April.May.June 2017 Edition
When Daunted... PROJECT SPEAK 4
KID 24
IPHC Women’s Publication
Inspired 16 20
The Best Seat in the House
The Life of Discipline
What If
Listening for Love
Are These Shoes Mine?
The Power of Words
At Home
Designer: Lindsey Snider Photo Credits: Fotolia.com, Sasha LeBlanc, Lindsey Snider
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A Note From Sam Samantha Snipes
Director IPHC Women’s Ministries Ssnipes@iphc.org
God’s presence inspires! God is calling out for His army. It is time to SPEAK and see the wind of the Spirit bring life where there was none. It is time to SPEAK in obedience to see transformation in our lives. Just like Ezekiel did in the days of old, He is calling us to be a catalyst of change by the power of the words we speak. He asked it of Ezekiel and we have the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead living inside of us. Let’s SPEAK and see the army of God rise to become that exceedingly great army! Let’s do this together!
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IPHC WOMEN’S MINISTRIES DEPARTMENT EMAIL: women@iphc.org PHONE: 405-792-7132 www.facebook.com/iphcwomen ADDRESS: P.O. Box 12609 Oklahoma City, OK 73157 www.twitter.com/iphcwm www.pinterest.com/iphcwm
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When Daunted... SPEAK
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n life, there are times when we are at our happiest and the
and bones from life’s battlefield. However, even though the
world is full of sunshine and clear blue skies. Then there
decay maybe overwhelming, God sees life. Are we going to
are other times when it seems overcast and the fog leaves
focus on what we see or on what God sees? Let’s rise up by the
us feeling daunted. Our vision is muddled by the tangles and
power of the Spirit of the Living God to see His vision for our
webs the world has strategically woven to keep us at a stand-
still for what seems like eternity. Ezekiel was living in a daunting time and had a vision that
In obedience, SPEAK “Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again!” What
would prove to be the answer to bringing liberation. Is there a
if we, as believers, speak to the dead and dry places, to the de-
theme of captivity to some of our situations or the situations
spair and hopelessness of situations in obedience? This has the
of those we love and want to impact? Hopelessness is not
power to create a revolution in the body of Christ!
the answer God has for us. He tells us to not lose hope, to not grow weary or lose heart. (Hebrews 12:3 NIV) When feeling like Ezekiel, we may not know how to create change or break free. Let’s listen with our hearts as we read the story again – but pay attention. Do not glaze over it, but read it out loud. Listen to hear what God is saying to us in Ezekiel 37:1-10 NLT. Then he said to me, ‘Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I
It is time for us to speak what God’s Word says. It is time
It is time for us to allow God to fill us with His breath and walk in His Spirit.
am going to put breath into you and make you live again! I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come
for us to take back our lives from the grip of death, lies, and
to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’
destruction. It is time for us to allow God to fill us with His
This may be a time in life where you are facing a crisis of faith. Do you need to know deep in your heart that God is Lord? So I spoke this message, just as he told me. Suddenly as I spoke, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached
breath, walk in His Spirit, and do in His power the things He has set for us. The devil no longer traps us in the chains of death, but we are to live in freedom. It is time for us to SPEAK what the sovereign Lord says! Let’s do this together! Let’s SPEAK and see the exceedingly great army of the Lord arise!
themselves as complete skeletons. Then as I watched, muscles and flesh formed over the bones. Then skin formed to cover their bodies, but they still had no
Inspire Idea:
Then he said to me, ‘Speak a prophetic message to the
Songs can help bring inspiration to the atmosphere. Here are some songs that may help you feel inspired.
winds, son of man. Speak a prophetic message and
Come Alive by Lauren Daigle
breath in them.
say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead
Speak Life by Toby Mac
bodies so they may live again.’ So I spoke the message as he commanded me, and breath came into their bodies. They all came to life and stood up on their feet—a great army. God is calling out His army. Life may have been rough for those He’s calling. Some have been lying in the midst of death
Samantha Snipes
Director IPHC Women’s Ministries Ssnipes@iphc.org
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The Best Seat in the House
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n 2006, I started Denise Austin’s “Ultimate Fat Burn” Work-
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s workmanship, cre-
out and exercised with Denise every morning in my living
ated in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared
room through the wonderful technology of television. My
IN ADVANCE for us to do” (emphasis mine). In His advance
goal was to improve my health, my weight, and of course my
preparation, God made each of us to be unique; that is, being
appearance (makeover time … yay!). I was amazed and thank-
the only one, unlike anyone else. We need to remember that as
ful for the success of Denise and her counsel on my health and
Christians we are seated with Christ, and if success comes, then
life. I was more active and energized, and even had a better
each one of us must take our seat. Your seat can only be
mental and emotional perspective. I began quoting 2 Corinthi-
filled by you, and if you refuse to take your seat, then it will
ans 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
remain empty, because no one else can take your place. You
the OLD has gone, the NEW has come!” In my case, the weight
cannot leave the calling inside of you for someone else to fulfill!
was gone, the figure had come back!
God has given you a personal invitation to be seated with Him.
But then her program was cancelled and I was left to find a way to continue this invigorating “it does a body good” part of my life. So, I decided that I would do it on my own without Denise’s help. I continued the exercises from memory without
There are talents and gifts tailor-made just for you, to enable you to fulfill the calling and position in His Kingdom that He has placed in your heart and planned for your life. Just as no one else can exercise in my place, you cannot ask
the motivation or instruction of Denise and it was awesomely
or wait for someone else to take your seat. God never gets it
satisfying until it wasn’t! Without Denise to motivate and keep
wrong. He doesn’t swing and miss. His Kingdom building plans
me on my feet, gradually my 30 minute “Ultimate Fat Burn”
are exactly right. So, don’t sit on the sidelines (couch)
routine became a 10 minute low impact routine which ended with me on the couch watching the news. I realized the old was
and miss the “results” of being vigilant and faithful to take the seat prepared for you in advance.
quickly coming back and the new was going away (isn’t it funny
Not only is His way perfect, but he “gives life to the dead and
how that quickly only works one way?!). Oh, no … so much for
calls into existence things that do not exist” (Romans 4:17).
doing it on my own. You guessed it … I’m back to “Ultimate
Trust his counsel and take your seat … it’s the best seat in the
Fat Burn” daily under the new name of “Bodies in Motion” with
house (His Kingdom) for you!
Gilad. Think about this in regards to our service to the Kingdom of God, we are a team working together as if we
are building a house where much counsel and instruction is needed. Luke 14 says that if we start to build a house and do not first count the cost, we may run out of money. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Planning is a vital part of any ministry, business, or personal project for success. God never meant for us to be Lone Rangers but created us for community and connection with each other. Just as a home builder seeks out advice from contractors, plumbers, electricians, and masons; this is what the bible calls one body made up of
God made each of us unique.
many parts, working together to be successful in building His Kingdom! Of course, we seek first the counsel of God. But the most critical part of this is that each team member performs the task for which God puts desires and tendencies in our DNA and then gifts us so that His will is progressively fulfilled. For Christians, counting the cost means
Dr. Brenda Grasty
Assistant Director IPHC Women’s Ministries
recognizing that we cannot follow our own inclinations, or the world’s way, and His counsel at the same time.
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What If
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ecently, the idea of replicating Jesus has been weigh-
I promise you, there is another woman out there (or three)
ing heavy on my heart. Looking in on Luke’s descrip-
who need you. What if we all chose one, or two, or three, and
tions in Acts 2 of the early church, I find an alluring
then they chose one, or two, or three, and the cycle continued?
simplicity in the way this group of believers lived. They devoted
Replication leads to replication. Let’s return to the simplicity
themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship. They
of discipleship, reject the temptation to overcomplicate
sold all they had and gave to those in need. They met together
things, and watch the domino effect unfold! Let’s follow
daily and shared meals in their homes. They praised God with
the pattern of Jesus and His early church and just maybe we’ll
sincere hearts and enjoyed intimate community with one an-
begin to see how the “small things” really are the way we bring
other. Simple and beautiful.
people to the Kingdom of God.
I think too quickly we assume that to disciple others must mean “big” things done in “big” ways. But what if our Father is calling us just to do the small things? What if we focused on being intentional in the relationships we already have? What if we sought out just one or maybe a few women we feel God is drawing to our attention? What if we opened our homes and our lives to those around us? Jesus gave us the perfect example: He spent some time with the crowds and the thousands, sure. But He devoted a remarkable amount of His energy to pouring His life into the twelve and the three. He replicated His own life in a few, and those few ultimately became the mighty ones who spread the Gospel to the nations.
Yet even considering how simple Jesus made it look, let’s be honest: to disciple others is not always easy, and sadly, many believers miss out on this ultimate mission. Sometimes we miss the mission because it can be challenging and messy. Sometimes we miss it because we overcomplicate the process. The world around us gets us thinking BIG rather than small, complex rather than simple, and in the process, we begin finding ourselves inadequate and insufficient. When are we going to trust Christ completely? Jesus promises in 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” The reality is we can’t replicate Jesus in the world if we’re too afraid. Too afraid to step outside our comfort zone, to stop
Let’s return to the simplicity of discipleship.
comparing ourselves to one another, to stop overcomplicating the process, and to start reaching out to a few women near us! “Get up! We aren’t supposed to live our lives on the ground. We must get up and do what Jesus calls us to. Little girl, get up and rise! GO! The Holy Spirit is whispering to you, “Go back.” We must do what we are uncomfortable with.” -Bianca Olthoff It starts by choosing a few! Who will you pour your life into?
Erica Campbell
Next Gen Board Member IPHC Women’s Ministries
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The Life of Discipline
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es, I told a “BIG FAT LIE!” I was in middle school and
•Asks for help when needed
thought I could get away with this lie. Why I thought
•Does not feel sorry for herself
this, I do not know. Anyway, I was so busted (figu-
ratively and literally); discipline definitely followed. It was the 70’s and my punishment was grounding for a week and no roller skating with my Girl Scout Troupe. At the time, I didn’t understand the importance of my discipline. Today, in my new role as a grandmother I can reflect upon disciplines: Those I’ve
Have you ever thought about giving up? Maybe you’re just too tired of trying? Maybe you’re not seeing the results you have been praying for? I say, hold on and stay focused for Christ. He will hear the cries of your heart; His word declares that promise.
received, those I’ve administered, and those I watch my grand-
What does a disciplined woman’s life look like?
daughter receive. I have come to this conclusion: discipline is
•Loves the Lord her God and spends time in His word daily
not fun for the giver or the receiver, but it is necessary for the development of Godly character to complete His plan in our lives. Proverbs 25:28, expresses an important thought about exer-
•Participates in a weekly small group Bible study •Honors her husband •Speaks the truth with love and grace
cising discipline in our lives, “…he who has no rule over his own
•Takes care of those God has placed in her care
spirit is like a city that is broken down and has no walls.” We all
•Feeds her Spirit Godly stuff (books, music, movies, etc.)
need the walls of protection for ourselves and our families. As Christian women, our focus should be making sure we are liv-
•Takes care of herself
ing a disciplined life for Christ. For us to operate fully in Christ,
•Manages her home
we MUST strive for a disciplined life.
•Makes meaningful contributions to her family, her church
Proverbs 31:10, shares with us an example of the ideal woman, “she is capable, intelligent and virtuous.” Don’t you want those words to describe you? I sure do! So, what does a disciplined woman do or not do? Read on,
We are not able to go back, but we can look forward and make decisions about our lives today and our future. Okay ladies, let’s get focused and make a determined effort to live a disci-
eager learner, read on!
plined life for God’s glory!
The Disciplined Woman:
Michelle Drake
•Does not live in denial •Does not make excuses for her behavior •Faces the truth
and her community (in that order).
Board Member IPHC Women’s Ministries
DownTIME Michelle’s Book Recommendations
Lioness Arising Wake up and change your world
The Esther Annointing Becoming a Woman of Prayer, Courage, and Influence
- GPS 15 -
Get Inspired! Where is your “go-to” spot when you want to find some inspiration?
Sasha LeBlanc
When I need time
to reflect, I often go to my front porch. I make a cup of coffee and grab a comfy blanket. I have three roommates so the quietness of the porch helps bring peace to my day. On the contrary, I will often go to a coffee shop to find inspiration for a project I am working on. I tend to do better in busier places because I do not know the people around me. That allows me to internally focus on my project. -Executive Assistant to the Director of IPHC Discipleship Ministries
Samantha Snipes
God’s presence inspires me wherever I am in the world from the couch to where I can view His great creation! Yes, that includes the beach, mountains, and now beautiful fields. I love to create a quiet moment to hear Him speak and allow myself to think. I seem to find early mornings before the kids are awake to be the best time for me. No matter when or how I talk with God, He fills my spirit to overflowing. I just love to be with Him and he inevitably gives me so much to create and do! God is what ignites me! Let me challenge you to make time to hear God speak to you!
Lindsey Snider
I love to be in the
outdoors to find my inspiration. When I have the opportunity to go to the mountains or to a beach I am there! If I can’t go further than my backyard, I love to sit on my back porch swing. I like to find that quiet spot, close my eyes, and listen to everything around me. Some of my best conversations with God happen outdoors. There is something about His beautiful creations that help me find my creativity. -IPHC Discipleship Ministries Creative Specialist and Children’s Ministry Team Member
-IPHC Women’s Ministries Director
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Listening for Love
s a parent, it feels like life moves at high speed. Time is of the essence. We must work. Educate. Clean. Cook. Plan get-togethers. Stay fit. Volunteer.
The list goes on. Showing our children how to be productive human beings with their time is important. Yet just as important, we must show them how to give of their time to build relationships with people, most of all God. We are showing reverence when we take time in the day to listen for His voice. In return, time spent with God holds its own rewards. When my inquisitive daughter was 4.5 years old, she asked me “Mommy, how come God won’t talk to me? I
We can teach our children, no matter their age, to worship God by listening for His voice. Hear are some different ways for our kids to plug into God’s voice: •
As they play outside, teach them to close their eyes and listen for the wind. He can speak when they stop and take in His creation.
• Play worship songs in the car. Ask your kids to listen to the words and declare them as prayers over their lives. • Read John 10:27. Ask your children how it makes
talk to Him but I don’t hear Him talk to me.” As
them feel that God knows them and His Word states
a parent, it was a blow to my heart. It wasn’t because I felt
they can hear His voice.
God was deliberately not speaking to my little girl but it was
• During bedtime prayers, remind your children that
because I knew her little heart couldn’t comprehend why
when they ask God, they can dream big dreams from
someone she loves wasn’t speaking to her.
God. Also, as they are in the quiet, they can use this
I explained that at times we can hear God speak when we read the Bible, sing songs, or when we are in prayer. I mentioned that when she lies down at night it’s a perfect opportunity to be still and tell God that she’s listening. God wants time with us and we have to be willing to open our ears to hear His voice. It was at this point that I wanted to plead with God to say
time to listen for His voice.
Catch articles like this and more in HomeFront magazine! iphc.org/homefront
something to her but I knew this was a growth opportunity in
She had to find Him for herself in order for authentic relationship to grow. My faith journey could only take her so far. her spiritual journey.
A few weeks after that conversation, as my husband and I were tucking her into bed, she told me that God spoke to her. My heart was overjoyed. She proudly said “Mommy, I heard God and he said ‘Brooklyn, I love you so much’.” She took the time to listen to God. To wait for Him to speak to her. In this time, she was not only learning to hear God, but she was also learning how to demonstrate love by waiting.
Lindsey Snider
Lindsey serves as a Creative Specialist and Children’s Ministry Team member for the IPHC Discipleship Ministries Team. She and her sweetheart, Jared, have two beautifully curious children, Brooklyn and Jack. You can catch them in their backyard growing vegetables or hopping aboard a plane for their next travel adventure.
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Are These Shoes Mine?
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ometimes God gives us personal dreams, visions, and
After this experience, I wondered about the significance
messages to keep for ourselves as personal remind-
of the vision. Two years later, while attending a Joy Springs
ers of how He will help us through personal situa-
retreat, hosted by Bane and Barbara James, a prophetic word
tions. But, I also know that God sometimes gives us visions and
was given to me by the late Mrs. Juanita Kingrea, a very special
dreams so that we may share them with others for encourage-
friend whom I had the honor of meeting, together with her
husband Ken. My vision was confirmed when she said, “I see
Some time ago, I went on a mission trip with a team of women to Tibus, Costa Rica, where we also attended a Women’s Worship Conference. On the second day of the conference, in the afternoon, we listened to a powerful, prophetic speaker named Ana Mendez Ferrell. Her message was based on Ezequiel 40, which talked about seeking God’s presence, and the importance of having an intimate relationship with Him. Ana
you in front of a beautiful staircase. The stairs are covered with plush red carpet, and God is saying to step up. There is honor for you as you take each step. Unimaginable blessings are waiting for you to take and share. Your sorrow is turning to joy. You just can’t imagine what awaits you. There’s just so much more for you as you let Him use you.” I am sharing this with you today because I know this vision
spoke of visions, signs, and wonders that always follow when
applies to all of us. At times, we fall into uncertainties about
we continually bathe in His Presence. She then cut short her
our calling and purpose. Satan hates us and wants to stop us
message to allow God to move among us. Our instructions
through discouragement.
were to find a place and prostrate ourselves on the floor to seek God’s assurance about His will for our personal lives. There was no music and no moderator. It was to be an intimate time between us and God.
God is saying to each of us: Seek me like never
before. I will guide you to the foot of a beautiful staircase. The red-carpeted stairs are there for you because you are honored and special to Me. You are being celebrated,
As we were all adoring Him and basking in His presence, I
and you have My Power and grace. I, your heavenly Father, am
had a vision which has made a tremendous impact in my life to
standing there by those crystal shoes to assure you that they
this day. In the vision, I found myself at the foot of a beautiful
are yours, and that they were made to fit you perfectly. They
staircase that spiraled to the right. On the left was a wall that
represent the gift I have placed in your life. Your gift fits only
followed the winding staircase. There was a beautiful guardrail
you, and no one else. Take hold of the guardrail. My angels
on the right side. At the top, and to the right, the staircase
will guard you, and My Holy Spirit will always be there for you,
ended before an open window to the sky. The curtains were
for guidance and to lean on. Step up, and look up! You will go
moving out with a gentle breeze. The stairs where carpeted
from glory to glory as you let me use you. When the enemy
with plush red carpet, and there in front of me, at the foot of
closes doors on you, I will open a window. You will look out and
the staircase were these beautiful crystal shoes that illuminated
see the sky, which represents limitless possibilities, signs, and
the area around them with so much brilliance. This was just
wonders. My Spirit flows out through that window. Go with my
absolutely beautiful. The colors emanating from them were the
Spirit and cover the earth with my love and compassion for all.
colors of a brilliant diamond. As I looked at them, I noticed a
Signs and wonders will follow wherever you go!
divine figure at the foot of the stairs on my right. I remember seeing sandals and the hem of a robe. I never looked up to see more. I looked down at the crystal shoes and asked, not audibly, but in my spirit, “Are these shoes mine?” A beautiful voice answered into my spirit, “Yes, they are!” I
This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go” (Isaiah 48: 17 NIV).
remembered that my outfit had been incomplete because I had no shoes. I slipped my feet into them. I was amazed that the crystal shoes were the perfect fit! I immediately took one, two, and three steps up the staircase while holding on to the guardrail. As I stepped on the third stair looking up at the large window above, the vision ended.
Lydia Treviño
Board Member IPHC Women’s Ministries
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The Power of Words
he brain is an amazing thing, but it is also a very
lection of memories I have from my childhood. The memories
complicated thing. Memories created in the brain
didn’t come from a single event but from similar events over
are a powerful thing and can help to shape not only
a long period of time. My father drove my sisters and me to
who we are, but how we react as we go through life. Memories
school and other events since my mother didn’t drive. We never
apparently come in a wide variety of types, such as sensory or
got out of the car without a verbal prayer for a blessed day. It
short-term, long term, semantic, or episodic just to name a few.
always included three to four sentences that spoke in general
With episodic memories, mental pictures of life’s moments and
terms as well as to various needs that we might be facing such
events are etched into our brains. Those are also the memories
as recall for a test or a relationship with other students. I can
that can be emotionally charged. Semantic memories, however,
still hear his voice and it always brings a positive emotional
are the facts, concepts, and general knowledge that don’t gen-
(episodic) memory. While I don’t remember the specific words, I
erally involve the emotions.
have a collection of memories of the consistency of his actions
I have thought a lot about memories over the last five years especially, as I watched my father-in-law gradually lose his abil-
that made a deep emotional impact. The Bible tells us clearly that Jesus took time to bless the
ity to recall life’s events, how to order from a menu, and eventu-
children (Mark 10:16). We also read in Proverbs 18:21 that
ally even his wife’s name. The emotional memories (episodic)
“death and life are in the power of the tongue.” That is a clear
seemed to be the last to go. The emotional connection with
indication of the power of our spoken words. Harsh words can
“my little lady” which he began calling her were still there until
destroy the child’s spirit while “pleasant words are as a honey-
the day he died. The emotional connection, built on more than
comb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones” (Proverbs
67 years of “doing life together” was incredible to watch even as
16:24). I think we would all agree that the latter is far better and
the brain digressed.
should be an intentional goal.
One of my projects at work has brought back a vivid col-
As I think back over it, the verbal prayers that my dad prayed
- GPS 22 -
over us girls were much like the spoken blessing that Michelle
Parents will be encouraged to not only learn the unit verse with
Anthony recommended in her Family Discipleship Conferences
their children, but to speak the blessing over them as they learn
last year. With Discipleship Ministries’ focus on Family Minis-
the verse together and discuss the unit topic in general.
try and how our existing ministries can tie into that focus, we began looking for ways to involve parents more. The Mpact and TGM clubs have been our recommended gender-specific curriculum since 1999. That curriculum has 4- to 6-week units depending on the age group, and each unit has a memory verse that the girls learn. The curriculum also supplies a page to send home with parents that describes the upcoming unit and includes the memory verse for that unit. As Michelle and I were talking in a one-on-one coaching ses-
It may seem like a small step, but as I think back to the power of my Dad’s daily spoken prayer/blessing and remember the impact it had on me, I think it is a great step. As parents feel more comfortable with the spoken blessing, they can begin to write or speak their own. The well-known blessing recorded in Numbers 6:24-26 came directly from God. Moses was instructed to pass it on to Aaron and his sons for them to pronounce blessings on the Israelites! That blessing can be used as a framework for creating your own blessings. Think
sion, I shared an idea I was working on already. Out of that idea,
about key words and incorporate words that children can
the idea blossomed to include a blessing to go along with each
understand clearly. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord
memory verse. I am now working on what I’m calling the Bless-
make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord
ing Pack for each club age. With six clubs that covers curriculum
turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Then in verse 27,
for 16 years of life, it will take a while to write that many and
God told Moses that as His name is spoken over the Israelites,
get the designs to the local churches, but it is a starting point.
He would bless them. That is a powerful word for us today. Who
I have finished the Daisies club and it will be available online
doesn’t want God to bless their children? Begin today to speak
soon. It was the easiest place to start since girls are in that club
those blessings over your children, your grandchildren, the
for just one year while they are in kindergarten. The graphic
children in your classroom, and yes, even the adults in your life.
included in this article shows what the card will look like. It will
Start creating long-lasting memories that will impact their lives.
be available as a pdf and should preferably be printed on card
Everybody loves a honeycomb!
stock. Ten memory verses will be printed on each page and the corresponding blessings should be printed on the back side.
Speak blessing a scriptur and the chi e over ldren in your life !
Irvina Parker
iparker@iphc.org Director IPHC Girls’ Ministries
- GPS 23 -
TOOLS for the FAMILY HomeFront Magazine
“My child was caught bullying another student in his class. As a Christian and a mom, this is disheartening. How do I stop this behavior and help him realize how Jesus wants us to love others?” >>ANSWER by Children’s Ministries Consultant, Dr. Ellen Moore It can be a rude awakening for us moms to realize our kids aren’t perfect. Actually, we know they’re not perfect, we just hate it when other people find out. It is so easy for us to view our children’s behaviors and choices as a reflection of us or our parenting. We take it personally. So, step one is to take a step back. Don’t start from a personal place that easily morphs into denial and rationalization, or on the other extreme, rage, blame, and shame. Ask the Lord for His help and His perspective. Secondly, address the heart issue. As bad as the act of bullying itself was, it is simply an expression of something that’s in the heart. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard you heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” (NLT). Our ultimate goal as parents is to connect with our children’s hearts in a way that connects them to Jesus. Maybe they’re struggling with some inner pain or frustration that is being expressed in a negative way. Maybe they’re believing the lie that they are the center of the universe and should always get their way. Whichever the case, it’s important to remind our kids that while our feelings are real, they’re not always true. And the way to fight a lie is with the truth...the truth that God sees our hearts and knows how to heal them; the truth that all people are made in the image of God - they’re precious to God, so we need to treat them as precious. At the end of the day, our kids make choices that have rewards and consequences. Address the heart issue, follow through on consequences, and keep loving.
Send your questions to kids@iphc.org!
•How to prepare for Easter. •Need some evidence of the resurrection? •Want your high schooler to know God? Because of what Jesus did on the cross, we are able to have a deep and meaningful relationship with God. This month’s TRADITIONS article (page 16) highlights the powerful symbolism represented in a Passover meal. You will love the comparisons relating the original Passover meal to the fulfillment found in Jesus. Easter takes on profound meaning as we recognize that God sent His Son because He wants a relationship with us. He doesn’t have to ask icebreaker getting-to-know-you questions because He already knows everything about us and loves us dearly!
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Meet Ellen! She serves as the IPHC Children’s Consultant and Children’s Pastor at The Ark Church. She is an Oklahoma native with a rich IPHC heritage. Ellen has been happily married to her childhood sweetheart, Phillip, for over 25 years, and they’re enjoying the “empty nest” as both of their children, Joshua and Meagan, are in college. When she has free time, you’ll usually find her in the kitchen. Items You Will Find In My Purse:
Favorite Scripture:
Favorite Junk Food:
My Personal Motto:
If I Could Have A Superpower:
I Love To Shop For:
As A Kid, I Wanted To Be:
I Can’t Leave Home Without:
I’d Do Anything To Avoid:
Favorite Item Of Clothing:
If I Could Live Anywhere, It Would Be:
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Revelation 21:5