September. October. November. December 2017 Edition
It’s Not About You 16
Kingdom Influence
IPHC Women’s Publication
My Heart Beats to Know Him More
Kingdom Influence
It’s Not About You, Friend
Art of Fluffy or Malnourished Conversation
Designer: Lindsey Snider Photo Credits:, Sasha LeBlanc, Lindsey Snider, Sam Snipes
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A Note From Sam Samantha Snipes
Director IPHC Women’s Ministries
God changes everything! God is beckoning each of us to take our seat at His table. We can talk with Him and learn who we are, who we were meant to be, and how we can do life together with Him. Let’s accept His invitation. When we do, our lives will never be the same; He changes everything!
Connect with Us! IPHCWM
IPHC WOMEN’S MINISTRIES DEPARTMENT EMAIL: PHONE: 405-792-7132 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 12609 Oklahoma City, OK 73157
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My Heart Beats to Know Him More
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hat does my heart beat for? That is the question
His fingers. But sometimes we need those circumstances to
of life, isn’t it? We can search all our days and
bring us closer to God or to another location where we will be
find there is nothing more worthy and fulfilling
more effective. Sometimes, He warns us to look to Him as the
than to search after God. Solomon found discontentment with
challenging circumstances come. He said in the Word that there
all the wisdom, riches, and vastness of every resource, saying
will be trials. He also said, we could have the peace that passes
in a woeful tone, there is “nothing new under the sun.” We can
all understanding and that He had already overcome the world.
take a cue and learn from a king who literally had everything,
(John 16:33 and Philippians 4:7) Jesus slept in the boat during
that there is nothing on this earth that can fulfill the longing
the storm because He knew who had His life in the palm of His
put inside us from our Creator who designed us for relation-
hand. He knew in whose authority He walked. (Luke 8:22-25)
ship with Him. There are so many things to fill our time and
How can we be more like that? We can have peace during
accomplish and do and see, but what is our underlying current?
storms instead of wanting to get to the other side and be
If it is to know Him more, then we are in the right place. If not,
over it already. How can we be more like Jesus and how He
it just takes a little direction and we can redirect our hearts to
sees us?
the source. The source of love and our identity is God. He is our everything, if we allow Him to be. He is knocking, are we answering? He wants to spend time with us, are we sitting down long enough to hear His still small voice patiently and lovingly beckoning us to be with Him? He is beckoning us, not only to sit in our place at the table, but to have conversation with the Head of the table. Proverbs 4:23 NLT says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” In the NIV it says, “for everything you do flows from it.” We know this verse so well. In it encompasses a very integral part of life. If we heed this, it can revolutionize all we are and do. God gives our heart the direction for our lives, from determining the course and trajectory, to how we get there. It all flows from it. It is vitally important not just for our every breath, but for the quality of life we live. When we said yes to Jesus, did we give Him the pri-
Trust. Trust is crucial. How do we get trust? By knowing Him more. The more we know Him, the more we trust Him. That goes for anyone who we trust. As we get to know someone, we learn what they might do in any given circumstance, what decision they might make and why. The more I get to know God, the less I fear. The more I get to know God, the more He reveals my identity. God makes clear who I am in Him. The more we spend time getting to know Him, the more clearly, we can see our lives. It is amazing the revelation, the wisdom, the compassion, the grace, and the direction He gives us when we spend time with Him. We are complete in Him. He is beckoning each of us to take our seat at His table and have a conversation with Him each day. Let’s accept the invitation. When we do, our hearts cannot help but to beat to know Him more!
mary spot in our heart? Or did we just make a room for Him to chillax in while we lived our lives? When we said yes to Him being Lord of our lives, it meant that He would have an important relational role in our lives. It is not just for our eternal destination to reside in heaven, but to bring heaven to earth through our relationship with Him. It means we would learn about Him by reading the Bible and learning His ways. We would apply those ways to our lives, trusting in His sovereignty. We walk with Him. We talk with Him. “The sheep that are My own, hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:27 AMP) The thought on this is that a shepherd would lead the sheep to where there is sustenance and protection. That is what God
Samantha Snipes
Director IPHC Women’s Ministries
does for us! Let’s listen and follow his leading. Many times, life gives us circumstances that we interpret as negative and maybe they are! We may think He has somehow let us slip through
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Fluffy or Malnourished?
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o you not know that your body is a temple of the
bodies negatively, but rather to protect them as a vessel for the
Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received
Holy Spirit.
from God? You are not your own; you were bought
at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:19, NIV). I love fresh vegetables and one of my favorite is cucumber
When we spend more time working on ministry events or checking off our daily task lists, than committing to time spent in God’s Word; when prayer becomes a drive-through event rather than a “Sit-at-His-Feet” experience; when God gets the
… cucumber in salad, cucumber sandwiches, cucumber just
leftovers of our day rather than a purposefully planned fellow-
peeled, salted and eaten … you name it, I love ‘em … but not
ship with Him; when we invest our time following friends on
my husband, Rick. When we have lunch at Donna’s Café, a small
Facebook rather than investing our time in relationships; when
restaurant in our quaint, little hometown, I end up with any cu-
we choose to do only the things we love in ministry rather than
cumbers, tomatoes, onions, or peppers that may find their way
doing what is needed with a “Servant’s Heart”, we may find our-
onto his plate … he’s just not a fresh veggie man. That’s okay by
selves with a lack of boundaries and margins in our lives rather
me … because not only do I love the taste of fresh veggies, they
than the hedges of protection that defend our spiritual health.
also have a lot of health benefits. Cucumbers, for instance, are 90% water and help dissolve kidney stones, heal stomach ulcers, regulate blood pressure, rehydrate the body, relieve headaches and promote healthy skin. I think it’s great that you can enjoy something so much that is so good for you. There’s a lot we can learn and compare with eating right and
Suddenly, we have become malnourished Christians. There’s plenty going on in our lives but the problem is WHAT we’re eating. In Daniel chapter one we are told that Daniel, along with Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, at the end of ten days of eating vegetables were healthier and stronger than those who ate the rich food of the palace. To these four men God
getting fit physically to eating right and getting fit spiritually.
gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and
Getting fit physically may involve going to a gym, but just join-
learning, as well as increased responsibility and stature. They
ing won’t get you in shape. There must be a commitment – set a
committed to stand together for what was right … they rejected
schedule, use equipment, perhaps hire a trainer, then experience
the fat, the poison, the dilution of their physical selves to honor
fatigue, progress, setback, go through days when you just want
God. Now right here I could promote ‘Jenny Craig for Jesus’ or
to give up. Sound familiar? This is a real struggle for many who
‘Weight Watchers and Ye Holy Ones’ or ‘South Beach of Galilee
have had “fluffy genes” lovingly passed down to them through
Diet’, but the truth is, it’s not the food!
several generations of “fluffy” relatives, or use food as an emotional outlet and reward. Some have the view, “If it ain’t fried, it ain’t right.” Others view gravy as a condiment and potatoes as a staple at every meal. And really, how can you have a meal without bread? Again, there must be a … Commitment! Think about this … you can be at least 50 pounds overweight and eat pretty much everything in sight but still be malnourished. Because even though you are indeed eating, you can be eating all the wrong things, at all the wrong times, causing dangerous deficiencies of key vitamins and minerals. Our commitment to eat right and get in shape can also be
Daniel rejects the idea of taking in anything that would weaken his spiritual being, instead feasting on what will make him spiritually strong and healthy. The food is just the physical thing we recognize, but Daniel is rejecting doing anything that would make him less than who God wants him to be. He’ll pass on the extra servings of everything else. He’s committed to rejecting all the fluffy stuff … “thanks but no thanks … pass the cucumbers please!” In the same way, we must prioritize time with the Lord, time in prayer, interlocking our hearts, motivations, ambitions and wills, feasting on His revealed will and Word. With
applied to our Christian life. In this 1 Corinthians 6:19 verse Paul
this commitment we will neither
talks positively about how Christians should view their bodies
be fluffy or malnourished, but
… consider the body, including personality, as “the temple”, the
increased with the new things, the
sacred dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. We have no right to
hidden things, enlightened with
pervert and misuse our bodies, for they have been purchased by
great, mighty, and unsearchable
God, through the blood of Jesus, freeing us from sin. Our bodies
things that we do not now know!
are not our own so Paul instructs us that we should not treat our
(Isaiah 48:6; Jeremiah 33:3)
Dr. Brenda Grasty
Assistant Director IPHC Women’s Ministries
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Kingdom Influence
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NFLUENCE….This word circled around in my mind a few
coming influential, and you’ll never have the effect you should.
weeks ago as I stood in a room with 80 other people, each
Set your sights on being faithful, and influence will come in
of us applauding and admiring the life, ministry, and lives
the right way and in the right time.
touched by Ms. Beulah Sturkie. The hour or so spent listening to the stories and testimonies shared on her behalf caused me to realize, to my amazement, that the men and women standing in the room with me, as many as there were, represented only a small number of all the lives she’s influenced over the years. I count myself lucky to be among that number. Though I’ve only known this wonderful woman for a brief few of her 84 years, she’s marked my life in an unforgettable way and inspired me to live with purpose like she has. Privately, I think many of us desire to be a person like Ms. Beulah – a person of influence. We seek and we search, passionately hoping to discover the secret to becoming a person with an effect like she’s had. We long to change the world and impact the lives around us in such a way that just maybe we will be remembered as someone who advanced the Kingdom of God. Really, who of us actually want to squander away our time here on earth? I doubt anyone. We were created for purpose, and it’s the natural desire of our hearts to live a life that is meaningful. So, what is the secret to living a life of influence? I believe it is simply this: faithfulness. Influence isn’t something we need to seek for its own sake. It’s not a position or platform we rise to in order to reach our full potential. It’s a fruit that’s born, in due season, by a life lived faithfully. Thus, our mission should not be to “become influential.” Scripturally speaking, our mission should be to set our eyes exclusively on Jesus and remain wholly obedient to his calling. I’m reminded of Esther, the young Jewish orphan girl who, in short, became Queen of Persia and saved the day for her people. Esther was easily one of the most dramatically influential female characters in all Israelite history. But what I suspect is that becoming the Queen of Persia was never really a thought that crossed her mind. I imagine it wasn’t her goal to be rich
Set your sights on being faithful, and influence will come in the right way and in the right time.
and powerfully influential.. Yet that’s what happened, and God used her influence in an immense way. I believe what the Bible shows us is that Esther was a young woman of deep faithfulness. Read her narrative, and you’ll see that she was obedient to her cousin Mordechai and her God throughout the entire story. I like to think that God saw her faithfulness in the little, and gave her the opportunity to be faithful with the much. This is how Kingdom influence works. Set your sights on be-
Erica Campbell
Next Gen Board Member IPHC Women’s Ministries
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Ready for Ignite II!
We have only begun to set the world on fire with what God has given us! Prepare for 2020 to see the next phase of what He is doing! This is a time for us to develop a deeper level of relationship with God and each other. There are so many people who still need to hear about God’s unconditional love. Come invest the time to reap eternal rewards!
Let’s ignite the world and reveal Him! See you there!
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AFRICA 2019 My recent time in Africa has me excited about this upcoming trip! Please join us in 2019 as we meet women from different cultures who worship the same awesome God. It will be a time that you will never forget! God will impact and transform your life by His power and love! See you across the Atlantic Ocean!
Leader’s Gathering
October 26-28, 2018 TBD Calling all Women’s Ministries and Girls’ Ministries Directors and Boards!
We want to pour into you. There is so much to do. So, let’s come together, catch the vision, strategies, and momentum to catapult us into the next season! We are excited and look forward to spending time with you in Charleston, SC! - 13 -
The Art of Conversation
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f we care to admit it, we can all still hear our mother’s saying, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Even during one of my own teenage phone conversa-
Here are five steps to help facilitate courageous conversations: •
Ask for permission and set a time to talk.
Establish ground rules (no hitting below the belt).
mother stated, “If what you say can’t be said in front of others, it
Stay open to what you do not know.
shouldn’t be said.” Oh, how both statements still resonate with
Say what you need to say.
Find restoration and release.
tions, as I was attempting to stretch the long cord connected to the wall phone away from my mother’s ears and she gave me THAT look. When I replaced the phone back on the wall my
me today! We are a connecting society. We Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Tweet! I’m sure there are even others being invented as I type. As women, we find meaning in our connectedness. Social media has made it easy to stay connected, and for that
Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” We are all weary travelers on this communication highway.
I’m truly grateful. What a wonderful tool to see what’s hap-
But I say, call someone up, meet them for coffee, arrange a
pening all over the world! However, there is a vast difference
lunch date or a play date if you have kids….and have some
between communicating and having conversations. Somehow
meaningful and/or courageous conversation! Let your conver-
in our efforts to stay connected, we’ve replaced conversation
sation be that of life!
with excessive, abrupt, and often abrasive communication via text, email, or social media. Communication is defined as: conveying information through the exchange of thoughts or messages, or by speech visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. Conversation is defined as talking to another through an information or formal exchange of thoughts through spoken words. Even though we text with emoticons, that is still not the same as having a heart to heart, face to face talk. I admit, I am that mother who still peers over the shoulders of my adult children when they are texting in my presence. I say, “Put the phone down and enjoy who you are with.” Proverbs 16:23-24, “The hearts of the wise make their mouth prudent and their lips promote instruction. Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Granted not all conversations are pleasant. Some are conversations we would rather avoid because we know it may cost us something or someone, and it’s hard to say what needs to be said or what needs to be heard. It is not someone dumping on you, ratting on you, going off on you, or tearing you down.
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Here are some tips if you find the need to have some “Courageous Conversations.” •
Take time to cool off. Gain perspective.
Let love and empathy set the tone.
Get help from a trusted mediator or friend.
Write a letter if conversation fails.
Michelle Drake
Board Member IPHC Women’s Ministries
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It’s Not About You, Friend.
Danielle Craig
Dani Craig is a mom to Harper, wife to Cyler and Associate Pastor serving in the role of Family Ministries Director at Harvest Ministries in Jacksonville, Fl. She is the Sonshine Network Ministries North Region Women’s Director and Next Generation Leader. She and her husband also serve on on the SNM Discipleship Ministries Board as Conference Youth Directors. She is passionate about empowering women and girls of all ages and strives to walk in the purpose God has created her forto tell of His goodness & faithfulness in her life wherever she goes.
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’ve tried to think of the nicest thing I could possibly tell
I AM also the Main Character. He is. Just like He explained to
someone about their purpose. You know, something that
Moses in Exodus 3. HE. JUST. IS. But I lost track of the fact that
will create a spark and a hunger to chase after it with all
this whole life thing is about HIS glory. He invites me to benefit
they’ve got. The type of spark that births unrelenting passion
from it (Romans 8:28) but it’s all about Him. Every situation,
and a devotion that makes the enemy named Fear run in terror.
every trial, every triumph, its all God telling the world
I knew it had to be a powerful sentence and God, being ever
something about Himself through us. The question is, how
so faithful, took me on an incredible (read: really super hard)
well are we letting our life tell His story?
journey to help me find that perfect phrase to pen.
I think so often we place so many other things at the
Here it is. Are you ready?
center-stage of our lives: ourselves, spouse & children, comfort,
*drumroll please*
entertainment, ministry (yikes!); A combination of good things,
Your purpose isn’t about you.
not so good things, things masking as God but not really God. It’s not always easy to distinguish what the spotlight is on, but
we have to know. We have to be willing to look in the prover-
Yep. That’s what that whole opening paragraph lead up
bial mirror and evaluate ourselves. Why? Because wherever our
to. Did that sting you as bad as it stung me? Sorry, I’m just the
spotlight is will determine what the world see’s through us. Un-
messenger. But, seriously, if you read that sentence too fast or
less the spotlight is on God and the good news of Jesus we are
try to take it at face value you are going to miss it. You’re going
withholding from the world the very thing it needs. Our per-
to miss the profound shift in weight that’s on your shoulders.
sonal stories will never offer the world the hope it needs; not
The one that’s been there for so long that is saying- I have to
without Jesus being the center and God’s fingerprints littered
figure this purpose thing out or else… Whatever the “or else”
throughout every story we tell. In ourselves we aren’t enough.
thing may be. This past year God, this beautiful Abba, has tailor shaped
Here’s what we show the world about this AWEsome God when we give Him center-stage and embrace our role as the
every situation in my life to remind me where I belong in His
supporting character in His story. First they see joy even in
story and that my purpose is nothing more than allowing my
the midst of devastation. Peace when we stand in the middle
life to go where He says go and point back to Him every step
of chaos. Love even for our enemies. Patience even when our
of the way. Go figure, I forgot it was His story. How did I even
desired outcome is delayed. The fruit of the Spirit truly shines
do that? I’m a Pastor for goodness sake! But, we all do it, right?
because we are reflecting Him. What I love is that when we
Never intentionally and almost always unknowingly. We start
let Him be the spotlight everything that brings Him glory
saying things like “I’m just starting a new chapter in my life “
is bringing so much good to my life. I don’t know about you
or “It’s time to walk into the next part of my destiny.” Even our
but I could use a little more peace, patience, longsuffering,
prophetic words can often unintentionally reinforce this idea
kindness and all of those things are ours in Him.
that we are the main character in this epic narrative and God
God is so cool, friend, and His story is so much better than
is simply the author. We take things like “You’re mighty in the
anything our lives could tell with us as the main character. Seri-
kingdom!” and “You’re going to do great things!” and subcon-
ously, on my best day I can never measure up to the amazing-
sciously accept this idea that we are God’s gift to the world.
ness of our great God! He is full of mystery and I want my life to
What would He do without us?
create a hunger in others to learn Him, know Him, and experi-
Good news! Jesus was actually God’s gift to the world. He
ence Him. I like the idea that He is responsible for this whole life
CAN do it without us- He just doesn’t want to. He loves us so
story thing. Being His sub character is much more rewarding
much He is telling His story and wants to include us in the
(and a lot less exhausting)!
process. What a nice guy, right?! Walking this year out with God has sent a silently loud shout throughout my world and it’s lovingly saying- I AM the author.
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Connected to the Source
bide is certainly not one of the trendy words that you hear being tossed around these days. On the other hand, when you read the Apostle John’s writings, you find that it appears to be one of his favorite words. When I did a Google search, I found one source that said he used it 34 times in the Gospel of John and 19 times in his letters. Truth be told, the word abide is probably considered to be a somewhat archaic word today. In its simplest form, it means to live. I learned that the classical Greek writers used the world “meno.” It means to stay, to stand fast, to remain, or to abide. It portrays the idea of staying put where you are placed.
When I searched for synonyms for abide, it listed words such as bear, suffer, endure, or tolerate. Many of these words suggest that to abide means to put up with something that might be difficult or even painful. It sounds to me as though John was preparing us for some rough seasons of Christian living. It almost sounds as though he knew what our world in this 21st century might look like. Of course, God knows all things! In preparation for Girls’ Ministries Week this year, we chose to use the theme Abide as our spin-off on the IPHC 2017 theme, We Prayerfully Value Christ’s Kingdom. We are using John 15:46 as our scripture basis for the theme. Verse 4 and 5 declare:
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“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5 NKJV). “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches.” Verse 5 clearly points out the ramifications of staying connected to or breaking away from the vine. Staying connected equals bearing fruit! But breaking away or leaving the life-giving vine leads to death. I love the way the Phillips translation says it. “The man who does not share my life is like a branch that is broken off and withers away. He becomes just like the dry sticks that men pick up and use as firewood.” While firewood has its purpose, that is not God’s purpose for our lives. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be thrown aside and only good for firewood. I want life. I want to bear fruit even when it becomes painful, and you know it will. Our theme verses are preceded, in fact, with that very thought. Verse 2 tells us that every branch “that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” God wants us to be aware that even abiding in the vine will have it ups and down. He will have to do some painful pruning throughout our entire growing process. Some of the synonyms I found support that thought as well. Pruning gets rid of the things that could otherwise choke out the life of the branches. As we truly “abide” or live in Christ, He will help us to know which things are life-giving and which are life-threatening. Even things that seem to be kingdom-related can threaten our ability to produce fruit. When you hear the word kingdom, what do you usually think of first? Do you think of the royal kingdom of Great Britain with their royal families? Do you think of the Magic Kingdom of Disney World? Do you think of the mighty kingdoms of government throughout the history of our world? For us, as Christians, our thoughts generally take us to the Kingdom of God. Paul tells us in Philippians 3:20 (NIV) that “our citi-
zenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Christ will come again and His kingdom will be established. While we pray for that day to arrive quickly, we must continue doing kingdom business while living here on Earth awaiting His eternal kingdom. Our theme verses in John tell us not only how to survive while we abide, but they tell us how to thrive–how to be fruitful. When we confess our sins, we connect ourselves to the Source, the Vine. We become part of the spiritual kingdom of God. During Girls’ Ministries Week, some of our lessons will talk about the tools of kingdom living. That obviously includes the Word of God, the armor of God, a lifestyle of prayer, and developing character traits that are reflections of the King of Kings. For the younger children, we will look at some of the parables which will make the concept of a kingdom more understandable for their young minds. For the older girls, Queen Esther is always a great role model to study. Her story reads somewhat like a fairy tale. She was an orphan girl being raised by her uncle. Her commitment to God places her in line for fulfilling a purpose far greater than her earthly identity. Her outward beauty gets her chosen as a candidate for the next queen. Her inner beauty causes her to find favor with the King’s court and eventually the king himself. God’s purpose for her life unfolds in a beautiful story with a great ending! The current GM theme can always be found on the IPHC Girls’ Ministries website by going to the Girls’ Ministries Week landing page at The new theme and a correlating multi-page packet are available for download sometime in late July or early August of each year. You’ll find craft and activity ideas in that packet along with ideas for GM Day, a mid-week club meeting, and a theme-related sleepover.
Irvina Parker Director IPHC Girls’ Ministries
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at home
Meet Sam!
Samantha Snipes is Director of Women’s Ministries for the IPHC. She has a passion for activating and mobilizing people in their faith¬- to see them realize the great commission in their lives as they connect the passion and love of Jesus to the world. She and her husband, Todd, have been married 23 years. They love going on adventures with their two boys, Cole and Skyler. Items You Will Find In My Purse:
Favorite Scripture:
Favorite Junk Food:
My Personal Motto:
If I Could Have A Superpower:
I Love To Shop For:
As A Kid, I Wanted To Be:
I Can’t Leave Home Without:
I’d Do Anything To Avoid:
Favorite Item Of Clothing:
If I Could Live Anywhere, It Would Be:
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Print off and place in 8x10 frame
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