Doug Brooks - A New Era | Albar A. Sheikh - Uneasy Alliance: Pakistan and the United States | Major General Scott Gration (Ret.) - Prospects for a Peaceful and Stable Future in Sudan | Nicola Lowther - Security Sector Transformation in South Sudan | Richard Owens - Peace and Development in Sudan is Within Reach | Enrico Carisch - UN Sanctions for Peace and Profit | 19Jacques S. Gansler and William Lucyshyn - The Dangers of Over In-sourcing | Naveed Bandali - An Interview with Adm. James G. Stavridis | Christopher Holshek - National Security Reform and the Role of the Private Sector | Whitney Grespin - Blood Coltan? | Sarah Cramer - How to engage in the world’s most challenging places | Gary Sturgess - Managing Risk, Developing Public Services | Ambassador Herman J. Cohen (Ret.) - Will Africa feed the fat cats while Africans go hungry? | J.J. Messner - Some observations on the evolution of the stability operations industry