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Sandheden skal man høre fra børn og fulde folk. Vores to rapportere fandt sig selv berusede i London, og har derfor hørt folkemængden, hvordan de i virkeligheden har forholdt sig til Brexit.
Bo: Brexit’s not done on the NHS (det britiske sundhedsvæsen, red.) though, Brexit was immigration. It was a one issue fucking vote.
James: The NHS was a large talking point with regards to the election.
Stanley: The most important thing about Brexit is, that the people it spoke to, the people who voted for it, felt like they hadn’t had their voices heard for decades, for a really long time, it’s like Trump you know. It’s the same thing as with the national front, like the right-wing fascist, rose in the 80’s. It’s the same kind of feeling. There are communities who feel like they haven’t been heard. If there’s an opportunity to break the cycle, they’re going to do it. That’s the problem with populism. The content doesn’t matter, it’s about breaking up the status quo. James: Brexit is a populist thing.
Stanley: I get it – there are huge waiting lines, therefore I’m going to vote to get these people out of the country. I get it, I get it.
James: It all ties into whether you look at yourself as a European country or if you tie yourself to the Commonwealth. Our alliance shifts with who’s causing immigration pressure.
Bo: They just throw out numbers, like with the NHS, that number was a lie – insignificant.
Stanley: It’s terrible. Pure populism.
Stanley: Skill-based entry. The reality is that at the moment we have large traction of these from the EU. Union leaders who voted leave now realize that 95% of their workers are from the EU. British people don’t want to pick fruit – they think they’re above it.
Bo: The EU and Brexit has no ties to the NHS. No one thought so. It was a vote about immigration.
James: okay, 52/48 is a majority, but he has literally split the country in half. Even today, the country is still split. Nothing has been done to repair that. It’s split.
Bo: There’s two things right, I think. We’re quite unique with the first-past-the-post system. Because we don’t have coalition governments as in most of Europe, we’re used to one party, just getting over the line, and then getting all of the ruling power. That is exactly what Brexit is. Our election system, in a nutshell, working terribly. Because we haven’t had a 100 years of coalition democracy, we’re not used to compromise, so now we’re just going to go down that route. That voting system, has let, in part, to us accepting this referendum result completely, despite it being so narrow.
Scott: I feel a bit mistreated. You know, one generation decided a thing that is going to have a big impact on me, and I wasn’t really heard at all. Yeah. so, it’s… But I try not to think about it, because it is so overwhelming. It’s like, I have to live my day-to-day life, you know? (...) We are in such a state of not knowing and uncertainty and I think that is what’s most scary to people. Because then they start not trusting each other and stocking up on stuff. It’s for sure a stress factor in people’s lives. It’s been brewing in your stomach, in the back of your mind.
Patrick: It’s all we ever talked about, and I’m getting sick of it. It’s a stressful situation. It can’t really do anything about it, it’s just you, watching the world you know fall apart. I hate it. It’s kind of like the global warming you know… You just feel very powerless. (...) The thing with Brexit is, that it isn’t going
to affect the rich - you know, my family is dirt poor, we’re from Manchester. I don’t know if I’m going to have to move back home and sustain them. It feels like very much like a deprivation of liberty. Because then I have to choose between my family and my studies and future.
Peter: It was a bit like the US election with all the fractions and ideologies fighting. Yeah, I think it will backfire – it won’t lead to anything beneficial because it will take at least 15 years to get new deal worked through.
Luke: It’s a lot like Donald Trump, the idea of going back to an old era or age that is far gone.
”The truth hurts, as they say. Or at least, as Lizzo says. - Marc ”
Marc: I think it’s quite scary, how he is able to twist the truth. I think it’s really scary, that we are living in this post-truth world. It’s scary for your democracy and for everyday life - that the truth is not valued anymore. The truth hurts, as they say. Or at least, as Lizzo says. It’s very problematic, that he is the leader, that people go to for direction and that he is spilling lies instead. Marc: Well I’m quite happy with Boris. Rapporter: But he lies so much. Marc: They all lie. Rapporter: I agree, but he lies so badly. Marc: Well, honestly I haven’t payed that much attention. Rapporter: He’s very charismatic, kind of trump-ish. Marc: He’s always had his way. I was always for him, thought he was kind of a joker. James: He’s a very sneaky clever man. He knows how to appeal to people. Everyone sees his as harmless, but that’s just his personality. Everyone be like “He’s such a nice man who cares for us”. He’s a dickhead.
Fuld interviewer-brites ven (FIBV): Brexit is horrible. Are you going to stay all night to talk about Brexit? Rapporter 1: It’s because we are very confused about it! FIBV: Because we are thinking about going somewhere else and getting a bit more drunk, do you wanna join us? Rapporter 1: That sounds fun, but I’m still confused, why did you vote to leave? FIBV: Aren’t we all. I did not vote for Brexit. Everyone is voting for Brexit. They think if they vote for Brexit, it makes the country a lot more stable. Rapporter 2: Excuse me, you are ruining my interview. FIBV: Sorry. Rapporter 2: He is taking the piss. Also, he doesn’t live here. Rapporter 1: oh
FIBV: I don’t give a fuck about your interview. Rapporter 2: Bene (rapporter 1, red.) skal vi tage med dem videre? Rapporter 1: That makes me very sad.
Interviewene er foretaget i starten af november, og derfor inden både det britiske parlamentsvalg og Storbritanniens udtrædelse af EU. Grundet vores rapporteres sindstilstand, er navnene på de interviewede ikke tilsvarende deres rigtige navne.