Construction Equipment EMEA | 03 - March 2023

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in t H is issu E…

4 KomAtsu’s K100 Boom CHAnGE sYstEm For pC490HrD-11

6 tHE rEALitY oF sAnY truCKs EnVironmEntAL rEsponsiBiLitY AmonG BrAZiL's LArGEst mininG CompAniEs

8 LiEBHErr AnD GmVYKon BrinG tHE First mK 88-4.1 to mEXiCo

10 miLton roY EXpAnDs HELisEm® miXEr LinE For inCrEAsED AppLiCAtion CoVErAGE

11 LiEBHErr-AErospACE BootH At AEro inDiA 2023

12 itALiAn rEntAL GiAnt mAssuCCo t, BuYs tHrEE GroVE Grt655L rouGHtErrAin CrAnEs

14 CAtErpiLLAr's LAtEst EquipmEnt innoVAtions on DispLAY At ConEXpoCon/AGG 2023

17 VoLVo CE FLoAts L260H ACross sWiss LAKE to CustomEr quArrY

18 sWitCH to JCB ELECtriC sHrEDs Emissions

19 Cummins FuEL-AGnostiC EnGinE pLAtForm CApABiLitY ComEs to ConEXpo

20 Fpt inDustriAL’s nEW XC13 HYDroGEn ComBustion EnGinE mAKEs its FiELD DEBut At FLACHAu sKi WorLD Cup toGEtHEr WitH prinotH

22 tHE Fpt inDustriAL n67 nAturAL GAs EnGinE poWErs tHE WorLD’s First LnG prototYpE trACtor, DEsiGnED BY nEW HoLLAnD AGriCuLturE


sAnY EquipmEnt is usED in tHE BrAZiLiAn spACE BAsE

BrADKEn inVEsts in pHotoVoLtAiCs spECiAList EnErpArC Group

piLot proJECt: inDustriALiZED ECo-DEsiGn oF A ControL ArmrEst

30 DriVE soLutions For tHE CrAnE inDustrY trAVELLinG AnD LiFt DriVEs From A sinGLE sourCE

32 CAsE ConstruCtion EquipmEnt to LAunCH WHEELED EXCAVAtor rAnGE

34 CEA: tHE pLAntWorX ConstruCtion trADE sHoW GAins trACtion As morE EXHiBitors BooK For tHE 2023 EVEnt

36 KomAtsu EuropE HD785-8 riGiD Dump truCK At BAumA 2022

38 A stronG FiLtrAtion soLutions pArtnEr For ConstruCtion mACHinErY

40 BoBCAt sHoWCAsEs EquipmEnt oF tHE FuturE At BAumA 2022


43 stArt oF opErAtions At nEW mAnuFACturinG FACiLitY in tHE unitED stAtEs For CompACt ConstruCtion mACHinErY

44 nEW FEAturEs For tHE proViu 360 surrounD ViEW sYstEm: ContinEntAL improVEs sAFEtY on ConstruCtion sitEs

46 tHE CAsE pLAnt in LECCE CELEBrAtEs 50 YEArs in BusinEss

48 ContinEntAL LAunCHEs innoVAtiVE LD-mAstEr L5 trACtion ConstruCtion tirE

50 tHE sEAson 7 XCmG ApprEntiCE ComEs up rosEs

52 JoHn DEErE EXpAnDs its AttACHmEnts FAmiLY WitH nEW muLCHErs AnD BrusH CuttErs For EXCAVAtors

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The K100 boom change system allows you to reconfigure the machine within minutes, without leaving the operator cab.

With the display of its K100 boom change system for the p C490H r D-11 high reach demolition machine, Komatsu Europe demonstrates a new level of demolition projects efficiency for customers.

“Listening to demolition contractors showed us that the industry is looking for a significant improvement in efficiency,” says s imon s aunders, Working Gear product marketing manager at Komatsu Europe. “At Komatsu, we took up this challenge, asking ourselves how to translate our own capabilities into the best business benefits for our customers.” He adds: “With the introduction of the patented K100 boom change system, we believe that our customers can fully benefit from the versatility built into every Komatsu H r D machine, enhance site safety, and reduce project time.”

t he K100 boom change system makes these wide-ranging capabilities significantly more accessible. t here is no need to manually handle any heavy hydraulic hoses or to carry out any manual work at height when changing the machine’s configuration. used to its

maximum effect, the K100 system could even allow the pC490HrD-11 to carry out both primary demolition as well as site clearance, perhaps even removing an extra machine from the site.

Komatsu’s K100 boom change system

With relatively few changes to the structure of the well-known p C490H r D-11, the K100 builds on proven durability and adds new in-house Komatsu Group technology with highly visual graphical controls, operating in compliance with iso safety regulations.

the operator cab of a machine with the K100 system looks very similar to that of the conventional boom change machine. All the controls of the K100 system are incorporated within the Human/machine interface (Hmi) panel, which doubles up as the working range indicator system in normal use. t he H mi panel offers

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instructional animations as well as a built-in view from the alignment camera so that the operator is fully aware of the machine’s condition at all times. no additional monitors are needed, ensuring the view from the operator cab remains uninterrupted.

Equipped with the K100 boom change system, the machine’s operating weight ranges from 62,105 kg up to 75830 kg, depending on the working configuration.

the machine is able to handle a range of demolition attachments, from 2500 kg in the maximum 32 m extended high reach arrangement, up to 3350 kg in the common 28 m high reach arrangement, up to 5000 kg for the digging or medium height arrangements, giving a huge range of available power/reach.

Hydraulic performance of the K100 system is similar to the machine with the conventional boom change system, ensuring you can make full use of the various working configurations available.

t he standard safety and fleet management equipment fitted to the p C490H r D-11 are retained with the K100 boom change system, with the n eutral Detection s ystem, Komatsu Care, KomVision and Komatsu’s telematic system Komtrax all featuring in the standard specification.

PC490HRD-11 K100 system – Features and benefits

NEW – Maximum convenience

n o need for external help for boom change process.

no need for access ladder or platform. n o need to remove additional counterweight.

NEW – Unrivalled versatility

Change boom configuration in minutes, without getting out of the cab. u se one machine for all tasks on a demolition site.

2500 kg attachment capacity with 32 m extended high reach configuration.

NEW – operating costs

s ave costs of extra machines and operators for site clearance & support work. Change machine configuration without working at height – no need to return to the depot for configuration change. reduce machine into smaller sections for transport

NEW – Simple-to-use control software

Attractive graphical touch screen operator interface.

step by step guidance on screen. Built-in camera view for equipment alignment.

Combined monitor panel to maximise view from window.

see the video on Youtube at: https://www.

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With a total of six different working configurations, from the 32 m extended high reach through the powerful 28 m high reach to the medium reach and digging equipment, the PC490HRD‑11 already offers a wide range of configurations, ready to handle any part of a demolition project.


The mining market in Brazil is considered one of the most important in the world, with emphasis on the iron-mining sector. Other important minerals include manganese, bauxite, nickel and gold.

The country is also one of the largest producers of high-tech minerals such as niobium and tantalite. However, mining in Brazil faces regulatory, social and environmental challenges.

the environmental challenge has become more evident in recent years, generating a more rigid posture by mining companies, which still have a lot of work to do in terms of decommissioning dams raised upstream. i n addition to profound changes in the regulatory field related to this management and operation, the EsG (Environmental, s ocial and Corporate Governance) has made environmental, social and governance responsibility a priority.

there is a very strong trend in the market to reduce the emission of pollutants. sA n Y, always attentive to trends and innovations, has been investing heavily in research and development of electrical equipment. the company currently have a vast variety of electrical equipment under development, homologation and even in operation, says thiago Brion, Commercial manager at sAnY do Brasil.

the sAnY sKt90E off-Highway trucks, for example, use state-of-the-art lithium iron phosphate (LF p ) batteries. t hese vehicles transport 60 tonnes of payload, and their autonomy varies according to the type of application: when the load is transported from the highest level to the lowest, the energy regeneration system contributes a lot to an even longer autonomy, reaching to situations where the vehicle is capable of operating for days without needing to recharge the battery, explains Fabiano rezende, Engineer responsible for the brand's electrical equipment in Brazil.

Last year, one of the biggest mining companies in Brazil, which has one of the largest open-pit mining complexes,

is developing a new and extremely important project for the continuity and evolution of the Brazilian mining market started the project with electric trucks from sAnY, sKt90E.

We started operating the first sKt90E in Brazil in the second half of 2022. Despite being a technical analysis still under development, we can already see a considerable reduction in operating costs, given the best efficiency of the electrical system compared to internal combustion engines, boosted by the cost of electricity compared to the cost of diesel. in addition, there is a potential increase in productivity, as the electric vehicle has proven to be faster than its diesel counterpart, reducing load

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displacement time - Fabiano rezende, Engineering team.

in an interview for rotA DiGitAL nEWs, Csn's director of sustainability, Helena Brennand Guerra said, “We are very happy with this partnership, which demonstrates yet another important action aligned with innovation and sustainability. C sn m ineração already stands out for all its pioneering movement, having been the first in the country to implement technology for filtering and stacking tailings, operating independently of the use of dams, which are currently in the process of being decharacterised.

We spare no effort to rely on ever more state-of-the-art technology in our operations, including initiatives already mastered abroad by companies and their partners to contribute to the decarbonization process and digital transformation in our operations,” celebrates Helena.


a doubt, it is a path of no return.

All major companies in the mining sector are engaged in EsG-related actions. the carbon emission reduction policy is a reality and the use of electrical equipment only has to contribute. t he existing obstacles are completely circumvented able, especially when dealing with controlled and restricted environments such as those of a mining company.

they concern the infrastructure needed to receive the equipment, such as tools and professionals with specific knowledge to perform maintenance on them, installation and operation of battery chargers which, as they provide fast charging, involve more robust electrical installations.

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Liebherr has delivered its first MK 88-4.1 to Mexico. The four-axle crane is a perfect match for crane company GMVykon’s upcoming projects.

Mexican crane company GMVykon is won over by the tried-and-tested mobile construction crane concept

Comprehensive after-sales service provided by Liebherr service technicians and local spare parts warehouse

Future-oriented hybrid power concept for environmentally responsible operation

“ We’re impressed by the great mK series concept and want to introduce it to the mexican market,” enthused managing Director José Victor Cortez at the crane’s official handover at Liebherr's m onterrey site. Liebherr will ensure reliable local service for the new machine.

the agile mK 88-4.1 for GmVykon, which has a maximum lifting capacity of eight tonnes, is also the first of its kind to be put into operation on the American continent. the crane is particularly useful for short jobs in several locations. pull up, unfold the crane at the push of a button, complete the lifts and move on to the next site after dismantling: the taxi crane concept makes this mobile construction crane extremely flexible.

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Extensive reach, minimal space requirements

What's more, only one person is needed for travel, assembly and operation. Additional transport vehicles and tools are not necessary; another factor that contributes to its efficient use. the crane offers a maximum hook height of approx. 59 meter (45-degree luffed position) and a maximum radius of 45 meter. it also delivers a jib head load capacity of up to 2,200 kilograms. o wing to its vertical tower, the crane can be erected directly at the building in question. this saves space and ensures that obstructions for road users are as minimal as possible.

successful handover of the new mK 884.1 (from left): Christian tableros (Liebherr m éxico s . de r .L. de C.V.), José Victor Cortez (managing Director GmVykon) and Hector Garza (CFo GmVykon).

the crane's future-oriented hybrid power concept is another advantage when working in built-up areas. i t enables all-electric operation, with the use of site power, for example. t his means that the crane is also especially quiet when working and doesn't produce any C o 2 emissions. i f an external power source isn’t available, an efficient diesel generator ensures self-sufficient operation. Both the superstructure and undercarriage drives can be powered by HVo (Hydrogenated Vegetable oils).

Comprehensive customer service

By adding the m K 88-4.1 to its fleet, GmVykon has gained a versatile piece of equipment. “Liebherr has impressed us for years with its excellent customer service, top quality and outstanding technology,” said José Victor Cortez. the company fleet includes around 100 Liebherr machines ranging from 30 to 800 tonnes in lifting capacity. At present, its most powerful crane is a Liebherr Ltm 1750-9.1 mobile crane. the close collaboration between G m Vykon and Liebherr was evident when the mK 88-4.1 was presented in monterrey. Customers of the m exican crane company and Liebherr méxico were invited to experience the latest addition to the GmVykon fleet.

“We have provided our service technicians with extensive training specifically for this series so we can offer our customers a reliable and fast service for mobile construction cranes in m exico,” said Christian tableros, Divisional Director Liebherr méxico s . de r .L. de C.V. t his means that Liebherr is able to ensure efficient after-sales service, “As well as that, we are also in the process of setting up a spare parts warehouse for short response times, and we're working hard to further increase awareness of the mKs in mexico.” As well as the mK 88-4.1, the series also includes the mK 73-3.1 and the mK 140-5.1.

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Successful handover of the new MK 88 4.1 (from left): Christian Tableros (Liebherr México S. de R.L. de C.V.), José Victor Cortez (Managing Director GMVykon) and Hector Garza (CFO GMVykon).


Ingersoll Rand’s Milton Roy Mixing, a leading global provider of mixing and agitation solutions for numerous industries, has launched its redesigned and extended HELISEM® line of top-entry mixers that can now be used in a much broader range of applications. The new models, which became available to order on January 18, 2023, meet customers’ expectations for flexible flow rate capabilities, achieving low, medium, and high mixing levels in a large variety of tanks.

“ We are convinced that this newly launched extended range of mixers matches even better customer needs and will demonstrate its superior efficiency compared to what is currently available on the market,” said Gaël poulleau, Global technical Leader, mixing, at milton roy.

the new HELisEm® line comprises five distinct mixer series – VDA, Vrp, VrH, F r H and the new V r G series – and features a total of 133 models. suitable for applications with fluid viscosities of up to 1,000 c p, these models provide high mixing levels in up to 8m diameter tanks and medium and low mixing levels in up to 11m diameter tanks. they can support dilution, dissolution, flocculation, homogenization, solid suspension, and other processes in sectors such as chemical, water treatment and general industries.

A premium motor and optimised proprietary propellers deliver industryleading mixing efficiency, which translates into significant energy savings during mixer lifetime. the new mixers are easier, safer and less expensive to install and use, with numerous models requiring

no maintenance under normal operating conditions.

standard HELisEm® mixer models offer stainless steel construction for wetted parts and are equipped with one or two propellers, 50 or 60 Hz power supply, and an upward or downward flow option. Among custom features are alternative mounting options, including a square baseplate and a circular baseplate for AsmE tank flanges, and optional ABCitE® high-strength powder coating (now available on 67 models) that provides outstanding corrosion protection and best-in-class salt spray resistance.

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A long-standing partner of the Indian aviation industry, LiebherrAerospace is eager to host guests at its booth F6.6 in hall F during Aero India (Feb 13th-17th) at Yelahanka Air Force Station in Bangalore.

The company’s intention is to enlarge its footprint in india, encompassing engineering support as well as customer service. in addition, Liebherr is continuing to intensify the relationship with its indian supply base.

the company offers highly integrated and engineered products in the fields of air management, flight control and actuation, gears, gearboxes as well as landing gear systems and electronics including full life cycle support.

At Aero i ndia, the Liebherr team will explain to potential customers what hightech solutions are possible.

For more information please visit

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Efficiency improvements enabled by the state-of-the-art yet intuitive technologies on the Grove GRT655L were a key factor in Massucco T, ordering three GRT655L rough-terrain cranes.

The compact and portable GRT655L features Manitowoc’s CCS (Crane Control System), enabling operations to be easily adjusted to suit individual preferences, making it the perfect rental crane.

The 60 t capacity crane has a 43 m boom, tilting cab, and a removable counterweight – all features usually only found on larger rough-terrain cranes.

The cranes were presented to the italian rental giant at a handover event at manitowoc’s niella tanaro factory, just 30 minutes from massucco t.’s headquarters in Cuneo, piedmont.

“there were many reasons behind our choice to invest in Grove again. o ur previous experience with the brand, and our awareness of the reliability and excellent technical support were relevant. But perhaps the main attraction was the advanced technologies on the crane. these are not gadgets, but digital tools that impact crane management and maintenance. For example, the diagnostics feature is an extremely important way to keep on top of operating and maintenance costs. i t allows us to precisely schedule service based on working hours,” said roberto Borgogno, sales manager at massucco t

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Left to right: Roberto Zucchi, Manitowoc; Roberto Borgogno, Massucco T.; and Federico Lovera, Manitowoc.

representing a major leap forward in quality and total Cost of ownership, the onboard diagnostics enable the actual hours of many machine functions (winch, boom, slewing, engines, hydraulics, etc.) to be recorded, ensuring maintenance is performed exactly when needed. t he frequency of maintenance is also significantly reduced thanks to a design focused on increased components service life.

For example, by mounting the outrigger jack cylinders upside down, the chrome part of the cylinder and the seals are protected against damage, sand, dust, and other contaminants. And by using hydraulic disc brakes with double calipers, instead of the more common, less-efficient pneumatic design, there is no need for a separate maintenance schedule.

You can take them anywhere Another factor that makes the Grt655L a perfect rental crane is its compactness and portability. “the Grt655L is just 3 m wide and has a removable counterweight, so it’s easy to transport on a trailer,” added Borgogno.

As the most compact model in its class, the narrow dimensions of the Grt655L enable it to be easily shipped in one complete load. t he maneuverability is enhanced too, with its four-wheel coordinated steering producing a turning radius of just 6.4 m, allowing it to access even the most congested sites.

t he crane’s CC s consists of two antiglare, tilting graphic displays, plus a jog dial selector and ergonomic joysticks, which allow response curves and function speeds to be easily customized to operator preferences and skill levels. the 60 t capacity Grt655L also offers the

sort of reach more typically found in the 70-80 t class, with a 43 m five sections, full-power boom. When working with a jib, operators can reach more than 56 m and nearly 60 m at maximum tip height. For easier operation when working with longer booms, there’s a hydraulically tilt able, full-vision cab.

“the Grt655L’s impressive load charts and performance are a big selling point, but even more importantly, it’s a crane with features that are perfect for the i talian and European market – and that’s a major advantage in the rental business. With these purchases, our fleet is more versatile, allowing us to further extend our offering and cover a wider range of applications, from assembling prefabricated buildings to maintenance and process work in industrial plants,” said Borgogno.

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Caterpillar’s largest exhibit to date at CONEXPO-CON/ AGG 2023 where the company will highlight its latest products, services and technologies while paying tribute to those who build the world’s infrastructure.

The company’s 70,000 ft2 (6,500 m2) outdoor demonstration arena will anchor the massive display known as o perator s tadium located in the expo’s Festival Lot.

new Caterpillar technology, services and sustainability hubs provide visitors the opportunity to look beyond the iron for ways to increase operating efficiency and improve machine uptime. Visitors will find new and current models and batteryelectric machine prototypes during the expo from m arch 14-18 in Las Vegas, nevada.

The Latest Equipment

the extensive Cat® equipment display in the Festival Lot includes more than 30 machines, including model unveiling and battery-electric model prototypes with charging stations. Visitors will see two main equipment demonstrations each day; one focused on the latest Cat technology, and one that will spotlight the company’s full equipment line up. Additionally, Caterpillar will be providing unique daily spotlight demonstrations that will take a deep dive into key industry topics including improving fuel efficiency and jobsite efficiency, the evolution of technology, and convenient, scalable solutions for all customers.

the new Cat 950 medium wheel loader on display offers premium performance and simple-to-use technologies to help

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boost operator efficiency and increase productivity, while extended service intervals help lower maintenance costs. Visitors will be treated to a preview of the next Generation Cat 926, 930 and 938 small wheel loaders – slated for production in late 2023 – which feature new technologies designed to make work more easily, a reimagined operator environment and extended service intervals.

For paving contractors, the halflane Cat pm 822 cold planer features integrated Cat Grade technology and the latest system K rotor options that deliver performance, productivity and cutting precision. With its compact size, exceptional mobility and easy transport, the Cat A p 455 m obil-trac™ asphalt paver offers great features for both large

and small contactors when paving urban streets, parking lots and rural roads. Furthermore, an exciting new market disrupting three-dimensional screed plate with modular fastening system improves mat density and smoothness, while reducing screed plate change time up to 80 percent.

The Latest Power Caterpillar i ndustrial p ower s ystems Division will exhibit in booth s 84329 in the s outh Hall a wide and rapidly growing portfolio of high-efficiency Cat industrial power solutions. t he exhibit includes the unveiling of a new high power internal combustion engine, as well as the leading-edge lithium-ion battery technologies under development. Engines on display, such as the C3.6 ipu, C7.1 and C9.3B, meet Eu stage V, u s EpA tier 4 Final emission standards and are compatible with biodiesel up to B20 and hydro treated vegetable oil (HVo) to E n 15940, to help customers power a better, more sustainable world.

the booth will also showcase Caterpillar’s technical services and market expertise leveraged by the global Cat dealer network to maximise the efficiency and extend the life cycles of off-highway equipment, including Cat remanufactured and service replacement engines.

The Services Hub: Easy and on-the-go Caterpillar offers a range of service options that are easy, convenient, flexible and sustainable. the new Cat Central app is the latest tool for convenient access to genuine Cat parts and support. this on-the-go experience makes it easy for customers to find and order Cat parts, scan and shop a specific asset instantly and find answers to maintenance and support questions. Another new servicerelated solution is the new Cat sis2Go app which takes the guesswork out of maintaining, troubleshooting and

repairing Cat equipment. Both apps are available on Windows, ios and Android platforms.

the services Hub is located in the Festival Lot, and the hub will include Caterpillar subject matter experts (smE) who will help guide attendees through several maintenance options for Cat equipment. Customer Value Agreement (CVA) options offer easy ownership plans customized to fit a customer’s business needs to extend equipment life and maximise the investment. Cat Certified r ebuild programs return end-of-life machines, systems and components to like new condition. Cat reman products bring new life to assets with like-new performance at a fraction of the cost of buying new. Cat self-service options deliver convenient, simple parts ordering and machine repair support for those who prefer to do their own service.

team members from Cat Financial will be available to discuss the latest leasing and financing programs, including Cat Card, as well as extended protection packages to help secure customers’ investments. Whether they are looking for new or used Cat machines or for repair/rebuild options to keep their current machines operational, Cat Financial experts will help customers make the right decision to support their business – no matter how large or small.

The Technology Hub: Solutions for Any Operation

t he Caterpillar technology Hub in the Festival Lot will offer attendees the ability to experience a range of new and existing Cat technologies – VisionLink, Cat Command, VisionLink productivity, Cat Detect, Cat Grade and Cat payload. Caterpillar smEs will be on hand to assist each customer in finding a scalable solution designed to fit the business’s needs and budget.

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i ts centerpiece exhibit, the “Looking Glass” cube, displays and interactively showcases the five key capabilities of the new Cat VisionLink® application –Geofence & Location, Fuel theft Alerts, Diagnostics, idle t ime/Fuel Burn, and maintenance. An interactive wall invites visitors to explore the full suite of VisionLink capabilities for both Cat and non-Cat equipment and non-machine assets.

the hub’s multiple Cat Command stations allow attendees to remotely operate Cat machines located more than 400 miles away at the tinaja Hills Demonstration and Learning Center. they are positioned to allow attendees to better experience and learn more about the Command for Dozing, Excavating and Loading technologies. o ne of the Command stations allows visitors to try the “strike pay Dirt Challenge,” where participants remotely control an excavator to win a prize.

The Sustainability Hub: Choose Your Machine. Choose Your Power t he Caterpillar s ustainability Hub in the Festival Lot will spotlight fuel efficiency and alternative power sources; technologies to fit every operation and budget; and parts and service designed to make uptime fast and easy. p lus, customers will learn about sustainability benefits they can choose today and plan for tomorrow.

outside the sustainability Hub, exhibit attendees can view components of Caterpillar’s total site solution for the energy transition, including four batteryelectric machine prototypes – the Cat 301.9 mini excavator, 320 medium excavator, 950 GC medium wheel loader and 906 compact wheel loader – in addition to AC and DC charging solutions. t he Caterpillar-designed batteries powering these battery-electric machines are built on lithium-ion Cat technology with a modular design that offers flexible configurations across multiple applications.

Celebrating the Operator

With the quest to prove they are the best, more than 10,000 operators representing more than 32 countries around the world registered to compete in the 2022-2023 Global o perator Challenge. From 3,500 participants in the first round of local competitions to 84 advancing to the regional semifinals, nine of the world’s best equipment operators will demonstrate their advanced skill, precision and stamina in hopes of being named the Global o perator Challenge Champion. the nine finalists competing in operator stadium at ConExpo are:

• pontus Eriksson, representing Zeppelin sweden

• sebastian Behr, representing Zeppelin Germany

• Łukasz Mokrzyński, representing Bergerat monnoyeur poland

• John schiedeck, representing Holt Cat (texas, usA)

• m att Ferris, representing Empire Cat (Arizona, usA)

• Fernando do nascimento, representing pEsA (Brazil)

• m asato i mai, representing n ippon Caterpillar (Japan)

• patrick Doheny, representing William Adams (Australia)

• nick thompson, representing Cavpower (Australia)

the finals kick off on tuesday morning, m arch 14, immediately following the expo’s grand opening ceremonies. throughout the competition, the skills of the finalists will be put to the test in three identical challenges – excavating, loading, and hauling/maneuvering the equipment through a variety of obstacles. the champion is set to be crowned on the afternoon of march 14.

All ConEXpo-Con/AGG attendees are encouraged to attend the Global operator Challenge Finals to see first-hand the new equipment, technologies and services on display in Festival Lot exhibit, F9127.

more information on the finalists can be found at

and for more details about the Cat C on EX po -C on /AGG experience, visit campaigns/event/conexpo-2023.html

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The handover of a L260H wheel loader from Volvo Construction Equipment (Volvo CE) to Swiss firm AG Balmholz proved unconventional – with a floating delivery needed for the machine to reach its new home.

It took a tugboat and floating pontoon to deliver a Volvo L260H across the picturesque Lake thun in the swiss Canton of Bern to the quarry owned by AG Balmholz.

its exceptional location in the Bernese foothills of the Alps, on the steep northern shore of Lake thun makes transportation of goods and mining materials to and from the quarry a challenge. Although accessible via the winding lake road that runs between thun and interlaken, the route which is popular with day trippers and motorcyclists is limited to loads of 34 tons. so, it was not possible to transport the wheel loader by road.

Excavating hard rock for railway infrastructure

t he quarry is just one of only 10 in the whole of s witzerland to provide a valuable source of a special dense, compact and high pressure-resistant hard rock. Every year, the workforce at AG Balmholz extract around 250,000 tons of hard rock, which is processed into blocks for hydraulic engineering, railway ballasts, chippings and crushed sand. much of this material is transported to customers throughout switzerland on ships across the water to thun, where it is offloaded and then transported by rail.

Robust and reliable the mining of hard rocks, such as those found at Lake thun, is material intensive and requires reliable, durable machinery. many factors played a role in the decision to choose the Volvo wheel loader.

Depending on the blade used, the breakout force of the Volvo L260H is between

256 kn and 336 kn other qualities, such as cab comfort and simple serviceability also met their requirements, and the team were all in agreement that the Volvo wheel loader would complement the existing machine park.

the 35-ton wheel loader offers a static tipping load at full turn of almost 24 tons. A longer wheelbase than its predecessor means the L260H can be mounted with a larger bucket, which adds to the overall efficiency and productivity. AG Balmholz’s new wheel loader has a bucket capacity of 6.5m³.

1,000 operating hours

As soon as the L260H was unloaded at the quarry, it was put to work. AG Balmholz plans to use the wheel loader for around 1,000 operating hours per year for the next 10 years, before it will be time to replace this hard-working machine.

03 - Construction Equipment - mArCH 2023 17 VoLVo


Shred Station has switched from diesel to electric for its brand new fleet of JCB materials handling machines.

Shred station is replacing six of its diesel powered JCB teletruks with six new electric models. By making the switch the company estimates it will save around 62,000 liter of diesel per year.

the leading shredding services provider has taken delivery of three of the JCB 3019E electric teletruks models at its norwich site. the performance was so impressive that it immediately bought three more.

s upplied by dealer Watling JCB, the JCB 30-19E electric teletruks will be used to transport bales of shredded paper around shred station’s depot, stack them safely and maximise depot space. they are also responsible for loading the bales onto trucks ready to be transported to shred station’s recycling facilities.

s hred s tation is the world’s largest independent shredding service providers and has been destroying confidential materials for over 14 years. While the company mostly destroys paper-based materials, other services include textile shredding, hard drive and media storage destruction, product shredding and much more.

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Heavy-Duty Hydrogen, Biogas And Advanced Diesel Engines To Align With Tier 5.

Cummins i nc. will show its new fuel-agnostic 15-liter engine platform with hydrogen, biogas and advanced diesel engines at Con Expo (stand s84615, south hall upper). it offers oEms the opportunity to accelerate the decarbonization of heavy-duty offhighway applications.

t his new platform, designed for the next level of emissions, has a significant increase in the power density with a more compact installation envelope enabling oEms to increase machine capability and productivity with no impact on running costs.

t he fuel-agnostic architecture of the 15-liter next generation engine utilises a common base engine with cylinder heads and fuel systems specifically tailored for hydrogen, natural gas, diesel and biofuels including HVo

t he 15-liter hydrogen engine will be available with ratings from 400-to-530 hp and a peak torque of 2600 nm. For applications powered by renewable biogas, this engine will offer ratings from 400-to-510 hp with a peak torque of 2500 n m available. t he advanced diesel version features will offer a broad power range of 450-to-650 hp, with an impressive 3200 nm peak torque.

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FPT Industrial, the world-leading producer of low environmental impact solutions, and PRINOTH, a world leader in the production of snow groomers and tracked vehicles, provided additional excitement during the Ski World Cup in Flachau (Austria).

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Recently, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the World Cup in Flachau, Klaus tonhäuser, president and CEo of prinotH Group, took part in the discussion “sustainability in Winter s ports” organized by s now s pace s alzburg Bergbahnen, which focused on ideas and new technologies that can reduce the environmental impact of all activities connected to skiing.

one of the highlights of this media talk, with over 100 journalists attending, was the official presentation of the prinotH LEitWoLF h2motion, the world’s first hydrogen powered snow groomers with an internal combustion engine by F pt industrial. the new concept vehicle is in fact equipped with the new Fpt XC13 Hydrogen version, 13 liter, six-cylinder engine, delivering 460 hp (338 kW) and 2,000 nm of torque.

Fully ready for field tests, the LEitWoLF h2motion can be the ideal solution for sustainability-oriented ski resorts, such as s now s pace s alzburg Bergbahnen, whose remaining C o 2 emissions are largely attributable to slope grooming.

unveiled at iAA 2022, the new Fpt XC13 is the first multi-fuel single-base engine. From diesel to natural gas – including biomethane – to hydrogen and renewable fuels, the base engine has been designed with multiple versions to offer maximum component standardization and easy integration into the final product. Leveraging long experience on alternative fuels, the XC13 hydrogen engine is a first concept looking toward a complementary offer to accelerate the decarbonization process of the industrial applications sector.

the hydrogen combustion engine installed on the prinotH LEitWoLF h2motion is an additional technology in the F pt i ndustrial portfolio for zero Co 2 emission solutions, offering customers the familiarity they are used to with traditional machines. the hydrogen fuel is stored in five tanks mounted on the back of the machine for an indicative running time of more than 3 hours.

Designed primarily for preparing slopes in larger ski resorts due to its power and size, the new concept vehicle is another step toward prinotH’s goal of a zerocarbon fleet and the collaboration with Fpt industrial signals the two companies’ mutual commitment to sustainability in off-road applications.

“ u nveiled in s eptember 2022, now ready for its first field test. such a short timeframe reveals the unique quality of our XC13 engine,” comments pierpaolo Biffali, Vice president product Engineering at Fpt industrial. “We are proud to be next to prinotH in our mission to deliver sustainable propulsion solutions for our customers.”

“ t he F pt i ndustrial engine of the LEitWoLF h2motion is similar to a diesel engine,” says Klaus tonhäuser, “and offers our customers what they are used to from other machines. this will contribute to the acceptance of the technology.”

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At the CNH Industrial Tech Day event, held in Phoenix (Arizona, USA) on December 7th and 8th, 2022, New Holland Agriculture unveiled the new T7 Methane Power LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) pre-production prototype tractor, the world’s first LNG tractor powered by FPT Industrial’s N67 NG engine. This marks another step in FPT Industrial’s decarbonization path for agriculture.

The t 7 m ethane p ower L n G was developed to offer both an economic and ecological alternative to environmentally conscious farmers looking for high-horsepower tractors which offer excellent performance, lower emissions, and reduced operating costs. in addition, since liquified natural gas allows for greater storage density compared to compressed natural gas, it increases run time without the need for additional tanks, ensuring overall farm sustainability.

the new Holland t7 methane power LnG tractor harnesses all the experience and expertise of Fpt industrial, the world’s leading producer of low-environmentalimpact engines, and enabler of another crucial step toward decarbonization in agriculture. With over 20 years’ experience and more than 70,000 units sold globally,

Fpt industrial is leading the introduction of n atural Gas technology in off-road segment applications, with customized engine solutions for installation on agricultural equipment.

t he heart of both the “ s ustainable tractor of the Year 2022” – the n ew Holland t6.180 methane power – and the world’ first LnG tractor – the new Holland t7 methane power LnG – the n67 natural Gas is the ultimate cleanenergy solution specifically designed for open-field tractors.

Delivering the same performance as its diesel equivalent in terms of power, torque, durability and maintenance intervals, the n67 nG ensures diesel-like drivability for an unchanged customer experience, while reducing the carbon footprint of farming operations.

the n67 nG engine powering the new Holland t7 methane power LnG can run on liquified biomethane sourced from livestock manure and slurry, allowing for carbon-negative operation and enabling circular ecosystems in agriculture.

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Everything at a glance: A new platform for intuitive assistance systems for maximum efficiency and safety while loading.

Your customers told us that to meet their continual challenges and ever-increasing operational complexity, they need solutions that deliver safety, real-time information, machine monitoring, driver assistance, production monitoring, efficiency optimization, future proofing and easy to use for the driver without causing distraction!

We took this knowledge on board, and we are delighted to announce the introduction of the all-new Komatsu submonitor for wheel loaders that meets each and every one of your customers’ requests in one intuitive easy to use touch-screen interface.

Focusing on simplified operations by merging many features into one device, the submonitor creates a new interface for the operator to interact with the machine’s assist systems; that includes an Extended Load-pilot, a new rear view supervision system with high-definition camera and rear radar obstacle detection, and an all-new, performance-boosting Efficiency trainer module.

t he 12.1” ergonomic touchscreen provides easy, intuitive operation, reducing confusion and work interruptions vs. the multitude of separate sub systems that are all too common today. the Komatsu submonitor is the base for a new era of machine features that deliver unrivalled control, comfort, and safety.

Extended Load-Pilot

t he proven Komatsu Load- p ilot as a weighing system has been updated in terms of functionality and controllability. s ince all important elements are displayed on the monitor, the adjustment can be easily made on the screen with just a few clicks, without having to dive into the machine menu. the tidy arrangement of all functions is self -explanatory. Accurate and fast weighing results with

the improved auto-weighing function, material definition at will and productivity and efficiency display for different materials enable smooth operation in operation.


Efficiency trainer is a new feature that improves driver's skills during actual work to increase performance and increase efficiency. Based on a new algorithm, the system learns itself for each loading cycle. the reference is set by the operator taking into account different operating conditions and not specified by the machine on the basis of fixed data. the evaluation is based on several machine data, which are evaluated with the help of a point system. As the charging performance improves, the reference is raised. i f the charging performance decreases, the deficits are displayed based on criteria and improvements are suggested.

Rear view supervision

Wheel loaders must reverse for each loading cycle. since there is no direct view from the cabin, the rear area surveillance is one of the most elementary safety systems. the new digital camera system, combined with radar obstacle detection, gives a perfect overview of the situation behind the machine. the submonitor's high-resolution screen displays the image crisply and clearly, and radar obstacle detection provides the operator with audible and visual warnings of hazards behind the machine.

t he s ubmonitor is optionally available as equipment for the wheel loader models WA380-WA500-8.

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The WA475 10 in material handling: Simple and intuitive operation of the assistance systems with the help of the new SubMonitor


Manitowoc has announced the launch of the Potain MCT 1005 M50, the largest topless tower crane to be manufactured at its Zhangjiagang facility in China. Designed for use in emerging markets and Southeast Asia, and boasting a huge 50 t capacity, the crane is available with a choice of three counter jib options that will further enhance its seamless integration into confined job sites.

With a maximum capacity of 50 t and jib lengths of up to 80 m, the MCT 1005 offers huge capabilities for projects.

Despite its larger size, three counter jib options are available to aid work on confined job sites.

The launch comes just a few months after the introduction of the 40 t MCT 805, which was previously the largest Potain crane built in China.

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The MCT 1005 M50 allows for the handling of an impressive 8 t at the end of its maximum 80 m jib, which is configured from 11 sections of either 5 m or 10 m in length. Only three sections are required to deliver its shortest configuration of 20 m, at which distance it can lift its full 50 t. The same maximum capacity is also available between 3.5 - 16.8 m when the jib is built to 80 m, or from 3.5 - 25.2 m when the jib is 30 m in length. Many customers will also appreciate the option of configuring the crane with the 45 m jib, which delivers a hefty 24.8 t maximum capacity at the jib end.

These heavy payloads are supported with counter jib options of 15 m for jib configurations of up to 45 m; 17.5 m for jib configurations of up to 55 m; and 20 m when working with jibs from 60 to 80 m. This versatility aids the crane’s ability to work in proximity to other cranes or nearby structures. Over 1,070 m of rope is available on the drum and the crane’s payload is efficiently transported horizontally, thanks to the smooth and precise frequency drives of Potain’s 25 DVFC 25 trolley. Slewing speeds are set at between 0 - 0.7 rpm via the RVF 174 Optima+ system.

Eye in the sky

The K850 mast, with its 2.45 m x 2.45 m sections, enables a freestanding height under the hook of up to 69.7 m. At the top is the V140S Vision cabin where the operator will find a comfortable workstation that provides a clear view, aided by tinted glass, windshield wipers, and a sun visor. Heating comes as standard and air conditioning is available as an option for added comfort. The entire top-slewing section can be delivered to the job site in as few as 11 trucks, offering a surprising ease of transportability for such a large crane.

“As topless tower cranes continue to increase in popularity, we are quickly responding to the demands of our customers in Asia-Pacific for highercapacity models,” “Topless tower cranes are ideal for large infrastructure projects or modular developments, plus a host of other applications – and with the Potain MCT 1005 M50 we’ve created a model with a vast range of jib lengths and capacities that are capable of meeting almost every task demanded of it,” said Leong Kwong-Joon, regional product manager for tower cranes at Manitowoc.

The MCT 1005 M50 arrives on the market just over six months after the launch of the Potain MCT 805, which was previously the largest Zhangjiagangproduced topless Potain crane when it launched in April 2022.

To learn more about the Potain MCT 1005 M50 click here.

03 - Construction Equipment - MARCH 2023 25 MANITOWOC CRANES


The launch of a rocket off the coast of maranhão marks the beginning of the public-private partnership for the launch of small satellites between the federal government and the south Korean space company. the first launch of the rocket, manufactured by the south Korean company innospace, is expected in the next few days.

During the launch, called o peration Astrolabe, the rocket will use propellants based on liquid oxygen and paraffin. i ts patented electric pump propulsion system will carry an inertial navigation system payload developed by civilian and military experts from the Brazilian institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. the sAnY sAC2500s all-terrain crane, which was launched in Brazil just over a year ago and has achieved impressive results in the large load crane rental market, and the sAnY qY50 were used to transport the rocket.

With its maximum capacity of 250 tons, the sAnY sAC2500s truck crane is ideal for long reach and heavy load operations. therefore, mr. michael, the commercial director of Araújo Guindastes, the owner of the cranes, recommended this equipment to transport the rocket, as it is 16.5 meters long and weighs 8.4 tons.

Araujo Guindastes is one of s A n Y do Brasil's main customers in maranhão. in addition to the sAC2500t, the company acquired two stC800ts last year, further expanding its fleet.

in early December, the missile components arrived in a Boeing 747 at s ão Luís international Airport (mA). more than 8 tons of components were transported to the city of Alcântara, located about 30 km from the capital of maranhão. From the assembly of the base to the transport of the rocket to the launch site, 15 days passed. the sAnY sAC2500s crane from

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The Alcântara Launch Center (CLA) is a Brazilian Space Agency spaceport located in the municipality of Alcântara on the northern Atlantic coast of Brazil, in the state of Maranhão.

Araujo Guindastes performed excellently both in moving the parts for assembling the base and in lifting the rocket to the launch base. What attracted the most attention was the low fuel consumption during the whole operation.

the contract signed this year with the Brazilian government is for five years and already provides for more launches next year on the same base. "this is a promising sector with a lot of potential in Brazil, and now especially for the state of m aranhão. We have a base that is considered strategic and has the best geographical location in the world, since it is close to the equatorial line. this allows the rockets to reach space faster and with lower fuel consumption," adds m ichel Araújo, director of Araújo Guindastes.

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Mining equipment parts manufacturer Bradken Pty Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. has acquired 12.5% of the issued stocks of Enerparc AG (“Enerparc”) group company Enerparc Solar Power 3, a photovoltaic power generation specialist with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions at its Coimbatore facility in India where power generated by solar panels will come on line in April 2023.

Increases renewable energy ratio at Coimbatore facility in india, reducing annual Co2 emissions

As a result, approximately 10.5 GWh a year, corresponding to around 40% of the current level of electricity consumption at the Coimbatore facility, will be supplied by solar power, increasing the ratio of renewable energy consumed at the entire facility to approximately 75% and reducing annual Co2 emissions by around 7,700 tons.

Enerparc is a leading German photovoltaics company with operations in 25 countries worldwide, including Europe, the middle East, russia/Cis and Australia. it owns and operates solar power plants supplying approx. 2,500 mW of renewable electricity across the globe.

Accompanying its economic growth, demand for electric power in i ndia is expected to grow at an average annual rate of around 4–5%* until 2030, but chronic electricity shortages often lead to disrupted power supplies. i n addition, air pollution caused by coalfired power generation and automobile exhaust emissions are a major problem. under these circumstances, the indian government has set a goal of 60% of the total power generating capacity from renewable sources, with plans to introduce 450 GW (510 GW if 60 GW of hydroelectric power is included) by 2030 to promote introduction of renewable energy.

Hitachi Construction m achinery Group has set a target of 45% reduction in Co2 emissions in its production processes by 2030 from 2010 levels and is promoting reduced Co 2 emissions by converting to renewables, such as installing solar panels on the site of consolidated subsidiary tata Hitachi’s Kharagpur works in West Bengal, india in 2019. of the approximately 134,000 tons of Co2 emitted by Bradken's total manufacturing Co2 emissions FY2021, its Coimbatore facility accounts for 24,200 tons or approximately 18%, but this current initiative will see a reduction of 7,700 tons.

Hitachi Construction machinery Group is aiming for carbon neutrality through its entire value chain by 2050. Going forward, it will promote environment-friendly monozukuri at all production bases and group companies in Japan and overseas.

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* Forecast by Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) and JMK Research


In recent months, a pilot project has been created at elobau: the redesign of a control armrest with a focus on industrialized eco-design.

As part of a university thesis, max Krohmer has been working on the design of such a control armrest over the past few months. t he result is a design and material study, which is designed according to the principles of the circular economy with regard to the design and the development and manufacturing process. the work is to be understood as a study and can serve as a basis for further considerations with new materials and revised design. it gives an outlook on future, more sustainable products that focus on a more responsible use of resources and the environment.

With regard to the recycling process, the number of materials used is kept as low as possible. in addition, they can be quickly and easily separated from each other, and screw connections are avoided as far as possible. the stainless steel serves as a frame and as a support for the Karuun components. the Karuun in turn houses the controls and protects the electronics. the design is to be reimagined with the capabilities of the materials used.

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For the crane industry, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS offers complete drive solutions from a single source that are characterised by maximum energy efficiency, economy and reliability. The service- and maintenance-friendly drives reduce downtimes and contribute to an increased efficiency and availability of the entire system.

Cranes must safely lift, precisely position and gently set down loads, which requires special drives with integrated brakes and frequency inverter technology that ensure the soft start and the regenerative braking through defined and adjustable ramps. smooth motion, even with simultaneous movements of the crane and the trolley, constant running as well as synchronous operation for travelling drives, and high-positioning accuracy are essential for the continuous and safe transport processes.

Efficient, compact and reliable drive solutions for all types of cranes

As one of the world’s leading full-range suppliers for mechanical and electronic drive technology, norD DriVEsYstEms provides drive solutions for all types of cranes and load ranges – whether bridge, gantry, building, container or harbour cranes. the drives are specially tailored to crane systems and are characterised by an efficient operation, compact design, high reliability, and a high level of service and maintenance friendliness.

Complete drive solutions from a single source

Whether travel, cross-travel or lifting gear drives: An optimum and individual drive solution can be created using the modular norD system consisting of the gear unit, motor and drive electronics. All components are precisely matched to each other and ensure smooth operation. Gear units and industrial gear units in a one-piece uni CA s E housing provide ultimate axial and radial load capacities, ultimate reliability and low-noise performance, as well as low maintenance and a long service life. the motors up to i4 operate reliably over many years with very high efficiency, high overload capacity and meet all common global efficiency regulations and standards. t hanks to scalable functions, the drive electronics – as a solution for control cabinet installations or as decentralised version for use in the field – can be adjusted to any drive application. t hey support all common bus systems and communicate with any control. nor D frequency inverters have a high-performance pLC for functions close to the drive.

Strong global presence and service

From design and commissioning to service and maintenance, norD supports its customers in all phases of the project and supplies ultimate quality which meets international standards. t housands of norD drives are already in operation in crane systems around the globe. A global assembly and service network guarantees short delivery times, competent advice and rapid on site service.

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CASE announces the launch of a four-model E-Series wheeled excavator range, with a fifth, larger model joining the series in the future. The machines will be built under an existing supply agreement with South Korean manufacturer Hyundai Construction Equipment.

The CAsE wheeled excavator lineup will include the conventional tail swing WX140E and WX160E, along with the short radius WX155E sr and the WX175E sr these four models will be joined by a conventional tail swing WX210E at a later stage.

Features include:

• smooth operation and maximum control thanks to proven Bosch rexroth Load i ndependent Flow s haring hydraulic systems on the four smaller models.

• Durability, reliability and efficient roading capability thanks to heavy-duty ZF axles and hydrostatic transmissions.

• Enhanced site safety thanks to large operator cab with CAsE maximum View monitor enabling 360° view cameras and additional rear radar.

• m aximum comfort cruise control, optional ride control and joystick steering.

• operate on a range of biodiesel, HVo, and other synthetic fuels thanks to Cummins s tage V diesel engines with no requirement for exhaust gas recirculation (EG r ) Customisable specification

t he new CA s E E- s eries wheeled excavators will boast proven wellestablished quality components. t hey will be available in a range of lower frame layouts, with several combinations of front and rear dozer blades plus front and rear outriggers.

upper equipment will comprise a choice of mono or two-piece main booms for all machines except the WX175E sr , which will be supplied with a two-piece articulating boom only. standard cruise control will make travel between work sites easier while moving material in a work site is made more efficient by the optional ride control and even more so by using joystick steering controls.

Proven technology

t he new CA s E wheeled excavators are powered by E u stage V compliant Cummins diesel engines. the four smaller models will use a Cummins B4.5 engine, delivering an above industry standard, outstanding maximum power of 129 kW, while the WX210E will come with the larger B6.7, offering up to 145 kW maximum power.

t he engines feature a highly efficient exhaust after treatment module, incorporating a diesel oxidation catalyst (DoC), selective catalytic reduction (sCr) and a diesel particulate filter (DpF).

With no need for complex exhaust gas recirculation (EGr) system to comply with stage V requirements, the maintenance cost is much reduced. in addition, fuel filter service intervals are 1,000 hours and engine oil and filter intervals are set at 800 hours, further maximise machine up time for the operator.

t he engines are capable of operating with a range of fuels to suit the customer. t his includes B7 and B20 biodiesel, hydro treated vegetable oils (HVo) and gas-to-liquid (GtL), coal-to-liquids (CtL) biomass-to-liquid (BtL) paraffinic fuels.

the WX140E through to the WX175E sr all use a Load independent Flow sharing hydraulic system from Bosch rexroth. t his delivers smooth, progressive control for the operator, while enhancing multi-function operation of the boom, dipper arm and bucket functions. A pressure compensator is built into the control system, to allow flow sharing performance for simultaneous travel and boom operations.

the largest WX210E will come with an open center hydraulic system with Electric positive Flow Control, from Kawasaki. this uses a twin-pump layout, offering the power distribution required for smooth, productive operation. An electro-

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hydraulic proportional pressure reducing valve helps to reduce fuel consumption and boost performance.

o perators can also benefit from an optional automatic digging brake and a fine swing control, to further ease control of the machine’s movements. An auto safety lock, similar to the system found on the CAs E E-s eries crawler models, prevents unwanted movement of the machine’s upper structure when the gate lock is released.

Cab specifications improve operator comfort

the E-series cab features a telescopic steering column with two tilt points, to make it easier for operators of all sizes to find a comfortable driving position. the windscreen has parallel wipers in both the upper and lower sections for the widest possible coverage and the machines can be supplied with an optional rearview camera on the right-hand side. the CAsE 360° maximum View monitor is also offered as an option, along with a rear-mounted radar for maximum visibility and safety.

t he CA s E m aximum View m onitor uses four cameras, mounted around the machine, to provide a 360 ° aerial view. this provides the operator with a complete view of the machine on the work site, increasing safety and visibility and preventing potential collisions. the optional radar alarm can be set to five distances from the machine, warning the operator of any possible collision to the rear or the sides of the excavator. six LED work lights are standard, further improving visibility in poor light conditions.

An 8” touch-screen monitor provides access to a menu system that controls all functions of the machine. A secondary screen is available for cameras. t he operator can navigate the main screen through a jog-dial controller, that also controls the engine throttle. this jog-dial has 10 engine rpm positions.

t he monitor provides EC o guidance for the operator, showing a range of data including idle times to help the driver to improve their performance and productivity while working. proportional joystick controls are standard, with a forward/reverse selection switch in the lever head. the lever also contains a front axle oscillation lock and a detent feature.

Joystick steering is optional, as is a smart key with push-button start.

t he operator can select within the monitor menus up to 10 pre-set auxiliary hydraulic flow and pressure settings. this makes it easier to inter-change hydraulic attachments, with hydraulic flows suited to each work tool. the right-hand joystick also has a switch to activate one-way or two-way auxiliary flow.

Dealer availability

CAsE is expanding its machine offering with the addition of the E-series wheeled excavators, to meet the developing needs of customers across Europe. Dealers will be able to provide customers with a range of attachments and machine specifications to suit individual business demand.

CASE Service Solutions

the range of CAsE services developed to support customer experience with all CA s E equipment, further boost productivity and improve any machine’s u ptime. Additionally, they help fleet and site managers optimise machine operation, usage and maintenance.

Quick Specifications


operating weight: 14,900-15,860 kg

Engine: Cummins B4.5 stage V

max. power: 129 kW

Boom: monoboom or two-piece

Wheelbase: 2.6m

travel speed: 20 km/h or 35km/h


operating weight: 16,860-17,170kg

Engine: Cummins B4.5 stage V

max. power: 129 kW

Boom: m onoboom or two-piece

Wheelbase: 2.6m

travel speed: 20 km/h or 35km/h


operating weight: 17,580-18,390 kg

Engine: Cummins B4.5 stage V

max. power: 129 kW

Boom: m onoboom or two-piece

Wheelbase: 2.6m

travel speed: 20 km/h or 35km/h


operating weight: 18,820 kg

Engine: Cummins B4.5 stage V

max. power: 129 kW

Boom: two-piece

Wheelbase: 2.6m

travel speed: 20 km/h or 35km/h


operating weight: 21,280-22,510 kg

Engine: Cummins B6.8 stage V

max. power: 145 kW

Boom: monoboom or two-piece

Wheelbase: 2.85m

travel speed: 35km/h

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The 5th biennial construction machinery exhibition will be held on 13-15 June 2023, at the East of England Arena and Events Centre, Peterborough.

Technology is changing the face of the Construction landscape – the last four years have seen rapid growth in digital collaboration, electrification, connectivity, safety, telematics, real-time data, wearable, virtual and augmented reality - these coupled with the journey to automation, sustainability and the road to carbon zero, make the construction site of today and of the future a very different place.

plantworx 2023 will be the show where emerging and disruptive technologies will feature alongside construction equipment, innovation, technology products and services. the show remains the u K's biennial showcase for the construction sector – and will lead visitors into the future of construction.

s panning more than 150,000 m 2 of exhibition space, p lantworx will give visitors an opportunity to see some of the latest plant and machinery operating in ‘real’ construction site conditions, alongside compact/mid-range equipment, tools and services. Already over 145 companies have secured their stand space and 85% of the digging demonstration areas have been sold.

many of the key machinery oEms have already confirmed their presence at the show, these include, Hidromek, takeuchi, sany, Liugong, mecalac, John Deere, Avant, Kubota, Doosan and Bobcat and BomAG. Also expect to see attachment specialists Auger torque and B p H Attachments, leading tilt rotator companies including Engcon, and steelwrist.

Handling and lifting specialist manitou and merlo have also confirmed alongside, remote control demolition experts, Brokk, which will be at the event showing the company’s latest demolition robots.

the digital revolution is truly upon us and what started as a trickle has now become a flood of technology and connectivity companies coming to market. plantworx has already attracted a number of these businesses to exhibit in 2023 –these include, telematics specialists machinemax, ABAX telematics and plant tracking, and connectivity solutions company, onwave.

plantworx will also be showing ‘the future of the connected site’, which will feature the latest in site ‘technology’ – more details of this brand new initiative to follow in the next issue of Construction Worx.

machine control and machine guidance will also be a big part of the show, these systems are now ‘the norm’ on the majority of site machinery whether factory or retrofitted – iDig 2D & 3D by nasco Digtec will be demonstrating the very latest in dig technology.

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Xwatch s afety s olutions, who is a leading provider of safety solutions for construction machinery is a brand new exhibitor and is currently a market leader in the design and supply of height & slew control for excavators, rated capacity indicators. James Fisher p rolec, also a leader in its field of site safety systems will be exhibiting its latest technology, as will award-winning s pillard s afety s ystems, who alongside showing sophisticated camera systems, will be demonstrating safety systems designed for the future of connected vehicle technology. A full exhibitor list can be found on the plantworx website www.

More space and opportunities for startup companies

At plantworx 2023 the availability of inside exhibition space has increased by up to 20%. this will also accommodate many of the new technology companies that have joined the sector since plantworx 2019. A special offer has been designed to attract ‘startup’ companies and emerging innovators with the plantworx "Big ideas” showcase concept.

“We are looking for ‘startup’ companies with products, technologies or services new to the construction industry –which can make a Big impAC t on the sector - which can improve efficiency, sustainability, safety or security. We are encouraging companies who think they fit the criteria to get in touch to discuss the discounted package,” CEE (Construction Equipment Events) Director rob oliver said.

the 2023 event is predicted to attract over 400 exhibitors from the world’s leading machine manufacturers, suppliers and service providers. o ver the three-day event, visitors (a predicted 15,000+) can expect to see the very latest in technological advancements and innovations which will impact the future of construction.

Plantworx – the Venue t he CEA took the decision to host p lantworx once again at the East of England venue, following positive feedback from exhibitors and visitors who attended the 2019 event, which was deemed a resounding success.

the permanent exhibition facilities offered by the East of England Arena provided the perfect platform for exhibitors to showcase their products, equipment and services – introducing the latest plant and technology to the uK construction industry.

Visitors also applauded the p lantworx show’s new home, praising the ‘allweather’ venue as a ‘definite winner’, with its permanent walkways, good communication signals and wifi facilities – which allowed visitors to ‘do business – while doing business’!

t he show, which will be the ‘largest working’ event in 2023, is planning a comprehensive demonstration program where exhibitors can put their machines through their paces in ‘real-site’ conditions.

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EU Stage V compliant - Excellent manoeuvrability and travel performance. Visit Komatsu at Bauma 2022 in hall C6 and on the outdoor demo ground FM713/1.

Komatsu Europe’s HD785-8 rigid Dump truck will be presented on the demo ground at Bauma 2022. Designed, developed, and manufactured based on 100 years Komatsu experience and know-how, the HD785-8 delivers the highest levels of safety, performance, operator comfort and productivity.

“ t he HD785-8 proposes excellent operator comfort, great travel performance and the well-known Komatsu reliability of the previous model” says Juuso Ahola, product manager at Komatsu Europe. “this machine is such a pleasure to operate that you just might want to keep the keys at the end of your shift rather than hand them over to the next operator.”

Safety & First-class operator comfort safety is Komatsu’s number one priority. the HD785-8 is equipped with LED lights, ground level battery, starter and machine lockout disconnect switches. A newly designed stairway provides safe access to the cabin.

For improved safety, Komatsu KomVision is standard: it creates a real time 360-degree bird’s-eye view on the cab monitor and eliminates any blind spots on the rear and sides of the machine.

o perator comfort on the HD785-8 includes a new ergonomically designed cab, with a convenient control layout and a comfortable environment for more confident work and greater productivity.

the new fabric-covered, air suspension seat is adjustable to the operator’s weight

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and height and includes a seat heater and a ventilator as standard.

t hanks to a low noise engine, large capacity viscous cab mountings, hydropneumatic suspension and independent strut type suspension on the front wheels, in-cab noise levels are kept at 72 dBA.

Easy & Safe Maintenance

radiator cleaning becomes easy thanks to the hydraulic radiator fan with reverse mode. t he ground level jump start receptacle and service center with fast fill coupler for the engine, transmission, brake oil & coolant refills further facilitates easy and safe maintenance. For safety at height, technicians can attach lanyards to tie-off points (iso 14567) well placed around the HD785-8.

New Features and Benefits

• E u s tage V emissions compliant –peace of mind.

• With front step ladder

• Komatsu traction Control system (KtCs)

– maximised productivity

• Energy saving operation – optimised efficiency.

• new, ergonomically designed operator cab – improved operator comfort

• Heated & ventilated air suspension seat

– improved operator comfort

• service center with fuel, oil & coolant fast fill connection (Wiggins) – maximum uptime, maximum productivity, maximise profit

• KomVision surround view, with radarfor industry-leading safety – peace of mind

• Engine secondary and emergency shut down switches – safety, peace of mind

• Full LED lighting system - safety, peace of mind

• Komtr AX s tep 5 – ultimate asset management

• updated KomtrAX-plus – convenient machine follow-up & data management

• Komatsu CArE – peace of mind

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Hengst will exhibit a wide portfolio of fuel cell-related technologies through to the aftermarket range in brand quality.

Built to meet the most stringent requirements: construction machinery and vehicles must operate flawlessly and safely on a daily basis in adverse conditions. intelligent fluid management and advanced filtration technology are essential in protecting the engine and for reliable operation. Hengst will demonstrate its accumulated know-how and new technologies at the Bauma 2022 trade fair in m unich. A filtration specialist and development partner to renowned manufacturers, Hengst will be represented at the world’s leading trade fair in the areas of the engine and mobile filtration, hydraulics, and a wide range of aftermarket products.

Filtration solutions for fuel cells

Further improvement of ecological effectiveness and the prevention of greenhouse gas emissions pose significant challenges for the construction machine industry, as in many other sectors. Fuel cell-based systems will play a vital role here. Hengst is already working on new types of filtration solutions and will demonstrate various developments in munich, in keeping with one of Bauma’s themes this year: ‘ t he way to zero emissions’.

one of the challenges for the safe and efficiency-oriented operation is the solubility of ionic components in the coolant circuit. t his can result in an increase in electrical short-circuit effects and also power losses in the fuel cell. the ion exchanger recently developed by Hengst provides a dependable remedy here, ensuring the safe operation of the coolant with electrical conductivity kept to a minimum.

i ntelligent filtration technologies can also protect the core components of the fuel cell from gases and particles. A cathode filter designed by Hengst for this purpose provides exceptional separation of sulfuric gases and ammonia, thereby preventing damage to the catalyst and the fuel cell membrane.

Water management, on the other hand, is decisive in order to prevent fluid retention and thus secure an effective long-term operation of the fuel cell. to meet this requirement Hengst has created a new type of separator module for anode gas recirculation. using an innovative valve system, this combines the functions of water-drop separation and gas discharge.

The intelligent fuel filter system

For conventional combustion engines, the company will also exhibit its intelligent Blue.maxx fuel filter system at Bauma. it provides highly effective water separation and can be optimised for any application. it enables engine efficiency to be further improved for numerous on-highway and off-highway applications.

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The Blue.iox ion exchanger keeps the electrical conductivity of the coolant to a minimum and thus rules out any short circuit effects. Cathode filters protect the core components of the fuel cell from gases and particles.

Blue.on – the alternative to the spin-on filter.

in the field of oil filtration, Hengst Filtration also offers its Blue.on sustainable filtration concept for in a new and robust design for heavy duty applications as well. this award-winning alternative to spin-on filters can be replaced without tools, creating 25% less weight and 90% less waste: ideal for the drive systems of today.

s pin-on filters are used for numerous applications. Each time the filter is changed the entire filter unit is completely replaced, when actually only a new filter element is needed. t he housing that contains the other functions is disposed of with the filter, thus generating millions of tons of waste each year and causing great harm to the environment. in most cases, there is no recycling due to the large number of different materials built into the units. Worse still, the spin-ons must be disposed of as special waste due to the fluid residues that they retain.

the Blue.on filtration concept consists of three components: A cover made of plastic, a filter element and the valve adapter, of which only the filter element has to be replaced, and the rest of the components remain on the engine for its entire lifetime. Applying the Blue.on to the existing spin-on interface is child’s play, whether in cars, commercial vehicles, agricultural and construction machinery or even marine applications.

Cyclone-effect line filters

With the takeover of Bosch rexroth’s hydraulic filter business in 2021, Hengst expanded its product portfolio to include complete filters and filter elements for extreme industrial and mobile hydraulic applications. the Bauma trade fair offers the perfect opportunity to present this technologically demanding and growing range to a professional audience. o ne of the highlights in the field of hydraulics are line filters with the patented ‘cyclone effect’. these designs sustainably reduce operating costs while optimise filtration performance. Heavy dirt particles are transported away, so that premature blocking of the filter element is avoided.

Hydraulic filter competences increased

‘ pur E po WE r ’ represents another ingenious technology to be found in Hengst hydraulic filter elements. these elements remove up to 50% more particles at a comparable retention rate and low differential pressure. All filter elements are fitted as standard with an electrically conductive fleece that ensures an exchange of charges between oil and the filter material.

Wide selection for the aftermarket

As ‘the smArt Alternative’ Hengst is also a sought-after partner in the independent aftermarket. Close to its customers and with intelligent solutions, the company supports aftermarket dealers across the world. the broad product range in brand quality includes oil filters, fuel filters, air filters, interior filters, transmission oil filters, and tailor-made special filters from hydraulic oil filters to oil filter centrifuges.

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Separator module for anode gas recirculation ensures effective water management. The sustainable and award winning Blue.on filtration concept is also available for commercial vehicles and off highway applications. The electrified Blue.ion interior filter achieves ahigh degree of separation at minimum installation size. The product portfolio now also features complete filters and filter elements for extreme mobile hydraulic applications. The Blue.maxx fuel filter system achieves highly effective water separation and thus always ensures a high level of fuel purity. Hengst offers intelligent filter systems in an enormous range.


Bobcat is using Bauma 2022 as a platform to provide attendees with a glimpse of the machinery of tomorrow. A comprehensive showcase of the manufacturer's new and existing equipment is on display at the Bobcat stand (FN.817), with focuses including electrification, digitization, autonomous operations and a host of other exciting innovations and concepts.

“ our innovations stem from the need to drive efficiency, productivity and sustainability. We innovate not for the sake of innovating but to create value for our customers, their communities and our planet as a whole. Bobcat continues to evolve in bold ways, empowering our customers to overcome even the toughest challenges while delivering solutions that are contributing to a more sustainable future,” scott park, Doosan Bobcat CEo, commented.

Bauma 2022, the 33rd edition of the global trade fair, is taking place in munich, Germany. i n addition to its impressive stand display, Bobcat is participating in this year’s Bauma Forum, a series of international lectures and discussions exploring the construction methods and materials of tomorrow; the path to autonomous machines; sustainable, efficient and reliable mining; digital construction sites; and the road to zero emissions. As part of the Forum, Bobcat’s Vice president of Global innovation, Joel Honeyman, will present ‘Leading the Charge: Bobcat t 7X transforming the job site with sustainable solutions’ at 4:30 pm CEt on Friday, 28 october 2022 in the innovation Hall Bauma LAB0 (iCm – international Congress Center messe münchen).

T7X: The World’s First All-Electric Compact Track Loader

the t7X – the world’s first all-electric compact track loader – is one of several electrification developments being showcased at Bobcat’s Bauma 2022 stand. the t7X boasts a rated operating capacity of 1374 kg and zero C o 2 emissions.

i ts load-sensing power management system, which automatically adjusts output in line with the task being performed, helps to maximise battery life. thanks to the ability to vary drive speed while at full torque, operators can manually tune the t 7X’s performance for specific applications. As a result, the machine does not consume any power when idling, removing one of the equipment sector’s most common causes of energy wastage. s porting a 60,5 kWh lithium-ion battery pack, which can deliver four hours of continuous use, the machine has been designed to reduce emissions and noise levels without forfeiting performance.

Another feature that distinguishes the t7X from every other loader on the planet is the fact that it contains almost no fluids. the machine’s traditional hydraulic work group has been completely replaced with an electrical drive system, comprising electric cylinders and drive motors. this means the only fluid found inside a t7X is eco-friendly coolant.

S76: A Quad-track Skid Steer That’s Aware of Its Surroundings

Bauma 2022 attendees will also have the opportunity to check out an alternative version of the Bobcat s 76, where the wheels of this skid-steer loader have been replaced with four individual track pods, effectively converting it into a tracked loader. t his innovative configuration

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Bobcat’s Quad track concept was selected as a finalist in the Mechanical Engineering category of the Bauma 2022 Innovation Awards.

adds considerable versatility to the model, allowing it to adapt to a broad array of work environments with ease. the resultant benefits include increased flotation, reduced ground pressure and improved traction on wet terrains compared to conventional wheeled skidsteer loaders, as well as a smoother ride than traditional two-track loaders.

the s76 on display at Bauma has also been equipped with a cutting edge object-avoidance radar system, which is capable of stopping, derating and alerting the operator with either visual or audible warnings, and can be fitted to any machine (either electronically or manually controlled). t his technology has been developed by Bobcat in partnership with Ainstein, a us-headquartered company that manufactures state-of-the-art imaging radar sensors similar to those found on high-end automobiles and agricultural equipment.

E35: A Mini-Excavator That Makes Any Operator Look Like a Pro t he 3.5-tonne machine features an electro-hydraulic control system rather than conventional hydraulic joysticks,

meaning it can be customized and programmed to suit all levels of operator skill. thanks to its integrated sensors, the model can perform a variety of semi-automated tasks, helping users to conduct precise grading, levelling and trenching activities in addition to other repetitive operations such as return-todig movements. the Bobcat team is on hand to demonstrate how the sensorenabled, electro-hydraulic control concept adds value for operators, helping them to be more accurate and productive regardless of their experience.

Achieve Full Transparency on the Jobsite

i n addition to upcoming and existing models, Bobcat is demonstrating a range of its latest technological innovations at Bauma 2022. transparent display concepts developed in conjunction with LG Electronics and B si research represent a key focus. one such system, which takes advantage of o LED tech, has been fitted to a Bobcat tL43.80HF telehandler. integrated within the glass structure of the cab, this innovation reduces blind spots for operators,

enhancing productivity, efficiency and visibility while allowing them to see over the boom with ease. this display can be embedded in the front windshields or side windows of a range of Bobcat models, including mini-excavators and loaders as well as telehandlers.

Bobcat is also using Bauma 2022 to showcase its t- o LED touchscreen, another advance in transparent display technology that gives operators the ability to touch and customize their user interface with smart widgets and interactive applications. this transparent, multifunction set-up, which is being demoed on a static stand inside Bobcat’s main tent, delivers job site-specific data, providing vital information and machine insights for users in real time. moreover, thanks to its transparent nature, operators can simply refocus their vision to see everything that is going on around them on site.

“these transparent displays are among the most advanced technologies ever to be incorporated within our machines – or any machines, for that matter. they are offering attendees a glimpse of what Bobcat’s future in-cab experience will be like,” Commenting on the novel concepts, Vijay n erva, Head of i nnovation and Acceleration, Doosan Bobcat EmEA, said.

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Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, today announced the launch of Leica iCON gps 160 – a significantly enhanced, next-generation construction Smart Antenna with features that increase productivity in all stakeout and measurement applications on the job site.

The Leica iCon construction portfolio offers a broad range of s mart Antennas to fit every construction professional’s needs. From basic level to sophisticated high-end applications, Leica Geosystems’ smart Antennas are designed and built to withstand the most challenging site conditions. All of them seamlessly integrate with all Leica iCon construction instruments and controllers as well as the iCon field software for precise, real-time verification.

to expand its portfolio of smart Antennas, Leica Geosystems has launched the iCon gps 160, a versatile solution for various applications. it can be utilised as a base station, a rover or for machine guidance. the Leica iCon gps 160 is a modernisation and enhancement of the successful Leica iCon gps 60, which has been well accepted in the market. the result is a smaller, more compact Gnss antenna with additional features and a larger display for ease of use.

the new Leica iCon gps 160 is particularly suited to complex construction environments with different G nss requirements – the ability to switch between the different applications is at the users’ fingertips. Besides checking grades, cut and fill, stakeout points and lines, users can also benefit from using this solution for basic-level Gnss machine guidance.

Construction technology must be easy to adopt. thus, the iCon gps 160 comes with an integrated colour display, a userfriendly interface, smart setup wizards and an intuitive construction-specific workflow to help contractors get the most out of their investment from day one. s ize and weight reductions make the iCon gps 160 easy to handle while the latest G nss and communication technologies improve data reception, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency. the optional tilt feature allows users to measure and stakeout points with a tilted pole, which saves time and extends the measurement possibilities on any construction site.

“At Leica Geosystems, we understand that construction surveyors are under pressure and tight schedules to provide accurate, on-demand data that helps deliver projects on time and on budget,” says matthias schmidt, manager portfolio Field and G nss at Leica Geosystems. “the iCon gps 160 smart Antenna sets new standards in construction G nss antennas. i t solves several challenges simultaneously, enabling precise measurement, avoiding mistakes and extra trips on site, ultimately helping to work toward a more sustainable future.”

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Kubota Corporation has established and begun operations at a new production facility for compact track loaders in Salina, Kansas in the United States. Building a structure that can rapidly response to robust demand aims to drive broader expansion of the compact machinery business.

The united states has the largest compact construction machinery market in the world. t he recent trends of people migrating away from urban to suburban areas and an increase in public construction as well as chronic labor shortages have continued to boost demand. to respond to these growing needs, Kubota has been strengthening its sales network and bolstering its product line-up in an effort to expand business.

t he majority of Kubota’s compact construction machinery in the u nited states have been exported from Japan. the establishment of a new production base service the local market in the united states will build a system to allow Kubota to quickly adapt to fluctuating future demand and more rapidly supply products.

Kubota built this new production facility on the premises of its local subsidiary that manufactures implements for compact construction machinery. By producing compact construction machinery and implements in the same subsidiary, Kubota aims to create and deliver products with more sophisticated links better in line with the needs of local customers.

Kubota also plans additional investment at the new facility. At the start-up, one model of compact track loader will be produced. Going forward, Kubota will establish the supply system that can respond in timely manner through adding new models of compact track loader and improving supply capability.

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Continental is celebrating a world premiere – for the first time, the company is presenting new features for its innovative ProViu 360 surround view system, increasing safety levels in the construction and mining sectors.

Equipped with the feature Worker Detection, the p roViu 360 system sets new standards for surround view camera systems when it classifies a detected object near a construction machine as a person and warns of possible collisions. transparent Chassis offers even more visibility and precision for machines with projecting superstructures. Another new feature is the Clean Camera Assistant which detects dirty or blocked camera lenses. All three new features are based on Continental’s passenger car development algorithms and have been specially optimised for use on construction sites. in this way, the construction and mining sectors have two benefits: manufacturers and customers can access the latest automotive technologies while their hardware setups remain unchanged. “Digitalization will play a major role in the construction and mining sectors of the future – it enables more safety, efficiency and comfort for

everyone involved,” says Dr. ismail Dagli, Head of the s mart m obility business area at Continental. “thanks to our new proViu 360 functions, we’re taking yet another step toward the construction site of the future.” Continental will present proViu 360 at Bauma 2022 in munich, Germany, from october 24 to 30.

Every year, more than 100,000 accidents occur on Germany’s construction sites – and that number includes those that occur due to cramped working conditions and complex construction machines with many blind spots. “We believe we must provide construction machine operators with a better overview of their surroundings and eliminate the many blind spots,” says Chris meissner, Head of p roduct m anagement for s pecial Vehicles in the Automotive Aftermarket business segment at Continental, explaining the added value of proViu 360 on construction sites. the images taken

by four cameras with HDr (High Dynamic range) and a resolution of 1.3 megapixels with a viewing angle of up to 194 degrees are combined in the control unit. this is achieved using a complex algorithm to create a perfect view of the vehicle from a bird’s eye perspective.

As important as a rear-view mirror: Automatic warning of workers in the danger zone new features – specially developed for construction sites and mining – have now been added to this 360-degree view. For example, Continental’s s pecial Vehicle experts have now developed a feature for construction machinery – Worker Detection. it’s based on the passenger car development team’s work on the City Emergency Brake Assist. With the help of an algorithm specially adapted to the confusing conditions of a construction site, persons who are near the construction machine can be detected, preventing

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accidents and collisions. in collaboration with a large o E m , this algorithm was “taught” the specific differences between a road scenario and the situation on a construction site: stones, gravel and sand instead of smooth, gray asphalt surfaces; metal parts, concrete blocks and wooden pallets instead of clear lanes; persons in bulky overalls, helmets and fluttering high-visibility vests instead of contrasting outlines that are easily distinguishable from the background. As a result, the proViu 360 system can detect persons located close to the machine, which tells the operator that he or she should on no account set the vehicle or machine in motion.

As important as cleaning spectacles: Cameras display a warning if their lenses are dirty t he second new feature keeps the platform operational because the relevant algorithm alerts the driver if a camera is dirty or blocked and the system can no longer provide all the necessary information. “At first glance, this looks like a rather low-key idea,” says Chris meissner. “However, during a dirty and tiring working day, a digital systems must offer practical support. t hat’s why we made the programming effort and can now provide the construction and mining industries with that specific hands-on support for productivity and safety.”

As important as a windshield: When the cabin’s wall and front superstructure are invisible Another feature that can offer great added value on construction sites is Continental’s transparent Chassis for construction machines with projecting superstructures. t he front-mounted camera films the area in front of the vehicle and sends the images to the control unit. the system then displays the images in relation to the vehicle’s steering angle and speed, enabling a view “through” the vehicle for the operator, despite a lack of front visibility. For example, in road roller tasks that require a great deal of precision, the machine operator always knows where his or her vehicle is in relation to the working zone.

As important as plug & play: Autocalibration reduces implementation time t he latest feature of p roViu 360 is a software function that is particularly helpful for the industrialization of machines manufactured in small production runs. Autocalibration significantly shortens the implementation time for p roViu camera systems in production. instead of requiring manual calibration of the proViu camera system for optimal visibility, a software algorithm detects a pattern around the vehicle. it determines the best calibration settings for each vehicle within seconds, reducing calibration time by several minutes per

vehicle. the Autocalibration function also guarantees repeatable results.

A platform approach enables the latest technologies, even in small production runs

“At this point, it’s essential that we identify the different usage scenarios where our new features can assist,” says Chris meissner. “this is how manufacturers of construction and mining machinery can benefit from proViu 360 as a platform. once the hardware has been installed, future functions can also be used quickly, increasing safety on the construction site.” During the development of the p roViu 360 and its new features, Continental’s experts were able to draw on their many years of experience and in-depth knowledge of passenger car environment detection. this preparatory work acts as a technological springboard for innovations in larger vehicle classes with smaller production runs, such as those in the construction and mining sectors. i smail Dagli explains the motivation behind Continental’s product and service platforms: “o ur goal is to give the off-highway sector access now to the digital technologies that will assist them in their specific situations. t his also includes driver assistance systems applications. our Bauma motto is also in line with this goal: We build tomorrow. now.”

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Wednesday 28th September marked the beginning of the celebrations attended by representatives from local institutions, and continued with a Family Day on Sunday 2nd October. The Lecce plant manufactures CASE machines – wheel loaders, graders, backhoe loaders and compact wheel loaders – which are distributed worldwide.

The CA s E plant in Lecce, i taly, celebrates 50 years in the business. Celebrations began on Wednesday 28th september with the planting of an olive tree, a symbol of the salento region and of the company's roots in the area.

Local authorities attended to express their commitment to this industry that has been contributing to the economy of the area for half a century. Among them were Apulia r egion p resident michele Emiliano, the region's councillor for economic development Alessandro Delli n oci and the president of the regional council Loredana Capone. Angelo Corallo, professor at the Department of innovation Engineering at the university of salento - a university that has a longstanding partnership with the plant - was also in attendance.

Federico Bullo, Head of Europe for CnH i ndustrial Construction businesses, recalled the hub's history, which is made up of challenges, continuity in following tradition, teamwork, skills, dedication

and commitment. He thanked those who light the "engines" of the plant every day: the employees, the team. A team and an organisation that not even the global supply chain crisis has been able to challenge, considering that 2022 has been a record year in terms of production. m r. Bullo went on to say, "CAs E has always believed and believes in the development of this plant; that is why we have boosted investment in technology, facilities, training, occupational safety and ongoing innovation".

innovation has been carried forward by the excellence of the r&D center which all along has been focused on reducing its carbon footprint and increasing clean energy. Concrete measures have been achieved, namely, the Lecce plant has been equipped with photovoltaic solar panels and will soon have its coating plant replaced with a powder-coating plant, with lower emissions, waterless and zero volatile compounds. therefore, the end product quality will improve, thanks

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to a longer-lasting finish that better withstands the sun's rays.

“together, we will continue to address the new challenges related to the 2030 Agenda, carbon footprint reduction and circular economy, by ensuring decent work, the guarantee of labor rights and the development of social dialogue. And we shall do so together because the Lecce hub is and remains key to CAsE,” wraps-up Federico Bullo.

After the institutional Day, the Family Day Celebrations continued on s unday 2nd o ctober, gathering the hub’s 800 employee's families. A brief introductory speech by the plant manager massimiliano Casaburi launched the day. He was proud to share the plaque received from CAsE's European management with all employees; a team that has always distinguished itself for its dedication and enthusiasm, as well as for the excellent results achieved, even in recent years despite the pandemic and geopolitical and energy crises.

more than 1,500 people attended the Family Day. to mark the occasion, the industrial plant was converted into a big party venue for all employees, featuring children's games, inflatables and a raffle with prizes, in addition to live music by an exclusive band, made up exclusively of plant employees. Exceptional attractions: CAsE's construction equipment - wheel loaders, backhoe loaders, compact wheel loaders and graders - displayed on the forecourt and in the proving ground, where they starred in operating virtuosities capable of entertaining an audience of all ages.

For the occasion, the facility and its departments were "open doors": excellent guides - the former plant employee association showed attendees where CAsE produces 4 lines of machines in 64 models and 3400 configurations.

A special day to reminisce an important anniversary, which the brand celebrated with the people who, thanks to their passion and enthusiasm, for the past fifty

years have continued to come up with ideas, develop insights and manufacture products that make this plant one of CAsE's excellences worldwide.

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Continental expands ContiEarth range to include a new radial tire. The LD-Master ensures high traction and durability for loaders with demanding load requirements. Continental is presenting the new tire at Bauma 2022.

Smooth ride and long service life despite heavy loads and abrasive surfaces: the new LD- master L5 traction radial tire is ready for demanding conditions and is also fitted with tire sensors ex- factory. From o ctober 24 until 30, Continental is presenting the construction tire at Bauma 2022 in m unich, Germany, the world’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment, thus expanding the ContiEarth range to include the new radial tire, initially in size 35/65 r33.

High-level traction under demanding load requirements: the LD-master L5 traction Construction machines usually operate with heavy payloads and are exposed to a variety of harsh ground conditions, such as rock, gravel or rubble. the LD-master L5 traction is specifically designed for loaders operating on abrasive surfaces and in face working jobs where high productivity and assured vehicle uptime are of most importance.

t he reinforced 3* carcass satisfies the highest load carrying capacity requirements, even under extensive production cycles. the L5 traction tread pattern protects the carcass and ensures smooth and safe operation on the construction site. the solid tread block design always provides secure traction. t he extra deep tread and sidewall protection also make the tire more robust and ensure long-term productivity.

optimised service life thanks to digital tire monitoring ContiConnect 2.0 to minimize idle time and ensure serviceability even under harsh conditions, the special tires fitted to construction machinery should be controlled as precisely as possible. the LD-master L5 traction is fitted with an integrated tire sensor ex- factory, making monitoring possible in real time. the sensor monitors temperature and tire pressure, assuring at all time the most efficient operation mode for a long tire life.

in addition to the LD-master L5 traction, Continental is presenting its Em-master E3/L3 as 65- series for construction/ surface applications and a sneak preview for a new solid skid steer tire.

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The Season 7 XCMG Apprentice, a creative and experiential campaign held annually, comes up roses at the headquarters of XCMG, and global time travelers share their part in the journey of XCMG Apprentice by transcending the limits of time and space.

Time travelers is the theme of this year’s campaign. they play the role of apprentices coming from China (team Globe), Germany (team Europe), Brazil ( team America), t hailand ( team southeast Asia), and india (team south Asia). this campaign blends the history of XCmG with modernized XCmG, providing a platform for apprentices to get close to an internationalized XCmG. A result conference on XCmG Apprentice is held at the international conference center of XC m G, which showcases a global

gathering that integrates all employees, lines, industries, and value chains.

this global gathering has been witnessed by Wang min, the chairman of XCmG, Li Ge, the deputy secretary of XCmG, Jiang Lei, the XCmG’s trade union, employees from the headquarter of XC m G and subordinate companies, 2022-year representatives of newly employed XCmG staff, and media.

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Global time travelers making dialogue to internationalized XCMG

At the result conference on 5th August, Li Ge gives a welcome speech to global apprentices. " i nternationalization has always been sought as our main strategy. As early as the 1990s, XCmG has expanded its presence into overseas markets as a representative of China’s construction machinery enterprises. n owadays, XC m G has established its circles of friends around the world.

Different areas present respective reports according to local strengths including r &D strength, construction strength, operation strength, marketing strength, and intelligent manufacturing strength. team south America, team southeast, team south Asia, and team Europe share their journey of rising to challenges online with audiences attending the conference. they unfold XCmG’s strategies of global layout and display its capacity to global engineering fans.

Zhang Yixin from China, piya from india, ma Zheng from China, and Kevin from Venezuela share respective learnings as representatives of the Globe team. their recognition of XCmG’s distinctive culture, the strong spirit of reaching the “mount Everest summit”, the intelligent manufacturing strength, and the charms of internationalized XCmG has inspired the audiences. By joining in the experimental campaign, apprentices make joint efforts in introducing China’s high-end technology, advanced products, and cultural connotation, helping

global international engineering fans understand, recognize, and become more passionate about the brand connotation as a pillar of great power and an innovation-oriented paragon of Chinese manufacturing.

“XC m G is devoted to exploring engineering technology by joining hands with global youths and boosting global engineering construction and sustainable development,” in this way, XC m G manufacturing and Chinese manufacturing can gather more steady pursuits from the world. m r. Wang sincerely expresses.

Millions of fans enlarging XCMG’s circles of friends the innovative landscape of engineering machinery built mrs. Jiang appoints Globe team as global representatives of overseas XC m G brands, and encourages 20 apprentices to become XC m G's international ambassadors who can make more friends for XCmG and enlarge the social circle of XCmG.

XC m G is a leader in the domestic construction machinery industry, and a challenger and game breaker in construction machinery innovation and creation. As a global industry leader, XCmG has always focused on fostering social media platforms at home and abroad, where its fans can be fed with the most timely and comprehensive news. By doing so, XCmG has maintained the most frequent interaction with its fans. m r. Wang, mrs. Li, mrs. Jiang, Kudi, and mam (two apprentice representatives from Liberia and thailand) are here to launch the ceremony that celebrates XCmG has reaped over 5 million fans worldwide.

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John Deere introduces new additions to its attachment family for excavators with the ME36 and ME50 Mulchers, and the RE40 and RE50 Rotary Brush Cutters.

John Deere announces the introduction of new attachments for excavators: the ME36 and ME50 Mulchers and RE40 and RE50 Rotary Brush Cutters.

The John Deere ME36 and ME50 Mulchers are available as a dealer-installed kits for the John Deere 50/60 and 75/85 model excavators.

The John Deere RE40 and RE50 Rotary Brush Cutters are available as a dealer-installed kits for the John Deere 35, 50/60 and 75/85 model excavators.

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The mE36 and mE50 mulchers are equipped with knife-style cutting teeth on a split ring rotor. the spiral, double helix tool pattern and innovative tool shape allow for fast, efficient cutting for mulch up to 5-inch material. A controlled and metered cutting depth allows the operator to maintain high rotor revolutions per minute (rpm) and a productive mulching rate. t he teeth may be sharpened and easily flipped for a fresh cutting edge, extending the tool's life. the mulcher attachments are ideal for right-of-way maintenance and fire/fuel reduction, clearing standing or felled trees and brush along fencerows, roadsides, waterways, and other hardto-reach places.

the rE40 and rE50 brush cutters bring more versatility for excavators. these brush cutters are ideal for embankment and ditch management, over-fence brush management, rail right-of-way maintenance, and otherwise difficult to reach areas. t hree swinging blades mounted to a blade carrier can fall and cut material up to 6 inches in diameter. A heavy-duty hinged debris shield retracts when the head is engaged with trees and brush, exposing the blades, and allowing for aggressive cuts.

t he r E40 and r E50 brush cutters directionally beveled blades push material into the head of the cutter, creating fine debris for recycling. the blades are also reversible, so when the leading-edge wears, they can be unbolted and flipped over for a fresh cutting edge. An automatic hydraulic braking system quickly stops the blade rotation after the machine is turned off, so operators can exit the cab.

Equipped with a bolt-on mounting system, the r E cutters offer flexible configuration to a variety of coupling systems. i f coupling requirements change, units can be quickly and easily reconfigured.

“Both attachment lines offer customers a means to step into the growing vegetation management segment of machine use,” said Jason s immons, project manager of Global Attachments at John Deere Construction and Forestry Division. the features of the mulchers and cutters deliver value to customers so they can achieve high productivity, uptime and low operating costs. these attachments are tested in the toughest applications, ensuring they will get the job done and are durable enough to last.

the attachments are tested and optimised to work with John Deere excavators, but the mulchers are also compatible with many competitive 5–10 ton excavator models, and the brush cutters are also compatible with many competitive 3–10 ton excavator models.

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The mulcher attachments are ideal for clearing standing/felled trees and brush.

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