ISSN 2282-1767
Protective Coatings ®
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Tip top: our corrosion protection is thinner than a single hair. And easier to maintain! Despite the wafer-thin coat thickness, our coatings achieve excellent results and offer a high level of protection. And even better: we address your wishes and requirements individually, instead of brushing you off with standard service.
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in this issue 01 EDITOR’S LETTER 02 ANALYSIS
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© Dörken
Preventing tragic events of collapsing structures
Quality powder coating on a massive scale
14 HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Evolution of corrosion testing
Sixty years of innovation in shot blasting technology: OMSG’s long-standing history
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© Liebherr
Maintenance of Genoa’s food logistics centre and produce market with high performance, surface tolerant, water-based paints
26 FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Sealing a swimming pool
30 INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Front line maintenance
Coating inspections: inspection of steel surface preparation, Part 4
Cortec’s top-three primer/topcoat combos to protect metals from micro-corrosion
Teknos reduced energy consumption by 13% in its Danish site
Easy ballast coating at Liebherr
EonCoat CUI vs. polymeric CUI coating systems for insulated tanks
Communicating your brand effectively: the power of storytelling marketing
A century of experience
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orrosion can cause tragic events for both people and the environment. Anyone unfamiliar with industrial and manufacturing activities is unlikely to understand this, unless it is explained and made intelligible to them by the media after one of
such accidents. Yet this natural phenomenon of deterioration, due to the very nature of materials and particularly of metals, has a devastating impact on the GDP of nations and, if not carefully controlled and prevented, it can cause the collapse of structures and assets in a wide variety of sectors. In this context, micro-corrosion and macro-corrosion are equally dangerous. Indeed, corrosion has been behind some of the world’s most notorious tragic events, from oil spills at sea to the collapse of bridges and viaducts, as recently happened in Italy, with the Morandi Bridge in Genoa. This is why that of corrosion protection, prevention, and mitigation is one of the most technical and complex industrial sectors, but also one of the most conservative ones in terms of introducing new technologies. This probably happens because it is risky to switch from proven technologies that are considered reliable (despite their high environmental impact, in some cases) to new technologies that lack a history of longterm use and analysis of their durability performance. In the corrosion protection industry, qualitative tests on new generation materials are of fundamental importance because they make it possible to assess their characteristics in the short term but above all, with long-term tests, to realistically assess the effectiveness and durability of coatings. For example, some market players are now successfully trying to spread the use of high-build water-based paints for certain applications, which also have the advantage of being non-flammable, or even of powder coatings, which are an effective, zero-emission solution for the protection of outdoor structures and metalwork. This ipcm®_Protective Coatings issue includes some technical articles and success stories on the application of these new technologies, as well as insights into maintenance techniques, which are another key aspect of corrosion prevention. Be it corrective, preventive, or predictive, maintenance is actually the first defence we have against corrosion damage. However, of course, it can be costly in terms of both time and resources: this is why it is necessary to devise measures that best balance efficiency and execution.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
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Corrosion is not always the triggering cause of collapses but it can have a significant impact on these tragic events.
Preventing Tragic Events of Collapsing Structures Edited by Cortec Corporation St. Paul (MN) – United States
The records show a high number of concrete bridges and buildings collapsed due to structural failure. Corrosion is not always the triggering cause, but it can have a significant impact on these tragic events. The patented Cortec MCI® Technology guarantees structures enhanced integrity and a longer service life by protecting from corrosion reinforcing metal in concrete.
ccording to certain engineering regulations, the durability and design of structural lifetime is often around 50 years. It can be greatly
extended with regular maintenance; otherwise, the structure should be demolished and rebuilt. By using MCI® Technology in severely corrosive
environments, structures will have a stronger resistance to corrosion and therefore longer durability. Increased durability means fewer repairs, enhanced structural integrity and a longer service life, all leading to greater sustainability. To put it more simply, maintenance is essential to avoid fatal tragedies like the one we witnessed when a residential building in Florida suddenly collapsed. Structural engineers were shocked that this would happen to a building that had stood for decades. Engineers are conducting preliminary review in order to help understand the collapse. Such a failure suggested a foundation-related matter—potentially corrosion or other damage at a lower level. Corrosion is the deterioration of materials over time. It is a serious problem for engineers who use metal products in their structures, because it can be a huge safety hazard. Ignoring this super powerful force can have tragic consequences. Three major potential consequences of corrosion are: • Life threating accidents resulting in loss of life • Economic costs involved in rectifying the corrosion damage • Environmental damage threatening the ecosystem. What exactly happened with this building is still to be examined but more evidence indicates that corrosion was one of the root causes of the accident. Rebar corrosion and concrete spalling might have caused the structural failure. Harsh environmental effects in Florida on steel and concrete structures are well known. Reports discuss abundant cracking and spalling in the concrete columns, beams and walls in the parking garage located under the building. Even though some engineers argue that corrosion was unlikely to bring a building down on its own, it could
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
© BuzzNews
have been a critical issue if it occurred on or near the supporting columns and was progressive.
Crumbling infrastructure is a worldwide problem In 2018, the Morandi bridge collapsed in Genoa, Italy — another tragic accident indicating how neglecting corrosion can have fatal consequences. Engineers brought out numerous concerns about its unusual concreteencased common steel cables. The designer of the Genoa bridge warned four decades ago that it would require constant maintenance to remove rust, given the effects of corrosion from sea air and pollution on the concrete. Also, the problem of fatigue corrosion on metal elements, particularly insidious in steels of high mechanical strength such as strands, is still a little-known subject. “As this reinforced and prestressed concrete bridge has been there for more than 35 years, corrosion of tendons or reinforcement was a contributory factor,” said Ivana Liposcak, Cortec’s MCI® technical support manager for Europe. “The long-term behaviour of viaducts subjected to heavy traffic and situated in an aggressive environment shows that at the time of planning obviously many concepts about the sustainability of the bridge were not known and considered. Due to the vibration in concrete, microcracks occur, through which the moisture leads to oxidation and corrosion of steel and in that way, the structure gradually loses its capacity due to corrosion,” noted Liposcak.
How to build and maintain durable structures During the last two decades there have been huge advances in technology © Cortec
to extend the lifespan of structures and avoid possible tragedies. Patented MCI® Technology was designed to protect reinforcing metal in concrete from corrosion and is widely used around the globe. Application of MCI® products have experienced rapid growth in recent years due to a number of factors such as proven efficiency and environmental advantages. By using this technology, corrosion initiation is delayed, and the lifecycle of structures is significantly extended. One of the most efficient uses of Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCI®) is when applied directly during the construction phase as well as being used as a part of the maintenance repair system in existing structures. Sustainable construction has become a goal for owners across the globe. Often overlooked is the aspect of durability and service life for the final structure. However, this is undoubtedly one of the main factors influencing structural sustainability. Many MCI® inhibitors are made from a renewable raw material, enabling users to earn certain LEED credits.
The final confirmed death toll in the Miami building collapsing consists of 98 victims. The investigations are still taking place, but the progressive collapse could have occurred for a variety of reasons, including design flaws or the less robust construction allowed under the building codes of four decades ago, when the complex was built. Reinforced concrete structure deteriorated due to effects of corrosion.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
Maslenica Bridge restoration There are many cases of using Migrating Corrosion Inhibitor™ Technology
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in projects located in salty and corrosive environments around the world. Take, for example, the Maslenica Bridge in Croatia, one of the largest bridges of its type with an arc of 200 meters (218.7 yd) in diameter. Because of the aggressive environment of changing temperatures, constantly fluctuating humidity, and strong wind containing salt from seawater, reinforcing steel had started to corrode, causing concrete spalling. To restore the bridge and prevent future corrosion from happening, all spalling concrete was water-blasted off, along with dirt and corrosion on the rebar. CorrVerter® MCI® Rust Primer was brushed on exposed rebar to passivate the metal from further corrosion, and MCI®-2020 (see the article at the page 6) was applied to the entire concrete structure using an airless sprayer to prevent any potential corrosion that was not apparent.
Rebar preservation at Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz Medical City Another project was facing construction delays after the majority of concrete work had been completed. The main issue was corrosion on exposed rebars of a significant number of in-fill beams and expansion joints that needed protection from the corrosive environment during the delay. Two stages of protection were conducted: rusted rebars were treated with CorrVerter® MCI® Rust Primer and MCI® CorShield® was then applied on all exposed reinforcement to provide the necessary outdoor exposure protection during the construction delays. This provided an economical and efficient solution to preserve exposed reinforcement and satisfied the requirements of all parties involved in the project. Durability in the exploitation of reinforced concrete structures is the basis for the preservation of structures long-term. The durability of structures depends on a good and professional choice of materials that help to avoid damage. If damage occurs, rehabilitation should be approached with great care and responsibility and selection of a product that is compatible with material used during construction, in order to avoid major damage or demolition of the building itself. Cortec® has a wide range of products that
can help to achieve greater durability and, above all, safer structures. ‹
Clockwise from top left: The poor maintenance is one of the reasons of the Morandi bridge collapsing in 2018. The aggressive environments, such as the marine ones, increase the chances of corrosion occurring. To avoid the risk of collapse it is essential to protect reinforcing metal in concrete from corrosion. The concrete Maslenica Bridge in Croatia.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
© LeprechaunHR
© Cortec
© Cortec
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
© Cortec
MCI-2020 Gel is the Cortec’s Solution for Corrosion Protection of Metal Reinforcement To ensure durability of concrete structures, Cortec has developed MCI-2020 Gel, an injectable corrosion inhibitor which provides corrosion protection directly at or near the depth of steel reinforcement in concrete.
hile many technologies delay and mitigate the effects of corrosion
secondary amines or nitrites (which together can form carcinogenic
on embedded reinforcement, there are fewer options when
corrosion takes place deep inside concrete. To tackle this challenge, Cortec developed MCI®-2020 Gel, an injectable corrosion inhibitor which
Application fields of MCI-2020 Gel
provides corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in concrete.
MCI-2020 Gel is particularly suited where there are difficulties in
MCI -2020 Gel utilizes the time-proven chemistry of Cortec’s Migrating
transporting corrosion inhibitors to the level of the rebar. For example,
Corrosion Inhibitor (MCI) technology to migrate to steel reinforcement
structures with inconsistent or thick concrete cover or multiple layers
from injection locations. Once at the reinforcing steel, MCI molecules
of reinforcing steel will require protection beyond the reach of topical
deposit across the metal surface to form a molecular layer which acts as a
treatments. Structures with sealers or tile facades present a physical
barrier to corrosive elements such as chlorides.
barrier to the application of a surface applied corrosion inhibitor (SACI)
and also need a different approach. MCI-2020 Gel penetrates beyond
Advantages of the MCI technology
these obstacles to deliver corrosion protection to the depth required,
MCI-2020 Gel can be applied at customizable depths to meet the
making it the perfect solution for corrosion protection of below grade
needs of a structure, directly targeting problem locations and reducing
tunnels, window lintels, buildings with facades, residential buildings,
time needed for migration of the inhibitor. It is minimally invasive, as
structural walls and equipment bases, parking decks, ramps, and garages,
it works even with small injection holes, which can be capped for easy
marine structures, dams, or piers, balconies, decks, retaining walls, and
reapplication or sealed with repair mortar as desired, making this solution
also economical to install and maintain. MCI-2020 Gel is non-flammable, non-combustible, and does not contain
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
For further information:
Carboline Announced CarboNext Initiative for the Corrosion Industry Carboline has launched the new CarboNext initiative aimed at supporting young corrosion professionals.
n order to further expand its efforts towards the corrosion industry, Carboline has launched a new initiative: CarboNext. The aim of this
programme is to support, educate, connect and engage with young engineers and corrosion professionals. The audience of the project is composed by under-40 y.o. engineers, specifiers, inspectors, project
managers, operators, or people who are willing to learn more about coatings and corrosion. Carboline actively develops outreaching and networking opportunities in order to provide resources for people interested in corrosion protection and protective coatings. Besides education and training, CarboNext programme will also integrate technical workshops and community support projects. “Carboline recognizes the changeover happening in the industry with young professionals taking on more decision-making roles. We want to educate and provide resources for this next generation of leaders,” stated Carboline’s Vice-President of Marketing Melissa Molitor. “I can attribute much of my overall growth in my career to those people who took the time to mentor me. I remain thankful for the organizations that provided great training resources to me as I progressed in my career. We hope that CarboNext can aid others in their career growth and overall knowledge progression as it relates to coatings and corrosion,” concluded Brian Cheshire, Carboline Market Manager and one of the organisers of CarboNext. For further information:
MATE-XT is the exoskeleton that brings the qualities of MATE to an eXTreme level. The new MATE-XT is the latest version of the Comau exoskeleton that has been vastly improved, taking its benefits to the next level and adding important new features. Resistant to water, dust, UV rays and high temperatures, it is ideal for applications in difficult environments.. MATE-XT is easy to put on, easy to adjust and easy to use, ensuring the worker:
© Carboline
• Reduction of muscle fatigue • Improved posture and comfort MATE-XT è l’esoscheletro che porta le qualità di MATE ad un livello eXTreme. Il•nuovo MATE-XT è l’ultima Comau che è stato estremamente Reduction of versione risk dell’esoscheletro from biomechanical overload migliorato, portando i suoi vantaggi a un livello superiore e aggiungendo nuove importanti funzionalità. certified with EAWS methodology Resistente all’acqua, alla polvere, ai raggi UV e ad alte temperature è ideale per applicazioni Better quality of work in•ambienti difficili. MATE-XT è facile da indossare, facile da regolare e facile da usare, garantendo al lavoratore:
• Riduzione dell’affaticamento muscolare MATE-XT works when, where and how you do.
• Postura e comfort migliorati • Riduzione del rischio da sovraccarico biomeccanico certificata con metodologia EAWS • Migliore qualità del lavoro
Come and find out at MATE-XT lavora quando, dove e come fai tu. Vieni a scoprirlo su
Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Can Now Rely on Hempel’s Hempafire Pro Cellulosic Fire Protection Coatings Coatings manufacturer Hempel has launched in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean its Hempafire Pro range of passive fire protection coatings, which provides fire protection to steel structures for up to 120 minutes.
empel has recently launched Hempafire Pro, a range of passive
tested and approved according to EN 13381 8/9.
fire protection (PFP) coatings, in Mexico, Central America and the
Now this range is available for the first time in Mexico, Central America
Caribbean. Now these areas can protect their steel buildings in the event
and the Caribbean, where it complements Hempel’s Hempacore One
of a fire for up to 120 minutes improving the safety of the facility.
product, which has been available in these areas since 2014 and has been
As PFP coatings isolate steel during a fire, Hempafire Pro is able to extend
used in numerous projects, including the Fire Station of San José in Costa
the bearing capacity of the steel and provide extra valuable time for
Rica and the Torre Reforma building in Mexico.
evacuation and emergency response.
“We are very pleased to be launching our Hempafire Pro range in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. The coatings help protect property
Hempafire Pro PFP
and people during a fire and we believe they will be welcomed by building
Hempafire Pro PFP consists of two intumescent coatings:
owners, steel fabricators and contractors, providing the same success as
• Hempafire Pro 315 provides up to 90 minutes cellulosic fire protection
we have seen in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia”, says Roger
and is optimised for 60 minutes.
Soler, Hempel’s Group Product Manager, Cellulosic PFP.
• Hempafire Pro 400 provides up to 120 minutes cellulosic fire protection
He continues: “The coatings are very attractive for applicators and
and is optimised for 90 minutes.
specifiers. The exceptionally low loadings help to reduce both total paint
Both coatings are available in standard and quick-drying version and
consumption and the number of coats required. This in turn means our
can be used for most common steel profile types in in-shop and on-site
intumescent coatings dry faster than similar coatings, which helps to
applications. Furthermore, they are tested and approved according to
speed up project completion times.”
BS 476 20/21 and can be used in outdoor conditions and corrosion environments up to C4 according to ISO 12944. Hempafire Pro 315 is also
For further information:
© Hempel
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
Norner Received Lloyd’s Accreditation for Marine Coating Testing Norner has been certified as an independent testing institute accredited for the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Performance Standards for Protective Coatings (PSPC) test standards.
he Norwegian research and development
company Norner has obtained Lloyd’s Register
approval for the Marine coating testing. The certificates are released in accordance with IMO MSC.215(82) Seawater Ballast Tanks and IMO MSC.288(87) Cargo Oil Tanks, internationally quality standards for test laboratories. With this approval, Norner is now an independent testing institute accredited for the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Performance Standards for Protective Coatings (PSPC) test standards. Norner has developed over time a prominent position as a third-party test service for protective coatings (ISO/IEC 17025). The company has also invested in modern laboratory test facilities in order to satisfy the increasing need for test services for coatings. Lloyd’s approval testifies that the lab is technically leading in quality management and competence and gives Norner clients’ products a higher reliability and competitiveness. “We continuously develop our laboratory services through investments and quality management to satisfy our demanding customers. It is very rewarding for us to achieve this Lloyd’s certification and it confirms that our focus is right”, states Henning Baann, Business Director of Norner. “We are one of few approved institutes in Europe for this type of testing. We intend to strengthen our position in this area and have already plans for further expansion both in manning and equipment. A new state of the art development and laboratory facility is currently being built and will be ready in January 2022. The coating lab will be an essential part of this new building, and further expansion is secured through this investment.” For further information:
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
Quality Powder Coating on a Massive Scale Edited by Nordson Deutschland GmbH Erkrath, Germany
Nordson, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of precision dispensing equipment that applies adhesives, sealants, liquid and powder coatings and other materials, supplied the Danish company Grædstrup Stål, specializing in transformation and manufacturing steel, with a unique powder coating system that doubles the productivity, reduces the colour change time, and saves powder on an extra-large scale. © Nordson
Steel construction components manufactured by Grædstrup Stål.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
he Danish company Grædstrup Stål is at the forefront of innovative manufacturing
with a continuous focus on quality, efficiency, and environmental friendliness. Each year the company converts over 400 tons of steel into custom-designed rafters and structures for a wide range of agricultural, commercial, sports and industrial constructions projects. Grædstrup Stål follows a zero-fault approach to manufacturing – from the first cut or weld to quality powder coated, finished products. Most of the production, in the 14,000 m2 facility, is fully automated. While others in their industry paint with liquid, Grædstrup Stål believes powder coating delivers superior corrosion protection and finish quality with minimal environmental impact. “Coating our steel beams and rafters with powder offers numerous advantages,” says production manager Allan Kåstrup Kristensen. “It makes our products much more durable and © Nordson
superior to conventional liquid-coated steel rafters under any conditions.”
A new coating booth for increasing productivity was needed Since 2000, Grædstrup Stål operated one of the largest powder coating systems in Denmark handling products up to 5 m in height and 23 m in length. Although over the years the system had upgrades, by early 2018 the company realized the old booth was a hindrance. It took several hours to change colours which reduced operating flexibility and low conveyor speed which forced them to a 3-shift operation. In early 2018, company management started to look for a better solution to increase productivity, save time on colour changes, and reduce powder consumption and waste. Furthermore, this solution was expected to improve coating coverage of challenging welds and corners and minimize the environmental impact.
© Nordson
7.2 m tall booth with the Spectrum® HD powder feed centre is colour changed in 15 minutes. Gentle downdraft airflow assists the powder deposition and the automatic floor cleaning simplifies the colour change.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
Peter Johansen from Lakteknik, an experienced Nordson representative in Scandinavia, was very familiar with Grædstrup Stål and their system. Using his experience in the industry, Peter helped to fine-tune the new system specifications and worked closely with the customer and the Nordson engineering team to design and deliver the perfect system.
A flexible conveyor The new ColorMax® E booth measures 4.3 m long and 7.2 m tall. Yet, it can colour change in 15 minutes – a major improvement from the old system. The booth delivers reliable powder containment through its 5.2 m tall product openings while also ensuring soft airflow in the spray area. The automatic floor cleaning system keeps powder in the booth to an absolute minimum. The system is complemented by two 6.5 m tall, © Nordson
variable-stroke reciprocators each carrying four Encore® HD automatic spray systems. Automatic purge-cleaning of the pumps, spray systems, and feed hopper in the Spectrum® HD powder feed centre simplifies the colour change. This extra-large booth installation and commissioning took only 16 days, and in April 2019, the new powder coating system started operation. One of the unique features of the system, is the ability to vary the conveyor speed depending on the size of the product passing through the spray area. Products are scanned prior to entering the booth. The PowderPilot™ HD system controller monitors the rate of change in the product height to determine at which line speed that section of the part is to be conveyed through the coating area. If a product hangs vertically, requiring a long stroke of the reciprocators, the conveyor speed can be reduced to 1 m/ min. When some sections of the rafters are only 400 mm in height over the length of 20 m, the conveyor speed can increase up to 6
© Nordson
The product sections of different heights are coated at different conveyor speed to maximize the overall production rate. The PowderPilot™ controller optimizes the coating parameters for products of various heights processed at different conveyor speed.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
m/min delivering the maximum productivity while maintaining the coating uniformity. The reciprocators stroke height/speed and the
powder output of the spray systems are automatically adjusted to match the production rate and to minimize the overspray. The eight Encore HD automatic spray systems deliver the highest powder application efficiency and improve the coverage even in the most challenging welds and corners due to the minimum spray velocity produced by the HDLV® (High Density Low Velocity) pumps.
All goals achieved Since the start of the operation in April 2019, the new system performance has exceeded the Grædstrup Stal expectations. “The gains in our productivity are most impressive,” confirms Allan Kåstrup Kristensen, “What used to take us 20 hours is now powder coated in a single, 8-hour shift. Just imagine the energy savings from not having to heat our huge oven for 3 shifts.” The average line speed increased from 1 to 3.5 m/min. Additionally, colour changes are now finished in 15 minutes. The coating coverage is also improved. “We mainly coat for corrosion protection classes one to three. Thus, the target coating thicknesses can range from no less than 70 µ and up to 200 µ. The new system delivers the needed coating consistently, with good uniformity, using only eight instead of ten guns in our old system,” says Kristensen. The increased powder application efficiency combines with the variable and programmable powder output to deliver 40% annual powder savings. “Since the start of the production, we spent hardly any time on the system maintenance. It just runs. The dense-phase pumps are as good today as on the first day of production – we haven’t touched them. Additionally, the support we receive from Peter is very responsive. We are well taken care off.” testifies Mr. Kristensen. “The Nordson system allows us to fine-tune and program many operating parameters making it easy for us to gain a deeper understanding of the powder coating process,” Allan Kåstrup Kristensen continues, “We are closely monitoring the coating and are experimenting with programs to further optimize our operation and reduce costs. This investment has already paid for itself. All goals achieved.” ‹
© Dörken
© Dörken
Parts exposed on the offshore platform FINO II in the Baltic Sea.
Corrosion expert Florian Feldmann, Product Engineer at Dörken.
Evolution of Corrosion Testing Edited by Dörken Herdecke (Germany)
Day after day, corrosion impacts components in and on cars, wind energy units or bridges. Having a surface coating tailored to the requirements is therefore all the more important. To simulate the stresses on parts fitted, prior to construction a series of tests are carried out to put the components and their protective coatings through their paces.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
n practice – and in part demanded by the component manufacturers
demonstrate across the course of years the realistic corrosion
– various laboratory test procedures are applied, which can be divided
behaviour of components and their surface coatings. Extreme wind
into two categories: short-term tests and long-term tests. Short-term
speeds, strong temperature fluctuations, UV rays, humidity, and in
tests include constant climate tests and climatic extremes tests. Over
some cases salt water all impact the exposed components. Outdoor
a short, specific period of time these simulate the daily stresses, taking
weathering tests differ greatly from short-term tests, as they are not
account of various parameters such as temperature and humidity or
conducted in the laboratory, but in the actual environments of the
dryness and stress phases.
Alongside these standard test procedures, in some cases the car
Corrosion expert Florian Feldmann, Product Engineer at Dörken, tells us
manufacturers have developed own test procedures to test corrosion
the significance of the test variants for material manufacturers and how
resistance. These include, for example, the Ingolstadt corrosion and
they are implemented in day-to-day operations.
ageing test (INKA - Ingolstädter Korrosions- und Alterungstest) of Audi and the MEKO test of Mercedes. Here too, different stresses are
What corrosion tests are carried out at Dörken?
simulated in various stages.
Florian Feldmann: To reflect as great a variance of environmental
In addition to short-term tests there are also long-term tests. These
stresses as possible, we conduct both short-term laboratory tests
outdoor weathering tests can be conducted on land or water and
and long-term tests in the form of outdoor weathering studies. The
Test chamber for the conducting of neutral salt spray testing according to ISO 9227 NSS. © Dörken
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
short-term tests include, for example, salt spray testing according to
documentation occurs at regular intervals, together with evaluation of
DIN EN ISO 9227 and condensation testing as per DIN EN ISO 6270-2.
the findings of the test series.
Both of these are constant climate tests, but with different corrosive extremes tests for various car makers. In the area of long-term tests
Are the same parts always subjected to outdoor weathering?
Dörken – often in collaboration with diverse universities – is currently
F.F.: Not as a rule. However, we have started a test series in which the
conducting outdoor weathering studies on Heligoland, on the FINO II
same parts are exposed on the FINO II in the Baltic Sea, in Vienna,
offshore platform in the Baltic, in Vienna, in Palavas (France) and also in
Herdecke and France. Different climates result in different forms of
Herdecke, near the company headquarters.
corrosion. This test series therefore provides an excellent opportunity
atmospheres. In addition, we also conduct a large number of climatic
to compare corrosion behaviour under different climatic conditions:
What components do you test at Dörken?
how does the surface of a part react to a more rural environment in
F.F.: It varies: we test standard parts, but also special customer
Herdecke compared to a big city like Vienna, to the maritime climate on
parts. These range from tiny screws to sheet metal and on to
Heligoland, or the warm maritime climate in southern France?
large components from diverse branches with diverse corrosion coating systems as well as reference systems. In addition, we also
Talking of comparison: are the corrosion tests carried out in the lab compared with those in outdoor weathering?
apply a mechanical stress to most, such as a crack or a stone impact,
F.F.: Comparing test findings is difficult and not even possible in some
or subject them to thermal pre-stress to simulate corrosion behaviour
cases, because the conditions in the test processes are so different.
in parts that are already damaged. Pre-stressing gives us a highly
Different corrosion mechanisms are involved, due to the different
complex overall image of the corrosion behaviour of the surface. (Photo)
ambient conditions. For example, temperature, humidity and electrolyte
requirements. We coat the parts beforehand with various Dörken
Test chamber for ACT I and ACT II by Volvo as well as L00-467 by Ford. © Dörken
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
vary depending on test. At the same time, laboratory
carry out these tests and satisfy the requirements.
testing can only simulate the day-to-day stresses
At the same time, we also want to know what the
on the components and never reflect the entire
corrosion behaviour of the parts is like in a real
complexity, with the result that they cannot be
environment - including over a significantly longer
compared to the outdoor weathering tests.
time span. This is why we conduct the outdoor weathering
Is there a preferred test procedure?
tests. However, essentially, both tests provide
F.F.: Both test variants – laboratory testing and
numerous findings for the evaluation and
outdoor weathering tests – are thoroughly justified.
optimisation of the corrosion resistance of surface
The lab tests are standardised and have a relatively
coatings and therefore the parts themselves.
short duration. Typical specifications, such as from
Even though we are not always able to put the
the car industry, are between 240-1500 hours
tests in correlation, the results are a great help
in the salt spray testing according to DIN EN ISO
when it comes to assessing the performance of our
9227. They are also requested by numerous parts
coatings. ‹
manufacturers. For us it is therefore necessary to
Test chamber for the climatic extremes test. © Dörken
Sixty Years of Innovation in Shot Blasting Technology: OMSG’s Long-Standing History Alessia Venturi ipcm® “Another aspect that has characterised OMSG’s activity in the last © OMSG
Enzo Dell’Orto, the CEO of the OMSG Group.
few years, and especially during the hardest times of the pandemic, is digitalisation. I am not simply referring to our plants’ compliance with the requirements of Industry 4.0, which is now essential for a target market that is increasingly attentive to sustainability and energy savings and for which, therefore, continuous monitoring of operating parameters is fundamental. I am also talking about the ability to carry out remote testing or after-sales service through web-based tools. Through specific apps, OMSG – Officine Meccaniche San Giorgio is currently able to guide its customers through their required testing or maintenance phases.” “As mentioned, we are also focusing on green concepts, developing measures to make our plants more efficient and energy-saving. For example, the application of increasingly high-performance electric motors and the integration of inverters on motors and sensors throughout machines enables us to better manage operations, thus
MSG – Officine Meccaniche San Giorgio was established in 1961 in
optimising energy and raw material consumption,” indicates Enzo
San Giorgio su Legnano (Milan, Italy). Its founder was entrepreneur
Dell’Orto. “Digitalisation helps us by making available information that
Vincenzo Dell’Orto, the father of the current CEO, Enzo Dell’Orto – who,
allows users to calculate the operating cost of plants, including energy
a few months ago, celebrated the first sixty years of activity of the
consumption throughout the day, abrasive consumption, maintenance
company he has headed since 2002.
frequency and costs, and possible ways of lengthening the service life of
Now headquartered in Villa Cortese (Milan) and with a turnover of more
components and extending maintenance intervals.”
than 25 million Euros, the firm is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers
It should be noted that shot blasting is a fundamental treatment for the
of shot blasting, sandblasting, and shot peening machines for a wide
mechanical preparation of metal substrates prior to coating, aimed at
variety of sectors, including foundry, automotive, forgings, agricultural
obtaining a suitable surface finish and a surface roughness grade of SA
and earthmoving machinery, and carpentry. Following the acquisition of
2½ or SA 3. This is a crucial requirement in numerous sectors, especially
the long-standing Carlo Banfi brand in 2017, OMSG is actually the largest
in the heavy industry: from valve and tank production to foundries,
Italian Group in the shot blasting equipment sector and it exports 75%
from metalwork for infrastructure to industrial boilers. “Within the wide
of its production to numerous countries around the world, through the
range of shot blast machines offered by OMSG,” states Dell’Orto, “there
activities of its Italian headquarters and its two branch companies in
are two families of flagship machines: our LAUCO roller conveyor shot
France and Germany.
blasting systems (named after the initials of my siblings, LAUra and
“We design and build a hundred machines a year,” says Enzo Dell’Orto.
COsimo) and our TUNNELBLAST tunnel shot blasting systems. The
“Our efforts are focused on innovation and the development of
companies that choose OMSG do so because they know that they will
knowledge in this field, as well as on working with highly-trained
find customised solutions and plants designed to work in line with other
professional technicians, who unfortunately are a rare commodity in
machines, prepared for high production volumes, and guaranteeing
Italy. We are convinced that maintaining the technology gap existing
high performance and maximum reliability over time.
between the Italian – and European, in a broader sense – manufacturing
“We are grateful to the almost 8000 customers in almost 95 countries
industry and that of low-cost countries is key to maintaining a
around the world that have chosen OMSG and Carlo Banfi as their shot
competitive edge. However, in order to do this, we must invest in
blasting equipment suppliers... and we aim to satisfy as many, over the
training and industrial culture.
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next sixty years!” ‹
The OMSG headquarters in Villa Cortese (Milan) and an OMSG TUNNELBLAST tunnel shot blaster.
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The produce market in Bolzaneto, Genoa (Italy).
Maintenance of Genoa’s Food Logistics Centre and Produce Market with High Performance, Surface Tolerant, Water-based Paints Marco Trentini, FROSIO-Inspector Level III Ti.Pi.Ci. – Technology in Protective Coatings, Arenzano (Genoa) - Italy
SPIM Spa, the company entrusted with the protection of real estate assets of the Municipality of Genoa (Italy), and SGM, Genoa’s wholesale market management company, chose Ti.Pi.Ci. – Technology in Protective Coatings for the maintenance of the external metalwork structures of Genoa’s Food Logistic Centre and Produce Market, with a total area of 13,600 m2.
enoa’s Produce Market covers an area of 82,000 m2, including
platform covering over 9,000 m2. The ground floor is almost entirely
32,000 m2 of indoor space. The 23,150 m2-wide produce pavilion
occupied by refrigerated storage units, forming a large loading and
is the core of the facility, featuring 56 modules for wholesalers and
storage area where logistics, processing, and storage operations can
188 loading and unloading bays. The interior of the market consists
take place.
of a huge rectangular gallery lined with dealer stands. Its glass and steel roof, designed by Massimo Majowiecki, has a steel frame with
SPIM Spa and SGM have always paid particular attention and constantly
braces that discharge the weight of the structure towards the sides. It
invested in improving these buildings through the adoption of
also features a skylight in the centre to let in plenty of light and fresh
innovative technologies and environmentally friendly maintenance
air while leaving the centre of the market free, as it does not require
systems, aimed at safeguarding the health of people and the
supporting pillars (Figs. 1 and 2). West of the market, there is a logistics
environment and in line with the highest safety standards. A very
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
effective solution in terms of corrosion protection for the maintenance
in particular, have been successfully applied in numerous projects,
of carbon steel structures was the adoption of water-based, high-build,
certainly including Genoa’s Food Logistic Centre.
long-lasting, recoatable paint products, which are easy to be over-coated over time.
Sixteen years of class C4 corrosion
In addition to their high corrosion protection properties when applied
The facility is located in Bolzaneto, an industrial area on the outskirts of
on steel substrates exposed in marine and industrial environments,
Genoa a few kilometres from the sea. This can be classified as a class C4
they are non-flammable, which is a decisive element in terms of the
(high corrosion) environment according to standard ISO 12944-2:2017.
operational aspects of areas like this one.
The construction, painting, and assembly of the metal structures at the
The application of water-based coatings developed specifically for use
Bolzaneto site were carried out in 2005, whereas maintenance was
in the protective sector is now widespread for both new construction
performed in the spring of 2021, that is, sixteen years later. The original
and maintenance works. The coatings developed and perfected by
coating system applied on such metal elements was composed by
Ti.Pi.Ci. - Technology in Protective Coatings over the last few decades,
solvent-based paints as shown in Table 1.
© Ti.Pi.Ci.
© Ti.Pi.Ci.
Figures 1 and 2 – The market’s central area is a free space, as there are no supporting pillars.
Table 1 - Original solvent-based paint system applied on metal in 2005.
Solvent cleaning and metallic grit blasting (Sa 2.5)
Solvent-based zinc rich epoxy product
60 m
Solvent-based vinyl epoxy product
70 m
Polyurethane product
40 m
170 m
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
© Ti.Pi.Ci.
© Ti.Pi.Ci.
Figures 3 and 4 (above) – Visual inspections on site. Figures 5 and 6 - All water-soluble salts and contaminants were removed with a high-pressure water cleaning operation.
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© Ti.Pi.Ci.
© Ti.Pi.Ci.
Sixteen years later, the surfaces showed traces of rust and
operation aimed at removing rust as much as possible. In the most
detachments between the zinc-rich primer and the mid coat, but also
degraded surface areas, where steel was exposed, the rust grade
between the latter and the top coat.
was D, according to standard ISO 8501-1. After power tool cleaning, the surface preparation degree was PSt2 as per standard ISO 8501-2
The maintenance operations carried out by Ti.Pi.Ci.
(Figs. 7 and 8).
A visual inspection on site before the start of the maintenance
While selecting the coating system to be applied, SPIM Spa and SGM
works enabled to classify the degree of rusting as Ri4 (according to
took into consideration the fact that this maintenance operation
ISO 4628-3) and the degree of flaking as 3(S4) according to ISO 4628-5
was to be carried out in a building where food is handled and that
(Figs. 3 and 4).
the site’s safety had to be carefully safeguarded, given the presence
The surface preparation and coating activities were carried out on site
of numerous operators involved in the market’s daily activity. All
by Covesa Coating (Breno, Brescia, Italy), a company specialising in the
these requirements could only fulfilled with the application of a high-
painting and sandblasting of metal structures, as well as in structural
performance, surface-tolerant, water-based paint system.
reinforcement and waterproofing of tanks, roofs, and channels. Surface preparation started with a high-pressure water cleaning
The new protective coating system
step in order to remove all water-soluble salts and contaminants
The water-based system (Table 2) was chosen in order to meet all the
(Figs. 5 and 6), but also the flakes that had formed in the original
requests imposed by SPIM Spa and SGM regarding the on-site paint
solvent-based paint. The second step was a mechanical cleaning
application intervention:
© Ti.Pi.Ci.
© Ti.Pi.Ci.
Figures 7 and 8 – Rust was removed by power tool cleaning.
• low VOC content to safeguard the environment and the health of
Ti.Pi.Ci. selected HYDROGUARD® HB in order to guarantee high
adhesion, high solids by volume (74%), and excellent steel protection.
• non-flammability to avoid fire risk;
HYDROTHANE® DTM Semi-gloss was also chosen because of its
• surface-tolerant properties;
high solid residue by volume (61%), as this allows reducing paint
• extremely high-level protection and adhesion features;
consumption. All water-based paints were applied by brush and roller.
• coating applicable on external surfaces also at low temperatures;
The application work started in March 2021 (Fig. 9) and ended in June
• coating applicable by roller and brush.
Table 2 - Water-based protective system applied on external surface.
Water Based “Surface Tolerant” High Build Epoxy Mastic
<65 g/l
Water Based Polyurethane Semigloss Topcoat
<120 g/l
HYDROTHANE® DTM Semigloss Ral 9010
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At the end of this maintenance intervention, all the parties involved
can only be adequately protected with solvent-based products, thus
(SPIM Spa, SGM, and Covesa Coating, the paint applicator), were
further polluting the environment as, unfortunately, has been done for
pleasantly surprised by the performance degree shown by the water-
too long.
based system used. They were also extremely satisfied with the
A final, thought-provoking consideration regards Ti.Pi.Ci., which
final appearance of the structures treated, thanks to the excellent
takes great pride in having been able (after too many attempts and
aesthetic characteristics of the HYDROTHANE® DTM Semi-gloss top
rejections) to apply its technology and experience, gained in over
coat (Fig. 10).
twenty years of activity worldwide, on a structure located in Genoa, the city where this company was founded and where it still has its headquarters. ‹
Conclusions Ti.Pi.Ci., which collaborated with Covesa Coating in this project, has been studying the possible applications of green anti-corrosion coatings in various sectors, such as infrastructure, buildings, oil & gas, etc. for more than twenty years now. However, although fortunately more and more rarely, it is still mistakenly believed that structures
© Ti.Pi.Ci.
Figure 9 - All water-based paints were applied by brush and roller.
© Ti.Pi.Ci.
Figure 10 - The aesthetic results of the HYDROTHANE® DTM semi-gloss top coat’s application.
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© Adobe Stock
Sealing a Swimming Pool Tom Vandevenne Graco Distribution BV – Maasmechelen, Belgium
A Graco proportioner and Fusion PC spray guns were essential tools to seal a leaking swimming pool in the Polish town of Wisła.
he owner of the Start Sports Center on Olimpijska 1 in Wisła, Poland was facing a number of challenges with its swimming
pool that needed to be urgently addressed. The 49x13 m swimming pool is located on the old riverbed of the Vistula. Over the years, rainwater and groundwater have had a negative impact on the reinforced concrete basin of the pool, leading to numerous cracks in its base and sides, which started leaking. The solution wasn’t as straightforward as simply draining the pool and relining it. The geometry of the pool is complicated. From the shallow end, the pool’s depth gradually increases from 1.2 meters to 1.8 meters, before plunging into a deep 4-meter section with steeply sloping walls. It is this deep part of the swimming pool where most of the cracks were occurring.
Calling in expert help Local contractor Stanepoxyd visited the site. Stanepoxyd specializes in waterproofing buildings such as wastewater treatment plants, power plants, tanks and bridges. This refers to both keeping water out, as well as keeping it in. More relevant, over the years the company has built up considerable experience in repairing leaking swimming pools of all sizes, from small private pools to large municipal pools. After carefully examining the pool and the cracks, they proposed to repair the concrete structure and spray a polyurea membrane over the whole of the pool, followed by a polyaspartic top coat. A polyaspartic coating offers specific advantages over epoxy and polyurethane coatings. It is highly flexible, as opposed to epoxies which are stiff and prone to scratches and abrasions during intense use. It also exhibits good UV resistance.
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© Graco
On the old riverbed of the Vistula River (Poland) over the years rainwater and groundwater have had a negative impact on the reinforced concrete basin of the pool, leading to numerous cracks in its base and sides. Graco Reactor 2 E-XP2 proportioner has been set up with a 1.7 m3 screw compressor, a 50 kW generator, recirculation and T1 pumps, and a 78-meter length of hose.
Moreover, a single coat of polyaspartic paint accomplishes what
numerous osmotic bubbles caused by negative moisture pressure from
traditional epoxy and urethane systems need two coats to do.
the outside. Priming was then performed with a two-component epoxy
The owners were satisfied with Stanepoxyd’s proposal and gave the
resin with a sprinkling of quartz sand with a fraction of 0.4-0.8 mm. This
green light in November 2020. The job had to be completed by April
was followed by spraying a 2 mm polyurea layer. Finally, the top coat of
2021 in time for the new season. Stanepoxyd chose to work with Graco
polyaspartic resin RAL 5012 was applied manually using the traditional
equipment: the Graco Reactor 2 E-XP2 proportioner and the Graco
method with a roller. Horizontal black markings in accordance with FINA
Fusion PC gun.
regulations were added as the finishing touch.
Thorough preparation is vital
Reactor 2 E-XP2 proportioner
As with any coating job, success depends on excellent surface
Stanepoxyd has been using the Graco Reactor 2 E-XP2 for nine
preparation. Of the 16 weeks allotted to the project, 13 were taken up
years and has always been impressed by its high performance. For
with preparing the surface. A team of eight was involved on the job.
this project it was set up with a 1.7 m3 screw compressor, a 50 kW
The complex geometry of the pool meant that it was a challenging
generator, recirculation and T1 pumps, and a 78-meter length of hose.
job to recoat. A number of reprofiling treatments were needed,
The machine worked flawlessly to mix and spray the polyurea coating.
using specialized Polymer Cement Concrete (PCC) mortars. A second
The unit sprayed without pulsation, resulting in an even distribution of
subcontractor was called in to perform injection sealing of the
material on the substrate.
structural cracks.
The operators were impressed with the machine’s Advanced Display
After this procedure was completed, a three-component mortar was
Module (ADM). This interface allows operators to easily track and
prepared. It was designed to protect the polyurea coating against
monitor spray performance and ratio, and enable alarms. It also has
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
© Tom Vandevenne
The unit sprayed without pulsation, resulting in an even distribution of material on the substrate.
© Graco
The operators who used the Graco Fusion PC gun for two days on this project considered it easy to work with for long periods; it gave a very smooth, uniform application of coating.
the ability to save project information and download data onto a USB
minimum. This enabled them to complete the project within the
drive for further analysis. Having an interface and a reporting tool was
specified timeframe.
found to be invaluable for quality control purposes.
Fusion PC gun
Reduced material consumption Nearly 2000 kg of polyurea was used, along with 650 kg of polyaspartic
The main reason for choosing the Graco Fusion PC gun to spray the
material. The polyurea set in seconds, while the polyaspartic material
polyurea coating is its innovative design. The Fusion PC gun features a
was allowed to set for four hours before the next layer was applied.
replacement cartridge head that replaces multiple individual parts with
Spraying the polyurea was conducted with nozzle 2929 for 4.5 sets
a single component. Simply replacing a cartridge allows for a much
each of 425 kg. It took just two full days – working from morning until
faster rebuild, which increases spraying time and minimizes costly
after midnight – to spray the total surface area of approximately 1000
downtime. This is a crucial factor when spraying a large area like a
square meters.
swimming pool. The Stanepoxyd operators who used the gun for two days on this
Satisfied owner
project considered the Fusion PC easy to work with for long periods.
Thanks to thorough surface preparation and the right selection of
It gave a very smooth, uniform application of coating. They were
materials and equipment, the swimming pool at the Start Sports
most impressed by the short disassembly and assembly time of the
Center in Wisła was successfully recoated with a polyurea layer and
gun, which reduced cleaning and maintenance time to an absolute
finished off with a layer of light blue aspartic paint. The owner was
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
iso 12944
extreme environments demand
superior protection a film galvanising system for off-shore, oil & gas underground pipelines before
drilling platform
egYpt: The General Petroleum Company
romania: OMV Petrom
ship loaders
thailand: IRPC Petrochemical Complex
togo: Phosphate Mine Offshore Charging
immersed pier legs
sea BuoYs
ireland: Killybegs Pier
uruguaY: Armada Buoy
© Graco
The swimming pool at the Start Sports Center in Wisła was successfully recoated with a polyurea layer and finished off with a layer of light blue aspartic paint.
delighted and was able to re-open the swimming pool in time for the new season.
Further experience with Fusion PC Over the past six months Stanepoxyd has used the Fusion PC gun on other projects, with total satisfaction as to its performance. To date they have found that a single cartridge is capable of spraying as many as 23 sets of material. They particularly appreciate the quick-change cartridge. In case of failure, it can be swapped in just five minutes. This saves a considerable amount of time compared to the Graco Fusion AP gun, which takes around an hour to clean, should it fail. A further advantage is that when working with Fusion PC in the field, Stanepoxyd don’t need to take a back-up gun in
case of failure; they simply take an extra cartridge. ‹
zingametall bvba Sprl industriepark rozenstraat 4 9810 eke (Belgium)
t. +32 9 385 68 81
Front Line Maintenance Aneesha Kaur Sachdev, Zingametall Singapore PTE LTD – Singapore
ront Line Maintenance (FLM) is the preservation of tools and
Performance improvement
assets in a company in order to allow operations to continually
Narayanan, Wardhaugh and Das (2021) stipulate that the improvement
run smooth transactions and avoidance of major hinderances. FLM is
of performance in the realms of maintenance works hangs in the
more convoluted than other forms of maintenance since it requires
balance between both efficiency and execution. In other words, teams
maintenance crews to fix issues whilst the assets are in use [2]. An
have to plan accordingly under strict timelines and scheduling along
example of FLM in application is when trains in metro stations are
with constructive resource administration and allocation. Findings on
delayed due to maintenance issues. In order to increase profitability and
performance benchmarking of refinery or plant operators conclude
availability of services with steady operations, workers have to adhere
that their time is being mismanaged, and around 25% of it should be
to strict guidelines and training courses for the best FLM practices. For
appointed to maintenance efforts. Workers should be able to find and
the purposes of this article, Front Line Maintenance (FLM) will be mostly
fix issues like corrosion in equipment as early as possible to increase
associated to the Oil and Gas industry unless stated otherwise.
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assets. Should the performance of assets be reduced, it results in
Safety is usually a top priority for FLM in the Oil and Gas industry –
downtimes, high costs and endangerment of labourers. According to
especially in marine and offshore worksites. Frontline workers have to
Márquez and Papaelias [8], the three types of maintenance that are
be “responsible for managing process safety and other risks in their
undertaken for assets are “corrective”, “preventative” and “predictive”
hazardous workplaces,” [6] with the use of either their own knowledge
maintenance respectfully. Corrective maintenance is conducted when
or others’ in order to manage critical situations. Aging assets tend to
a failure occurs; preventative maintenance decreases the likelihood of
pose as a threat to safety because of the “cumulative degradation”
failure when performed at specific periods according to strict criteria
due to corroded machinery that may cause erosion and fatigue in
determined through a time-schedule or through system sensors,
the mechanisms – this eventually causes normalisation of deviance
testing or analytics.
(complying to degraded asset conditions) [5].
Predictive maintenance is carried out according to the expected asset
Other safety barriers on assets include structural, mechanical, process
condition to avert failures.
and marine integrity, fire and explosions, pipelines, corrosion, human
Khan, Mad, Osman and Aziz [5] claim that asset degradation factors
factors and others [5].
include namely corrosion, erosion, fatigue, asset obsolescence and normalizing of substandard conditions/operations. These issues are
Asset life
exacerbated when there is a large amount of aging assets to maintain.
The Oil and Gas (OG) industry requires recurring maintenance of
The NOROG [10] mention that manipulations of fluid composition
all parts, structures and engines to ensure optimal performance of
influence occurrence of corrosion in specific systems.
© Zingametall
© Zingametall
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
Hydrocarbon release Hydrocarbons comprise of various compounds that naturally occur in crude oils like petroleum and natural gas [3]. Hydro-carbon releases (HCRs) causes major casualties in off-shore facilities and even though accidents have reduced since 1992, there are over 140 accidents occurring in a year just in the UK itself [4]. HCRs tend to be performance indicators of asset integrity management of offshore installations as they potentially herald severe accidents [1]. According to the Hydrocarbon Release Reduction Toolkit, HCRs do not occur mainly through involuntary lapses in equipment operations, but basic human error instead; in terms of designing, maintaining and operating [14]. HCRs are also caused due to corrosion in pipelines or other storage tanks and facilities mainly in the Marine and offshore institutions. In order to keep these HCRs from occurring © Zingametall
frequently, rapid action must be taken on-site to mitigate corrosion and strengthen asset integrity.
Addressing corrosion issues Rahuma & M. [12] specify the following; the “economic loss” in the OG industry is “extremely high” and some products used to combat it are corrosion inhibitors since they are very economical [7] and are categorized according to their chemical, cathodic, anodic or mixed nature. Inhibitors that are made in the form of coatings extend the life of an asset as they produce a protective thin film that prevents the substrate underneath from corroding. Potential of the substrate is increased when the metal “enters the passivation region” where an oxide film is created and the inhibitor reacts with the corrosive elements and removes them [11]. Compatibility with the environment, economical constraints, providing corrosion protection with minimal side-effects should be the top priority of OG companies that choose to use the coating to mitigate corrosion. In order to save on costs, the selected coating © Zingametall
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being used must be able to be applied and be
used within a short period of time to revive the asset and allow for flawless operations. Application of this coating should ideally be without the use of large equipment, excessive manpower and tools or equipment and should be applied onsite as opposed to a third-party site. In order to articulate the entire process of using such a ZINGA’s coating to address and fix corrosion issues on-site, a flowchart has been provided and can be used as a checklist when applying ZINGA onto surfaces that need corrosion protection as a corrective, preventative or predictive maintenance application. ZINGA has become a staple in the OG Industry for both upstream and downstream in Malaysia and Singapore. It has been tried, tested and proven to meet the stringent requirements to protect and preserve aging assets since 2015. Various trial tests have been conducted to validate the corrosion protection performance of ZINGA that are now implemented across the board.
Corrosion protection of ZINGA ZINGA is a one component zinc rich coating or film galvanising system containing 96% zinc (dust) in its dry film. It is a metallic coating and not a paint. The purity of the zinc used, is so high that dry ZINGA does not contain any toxic elements. ZINGA provides active and passive protection and therefore can be applied as a paint. Active protection refers to the zinc (anode) sacrificing itself in favour of the steel substrate (cathode); where the electron flow in the circuit prevents corrosion from occurring. As for passive protection, paints and cladding create a barrier between the steel substrate and the elements that are eventually breached –that allow for corrosion to compromise the substrate beneath the coating. As for ZINGA, the zinc oxide layer and organic binders create an additional impervious barrier by blocking the zinc’s natural porosity with oxide particles. Once the barrier is breached however, the zinc will
© Zingametall
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© Zingametall
© Zingametall
re-oxidise and will once again to provide anti-corrosive protection.
on damaged spots for corrosion protection to maintain structural
ZINGA is known to be a stand-alone system as its protection standard
is comparable to that of galvanization without the need for topcoats.
ZINGA happens to be fire retardant as well – which bodes well since
ZINGA can be re-applied on itself with minimal surface preparation
most resources in the oil and gas industry are prone to combustion. It
without compromising its anti-corrosive integrity.
does not spread flames or produce toxic flames and his been tested by independent laboratories. A fire test at SGS Yarsley Technical Service
Characteristics of ZINGA
(UK) found that ZINGA has a class 0 surface (best ranking) in flame
ZINGA is known to have record drying times compared to other coatings
spread ranking.
in the industry. It is touch dry in around 10 minutes at 20 °C (40 μm
A reaction to fire test was performed at Efectis (Netherlands) in 2013.
DFT). It can be recoated with a new layer of ZINGA an hour after being
ZINGA showed to propagation of the fire, no toxic smoke or droplets.
touch dried (other paints 6 to 24 hours after touch dry). Faster system applications allow for shorter application times, less man hours and
shorter close down time of assets and structures. Since the cost of
OG industry organisations are forced to continue operations despite
equipment, personnel and cost through economical loss due to non-
having aging assets and having to deal with the high costs and safety
functioning of the structure is the highest of a coating project, this
risks that come with it in such a competitive and highly regulated
means ZINGA is immensely cost-effective.
ZINGA can be recharged without major surface preparation – only the
ZINGA meets these criteria for corrosion protection, safety, and
accumulated zinc salts need to be removed. Depending on the age of
productivity. It is easy to use, reduces downtime and contains non-toxic
the layer, salt removal can be performed through a water wash or steam
elements within the formula that allow for harmless application.
cleaning at 150 bar at 80 °C or by sweep blasting.
This increases its economic value and provides OG companies with a
Each new layer of ZINGA makes the former layer liquid, ensuring that
viable and effective solution that can be carried out at flexible time-
the layer is homogenous. In the case of drilling or welding surfaces,
the first layer of ZINGA acts as a primer and can intercept severe damages. Another ZINGA layer can be reapplies and local damages can
The author would like to thank Rehan Ahmed (Petronas MY),
be repaired but welding seams need to be cleaned beforehand. If the
Kiran Chandram (Exxonmobil SG), and Vijay Perinpanayagam
entire surface need not be coated with ZINGA, it can instead be applied
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
(Exxonmobil MY). ‹
References [1] Adejugba, O. (2013). How has industry achieved a significant reduction in Hydrocarbon Releases? (Masters). University of Aberdeen. [2] Brightside. (2021). What is maintenance?. Retrieved 14 October 2021, from [3] Clark, C. (2018). What are hydrocarbons? - Gulf Coast Environmental Systems. Retrieved 16 October 2021, from what-are-hydrocarbons/ [4] Gilroy, J., Dumolo, D., & Porter, D. (2012). Identifying the causes of hydrocarbon releases on offshore plastforms (1st ed., pp. 33-38). Rugby, Warwickshire: Institution of Chemical Engineers. [5] Khan, R., Mad, A., Osman, K., & Aziz, M. (2019). Maintenance Management of Aging Oil and Gas Facilities. Maintenance Management. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.82841 [6] Lilburne, C., Lant, P., & Hassall, M. (2021). Exploring oil and gas industry workers’ knowledge and information needs. Journal Of Loss Prevention In The Process Industries, 72, 104514. doi: 10.1016/j. jlp.2021.104514 [7] Miksic, B., Furman, A., & Kharshan, M. (2009). Effectiveness of the corrosion inhibitors for the petroleum industry under various flow conditions (pp. 1-2). NACE International, Corrosion Conference and Expo. Retrieved from Nacereviewed/09573.pdf [8] Márquez, F., & Papaelias, M. (2020). Introductory Chapter: An Overview to Maintenance Management. Maintenance Management. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.86892 [9] Narayan, V., Wardhaugh, J., & Das, M. (2008). 100 Years of Maintenance & Reliability: Practical Lessons from Three Lifetimes at Process Plants (1st ed.). New York: Industrial Press. [10] NOROG. (2017). 122–Norwegian Oil and Gas Recommended Guidelines for the Management of Life Extension (2nd ed., pp. 9-12). Stavange: Norwegian Oil and Gas Association. [11] Popoola, L., Grema, A., Latinwo, G., Gutti, B., & Balogun, A. (2013). Corrosion problems during oil and gas production and its mitigation. International Journal Of Industrial Chemistry, 4(1), 35. doi: 10.1186/2228-5547-4-35 [12] Rahuma, M., & M, B. (2014). Corrosion in Oil and Gas Industry: A Perspective on Corrosion Inhibitors. Journal Of Material Science & Engineering, 03(03). doi: 10.4172/2169-0022.1000e110 [13] Reliabilityweb. (2021). Operators as a Maintenance Resource Reliabilityweb. Retrieved 16 October 2021, from https://reliabilityweb. com/articles/entry/operators_as_a_maintenance_resource [14] Step Change in Safety. (2010). Hydrocarbon Release Reduction TOOLKIT (1st ed., p. 4). Aberdeen, UK: Step Change in Safety.
Cortec’s Top-Three Primer/Topcoat Combos to Protect Metals from Micro-Corrosion Rick Shannon Cortec Corporation - St. Paul (MN) – United States
Cortec® Corporation released top-three primer-topcoat combinations from its range of Micro-Corrosion Inhibiting Coatings™ to protect metals and fight micro-corrosion.
n order to help painters in finding the best primer/topcoat combo
extreme protection in harsh outdoor, unsheltered applications. VpCI®-
solution Cortec® Corporation developed three primer-topcoat
396 is a fast drying, solvent-based moisture cure urethane one coat
combinations that are great ways to go for excellent performance
primer that can be applied DTM (direct to metal).
with options for environmental or user benefits, 2K durability, or 1K
Its complex chemistry offers protection that competes with most paints
convenience. Here are the details:
and zinc-rich primers. VpCI®-396 primes the way for application of VpCI®-384, a solvent-based urethane topcoat that rivals other big-name
Solvent-Based Primer/Topcoat
urethanes on the market and offers excellent adhesion to moisture cure
Cortec’s VpCI -396/VpCI -384 combination takes first place as the best
urethanes like VpCI®-396 primer.
Cortec solvent-based coatings system, and is ideal for those seeking
It has a high gloss, excellent hardness, extremely good flexibility, and
© Cortec
Cortec® Corporation developed top-three primer-topcoat combinations to help painters in protecting metals and fighting micro-corrosion also in harsh outdoor, unsheltered applications. Cortec’s solvent-based primer/ topcoat combination is recommended for use in the harshest conditions where a urethane topcoat would typically be applied. MicroCorrosion Inhibiting Coatings™ are essential to protect both interior and exterior structures.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
excellent solvent resistance. VpCI®-384 is a two component system
primer. As a 2K system, it has special crosslinking advantages for
which adds another step to the process for mixing.
increased durability. Another advantage is its low VOC of 0.2 lbs/gal
However, this extra effort pays off due to the special cross-linking
(24 g/L). EcoShield® 386 is the best option for a water-based topcoat
action that takes place between the two parts for greater durability in
and shows exceptional corrosion protection in salt spray testing.
the long run. Cortec’s VpCI -396/VpCI -384 combination has excellent
EcoShield® 386 provides UV resistance and therefore can be used
UV resistance and is recommended for use in the harshest conditions
as an outdoor coating. It can be applied clear or matched to most
where a urethane topcoat would typically be applied, including coastal
custom colours.
wind farms, power poles, tanks, and bridges. Single Component Water-Based Primer/Topcoat Water-Based Primer/Topcoat
For those who want to go the water-based route without the extra
While solvent-based coatings are sometimes needed to withstand
hassle of mixing a 2K primer, Cortec® also offers an excellent single
extreme conditions, water-based coatings are often preferred for
component water-based primer/topcoat combination for corrosion
environmental or worker advantages. For example, water-based
protection in harsh conditions. VpCI®-375 is a water-based acrylic one
coatings generally have lower VOC than solvent-based coatings and
coat DTM system that is resistant to sagging or running and forms a
are typically easier to clean up just with water. Fortunately, Cortec®
tough protective barrier. It offers UV resistance when dried, providing
has developed many excellent water-based Micro-Corrosion Inhibiting
optimal outdoor performance without cracking or chipping upon
Coatings™ with exceptional protection.
prolonged exposure to sunlight. Although VpCI®-375 can be used
The first go-to water-based option is Cortec’s VpCI -395/EcoShield ®
386 combination. VpCI -395 is a fast-drying water-based epoxy ®
as a topcoat if desired, it is even better paired with EcoShield® 386, Cortec’s outstanding single-component water-based topcoat. ‹
© Cortec
© Cortec
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
Teknos Reduced Energy Consumption by 13% in Its Danish Site Thanks to 20 dataloggers, the Danish site of Teknos managed to cut 1755 tons of CO2 and reduce energy consumption by 13%. © Teknos
The headquarters of Teknos A/S in Vamdrup, Denmark.
eknos Group has reached one of its sustainability goals: in 2020, the
more energy efficiently and detect deficiencies. We also make
company’s Danish site reduced its energy consumption by 13% in
experiments to find new ways of doing things, and the data shows
relation to production. Two years prior, Teknos set a target to improve
almost immediately the results of these tests”, clarifies Brian Creutz,
its environmental footprint and reduce energy consumption by 5%
Plant Manager of Teknos’ Danish site. “We started seeing the results
annually. The Danish site, located in Jutland, produces between 23 and
enabled by datalogging immediately. In 2019, we reduced energy by four
24 million litres of water- and solvent-based liquid paints, UV lacquers
percent and in 2020 by 13 percent. We had conducted actions to save
and thinners per year. It is almost 25% of the entire Teknos Group’s
energy already before installing the dataloggers, but we were surprised
production. The site is completely operated on electricity and 70% of it
to see the additional energy savings potential. With our reductions and
derives from wind energy.
energy efficiency measures, we can also support our clients in achieving
One of the key elements of this success are 20 dataloggers that monitor
their own sustainability goals as they monitor the annual emissions of
and record the use of electricity and natural gas for ventilation, heat
their suppliers.”
pump, heating of binder tanks and compressor. These data are then
The Danish site of Teknos is now considering investing in a new heat
measured and analysed, allowing to test different options and make
pump to further improve its sustainability efforts. Moreover, other
informed decisions. Teknos managed to cut 1755 tons of carbon dioxide
Teknos sites are also planning to implement similar datalogging
while also saving tens of thousands of euros in costs in just over two
solutions in the near future. The company has estimated that, by
years. This reduction is equal to the energy used in one year in 192
adopting this practice alone, it could reach its 5% reduction target
homes, or greenhouse gasses emissions from 346 cars for one year.
without other interventions.
“We began datalogging the functions that had the best reduction potential. The data enables us to improve our processes to operate
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
For further information:
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© Liebherr
The Liebherr LR 11000 crawler crane with V-Frame ballast guidance system.
Easy Ballast Coating at Liebherr Edited by Vollert Anlagenbau GmbH Weinsberg – Germany
A new coating system from Vollert speeds up and simplifies ballast coating at the Liebherr plant in Ehingen (Germany). The heavy counterweights for mobile telescopic and lattice boom cranes are coated individually or in ergonomically suspended groups - up to a total weight of 20 tons.
t the Liebherr plant in Ehingen, Vollert planned and built a new
The Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH is one of the world’s leading
ballast painting plant with friction wheel and rope conveyor
manufacturers of mobile cranes. The crane portfolio includes state-
technology for the coating of crane ballast elements. These are used as
of-theart telescopic and lattice boom cranes on mobile and crawler
counterweights for mobile lattice boom and telescopic cranes with lifting
undercarriages with lifting capacities of up to 3,000 tons. They are
heights of up to 245 m. Depending on the product carrier, elements
used, for example, in ports, for bridge construction or for erecting wind
weighing up to 20 tons can be coated in an overhead, suspended
turbines. A new wet painting plant is used to coat steel ballast elements,
manner. A total of 25 product carriers are in circulation.
which serve as the necessary counterweight for the heavy lifting work.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
© Vollert
Vollert supplied the conveyor technology with control system as well as the steel structure for the conveyor system and the steel structure for the newly built hall section.
Ballast in its most beautiful form Liebherr offers its customers a wide choice of colours for the paint
Overhead coating with friction wheel and rope conveyor technology
finish. At the same time, the ballast elements have different shapes and
After delivery on transport trolleys, a loading crane takes over the ballast
sizes up to a maximum of 4.5 m x 2.45 m and a weight of up to 12.5
elements at the start of the new line. They are attached to a product
tons, depending on the type of crane. In order to reduce the previously
carrier individually or in groups of up to 20 tons. For this purpose
high proportion of manual work, Vollert was commissioned to redesign
the overhead crane lowers the empty product carrier and optimally
the coating process.
positions the same by radio control with the aid of a trolley and its
On an area of around 110 m in length and 20 m in width, the work
integrated slewing gear. It then lifts the product carriers, turns them by
stations for washing, adhesive water drying, grinding, priming,
up to 270 degrees depending on their position, and feeds them into the
evaporating, top coating, as well as for drying, cooling, gluing and
painting system. At the end of the line, an unloading crane of the same
marking are now lined up one after the other. Vollert coordinated the
design places the finished workpieces back lengthwise onto a waiting
planning of the entire plant and supplied the conveyor technology with
transport trolley at 30-minute intervals. The empty product carriers
control system as well as the steel structure for the conveyor system
are then returned to the starting point via a parallel return line using a
and the steel structure for the newly built hall section. The painting
rope conveyor system. Up to eight product carriers can be transported
technology was supplied by Heimer Lackiertechnik from Bielefeld.
simultaneously and a total of 25 product carriers are in continuously
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
synchronized circulation. Instead of chain conveyors or individual drives
Easy coating for heavy weights
on the transport units, the Vollert concept uses permanently installed
Vollert has already developed heavy-duty painting systems for Liebherr
friction wheels for individual feed.
on several occasions, including for plants in Kirchdorf, Nenzing, Colmar
“The high total weight of the parts and the requirement for ergonomic
and Nizhny Novgorod. In 2008, the specialists designed the world’s
height adjustment in the painting booths would not have been possible
first overhead paint shop for parts weighing up to 50 tons for Liebherr.
with a chain conveyor,” explains Lukas Gänsler, project manager at
In doing so, the engineers relied on their know-how from the precast
concrete and automotive industries and for the first time transferred the
When washing, grinding, painting and processing large parts, the lifting
conveyor systems used in these sectors to large-part coating lines.
and lowering devices ensure an ergonomic working height. Individual
Since then, these have been successfully implemented in numerous
loading and unloading can also be easily solved with a trolley, slewing
coating plants for construction machinery, truck trailers and large
gear and the known friction wheel concept.
transmissions. ‹
© Vollert
© Vollert
© Vollert
Clockwise: The ballast elements are attached to a product carrier individually or in groups of up to 20 tons. The overhead crane lifts the product carriers, turns them by up to 270 degrees depending on their position, and feeds them into the painting system. At the end of the line, the unloading crane places the finished workpieces back lengthwise onto a waiting transport trolley at 30-minute intervals.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
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Coating Inspections: Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation, Part 4 Massimo Cornago NACE International Certified Coating Inspector, NACE CIP PEER Reviewer
ollowing the previous article, “Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation,
both mineral and slag abrasives and it summarises the various tests
Part 3”, we will now discuss other surface preparation systems and
that can be used to determine their general physical and chemical
their related inspections to be carried out during the works themselves,
analysing the abrasive blast cleaning process and its related inspection
These properties include:
method based on the appropriate standards.
• Specific Gravity • Hardness • Weight change on ignition
The Inspector should verify that the blasting abrasive meets all
• Water soluble contaminants
requirements of the job specifications.
• Crystalline silica content
This includes verifying that it is capable of providing the specified surface
• Oil content
profile. The SSPC AB-1 standard defines the requirements for assessing
• Particle size distribution.
© Adobe Stock
Analysis of blasting abrasives (SSPC AB-1)
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
As fully described in the standard, the blasting abrasive should be tested
be as short a length and as large a diameter as practical to minimise
for water-soluble ionic contamination, in compliance with ASTM D 4940
loss of blasting pressure, internal friction, or particular restriction. To
(standard test method for conductimetric analysis of water-soluble ionic
increase productivity, blast nozzles should be replaced when their throat
contamination of blast cleaning abrasives). In this test, a slurry is made
diameters are eroded to the next larger size.
with abrasive particles and pure water and then filtered; the filtrate is tested for acid/basic contaminants and soluble salts (checking its pH
Testing for oil or water in compressed air (ASTM D 4285)
and conductivity, respectively). The acceptable pH value is between
Oil and water in the compressed air may affect the degree of cleanliness
5 and 8. After settling and before filtration, the liquid should also be
of the coating. The Inspector should check to ensure that water traps
inspected visually for oil and dirty or fines. The test is usually conducted
and dryers for air compressors are present and operational. The
periodically at the discretion of the Inspector. It is good practice to retain
Inspector should use the “blotter test”, in compliance with ASTM D 4285,
a small sample from each batch of abrasive.
to determine the presence of oil or water contamination of compressed air used for abrasive blast cleaning.
Inspection of abrasive blasting equipment
Blotter testing is normally conducted daily, after the compressor has
The inspection focusses on three main important aspects: “Hoses,
reached the operative temperature. Any indication of oil discoloration
coupling, and nozzles”, “Oil or water in compressed air (ASTM D 4285)”,
and water contamination on the collector is cause for rejection of the
and “Verification of blasting pressure”.
compressed air. The normal procedure is summarised as follows:
Hoses, coupling, and nozzles
• Place a white blotter, or another similar absorbent material (such
The Inspector should check blasting hoses, couplings, and nozzles for
as filter paper) on a rigid backing within 610 mm (24 inches) of the air
deterioration and verify that blast hoses have safety wires. Hoses should
discharge point centred in the air stream of a blast equipment.
© Adobe Stock
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
• Allow the air stream to impact onto the collector for a minimum time of
possible and slanted toward it at a 45 degrees angle to minimise needle
1 minute.
damage or clogging.
• Visually examine the collector for the presence of oil or moisture. Any
• Read the blast cleaning air pressure directly from the gauge dial.
indication of either is sufficient cause for rejection of the compressed air
• Repeat the test periodically, as required by the project specifications or
stream. To avoid false indications, the Inspector should do as follows:
any time new events occur that could change the pressure value.
- Allow compressed air to reach operating conditions before testing. - Fasten the collector material to a rigid backing and avoid personal
Testing for surface cleanliness
contact with the air stream.
The Inspector should verify that the specified kevel of surface cleanliness
- Locate the collector as close to the use point of the air stream as
is attained. SSPC (Society for Protective Coatings) and NACE International
possible and downstream of the in-line oil and water separators.
(National Association of Corrosion Engineers) have developed joint written standards that are used to verify the degree of surface cleanliness by abrasive blast cleaning methods. Incidentally, SSPC and NACE
Any change in the blasting pressure may affect the depth of the anchor
International have recently merged to create AMPP, the Association for
pattern. Whenever a change in blasting pressure is suspected, the
Materials Protection and Performance.
Inspector should measure the internal blast hose pressure at the
These standards, i.e. NACE1/SSPC-SP5, NACE2/SSPC-SP10, NACE3/SSPC-
nozzle. The test is conducted with an air pressure gauge attached to a
SP6, and NACE4/SSPC-SP7, are descriptions of the various degrees of
hypodermic needle, inserted through the blast nozzle just below the
surface cleanliness. We will analyse these standards in detail in our next
reading dial. The gauge can also be used to determine any pressure
article, “Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation, Part 5”.
drops in air hoses. The normal procedure can be summarised as follow:
In addition, SSPC has developed visual standards called SSPC-Vis1, a book
• Start up the blast cleaning equipment, so that all blast nozzles are
containing colour prints illustrating the various degrees of abrasive blast
cleaning over various rust grades of structural steel.
• Insert the gauge needle through the blast hose as close to the nozzle as
It is intended to supplement the written description.
© Massimo Cornago
Verification of blasting pressure
The SSPC-Vis1 book contains colour prints illustrating the various degrees of abrasive blast cleaning over various rust grades of structural steel.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
While published visual standards have proven to be extremely helpful, it is rare that the appearance of the surface condition exactly matches those in the standards. As an alternative to using published visual standards to verify the degree of surface cleanliness, a section of the structure may be selected and cleaned in the presence of a blaster and the Inspector. The cleanliness is then discussed and agreed upon and the field standard preserved as a reference. This is referred to as a jobsite standard. SSPC-Vis1 The visual standard (it includes sets of standard photographs illustrating the four levels of blast cleaned steel), is used to assist in determining if blast cleaned steel surfaces meet the written cleanliness standard. The procedure is as follows: • Determine the initial condition, or grade, of the steel to be cleaned by comparing it to the four photos representing different conditions: - Rust Grade A: steel surface completely covered with adherent mill scale, little or no visible rust. - Rust Grade B: steel surface covered with both mill scale and rust. - Rust Grade C: steel surface completely covered with rust, little or no pitting visible. - Rust Grade D: steel surface completely covered with rust, pitting visible. • Immediately prior to painting, turn to the section of SSPC-Vis 1 representing the rust grade level determined in Step 1 and select the photo that represents the specified level of cleaning: - SSPC-SP7 Brush-off blast cleaning - SSPC-SP6 Commercial blast cleaning - SSPC-SP10 Near-white blast cleaning - SSPC-SP5 White metal blast cleaning. Thus, if a Rust Grade B steel is to be cleaned to SSPC-SP10, use the photo designated “B-P10” and visually compare it to the cleaned steel to help determine whether it meets the written standard. Note that variations from the photo may occur in texture, shade, colour, tone, the amount of mill scale or pitting, or the abrasive used. In the next article, we will discuss other standards. ‹
© Shutterstock
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) is any type of corrosion that occurs due to moisture present on the external surface of insulated equipment. It can compromise the whole system’s integrity.
EonCoat CUI vs. Polymeric CUI Coating Systems for Insulated Tanks Edited by EonCoat LLC Fuquay- Varina (NC), United States
CUI is a common term used for corrosion under insulation. Corrosion on insulated tanks is a big threat to safety, productivity, and the bottom line. The right protective coating is crucial. In this article we will be comparing the EonCoat CUI coating vs. polymeric CUI coatings and we will break them down into 2 sections.
Surface preparation
A near-white metal blast (SSPC 10) is required for polymeric coatings
To prepare the surface for either of the two coatings it generally needs
to properly adhere. Once the blast has been performed, the coating
to be grit blasted, though if no old coating or mill scale is present, and
needs to be applied immediately before flash rust occurs, or a surface
rust has tightly adhered then EonCoat can be applied directly to the
treatment must be applied to hold the blast.
rust. The polymeric CUI coating systems require a more extensive blast
If it were to rain before the application is complete the entire process
than EonCoat.
would have to start all over again.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
EonCoat CUI only needs a surface prep of NACE 3 / SSPC-SP
© EonCoat
6. It can also be applied directly to surface rust and does not require you to hold the blast. EonCoat CUI coating can be applied in any humidity, even rain as long as it is not directly on the substrate. Less abrasive used to sandblast surface & less clean up time.
Coating application For the polymeric CUI coating systems holding the blast is crucial. The slightest bit of surface rust will compromise the coating. Multiple coats are required and usually long cure times. This translates to cost and long downtimes. EonCoat CUI can be applied directly to surface rust and can be sprayed on. Unlike the polymeric CUI coating system. The actual application of the coatings is quicker. EonCoat CUI is also a one-coat system that cures in under 15 minutes. Fewer coats to apply and much less time waiting around
© EonCoat
for it to cure: this leads to lower application costs and less downtime.
Summary of polymeric CUI coating systems The traditional polymeric CUI coating systems present some limitations, namely: • They require extensive surface preparation and lengthy downtime to apply • They are susceptible to abrasion, temperature changes, and exposure to the elements • They need to be inspected and re-applied on a regular basis.
Why is EonCoat CUI coating better? EonCoat reduces application time by about 50% thanks to its unique spray method and fast-curing properties. Once applied, EonCoat’s proprietary dual-layer formula eliminates the need for re-application. A single coat of
© EonCoat
EonCoat is sufficient to protect carbon steel assets for the life of the asset. EonCoat CUI will reduce the time you spend maintaining your insulated tanks, cut down on corrosion monitoring and re-application costs, and maximize safety, protection, and uptime. ‹
From top to bottom: - An insulated tank being prepared for service. - Worker is grit blasting a steel asset. - EonCoat being applied to a tank.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION Unlocking Cleaner Energy for the Region, for Europe & Beyond
Register to the Conference and BOOK YOUR BOOTH! NATIONAL HOST
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Communicating your Brand Effectively: The Power of Storytelling Marketing Ilaria Paolomelo Eos Mktg&Communication Srl
Storytelling is one of the main marketing tools through which successfully communicating with our target audience: telling stories that convey the values of a company, that are able to engage and arouse emotions is essential to strengthen the relationship between a brand and consumers.
torytelling is generally defined as the art of communicating by telling
In marketing, this activity is called storytelling marketing and today,
stories – engaging and meaningful stories capable of capturing the
it represents one of the most important tools to communicate
attention of our audience, of stimulating consumers imagination and
successfully with our target audience. In the words of Seth Godin,
appealing to their emotions.
“Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but the stories you
More precisely, the storytelling technique allows us to set up a
persuasive story capable of creating an emotional and empathic
The rise of digital media has profoundly changed the world of
connection between the recipient of the story and the narrator, namely
marketing. On the one hand, it has offered companies greater
the brand itself.
opportunities to reach consumers; on the other hand, it has
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
contributed to an overload of information, making communication
2. Analyse and listen to the audience
more difficult, also by virtue of the increasingly short attention span
To tell a story we need an audience!
of online users. This is why the ancient practice of storytelling has
The secret of storytelling is that we tell the story of others within our
become relevant today more than ever.
own. In fact, in storytelling, while talking about us, we actually talk
However, telling compelling stories isn’t as easy as it sounds. It is not
about our audience so that it can identify with and feel part of our
enough to tell just any story, even if it might seem interesting to us. Not
all stories can be suitable for storytelling: it is necessary to select the
Analysing the reader and relying on buyer personas is essential at this
right topics and choose the right words to touch the emotional chords
stage to really understand what our potential buyers would like to see
of our audience and lead them into a unique and all-encompassing
or hear, which scenes and messages are most exciting and motivating
experience capable of strengthening the bond between a brand and
for them, and in which situations or with which characters they identify.
the consumers.
In addition to buyer personas, interviews and market research can help us listen to the voice of readers and answer these key questions
How to create an effective story?
that will guide the plot of our story.
There are some aspects that, if taken into consideration, can help us to create a strong bond between the narrator and the recipient. An
3. Define the main message and objectives to be achieved
engaging and successful story should be:
After analysing our target audience and identifying their values,
• Memorable: a story that is able to inspire, engage, move, excite and
interests and needs, we need to focus on the message we want to
remain etched in the minds of our audience.
convey. Let’s ask ourselves what we really want to communicate
• Formative: a good story should arouse curiosity and provide useful
and what results we want to achieve: for example, consolidating the
and valuable information.
awareness of our brand, promoting a specific product, raising public
• Funny: a story must be able to entertain readers, create suspense
awareness on a specific issue, encouraging certain behaviours in
and keep them glued to it.
consumers, etc.
• Universal: anyone should be able to understand and identify with
To find our core message, it is advisable to try to summarize the story
the history. For this reason, it is advisable to choose simple and
in about six to ten words. If that’s not possible, we probably don’t have
understandable terms.
well-defined ideas about the story and key objectives yet.
• Orderly: a good story must be written clearly and consistently. A story
Whatever the story and the message we want to convey, we have
must have a well-defined beginning and end, and sequences logically
various stylistic and narrative choices at our disposal: for example,
the heart of the story can be revealed from the beginning and act as a fil-rouge throughout the entire story, or be unveiled suddenly. What
Now that we know how to write an effective story, let’s see what are
matters is that the message is present and that it leaves room for
the steps to take in our storytelling marketing strategy.
reflections and/or emotions when readers finish watching or listening to the story.
Storytelling marketing In storytelling marketing, it is not enough to rely on emotions to
4. Determine the essential elements of the story
effectively communicate and engage our target. We must carefully
Once we have defined the cornerstone of our story, it is time to
analyse the relationship between the brand and the target audience,
develop it further by choosing characters, setting, timing, tone of voice,
the values and mission of our company, choose the tools to use to tell
conflicts and resolutions.
our story and communicating in a captivating and engaging way. Let’s see how to do it step by step.
To properly structure the story, we can answer the following questions:
1. Consolidate the brand identity
The first step to take is the definition of the brand identity, that is, the
The first question to answer concerns the characters or those who,
identity of our company. Let’s reflect on what are the values, mission,
through their words, thoughts and actions, convey the central message
personality and positioning of our company, how we are currently
of the story.
perceived and how we want to be considered by consumers.
Basically, the stories have a protagonist (defined as the “bearer of the
This analysis is extremely important in establishing the message, the
story”), an antagonist (who has a position and values contrary to the
story we want to tell and the goals we want to achieve.
main character), as well as main and secondary characters. For each of them we must ask ourselves:
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
• What is their role and purpose within the
• Rivalry: the main character faces an
• Digital with video, images, 3D, infographics,
antagonist and experiences a clash of values
etc., to be disseminated on the company’s
• What message they want to communicate;
and ideological positions.
social channels, website, blog, email and
• What emotions they arouse;
• Research: the protagonist goes in search
• What are their values;
of an ally, an object, a treasure or a specific
• Relational through the organization of
• How they physically appear.
shows, corporate events, corporate social responsibility initiatives, etc.
The choice of the characters plays a fundamental role as they must lead the viewer
5. Choose the correct format and channel
The choice of the most appropriate channel(s)
to empathise.
to share your story
through which spreading, sharing and
Finally, the last step to take concerns the
promoting our story depends on the format
formats and distribution channels to be
that seems most suitable to us, the budget
The setting is the place where the story
included in our strategy for spreading the
available and the target we wish to reach.
takes place and for this reason it is essential
story. We have numerous tools and formats
to describe and present the locations and
of various kinds at our disposal. Choosing the
From theory to practice
scenarios within which the events take
best format to tell and convey our message
Now that we have seen how to establish a real
place. Let’s ask ourselves what is the most
is not always easy. Once again, we have to
engaging dialogue with our target audience
suitable place for the message we want to
analyse our audience to understand where
with the aim of arousing curiosity and interest
communicate and the chosen characters, in
and how to best reach it as well as study the
in our company and our products, let’s see
order to give coherence to the entire narrative.
various channels to understand the one that
two case studies that have made history.
can most enhance the key elements of the What?
story and excite the target.
Red Bull Stratos
A compelling and well-structured narrative
Contrary to what one might think, storytelling
Sport is one of the activities that most unites
plot must include conflict. It guides the action,
can be declined in various formats and on
and generates engagement and enthusiasm
keeps the public engaged, inspires people
many distribution channels:
among people. This strong emotional sharing
to act and reflect. To identify the conflict
• Printed through press releases, written
is often exploited by the Austrian company
underlying our story, we need to ask ourselves
stories, infographics, business cards, company
producing drinks and energy drinks, Red Bull,
the following questions:
brochures, etc.;
which places it at the basis of its storytelling
• What do the characters want to achieve? • What prevents them from getting it? • What obstacles and challenges do they face along the way? • What is their reward? How and why? If characters are the “who”, the spatial setting the “where” and the conflict the “what”, through the plot we answer the questions “how” and “why”. At the centre of these questions are the events that happened: the story is made up of individual events that make up the narrative (“how” they occurred), and their causal connection (“why” they occurred). Usually, the why concerns three different situations: • Personal growth: in the course of the story the protagonist faces a process of change aimed at transforming himself and his relationship with others.
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
© Red Bull
marketing strategy. Being present in every
that leap is associated with the name of the
mix that is never repetitive or redundant.
sporting event, especially if extreme, is the
Austrian company and is still able to awaken
Lego, the famous Danish toy manufacturer,
leitmotiv of Red Bull’s strategy in order to
the same tension and emotions in users and
is one of the main brands that has chosen
engage, excite and inspire a large slice of
record strong engagement.
to build its storytelling strategy by taking
the public. The message conveyed is that, by
In terms of narration, the “Red Bull Stratos”
advantage of a multitude of channels, devices
buying and consuming Red Bull, everyone can
project was born from an original idea: it
and tools in a unique and innovative way: from
perform any heroic feat, just as the slogan
was not necessary to write even a word to
the Lego Movie - the animated movie released
“Red Bull gives you wings” reminds us.
tell such an exciting story. The leap into the
on the big screen in 2014 - to the Lego Star
With the “Red Bull Stratos” project, the
stratosphere, Felix Baumgartner’s feat and the
Wars and Lego Indiana Jones short-films, the
boundaries of storytelling are even exceeded.
wind were enough to write history.
Lego Friends, Lego Ninjago, Lego Bionicle TV series, the special episodes for specific TV
Lego’s transmedia storytelling
channels such as Cartoon Network or Disney
If the previous case concerned a campaign
Channel, up to the shorter videos for YouTube.
purely based on videos, most of the
Furthermore, Lego has invested in theme
storytelling strategies created by companies
parks and in the branded amusement parks
are transmedia ones: “a process where
“Legoland”, video games, books, t-shirts and
The audience witnessed a unique sporting
integral elements of a fiction get dispersed
gadgets of all kinds.
performance and a world record: Felix
systematically across multiple delivery channel
Baumgartner’s jump into the stratosphere
for the purpose of creating a unified and
To all this, of course, all the most classic tools
with a parachute from a height of over 38,000
coordinated entertainment experience” -
of communication campaigns have been
meters, achieved in 2012. The news caused
Henry Jenkins.
added, from advertising spots, to web banners
great uproar and became viral in no time on
Unlike cross-media – in which the same
and pages on social networks, and poster
the web and on social media. The video on
contents are published on the different
Red Bull’s YouTube channel has been viewed
channels chosen by the company - in
In doing so, Lego has been able to create
by over 46 million users so far.
transmedia communication, different contents
a story capable of constantly touching our
In this project, the Red Bull brand has never
are distributed on multiple channels, adapting
emotional chords: the memories linked to our
been at the centre of the feat but even today
them to the potential of each and building a
childhood and the nostalgia of that period
Scan the QR Code to see the video.
represent the common thread of Lego’s © Shane O’ Leary
marketing strategy and success, which pushes adults to still enjoy playing with the Danish company’s products and therefore continue to buy toys, increasing the sales of their products. Here is how Lego was able to build a story and turn it into success worldwide, as well as an example of storytelling marketing par excellence.
Now it’s your turn! Are you ready to create a compelling story for your target? Have you ever thought about introducing storytelling into your marketing and communication strategy? Tell us about your experience and if you found this article useful, keep following us on the blog and contact us to learn more about our marketing and communication services. ‹
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
StocExpo Returns Live in 2022 StocExpo, the largest and longest running international bulk liquid storage event, is finally back live and in-person from 8-10 March 2022 at the Rotterdam Ahoy, Netherlands.
he three-day exhibition will give the industry a much-needed
invaluable idea and knowledge-sharing to help drive the sector
opportunity to network, converse and strike up business deals
with key decision makers across the sector, while benefiting from the
StocExpo’s Forty Under 40, 40 of the most promising young
support and experience of their peers – something that has not been
professionals in the industry today, will be special guests at the event
possible for nearly two years.
talking on the future of the industry and how to inspire the next
Rikki Bhachu, StocExpo’s Head of Marketing, says: “We are thrilled to
generation of tank storage professionals.
be bringing the bulk liquid storage community back together after such
Likewise, Women in Tanks will celebrate the high-performing women
a long wait. The 2022 event will offer even more targeted content and
working in the industry and promote diversity to secure the future
networking opportunities that will innovate supply chains, boost career
success of the tank storage sector.
opportunities and support the industry in identifying key trends and
Sandra De Mey, one of the Women in Tanks participants, explains,
opportunities, something we’ve all been missing over the last couple of
“StocExpo is that time of the year where you can meet your peers and
new clients from around the globe in a relaxed environment. It’ll be
StocExpo is where businesses in the industry meet current, new and
fantastic to see each other in person again and I’m looking forward to
potential connections and where the biggest voices can discuss issues,
doing so with a drink and a snack!”.
share ideas and innovations, and explore solutions. With our one-to-
The event will also feature the fifth annual Global Tank Storage Awards,
one meetings platform, SE Connect, attendees can network seamlessly
an opportunity to be recognised for excelling in a broad range of
and meet new storage and logistics partners to help them take their
categories including terminal achievements, equipment innovations,
strategies forward.
and ports and individual successes.
The event is already shaping up to be exceptional and we will be
Registration is now open for the most eagerly anticipated bulk liquid
announcing an exciting conference programme in due course.”
storage event of all time, StocExpo 2022.
The event’s conference will explore trends, opportunities and challenges facing the bulk liquid storage industry and will offer
For further information:
© Easyfairs
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
The 17th Pipeline Technology Conference Will Take Place in March 2022 in Berlin The flagship European conference and exhibition for the international pipeline industry, the Pipeline Technology Conference (ptc), will open its gate for the 17th time from 7 – 10 March 2022 in Berlin (Germany).
ong-distance pipeline and distribution network operators from all
“Once again, the direct exchange in the exhibition will be a special
over the world will return to ptc to be informed about the latest
highlight, on which we have placed a lot of emphasis in the past years and
developments and news in the industry and to exchange ideas with other
which we intend to further expand. I am excited that in addition to the
operators and market participants. After two years in which the Pipeline
technology leaders of the international pipeline industry, the upcoming
Technology Conference was held online only, the upcoming ptc will be
ptc will also feature an increased number of participants and exhibitors
a hybrid event offering even more opportunities to all participants than
from the field of municipal distribution networks thanks to a partnership
before: the central face-to-face event, ptc Berlin, will be combined with
with the German Society for Trenchless Technology,” emphasizes Marian
a virtual platform, ptc Remote, where all information about the event is
Ritter, Director Exhibitions of the organizer EITEP Institute. “GSTT will host
available and which will provide far-reaching networking opportunities
its well-known trade event NoDIG Berlin for the first time within ptc 2022.
for all participants, even across digital barriers. It will be easier than ever
We are delighted that GSTT has chosen ptc as its new venue.”
before to find someone who offers exactly what you are looking for. No matter if this person is sitting at the next table at the exhibition or sitting
About EITEP Institute
in front of their laptop in Houston or Dhahran.
The organizer of the Pipeline Technology Conference, the Hanover-based
“We are very much looking forward to seeing you all again in the
EITEP Institute is a founding of the German technical associations of the gas
usual setting in Berlin and finally talking face-to-face about innovative
and water industry and aims to foster international technology transfer. The
technologies, digital transformation trends and challenges for a
EITEP Institute publishes technical journals and is the organizer of seminars
decarbonized pipeline industry. Many thanks to the whole ptc community
and conferences such as the Pipeline Technology Conference, the Virtual
and especially to the members of the ptc Advisory Committee for
Pipeline Summits, and Infrastructure Development Africa.
their great support,” says Dennis Fandrich, Chairman of the Pipeline Technology Conference.
For further information:
© Frank Nürnberger
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
MADE expo Returns: The Construction World is Back in Milan MADE expo will take place from 22nd to 25th November 2021 at the fieramilano Exhibition Centre, in Rho (Milan, Italy).
he relaunching of the Italian national system is being driven by the
and construction sector will take place at fieramilano, Rho, from 22nd
construction industry. In 2021 Italy is aiming for + 6% growth in
to 25th November 2021 and it will be the opportunity to present an
GDP compared to the previous year. Thanks to the construction sector,
important evolutionary moment in the world of construction.
at a European level supply chain production in the first months of 2021
MADE expo, which for the first time will be organized directly by Fiera
increased by 3.3% in the Euro area and by 3.8% in the European Union
Milano through Made Eventi Srl, (60% owned by Fiera Milano and 40%
compared to last year (Eurostat estimates). With this in mind, Milan is
Federlegno Arredo Eventi), aims to present the full potential of the
preparing to welcome the world of building and construction. In Italy,
Italian building sector. It will be well represented by an event which is
large international real estate developers are looking with interest
the most important in Italy and one of the most important in Europe,
above all at the redevelopment of new urban areas, while the latest
capable of giving voice to a Building Community represented in Italy
challenges consist in catching the technological, social, environmental
by over 700,000 companies and more than 1 million employees; a
and regulatory trends that are pushing urban agglomerations and
network of professionals, designers, construction and production
their associated industrial fabric to adapt to new collective needs.
companies, craftsmen and women, door and window makers,
MADE expo, the point of reference trade event for the design, building
contractors and buyers who will have the opportunity to visit the over
© MADE eventi
N.39 - 2021 OCTOBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
ZOOM ON EVENTS 300 exhibiting companies
streamed on digital channels.
present in Halls 1, 2 and 3.
MADE expo will also offer a
The exhibition layout will
calendar of more than 100
be divided into four large
events, which are validated
theme-based areas. It starts
for the earning of training
with “MADE doors, windows
credits. They will be divided
and industrial closures” for
into four major events
door and window makers,
(ArchInTrend, Forum Legno
designers, retailers and
Edilizia, The place to build
construction companies and
and SerramenTalk) which
then passes through the
will offer opportunities for
“MADE building envelope
developing and transmitting
and outdoor” area, dedicated
ideas and trends emerging
to opaque and transparent
from the related sectors.
roofing and facade systems,
All the current themes and
to the glass and solar
issues will be provided with
protection sector. Then there
ample space during the training courses planned
are all the components linked to hardware and software
© MADE eventi
during the event, including the issue of quality of living.
solutions with the “MADE BIM & technologies” area, with which to explore the new opportunities
The key themes of the next edition of MADE expo look not only at
related to the use of Building Information Modelling in the design,
current events but also at the future, with contents and proposals
construction and maintenance processes of the works. Finally, there
in line with the evolution of the construction world designed to
is the “MADE construction and materials” area, dedicated to the
accompany professionals and companies as they move towards new
innovation of materials, their efficiency, sustainability and safety.
“Fiera Milano is ready to welcome the entire event network, offering
MADE expo will also be an opportunity to rethink the construction
exhibitors and operators a unique experience capable of expanding
sector in a sustainable key, focusing on innovation and expressing
and highlighting the importance of a professional exhibition” says
the theme of sustainability both in terms of materials and processes.
Mario Franci, CEO of Made Eventi S.r.l. and Chief Revenue Officer of
The construction world is heading towards an increasingly green
Fiera Milano S.p.a.. “There is a widespread desire to go back to meeting
future, aiming for buildings that are more attentive to health and
people in person, touching products and systems and showing up
environmental impact.
close and in detail all those innovations that the market has not been
Globally, sustainable construction expects to reach a value of $187.4bn
able to present in the last year and a half. As always, in addition to
by 2027. This trend has also been confirmed by the World Green
the product sectors, MADE expo will offer moments of B2B meeting
Building Council, according to which infrastructures and buildings will
during which the issues of energy sustainability and innovation in
aim to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2030, and 100% by 2050.
the building and construction sector will be looked at. We will also be
MADE expo will be held on the same dates as two other industry
talking about new business models from the point of view of design
events, SICUREZZA and SMART BUILDING EXPO. A single ticket
and plant engineering. In addition, thanks to innovative digital services,
is available that will allow the optimization of investment, visiting
exhibitors, buyers and visitors will be able to experience the trade
times and resources along with the maximizing of opportunities for
show both in a physical format and a digital version.”
discussion and updating, but above all offering the world of designers
In actual fact, the multi-channel system available during visits to
and installers an all-round proposal. The appointment schedule is
the event means that all the different exhibition attendees will be
therefore at Fiera Milano from 22nd to 24th November 2021 for
connected through a well informed community with access to a new
SICUREZZA and SMART BUILDING EXPO and from 22nd to 25th
event App, My Matching, Webinars & Live Chats, the Exhibition Blog
November 2021 for MADE expo.
and the Digital Signage present inside the Rho Fiera Milano exhibition centre. In addition, many of the events and conferences will be
For further information:
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2021 OCTOBER - N.39
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Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti
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Edoardo Tevere
ISSN 2282-1767
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