Teknos Launches a New Version of its Teknoblade Repair Solution Clare McDermott Teknos Group OY – Helsinki, Finland
Teknos has launched Teknoblade repair 9000-20, the new version of its
to repair a blade with a traditional system, Teknoblade repair
leading edge repair solution for wind turbine rotor blades.
9000-20 makes it possible to repair three blades in one single day.
aint manufacturer Teknos has launched Teknoblade repair
The features of Teknoblade repair 9000-20
9000-20, an enhanced, white version of the colourless product
Teknoblade repair 9000-20 is an elastomeric-based high-build
version launched in 2018, to repair the leading edge of wind turbine
coating with 100% solids content. In a single coat it forms a
rotor blades.
protective, elastic layer with a thickness of up to 2.500 μ, and it cures
The new version of the Teknoblade repair solution shows
in a few minutes, without the need of additional priming or filling.
even better rain erosion test (RET) results according to
Due to its special elasticity, the elastomeric layer can absorb high
DNVGL-RP-0171_2018 test standard and is available with an
energies in collision with objects.
improved system for easy and safe application. The one-product,
In the new white version, the resistance has been further improved.
one-layer solution enables six times faster leading edge repair
In rain erosion tests (RET) according to DNVGL-RP-0171_2018,
compared to traditional repair systems: while it takes about two days
leading edges coated with Teknoblade repair 9000-20 withstand the ©Teknos
Teknos has launched Teknoblade repair 9000-20, its leading edge repair solution for wind turbine rotor blades.
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