Great Plains Manufacturing Selects Pangborn for Company-Wide Initiative to Optimize Assembly Process Pangborn helped Great Plains Manufacturing, a manufacturer of
To optimize the assembly process, one of the obstacles they needed
agricultural implements, optimizing its product assembly process to
to overcome was the rigorous, time-intensive cleaning, descaling,
increase speed-to-market and offer additional value to its customers,
and preparation of the steel components of its products before
dealers and the bottom line.
painting and assembly. A cross-functional team of Great Plains’ engineers, supervisors, and management personnel were tasked
with researching and identifying potential partners and solutions
Great Plains Manufacturing is one of the foremost manufacturers of
to address these challenges in its assembly process. The solution
agricultural implements in the U.S., as well as a leading producer of
selected would be installed in two of its plants.
dirt working, turf maintenance, material handling, and landscaping equipment in North America. The demand for its products is high,
and they have an extensive range of steel products. Senior leaders at
This was a company-wide initiative for Great Plains, and the selection
Great Plains recognized that its product assembly process could be
committee spent approximately eighteen months conducting
more efficient, which would increase speed-to-market and result in
research. Key decision criteria influencing Great Plains’ selection
additional value to its customers, dealers, and the bottom line.
process were production rate, line speed, maintenance/operating
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