20 20
Y e a r b o o k
AIB DBSC RACE SERIES Dinghies Water Wags Keelboats
Tues, June 30 to Tues, Sept 8 Sat, July 4 to Sat, October 10 Wed, July 15 to Wed, Sept 23 Tues, July 7* to Thurs, Sept 8 Thurs, July 9* to Thurs, Sept 10 Sat, July 11* to Sat, Oct 10
Call John Phillips at 086 8568439 or visit Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
private_banking.indd 1
10/02/2020 14:40
Contents 4
From the Bridge - Commodore’s Foreword
Foreword by AIB
Racing Programme - amended
Fleet Divisions and Starting Schedule (Course Card 2)
Dinghy Programme -amended (Course Card 4)
Dun Laoghaire Tides
General Information
General Sailing Instructions
B) Committee Boat starts, Red and Blue Fleets: Sailing instructions
C) Green Fleet Saturday Racing: Sailing instructions
D) Dinghy Fleet Tuesday and Saturdays: Sailing instructions
Notices to Mariners
DBSC Classes and information
Premier Awards and Trophy winners 2019 season
DBSC Membership 2019
Sponsor & Supporters of DBSC
DBSC Racing Marks
DBSC Bearings Chart
Designed and produced by Baily Publications. Tel: 01 284 6161
Officers and Committee
Officers & Committee 2020 Commodore
Members of Committee
Jonathan Nicholson (JAVLIN) 28 Terenure Road East, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Peter Fleming 4 Haddington Terrace Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin Email:
Deborah Horan Declan Traynor Gerard Jones Philip Ferguson Suzi Roy Ian Bowring Louise McKenna
Hon. Secretary
Ann Kirwan (Bandit) 45 Strand Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Rear-Commodore Eddie Totterdell 2 Sharavogue Upr Glenageary Rd Glenageary, Co. Dublin
Chris Moore (Powder Monkey) 49 Bellevue Road Glenageary Co. Dublin Email: Mobile 087 762 6976
Chief Race Officer Jack Roy
Results Secretary Colin McMullen
Club Historian Donal O’Sullivan
Hon. Protest Secretary Michael Tyrrell 6 York Terrace Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin Email:
Technical Director Brian Matthews
Bosun Declan Traynor
Race Management Personnel (West Pier Hut and Committee Vessels) Alan Kelly Barbara Cafferky Brendan Dalton Carmel Winkelmann Caroline Liddy Declan Traynor Daragh Traynor Dave Coleman Diana Ferguson Grace Perrott Helen McCabe Ida Kiernan Ita Benedetti Jeff Brownlee
VHF Channels MacLir - Thurs & Saturdays Ch.74 keelboats Freebird of Dublin Bay Ch.72 keelboats Spirit of the Irish Ch. 68 dinghies
Joanne Sheehan John Walsh Jorgen Andreason Kate Quinn Lee Kidney Liz Aylmer Margaret Conway Michael Costello Nikki Wheatley Nuala Spainhower Ros Bremner Rosemary Anderson Rosemary Roy Sara Fallon Sean Nolan Sharon Moylan Siobhan Leech Stephen Wynne Therese Tyrrell Tina Dunne Wendy Bass
From the Bridge - Commodore The traditional four waterfront club regattas from early June to early July will not happen this year. Instead a joint regatta is envisaged and planning is underway. More details on this to follow. This year two significant anniversaries will be celebrated. In Dun Laoghaire the National Yacht Club will be 150 years old. Plans to celebrate this achievement are currently underway. We also recognise the Royal Cork Yacht Club, reaching three hundred years. A fine achievement for the oldest yacht club in the world. This is the second “From the Bridge” article that I have written this year. The first version now seems somewhat mundane referencing the challenges from of the previous two years, namely storm Emma’s destruction of the plinth for the hut and the new harbour fairway, and suggested that this year would be simpler. Little did we know! It seems like a life time ago when the afore mentioned issues were the primary matters of concern. I would like to start with some very good news. AIB Private Banking are Dublin Bay Sailing Club’s title sponsor We believe that this is an excellent fit for all parties and will yield fruitful results. I would like to recognise AIB’s support through these challenging times and their unwavering commitment to the sponsorship. This is deeply appreciated and will ensure help to ensure the continued viability of our club. As you all will have seen the programme this year has been extended into September for mid-week racing and October for weekend racing. I would like to remind you all that we are running a comprehensive programme on Tuesdays, akin to Thursday to provide the opportunity to catch up on those missed racing days during lock down.
Notwithstanding the generous sponsorship from AIB, our club’s finances are under significant pressure due to both the reduced number of members and a lower boat entry fee. With this in mind the committee has acted to reduce cost where possible, while ensuring that our club continues to offer the very high standard of racing that we have all become accustomed to. The most obvious charges are as follows: A reduced number of marks have been deployed, the hut has not been put on station and the yearbook will only be distributed electronically. Every Euro saved counts. As I mentioned in my Commodore’s report at the AGM last year, there have been comments that the new outer marks are sometimes hard to distinguish from each other. Due to the composition of the marks there is a difficulty in maintaining the correct colours, however it is hoped we have improved on this by using larger letters to aid identification. Following last year’s major update to the Sailing Instructions this year’s changes are relatively small, focused on the changes to fleet composition and schedules as a result of the delayed start and reduced boat entry. After consultation with dinghy fleet representatives the dinghy SIs have been brought in line with the other fleets. Amendments from last year have been incorporated and the format of the yearbook updated.
Before the crisis hit and after much deliberation at Committee, the decision was made that the time was finally right to stop posting course cards and yearbook. This move is in line with the universal trend of reducing waste, and reducing the significant postal costs. The website continues its cycle of change. This year we have completed the migration to the new platform with online entry and other forms now managed in the same environment. This change aligns with the move towards an online only entry policy. There are numerous reasons, including improving data integratory, easier system integration and removal of any liability associated with handling cash and cheques. We also do not want to forget a number of changes that were planned but are not relevant in the current circumstance. These include a re-imagined Super League, the reappearance of the Dublin Bay 21s and refinement of the course cards. Of these changes we are delighted to see these Dublin Bay 21s back where they belong in Dun Laoghaire and hope to see the fleet growing over the coming years. Fionán de Barra has written a short piece which can be found later in the DBSC Classes section. Concluding, I would like to remind you of the many talented people, on and off the water, who have devoted their energies to help navigate our club through these challenging times. The effort has been immense and a heartfelt thanks to you all. Nor must I forget our volunteers, over forty of them (by the last count), who give freely of their spare time so that the rest of us can enjoy our sailing. Finally, it has been heartening to see the four waterfront clubs and DBSC coming together through this difficult period. I hope this is a new dawn of even greater co-operation. Jonathan Nicholson Commodore
AIB Private Banking Supporting DBSC AIB Private Banking is proud to be the inaugural sponsor of Dublin Bay Sailing Club. Even in these difficult times we are committed to supporting the club for the next three years, building our relationship and cheering you on in competition over the coming seasons. At AIB, our purpose is to back our customers to achieve their dreams and ambitions, and at AIB Private Banking, we can back you with expert advice around any investment, lending and retirement planning needs you may have for your, your business’, or your family’s future. We value and prioritise relationships in AIB Private Banking, and that’s why we invest in people who can invest time in you, and add value for you consistently. There are many parallels between the worlds of sailing and investment – where our relationship teams make sure they do the simple tasks, brilliantly. They will find innovative, tailored solutions based on your unique circumstances to help you achieve your goals by offering the expert support you need. The dedication, commitment, and evident passion DBSC has for the sport has seen many sailing champions emerge from your rank, and we are delighted to support you in future successes. AIB Private Banking is delighted to be Dublin Bay Sailing Club’s first title sponsor, and I look forward to a very positive partnership with Dublin Bay Sailing Club, and to meeting many of you throughout the year, on land or on sea! John Phillips Head of Private Clients
2020 DBSC Racing Programme Racing Schedule 2020 updated 170720.xlsx
06/08/20 20:19
Racing Programme - 23/07/2020 2020 Amended DBSC Racing Programme Dinghies Tuesdays
Water Wags Wednesdays
Jun-‐30 Jul-‐07 Jul-‐14 Jul-‐21 Jul-‐28
Jul-‐04 Jul-‐11 Jul-‐18 Jul-‐25 Aug-‐01
Jul-‐15 Jul-‐22 Jul-‐29
Aug-‐04 Aug-‐11 Aug-‐18 Aug-‐25 Sep-‐01 Sep-‐08
Aug-‐08 Aug-‐15th Aug-‐22 Aug-‐29 Sep-‐05 *** Sep-‐12 Sep-‐19 Sep-‐26 Oct-‐03 Oct-‐10
Start and finish dates:
Aug-‐05 Aug-‐12 Aug-‐19 Aug-‐26 Sep-‐02 Sep-‐09 Sep-‐16 Sep-‐23
Dinghies: Water Wags: Keelboats:
Date: 17/07/20
Tuesdays Blue/Red
Keelboats Thursdays Blue/Red
Jul-‐07 * Jul-‐14 Jul-‐21 Jul-‐28
Jul-‐09 * Jul-‐16 Jul-‐23 Jul-‐30
Jul-‐11 * Jul-‐18th Jul-‐25 Aug-‐01
Aug-‐04 Aug-‐11 Aug-‐18 Aug-‐25 Sep-‐01 Sep-‐08
Aug-‐06 Aug-‐13 Aug-‐20 Aug-‐27 Sep-‐03 Sep-‐10
Aug-‐08 Aug-‐15th Aug-‐22 Aug-‐29 Sep-‐05 *** Sep-‐12 Sep-‐19 Sep-‐26 Oct-‐03 Oct-‐10
Saturdays Blue/Red comb. Green
Tuesday June 30 to Tuesday Sept 1 Saturday July 4 to Saturday October 10 Wednesday July 15 to Wednesday Sept 23 Tuesday July 7* to Tuesday September 1 Thursday July 9* to Thursday September 10 Saturday July 11* to Saturday October 10
* First week of keelboat / cruiser racing is a 'Shake-‐Down' -‐ points awarded from Tuesday July 14 *** Sept 5 -‐ Solidarity Regatta / NYC 150th
Course Card Two
Race Times 2020 -18/07/2020
Incorporating all amendments Course Card 2 Race Times 2020 18/07/20 Course Card 2 Race Times 2020 18/07/2 published up to, and including 18/07/20
Incorporating all Amendments Published up to, and including 18/07 Incorporating all Amendments Published up to, and including 18/0
Red Fleet Thursdays Red Fleet Thursdays Blue Blue Fleet Thursdays S Fleet Thursdays Warning Red Fleet Freebird Warning Red Fleet Freebird Com Warning Blue Fleet ac LM ir ac Lir Warning Co Blue M Fleet Flag VHF CH72 VHF CH72 Flag Signal Signal VHF VH Flag Signal VHF CH74 Signal Flag VHF CH74 No. 7 No. 7 18.35 18.35 SB20 SB20 Cru Crui 0 No. 18.35 0 0N o. 0 18.35 Cruiser Cruiser Sports boats Sports boats 3rd Sub 3rd Sub 18.40 18.40 Cru Crui 1 18.40 1 No. 1No. 1 18.40 Cruiser Cruiser D 18.40 18.40 Dragon D Dragon Cru 18.45 Crui 31.7 31.7 No. 9No. 9 18.45 Naval 6 18.45 Flying F ifteen Naval 6 18.45 Flying Fifteen Cru Cruiser Cruiser 2 18.50 Crui 2 No. 2No. 2 18.50 Q 18.50 18.50 Q Ruffian 23 Ruffian 23 Cru Cruiser 3 No. 3 18.55 Card 2020 8/07/20 Crui 18.55 Course Shipman W Cruiser 3 2 Race Times No. 3 118.55 18.55 W Shipman 18/07/20 Ru Cruiser 5a & 5b Nos.5 & 6 19.00 19.00 Incorporating B211 No. 4 Ruff all A5mendments up &to, 18/07/20 a & 5b Published Nos.5 6 and including 19.00 Cruiser 19.00 B211 No. 4 Shi 19.05 Glen and Dublin Bay 21 K and including 18/07/20 Ship Tim 19.05 Glen and Dublin Bay 21 K Fleet Thursdays B2C Red Tim Blue Fleet Thursdays Saturdays e Limits B21 Warning Red Fleet Freebird Committee Boat Ma Warning Tuesdays C ombined R ed a nd B lue F leets Blue F leet M ac L ir e Limits Saturday Saturdays C ombined R ed a nd B lue F leets MCac and Blue Signal Fleets Flag VHF H72 Lir combined Red Flag Signal Warning VHF CH74 VHF CH74 Committee Boat Mac Lir Boat Mac Lir Warning Saturday ac L•ir cSB20 ombined R ced and tB lue MCommittee No. 7F leets In handicap lasses he time limit w18.35 ill be 17.00Hrs. ECCruiser xcept t hat if any b oat in a class 18.35 finishes w ithin the 0 time lim Cruiser VHF H74 Flag Signal 0 N o. 0 VHF CH74 Flag Warning Signal Signal 18.40 Sports b oats 3rd S ub • In hCruiser andicap classes tthe time Hlrs. imit be d1esign 7.00Hrs. Except t hat boat a0 c1&lass ithin the time limit 318.35 Cruiser 1a nd A In waill one class the time will be 1in 7.00 Ho.1 rs.f inishes (Amends RS 5, A3 5) extended o 17.30 CR1 &Cruiser CR 0limit i1f any No. N 18.40 wR 0 Dragon 0 18.35 D 18.40 14.00 Cruiser 2 & 3 1.7 CR 2 & 3 1.7 Nos.2 & 9 18.40 31.7 will be 17.00 No. 9 (Amends 18.45 RRS 35, A3 and A5) a 1o ne design class the time limit Hrs. o 17.30 Hrs. In extended Cruiser 1 tFlying No. Naval 6 18.45 14.05 Fifteen 18.40 Cruiser 3 CR 3 & CR 5 2 Nos. 18.45 Cruiser No. 2 3 & 5 18.50 Tuesdays a nd T hursdays R ed a nd B lue F leets 18.50 14.10 Cruiser 2 &Ruffian 31.7 23 Nos.2 & 9 Q 18.45 rd Sports b oat & SB20 & D ragon No. 7 , 3 S ub & D 18.50 3 No. 3 the time 18.55l imit f or aCruiser In a one esign class time limit 18.55 will b14.15 e 21.05 Hrs. Cruiser In handicap classes class race 5w ill be tw Tuesdays nd T•hursdays Rded and B3lue FW leets aCruiser 3 Shipman No. the 18.50 Ruffian 23 Flying F ifteen Naval 6 18.55 Cruiser a & 5fb or other Nos.5 & 6 in her 19.00 will be extended boat icn lass a class inishes within the hour limit thhe time l5imit boats class 2 B211 No. 4 Cruiser 5 limit 14.20 one 5d esign the fNo. time will be two 219.00 1.05 Hrs. In Ruffian andicap c lasses c lass t he t ime l imit f or a r ace w e tto wo 18.55 • In a Shipman & b Glen 19.00 ill Q held in 19.05 Glen For and Dtublin Bay 2 1 Tuesday K he l ast t wo a nd T hursday r aces i n A ugust a nd a ny s ubsequent r aces S eptember t he ti Ruffian Q 14.25 19.00 boat in a2 3 c lass finishes within the two hour limit the time limit for other boats No. in 4h er class will be to 21 B211 extended B211 19.05 & lGast len two Tuesday W & Ka nd Thursday races 14.30 Shipman Shipman & Glen W &r Kaces 19.10 For the in August and any subsequent held in September the tim
No. 4 14.35 Time Limits within the time limit the time limit for other boats of her class will be RS 35, A3 and ASaturday 5) Mac Lir combined Red and Blue Fleets In handicap classes the time limit will be 17.00 Hrs. Except that if any boat in a class finishes within the time limit the time limit for other class willthe be extended to 17.30 Hrs. In a one design class the time limit will be 17.00 Hrs. (Amends RRS 35, A3 and A5) or a race will bboats e two ofhher ours from start of that class except that if any (Amends RRS 35, A3 and A5) l be extended to 21.05 Hrs. Tuesdays and Blue Fleets n September the time limit rThursdays egardless Red of fand inishers will be 20.30. In a one design class the time limit will be 21.05 Hrs. In handicap classes class the time limit for a race will be two hours from the start of that Time Limits class exceptSaturday that if anyM boat class finishes hour limit the time limit for other boats in her class will be extended to 21.05 ac Lin ir caombined Red within and Bthe lue two Fleets Hrs. (Amends RRS and A5) classes the time limit will be 17.00Hrs. Except that if any boat in a class finishes within the time limit the time limit • 35,In A3handicap
extended to 17.30 Hrs. In a one design class the time limit will be 17.00 Hrs. (Amends RRS 35, A3 and A5)
For the last two Tuesday and Thursday races in August and any subsequent races held in September the time limit regardless of finishers will be 20.30.
Tuesdays and Thursdays Red and Blue Fleets • In a one design class the time limit will be 21.05 Hrs. In handicap classes class the time limit for a race will be two hours from th boat in a class finishes within the two hour limit the time limit for other boats in her class will be extended to 21.05 Hrs. (Amen For the last two Tuesday and Thursday races in August and any subsequent races held in September the time limit regard
Course Card Four ourse CCard ard C Course Tuesday && S Saturday aturday Tuesday Dinghies 2020 Dinghies 2020
Dinghies 2020 VHF Channel 68 (TUES) 08 (SAT) 08 (Sat) 27.07.20 VHF CChannel hannel 68 (TUES) 08 (SAT) VHF 68 (Tues) 27.07.20 27.07.20
P lease r ead i n c onjunction w 2020 Sailing instructions Starting S equences – Starting Sequences – Please read in conjunction with ith 2020 Sailing instructions DD 2020 Tuesdays 2020 SSaturdays aturdays 2020 Tuesdays 2020 Class Class
IDRA, Fireball PY, PY, IDRA, Fireball
Laser Standard 4.7 Laser Standard & 4&.7
Flag Warning Warning Signal Class Class Flag Signal
19.00 19.00
Laser Laser
19.03 19.03
PY, IDRA, Fireball PY, IDRA, Fireball Laser Standard 4.7 Laser Standard && 4 .7
Flag Flag
Warning SSignal ignal Warning
14.00 14.00
Laser Laser
14.03 14.03
Minute Gap Between Scheduled Start Laser Std 4.7 And Radial arning Signal, Min in SSequence equence sstill till aapplies pplies 1 M1 inute Gap Between Scheduled Start of oLf aser Std & &4 .7 A nd Radial WW arning Signal, 33 M Laser Radial Radial 19.07 Laser Radial Radial 14.07 Laser Radial Radial 19.07 Laser Radial Radial 14.07
(T) Triangular Couse (T) Triangular Couse
Courses Courses
(X) Windward-‐Leeward Course (W) Windward-‐Leeward Course (X) Windward-‐Leeward Course (W) Windward-‐Leeward Course with Leeward Finish with Windward Finish with Leeward Finish with Windward Finish T1 Start-‐123-‐Finish W1 Start-‐12-‐Finish X1 Start-‐121-‐Finish T1 Start-‐123-‐Finish W1 Start-‐12-‐Finish X1 Start-‐121-‐Finish T2 Start-‐123-‐13-‐Finish W2 Start-‐12-‐12-‐Finish X2 Start-‐12-‐12-‐1-‐Finish T2 Start-‐123-‐13-‐Finish W2 Start-‐12-‐12-‐Finish X2 Start-‐12-‐12-‐1-‐Finish T3 Start-‐123-‐13-‐123-‐Finish W3 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐Finish X3 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐1-‐Finish T3 Start-‐123-‐13-‐123-‐Finish W3 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐Finish X3 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐1-‐Finish T4 Start-‐123-‐13-‐123-‐13-‐Finish W4 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐Finish X4 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐1-‐Finish T4 Start-‐123-‐13-‐123-‐13-‐Finish W4 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐Finish X4 S tart-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐1-‐Finish T5 Start-‐123-‐13-‐123-‐13-‐123-‐Finish X5 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐1-‐Finish W5 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐Finish T5 Start-‐123-‐13-‐123-‐13-‐123-‐Finish
X5 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐1-‐Finish
W5 Start-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐12-‐Finish
(T) Triangular (X)Windward -‐Leeward (W)Windward -‐ Leeward ( T) -‐Leeward eeward T riangular ( X)Windward Leeward Finish ( W)Windward Windward -‐F Linish Leeward Finish Windward Finish 1 Port(P) 1P 1P 1 P ort(P) 1 P 1 P 2P 2P 3P 2P 2P 3 P 2 P 2P S tart S tart/Finish Start Start Start/Finish Start The racing area will be the waters of Dublin Bay, normally, but not limited to: (a) Tuesday -‐ vwicinity f Sw cotsman’s ay, or Bin the event of b uut nsuitable weather The racing area ill be tohe aters of DBublin ay, normally, not limited to: or other the Harbour. (b) Saturday ublin ay or w eather o r o ther Published 27.07.20 (a) conditions Tuesday -‐ ivn icinity of Scotsman’s Bay, o-‐r D in the eBvent of Huarbour. nsuitable conditions in the Harbour. (b) Saturday -‐ Dublin Bay or Harbour. Published 27.07.20 9
Dun Laoghaire Tides 2020 July – Add One Hour for BST DUN LAOGHAIRE
August – Add One Hour for DUN BSTLAOGHAIRE
Please add one hour for BST between March 29 - Oct 25 2020
1 2 3 4 5
Low Water
High Water
07 56 08 57 09 54 10 48 11 38
4.0 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1
20 32 21 26 22 17 23 05 23 51
3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2
01 14 02 15 03 13 04 05 04 54
1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9
13 51 14 48 15 40 16 28 17 12
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 2 3 4 5
4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7
05 40 06 23 07 07 07 50 08 36
0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.1
17 54 18 35 19 17 20 00 20 47
1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4
09 50 10 44 11 32
3.9 4.0 4.0
4.0 4.2 4.3 4.0 4.0
03 07 04 02 04 49 05 31 06 08
1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9
15 32 16 19 17 01 17 39 18 15
1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1
00 20
22 08 22 57 23 41 12 13 12 51
6 7 8 9 10
00 56 01 30 02 05 02 43 03 24
4.3 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.9
13 25 14 00 14 36 15 15 16 00
3.9 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6
06 45 07 22 08 01 08 41 09 25
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
18 52 19 29 20 09 20 54 21 43
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.6
11 12 13 14 15
04 11 05 06 06 13 07 29 08 36
3.7 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.5
16 53 17 59 19 11 20 15 21 09
3.5 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.7
10 14 11 08
1.5 1.6
00 45 01 55
1.8 1.7
22 38 23 39 12 08 13 16 14 22
1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.6
00 35 01 17 01 59 02 41
4.3 4.3 4.2 4.1
12 24 13 09 13 51 14 34 15 20
11 12 13 14 15
03 27 04 17 05 12 06 13 07 16
4.0 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5
16 10 17 05 18 05 19 07 20 04
3.6 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.5
09 25 10 16 11 10
1.2 1.3 1.5
00 33
21 39 22 34 23 33 12 07 13 07
16 17 18 19 20
08 15 09 07 09 54 10 37 11 18
3.6 3.6 3.8 3.9 4.0
20 55 21 39 22 20 22 58 23 36
3.6 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.2
01 36 02 33 03 21 04 03 04 42
1.7 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.1
14 06 14 57 15 40 16 18 16 55
1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1
16 17 18 19 20
09 30 10 17 11 00 11 40
3.7 3.9 4.0 4.2
21 54 22 35 23 14 23 53 12 21
3.9 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.2
02 55 03 42 04 23 05 02 05 41
1.5 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.5
15 15 15 57 16 35 17 13 17 52
1.5 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7
21 22 23 24 25
11 59 00 14 00 56 01 39 02 27
4.1 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3
12 41 13 24 14 11 15 00
4.1 4.1 4.1 4.0
05 20 06 00 06 42 07 28 08 19
0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7
17 32 18 11 18 53 19 39 20 31
0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0
21 22 23 24 25
00 33 01 16 02 03 02 53 03 49
4.5 4.5 4.4 4.2 4.1
13 03 13 47 14 34 15 25 16 22
4.2 4.2 4.1 3.9 3.8
06 22 07 06 07 54 08 46 09 43
0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9
18 32 19 17 20 06 21 02 22 05
0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2
26 27 28 29 30
03 19 04 15 05 18 06 27 07 39
4.2 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8
15 55 16 54 17 58 19 06 20 12
3.9 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.8
09 14 10 13 11 15
0.8 1.0 1.1
26 27 28 29 30
04 54 06 08 07 30 08 46 09 49
3.8 3.7 3.6 3.7 3.8
17 28 18 42 19 58 21 05 22 01
3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0
10 45 11 53 00 32 01 56 03 05
1.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2
1.1 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.3
23 14
00 49
21 29 22 32 23 39 12 20 13 29
13 10 14 25 15 23
1.5 1.5 1.3
08 48
21 13
02 01
14 35
10 40
22 48
03 57
16 08
Time Zone UT(GMT)
OCTOBER 2020 October
Please add one hour for BST between March 29 - Oct 25 2020
6 7 8 9 10
SEPTEMBER 2020 September
Low Water
– Add One Hour for DUN BSTLAOGHAIRE Time Zone UT(GMT)
Low Water
High Water
0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9
16 45 17 20 17 52 18 25 18 57
1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 2 3 4 5
Low Water
11 35 12 00
3.8 3.8
00 25 00 56
3.9 3.9
23 34 23 59 12 23 12 49 13 20
4.0 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.8
04 51 05 22 05 50 06 17 06 44
0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9
16 57 17 28 17 58 18 27 18 58
0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0
1 2 3 4 5
11 23 11 58 00 00 00 30 00 58
3.9 3.9 4.2 4.2 4.1
23 27
12 28 12 56 13 23
3.9 3.9 3.8
04 38 05 15 05 48 06 19 06 50
6 7 8 9 10
01 28 02 03 02 43 03 27 04 19
4.1 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.5
13 54 14 30 15 11 15 59 16 57
3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4
07 22 07 56 08 34 09 17 10 10
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6
19 32 20 10 20 54 21 46 22 51
1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.7
6 7 8 9 10
01 31 02 12 02 57 03 49 04 53
3.8 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.3
13 57 14 38 15 25 16 20 17 28
3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3
07 14 07 49 08 30 09 21 10 32
1.0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7
19 34 20 15 21 07 22 13 23 32
1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6
11 12 13 14 15
05 22 06 44 08 05 09 06 09 55
3.3 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.8
18 11 19 31 20 35 21 25 22 09
3.3 3.4 3.6 3.9 4.1
11 16 00 04 01 21 02 28 03 18
1.7 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.0
12 33 13 49 14 48 15 33
1.8 1.7 1.4 1.1
11 12 13 14 15
06 12 07 34 08 39 09 29 10 12
3.2 3.3 3.6 3.8 4.0
18 48 19 58 20 53 21 39 22 22
3.4 3.6 3.8 4.1 4.3
11 58 00 50 01 58 02 50 03 34
1.7 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.5
13 16 14 18 15 06 15 47
1.6 1.4 1.1 0.8
16 17 18 19 20
10 38 11 18 11 58 00 09 00 53
4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.5
22 48 23 28
4.3 4.5
16 12 16 50 17 29 18 10 18 54
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4
16 17 18 19 20
4.2 4.3
4.3 4.2
0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2
10 53 11 33
12 39 13 22
04 00 04 40 05 19 05 59 06 41
00 32 01 21
4.4 4.2
23 03 23 46 12 14 12 58 13 44
4.4 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.1
04 15 04 55 05 36 06 18 07 04
0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4
16 27 17 07 17 50 18 34 19 24
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5
21 22 23 24 25
01 39 02 30 03 28 04 36 05 56
4.3 4.1 3.9 3.6 3.4
14 07 14 57 15 54 17 03 18 22
4.1 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.5
07 28 08 18 09 14 10 17 11 29
0.4 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.5
19 43 20 38 21 43 22 56
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
21 22 23 24 25
02 13 03 12 04 22 05 42 07 05
4.0 3.7 3.5 3.3 BST 3.3
14 34 15 31 16 40 17 58 19 16
3.9 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.5
07 53 08 49 09 52 11 05 00 02
0.7 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.2
20 20 21 25 22 39
0.7 1.0 1.1
12 27
26 27 28 29 30
07 23 08 40 09 39 10 26 11 04
3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
19 43 20 52 21 46 22 29 23 05
3.5 3.7 3.9 4.0 4.0
00 21 01 48 02 52 03 39 04 18
1.3 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.8
12 53 14 10 15 06 15 48 16 24
1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0
26 27 28 29 30
08 19 09 15 10 00 10 36 11 05
3.4 3.5 3.7 3.7 3.7
20 24 21 18 22 01 22 36 23 05
3.6 3.8 3.9 3.9 3.9
01 23 02 24 03 11 03 50 04 23
1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8
13 42 14 38 15 22 15 59 16 33
1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0
11 30
23 31
04 53
17 04
Time Zone UT(GMT)
Please add one hour for BST between March 29 - Oct 25 2020
High Water
Time Zone UT(GMT)
Please add one hour for BST between March 29 - Oct 25 2020
JULY 2020
General Information 2020
DBSC Beneteau 211 racing Photo: Afloat
1. Dinghy Patrol Service Recovery of boats is not the responsibility of the DBSC patrol service and any damage incurred during patrol operations is the responsibility of the boats concerned. The provision of equipment such as anchors, bailers etc. that may be required during these operations is not the responsibility of DBSC.
2.Trophies & Prizes In addition to the individual class trophies shown in the list of classes, the following trophies will be awarded at the discretion of the Committee: The George Arthur Newsom Memorial Cup. A perpetual challenge cup awarded at the discretion of the Committee for the most successful boat in one design classes. The Waterhouse Challenge Shield. A perpetual trophy awarded at the discretion of the Committee for the most successful boat in handicapped races for cruisers. Dun Laoghaire Harbour Trophy A perpetual trophy awarded at the discretion of the Committee for the most successful new boat in the DBSC fleet. Dr.Alf Delaney Memorial Cup A perpetual challenge cup awarded at the discretion of the Committee for the most successful boat racing in dinghy classes. Viking Trophy A perpetual trophy, awarded at the discretion of the Committee, to be held for
one year by a member who in the opinion of the Committee has made a noteworthy contribution to sailing. The Brendan Ebrill Memorial Cup awarded at the discretion of the Committee to the most successful boat which most frequently participated in DBSC racing without winning a major trophy. Series Prizes Prizes will to be awarded to the winning boat in each of the Thursday and weekend series, the number of prizes being related to the designated crew levels. The prizes in cruiser classes will be for the winners of each of the ECHO and IRC handicap series.
3.Prize-Giving Friday,13th November 2020 in the Royal St. George Yacht Club Yacht Club at 19.30 hrs. Supper will be available afterwards in the Club Room.
4. Annual General Meeting Royal Irish Yacht Club 23rd November 2020 at 20.00 hrs.
5 Handicap Systems (ECHO & IRC). DBSC does not supply or calculate handicaps, which are the responsibility of the rating authorities. Boat-owners are strongly urged to apply to these bodies for certificates in sufficient time so that they may be entered in DBSC records before racing commences. Points will not be awarded retrospectively for handicaps received after racing..
IRC has certain requirements for racing trim. Competitors are reminded that a yacht can protest any alteration to the required or declared trim of another yacht or any other infringement of the handicap used.
6.Weather and Safety Attention is directed to Dept. Of Marine Notice to Mariners no.23 (2005). This includes a requirement that a PFD must be worn by anyone on board an open craft that is under 7 meters in length. All members are advised to wear PFDs while afloat or on Club or marina pontoons. Dublin Bay Sailing Club strongly encourages all who participate in its races to take all prudent steps in the interests of greater safety, by abiding at all times by class safety rules, by training all crew members in the steps that make for greater safety by regularly obtaining a weather forecast before racing, and by making a decision on whether or not to race in the light of that forecast. Regularly updated forecasts are available from Weatherdial. Forecasts are available on telephone and fax as follows: Dublin Area (includes winds on Dublin Bay) 15 50 123854. Sea area 1550 123855. Updated twice daily. Weatherdial Fax 1570 131 838.
7. Fishermen’s Lines Yachts are requested to sail well clear of the end of the West Pier and to avoid becoming entangled in the fishing lines of anglers fishing from the pier head.
2020 General Sailing Instructions - July 30 2020 All Fleets
Lively Lady, Keith and Rodney Martin of the Royal Irish Yacht Club
These Sailing instructions should be read in conjunction with the Sailing instructions for individual fleets and series.
GR 1 Rules 1.1 All racing will be governed by the Racing Rules of sailing (RRS), the prescriptions of Irish Sailing and the rules of each class concerned unless changed by these sailing instructions. Changes will be notified in the instruction that changes a rule. 1.2 Where appropriate, class rules are changed by these sailing instructions to allow the use of VHF radio and GPS.
GR 2 Notices to competitors Notices to competitors may be posted on a notice board in each of the waterfront clubs and Dun Laoghaire Marina. They will be displayed on
GR 3 Changes to sailing instructions 3.1 Any change in the sailing instructions will be posted on before 12.00 hrs. on the day from which it will take effect. The waterfront clubs and Dun Laoghaire
Marina will be asked to display Flag L under the DBSC burgee. 3. 2 Changes may also be announced before racing on the relevant VHF channel. Failure to receive such a transmission shall not constitute grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.1. 3.3 Changes shown on shall be the official text until a further change is signalled.
GR 4 Signals made ashore 4.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed at the 4 waterfront clubs and Dun Laoghaire Marina. 4.2 When flag AP is displayed ashore, 1 minute is replaced with not less than 60 Minutes. 4.3 When a visual signal is displayed over a class flag, the signal applies only to that class or Fleet.
GR 5 Schedule of races 5.1 Please see full racing schedule in this year book-Course cards 2 and 4. 5.2 The schedule of start times for Red, Blue and Green fleets is shown on course card 2. 5.3 For Dinghy racing, please refer to course card 4.
GR 6 Class Flags 6.1 Red, Blue and Green fleets, see course card 2. 6.2 Dinghies please see course card 4.
GR 7 Late Arrivals 7.1 A boat under power, or tow, after her preparatory signal in the starting area, may, having turned off her engine and/or cast off her tow, take a Two Turn Penalty on the pre-start side of the line before starting. This changes RRS 42.1 and 44.1 7.2 No boat shall start her engine or accept a tow after her warning signal. This changes RRS 42.1 and the preamble to Part 4.
GR 8 Club fixed Marks 8.1 Each Club fixed mark, except the limit marks, and Zebra, will bear its appropriate letter as per DBSC “Racing Marks” chart. Note, due to manufacturing processes for new marks, the mark colours shown on the chart “DBSC Racing Marks” may not be the actual colour of the Mark 8.2 Any mark may be replaced without further notice by a temporary inflatable buoy. These buoys are pillar shaped and marked either T1 or T2 surmounted by an
Orange flag. These buoys will be laid in the approximate position of the mark they are replacing.
GR 9 Racing areas 9.1 Red, Blue and Green fleet racing area is denoted in the year book DBSC Racing Marks. 9.2 Dinghy fleets refer to course card 4.
GR 10 Disclaimer of Liability 10.1 It shall be the sole responsibility of each boat’s skipper to decide whether or not to start or continue to race: and each owner/ helm shall sail or race his/her boat entirely at his/her own risk; and that Dublin Bay Sailing Club Ltd. and its committee, race officers and organisers shall not be liable in the event of any accident or mishap. All Yachts shall be adequately covered by 3rd party liability insurance. 10.2 The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject a boat/skipper entry on grounds of safety or other such grounds as it deems appropriate.
GR 11 Prohibited areas. 11.1 Boats, whose warning signal has not been made, shall avoid the starting area during the starting sequence for other races. 11.2 A boat shall not pass between the starter’s hut and the orange, black or green limit marks, while sailing to Turning Mark from any preceding mark. 11.3 A boat shall not enter the “No Go” area as denoted on DBSC Racing marks bounded by the following: Poolbeg Lighthouse, Navigation Marks 6.4, Dublin Bay Buoy, Navigation Marks 1,3,5 and North Bull lighthouse. 11.4 A boat shall not pass between Dalkey Island and the mainland nor between the shore and the special yellow buoys marking the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown coastal swimming areas. 11.5 On Tuesdays, a boat of the keelboat classes shall not enter the area of Scotsman’s Bay bounded by the racing marks of the dinghy courses. 11.6 A boat sailing in a DBSC race shall not cross the finish line of any other race that may be taking place elsewhere in the Bay at the same time. 11.7 Where a boat infringes any of the rules contained in GR11 she may be disqualified without a hearing. The penalty shall be notified in the race results. (This changes RRS 63.1). 11.8 Notice to Mariners no. 3 2020 Clearly
All boats will give way and keep clear of commercial shipping. A boat reported by a harbour master for interference with commercial shipping in Dublin Bay will be disqualified from that days racing without a hearing. (Amends RRS63.1) Such a disqualification will be notified to the boat in the race results.
13.7 Where the Hon Protest Secretary receives an application for a protest, or request for redress, outside the time limits specified in these instructions or where the protest, or request for redress, is otherwise deemed invalid by the Hon Protest Secretary, the Hon Protest Secretary shall inform the protester accordingly. No hearing will be scheduled unless the applicant or protester, within seven days of his or her being notified, requires the Hon Protest Sec to do so. (Amends 63.1)
GR 13 Protests
GR 14 Scoring
states that clear fairway priorities are to be given to Cruise Ships and their Tenders.
GR 12 Commercial shipping
13.1 Protests shall be, submitted electronically through the DBSC website, emailed to the Hon. Protest Secretary or delivered to the address given in the yearbook within 48 Hours of the start of the race for the protesting boat’s class. In the case of electronic submissions or emails the time stamp recorded on the Hon. Protest Secretary’s system shall be deemed evidence of the time submitted. In the case of a diagram being considered necessary this shall also be emailed or delivered to the Hon Protest Secretary. 13.2 A request for redress by a boat disqualified without a hearing or for any other scoring action shall be made within seven days of the race results being posted on the DBSC Website (This changes RRS 62.2) 13.3 If a protestee retires before a hearing has been scheduled, they shall be scored as retired (RET). If a protestee retires after a hearing has been scheduled and notice of the hearing has been sent to the protestee, they shall be scored as disqualified (DSQ) 13.4 Protest forms are available at www. and on the DBSC website. Protests may be scanned and delivered electronically as per GR13. 13.5 Unless, in the opinion of the protest committee, there is good reason for the Protest Committee to rule otherwise, a protest hearing shall not be postponed due to the inability of any of the parties to attend. A party unable to attend may nominate a person to represent them at the hearing provided that RRS 63.3 is adhered to. 13.6 Notices will be posted to inform competitors of the time and place of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses. If any party is absent from the hearing 15 minutes after the scheduled time, the protest committee will proceed with the hearing in their absence under RRS 63.3 (b).
Note all scoring queries must be made through the results query facility on www. Queries sent to the Hon sec or Race officers will not be addressed. 14.1 RRS Appendix A will apply with the following changes: 14.2 A race shall be scored only if two or more boats come to the starting area. This changes RRS 90.3(a). 14.3 If less than 4 races are completed a boat’s series score shall be the total of her race scores. 14.4 When more than 4 races have been completed a boat’s series score shall be the total of her race scores excluding the number of worst scores as follows: No of Races Sailed
From 1 to 3 From 4 to 6 From 7 to 11 From 12 to 17 From 18 to 24 From 25 to 31 32 or more
No of Worst Scores Excluded
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
14.5 RRS A9 shall apply but is changed so that a boat that did not come to the starting area shall be scored points for the finishing place one more than the number of boats which came to the starting area. 14.6 Any scoring queries from a race must be received within seven days of the publishing of the queried results. 15.1 Boats will be handicapped using one or more of following: ECHO (progressive) IRC One Design Portsmouth Yardstick (PY) Sports Boat Class Handicap Boats shall comply with all stipulations and/ or conditions to any valid current certificate used in handicap 15.2 A boat competing under any handicap system shall be in possession of a valid
current handicap for that system. Such certificate may be required to be produced for inspection by the Hon Secretary or other committee nominee. DBSC will adopt the ratings from the relevant authority for use in the results system. It is the responsibility of each boat to ensure that handicaps are applied for in sufficient time to be input into the DBSC results system. 15.3 Any changes in Handicap must be notified to the Hon Secretary (or a person nominated by him) as soon as possible. 15.4 When a race has been completed, changes to a boat’s handicap will not be used to change a boat’s corrected time or finishing place, except that: a) Any revision of a boat’s ECHO handicap which should apply to a race but was received by the Hon Secretary after the scores were calculated may be used in recalculating a race b) If an IRC certificate with a higher handicap is received by the Hon Secretary after the specified date for registration. 15.5 Boats in cruiser classes will be divided as follows on the basis of their ISA Standard ECHO reference handicap or IRC handicap (subject to the Committee’s right to allocate a boat to any class). Cruisers 0 Boats at 1.035and above Cruisers 1 Boats at 0.980 to 1.034 Cruisers 2 Boats at 0.920 to 0.979 and Boats from 0.910 to 0.919 with an overall length exceeding 9mts Cruisers 3 Boats at 0.800 and below to 0.919
Dubious, Peter Richardson of the RSTGYC
Cruisers 5 shall be assigned to A or B divisions by class agreement. 15.6 IRC rule 22.4.2 shall not apply. There will be no limits on crew number or weight. 15.7 For the purposes of RRS 49.2 lifelines complying with OSR 3.14(i) shall be deemed to be taut. 15.8 Endorsed certificates are required for cruisers 0,1 & 2.
GR 16 Class Insignia and Sail Numbers 16.1 All boats shall comply with RRS 77 save as provided below: 16.2 Where there is a conflict between National Authority or class rules and RRS 77, boats shall comply with their National Authority or class. 16.3 Changing Sail Numbers - Keelboats Should a boat (other than a dinghy) wish to change her sail number or use a sail with a number other than that notified in her entry form (or any amendment thereto) she shall notify the Hon. Secretary at at least 24 hours before the changed sail number is used. The new sail number will continue to be used until a further similar notification is given to the Hon. Secretary. In the case of boats competing on the dinghy courses, please refer to Dinghy Sailing Instructions D 8.4 16.4 A boat in a cruiser class shall conspicuously display the numeral pennant of her class on her backstay, or if no back stay is fitted, on both port and starboard shrouds.
GR 17 Average points for Race Officer duties. 17.1 In Red Blue and Green Fleets, in the event of an owner/helmsman of a boat which normally races on one of the DBSC courses acting as Race Officer, his or her boat shall be awarded average points for that race in the current series excluding any discarded races which may have been applied provided the boat in question does not come to the starting area or start the race concerned. 17.2 Dinghy Fleets, in the event a helm or crew acting as race officer or his/her assistant on the dinghy course his or her boat shall, for that race, be awarded average points for the current series excluding any discarded races which may have been applied provided the boat in question does not come to the starting area or start the race concerned. 17.3 Boats which qualify for above shall notify Results Secretary on Race Officers log sheet.
GR18 Notification of disqualification The publication of disqualification in the race results will be deemed written notification of disqualification.
Class Line Duty
19.The requirement for class line duties has been suspended for the 2020 season
2020 Sailing Instructions – A Sailing Instructions A do not apply in the 2020 revised programme
2020 Sailing Instructions – B Red and Blue Fleets - Committee Boat Starts - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday These sailing instructions reflect all amendments published 01.07.20 and the clause numbering has now changed. Amended 01.07.20. Note all starts and finishes shall be from a committee boat.
These sailing instructions supersede all previous Sailing instructions for Blue and Red Fleet and nullify previously issued Tuesday West Pier Start sailing instructions. These Sailing instructions should be read in conjunction with the General sailing instructions also issued to competitors
B1 The Start 1.1 The starting line will be between the red and white staff or the main mast of the committee vessel displaying the club burgee and the appropriate fleet pennant (Red or Blue) at the starboard end of the line and the port end starting mark or a rib displaying an orange flag. 1.2 Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area during the starting sequence for other races. 1.3 A boat starting later than 10 minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start (DNS) without a hearing. This changes RRS A3 and A5. 1.4 In addition to RRS29.1 the Race Committee may if possible, no less than one minute after the start, broadcast individual OCS boats by sail number by VHF. Failure to do so or the order of the broadcast will not be grounds for a request for redress. (amends RRS 62.1(a)). 1.5 The Race Committee may, no later than three minutes before the start of any class, adjust the starting line by moving either end. (Amends RRS 27.1).
Tuesday and Thursday Racing
B2 The Course Tuesday and Thursday Blue Fleet Course: 2.1 The course will be sailed around fixed marks as shown on the chart “DBSC Racing Marks 2020” The approximate positions are given in the “Yacht Racing Marks – Bearings 2020”. Note: Salthill will be a temporary mark laid only when required. It will be laid in the approximate position given in the “Yacht Racing marks – bearings” table. This mark will be an DBSC orange inflatable mark and may not display the mark name or letter. 2.2 Blue Fleets Shall use Course Card 1 “Mac Lir Blue Fleet Starts Tuesday, Thursday and Combined Blue and Red Fleets Saturday” 2.3 Blue Fleet - All Marks to be Rounded or passed in the order as shown on Course card. 2.4 Blue Fleet. Marks in Red to be rounded to Port and Marks in Green to be rounded to Starboard. 2.5(a) A Letter A-R and a numeral to indicate the course to be sailed as per the appropriate course card will be displayed at least 3 minutes before that starting signal for the class. (Amends RRS 27.1). 2.5(b) For Cruiser 5 class with split divisions designated by the class numeral followed by an (a) or (b) (i.e. CR5a and CR5b) separate course numerals may be displayed. The numeral preceded by the course letter will indicate the course for boats sailing in the (a) division and the second and succeeding numeral indicates the course to be sailed by the (b) division. Should only one numeral be displayed all divisions shall sail the same
course. Tuesday and Thursday Red Fleet Course: 2.6 The Red Fleet course will be made up of a mixture of temporary laid marks and/or Dublin Bay Fixed marks. 2.7 The course will only be announced by VHF on CH72. For clarity there will be no course cards or course boards for Red fleet Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Saturday Combined Blue and Red fleet Course: 2.8 All Starts and Finishes will be from a DBSC Committee vessel. It is intended but not definite that this may be Mac Lir 2.9 Blue and Red Fleets will use Course Card 1 “Mac Lir Blue Fleet Starts Tuesday, Thursday and Combined Blue and Red Fleets Saturday” 2.10 Combined Blue and Red Fleet Saturdays - All Marks to be Rounded or passed in the order as shown on Course card. 2.11 Combined Blue and Red Fleet Saturdays. Marks in Red to be rounded to Port and Marks in Green to be rounded to Starboard. 2.12 Combined Blue and Red Fleet Saturdays - A Letter A-R and a numeral to indicate the course to be sailed as per the appropriate course card will be displayed at least 3 minutes before that starting signal for the class. (Amends RRS 27.1). 2.13(a) If there is to be more than one round of the course a second numeral will
be displayed in Chalk on a Black Board in the vicinity of the course boards. This may also be called on VHF CH74 2.13(b) For Cruiser 5 class with split divisions designated by the class numeral followed by an (a) or (b) (i.e. CR5a and CR5b) separate course numerals may be displayed. The numeral preceded by the course letter will indicate the course for boats sailing in the (a) division and the second and succeeding numeral indicates the course
to be sailed by the (b) division. Should only one numeral be displayed all divisions shall sail the same course.
B3 Platonic Courses 3.1 The display of letters (plus a numeral for any additional round) will signal that platonic course(s) shall be sailed. A red flag will indicate that these marks are to be rounded to port, a green flag to starboard. 3.2 Finish will be as described in B5.
White Mischief, Timothy and Richard Goodbody (RIYC) Photo: Afloat
B4 Shortening the Course 4.1 If a Race Committee boat is positioned at a mark and displaying Flag V and a class Flag with sound signals, boats in that class should, having rounded that mark sail directly to the finish and cross the line from the direction of the last mark rounded. If all classes in the fleet are being shortened in this way the class flag will be replaced
2020 Sailing Instructions – C Green Fleet Saturday Racing. 27/07/2020 These Sailing instructions should be read in conjunction with the General sailing instructions Location: Dublin Bay – North of Molly Mark, or in the vicinity of Merrion Mark or as directed by the Committee vessel displaying a green pennant The Committee boat may use VHF to Communicate its location. Failure to receive this broadcast will not be grounds for redress Two Races May be Sailed Back to Back
C1 The Start 1.1 Races will be started by using RRS 26 with the warning signal made 3 minutes before the starting signal. 1.2 The start will be downwind of the Leeward mark as per course diagrams. 1.3 The starting line will be between the red and white staff or the main mast of the committee vessel displaying the club burgee and the green fleet pennant at the starboard end of the line and the port end starting mark or a rib displaying an orange flag. 1.4 A boat not yet racing shall keep clear of and not impede, interfere with or hinder in anyway the start of other classes. 1.5 A boat starting later than 4 minutes after starting signal will be scored Did Not Start without a hearing. This changes RRS A3 and A5. 1.6 In addition to RRS29.1 the Race Committee may if possible, no less than one minute after the start, broadcast individual OCS recalls by sail number by VHF. Failure to do so or the order of the broadcast will not be grounds for a request for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a) 1.7 Should any class not appear in the starting area within 3 Minutes of their Warning Signal the Race Committee may advance the starting sequences for the remaining fleets by 3 minutes. Since starting signals may be so advanced, boats should observe signals at the committee boat and keep a listening watch on the appropriate VHF Channel.
C2 The Course 2.1 Courses will be as per course diagram in Course Card 3. 2.2 Olympic courses will be signalled by the display of the letter O on the committee vessel, Windward- Leeward courses by the display of the letter W.
2.3 Olympic Courses. Course card 3 shows the order in which marks are to be passed, the side on which they are to be left and the number of rounds. 2.4 Windward leeward courses. Course card 3 shows the order in which marks are to be passed, the side on which they are to be left and the number of rounds.
not be signalled. This changes RRS 33 For clarity: The intention of these clauses is that should a course change be needed the RO may use a new alternate weather mark for classes that have not yet started to sail towards the original weather mark on their second or subsequent windward leg. They will be signalled this change as they round the leeward mark.
2.5 Course Boards for each class will be displayed for two minutes before their start and one minute after.
All classes already on the windward leg will continue to sail to the existing Windward mark.
2.5 Windward Leeward - A leeward gate may be laid when the race committee deems it prudent to facilitate an exceptional number of participants.
C5 The Finish
C3 Shortening the Course 3.1 If a Race Committee boat is positioned at a mark and displaying Flag V and a class Flag with sound signals, boats in that class should proceed directly to the finish and cross the line from the direction of the last mark. If all classes in the fleet are being shortened in this way the class flag will be replaced by the appropriate fleet pennant. This is in addition to RRS 32.2 3.2 Courses may be shortened by a Committee Vessel taking up position beside any mark of the course, displaying Flag S and class flags if appropriate. Two sound signals will be made on approach of the leading boats. If the entire fleet is to be shortened the appropriate fleet pennant will replace all class flags. This is in addition to RRS32.2
C4 Changing the next leg of the course 4.1 The race Committee will lay a new alternate mark and remove the existing mark if practical, considering, there may be other boats sailing to that mark. When in a subsequent change a new mark is replaced it will be replaced by the original mark 4.2 The Alternate mark will be orange with a white band 4.2 Should the change in leg not apply to all fleets the Race Committee Vessel will display the class flags the change applies to. In addition the Race Committee may broadcast the intention to change mark positions on VHF. Failure to receive these broadcasts will not be grounds for redress 4.3 Minor changes of marks positions will
5.1 The Finish line will be on the alternate side of the committee boat to the start line as per diagram in course card 3. 5.2. The finish line will be between the red and white staff or the main mast of the committee vessel displaying the club burgee, a Blue Flag and a Green pennant and a finishing mark. 5.3 Boats retiring or not intending to race two shall endeavour to inform the race committee. This may be done by VHF.
C6 Time Limits 6.1 A time limit of Ten minutes after the second finisher in each class shall apply 6.2 In a one design class the time limit will be 17.00 Hrs. 6.3 In a handicap class the time limit will be 17.00Hrs. Except that if any boat in the class finishes within this time, the time limit will be extended to 17.30 Hrs. (This Changes RRS 35, and A5)
C7 Race 2 7.1 Race two will commence as soon as possible after the conclusion of race 1. For this race Flag R will be displayed with two sound signals to indicate that racing is about to begin. 7.2 The Preparatory signal for Race 2 will be made no less than one minute after Flag R is removed (with one sound signal). 7.3 The starting for race 2 sequence may differ to the starting sequence for Race 1. should the Race Committee decide to start R2 for some classes while others are still racing R1.
2020 Sailing Instructions – D Dinghy Fleet Tuesday and Saturday Racing
These Sailing instructions should be read in conjunction with the General sailing instructions and Course Card 4. In the case of a conflict between the Notice of Race, the RRS and the Dinghy Sailing Instructions, then these Dinghy Sailing Instructions shall apply. The racing area will be the waters of Dublin Bay, normally, but not limited to: (a) Tuesday - vicinity of Scotsman’s Bay, or in the event of unsuitable weather or other conditions in the Harbour. (b) Saturday Dublin Bay or Harbour. There may be up to three races sailed on each day
D1. The Start 1.1 All boats shall come to the Race Committee boat before their warning signal and obtain acknowledgement that their sail number has been recorded. 1.2 Races will be started by using RRS 26 with the warning signal made 3 minutes before the starting signal. 1.3 The start will be downwind of the Leeward mark as per course diagrams. 1.4 The starting line will be between the red and white staff or the main mast of the Committee vessel displaying the club burgee and displaying a flag showing the letter D at the starboard end of the line and the port end starting mark or a rib displaying an orange flag. 1.5 A boat not yet racing shall keep clear of and not impede, interfere with or hinder in anyway the start of other classes. 1.6 A boat crossing the line later than 10 minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start without a hearing. This changes RRS A3 and A5. 1.7 General Recalls. When the recalled class is not the last class in the sequence, the start signal of the recalled class will be postponed until all other classes in the sequence have been started. The First Substitute shall be lowered at the preparatory signal of the succeeding class in the normal sequence. The warning signal for the recalled class will be made with or after the starting signal of the last scheduled start in the sequence. This changes RRS 29.2.
D2. The Course
2.1 Courses will be as per the course diagram in Course Card 4. Each class may have a different course.
2.2 Triangular courses will be signalled by the display of the letter T on the Committee vessel, Windward-Leeward courses by the display of the letter W or X. in the case of Windward Leeward W signifies that the finish will be to windward and X signifies that the finish is to Leeward – See Diagram on Course Card 4. 2.3 Triangular Courses. Course Card 4 shows the order in which marks are to be passed, the side on which they are to be left and the number of rounds. 2.4 Windward Leeward courses. Course Card 4 shows the order in which marks are to be passed, the side on which they are to be left and the number of rounds. 2.5 For some Starts separate course numerals may be displayed after the Course Letter to denote the course to be sailed. In this case the following will apply: 2.5 i) Starts for PY, Squib, Mermaid, IDRA and Fireball. The first numeral is the course that the Fireball class should sail. The second numeral is the course the PY, Squib, Mermaid, IDRA classes should sail. 2.5 ii) Laser Standard and Laser 4.7 starts. The first numeral is the course that the Laser Standards should sail. The second numeral is the course the Laser 4.7s should sail. 2.5 iii) Should only one numeral be displayed all classes shall sail the same course. 2.6 Course Boards for each class will be displayed for approximately two minutes before their start and one minute after. 2.7 Windward Leeward – A Windward offset mark may be laid when the Race Committee deems it prudent to facilitate an exceptional number of participants. If such is laid boats must sail to this mark and round it to port before commencing the downwind leg.
D3. Marks 3.1 marks 1 ,2 3 may be orange inflatable marks. An offset mark may be a dan buoy. Start and finish outer limit marks may be of any type.
D4. Shortening the Course 4.1 If a Race Committee Vessel is positioned at a mark and displaying Flag V and a class Flag with sound signals, boats in that class should proceed directly to the finish and cross the line from the direction of the last
mark. If the entire fleet is to be shortened the appropriate fleet pennant D will replace all class flags. This changes RRS 32.2 4.2 Courses may be shortened by a Race Committee Vessel taking up position beside any mark of the course, displaying Flag S and class flags if appropriate. Two sound signals will be made on approach of the leading boats. If the entire fleet is to be shortened the appropriate fleet pennant D will replace all class flags. This is in addition to RSS 32.2
D5. Changes of the next leg of the course
5.1 Minor changes or adjustments will not be signalled. 5.2 Should a mark position be changed other than a minor change the change will be signalled in accordance with RRS 34. The new mark may be a different shape or colour. If a different shape or colour is used and a subsequent change takes place the original mark will be used.
D6. The Finish
6.1 The finish line will be between the red and white staff or the main mast of the Committee vessel displaying the club burgee, a flag displaying the letter D and a finishing mark. 6.2 Boats retiring or not intending to race in the next race or races, shall endeavour to inform the Race Committee. 6.3 The Race Committee may choose to offer boats a finish place where there is significant distance between boats already finished and those still racing. The Race Committee may display Flag W and offer a finishing position to the boat still racing in last place. The finishing position offered to a boat shall be the number of boats ahead of it, both finished and still racing, plus 1. A boat is not obliged to accept such an offer unless it is the last boat racing and the Race Committee is not obliged to make such an offer. A boat which accepts the place offered will immediately cease to race and the Race Committee may repeat this offer to the new last placed boat. This offer made be made via Support boat personnel or a Race Committee RIB. This changes the definition of Finish and RRS 35 and A4.
D7. Time Limits 7.1 i) The time limit for the first boat of a class to sail the course and finish is 60
minutes. ii) Boats failing to finish within 10 minutes after the first boat of her class sails the course and finishes shall be scored Did Not Finish without a hearing. In the case of PY Class each type of boat will be considered a separate class for the purpose of this SI. (Changes RRS 35 and A5).
D8. Sail Numbers 8.1 Boats shall display the sail number as registered with their Class Association. However, they may enter DBSC with an alternative sail number, or notify a change of sail number, provided that: class. 8.2 Permanent changes of sail number shall be notified to the Honorary Secretary no less than 24 hours before the start of a race in which a boat intends to sail. 8.3 Temporary changes to sail number shall be notified to the Class Captain prior to 18.00 Hrs on Tuesdays and 13.00 Hrs on Saturdays. These changes must be communicated to the Race Committee Team Lead before 18.10 Hrs on Tuesdays and 13.10 Hrs on Saturdays. No changes will be accepted by the Race Committee on the water. 8.4 Any boat which infringes SI D8 shall be scored DNC without a hearing. This changes Rule A5.
2020 DBSC dinghy racing in Dun Laoghaire Harbour Photo: Afloat
Rockabill VI (Paul O’Higgin) RIYC Photo: Afloat
EKd/ dK D Z/E Z^ EŽ͘ ϭϱ͘ϭ ŽĨ ϮϬϮϬ z ,d Z /E' D Z<^
EŽƚŝĐĞ ŝƐ ŚĞƌĞďLJ ŐŝǀĞŶ ƚŚĂƚ ƵďůŝŶ ĂLJ ^ĂŝůŝŶŐ ůƵď ŚĂƐ ƐƚĂƚƵƚŽƌLJ ƐĂŶĐƚŝŽŶ ƚŽ ůĂLJ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ LJĂĐŚƚ ƌĂĐŝŶŐ ŵĂƌŬƐ ǁŝƚŚŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƵďůŝŶ WŽƌƚ >ŝŵŝƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ Ɖƌŝů ƚŽ KĐƚŽďĞƌ͘ ůů ŵĂƌŬƐ ĂƌĞ ŵŽŽƌĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ůŝŐŚƚ ĐŚĂŝŶ Žƌ ƌŽƉĞ͘ EĂŵĞ >ĂƚŝƚƵĚĞ >ŽŶŐŝƚƵĚĞ >ĞƚƚĞƌ ĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ ^ƚĂƌƚ 53°18.36’ N 006°08.14’ W Ͳ 'ƌĞĞŶͬ ůĂĐŬͬKƌĂŶŐĞ ^ĂůƚŚŝůů 53°18.36’ N 006°09.00’ W KƌĂŶŐĞ DĞƌƌŝŽŶ 53°18.92’ N 006°09.20’ W > ůĂĐŬ ͬ zĞůůŽǁ ͬ ůĂĐŬ ^ŽƵƚŚ Ăƌ Ύ 53°20.22’ N 006°07.45’ W ůĂĐŬ ůŝŐŚ Ύ 53°20.08’ N 006°06.70’ W & KƌĂŶŐĞ EĞǁ ZŽƐƐ Ύ 53°19.60’ N 006°06.30’ W ' tŚŝƚĞ ͬ ůĂĐŬ ƐŐĂƌĚ Ύ 53°19.11’ N 006°06.56’ W : ůĂĐŬ ŽLJĚ 53°18.85’ N 006°07.37’ W < KƌĂŶŐĞ ^ĂŽŝƌƐĞ 53°19.02’ N 006°08.15’ W ůĂĐŬ ^ĞĂƉŽŝŶƚ ϱϯΣϭϵ͘ϰϴ E 006°08.60’ W ůĂĐŬ ^ŽƵƚŚ Ƶůů 53°20.00’ N 006°08.30’ W KƌĂŶŐĞ DŝĚĚůĞ 53°19.55’ N 006°07.48’ W D zĞůůŽǁ DŽůůLJ Ύ 53°18.28’ N 006°06.28’ W E ůĂĐŬ ͬ zĞůůŽǁ ͬ ůĂĐŬ ĂƐƚ Ύ 53°18.16’ N 006°05.68’ W ^ KƌĂŶŐĞ WŽůĚLJ Ύ 53°17.82’ N 006°05.40’ W W KƌĂŶŐĞ /ƐůĂŶĚ 53°17.45’ N 006°05.58’ W Y ůĂĐŬ ƵůůŽĐŚ 53°17.28’ N 006°06.16’ W Z KƌĂŶŐĞ ĂƚƚĞƌLJ ϱϯΣ17.46’N ϬϬϲΣ06.68’W d tŚŝƚĞͬ'ƌĞĞŶ ĂLJ 53°17.73’ N 006°07.10’ W t ůĂĐŬ WŝĞƌ 53°18.10’ N 006°06.84’ W s KƌĂŶŐĞ KŵĞŐĂ 53°17.78’ N 006°06.23’ W z zĞůůŽǁ ,ĂƌďŽƵƌ ϱϯΣϭϴ͘ϳϬ’ N ϬϬϲΣϬϳ͘ϳϬ’ W , zĞůůŽǁ ĞďƌĂ † 53°18.74’ N 006°06.16’ W /ŶĨůĂƚĂďůĞ KƌĂŶŐĞ Ύ /ŶĚŝĐĂƚĞƐ ŵĂƌŬƐ ĂƌĞ ĨŝƚƚĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ Ă ůŝŐŚƚ ;&ů͘z͘ϱƐͿ ĂŶĚ Ă ƉĂƐƐŝǀĞ ƌĂĚĂƌ ƌĞĨůĞĐƚŽƌ͘ † Indicates temporary marks that are laid as required for racing and are not permanently deployed.
ŝƐƚĂŶĐĞ Ϭ͘ϭϱ Ŷŵ Ϭ͘ϰϱ Ŷŵ ϭ͘ϲϬ Ŷŵ Ϭ͘ϴϱ Ŷŵ Ϯ͘ϭϱ Ŷŵ
EŽƚŝĐĞ ŝƐ ŚĞƌĞďLJ ŐŝǀĞŶ ƚŚĂƚ ůŽŶƚĂƌĨ zĂĐŚƚ ĂŶĚ ŽĂƚ ůƵď ŚĂƐ ƉĞƌŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ ƚŽ ůĂLJ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ LJĂĐŚƚ ƌĂĐŝŶŐ ŵĂƌŬƐ ǁŝƚŚŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƵďůŝŶ WŽƌƚ >ŝŵŝƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ Ɖƌŝů ƚŽ KĐƚŽďĞƌ͘ ůů ŵĂƌŬƐ ĂƌĞ ƉůĂƐƚŝĐ ďĂƌƌĞůƐ ŵŽŽƌĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ůŝŐŚƚ chain or rope. Bearings and distances are given from the North Bull Light (53°20.70’ N, 006°08.90’ W)
No. 3 (2020)
Dun Laoghaire Harbour Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Dun Laoghaire
Date: 01 January 2020
The harbour fairways and approaches are generally to be kept clear and free. It is prohibited to anchor or lay moorings in these areas as marked on navigational publications and charts
No Race Marks, Buoys, Floats, etc. are to be laid in the fairways or the near approaches to the harbour – and no racing shall take place other than by specific written permission from the Harbour Master
Any Lobster / Crab Pots that are laid shall remain clear of all harbour navigational waters, and slipways
Clear Fairway Priorities Large power driven vessels (Cruise, Ferries, Lighthouse Authorities, Naval) and smaller power-driven vessels with restricted manoeuvrability (such as cruise ship tenders and small passenger ferries etc) have priority over all other craft, including the area of the harbour limits that extend 600 metres seaward of the harbour mouth
Signals Large power driven vessels are to sound a prolonged blast when approaching the harbour mouth from either direction, or the appropriate signal when manoeuvring off, departing or preparing to depart from their berths
Phone: +353 1 271 3102 or +353 83 144 3412 Email: Website:
Irrespective as to whether or not any such signal is sounded, the obligation remains for small craft to give priority to the large power driven vessels
Simon Coate Harbour Master Dun Laoghaire Harbour contacts:
22 Dun Laoghaire Harbour contacts:
Dun Laoghaire Harbour contacts:
Phone: +353 1 271 3102 or +353 83 144 3412 Email: Website:
Harbour Recreational Area for Small Craft is the triangular area of the North Bight- westwards of a line from West Pier Lighthouse to the marina west breakwater
Diving, Sub Aqua, Swimming activities,etc are generally NOT permitted within the harbour owing to the danger from water traffic. Application for permission to dive (e.g. for servicing of yacht moorings) and applications for permission to swim must be made in writing. These activities may then take place only when the specific permission (in writing) is received from the Harbour Master. The activity must comply with all the operational conditions of the granted permission
Speed Limits - Speedboats, Jet Skis, etc are to observe a speed of 8 Knots (15 kph) This applies to all craft in Dun Laoghaire Harbour and its approaches. This limit reduces to 4 knots (or no wake) within the marina
Windsurfing, Paragliding, etc. are NOT permitted within the Harbour unless with specific permission in writing from the Harbour Master
The Marina Fairway is to be kept clear at all times. Craft transiting to/from sea are to keep on the Starboard side of their fairway
Attention is also drawn to the “Maritime Safety Act, 2005” whereby the contravention of its Section No. 23 attracts heavy fines and /or terms of imprisonment for, “Dangerous navigation or operation of vessels”; and to the DTTAS Notice No 29 of 2009 – “Small craft operating at entrances to ports”
Main Fairway Large power driven Vessels (Cruise, Ferries, Lighthouse Authorities, Naval, smaller powerdriven vessels with restricted manoeuvrability such as cruise ship tenders, smaller passenger ferries etc) have priority over all other craft in the main fairways and harbour approaches It is incumbent upon each individual small craft, but especially dinghies engaged in sail training and dinghies engaged in racing with permission, to ensure early and sufficient action is taken to present a free and unhindered passage to the these power-driven vessels
Date: 01 January 2020
Dun Laoghaire Harbour Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Dun Laoghaire Co Dublin
Simon Coate Harbour Master
Phone: +353 1 271 3102 or +353 83 144 3412 Email: Website:
Simon Coate Harbour Master
Do not be afraid to call the Irish Coast Guard (999, 112 or 0n VHF Channel 16) at the first signs of any emergency – don’t wait until it is too late
Anyone going to sea in recreational craft should be familiar with the “Code of Practice for: The Safe Operation of Recreational Craft” (
They have informed a responsible person ashore that they are going to sea and when they will return
They have means of communication with the shore
They have checked the weather forecast
Their craft is seaworthy
All individuals before launching from slipways (or any other area) should ensure that:
All Sailing Instructors and associated RIB drivers should be adequately briefed before any proposed in-harbour sessions and should note that the speed limit within the harbour is 8 knots (15 kph)
In any event ALL small craft should keep clear of ALL power-driven vessels including smaller excursion vessels, Motor Fishing Vessels and cruise ship tenders – they have right of way in the Fairways
Following any permissions for such training and racing, permission is also given to lay Race Marks in the fairways (unless traffic is expected) - however such marks must be removed at every break in training and on completion of racing
Attention is drawn to Dun Laoghaire Notice to Mariners No 3 of 2020 which state that there is a requirement for all organisations to request permission from the Harbour Master before training and racing takes place inside the harbour
Date: 01 January 2020
Dun Laoghaire Harbour Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Dun Laoghaire Co Dublin
No. 6 (2020)
Entries as per 2019
Cruiser 0 Class Captain Patrick McSwiney Tel: 086 257 0217 email: paddy@ Vice Captain TBA Record Keeper Rodney Martin Tel: 087 236 6637
Club Trophies Martin Trophy (Thursday IRC) Knox-Gore Bowl (Thursday ECHO) Centenary Trophy (Saturdays ECHO) Knox-Gore Cup (Saturday IRC) John Rennie Trophy: Coastal Series
Rockabill VI (Paul O’Higgin) RIYC Photo: Afloat
D-Tox Wow Lively Lady Hot Cookie Rockabill VI Tsunami Yoyo
13500 4419 1644 7536R 10800 4007 3618
McSwiney/Sherry/McStay/O’Rafferty RIYC George Sisk RIYC Rodney Martin/Keith Martin RIYC John O’Gorman NYC Paul O’Higgins RIYC Vincent Farrell NYC Brendan Coghlan RSTGYC Joker II (John Maybury) RIYC Photo: Afloat
Cruiser 1 Class Captain Declan Hayes Tel: 087 258 4479 email: declancaronhayes@ Vice-Captain John Kelly Tel: 087 233 0065 Record Keeper John Kelly Tel: 087 233 0065
Club Trophies Weir Cup (Saturday IRC) Osterberg Cup (Saturday ECHO) West Pier Cup (Thursday IRC) Goodbody Cup (Best One Design) Tiamat Trophy RAC Coastal Cup
Black Velvet Bon Example Boomerang Chimaera Dear Prudence Gringo Indecision Jalapeno Joker II Juggerknot 2 Jump the Gun Justtina Peridot Platinum Blonde Powder Monkey Prima Luce Raptor Ruth Something Else White Mischief
3471 Leslie and Ailbhe Parnell 8933R Colin Byrne 1367 The Kirwan Family 2160 Andrew and Deidi Criaig 1095 Jay Bourke and Partners 7778 Tony Fox 9898 Hayes/Halpenny/Molony 5109 Barrington/Despard/O’Sullivan/O’Reilly 1206 John Maybury 3990 Algeo/Haughton/Knatchbull/Nolan 11129 John. M. Kelly/Michael Monaghan 1586 Johnny Treanor 5507 McCann/Cadden/Charrier/O’Donnell 3516 Paul Egan 28898 Mark Byrne/Chris Moore and Partners 3504 P Burke/S Lemass/F Rigley 811 Denis Hewitt & Others 1383 Ben Shanahan 29213 John and Brian Hall 1242 Timothy and Richard Goodbody
Entries as per 2019
Cruiser 2 Class Captain Lindsey J Casey Tel: 087 241 2171 email: ljcasey@gmail. com
Windjammer (Lindsay J. Casey/ Denis Power) RStGYC Photo: Afloat
Vice-Captain TBA Record Keeper Denis Power Tel: 087 2533746 email: dpower@asgard. net Club Trophies Silver Foam Trophy (Most improved boat) Lady Shamrock Cup (Thursday IRC) Centenary Trophy (Thursday ECHO) Silver Salver (Saturday IRC) TP Early Memorial Cup (Saturday ECHO) RAC Cup (Coastal Series) Rupert Bowl Best Sigma 33 Overall
Cruiser 3
Albireo Antix Elandra Enchantress Frolix Graduate Gwilli Two Helter Skelter Kamikaze Leeuwin Moonshine Pastiche Red Rhum Rupert Ruthless September Song Springer Windjammer
3435 David A. Simpson 13611 Derek Ryan 4563 Joe Conway 4368 Michael Larkin Kevin Bonner Liam Nicholl 3566 Noreen Tighe 79 Dominic O’Keefe 4534 Dermot Clarke/Paddy Magurie 3206 Adrienne and Averil Jermyn 8223 Peter Nash 971 Henry Leonard/Robert Kerr 4999 Ronald Moloney 1688 Ward/O’Neill/Peart/Coughlan/Barton 7284 Jonathan Nicholson 4518 Richard and Philip Lovegrove 26026 Conor Ronan 4597 Barry Colleary 4464 Ian Bowring 2497 Lindsay J. Casey/Denis Power
Cartoon Ken Lawless/Sybil McCormack RIYC
Class Captain Kevin Byrne Tel: 087 2281998 email: kevin.byrne@ Vice-Captain Peter Richardson Tel: 087 1236254 email: Class Trophies The Bay Trophy Misty Cup East Coast Trophy Novice Helms Trophy Aisling Ladies Cup Parnell Trophy Club Trophies Whinbrel Trophy Saturdays IRC Overall Mercia Cup. (Saturdays ECHO) Jack Kennedy Cup (Saturdays IRC).Smalldridge Cup (Thursdays IRC Series 1) Sanderling Trophy (Thursdays IRC Series 2) Viking Clock: Thursdays Echo Series 2 Annette Cup: Tuesdays Overall RAC Mini Sam Maguire Trophy: Coastal Series
Alpha Division BlackSheep 5795 Freddie Wood RSTGYC Cartoon 9186 Ken Lawless/Sybil McCormack RIYC Running Wild 9538 Brendan and Sarah Foley RIYC Starlet 6136 Kevin Byrne RSTGYC Supernova 7500 Philip O’ Dwyer and Ronan Mulcahy RIYC Beta Division Asterix 8245 Boushel/Counihan/Meredith/Twomey/Ward DMYC Ceol Na Mara 998 Melvin/O’Heanaigh/Daly DMYC Dubious 1654 Peter Richardson RSTGYC Eleint 35 Michal Matulka DMYC Escapade 151 Dr Una O’Dwyer RSTGYC Grasshopper 2 1038 Kevin and John Glynn NYC Jimmy Cricket 808 Mona Tyndall NYC Maranda 11 Myles Kelly DMYC Pamafe 2855 Gerald Costello RIYC Papytoo 1792 Frank Guilfoyle DMYC Saki 246 P McCormack/B&M Ryan RIYC Wynward 307 McCormack/Collier RIYC
Entries as per 2019 Spirit Colin O’Brien/Eamonn Gill (RStGYC) Photo: Afloat
Cruiser 5 Class Captain Conor McGuinness Tel: 087 259 5253 email: dublinbaywhitesails@ Vice-Captain Catherine Day Record Keeper Eamonn Doyle
Club Trophies Gerry Henry Salver (Overall Echo Thursdays). Burford Trophy (Overall IRC Thursdays) White Sail Class Trophy (Overall Saturdays IRC). Anna Livia Trophy (Overall Saturdays ECHO) Gallileo Cup (Thursdays Overall - boat not winning another trophy) RAC Trophy (Coastal Series)
(A) Division Act Two 4250 Michael O’Leary,Tom Roche, David Andrews Aurora 7378 Ray Conway Calypso 5653 Howard Knott Edenpark 1166 Liam Farmer Effex II 607 Frank Friel Emir Mary 1476 Liam Shanahan Just Jasmin 3506 Philip Smith KatieNua 2035 Dunne, Grace, Fitzsimons, McGuinness, Fahy Melusine 1362 Colm Hughes Persistance 8237 Broadhead/Stuart/Collins Sea Safari 1082 Jacqueline Smith Shearwater 7677 Eamonn Doyle/Peter O’Toole Spirit 3950 Colin O’Brien/Eamonn Gill Stardust Of Hamble 6489 Margaret Finlay The Great Escape 1217 Patrick Rigney The Jester 1621 Terry O’Brien Witzend II 1656 Peter Conlon (B) Division Afternoon Delight 3203 M Bennett, M Brennan,J P Mackay Cevantes 932 Paul Conway Fortitudine 1315 David and Anne Clarke Gung-Ho 216 Grainne and Seán O’Shea Lerax 1410 Fergal Gaynor Lucyo 1012 P. Aonghus O’hEocha Menapia 1341 James and Susan McSweeney Molly 2480 David Gould Nauti-Gal 721 Jason Crawford Setanta 2918 Gavin Denn Sweet Martini 5013 Bruce Carswell Vespucci 1502 Sean O’Regan
Class Prizes Beneteau Bowl – Lady Helm Trophy Race Misty Lighthouse - Captain’s Trophy Race Classic Cup – Winning boat over 12 years old Gun Trophy-Boat with most guns in the season Old Cranker – To the enthusiast with raced most often and happily without apparent success
Entries as per 2019
Bluefin Two (Michael & Bernie Bryson) NYC Photo: Afloat
Class Captain Richard Joyce 24 Ulverton Road, Dalkey, Co. Dublin Tel: 086 881 8814 email: Vice-Captain Dean McIlree 2 York Terrace, Dun Laoghaire Tel: 086 830 6389 Record Keeper Gerry Currid Tel: 087 967 1145 Club Trophies Feanor Cup - Overall Thursday (One Design) Long John Silver Cup Overall Saturday (ECHO) Arandora Trophy Overall Saturday (One Design) Morrigan Trophy Overall Thursday (Echo) RAC Cup: Coastal Series
Ruffian 23
After You Too Attitude Bluefin Two Camira Crazy Horse Extreme Reality Fiddly Bits Indigo Kalamar Kernach Levante Prospect
1310 Michael Blaney 7317 T Milner/D Owens/J Sugar 6662 Michael & Bernie Bryson 2474 Andrew Jones 2004 Frank Heath/Ivan Schuster 6909 Lorcan Balfe 5317 Timmins/Quigley/Breen/Murray 8063 Fagan/Prendeville/O’Malley/Balfe/McDonald 3171 Power/Russell/Sastre/O’Donnell/Harper/Malin 2970 Eoin O’Driscoll 3107 Michael Leahy & John Power 1565 Chris Johnston
Ruffles Michael Cutliffe (DMYC) Photo: Afloat
Class Captain Mark Bourne Tel: 087 777 8877 email: markbourne24@ Vice-Captain Padraig MacDiarmada email: padraigmacdiarmada@ Tel: 087 398 9200 Record Keeper Ann Kirwan Tel: 086 6065803 email: annkirwan123@ Club Trophies British Airways Trophy most successful Saturday Huet Security Trophy most successful Thursday The John Donnelly Perpetual Cup most successful Tuesday J.Lamont Brown TrophySaturdays & Thursdays overall RAC Trophy Coastal Series
Alias Bandit Carmen Diane II Icicle Riff Raff Ripples Ruff Diamond Ruff Justice Ruffles RuffRider Scamp Shannagh
525 David Meeke, & Martin McCarthy 3333 Anne Kirwan, Brian Cullen, Ciara Brown 6043 B Duffy, B Maguire, E Brennan 7 Brian Uniacke/David Kenny 979 Colm and Catherine Murray 149 Richard Godley 407 Frank Bradley 155 Stuart McBride, SID Club et all 404 Brian Dobson 57 Michael Cutliffe 401 Finn/Bell/Irvine/Lee 141 Domhnall Murray 6151 Stephen Gill/Padraig MacDiarmada
Class Trophies Switch Personnel Trophy - for winner of a Ladies race Brooks Thomas Award - prize for winner of Irish Ruffians Championship BJ Marine Trophy - for overall leader after first two races in Irish Ruffians Championships B.J.Marine Lambay Trophy - for winner of Lambay Race Weatherly Yachts Trophy - for winner of off-shore series)
Entries as per 2019
Club Trophies RIYC Cup- for the most successful yacht in Saturday Races Oxford & Cambridge Cup- for the most successful yacht in Thursday races Old Time Cup- for the most successful yacht in combined Saturday and Thursday races Torry Cup- for highest placed boat not winning another major trophy
Class Captain David Willliams Tel: 086 2369323 email: dwilliams@ Vice-Captain Joey Mason Tel: 086 233 6037
Class Trophies Christy Mahony Trophy- for most successful yacht in all races on the first five racing days (Tuesday excepted) Early Season Trophy-(First Third) Flicka Cup- Mid-season trophy- (Middle Third) End of Season Trophy- (Final Third) Jimmy Miller Trophy- for overall winner of various events Faffner Trophy-Team Racing Barrel O’Fun- Ballot Race Wreckers’ Trophy-Series of crews races Dragoness Trophy- Ladies Race Trophy Don Douglas Mug - Special crews race Lemass Trophy- for the most successful yacht in combined Thursday and Saturday races- (top half of fleet in previous year excluded). Jack Craig Bell (Lough Derg series)
Record Keeper David Willliams Tel: 086 2369323 email: dwilliams@
DCision Phantom ZinZan Sir Ossis of the River
195 176 127 161
Declan Hayes, Joey Mason, Chris Fleming P Bowring, David Williams Tim Carpenter, Adrian Masterson Denis Bergin
Shipman Commodore Gerry Glynn Tel: 087 225 7687 email: gga1600@gmail. com Class Captain Colm Duggan Tel: 086 681 6887 email: colm@ Secretary/Record Keeper Les Brannick Tel: 087 6113083 email: lbrannick@
Club Trophies The Malindi Cup (Saturdays overall) The Midweek Trophy (Thursdays overall) The Shipman Perpetual Trophy (Special conditions) RAC Shipman Bowl (Coastal Series)
Barossa Curraglas Invader Jo Slim Poppy Ruadh The Den Twocan Viking
753 459 3221 528 639 312 507 553 409
Brian Geraghtry, Stuart Trotter, Neil McSherry John Masterson Gerard Glynn Clarke and Maher Alan Deladiennee John O’Callaghan/John O’Connor Aisling Costello, George Miller David Freeman Mason, McCrohan, Glynn, McWeeney
Entries as per 2019
Squib Class Captain Vincent Delany Tel: 086 8575 374 email: delanyvincent@gmail. com Vice Captain: Rupert Westrup Tel: 086 8611218 email: rupert.westrup@gmail. com Record Keeper Eddie McCarron Tel; 086 957 1199 email: mccarron.eddie@ Club Trophies The Minx Trophy – Thursday overall The Shannon Cup – Saturday overall
Periquin The Backstop Sidewinder
48 53 138
Noel Colclough Vincent Delaney Rupert Westrup
Glen Class Captain Paul Cusack Tel: 087 262 1354 email: paulcusack7@ Vice-Captain Dr. Conor O’Hanlon Tel: 087 284 3706 email: conorhanlon@ Record Keeper Dr. Brian Denham Safety Officer Malcolm Fitzell
Club Trophies McMullen Cup- DBSC races overall (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays) Pterodactyl Cup- for most successful yacht in Thursday races Bobolink Cup-for a special race around Dalkey Island Pair of Silver Vases- for an annual ladies race Glen Challenge Cup- for Tuesday (crew) races Commodore O’Meara Trophy-Olympic Races RAC Coastal Series
Glen Miller Glencoe Pterodactyl Glengariff Glencree Glendun Glenluce Glenshesk
29 14 12 10 107 9 67 1
Paul Cusack Rose Mary Craig & Partners David and Roderick McCaffrey Adrian Lee John Bligh & Henry Roche David Houlton Richard O’Connor, Lucy Grant, Marcus Pearson M. Reid, L Faulkner, G Walker
Class Prizes Clontarf Trophy : Clontarf Regatta Derry McCaffrey Trophy All Regattas George Craig Trophy: RSGYC Regatta G29 One Euro Trophy: 29th DBSC Race Glenluce Salver : R.IYC Regatta Glenmoyle Trophy:all DB.S.C. races Glenroy Trophy: special past Glenners Race Jimmy O’Sullivan Trophy: final Thurs. & Saturday
Jolly Roger Trophy: most improved boat Maguire Trophy: Best not winning another trophy Max Ryan Trophy: DMYC. Regatta Mitchell Trophy: Special race Mitchell Crews trophy: special race N.Y.C. Trophy: NYC Regatta Peugot Trophy: special series Sesquicentenial Trophy: Classic Yacht Regatta/Bloomsday
Entries as per 2019
Ventuno Rowan Fogarty (RSTGYC) Photo: Afloat
Class Captain Hugh Kelly Tel: 086 8227899 email: hkelly@ associatedmarketingltd. com Vice-Captain Frank Elmes Tel: 086 2573418 email: frankelmes@eircom. net Record Keeper Pat Shannon Tel: 087 417 8783 email: info@facetireland. com Club Trophies Waterhouse Rose Bowl – Beneteau 21 Cup (Sats One Design Overall) Facet Jewellers Cup (Thursdays One Design Overall) Beneteau 21 Tray (Thursdays) Jimmy Fischer Trophy (Saturdays) OED Baily Bowl (Coastal Series)
Anemos 2 Beeswing Betty B Billy Whizz Chinook Isolde Marissa XIV Ocean Venture Plan B Small Wonder Vamoose Ventuno Yikes
1337 2175 112 2170 2121 6406 1525 1409 1522 7007 1569 2111 1883
Pete and Anne Evans Pat Shannon Michael Shiell/Michael Moran James Conboy-Fischer Andrew Bradley Brian Mulkeen/Jimmy Martin Frank Elmes Ian Bell/John Kiefel Kieran Kingston/Vincent Mulvey Jacqueline McStay/Hugh Kelly Michael McHugo Rowan Fogarty P Carroll/E Kilbane/B McDonald
Black James Gorman (NYC) Photo: Afloat
Class Captain Sarah Byrne Tel: 087 235 8489 email: Vice-Captain Barry Glavin Tel: 086 389 5313 Record Keeper Sarah Byrne
Club Prizes The Crichton Trophy (Best Thursday boat). Saturday SB20 Cup (Best Sunday boat). Bealtaine Trophy (1st Saturday series, not otherwise winning other major trophy). Lunasa Trophy (2nd Saturday series, not otherwise winning a major trophy). Equinox Trophy (3rd Saturday series, not winning a major trophy)
Animal Origami Bad/Kilcullen Black Carpe Diem Lia LoFly Probably Sea Biscuit Smoke on the Water Sneaky B So Blue Venuesworld
3433 Chris Chapman 3741 Jerry Dowling, Enda O’Coineen 3737 James Gorman 3761 Colin Galavan, Richard Hayes 3449 Sarah Byrne 2436 Philip Doran, Simon Doran, Paul Doran 3314 Simington/Riordan/Nolan 3323 Barry Glavin, Niall O’Riordan 3320 Bob Hobby 3475 Charlotte O’Kelly 3717 Justin Burke, Chris Helme, Alan Claffey 3739 Ger Dempsey
Entries as per 2019
Mixed Sportsboat
Class Captain Vincent Lattimore Tel: 086 815 9196 email: vincentlattimore@ Vice-Captain TBA Record Keeper TBA
Club Trophies Thursday Sportsboat Cup Saturday Sportsboat Cup
Dublin Bay 21 Chairman Hal Sisk Tel: 086 2561077 email: halsisk@gmail. com Secretary Fionan de Barra Tel: 086 850 7548 email: fionandebarra@
Aquaholics George 3 George 5 Jambiya Jamiroquai Jawesome III Jay-Z Jester Jheetah Jitterburg Pris Racing School RIYC 1 RSGYC 7 Sea Jade Team INSS Toute Si What Did You Break Zelus
3 3 5 605 743 260 433 8750 70 1303 1527 2 1 7 908 1 2 1780 1540
For a generation born in the digital age, beguiled by novelty and technology in the sport of sailing, the revival of the Dublin Bay Twenty ones is a timely reminder of how beautiful a true sailing boat can be. Commissioned by Dublin Bay Sailing Club in 1902 to promote and encourage one design racing, the Twenty Ones were designed by Alfred Mylne, one of the foremost naval architects of the Victorian era. Seven boats were built between 1903 and 1908 and although all seven still survive, they have not sailed in Dublin Bay since 1985. All seven original Twentyones are now owned by The Dublin Bay 21 Footer Class Association which is committed to the revival of the class. The 2020 Season will see two, possibly three
Keith Halloran Peter O’Reilly RSGYC Vincent Lattimore/Martin Ryan NYC Mervyn Dyke/Basil D’Arcy NYC Declan Curtin Andrew Sarratt Conall O’Halloran Evin McCarthy/Colman Billings INSS Royal Irish Yacht Club RSGYC NYC Kenneth Rumball Storme Delaney/Winifred McCourt RStGYC Conor Maguire
fully restored boats sailing again in Dublin Bay, with more to follow in 2021. The boats will sail with the gaff rig as designed by Alfred Mylne in 1918 and will provide a salutary lesson for the modern yachtsman unaccustomed to boats without engines or other modern contrivances. The Twenty-One Footer Class Trophies, inscribed since 1903, are in safe keeping and the Officers and Committee of DBSC, together with true sailors everywhere are eagerly looking forward to the glorious return of these beautiful classic yachts to Dublin Bay. The first boats expected in Dun Laoghaire this season are Garavogue (4) and Naneen (6) to be followed later in the Season by Estelle (3)
Dublin Bay 21 Naneen sailing on the Shannon Estuary in December 2019
Entries as per 2019
Flying 15
As Good as it Gets (Ben Mulligan) DMYC Photo: Afloat
Class Captain Neil Colin Tel: 083 0600867 email: neilcolin16@ Vice-Captain TBA Record Keeper TBA
Club Trophies Bryan S. Ryan trophyfor most successful yacht in Saturday races Flying 15 Gun- for most successful yacht in Midweek races Blake Cup-for most successful yacht on handicap in Mid-week races Fifty Somethings Cup - for most successful yacht in 1st Thursday series
A Mere Triffle As Good as it Gets Ash Betty Eleni FFandango Ffantastic Mr Fox Ffinisterre Fflagella Fflogger Ffrenetic Flyer Glass Half Full Gulfstream Hera Ignis Caput II Meiliffluence Nimble No Name no name Perfect Ten Rhubarb Rodriguez Sea Shepherd Smooth Gold Snow White The Gruffalo Triggers Brush Uffa Puffin UFO2 The Last Resort
3749 3866 3913 3920 3737 3697 3938 3753 4057 3773 3606 4008 3845 3198 3774 4068 3706 4043 4045 4028 3995 3762 3955 3686 3729 3747 3864 3896 3790 2621 3762
Peter Sherry Ben Mulligan Joseph Coughlan David Gorman Ross Doyle Louise McKenna Niall Meagher & Nikki Mathews Alastair Court and Conor O’leary Thomas Murphy/Carel La Roux Alan Dooley Hugh and Michael Cahill Niall Coleman Ed Butler/Frank Miller Adrian Cooper Peter Murphy David Mulvin Geraldine O’Neill &Michael Hanney Brian O’Hare Gerry Ryan Neil Colin Alan Balfe John O’Sullivan Ken Dumpleton R Hogger/P Fitzgerald/K Ryan Robin Hilliard Francis Burgess Keith Poole Lee Statham Fraser Mitchell/Gabriel Grier Valerie and Lynda Mulvin John O’Sullivan
Club Trophies
Mermaid racing Photo: Afloat
Class Captain Paul Smith Tel: 087 637 0083 email: paulsmith53@ Vice Captain: TBA Record Keeper Eddie McCarron Tel; 086 957 1199 email: mccarron.
Aideen Jill Red Seal Tijuana
21 134 121 147
Brendan Martin, Dan Brennan Paul Smith/Patrick Mangan Darach Dinneen David Stedmond/David Creedon
The Iolar Perpetual Challenge Cup- for most successful yacht in Saturday races. The Stella Cup-for most successful yacht in mid-week races (special conditions). The Amy Perpetual Challenge Cup- for most successful yacht in mid-week races. The J.B.Kearney ShieldSaturday races (special conditions)
Entries as per 2019
Fireball start Photo: Afloat
Class Captain Hermione O’Keefffe Tel: 087 782 9930
Club Trophies Saturday Cup- for the most successful yacht in Saturday series Nuit St. George trophy- for the most successful yacht in mid -week race
No Name Blind Squirrel No Name Pink Fire Winder Probably
15061 14713 14854 15016 15058 14865
Stephen Oram Frank Miller Marie Barry, Cariosa Power Louise McKenna SID/Nick Miller Owen Sinnott
IDRA 14 Class Captain Therese Clarke Tel: 086 150 3013 email: thereseclarke36@ Record Keeper Tl: 087 242 5331 Club Trophies The Kennedy Cup - for most successful yacht in Saturday Club races The Half-Way Trophy- for most successful yacht in Saturday club races which has not won the trophy before Scratch Bay Cup - for most successful yacht in Tuesday club races The Melampus Trophy - for most successful yacht in Tuesday club races on handicap Crews Challenge Cup
Dart (Pierre Long) DMYC Photo: Afloat
Siabhra Sapphire Slipstream Diane Doody Dumoanin Dart Chaos Dutch Courage
92 138 125 122 137 140 161 143 133
Cyril Sagot/David Long Lorcan O’Sullivan Julie Ascoop Brian Murphy John Fitzgerald/Jennifer Byrne Frank Hamilton Pierre Long Pam McKay Julie Ascoop (Sailing In Dublin)
Entries as per 2019
Buster 3 Gary O’Hare RSGYC Photo: Afloat
Laser Class Captain Gavan Murphy Tel: 087 2374591 email: Vice-Captain Ross O’Leary Tel; 087 6642297 email:
Club Trophies Sailcraft Tray Trophyfor most successful Laser in Tuesday and Saturday races
Banshee VII Barca di Mozz Boutros X Buster 3 Fiddle Fiddle Fitness Plan Humble Pi Ice Blue Ice Ice Baby JUg! Laser Laser laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser Laser S.H. Laser S.H. Lupi d’Irlanda Laser Pumped Rebecca RS Quest Sand Dancer Sidewinder Ugi
180317 David Dwyer 190745 Conor O’Leary 210150 George Kingston 201364 Gary O’Hare 180240 Michael Delaney 191307 Kenneth Rumball 191878 Robert O’Connell 213124 Emily Riordan 211129 Theo Little 155068 Conor Duke 167554 Amanda Ralph 179037 Patricia Kelly 190721 Jack Hall 203712 Hugh O’Connor 187586 Fionn Conway 204187 Dan O’Connell 162818 Michael McCormack 197518 Judy O’Beirne 20 Sean Craig 214191 Ian Simington 210311 Moss Simington 202532 Sean Flanagan 188347 Conor Clancy 192326 Brendan Hughes 165639 Francis Barry 210334 Marc Coakley 181670 John Marmelstein 175357 Max Tempany 175692 kevin O’Flynn 131019 Conrad Vandlik 77 Ali Robinson 173062 Michael Shelley 211118 Moselle Foley 212077 Kei Walker 211099 Finn Walker 201363 Oisin Hughes 208856 Kitty Flanagan 204762 Shirley Gilmore 201365 212408 Charlie Lydon 201829 Chris Arrowsmith 192324 Richard Tate 209838 James Delaney 166313 Ronan Wallace 166676 Luke Dillon 201375 Conor Duffy 202051 Mary Chambers 211811 Marco Sorgassi 203508 Alana Coakley 186300 Owen Laverty 171694 David Bolger 645 Fiona Hederman/Kenneth Rumball 189319 Glen Fisher 206943 Gavan Murphy 212521 Ross O’Leary
Entries as per 2019 Water Wag sailing Photo: Afloat
Water Wags Class Captain Con Murphy Tel: 087 243 9843 email: wagclasscaptain@ Hon Sec Brian McBride Tel: 087 239 7900 email: bmcbride100@ Record Secretary Cathy McAleavey Tel: 087 948081 email: waterwagsweb@
Portsmouth Yardstick
Alfa Badger Barbara Chloe Coquette Dipper Eros Ethna Eva Freddie Gavotte Good Hope Hilda Little Tern Mademoiselle Marcia MarieLouise Mariposa Mary Kate Molly Moosmie Nandor Pansy Patricia Peggy Penelope Phyllis Polly Sara Scallhywag Skee Sprite Swallow Swift Tomboy III Tortoise Vela
12 Michael & Jenny Donohoe 20 Mary and John Cox 8 Judith and Ian Malcolm 34 Kate O’Leary 17 Seymour Cresswell 48 David A Williams 8 Gail Varian 1 NYC 33 Dermot O’Flynn 43 Bairbre Stuart 24 Frank Guy 18 Hal Sisk 49 Martin and Triona Byrne 36 Tim and Marcus Pearson 46 Adam Winkelmann/Doug Smith 37 Brendan McCormack 9 John Magner 45 Cathy McAleavy 6 Ian McGowan 41 Claudine Murphy 15 David McFarlane 26 Stuart McBean 3 Vincent Delaney 29 Killian Skay/Liz Croxon 47 David and Patricia Corcoran 16 Fergus Cullen/Alice Walsh 14 Fraser Mitchell/Laura Barker 31 Henry Rooke 30 Paul Smith 44 Dan O’Connor 32 Jonathan and Carol O’Rourke 10 Adrian Masterson 40 David and Ann Clarke 38 Guy Kilroy 2 Mick and Joan Geoghegan 42 William and Linda Prentice 4 Brian Bond/Philip Mayne
PY Dinghy sailing Photo: Afloat
Class Captain Richard Tate Tel: 087 243 6878 email: Richardtate1@gmail. com
Club Trophies The Lanaverre Cup- for the most successful yacht in Portsmouth Yardstick class for Saturday races. The Windmill Cup- for the most successful yacht in Portsmouth Yardstick Class for Tuesday races
Finn McCool 6 Richard Tate Team INSS 49635 Eoin McKeon Moondust 11039 David Lawlor Ad Astra 1138 Niels Warburton No Name 59 Thomas Murphy Cordelia 1113 NYC Devoti 2 Desmond Fortune Quest 1407 INSC Desdemona 1115 NYC Cressida 1112 NYC
Club Trophies The Goldsmith Cup (Midweek overall) The Blue Bird Trophy (1st midweek series) G.Pugin Meldon Trophy (2nd midweek series
Andrew Algeo’s J99 Juggerknot won the Dun Laoghaire Harbour Trophy for best new boat in 2019
Premier Awards 2019 Dun Laoghaire Harbour Trophy
Cruisers 1
Andrew Algeo
Best new boat
Dr Alf Delany Memorial Cup
Frank Hamilton
Best boat on dinghy course
Waterhouse Shield
Cruisers 2
Jim McCann
Best handicap boat
Newsom Cup
Flying Fifteen Betty
David Gorman & Chris Doorly
Best One-Design
Brendan Ebrill Memorial Cup
Cruisers 1
John and Brian Hall
Special Conditions
Donal O’ Sullivan
Notable contribution to sailing
Something Else
Viking Trophy
Major Trophies 2019 Cruisers 0 Martin Cup Knox Gore Bowl Knox Gore Cup Centenary Trophy Royal Alfred John Rennie Trophy Cruisers 1 The Dun Laoghaire Harbour Trophy Briscoe Trophy West Pier Officers Cup Tiamat Trophy Weir Cup Royal Alfred Coastal Cup Osterberg Cup
Cruiser 0 Cruiser 0 Cruiser 0 Cruiser 0 Cruiser 0
Wow Wow Wow Tsunami Hot Cookie
George Sisk George Sisk George Sisk Vincent Farrell John O’ Gorman
Cruiser 1 Cruiser 1 Cruiser 1 Cruiser 1 Cruiser 1 Cruiser 1 Cruiser 1
Juggernaut Jalapeno Gringo Gringo White Mischief White Mischief Jump the Gun
Andrew Algeo Paul Barrington Tony Fox Tony Fox Timothy and Richard Goodbody Timothy and Richard Goodbody John Kelly/Michael Monaghan
Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2 Cruiser 2
Peridoot Peridot Peridot Peridot Peridot Springer Enchantress Rupert Rupert Rupert Moonshine
Jim McCann Jim McCann Jim McCann Jim McCann Jim McCann Ian Bowring Kevin Bonnar and Friends Richard and Philip Lovegrove Richard and Philip Lovegrove Richard and Philip Lovegrove Ronnie Maloney
Cruisers 2 The Waterhouse Shield Lady Shamrock Trophy Centenary Cup Silver Salver Royal Alfred Cup T.P.Early Memorial Cup Silver Foam Trophy Rupert Bowl BCP Sigma Trophy J.B.Stephens Trophy Sigma Fleet Trophy
Cruisers 3 Annette Cup Smalldridge Cup Viking Cup/Trophy Sanderling Trophy Jack Kennedy Memorial Cup Mercia Cup Royal Alfred Mini Sam Maguire Whimbrel Trophy
Cruiser 3 Cruiser 3 Cruiser 3 Cruiser 3 Cruiser 3 Cruiser 3 Cruiser 3 Cruiser 3
Papytoo Running Wild Running Wild Asterix Asterix Asterix Asterix Eleint
Maurice Walsh/Frank Guilfoyle Brendan Foley Brendan Foley John Counihan John Counihan John Counihan John Counihan
Cruiser 5 Cruiser 5 Cruiser 5 Cruiser 5 Cruiser 5 Cruiser 5 Cruiser 5
Persistance Persistance Cvantes Cvantes Cvantes Shearwater Sweet Martini
Charles Broadhead Charles Broadhead Paul Conway Paul Conway Paul Conway Eamonn Doyle Bruce Carswell
31.7 31.7 31.7 31.7 31.7
Crazy Horse Levante Levante Prospect Fiddley Bits
Frank Heath/Ivan Schuster Michael Leahy/John Power Michael Leahy/John Power Chris Johnson Bill Quigley
Dragons Dragons Dragons Dragons
ZinZan Phantom Phantom Sir Ossis of the River
Tim Carpenter/Patricia and Adrian Peter Bowring/David Williams Peter Bowring/David Williams Denis Bergin
Shipmans Shipmans Shipmans Shipmans
Viking Jo Slim Viking Viking
Brian Glynn John Clarke and others Brian Glynn Brian Glynn
Beneteau 21 Beneteau 21 Beneteau 21 Beneteau 21 Beneteau 21 Beneteau 21 Beneteau 21
Isolde Chinook Beeswing Small Wonder Small Wonder Yikes Yikes
Brian Mulkeen/Jimmy Martin Andrew Bradley Pat Shannon Hugh Kelly Hugh Kelly Peter Carroll Peter Carroll
Glens Glens Glens Glens Glens Glens Glens Glens
Glendun Glendun Glenshesk Glenluce Glenluce Glenluce Glencoe Glenlucy
David Houlton Denham/Freedman/O’ Brian Falkner/Reid/Henderson/Walker Richard and Donal O’ Connor Richard and Donal O’ Connor Richard and Donal O’ Connor Rose Mary Craig and Friends Lucy Grant
Ruffians Ruffians Ruffians Ruffians Ruffians
Carmen Bandit Bandit Ruffles Alias
Duffy/Maguire and Brennan Kirwan/Cullen/Brown Kirwan/Cullen/Brown Michael Cutliffe Michael Cutliffe
Cruisers 5 Burford Trophy Gerry Henry Salver Trevor Wood Trophy White Sail Class Trophy Anna Livia Trophy Galeleo Cup Royal Alfred Trophy Coastal series 31.7 Feanor Trophy Horrigan Cup Royal Alfred 31.7 Cup Andora Trophy Long John Silver Cup Dragon Oxford and Cambridge Cup RIYC Cup Old Time Cup Torry Cup
Shipman Mid Week Trophy Shipman Perpetual Trophy Malindi Cup Royal Alfred Shipman Bowl Beneteau 21 Optec Trophy Facet Jewellers Cup Beneteau 21 Tray Jimmy Fischer Trophy Waterhouse Rose Bowl Beneteau 21 Cup Old Baily Bowl Glen Glen Challenge Trophy Royal Alfred Glen Trophy Pterodactyl Cup Harry Maguire Memorial Cup The McMullan Cup The O’ Meara Trophy Hamilton Reid Cup Pair of Silver Vases Ruffian John Donnelly Perpetual Cup Huet Trophy J Lamont Brown Trophy British Airways Trophy Dr. O’ Leary Memorial Cup 36
SB20 Crichton Cup Saturday SB Cup Bealtaine Trophy Lunasa Trophy Equinox Trophy
SB20s SB20s SB20s SB20s SB20s
Venues World Venues World Carpe Diem Sea Biscuit Black
Gerry Dempsey/Chris Nolan Gerry Dempsey/Chris Nolan Richard Hayes/Colin Galvin Barry Glavin/Niall Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Riordan James Gorman
Flying Fifteens Flying Fifteens Flying Fifteens Flying Fifteens Flying Fifteens
Betty Betty Betty Betty Betty
David Gorman/Chris Doorly David Gorman/Chris Doorly David Gorman/Chris Doorly David Gorman/Chris Doorly David Gorman/Chris Doorly
Squibs Squibs
Sidewinder Sidewinder
Rupert Westrup Rupert Westrup
Mxd Sportsboats Mxd Sportsboats
Jester Jambiya
Declan Curtin Vincent Latimore/Martin Ryan
Mermaids Mermaids Mermaids Mermaids
Jill Jill Red Seal Tijuana
Pat Mangan/Paul Smith Pat Mangan/Paul Smith Darach Dinneen David Stedmond/David Creedon
Stephen Oram
Water Wags Water Wags Water Wags
Mariposa Mariposa Mariposa
Cathy MacAleavey/Con Murphy Cathy MacAleavey/Con Murphy Cathy MacAleavey/Con Murphy
Laser Class
Ronan Wallace
IDRA Class IDRA Class IDRA Class IDRA Class IDRA Class IDRA Class
Dunmoanin Dunmoanin Dunmoanin 133 Dutch Courage 92 Siabhra 122 Diane
Frank Hamilton Frank Hamilton Frank Hamilton Julie Ascop David Long Brian Murphy/Catherine Martin
PY Class
Eoin McKeon
Junior PY Dinghy Junior Topper Junior Optimist Junior RS Feva Junior Laser 4.7
Medal Medal Medal Medal Medal
Jack Lowe Ethan Spain Seth Walker Peter Williams Zoe Hall
Flying Fifteen The George Arther Newsom Cup Fifty Something Cup Flying Fifteen Gun Brian S Ryan Trophy Blake Cup Squib Minx Trophy Shannon Cup Mixed Sportsboat Thursday Sportsboat Cup Saturday Sportsboat Cup Mermaid Iolar Cup Amy Cup Stella Cup J.B.Kearney Shield Fireball Nuit St. George Trophy Water Wags Blue Bird Trophy G.Pugin Meldon Trophy Goldsmith Cup Laser Sailcraft Tray Trophy IDRA 14 Dr. Alf Delaney Memorial Cup Bay Cup Kennedy Cup Half Way Trophy Crews Challenge Cup Melampus Cup PY The Windmill Cup Junior PY Junior Trophy Lawson Cup Seapoint Cup Mitchell Cup Jimmy Mooney Goblet
Former Commodores 1996 Margaret Woods 1999 Fintan Cairns 2002 J.M Dolan 2005 T. Costello 2009 Anthony Fox 2012 Patrick Shannon 2015 Christopher Moore
1971 John H. Walker 1975 G. Harold Bleakley 1979 Harry Boyd 1981 Michael O’Rahilly 1985 C. Denis Kelly 1988 Roger O’Meara 1991 Richard Hooper 1993 Dr. D. McSorley
1890 Richard Fry 1899 Viscount Crichton 1919 Dr.W.M.A. Wright 1941 J.B.Stephens 1944 Prof. J.T. Wigham 1952 S.M. Smalldridge 1960 George D. Craig 1967 F. Derek Martin
Honorary Members G Harold Bleakley Commodore Royal Irish Yacht Club Commodore R St.George Yacht Club Commodore DMYC Commodore National Yacht Club
President Irish Sailing Captain Michael McKenna, Dublin Port Captain Simon Coate, Dun Laoghaire Harbour Eamon O’Reilly Chief Executive Dublin Port
Chairman Dun Laoghaire Combined Clubs Donal O’Sullivan, former Honorary Secretary, DBSC
In Memoriam The following deceased members were remembered at the 2019 Annual General Meeting on November 25th: Owen McNally, Geoffrey Sarratt, Graham Crisp, Bernard Neeson, Tom Power, Joe Fallon, Eddie Quigley
Members 2019 A.E. (Freddie) Wood Adam Brzostek Adam Winkleman Adrian Cooper Adrian Lee Adrian Marsterson Adrian Marsterson Adrian Masterson Adrian Mulligan Adrienne Jermyn Aidan Doyle Aidan O’Connell Ailbhe Parnell Ailbhe Smith Aisling Costello Alaistair Rumball Alan Balfe Alan Bell Alan Claffey Alan Deladiennee Alan Dooley Alan Gilmer Alan Kelly Alan Maguire Alan Maughan Alan Rountree Alana Coakley Alastair Court Alex Byrne Alex Conway Alexander Lee Ali Ronan Alice Howlett Alice Shanahan Alice Walsh Alison Blake Alison O’Brien Alistair Rumball Amanda Chambers Amanda Ralph Amy O’Leary Amy O’Mahony Andrea Martin Andrew Algeo Andrew Bigman Marshall Andrew Bradley
Andrew Craig Andrew Crotty Andrew Felton Andrew Gillett Andrew Irvin Andrew Jones Andrew Mackey Andrew O’hEannaigh Andrew Parnell Andrew Sarrat Angela Heath Ann Clarke Ann Kirwan Ann O’Grady-Walsh Ann O’Reilly Anne Blaney Anne Smith Aoife Kennedy Aonghus Byrne Ashley Dowling Averil Jermyn Bairbre O’ Sullivan Bairbre Stuart Barbara Cafferky Barbara Conway Barry Byrne Barry Colleary Barry Cramer Barry Dunlea Barry Glavin Barry MacNeaney Barry McDonald Barry Murdock Barry O’ Neill Barry O’Donnell Barry O’Keefe Barry O’Riordan Barry O’Sullivan Barry Ronan Barry Ward Basil D’Arcy Ben Fitzpatrick Ben Mulligan Ben Shanahan Bernadette Shanahan Bernard Iremonger
Bernie Bryson Biddy Clarke Bill Quigley Billy Riordan BJ Maher Bob Ashmore Bob Bell Brenda Maguire Brendan Briscoe Brendan Coghland Brendan Dalton Brendan Duffy Brendan Farrell Brendan Foley Brendan Hughes Brendan Martin Brendan McCormack Brian Bond Brian Collins Brian Conway Brian Costello Brian Cullen Brian Denham Brian Dobson Brian Geraghty Brian Hall Brian Kavanagh Brian Kinirons Brian Mathews Brian McBride Brian McPhilips Brian Mulkeen Brian Murphy Brian O’Donnell Brian O’Hare Brian O’Reilly Brian Phelan Brian Twomey Brian Uniacke Brid Mossop Brona Fulham Bruce Carswell Bruce Morgan Bryan Doherty Caitriona Travers Carel La Roux
Cariosa Power Carmel Winkelmann Carol O’Rourke Caroline Liddy Catherine Harris Catherine Martin Catherine Murray Cathy Booth Cathy McAleavy Cearbhall Daly Cecile Van Steenberge Charles Broadhead Charlie Lydon Charlotte O’Kelly Chris Arrowsmith Chris Chapman Chris Connelly Chris Curran Chris Fleming Chris Helme Chris Johnston Chris Moore Chris Nolan Chris Russell Christine Ferguson Christopher Shiell Cian Crowe Cian Gallagher Cian Murphy Ciara Brown Ciaran Traynor Clara Charleton Clare Flavin Claudine Murphy Colin Byrne Colin McMullen Colin Murray Colin O’Brien Collie O’Doherty Colm Doherty Colm Duggan Colm Hogan Colm Murray Colm O’Keefe Colman Billings Colum McCoole
Comhnall Tuohy Comhnall Tuohy Con Mulcahy Con Murphy Conaill O’Shea Conall O’Halloran Conor Balfe Conor Clancy Conor Crowley Conor Denny Conor Duffy Conor Duke Conor Dukes Conor Harrington Conor Kinsella Conor Maguire Conor McGuinness Conor O’Hanlon Conor O’Higgins Conor O’Leary Conor Ronan Conrad Vandlik Cormac Bradley Cormac Kennedy Crew of Ruadh Cumhai Quigley Cyril Sagot D Cutliffe Damian Maloney Damian Marshell Damien Byrne Dan O’Connell Dara Totterdell Darach Dinneen Daragh Traynor Darius Kryzevicius Dasha Lee Dave Coleman Dave Hannan Dave Kenny David A. Simpson David Barry David Bolger David Cassidy David Clarke David Coates
David Corcoran David Creedon David Cunningham David Dwyer David Fitzpatrick David Freeman David Gill David Gorman David Gould David Hanley David Hasson David Hofler David Houlton David Laury Martin David Lawlor David Liston David Long David McCaffrey David McDonald David McFarlane David Meeke David Morley David Morton David Mulvin David O’Flynn David Owens David Phelan David Russell David Sarratt David Sommerville David Stedmond David Tallon David Taylor David Tynan David Williams Davis Shackleton Debbie Horan Declan Bourke Declan Collier Declan Curtin Declan Farrelly Declan Gordon Declan Grace Declan Hayes Declan Lyons Declan Traynor Declan Ward Deidi Craig Deirdre Egan Deirdre Keena Deirdre McHugh Deirdre Smith Denis Bergin Denis Hewitt Denis Nolan Denis Power Denis Woods Derek Freedman Derek Ryan Dermot Breen Dermot Clarke Dermot Desmond Dermot Igoe Dermot McEntee Dermot O’Flynn Derval O’Carroll Desmond Fortune Diane Ferguson Diane Kissane Domhnall Murray Don O’Down Donal O’H’Eannaigh Donald Black Doug Smith Dr J P MacKay Duncan Clarke Eamonn Doyle Eavan Diamon Eavan Maher Ed Butler
Eddie Burkart Eddie Kilbane Eddie McCarron Eddie O’Rahilly Eddie Totterdell Edmond Geoghegan Edward Melvin Eimear Ni Mhealoid Elizabeth Birthistle Elizabeth O’Gorman Elizabeth Seigne Emer Flanagan Emer Kenny Emily Riordan Emmet O’Rafferty Enda Brennan Enda Cullinan Enda Cunningham Enda O’Coineen Eoghan Masterson Eoin Maguire Eoin McKeon Eoin O’Driscoll Eoin OhEochaidh Eric Burdett Eric Hill Eric Leonard Evin McCarthy Fergal Fahy Fergal Gaynor Fergus Balfe Fergus Cullen Fergus Mason Fergus O’Higgins Fergus O’Sullivan Fergus Rigley Fiachara Etchingham Finn Walker Fintan Cairns Fiona Hederman Fiona Wood Fionan Alt Fionn Conway Fionnan Alt Fleur Smyth Francis Barry Francis Burgess Francis McSwiney Francois Pean Frank Bradley Frank Cleere Frank Elmes Frank Friel Frank Guilfoyle Frank Guy Frank Hamilton Frank Heath Frank Jennings, Frank Kennan Frank Miller Fraser Mitchell Frazer Meredith Fred Barry Gabriel Grier Gail Varian Gary Haughton Gary Matthews Gary O’Hare Gavin Denn Gavin Johnson Gavin Moloney Gavin Murphy Gavin Ralston Gavin Sexton Gavin Stillman Gena Walker Gene Igo George Kingston George Miller George Misstear
George Saab George Sisk George Williams Ger Dempsey Gerald Costello Geraldine O’Neill Gerard Byrne Gerard Glynn Gerard Haughey Gerry Curid Gerry Jones Gerry Looby Gerry Murray Gerry Ryan Gianpiero Cavalleri Gill Lee Gillian Fletcher Gillian Martin Gillian O’Connor Glen Fisher Grace Perrott Graham Mulhern Grainne McHugo Grainne O’Shea Guy Cresswell Guy Kilroy Guy Sarratt Hal Sisk Hannah Kilroy Harry Gallagher Helen Bradley Helen Giblin Helen McCabe Henry Irvine Henry Leonard Henry Rooke Herman Errico Hermine O’Keefe Howard Knott Hubert Laird Hugh Anderson Hugh Cahill Hugh Kelly Hugh O’Connor Hugh O’Donnell Hugo Martin Ian Cutliffe Iain MacDonald Ian Bagnell Ian Bowring Ian Doyle Ian Malcolm Ian Mathews Ian McGowan Ian Meldon Ian O’Meara Ian Simington Ian Stuart Ida Kiernan Irene Reidy Isabel Boucher Isabel Byrne Ita Benedetti Ivan Maher Ivan Schuster J Loughnane Jack Hall Jack Roy Jack Shanahan Jackie Kilroy Jacqueline Hall Jacqueline McStay Jacqueline Smith Jacques Deitreichs Jakub Gajewski James Conboy-Fischer James Delaney James Gorman James Gunn James Kirwan
James McSweeney Jane Freeman Jane Holland Jarlaith O’Leary Jarlath Doyle Jaroslaw Drozd Jason Crawford Jay Bourke Jeff Brownlee Jeff Davys Jen Chamberlain Jennifer Browne Jennifer Byrne Jenny Donohoe Jerome Coffey Jerry Collins Jerry Dowling Jill Byrne Jill Fleming Jillian Deady Jim Carroll Jim Coady Jim Dolan Jim McCann Jimmy Freely Jimmy Martin Joan Shefield Joanne McSwiney Joanne Sheehan Joe Balfe Joe Buckley Joe Conway Joe Hickey Joe McDonald Joe O’Reilly Joe Smyth Joey Mason John Blight John Carter John Collins John Coolican John Cooney John Counihan John Cox John Crowe John D Clarke John Daly John Farrelly John Feehan John Fitzgerald John Glynn John Hall John Kelly John Keogh John Kiefel John Lynch John Magner John Marmelstein John Masterson John Maybury John McAree John McCann John McElree John McElroy John McNamara John O’Callaghan John O’Connor John O’Gorman John O’Keeffe John O’Sullivan John O’Sullivan John Parker John Power John Preneville John Sugars John Treanor John Walsh John Walsh Jonathan Craig Jonathan Nicholson
Jonathan O’Dowd Jonathan O’Rourke Jonny McKenna Jorgen Andreasson Joseph Coughlan Joseph Smyth Judith Malcolm Judy O’Beirne Julie Ascoop Justin Burke Justin McCarthy Karen Cullivan Karen Henderson Karin Ryan Karl Condren Karl Flannery Karl Petrie Kate O’Leary Kate Quinn Kathy Sheehan Katy Kirwan Kei Walker Keih Martin Keith Halloran Keith Poole Ken Dumpleton Ken Lawless Ken Slattery Kenneth Ryan Kenny Rumball Kerri Nolan Kevin Bonner Kevin Brasil Kevin Byrne Kevin Daly Kevin Glynn Kevin McGrath Kevin O’Flynn Kieran Foley Kieran Kingston Kieran Tarvett Killian Skay Kirwan Family Kitty Flanagan Kristina O’Regan Larry Martin Laura Baker Laurence Power Lee Kidney Les Brannick Leslie Parnell Liam Farmer Liam Nicholl Liam Shanahan Linda Dyke Linda McCaffrey Linda Prentice Lindsay Casey Liz Aylmer Liz Croxon Liz Faulkner Lorcan Balfe Lorcan O’Sullivan Louise Grey Louise McKenna Lucy Byrne Lucy Grant Luke Dillon Lynda Mulvin Maeve Robinson Maire Dooey Mairead Ni Cheallachain Mairead O’hEocha Malcolm Fitzell Marc Coakley Marcin Jakubiec Marco Sorgassi Marcus Pearson Margaret Casey Margaret Conway
Margaret Finlay Marie Barry Marie Elmes Marjo Moonen Mark Bourke Mark Byrne Mark Finney Mark Green Mark Long Mark McGreal Mark Mulvey Mark Nolan Mark Pettitt Mark Rossiter Mark Ward-Bopp Marta Stulka Martin Byrne Martin Cuppage Martin McCarthy Martin Ryan Martina Martin Mary Apied Mary Brown Mary Chambers Mary Cox Matt Kennedy Maureen Mason Maurenn McCormack Max Dinneen Max Tempany Mervyn Dyke Mia Delaney Michael Bennett Michael Blaney Michael Boushel Michael Brennan Michael Bryson Michael Cahill Michael Costello Michael Cotter Michael Curray Michael Cutliffe Michael Delaney Michael Donohoe Michael Halpenny Michael Kearney Michael Keating Michael Larkin Michael Leahy Michael McCormack Michael McDonald Michael McHugo Michael Moloney Michael Monaghan Michael Moran Michael Quinn Michael Reid Michael Searles Michael Shelley Michael Shiell Michael Tyrrell Michael Webb Michael Wolfe Michal Matulka Mick Hanney Mike Hinkson Mike Kavanagh Mike Shelly Minnie Murray Mona Tyndall Moselle Foley Moss Simington Myles Fleetor Myles Kelly Myles Turley Mylo Murray Naoimi Elliott Neil Colin Neil Eatough Neil Hegarty
Neil McSherry Neil Murphy Neill Masterson Nevan Powell Niall Coleman Niall Meagher Niall Mullan Niall O’Hhoisín Niall O’Riordan Niall Smith Niamh Fahy Niamh Friel Niamh Kingston Niamh McGowan Niamh Murray Niamh O’Rourke Niamh Strahern Nick Craig Nick Kelly Nick Miller Nicki Matthews Nicki Wheatley Nicky Dillon Nicola Halloran Niels Warburton Nigel Croft Noel Butler Noel Colclough Noelle O’Sullivan Noreen Tighe Nuala Spainhower Oisin Byrne Oisin Cahill Oisin Collins Oisin Cullen Oisin Hughes Oliver McCrohan Oliver Prouvier Oonagh Walsh Orla Creedon Orla Fitzgerald Oscar Doyle Owen Laverty Owen Sinnott P Griffin P. Aonghus O’hEocha Paddy Fitzsimons Paddy Maguire Paddy Shanahan Paddy Shanahan Jr Paddy Swords Padraig MacDiarmada Padraig Murphy Pam McKay Paolo Carbone Paraic O’Lochlainn Pascal Martel Pat Connor Pat Kiersey Pat Martin Pat O’Dowd Pat Shannon Patricia Corcoran Patricia Judge Patricia Kelly Patricia McDermott Patrick Burke Patrick Cafferky Patrick Goode Patrick Guilfoyle Patrick Halpenny Patrick Kirwan Patrick Mangan Patrick McSwiney Patrick O’Dwyer Patrick Rigney Patrick Sheehan Patrick Walsh Paul Barrington Paul Bradley
Paul Burke Paul Cadden Paul Conway Paul Cusack Paul Dalton Paul Fallon Paul Field Paul Irvine Paul Kirwan Paul McCarthy Paul Molloy Paul Nolan Paul O’Higgins Paul Quinn Paul Ranier Paul Rossiter Paul Sherry Paul Smith Paul Ter Horst Pauline Daspre Pearse Toale Per Stahl Peter Barron Peter Beamish Peter Bowring Peter Carroll Peter Conlon Peter Corr Peter Dalton Peter Doherty Peter Dolan Peter Fleming Peter Kidney Peter Malin Peter McCAbe Peter Murphy Peter Nash Peter Nessers Peter O’Reilly Peter O’Toole Peter Richardson Peter Shanahan Peter Sherry Peter Sloan Philip Daly Philip Duffy Philip Ferguson Philip Grier Philip Hannigan Philip Lovegrove Philip Mayne Philip O’Connell Philip O’Dwyer Philip Reilly Philip Smith Pierre Long PJ Timmons Ralph Shepherd Ray Conway Ray Duggan Ray Murray Ray O’Shea Raymond Donegan Regina Regan Richard Clarke Richard Colwell Richard Franck Richard Godley Richard Goodbody Richard Hale Richard Hayes Richard Joyce Richard Kidney Richard Knatchbull Richard Lovegrove Richard Mossop Richard O’Connor Richard Parnell Richard Tate Richella Carroll
Rita Faria Robbie English Robert Flynn Robert Kerr Robert O’Connor Robert O’Mahoney Robert O’Riordan Roberto Sastre Robin Hilliard Robin McCormack Robin Sykes Robyn Magner Roderick McCaffrey Rodney Martin Roger Barnes Roger Knott Roger Little Ronald Moloney Ronan Beirne Ronan Columb Ronan Higgins Ronan Lee Ronan Mooney Ronan Mulcahy Ronan Murphy Ronan Verling Ronan Wallace Rory Craig Rory O’Brien Ros Bremner Rosa Geoghegan Rosemary Anderson Rosemary Craig Rosemary Roy Ross Doyle Ross Hall Ross McDonald Ross O’Leary Rowan Fogarty Roy Conway Ruairi O’Flynn Ruairi O’Flynn Rupert Westrup Ruth McKay Ruth Shanahan Sabrina Mahony Sally Martin Sally McFarlane Saoirse Reynolds Sara Fallon Sarah Byrne Sarah Gorman Sarah O’Sullivan Scott Nolan Scout Murray Seamus Fogarty Sean Craig Sean Dillon Sean Flanagan Sean Lemass Sean Maguire Sean Mehigan Sean Nolan Sean O’Regan Seán O’Shea Senan O’Shea Seymour Creswell Shane Cronin Shane Gould Shane Hickey Shane mcConnell Shane Mitchell Sharon Moylan Shay O’Giollain Shirley Gilmore Simon Knowles Simon McCormack Simon Pizzoli Simon Rooney Simon Thornton
Siobhan Leech Siobhan Windle Sonya Boyce Sophie Dunne Stefan Hyde Stephanie Bourke Stephen Casey Stephen Day Stephen Flood Stephen Gill Stephen Oram Stephen Thornton Stephen Tierney Stephen Wynne Storme Delaney Stratos Boumpoukis Stuart Hill Stuart Masterson Stuart McBean Stuart McBride Stuart Trotter Sue Malone Sue Westrup Supreeth Mohan Susan Deasey Susan Halpenny Suvi Ronan Suzanne McGarry Suzanne Richards Suzi Berkery Suzi Roy Suzie Mulligan Sybil McCormack Ted Landy Ted McCourt Terry O’Brien The Poplars Thea Fisher Theo Lyttle Theresa Clarke Therese Tyrrell Thomas Hennig Thomas Murphy Tim Carpenter Tim Costello Tim Goodbody Tim Lohan Timothy Pearson Tina Dunne Tina Treanor Tom Dunne Tom Harper Tom Roche Tom Shanahan Tom Slattery Tony Fox Tony Maguire Trevor Bryan Trina Milner Triona Byrne Tristan Dwane Tristan Lynch Una O’Dwyer Valerie Mulvin Veronica Kidd Vincent Delaney Vincent Lattimore Vincent Mulvey Wendy Bass Wendy Goodbody Will Byrne William Despard William Prentice William Shanahan Willie Finnie Winifred McCourt Yannick Charrier Yvane Bude YvonnePettitt
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53o 21I
Sth. Bar
53o 20I
Sth. Bull
New Ross
Middle Seapoint
53o 19I
Merrion Boyd
Turning Molly
George Siskâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s WOW from the RIYC Photo: Afloat
095 - 0.51 -
212 224 225 248 271 293 - 1.93 2.20 1.37 1.29 0.96 0.47 -
Boyd (K)
Asgard (J)
229 249 295 316 340 003 023 046 244 067 - 0.67 1.09 0.50 0.97 1.28 1.37 1.30 0.99 0.3 0.55 -
283 281 306 312 325 338 348 351 295 336 310 295 328 294 159 181 203 - 1.49 2.00 1.71 2.19 2.42 2.32 2.02 1.49 1.4 1.09 1.23 2.24 1.76 0.38 0.38 0.71 0.93 -
Zebra (Z)
262 1.34
126 265 0.16 357 006 022 036 052 047 063 059 319 030 102 114 126 137 105 140 116 139 123 082 0.14 0.40 0.60 1.06 1.57 1.87 1.92 1.69 0.5 1.26 0.72 0.71 1.23 1.24 1.86 1.92 1.74 1.62 1.39 0.96 1.02 1.42 1.34 -
258 263 289 302 320 338 352 000 269 333 284 281 321 194 159 170 185 159 199 218 214 188 - 1.24 1.74 1.22 1.64 1.80 1.67 1.38 0.87 0.9 0.44 0.73 1.83 1.13 0.47 1.03 1.34 1.46 0.65 1.32 0.76 1.16 0.96 -
To degree magnetic - allowing 5o west variation
18.43 8.34 Turning
008 303 0.96 1.42
090 034 319 0.52 1.16 1.02
208 137 038 296 0.40 0.49 0.76 0.96
321 304 339 338 348 001 011 020 339 018 357 319 358 047 090 112 134 068 142 028 - 0.89 1.30 1.44 1.97 2.39 2.50 2.37 1.93 1.0 1.42 1.13 1.73 1.84 0.74 1.02 0.95 0.72 0.95 0.37 0.40 -
294 287 325 328 341 356 008 017 319 015 342 306 351 067 113 136 159 090 177 - 0.82 1.32 1.21 1.74 2.09 2.15 1.99 1.54 0.8 1.03 0.82 1.63 1.50 0.38 0.91 1.00 0.92 0.70 0.65 -
17.78 6.23 Omega (Y) 302 295 323 326 336 349 358 004 315 357 333 308 342 002 091 136 181 046 225 317 270 - 1.28 1.76 1.69 2.22 2.55 2.55 2.32 1.82 1.3 1.35 1.27 2.11 1.92 0.50 0.50 0.51 0.50 0.50 0.42 0.49 0.52 -
17.73 7.10 Bay (W)
Pier (V)
357 322 045 019 320 0.65 0.37 0.42 1.32 1.39
226 270 248 226 339 285 0.92 0.70 0.95 0.50 0.65 1.62
Battery (T) 321 308 336 336 344 356 005 011 332 008 349 319 352 022 070 096 125 046 - 1.26 1.66 1.79 2.33 2.72 2.80 2.62 2.16 1.4 1.65 1.45 2.10 2.15 0.86 0.85 0.66 0.36 0.92 -
East (S)
023 305 339 314 001 005 317 0.93 0.36 0.92 0.72 0.50 1.46 1.74
249 001 276 316 292 316 350 306 0.39 0.71 0.66 1.00 0.95 0.51 1.34 1.92
Bulloch (R) 318 308 331 332 340 351 359 003 327 358 341 317 346 001 045 069 - 161 2.02 2.11 2.64 3.01 3.04 2.82 2.33 1.7 1.85 1.73 2.45 2.41 1.00 0.71 0.39 -
Island (Q)
202 225 339 250 293 270 271 339 295 0.39 0.71 0.38 0.85 0.91 1.02 0.50 1.03 1.86
306 299 321 324 333 343 351 354 315 346 328 310 337 339 022 - 1.78 2.24 2.20 2.72 3.03 2.99 2.72 2.20 1.8 1.76 1.77 2.62 2.39 0.93 0.39 -
294 289 311 316 327 338 346 349 301 337 317 301 330 317 - 1.73 2.22 2.04 2.54 2.79 2.70 2.39 1.86 1.7 1.47 1.57 2.53 2.13 0.70 -
Poldy (P)
137 159 181 114 202 247 227 182 014 282 0.70 0.93 1.00 0.38 0.86 0.38 0.74 0.50 0.47 1.24
156 150 157 166 148 172 171 178 162 141 210 1.46 2.13 2.39 2.41 1.76 2.15 1.50 1.84 1.92 1.13 1.23
Middle (M) 204 223 222 269 318 007 047 091 190 134 180 244 - 1.26 1.50 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.71 0.71 0.8 0.71 0.70 1.21 -
279 278 309 316 330 346 357 005 296 354 317 295 336 - 1.12 1.63 1.34 1.84 2.10 2.07 1.82 1.32 1.0 0.85 0.87 1.88 1.46 -
18.28 6.28 Molly (N)
064 115 121 130 137 115 139 126 139 128 101 139 1.21 1.86 2.53 2.62 2.45 2.24 2.10 1.63 1.73 2.11 1.83 0.71
279 000 137 137 148 161 130 169 162 177 153 104 239 1.10 0.70 0.87 1.57 1.77 1.73 1.23 1.45 0.82 1.13 1.27 0.73 0.72
247 268 314 174 157 166 178 156 188 195 199 177 153 243 0.55 1.59 0.71 0.85 1.47 1.76 1.85 1.09 1.65 1.03 1.42 1.35 0.44 1.26
062 0.68 284 192 115 122 133 146 113 152 139 158 137 091 222 0.8 0.3 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.4 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.0 0.5
237 248 270 292 316 340 000 023 241 - 1.21 1.64 0.96 1.28 1.37 1.23 0.98 0.51 0.8 -
Harbour (H) 204 242 323 326 346 007 025 043 - 0.50 0.8 0.4 0.9 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.3 -
222 203 226 254 271 185 169 174 183 171 191 197 200 184 180 232 1.2 0.51 0.99 1.86 0.71 1.32 1.86 2.20 2.33 1.49 2.16 1.54 1.93 1.82 0.87 1.69
159 204 180 203 238 227 177 166 171 179 168 185 188 191 178 172 216 0.54 1.5 0.98 1.30 1.89 0.71 1.82 2.39 2.72 2.82 2.02 2.62 1.99 2.37 2.32 1.38 1.92
113 137 186 160 183 224 187 166 158 163 171 158 176 176 181 169 158 202 0.47 0.93 1.5 1.23 1.37 1.67 0.67 2.07 2.70 2.99 3.04 2.32 2.80 2.15 2.50 2.55 1.67 1.87
N’ Ross (G) 227 238 248 270 294 317 339 - 1.66 2.04 1.25 1.38 1.26 0.93 0.54 -
Bligh (F)
Sth.Bar (E) 198 212 205 228 252 - 1.91 2.08 1.27 1.01 0.55 -
072 091 114 165 136 160 212 138 150 147 153 160 145 164 161 168 156 140 186 0.55 0.96 1.26 1.3 1.37 1.28 1.21 0.67 2.10 2.79 3.03 3.01 2.42 2.72 2.09 2.39 2.55 1.80 1.57
024 048 067 090 148 112 136 218 089 136 136 144 152 132 156 148 158 146 122 177 0.55 1.01 1.29 1.38 0.9 1.28 0.97 0.67 0.67 1.84 2.54 2.72 2.64 2.19 2.33 1.74 1.97 2.22 1.64 1.06
SthBull (D) 182 200 180 204 - 1.65 1.70 0.99 0.55 -
S’point (C) 172 197 155 - 1.15 1.15 0.53 -
335 000 024 045 068 146 090 115 266 042 129 131 141 151 126 156 145 159 143 109 196 0.53 0.99 1.27 1.37 1.25 0.4 0.96 0.50 0.64 0.67 1.34 2.04 2.20 2.11 1.71 1.79 1.21 1.44 1.69 1.22 0.60
043 017 020 032 044 058 064 068 069 353 043 098 109 119 128 101 128 107 124 115 083 085 0.83 1.15 1.70 2.08 2.20 2.04 0.8 1.64 1.09 0.57 1.50 1.63 2.22 2.24 2.02 2.00 1.66 1.32 1.30 1.76 1.74 0.40
Saoirse (B) 185 224 - 0.66 0.82 -
Salthill (A)
18.92 9.20 Merrion (L) 137 173 086 038 032 044 058 074 102 088 099 - 0.85 0.57 0.64 0.67 1.21 1.67 1.89 1.86 0.9 1.59 1.10 -
N53° W6.0° From To ¯ Start Salthill Saoirse S’point S.Bull S’Bar Bligh N’Ross Harb’r Asgard Boyd Merrion Middle Molly Poldy Island Bulloch East Battery Pier Bay Omega Zebra Turning (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) G) (H) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (V) (W) (Y) (Z) 18.36 8.14 Start .. 275 005 352 002 018 032 047 024 057 049 317 024 099 114 126 138 103 140 114 141 122 078 306 0.51 0.66 1.15 1.65 1.91 1.93 1.66 0.50 1.21 0.67 0.85 1.26 1.12 1.73 1.78 1.61 1.49 1.26 0.82 0.89 1.28 1.24 0.14
Bearings in black – Distances in red - approximate values