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to Stella , with love

“ Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu “ May all beings everywhere be happy and free. May the thoughts and actions of my own life, contribute in some way, to the happiness and freedom for all…

“El significado de Namasté “, por Irene López de Castro La India es el destino tradicional de aquellos viajeros que van en busca de la espiritualidad y no es para menos pues en aquel lugar ésta se percibe desde el principio de la vida hasta el final, en cada instante, en cada lugar , en cada ser vivo… Empezando por su saludo nacional, NAMASTÉ, que más allá de ser una simple palabra encierra un significado de extraordinaria belleza… al pronunciar Namasté, se hace una pequeña reverencia ; juntando las manos , se mira a los ojos de la otra persona, “conectando” con ella y de esta forma se transmite : ” yo honro el lugar dentro de ti donde el Universo entero reside lleno de amor y de luz, de verdad y de paz…” así contactas honrando la divinidad en el interior de la otra persona y reconociendo la unión que todos los seres tenemos en esa divinidad…. Por todo lo que significa y por ser esta exposición una especie de saludo a la India, he querido titularla así… de este modo las pinturas dan la bienvenida a todos aquellos que se acercan a contemplarlas , saludando de alma a alma, reconociendo lo divino entre nosotros. Espero que esta pequeña exposición sea acogida con el amor que se ha hecho y pueda aportar a cada persona un poco más de luz y de paz. Namasté !

“The meaning of Namasté”, by Irene López de Castro India is a traditional destination for those travelers who journey in search of spirituality, and its not surprising that such spirituality is manifest here, from the very beginning, to the end of li fe, in every moment, in each place, in each living being… Starting from their national greeting, NAMASTÉ, which far more than a simple word, embodies a significance of extraordinary beauty…when we utter Namasté, we bow, bringing together the palms of our hands, look into the eyes of the other person, “connecting” with him/her, and in this way transmit: “I honor that place within you where the entire universe resides, filled with love and light, truth and peace…” in this way one connects, honoring the divine in the interior of the other person and recognizing the union that all beings share in that divineness… For all that it represents, and as this exhibit is a kind of greeting to India, I wanted to entitle it this way… in this manner, the paintings greet all of those who come to contemplate them, greeting soul to soul, recognizing the divine within us. I hope this small exhibit is embraced with the love with which it was made, and can give each person a little more light and peace. Namasté !

“ Guardián de Ranakpur” 90 x 40 cms

“ At the temple´s door” 162 x 114 cms

“ Prayers at Bodh-Gaya” 97 x 195 cms

“ Pushkar Ghats II” 146 x 89 cms

“ Pushkar Ghats I ” 146 x 89 cms

“Sadhu” 83 x 67 cms

“Shanti” 92 x 73 cms

“Udaipur “ 50 x 200 cms

“ Guiri Baba “ 100 x 65 cms

“ Sangam prayers” 100 x 73 cms

“ Ganges I “ 30 x 30 cms

“ Ganges II “ 30 x 30 cms

“ Naga Baba II ” 80 x 52 cms

“ Beneath the sun “ 70 x 30 cms

“Haveli“ 70 x 30 cms

“Sacred lake” 65 x 130 cms

“Laundry in Varanasi ” 81 x 130 cms

“ Rhajastán “ 30 x 70 cms

“Udaipur II “ 30 x 70 cms

“Jodhpur I “ 97 x 195 cms

“ Jodhpur II “ 30 x 70 cms

“ Little brother “ 61 x 46 cms

“ Woman in the market “ 73x 116 cms

“ Ganesh “ 70 x 30cms

Irene López de Castro, Madrid 1967. Fine Arts Degree,1991. Complutense University.

Solo Exhibits 1999 “A orillas del Río Niger ” Galery Maes, Madrid, Spain . 2000 “Mali”, Galery Nolde, Navacerrada, Madrid, Spain 2001 “ L´Anima di Mali ”, Societá Belli Arti, Piaza Dante, Vérone, Italy. “Viaje al corazón de Malí ”, C.C. Tres Cantos, Madrid. 2002 “Sable et lumière”, Galerie Espace Saint Martin, Paris, France. “La mirada nómada ”, Madrid. S.XXI 2003 “Il fiume della vita” Schola dei Tiraoro e Battioro, Galery San Lorenzo, Venice, Italy. 2006 “Timbuktú ”, Galery San Lorenzo, Milan, Italie. 2006 “Los ecos de Tombuctú”, Galeria Alexandra Irigoyen, Madrid, Spain.. 2008 “Sahel”, Galery San Lorenzo, Milan, Italie. 2009 “Mother Africa ”, Galerie Bandi, Séoul, South Korea 2010 “Reflejos del Niger”, Galery Nolde, Navacerrada, Madrid, Spain. 2010 “L’or du Mali”, Sibman Gallery, Paris, France. 2012“ Namasté”, Sibman Gallery, Paris, France. 2012 “ Namasté”, the Nehru Centre, London. U.K.

Art Fairs & Group Exhibitions 2002 Villa Medicea La Fernandina, Artimino, Florence. Art Fair “Vicenza Arte Expo” Calabre, Italie. 2003 Salons : Arte-Padova. Expo-Bari. Sicile, Italie. Galerie San Lorenzo. ESTAMPA, Madrid, Spain. 2004 Art-Innsbruck, Autriche, Galery San Lorenzo. Salon de Parme. Italy Expo Bari. Arte Padova, Galery San Lorenzo, Italy. ESTAMPA, Madrid, Spain. “Chemins contemporains”, Galeríe Alexandra Irigoyen, Madrid. 2006 Genova Arte, Malpensa Arte, Expo Bari. Arte-Padova. Galery San Lorenzo Italie. Cerdeña, Artimino (Florence) Galery San Lorenzo. 2007 ArtMadrid, Galery Alexandra Irigoyen. 2008 ArtMadrid, Galery Alexandra Irigoyen. “Passion” cathédrale de Arhem, Hollande. MANIF 08, Séoul South Korea. 2009 ArtMadrid, Galery Alexandra Irigoyen. 17éme Anniversaire du festival international de Séoul, Musée ChoSun Ilbo. MANIF09, Galery Bandi, Séoul, South Korea 2010 « This is a journey » Italy, Open Art Fair, Seoul. 2011 « Lo mejor de la pintura española », Galerie Ariel Sibony, París. France 2012 “Regards sur les Arts”, Lamballe, Bretagne.


Copyright Irene L贸pez de Castro

Bharaiv and Sarang exhibition halls 6th - 16th November 2012

8, South Audley Street London W1K1HF www.nehrucentre.org.uk

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