Asia Food Beverage Thailand Digital Issue No.3

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Squeezing the most from your orange juice A sustainable solution On the road with Truckloads of Inspiration



September 1-3, 2021 EH 102-104, BITEC, Bangkok

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As the world faces challenges due to Covid-19, which has disrupted lifestyles of people regardless of their race or skin color, across the world. At the same time, the journey of digital technology with upcoming full speed of 5G network that provided people with fast and broad access to information, helping connecting people across borders become easily, increasing production efficiency in the manufacturing sectors and making the world a smaller place like one could never have imaging before. With this opportunity, we would like to introduce you the edition of AFB Digital Magazine, the digital publication for Food industrial sector covers food manufacturing technologies, food processing, ingredients, packaging, safety & quality, material handing and automation that you are now reading. With the modern technology, everyone in the industry could access latest manufacturing information instantly and with efficiency. It also allows you to access the information in digital format and you can easily forward and share the information to those that are relevant. I hope that our readers will benefit from Asia Food Beverage Thailand (AFB) Digital issue. We do welcome the latest development on new technologies that you would like to share, kindly send to us at We are more that happy to be the medium for sharing your news.

Lavene S.Taypin



CONTENTS INGREDIENTS & CHEMICALS Kerry establishes headquarters and innovation hub in Queensland to drive food innovation


FOOD SAFETY 2021 Food Label Trends Deliver Safety And Security For Consumers And Retailers, Says UPM Raflatac, A Company Leading In Sustainable Labeling





A sustainable solution


Steinecker GmbH as an autonomous company within the Krones Group


Squeezing the most from your orange juice



On the road with Truckloads of Inspiration


ASIA UPDATE Hong Kong Heritage Pork 22-23 Introduces Danish Pig Production Methods to Hong Kong Singapore/ US based TurtlTree 24 ready to commercialize Human Lactoferrin as first major product CEVA Logistics awarded 25 Collins Aerospace logistics support contract in South East Asia

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2021 Food Label Trends Deliver Safety And Security For Consumers And Retailers, Says UPM Raflatac, A Company Leading In Sustainable Labeling Restaurants, grocers and meal delivery services prioritize experience with labels that provide visible safeguards tamper proof seals, pressure and temperature-sensitive for human health and protections for the environment. design, increased traceability, waste reduction and responsible sourcing “We knew packaging needs would change for our food industry customers given the COVID-19 shopping impact, As U.S. consumers turned to takeout, food delivery and and we are encouraged to see that sustainability has not online grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandem- taken a backseat,” said Kyle Strenski, Business Director ic, food and beverage labeling took on fresh importance. (Food, HPC and Beverage) for UPM Raflatac Americas. “In Citing a 15-20% increase in grocery industry sales this fact, our 2021 order data shows that sustainable features year, and e-commerce sales up 43%, sustainable label for food labels are even more important now, as consumers leader UPM Raflatac found its grocery and restaurant and customers prioritize a more transparent and safe delivery customers want to provide an increasingly safe food system. Sustainability does not have to be sacrificed for safety or convenience.” 6


Based on UPM Raflatac’s customer insights and requests, packaging by 2025. While a label may account for only Strenski identified the top food label and packaging 2% of a plastic package’s weight, it can be the deciding trends for 2021: factor in whether or not the material is recyclable. In the rush to meet an overwhelming shift to e-commerce and Tamper-Proof Labels for Contactless Food Delivery Con- food delivery during COVID-19, some packaging details, tainers, Pizza Boxes and More With meal takeout and including adhesives, ink integrity or label wrappers, grocery delivery increasing approximately 75% during have been overlooked. Take ink quality or clarity on a the pandemic and spending on meal delivery services delivery receipt or seal that is not temperature resisincreasing 70% this March compared to 2019, food tant: hot temperatures may cause some inks to smudge packaging has become a critical tool for retailers and illegibly, impeding actual delivery, storage or quality. producers to communicate health and safety practices. Safety can also be impacted by materials choices: Reusable Plastic Containers (RPCs) often used by food Traditionally favored for pharmaceutical and high-value producers to transport farm materials (bulk fruits/vegeelectronics, tamper-proof labels now provide restaurants, tables/seafood/meats) contain durable labels that must grocers and meal delivery service customers visible proof be washed off prior to their next use. The adhesive of responsible handling from preparation to delivery. must separate cleanly to prevent potential exposure to According to UPM’s Strenski, all major national food bacteria. Or consider sustainable labels that still contain delivery companies and many national food and quick non-recyclable plastic backing. UPM Raflatac offers service restaurant chains are now using pressure sensitive sustainable options that reduce waste in every stage of labels on food packaging, with some restaurant customers, packaging. These performance details are the focus of including Papa John’s, advertising the packaging to new generation labels designed with sustainability in emphasize a commitment to human health, safety and mind at every function of the packaging process. quality. For More Information : Smart Labels Improve Food Safety, Traceability and Inventory Management Food safety remains paramount for food producers, and U.S. regulators are calling on companies to maintain updated, digital data systems for tracing ingredients, vendor supplies, and inventory throughout the production process. High-tech QR codes and tracking data on shipping and transport labels for food items and supplies help improve inventory management, traceability and a faster response to potential food supply and system issues. Food Safety Security In an age of frequent and highly publicized food recalls and food security concerns (such as Salmonella in onions and fresh produce or foreign particle contamination), QR codes and data tracking on food labels help quickly trace supply chains, vendors, retail destinations and lot codes. Temperature-sensitive thermochromic ink will alert retailers, producers and consumers if a material intended to be cold was outside of acceptable temperatures during transport, delivery or storage. The more data to ensure product quality and safety, the higher the confidence of retailers and grocery customers. Increasing Sustainability While Maintaining High Quality Performance Consumer packaged goods and retailers have committed to an average of 25% recycled content in their plastic DIGITAL ISSUE NO.03 : JUL 2021



A sustainable solution The owners of Ice River Springs (IRS) love Krones for their considerable experience in processing recycled PET plastic and the high efficiency of their lines. Almost all of the blow molders in their seven bottling plants belong to the Krones Contiform series. The co-packer is also increasing its use of filling technology from the system supplier headquartered in Neutraubling. Since 2013, every new line installed at Ice River Springs has been from Krones, and most are in a block configuration. One of the latest additions to the bottler’s machinery fleet is a high-speed line with two ErgoBloc L systems at its Lachute, Quebec, plant.

From farmers to water bottlers You might say Crystal Howe’s loyalty to Ice River Springs has been instilled in her from birth. After all, she’s not only the company’s Sustainability Manager but also the daughter of Ice River Springs’ founders and owners, Jamie and Sandy Gott.

Her parents started out as farmers, raising chickens and trout in Feversham, two hours’ drive north of Toronto. The natural spring they used as a water source for the trout farm provided a supply of high-quality water, which Jamie and Sandy initially sold in bulk to water bottlers. As Sustainability Manager at Ice River Springs Co. and At some point, they began bottling the water themselves Blue Mountain Plastics, Crystal Howe has, of course, made on a small scale, in large HDPE containers. sustainability a top priority. But she’s not alone. The entire company shares her passion. “Our philosophy is Soon after that, Y2K loomed and an apocalyptic mood based on the three Ps: people, planet, and profit.” Howe set in, driven largely by the media especially in North firmly believes that coordinating the three Ps is crucial. America. People feared that all computer systems would “PET and plastics in general have been getting a lot of stop working on January 1, 2000. So they started negative attention lately worldwide. But Ice River Springs is stockpiling emergency supplies, including bottled water. already ahead of the game. By completely reusing PET Demand for Ice River Springs water exploded. plastic in a closed loop, we’re being part of the solution.” 8


“My dad had the vision, and mom helped make them happen,” says Howe. They built one bottling plant after another, at first only in Canada and later in the US as well. Howe explains that Ice River Springs sold off four of its US plants in 2018, “because the market there works differently than in Canada.” The company still maintains a facility in Miami, Florida, in addition to its six plants across Canada – all of which are in close proximity to consumers to minimize transport distances. The year 2009 was an important one for Ice River Springs as the company received a permission to use 100 percent recycled PET plastic in its water bottles. “We were the first bottler in North America to produce food-grade recycled PET and use it to manufacture 100 percent recycled content bottles. We’re still the only one to maintain a closed loop today,” Howe says with visible pride and she adds, “We’ve done it to protect the environment. What’s special about our company is that we don’t base our decisions primarily on cost but rather on sustainability.” Closed plastics loop Sandy and Jamie Gott tried a few different options before deciding to produce their own recycled PET. “PLA (polylactic acid) couldn’t offer the shelf life we needed, and

it gave the water an off taste. Carton-based packaging isn’t easily recyclable and has a much larger carbon footprint,” says Howe. “We then started to use recycled PET, but the quality of the pellets we were buying on the open market wasn’t very consistent from batch to batch. So, my parents decided to build their own recycling plant and produce their own rPET.” The company’s Blue Mountain Plastics plant now converts 25,000 metric tons of post-consumer PET material a year into food-grade resin pellets. Ice River Springs buys around 80 percent of the total volume of PET plastic collected by municipal recycling programs in Ontario for this purpose. Three of the company’s seven bottling plants are equipped with injection molders that turn the recycled pellets into preforms. All seven plants have Contiform blow molders that inflate the preforms into bottles. Ice River Springs also manufactures its own caps and printed shrink films, which already contain 20 percent recycled material. The company’s subsidiary C.R. Plastic Products transforms HDPE cap material, that is collected through the recycling line, into durable outdoor furniture. Every addition to the Ice River Family of Companies drives forth the belief that “there’s enough plastic in the world – we need to re-use it.”




108,000 containers per hour

investing in a new line, we look at all the options. But it makes sense to use the same technologies in all of our plants,” says Howe. “Once you know and understand Krones’ machines, you won’t want anything else.” The Krones Academy supports the line ramp-up phase with specialized training to continuously improve line efficiency. Ice River Springs also has a service contract with Krones.

Until recently, Ice River Springs had used one Krones/ Kosme filling line for 4-liter containers and another for 500-milliliter bottles (which included a Contiform blow molder) at their Lachute plant, west of Montreal. Since the 500-milliliter line was no longer able to keep up with increased demand, Ice River Springs has now replaced it with a twin line featuring two ErgoBloc L systems that can process a total of 108,000 containers per hour. “We The twin line handles 500-milliliter containers exclusively. don’t have a lot of space here in Lachute. So this line’s Ice River Springs developed the bottle in house following compact layout was a perfect fit,” says Howe. a “function over aesthetic” principle. “It just has to do its job as a container for water – although we still think it The line isn’t Ice River Springs’ first high-speed line looks beautiful,” says Howe. The short-neck bottles weigh from Krones. Back in 2002, the company installed one only 8.5 grams each, another important environmental at its home base in Feversham. In 2016, they replaced criterion. “But we don’t want to reduce the weight any that line with a new one featuring an ErgoBloc L for more than that since it would make it harder to seblow molding, labeling, and filling 81,000 containers parate the caps from the bottles in the recycling process.” per hour. The Miami plant has also had a 108,000-bph Clear and transparent blue, purple, and yellow posttwin line from Krones in operation since 2018. That line consumer PET plastic can be used to produce Ice River is identical to the one just commissioned in Lachute. Spring’s blue bottles. Green plastic can’t be used in this bottle. Since green PET plastic makes up about five High-speed twin line percent of the incoming recycling stream, Jamie Gott devised an alternative use for it instead of downcycling: In designing this turnkey line, Krones combined two Following their own ideal of sustainability, the company 55,000-bph block systems for the wet end to bring the now produces a green 100 percent recycled PET plastic total capacity up to 108,000 PET bottles per hour. Each bottle that it uses for its own Ice River Springs brand. ErgoBloc L system consists of a Contiform 3 Pro stretch The company will now begin marketing the green bottle blow molder, a Solomodul labeler with four Contiroll HS more heavily in Canada under the name Ice River stations, a Modulfill VFJ filler, and a Checkmat FEM-X Green Bottle Co. inspector. For More Information : The two streams converge in the dry end, where the finished PET containers are processed. The Variopac Pro FS packer produces shrink packs in four different sizes. P alletizing is being handled by a Modulpal Pro 1AD with a Robobox grouping system. The ErgoBloc L meets all of Ice River Springs’ expectations in terms of sustainability: “The machines process recycled PET plastic preforms with no problems,” explains Howe. “The bottles run as if they were made of virgin PET. We have actually had Krones technicians comment on how well the preform processes.” High-speed line reduces costs The aim is to run the line 24/7 and to consistently achieve 90 to 95 percent efficiency with the same number of operators a slower line would require. “Margins on bottled water are very narrow. That makes it all the more important to control cost with a highspeed line like this. Of course, when we’re looking at 10





Steinecker GmbH as an autonomous company within the Krones Group Krones will in future synergise all its operations to do with brewery business under a single roof: Steinecker GmbH. Beginning in April 2021, the newly founded company will offer all of the solutions and equipment required in a brewery. Company headquarters with its can-do team of experienced brewery and beverage specialists will be strengthened. 12


Steinecker will continue to use Krones’ globe-spanning production, sales and service network. All over the world, Steinecker has for more than 145 years now been known as a strong brand synonymous with brewing technology. By combining technology from Steinecker with its own portfolio, Krones has meanwhile positioned itself on the market as a one-stop supplier in the brewing and beverage industry for over 25 years.

has spent more than 20 years gaining valuable international experience and during that time held various managerial positions at plant and machinery manufacturers whose focus is on process technology. Marrying strengths to strengths The Krones facility in Freising near Munich will in future be Steinecker GmbH’s headquarters – and the roughly 450-head-strong team working there, comprising experienced brewery and beverage experts, engineers, technologists, project managers, and automation and production experts, will continue to look after their brewery clients’ projects all over the world, just as they have done before. The entire project planning and processing team, the engineering, production and erection/installation departments, plus the product development operation, will be represented at this facility. One major focus will first and foremost be on a sustainable, energy-efficient, CO2-neutral brewing process. The company’s own experimental brewing facility, the Steinecker BrewCenter, is the perfect supplement here, offering a basis for developing innovations and upgrades of products used in the brewing process. The company’s portfolio will be expanded to include two additional modules: Steinecker will also combine at one location all automation-related products and services and integrate control solutions like its own Botec F1 process control system – providing this service not only for breweries but also for clients in the dairy and beverage sectors. Furthermore, the company will offer appropriate after-sales and service concepts, precisely tailored to the requirements of process-technology sysKrones wants to be there for its clients as a partner tems. they can rely on whenever they need help and to this end locate areas of untapped optimisation potential on Above and beyond this, Steinecker will continue to bena continuous basis. In order to see this aspiration efit from its can-do alliance with Krones, utilising the rigorously through to achievement, it is necessary to group’s strong, international production, sales and serreview the relevant processes and render them more vice network with its over 100 sites located all over the efficient and customer-responsive. As part of this thrust, world. When a beverage company will in future opt for Krones has now decided to focus even more meaningfully a turnkey solution from the House of Krones, the entire in future on plant and equipment construction in kit, comprising not only process-technology systems process technology. but also filling technology or utility solutions, will come from a single source as before. Beginning in April 2021, the newly founded Steinecker GmbH will therefore offer all of the solutions and equipment For More Information : required in a brewery, from raw materials reception right through to the finished product. The company’s portfolio will be supplemented by appropriate after-sales and service concepts. Dirk Hämling will take over as Managing Director. He has since last summer been in charge of the Breweries Business Line at Freising. Dirk Hämling DIGITAL ISSUE NO.03 : JUL 2021




the most from your



Demandfor fruit juice amongst Malaysian consumers shows no signs of slowing down.Some estimates suggest the country is now drinking more than 150 million litres of juicedrinks a year1, with many consumers preferringthem to fizzy drinks.Not surprisingly, orange juice is the most popular variety. Although three manufacturers account for over half the Malaysian juice market,2there is still a large market for smaller brands and niche manufacturers, with many concentrating on fresh and unpasteurised products. Chilled productsare particularlypopular with premium customers and, likemany other manufacturersaround the world, Malaysian manufacturers can now use ‘flash pasteurisation’ in order to appeal to discerning consumers, while prolonging the life of their products. The dash for flash With or without pulp, the challenge for manufacturers of fresh orange juice is the speed at which the flavour and quality alters and deteriorates after the orange is squeezed. Like any fruit, oranges are perishable commodities and need to bepasteurised to stop the product spoiling. If there is to be an acceptable shelf life, the juice has to be pasteurised to destroy microorganisms and stop enzymatic activity.



There are various ways to delay these chemical changes. At HRS Heat Exchangers, thermal treatment, also known as ‘flashpasteurisation’, is the preferred techniquefor making premium quality juice. “Oranges are complex fruits,” explains Matt Hale, International Sales and Marketing Director at HRS. “The flavour and quality is determined by hundreds of compounds, among them limonene, pectin methylesterase (PME), hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). What’s more, the exact composition varies according to the typ of orange, climatic conditions and ripeness when picked.” Chemical changes begin to occur as soon asthejuice is squeezed. Some compounds react with oxygen in the air; others are affected by enzymes that are released during squeezing. With oranges containing natural yeasts, squeezing triggers fermentation which results in the multiplication of any bacteria present. Critics of pasteurisation argue that the process destroys the flavour of juice and alters the nutritional value. However, by minimising the thermal treatment time, HRS’s flash pasteurisation treatmentis assisting juice production plants to optimise juice quality and taste. Preserving taste and quality HRS has significant experience in juice production facilities around the world and when designing an orange juice processing plant the company is guided by four key objectives: 1. Maximising the quality and taste of the juice 2. Maximising energy consumption 3. Exploiting by-products such as dried orange peel 4. Exploiting digital control and product recovery technology

The HRS series of MI/MRPasteurisers use food-grade,multi-tube,corrugated heat exchangersto speed up the heat transfer in pasteurisation systems. These corrugated tubes create extra turbulence in the fluid as it flows through the tubes. Matt explains more: “The result of this extra turbulence means that the orange juice can be heated up to pasteurisation temperature much faster –typically by up to 30%. Critically, heat velocity should be carefully considered because the longer it takes,the greater the effect on the product, and quality will deteriorate. The temperature of the heating mediacan affect quality,too -the hotter the heating media, the more damage the hot tubes inside thepasteuriser will have on product quality.” Benefits of high heat transfer Because of the high heat transfer rates of the corrugated tube technique, HRS’s pasteurisation systems use water at a lower temperature to reduce the risk of product damage. Another benefit of higher heat transfer rates is that the system footprint can be reducedbyusing shorter heat exchanger pipes. The shorter length of the heat exchanger also results in a reduction in pressure drop, which saves pumping power and further reduces energy costs –often by 40%. System lifespan is also greater using the HRS technology. The corrugated design/profile of the inner tube helps reduce product fouling –it disrupts the fluid boundary layer and creates higher velocity and turbulence. As the juice travels around the system,it’s less likely to stick to the tube wall and causecorrosion and reduced performance (leading to increased downtime and maintenance costs, expensive replacement parts and reduced system lifespan).




In the system, water carrying the recycled heat energy travels in the space between the inner and outer tubes and flows in the opposite direction to the juice. The fact that the two liquids are travelling in opposite directions boosts the maximum amount of heat transfer due to a mechanism called counter-current exchange,as Matt explains: “Counter-current creates a declining difference in temperature (helping heat transfer) whereas in concurrent (where heated and heating elements are side by side, as in a tank and jacket system) the initial difference is higher but quickly levels off. The HRS system pumps the juice and heating and cooling water around the exchanger, which further boosts the maximum heat transfer achievable.” Perfect pulp processing As well aspasteurisers, HRS provides systems for treating and aseptically filling pulp. One of the key aspects of this is the ability to move the pulp and the HRS BP Series of piston pumps are particularly suited to this purpose. The BP pump is hygienic yet can still develop pressures of up to 40 Bar. For the thermal treatment of pulp we suggest the HRS AS Series of heat exchangers, which uses three concentric tubes, with the pulp flowing through the annulus between the outer and inner tubes, so that it is thermally treated from both sides.



Finally, the pulp treatment process uses a ‘Bag-in-Drum’ or ‘Bag-in-Box’ AF Series aseptic filler designed by HRS, which allowsthe product to be packedinto aseptic containers. Pre-formed and pre-sterilised containers of between 5 and 1,000 litres are normally used, depending on market requirements. Matt Hale concludes: “With experience in fruit juice plants around the world, we can provide solutions not only to provide high quality juice products from a wide range of fruits and vegetables, but also equipment to process the resulting by-products. Thismeans that as well as maximising energy efficiency to reduce running costs, we extract the greatest possible value from every stage.” For More Information :




Kerry establishes headquarters and innovation hub in Queensland to drive food innovation Kerry, the world’s leading taste and nutrition company, has announced it will develop a purpose-built food technology and innovation centre of excellence in Queensland, Australia. The facility will act as the new headquarters for Kerry in Australia and New Zealand while its existing facility in Sydney will retain a specialist research and development applications hub. With end-to-end capabilities including pilot plants, laboratories and tasting facilities, the new Kerry Australia and New Zealand Development and Application Centre in Brisbane will bring end-to-end food innovation cycle under one roof reducing time to market for new product development and increasing Kerry’s capacity to drive food innovation in the region. Complementing the new facility is the Kerry Australia and New Zealand Commercial Connect Centre in Sydney, which will retain a specialist RD&A applications hub. 18


“The new facility aligns with Kerry’s globally-recognised innovation strategy focused on value creation for the consumer, as it reflects changing industry needs and unlocks sector growth opportunities in Australia and New Zealand,” said Christine Giuliano, General Manager, Kerry Australia and New Zealand. “More importantly, it will bring the benefits of our global technologies to local food and beverage producers – supporting regional industry development. Our team at the new centre will be able to leverage Kerry’s R&D network around the world, as well as global insights, market knowledge, and culinary and applications expertise to customise solutions that ultimately deliver exciting products that resonate with the local market.”

The food and beverage industry is Australia’s largest manufacturing sector and with an annual turnover of $50 billion it represents more than 18% of total domestic manufacturing turnover. Additionally, Food Innovation Australia Limited’s (FIAL) forecast for the global food and agribusiness market is between $8.8 trillion and $11.1 trillion by 2025. The major challenges identified by Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL) for the food and beverage industry is the ability for businesses to easily adapt and respond to rapidly evolving consumer needs and changing business and market conditions. “This investment, which is supported by the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Industry Attraction Fund, will pave an economical and efficient path for commercialisation of new products, and focus on Kerry’s global innovation initiatives in health and wellness, sustainability, convenience, affordability and premiumisation, allowing regional businesses to connect and access the global market by leveraging the Kerry brand,” added Ms Giuliano.

The centre will also create ongoing employment opportunities for graduates through Kerry’s Graduate Programme and facilitate placements in a world class centre via partnerships with local universities. “We are committed to investing in local talent and developing the next generation of Australian food scientists. Considering Queensland’s alignment with Kerry’s growth strategies, we are looking forward to supporting a strong, sustainable and critical food and beverage manufacturing sector in the region,” said Ms Giuliano. For more information :




On the road with Truckloads of Inspiration Interroll launched its European “Truckloads of Inspiration” road show. Truck and trailer are now on the move until October 2021 with the roadshow team covering around 40 stopovers in Europe, starting with Barcelona today. Visitors can expect inspiring events around the themes of technology, innovation and partnership. After more than a year of trade show cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic Interroll is reaching out to customers in Europe to meet again in person—on-site and in a safe environment. “We look forward to meeting partners and customers and to engaging in exchanges on inspiration and innovation and the highly positive future outlook for our industry. As a proven partner we want to continue 20


the dialogue on how we can jointly drive the evolution of material handling and make the global SME sector heard,” says Jens Karolyi, Interroll Senior Vice President Corporate Marketing & People Development. “Eye-to-eye, in-person contact in an exciting—and safe-environment is the best setting to engage in and discuss our joint journey.” The tour covers destinations in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Luxemburg and the Netherlands. Besides dedicated customer events supported by Interroll’s local sales units, the road show intinerary includes public stops as well as a number of university visits where Interroll will present itself as an employer of choice to young talents.

With an expandable show trailer that can cover 80 square meters of floor space, Interroll’s show truck has some impressive features. “The inside offers an exciting and immersive multimedia show and interactive elements as well as a sophisticated product exhibition,” explains Elena Palmigiani, Interroll Manager Brand Experience. A wide range of inspiring content packages are available to engage with customers in their specific fields of interest. An inflatable tent that covers approximately 120 square meters provides an additional networking and catering area. Emphasis is on health and safety as well as the environment, and a dedicated hygiene concept is in place. This includes QR codes for checking in and out, dividers ensuring social distancing, hand sanitizer, fever controls, and quick tests for COVID19. The trailer is towed by a Mercedes-Benz Actros 5 truck with an environmentally friendly hybrid engine. For more information :




Hong Kong Heritage Pork Introduces Danish Pig Production Methods to Hong Kong With one of the highest meat consumptions per capita in the world, Hong Kong’s average pork and beef consumption tallies at four times higher than the UK, according to research done by The University of Hong Kong. Most of Hong Kong’s pork comes from global imports, with only 43 local pig farms. One man at the forefront of the local pork industry is John Lau Hon Kit, the managing director of Hong Kong Heritage Pork. As one of the few branded pig farms in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Heritage Pork is the first to adopt cutting-edge live stock equipment, feed formulas and breeding management from Denmark, one of the world’s largest pig meat exporters and leaders in sustainable pig production.



According to the Danish Agriculture & Food Council, pig meat accounts for almost half of all of Denmark’s agricultural exports, with Denmark’s pig industry producing approximately 28 million pigs a year. Exported to over 140 countries, including Germany, UK, China, and Poland, danish meat producers are known for their efficient pig production techniques that maintain stringent quality standards of food safety, animal welfare, and breeding. Bringing Danish pig production methods to Hong Kong, John Lau Hon Kit utilises industry-leading techniques to raise the pigs in clean, sustainable, and data-driven methods – including EU certified pig feed formulas, fullyautomated feed machines, and multi-site breeding.

With his motto of “You are what you eat, best feeds make marbling. With even fat and lean meat distribution, Tai the best meat” – the answer is simple: to ensure high- Chi pork is popular amongst chefs and local restaurants quality meat, John Lau Hon Kit uses carefully selected in Hong Kong. premium grade US corn and soybeans for the pigs. John Lau Hon Kit also set up his pig farm in Pak Nai and Made with filtered mountain water from Kai Kung Leng, Kam Tin areas so that the pigs can drink mineral-rich the exclusive pig feed formula is tailored to suit different spring water and be raised in the fresh air of Lau Fau nutritional requirements for pigs raised in the sub-tropical Shan. He also monitors the health of the pigs through Hong Kong climate. Maintained by automated controls, regular consultations by veterinarians, one of the few pig the feed is systematically mixed and dispensed in optimised farms in Hong Kong to do so. ratios to ensure that the pigs get to eat precise portions of high-quality feed every time, contributing to sustainable In addition to the stringent health and safety requireand optimised feed conversion. ments needed to operate pig farms, John Lau Hon Kit understands the importance that Hong Kong consum“Asides from our special pig feed, the environment is a ers place on the safety of the pork they eat. The meat key factor in raising healthy and delicious pigs”, says is regularly sent to certified third-party testing laboraJohn Lau Hon Kit. Hong Kong Heritage Pork is the only tories such as CASTCO and VITARGENT to ensure the farm in HK to use Danish multi-site breeding and pro- meat is free of growth hormones, antibiotics, and toxins. duction scheduling methods ­– helping to reduce the spread of infectious disease, improve environmental Hong Kong Heritage Pork’s focus on quality control control, and increase feed efficiency. This helped grow allowed them to receive the prestigious S Mark Certificate the popularity of their exclusive breed, the Tai Chi by CASTCO – certifying the meat’s safety and reliability pork – renowned for its full-fledged flavour and exquisite for consumption. Today, John Lau Hon Kit continues to follow his unerring vision to deliver fresh and locally bred pork to local customers. Hong Kong Heritage Pork sources worldclass and premium pig breeds to give the Tai Chi pork its marbled taste and texture and ensure each delivery is shipped timely and promptly. As one of the few pig farm owners in Hong Kong, John Lau Hon Kit strives to implement new livestock technology so that consumers can continue enjoying delicious, safe and fresh pork for ages to come. For more information :




Singapore/ US based TurtlTree ready to commercialize Human Lactoferrin as first major product TurtleTree, the pioneer of cell-based milk, is now preparing for the launch of its first commercially scalable product. Human Lactoferrin lately also referred to as pink gold because of it’s amazing properties for boosting immunity, resistance to infections and fighting off bad bacteria.

off bad bacteria in the gut and viral infections. Lactoferrin is an important compound for babies’ early protection, with its concentration in human milk is 5 times higher than in cow milk, while human colostrum has the highest amount of 5-6g/L. Besides providing protection, lactoferrin also plays an important role in brain development and inflammation responses. Gaining traction for adult and senior health, today it is used for treating stomach and intestinal ulcers, diarrhea, hepatitis C and regulating the way the body processes iron.

Milk is a very complex evolutionary fluid with millions of different molecules in it. While it will take several years before cell-based whole milk passes regulatory requirements, TurtleTree has chosen to be commercially focused by exploring deeper into the field of milk ingredients. There are highly beneficial and valuable proteins and complex sugars in milk that can be scaled into existing Today’s lactoferrin is derived from cow milk, now Turtlenutritional products much sooner. Tree’s cell based technology has recreated the humanoptimized protein from the blueprint of human milk and Max Rye, Chief Strategist of TurtleTree shares “We have makes it more accessible to everyone. been able to identify early commercial ingredient targets due to our frequent conversations with prominent per- TurtleTree’s mission has always been about nourishing formance nutrition and infant formula companies. We’ve our people and being kind to the planet. And we are since seen tremendous interest from global partners now very excited to bring to the world our first product in our portfolio of human and bovine milk products. It is that is better-for-you without relying on cattle farming. going to be an exciting year for us.” Lactoferrin has been gaining significant traction recently in studies showing it’s value in boosting resistance to infections from blocking COVID-19 virus to fighting 24


For More Information : pr-newswire/?rkey=20210604AE01088&filter=20301

CEVA Logistics awarded Collins Aerospace logistics support contract in South East Asia In a further expansion of its global aerospace customer base, CEVA Logistics has been awarded a contract to manage in-factory logistics support for Collins Aerospace in Singapore. The two-year contract is based on solutions designed by CEVA that will be implemented at the customer’s Changi North site. Collins Aerospace – a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies – is one of the world’s largest suppliers of aerospace and defense products. It provides maintenance, repair, overhaul engineering, sales and support for its commercial and military customers across the Asia Pacific region.

and hoist systems, actuation and flight control, evacuation, portable water systems and lighting. All services will be provided by CEVA’s experienced aerospace employees who have diverse skills and extensive knowledge of in-factory logistics within the aerospace industry.

Says Elaine Low, regional managing director for Southeast Asia and Pacific, CEVA Logistics: “Our experienced team will drive service standards and greater efficiency to improve the Collins Aerospace’s operations. Our transparent working methods and wide-ranging experience across the Wide range of Contract Logistics services at customer aerospace sector have proven to be a winning solution for site Collins Aerospace in Singapore. At the Changi North site, CEVA Logistics will provide a wide range of Contract Logistics services including inbound receiving to inventory, pick and kit, as well as outbound dispatch of overhaul aerospace parts. Picking and kitting will focus on three main areas: power and control, mechanical and interiors. These areas are responsible for electrical systems, engine control, air management systems, cargo

“Continuous improvement is essential to the successful operation of any contract and that, alongside safety, is embedded in the CEVA Logistics culture. We look forward to a long and productive working relationship with Collins Aerospace.” For More Information :




Association Inc.

DATE : 29 JULY 2021 VENUE : South San Francisco Conference Center ORGANIZER : Beverage Trade Network/

DATE : 14 JULY 2021 VENUE : Carnarvon Golf Club, Australia ORGANIZER : The Food Service Industry


: 29 JUL - 01 AUG 2021

VENUE : ASB Showgrounds, New Zealand ORGANIZER : XPO Exhibitions Limited

: 08 AUG 2021

VENUE : Hong Kong Convention and

Exhibition Centre


ORGANIZER : Hervey Bay Seafood



: 15 - 18 SEP 2021


: 15 - 17 SEP 2021


ORGANIZER : Informa Markets

ORGANIZER : Informa Markets




: 21 - 23 SEP 2021

VENUE : Diamond Jubilee Upanga ORGANIZER : Global Insight Conferences


VENUE : Bitec , Bangna, Bangkok

: 11 - 13 AUG 2021

VENUE : Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India ORGANIZER :Aakar Exhibition Pvt. Ltd

DATE : 12 - 14 AUG 2021 VENUE : Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center ORGANIZER : VIETNAM NATIONAL TRADE





ORGANIZER : Informa Market

: 12 - 16 AUG 2021

: 27 - 30 JUL 2021

VENUE : Kintex, Goyang-si, South Korea


VENUE : Seafront Oval, Urangan, Australia











: 20 - 22 APRIL 2022

VENUE : Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center ORGANIZER : Koelnmesse Co. Ltd.



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