

phase, which is the slowest but

exact copy of it, as I do not care

to the trilogy “Stati d’animo. Gli

sometimes my favourite one, I

to keep it unchanged: I do not try

addii. Quelli che vanno. Quelli

develop and “shape” my photos

to reproduce it faithfully, but to

che restano” made by Umberto

highlighting what led me to shoot. I

represent a nuance of it existing

Boccioni in 1911, at the height

mainly use digital photography and

only in my imagination.

of Futurism. I think it represents the true meaning of the link

much of my images’ impact is due to

the development stage could be

5) Can you describe a work or an artist that was a source of inspiration for you and why?

defined very systematic. The study

My relationship with art is dual,

meticulous post-production work. Contrary to my intuitive approach to the shooting phase, that to

between art and industry: enclosing a moving feeling in the industrial frenzy.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



Has the Pandemic Changed Economic Dynamics? Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy



verything has been said about the

reopening phase as soon as possible.

when other sectors will start recovering. On

pandemic. However, not many

Continuing with our analysis of Europe,

the other hand, it is also a strength, because

analyses have been made on future

England was also hugely impacted.

we will be able to observe what industries

economic dynamics. Someone has

2020 is a crucial, transitional year for

will be the first to invest and understand

gone into bold predictions related to a

Brexit, as the country should leave the

where there will be a greater need for

“return to normal” in 2021, but almost

EU on 1 January 2021. It will probably


all the economic “voices” have involved

not, because the collapse of the Pound

Overseas, the United States of America

requests for help from the governments

together with the health and political

has been seriously affected and President

to support the industry. How will our

issues tied to the “Covid management”

Trump has repeatedly spoken out against

economy change?

could push the UK to ask for an

the lockdown to entice his electorate made

China was certainly the country that

extension of the transition period, with

up of entrepreneurs and self-employed

suffered the greatest economic impact,

further uncertainties on various areas,

workers. However, his statement that “If US

also because of the lockdown policies

including the regulatory one (how long

has 100,000 to 200,000 deaths, we have

implemented, the first and strictest one

will European standards apply to the UK?

done a good job” is forcing him to offer

in the world. For the first time in several

What will be the role of England on the

his mea culpa, given that the current data

decades, one of the strongest and

various working tables of the European

are already close to that figure. However,

constantly growing economies at the

bodies in which English representatives

historically, the US economy has always

global level will have a negative national

already participate?). Meanwhile, the

used a series of “vaccines” for recovery, such

GDP at the end of this year. This could

health and economic crisis is also falling

as the New Deal after the Great Depression

tempt other economies, which are

on Russia, which initially seemed almost

and, more recently, the financial crisis of

already seizing market opportunities

free from the virus. This will generate a

2007 in the aftermath of the September 11

where China has lost ground. However,

series of problems relating to the natural

attacks. Therefore, it is estimated that the

we should not forget that China is not

resources imported by other countries.

run-up to growth will be accelerated.

only a competitor, but also a supplier. Its

In Italy, there will be two important

Among other things, it has not been

crisis is spreading like wildfire to other

sectors that will experience serious

emphasised that the virus has mainly

countries as well.

losses in 2020, trade and tourism. On

affected the countries with developed

A similar phenomenon has occurred

the other hand, the industrial sector

economies, and only with months of delay

within the European continent,

has already restarted as soon as

has it reached the developing ones. In terms

where each country has adopted

Phase 2 was announced and, despite

of health at the international level, this was

different solutions with very different

numerous difficulties, that economic

a lifesaver: the response to the pandemic

lockdown periods, without any central

space that existed before this sad year

will be more effective than in a hypothetical

coordination. This has resulted in

is being rebuilt. The finishing industry,

reverse case.

different evolutions of the pandemic, but

in particular, has the advantage/

In conclusion, we have lived in a globalised

also in the creation of several economies

disadvantage of being related to a

world for some time now, but each

with different paces. Foreign companies

process phase located the end of the

economy will have a different recovery

with suppliers in Italy had to look for

production cycle and, therefore, of

speed. It will be very important to grasp

new partners in other countries, with

being subjected to the cyclical economic

these dynamics at the international level.

severe consequences on our market

fluctuations of the upstream sectors

Italian companies have always had a

and our competitiveness. This was one

with a “delay”. On the one hand, this is a

vocation for export. This period, therefore,

of the reasons why ANIMA asked the

weakness for us, as we will experience

will present a series of opportunities for

Italian government to authorise a safe

difficulties for some time to come, even

them. (But first, let us heal our wounds.)


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine





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JUNE 2020 surfex uk



June 2-3, 2020

June 2-5, 2020

Essen, Germany

automechanica dubai

Dubai, UAE


buildexpo africa

die & mold china


plastvision arabia

N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

surface and coatings technologies October 20-21, 2020

June 3-4, 2020

June 7-9, 2020

November 3-6, 2020

October 7-8, 2020

October 19-21, 2020

January 26-28, 2021

November 2-4, 2020


building and construction July 22-24, 2020


die & mold manufacturing technology October 10-13, 2020

Atlanta, USA


surface technology

June 15-17, 2020


plastic converting machinery and technology

Sharjah, UAE June 15-18, 2020


automotive manufacturing industry

Shanghai, China June 10-14, 2020


manufacturing and subcontracting industry

Nairobi, Kenya June 10-12, 2020


automotive industry

Beijing, China June 9-11, 2020


plastics additives and compounding

Birmingham, UK June 9-11, 2020


surface treatment technology


compounding world expo



Coventry, UK

to a later date




surcar north america

fabtech canada

Detroit, USA June 16-17, 2020

metalworking industry

June 16-18, 2020


Stuttgart, Germany

surface technology germany - o&s

Stuttgart, Germany

svtm coatings expo vietnam ifs china

revac expo

sensor + test

manufacturing expo

surface & coatings


Toronto, Canada

global automotive components and suppliers


DXWRPRWLYH ERG\ ȴQLVKLQJ October 6-7, 2020

June 16-18, 2020

June 16-18, 2020

automotive supply chain November 10-12, 2020

surface treatments and coatings October 27-29, 2020

Munich, Germany June 16-19, 2020

December 8-11, 2020


Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam

coatings and printing ink industry November 11-13, 2020


Nürnberg, Germany


IDVWHQHU DQG ȴ[LQJ LQGXVWU\ November 3-5, 2020

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia June 23-25, 2020


vacuum technologies and materials treatment

June 17-18, 2020

June 22-24, 2020


smart automation and robotics

Nantes, France

June 17-19, 2020



heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration October 20-22, 2020


measurement technology

June 23-25, 2020


Bangkok, Thailand

manufacturing industry

June 24-27, 2020


Bangkok, Thailand

surface treatments and coatings

June 24-27, 2020


international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63




New Dates Announced for Surfex

© Surfex

The Surfex Organising Team announced the new dates for Surfex exhibition 20-21 October 2020 at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry, UK. “This decision to reschedule has taken this into account and has been made following consultation with OCCA and the Board of Surfex Ltd about suitable action which is in the overall interests of exhibitors, sponsors, speakers and other stakeholders to determine the best outcome for all. We believe in the circumstances that these new dates provide the best opportunity for our exhibitors, sponsors and attendees to do


business and we are ith concern escalating

The latest developments have

confident that these new dates will

over the Coronavirus

significantly increased the concerns

deliver an excellent alternative timing,

outbreak (COVID-19); the

of participating companies about

and enable us to offer a successful

announcement by the Prime Minister

the health of their employees. Step

event for everyone involved”.

regarding the need for social distancing;

Exhibitions has the same concerns,

All exhibition bookings, delegate

and following consultation, the Surfex

having the health and safety of

bookings, awards dinner bookings

Organising Team has concluded that

exhibitors, visitors, partners and

and visitor pre-registrations will be

it is in the best interest of all parties to

staff as its number one priority.

transferred automatically to the

reschedule Surfex.

It has not been easy to secure a

new dates and there will be further

The team apologises for any

tenancy options as many events

communication to all groups over

inconvenience this may cause, but it

in the UK calendar as also looking

the coming weeks to ensure that

believes that the health and safety

to reschedule. “We were also keen

everyone is aware of this change in

of exhibitors, visitors and staff is its

to secure the same facilities to


number one priority. Accordingly, the

minimise any further disruption to

new dates are 20-21 October 2020 at

the layout and format of Surfex”

For further information:

the Ricoh Arena, Coventry (UK).

– as we read in the press release.



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Supplemento a IPCM n° 63 - May/June 2020


ICT digital on



Im Impianti di lavaggio Washing machines aquaroll® AF Impianto di lavaggio ad asse orizzontale Horizontal axis washing machine

aquaroll® EE40 Impianto di lavaggio rotazionale Rotational washing machine

aquaroll® MR9 Impianto di lavaggio rotativo a getti mirati robotizzato Rotary washing machine with robotized waterjet

aquatunn® Impianto di lavaggio a tunnel con trasporto a rulli Tunnel washing machine with roller conveyor

aquatunn® Impianto di lavaggio a tunnel con traspor trasporto a navette Tunnel washing wash machine with shuttles conveyor

STS Srl - Via L. Galvani, 8 - 48123 Ravenna RA (Italia) Tel. +39 0544 456731 - Fax +39 0544 456733 we b : w w w. s t s i t a ly. i t - e m a i l : i n fo @ s t s i t a ly. i t


© SensoTech

SensoTech Presents LiquiSonic® Lab 3-in-1 Sensor for High Precision Process Monitoring SensoTech GmbH has designed a high precision 3-in 1 sensor for laboratories and technical centres.


o provide a functional solution to inline reaction monitoring, where little space is available, and under harsh conditions, SensoTech has developed a 3-in-1

sensor designed for reactors and small plants in laboratory and technology centres, which enables high precision monitoring of sonic velocity, attenuation and temperature.

LiquiSonic® System: Controller and a model of a sensor with 12 mm diameter, typically installed in the lid of laboratory reactors of pressurized vessels.

LiquiSonic® is directly flanged into the reactor lid and provides an opportunity for complex polymerization or crystallization reactions monitoring, e.g. in down-scale reactors, and even in harsh conditions like high temperature or pressure.

Special sensor materials like Hastelloy HC2000, tantalum

“The selection of precise analyser for laboratory vessels, small

or titanium protect against corrosion and promote long

process reactors and technical centres presents the user with

process life.

a major challenge. On the one hand the analyser should be as space-saving as possible; on the other hand the device must

Applications and use of LiquiSonic®

withstand harsh and changing process conditions. Especially for

The LiquiSonic® Lab sensor is a 3-in-1 all-round analyser,

R&D and process up-scaling tests specific parameters must be

measuring sonic velocity, attenuation and temperature in

changed and inline monitored: high temperature levels, pressure


drops, fluctuations in concentration level, process interruptions

These parameters allow to monitor R&D processes or

by impurities, secondary components etc. LiquiSonic provides a

new designed active pharmaceutical ingredients as well,

solution to all these challenges”, explains SensoTech.

and LiquiSonic® can be applied also for the evaluation of


Installation and features of LiquiSonic

nucleation and saturation curves of numerous mother ®

liquors, the monitoring of the percentage of crystal

The sensor is fixed into the reactor lid and fits through every

content and the small-scale testing of polymerization

fitting > 12 mm. Process kinetics can be monitored inline and

processes. In this case, the changing sonic velocity and

even under extreme process conditions in such pressurized

attenuation indicate the polymerization degree.

miniplants or pilot reactors.

The results from such laboratory reactor or pilot plant

The LiquiSonic system provides a space-saving design, separated

studies are always available thanks to the internal

sensor electronics and a user-friendly, multilingual controller with

long-time memory, and can be exploited for large-scale

powerful data memory.

process optimization, where typically ultrasonic analysers

The LiquiSonic® Lab 3-in-1-sensor can be implemented for

can be found as well.


installations up to 160°C and 16bar and for measurements in highly viscous suspensions.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.sensotech.com


Cemastir Incorporated a Branch of the Dollmar Group

© Cemastir

In April, Cemastir Lavametalli S.r.l. announced the incorporation of a Dollmar Group branch.

C b

emastir, a leading company in the production

(Milan, Italy). Indeed, after the opening of a branch

of industrial detergent and solvent-based

in Germany in 2017, this operation was aimed

cleaning machines, incorporated a branch

at further improving Cemastir’s presence on the

of Milan-based company Dollmar in April 2020. In

domestic market. It was therefore a further step in its

turn, this manufacturing branch includes the FINEP

growth path, as it will strengthen the company’s sales

brand, known for its expertise in the construction of

network, its knowledge of complementary systems,

water and detergent-based metal cleaning machines

its offer, and its market penetration capacity. In terms

and coating systems and characterised by a solid

of strategy, this incorporation will therefore lead

commercial network, already active in the sale of

Cemastir to strengthen its know-how and bring added

solvent cleaning machines for over thirty years.

value to its structure, products, distribution network,

This incorporation will strengthen Cemastir’s market

and commercial activity.

leadership, also thanks to the new offices and showroom of the plant located in Caleppio di Settala

For further information: www.cemastir.it

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



MicroCare Offers IPA Alternatives for Electronics Assembly


© Microcare

MicroCare Corporation is offering an alternative to IPA, whose consumption isbconstantlybrising due to the COVID-19 health emergency. The full line of Microcare products cleans just as well as IPA, but unlike IPA is non-flammable for added plant and worker safety.

he Coronavirus is making the availability of IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) scarce. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using cleaners

made of at least 70% alcohol to disinfect surfaces. This has led to a widespread global demand for IPA with much of itbdiverted for use in hospitals and other medical settings. As a result, electronics and medical device manufacturers are facing IPA shortages which were once used for cleaning products during and after manufacturing. To help counter this impact, MicroCare Corporation, a leading global manufacturer of critical cleaning, coating and debinding products, is offering an alternative to IPA that cleans just as well, if not better than IPA. Dan Sinclair, MicroCare National Sales Manager, said: “IPA is one of the most common cleaning fluids used as it is inexpensive and readily available. However, due to Coronavirus, IPA is in short supply as it is being widely used in a number of hygiene products for example hand sanitizers, cleaning solutions and disinfectants. If you can get hold of IPA the prices have in general been significantly increased in response to the high demand. In fact

Many MicroCare cleaning fluids can be used as an IPA alternative.

Isopropyl Alcohol prices have more than tripled in the U.S. since March 101. This has left a short fall in a number of industries like the electronics and medical sectors where it is used to clean components. There are however superior replacements out there.”

to help companies clean properly, safely and more

MicroCare offers a full line of IPA alternatives. Unlike IPA,


they are non-flammable for added plant and worker safety.

“Because we have a strong supply chain and multiple

They include everything from cleaning fluids like SuprClean

manufacturing locations, we have the flexibility to

Heavy Duty Flux Remover to ESD Cleaning Wipes and

produce our products and deliver as scheduled so

the No-Clean Flux Remover Cleaning Pen. The MicroCare

customers can still achieve optimal cleaning results,”

portfolio of progressive cleaning fluids has been developed

concluded Sinclair.

1 https://www.wsj.com/articles/pandemic-sparks-price-surge-for-alcohol-used-inhand-sanitizer-11585915202

For further information: www.microcare.com


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Automatic sealed ultrasonic cleaning machine 2S 90/24-P-F PCT AC Our machine requires only 5 kW (about 20% of the normal power requested by type Ib machines).

The future of green technology.

MEG S.r.l. Via Rometta, 13/G - S. Martino di Lupari (PD) - Italy Phone +39 049 9461165 - Fax +39 049 9461133 e-mail info@meg.it – www.meg.it



Optimum Preparation of Bonding Sites with CO2 Snow - Cleaning Structural Joining Surfaces Effectively and Efficiently Doris Schulz, ds@pressetextschulz.de

Š acp systems AG

SCHULZ. PRESSE. TEXT., Korntal – Germany

Opening photo: The environmentally-friendly quattroClean snow jet cleaning technology from acp systems AG is one of the preferable solutions for cleaning the automotive components to be joined.

In order to save weight, an increasing number of assemblies used in the automotive industry today are made of plastic or lightweight metal which need to be glued together. The reliable pre-treatment of the joining surfaces is a must, especially where structural components are concerned. This is where quattroClean comes into play. The climate-neutral technology has a number of advantages over other dry cleaning processes.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Š acp systems AG


When it comes to the selective cleaning of structural joining surfaces, such as body parts or battery housings, the robust, cold and dry quattroClean process with a wide working window ensures that cleanliness requirements are met in series productions.


expands on exiting to form fine

ightweight construction is not

are not suitable for this. Among

new to the automotive industry.

others, the areas to be joined

However, as electro-mobility is

invariably have to be much cleaner

bundled by a separate jacketed jet of

CO2 snow. This core jet is then

becoming more popular and CO2

than the rest of the component.

compressed air and accelerated to

emissions continue to be reduced,

Such cleaning processes cannot

supersonic speed. When the easily-

this topic is becoming increasingly

be integrated into a production

focused jet of snow and compressed

relevant. OEMs and suppliers are

or assembly line - or can only be

air impacts on the surface to be

therefore turning to lighter materials

integrated with extreme effort.

cleaned, a combination of thermal,

such as aluminium and plastics for

Consequently, dry processes

mechanical, sublimation and solvent

body parts, e.g. doors, vehicle roofs,

are preferable, for example

effects occur. The interaction of

trunk lids, tailgates and engine hoods.

the environmentally-friendly

these four mechanisms of action

Changes in manufacturing and joining

quattroClean snow jet cleaning

detaches particulate (e.g. dust,

methods such as bonding instead

technology from acp systems AG.

chips, abrasion, micro burrs)

of welding, riveting or screwing,

It is implemented in a wide range

and filmic contamination (e.g.

enable further weight savings. To

of industries for the selective or

separating agents, drawing oils,

guarantee the necessary adhesive

full-surface cleaning of components

emulsions, silicones, traces of

strength when bonding structural

made from practically all types of

powder) in a reproducible manner.

body parts or battery housings, for

material. The cleaning process is

The aerodynamic force of the

example, the joining surfaces must

so gentle on materials that even

compressed air carries away the

meet high cleanliness and wettability

delicate substrates can be treated.

detached contamination, which


The cleaning medium used by the

is then removed by an integrated

technology is liquid carbon dioxide,

extraction system.

EďŹƒcient partial dry cleaning instead of fullsurface wet cleaning

which is generated as a by-product

For various reasons, conventional

therefore environmentally neutral.

Cold, easily-automated cleaning process with wide operating window

wet-chemical cleaning processes

It is guided through a wear-free

Developed more than 20 years

with water-based media or solvents

two-component ring nozzle and

ago, the quattroClean technology

from chemical processes and energy generation from biogas and

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


Š acp systems AG


of standard modules. These take the form of stand-alone solutions and as well as systems for integration into production lines and networked manufacturing environments.

Adhesive pre-treatment of structural components made of plastic and metal The quattroClean process established itself over atmospheric pressure-plasma cleaning as a pre-treatment (removal of separating agent residues and surface activation) for two parts to be joined that are made of fibrereinforced polyamide (PA) and non-reinforced PA. Components cleaned by plasma were unable to meet the requirements of the destructive adhesion test carried out after bonding. Furthermore, the narrow window The combined eect of the four mechanisms of action enables particulate and filmic contamination to be reliably removed from plastics and metallic components via an inline automated process.

of the plasma cleaning process meant that parameters such as exposure time, distance and angle of incidence of the plasma had to be strictly observed in order to clean the surface effectively and not over-activate the plastic. For this application, acp worked together with the company to develop a multi-stage process in

is one of the most efficient, effective and versatile dry

which the components are not only cleaned

processes on the market. Various process-related

automatically but also activated and bonded.

properties enable the technology to achieve better and

An Asian OEM was looking for a process

more reliable results in series production than other

to remove minimal amounts of residues of

dry cleaning methods such as atmospheric pressure

drawing oil from formed aluminium body

plasma or laser cleaning. It is also more robust and has

parts before bonding. The company carried

a wide operating window. A further advantage is that

out comparative tests with plasma, laser and

the component areas to be treated do not become hot

quattroClean cleaning technologies. While the

when they are cleaned.

plasma process proved to be unsuccessful,

Thanks to the scalability of the industry 4.0-compatible

laser cleaning was able to remove the drawing

quattroClean system, it can be easily adapted to

oil. However, the component became hot

different applications and component geometries in a

during cleaning, which resulted in undesirable

space-saving way. All process parameters, such as the

side effects. This was an exclusion criteria,

volume flows for compressed air and carbon dioxide,

as was also the relatively low speed of the

the number of jets and length of time and area the jet

process. In addition to achieving the target

is applied to, are precisely tailored to the respective

cleanliness values and demonstrating high

component as the result of pilot tests performed in the

process speeds and reliability, the quattroClean

acp technical centre. The parameters also take material

process also impressed with its robustness

properties and the type of contamination requiring

and cost-effectiveness. According to the

removal into account and can be filed as part-specific

OEM’s calculations, investment costs are only

cleaning programs in the system controls. Tailored

a quarter of those for a wet-chemical process,

system concepts are developed by acp on the basis

and operating costs are less than half.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Maximum Cleanliness for Components of Dosing Units Doris Schulz, ds@pressetextschulz.de

© Ecoclean

SCHULZ. PRESSE. TEXT., Korntal – Germany

Opening photo: The machine for cleaning the components of urea solution feeding and dosing devices is directly integrated into the production workflow.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


C b

ummins Emission Solutions is a global leader in the

© Ecoclean

For optimum functionality, components of the urea solution dosing devices used in Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems must meet very exacting cleanliness standards. To reach this level, Cummins Emission Solutions relies on an EcoCcore machine in their newly built plant in Juarez, Mexico. Operating with a hydrocarbon cleaning medium, the EcoCcore is the optimal choice for Cummins’ application due to its superior cleaning performance when compared to the aqueous cleaning systems normally employed. But the EcoCcore also shines in terms of turnaround times, process reliability and cost efficiency.

manufacturing of exhaust

aftertreatment systems for diesel engines. These systems are employed in both commercial vehicles and machinery. Their portfolio is comprised of feeding and dosing units for urea solutions, which are a key element in the SCR systems designed to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Cummins Juarez Emission Solutions, established in 2014 in the Mexican city of Ciudad Juárez, is among the sites where these feeding and dosing systems are built.

Cleanliness as a functional must A decisive factor for the effectiveness of an SCR system is that the urea solution is atomized as finely as possible as it gets

The EcoCcore convinced Hugo E. Pérez through its optimum combination of key factors – cleaning performance, throughput and cost efficiency.

injected into the exhaust stream in a metered flow. “Part cleanliness play a key role for the optimum

manufacturing. One challenge

manufacturers with a priority

functionality of our dosing system”,

with such parts, which are made

list topped by high cleaning

explains Hugo E. Pérez, Manager

of various steel alloys, lies in

performance, high throughput and

of Production Technology and New

cleaning hard-to-reach interior

cost efficiency.

Product Launches at Cummins


Juarez Emission Solutions. The

So when it came to selecting

components get contaminated

a cleaning machine for these

Water-free operation a key additional criterion

with machining oils and grease

components, the company

When talking with Ecoclean, the

as well as particles during

turned to various equipment

company’s project managers opted

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


for an EcoCcore because the system can work with nonhydrogenated

© Ecoclean


hydrocarbon or modified alcohol. Their choice was prompted by the cleanliness results achieved in the cleaning trials conducted as well as by the overall equipment design. “Cummins Juarez uses aqueous cleaning systems a lot. As Ciudad Juarez is located in the Chihuahuan desert where water is scarce, the machine’s water-free operating process proved a major advantage. Its integrated reconditioning feature allows us to regenerate the solvent quite well, so that we can use the medium for a long time without extra maintenance requirements or replacement”, notes Hugo E. Pérez. Within the Cummins Group, more than 15 aqueous and solvent-based cleaning systems sourced from Ecoclean deliver demand-based part cleanliness at sites in India, the U.S. and Mexico.

The machine is loaded via an integrated conveyor. Its work chamber, rated for a maximum batch size of 670 x 480 x 400 mm, accommodates the cleaning steps of vapor degreasing, injection flood washing, ultrasonic cleaning, and drying.

Modern technology for high cleanliness The EcoCcore employed at Cummins Juarez runs with halogen-free

medium, respectively, thus optimizing

hydrocarbon and operates in a full

degreasing performance. In addition

High throughput and short cycle times

vacuum. A single-chamber system, it

to standard injection flood washing,

At Cummins Juarez the parts are

comes with comprehensive standard

the system also provides ultrasonic

arranged in part carriers for cleaning,

features, including, e.g., two stainless

cleaning which can be activated

which are placed on the machine’s

steel flood tanks for pre-cleaning

concurrently with filtration. Removed

conveyor system and automatically

and fine cleaning, heat recovery,

particles will thus be discharged during

loaded into the work chamber,

full-flow and bypass filtration, plus a

the cleaning process and cannot settle

designed for cleaning containers

high-performance distillation circuit.

in the work chamber. A frequency-

measuring up to 670 x 480 x 400

The standard pre-vapor degreasing

controlled rotary drive provides the

mm and a maximum load weight of

function further contributes to high

rotation and precision positioning of

200 kg. The large batch size allows

part cleanliness. Here, the solvent

product carriers. “Thanks to its vacuum

multiple part carriers to be stacked

contaminated with oil is not sent

operation, the diverse cleaning modes,

in one single load combined with

to the flood tanks as is customary,

the rotating device and vacuum drying,

nonstop operations of the machine

rather it is transferred directly into

this single-chamber unit provides

during 3 shifts, which helps to

the distillation system. This minimizes

excellent performance and achieves a

achieve the desired high

oil fouling in the flood tank and oil

very satisfactory cleaning result”, says

throughput rate.

enrichment of the hydrocarbon

Hugo E. Pérez.

Consistent with the diversity of


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© Ecoclean

Your Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge

Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Simple Principle

The part-specific cleaning program is selected manually on the machine’s intuitive graphic user interface using self-explanatory pictograms.

parts handled, Cummins uses 9 of the 16

throughput and cost efficiency”, adds Hugo

different part-specific cleaning programs.

E. Pérez.

In this way, the various process parameters injection flood washing and vapor degreasing,

Small footprint saves production floorspace

ultrasonic power level and duration, drying

Another important factor for the Manager

settings – can be optimally adapted to the

of Production Technology was low

specific product being cleaned. The program

space demand. With its dimensions of

is manually selected by the operator but

4663 x 1938 mm (L x W), the system

starts automatically once the door of the

occupies only around 9 square meters

work chamber has closed. Cleaning times

of production floorspace, which is very

vary between 6 and 8 minutes per wash

valuable at Cummins Juarez. “The EcoCcore

load, depending on the program. These fairly

appears small when compared to other

short cycles further ensure that throughput

manufacturers’ cleaning equipment,

specifications are met and hence, per-part

but this small machine delivers better

cleaning costs are minimized. “The EcoCcore

performance than substantially larger

impresses with its very good combination

systems and is therefore well worth the

of the essentials – cleaning performance,

investment”, Hugo E. Pérez concludes.

– e.g., treatment times and intervals for

Effective Result

Leading companies rely on vacuum distillation systems for the sustainable treatment of industrial wastewater. Do you want to benefit from a zero liquid discharge production with VACUDEST aswell?

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Positioned Cleaning of 360 Suspension Tubes/Hour with Teknox’s Technology


© Teknox

Teknox recently installed a cleaning system for suspension tubes at a Romanian factory of an important German car part manufacturer. system devoted exclusively to the cleaning of suspension tubes has been recently installed in

the Romanian plant of an important German company, a Tier1 supplier of several major car manufacturers and a car part manufacturer. TEKNOX (Budrio, Bologna, Italy) designed and installed it in collaboration with local distributor BLAUTECH INDUSTRIAL (Brasov, Romania). Established in 1967, Teknox specialises in the design and construction of industrial cleaning systems with water-based products. The cleaning system installed at the Romanian factory includes a tunnel plant with an inverted conveyor featuring workpiece-holding fixtures. These were specially designed so that one operator alone can hook (during loading) and

The cleaning plant for suspension tubes.

unhook (during unloading) the suspension tubes to be treated, whose size ranges

reaching the second chamber, the

The entrance of each area features

from 38 mm in diameter and 150 mm in

parts pass through a neutral area to

laser sensors that communicate

height to 65 mm in diameter and 800 mm

avoid contamination of the following

with a PLC, which allows monitoring

in height.

bath. The subsequent station

and managing the entire cycle. The

In the loading-unloading station, the

performs a rinse with a solution of

first cleaning tank is also equipped

operator places the parts on the quick-

water and an antioxidant protective

with a coalescing oil separator

spring coupling fixtures. Once on the

product. After rinsing, the tubes are

produced by Teknox, guaranteeing

conveyor, the components are taken

subjected to a first drying stage with

the separation of pollutants from the

through a “step-by-step” movement

compressed air. Then, they enter the

cleaning solution and its subsequent

to the first chamber, for the cleaning

actual hot-air drying station, reaching a

recirculation. The productivity of this

process with an alkaline detergent.

temperature of 130° C. Before arriving

plant is 8000 tubes per day on

Nozzles mounted on the walls clean the

at the unloading area, they finally pass

three shifts.

outside of the tubes, whereas another

through a cooling area in order to

The next ICT issue will include an

one enters them to clean their internal

enable their handling, at a maximum

article about the success story of this

areas with a high-pressure jet. Before

temperature of about 30 °C.

interesting plant.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Endless Cleaning Karlheinz Schechinger k.schechinger@sle-technology.com

© SLE Technology GmbH

SLE Technology GmbH – Grafenau, Germany

Opening photo: Flexible nozzle systems for high pressure cleaning and drying module.

The high-level cleanliness requirements drive the cleaning systems manufacturing to improve its products and services, by making them more flexible, more high-performance and more adaptable to the customers’ different needs. SLE Technology GmbH shows the innovative features of its latest systems offered to the market. Cleaning and drying endless material inline

welding or gluing, etc., quit often

regarding residual dirt (gravimetric

a defined surface tension of the

analysis) and the number and sizes

In the industrial processing of

component surface is required

of particles are also increasing.

metal strips or punched strips,

for these subsequent processing

One way to achieve these

such as coating, soldering,

steps. The requirements

high-level cleanliness requirements


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Š SLE Technology GmbH

Š SLE Technology GmbH


3D model of the cleaning, neutral zone and drying areas.

simple steps thanks to adjustable guiderails and quickly adjustable nozzle systems.

Component-adapted cleaning Different component geometries require different processes. Based

The Microclean SC E80 system.

on the product to be cleaned, the cleaning stations are configured in terms of size, arrangement and structure of the nozzle systems

in a targeted manner is inline cleaning

Or adapted to the individual

or other required process units.

for continuous material with an

requirements so that almost all

In this way, a dimensionally stable

aqueous spray cleaning system.

requirements in this segment can be

punched strip can be degreased

The cleaning system manufacturer SLE


at high pressure to the required

Technology GmbH has been working

surface tension value or cleaned

has revised its system concept for

Variety of products to be cleaned

endless cleaning systems with a view

The variety of products that can be

with narrow shape tolerances, on

to the high requirements.

processed on the system includes

the other hand, requires a process

In addition to a higher degree of

different strip widths, heights and

with low cleaning pressure to avoid

standardization, the goals here were

punching strip geometries. The

damages. For other products, on

shorter delivery times and lower

systems can be implemented for strip

the other hand, it may be necessary

investment costs for the customer.

widths from a few millimetres to some

to add further process steps to

Nevertheless, the modular concept

hundreds of millimetres. In addition

the cleaning process, such as

offers all necessary options to

it is possible to run a defined range

moving through a brush module.

respond excellently to individual

of stripe widths and stripe heights on

According to the modular design,

customer requirements.

one system. In this way, customer-

all cleaning and rinsing circuits can

So cleaning and rinsing stations,

specific strips can be optimally

be implemented with low-pressure

several drying executions, as well

processed both in small product

or high-pressure pumps (up to

as an integrated or downstream

batches and in large series. The

100 bar). Several cleaning and

preservation module can be used

changeover to the respective strip can

rinsing zones can be lined up and

in standardized configurations.

be done very quickly with just a few

application-specific cleaning or

on this topic for many decades and

from tinsels (glitter) in the cleaning chamber. A very filigree component

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63


Š SLE Technology GmbH

Š SLE Technology GmbH


3D model of the cleaning, rinse and drying areas.

new or existing production lines very quickly due to the compact design and the turnkey execution. Due to the very compact design, the systems can alternatively also be used at variable locations with little effort, for example when punching operations on different presses require cleaning processes at

Detail of the drying area.

different times. The modular design for endless cleaning systems represents a

preserving additives may be used.

cleaning medium is additionally

solid system technology for inline

If the demands on component

processed by individually defined

operation, but also for stand-alone

cleanliness are very high, it may be

filter systems and kept at a

operation with application-specific

necessary that after a line stop the

constantly high level together with

adaptation possibilities.

punched stripe has to be pulled

the oil separator. Good insulation

back in order to generate a constant

of the media tanks and the piping,

About SLE

component cleanliness. The new

as well as the use of energy-efficient

SLE is a leading German specialist

system concept also offers this

pumps ensure lower energy

doing Inline-systems for oiling,



cleaning and preservation of endless

Preserving resources

materials and single components.

In the process of further developing

Easy integration into production lines

the continuous cleaning system, great

Typically, continuous cleaning

cleanliness of components to

importance was given to environmental

systems are integrated in production

VDA 19 and ISO 16232 standards.

compatibility. As standard, the cleaning

lines with a clocked feed. Thanks

Standardized systems and

system works in a recirculation mode,

to the so-called loop control and

customized solutions are built with

as a multi-stage version with cascading

the frequency-controlled stripe

highest technical standards and

of the media. With an integrated oil

drive unit, the clocked feed speed

highest quality. The company is

separator in the bypass of the cleaning

is converted into a continuous

specialising in cleaning system for

circuit, the bath service life can be

movement. In this way, a stable

forming industry, electro mechanics,

significantly extended and thus the

cleaning result of consistently high

automotive and Tier1 industry, as

need for fresh water and detergent

quality can be ensured for the entire

well as in the consumer- & lifestyle

additive can be reduced. Depending

punched strip on the entire surface.

sector, in e-mobility and other fields

on the particulate contamination, the

The systems can be integrated into

of component manufacturing.


N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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Parts2Clean 2020 - Solutions for New and Changed Cleaning Tasks

H b

ome office, meetings via video conference, or remote service - the corona

© Deutsche Messe

The 18th edition of the leading international trade fair for industrial parts and surface cleaning will take place at Stuttgart Exhibition Centre (Germany) from 27 to 29 October 2020.

crisis has been causing profound changes in many areas of working life worldwide - even where this was previously considered impossible. “The flexibilization, virtualization and digitalization of work processes made necessary by corona is also leading to changes in industrial parts cleaning,” says Olaf Daebler, Global Director parts2clean at Deutsche Messe AG. “Many suppliers have been creative in finding solutions in order to eliminate user problems and provide support without having to be on-site”. The pandemic can become an accelerator for the use of new

successfully. “The cross-industry and

this year. The international trade

technologies and processes for

cross-material offerings at parts2clean

fair covers the entire spectrum of

the changes which were already

make it an ideal information and

surface technology. “With parts

emerging in many branches and

procurement platform for the

and surface cleaning, parts2clean

markets before the crisis. Due

manufacturing step component

practically dedicates itself to an

to its huge impact on quality,

cleaning”, says Daebler. The 18th

important production step upstream

functionality and manufacturing

edition of the leading international

of coating”, says Daebler. “As a result,

costs of products, industrial

trade fair for industrial parts and

there are good synergy effects

parts and surface cleaning is

surface cleaning will take place at

between the two trade fairs, which

also an enabler for optimizing

Stuttgart Exhibition Centre (Germany)

are of interest to many visitors.”

manufacturing processes and make

from 27 to 29 October 2020.

parts2clean and SurfaceTechnology

them more efficient. Additionally,

GERMANY will be located in the

innovative manufacturing, joining

Parallel event: SurfaceTechnology GERMANY

and coating technologies as well

SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will

For further information:

as for implementing new products

be held concurrently to parts2clean


sufficient parts cleanliness is an essential prerequisite for using

neighbouring halls 7 and 9 at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - MAY/JUNE 2020 - N. 63



SurfaceTechnology GERMANY 2020 Postponed


or the trade fair industry, the current coronavirus pandemic has profound consequences.

© Deutsche Messe

Due to the current crisis surrounding the coronavirus, the organizers of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY have postponed the international trade fair for surface technology. The event, originally planned for June 2020, will move into autumn. The new date is 27–29 October 2020 in Stuttgart parallel to parts2clean.

Now SurfaceTechnology GERMANY in Stuttgart has been postponed as well: the new date is 27–29 October 2020. “We were very well prepared, but we do not have a choice,” says Olaf Daebler, Global Director of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY. “A postponement of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY is absolutely necessary due to the decree situation in BadenWürttemberg. However, we are glad that we have managed to find an alternative date for the surface technology industry, which will then be able to launch new business in Stuttgart in the fall following the

fair for surface technology will

GERMANY and parts2clean,” says Daebler,

current crisis-related downturn.”

be held parallel to parts2clean at

who is responsible for both trade fairs

The Ministry of Social Affairs of

the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre –

within the team at Deutsche Messe AG.

Baden-Württemberg has issued

SurfaceTechnology GERMANY in

“Some of the visitors will be very

a temporary, unlimited decree

Halls 5 and 7, and parts2clean in

interested in visiting both trade fairs.”

instructing the health authorities

Halls 7 and 9.

While SurfaceTechnology GERMANY

to cancel all major events involving

This leads to a situation that

covers the entire spectrum of surface

more than 1,000 participants.

already existed in 2014 and

technology, parts2clean presents industrial

This includes SurfaceTechnology

2016, when the two events

parts and surface cleaning for all user

GERMANY. After all, a trade

ran parallel and shared one


fair requires preparation and

of a total of three halls. “There

reliable planning. With the new

are good synergy effects

For further information:

date, the international trade

between SurfaceTechnology



N. 63 - MAY/JUNE 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Questo periodico è associato all’Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana


Eos Mktg&Communication srl www.myipcm.com info@ipcm.it

Dr. Felice Ambrosino: Marketing

Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768

Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics

Kevin Biller

The Powder Coating Research Group

Prof. Stefano Rossi:

Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design

Dr. Franco Busato:

European environmental legislation and new technologies

Dr. Fulvio Zocco:

Environment and quality

Prof. Paolo Gronchi:

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section


ISSN 2280-6083

The smart journal for surface treatments



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The smart journal for surface treatments


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