4th Creative Classroom Group Unconference

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Cultural Heritage 24 March 2018

Angeliki Kougiourouki, Greece

Ancient Island Intangible Cultural Heritage Encourage pupils to interview their grandparents to:  learn about how our ancestors feed themselves and took care of their bodies  search and find information about their ancestors’ eating customs  make comparisons on food and exercise  create a comic story and do a performance to bring the past to our present days

Ancient Island

an Island in the NutriFit Cruise eTwinning project Questions prepared and made in a chain:

 5 questions from Greece (Catalonia used them)  5 questions from Poland (Greece used them)  5 questions from Catalonia (Poland used them)

Nutri fit Cruise: Ancient Island Interviews in different ways:

 Video interviews

 Audio interviews  Text and photo interviews

Ancient Island the voice of our ancestors Video interviews

Audio interviews

Ancient Island the voice of our ancestors ď‚— Text and image interviews

ď‚— Text and image interviews

Ancient Island the voice of our ancestors A Prezi presentation: a sample of our cooperative work the result of pupils’ research Healthy habits to learn from

Ancient Island the voice of our ancestors

Ancient Island the voice of our ancestors A video presentation with healthy habits: Journalists in front of the camera

Ancient Island the voice of our ancestors Healthy meals in comparison: Past and nowadays

Ancient Island: Nutrifit family A collaborative story “Modern unhealthy habits" meet our ancestors old but "very healthy" ones

Ancient Island: the performance Different sceneries  forest in Poland  garden in Greece  castle in Catalonia

the background of our characters

Stay fit! Eat healthy!!

Angeliki Kougiourouki 1st Experimental primary school Alexandroupoli, Greece akougiou@gmail.com

Petra Bohačkova, Czech Republic Cristina Nicolăiță, România

Participant Schools  Czech Republic- ZŠ Dr. E. Beneše, Praha Czech Republic  Greece- 2nd Primary School of Athens, ATHENS Greece  Slovenia-Primary school VELIKA DOLINA, Jesenice na Dolenjskem

Slovenia  România- Școala Gimnazială Gheorghe Magheru, Caracal, Olt

Aims of the project  In this project students reconstructed legends by making yes/no

questions. They followed a pattern of "Black stories". During this project we tried:  to challenge students to know their own country legends  to challenge students to know their partners' country legends  to find similarities and differences in legends  to use foreign language for communication

First challenge  ”Let's introduce each other. Here you

will find a description. Your work is to read the description and write who is who…”

 The challenge launched by our

partners was to identify each other in the photos posted after the description in English. It was difficult, but all the teams did a great job!

Work process Students chose a country legend. They created a card for it, using a great online tool (GoConqr), . On the front side there was a summary of the legend (one two sentences) or a picture, on the back side there would be the whole retold legend. They firstly published the front page only. The other students asked yes/no questions and try to reconstruct the legend.

Communication&Collaboration We answered our partner’s questions two ways: Syncronously, using Skype

Asyncronously, using google docs

Cultural heritage  Our students found out about the legend of the Little March(recently added to UNESCO

”intangible cultural heritage of humanity” list, about King Matijas, Horymir and his horse, Semik, but also about the story of Icarus , Pandora&Olympic Legends, and many more.

Outcomes: •Collection of flashcards •http://www.pearltrees.com/crist nycol/legendjeopardy/id17264099#l537

 e-brochure on issuu  https://issuu.com/euroteensclub/docs/bros


Recognition  Romanian team obtained with the project “Legend Jeopardy” first prize in

the national contest “Made for Europe”- eTwinning category, April 2017.

By Najoua SLATNIA eTwinning Ambassador from Tunisia

4th unconference creative classroom eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic 24 mars 2018.

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Najoua SLATNIA  eTwinning Ambassador fromTunisia.  Teacher of spanish in the secondary school of Grombalia, Nabeul, Tunisia  ICT Trainer and presenter at several national and international conferences.

 Founder of successful eTwinning projects and winner of several national and european eTwinning Prizes.  So Passionate about culture, innovation, education and Technology.

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

eTwinning and cultural collaboration eTwinning is an amazing opportunity for collaboration that touches on different topics . The cultural collaboration through eTwinning allows our students to : Discover other cultures, traditions and heritage

In a beautiful cooperative atmosphere.

And that's the charm of eTwinning.

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Examples of cultural collaboration through eTwinning Two collaborative cultural products created by an international groups of students in 2 eTwinning projects : Project: Anatomic@rt

Cooperative multicultural calendar

Project: New vision of the world/ Nueva visión del mundo Cooperative video « Hello...we love eTwinning in several languages » Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: Anatomic@rT

Cooperative multicultural calendar. Project: Anatomic@rt I/ Cooperative multicultural calendar.: http://joom.ag/j6HW It is a multicultural calendar between 3 countries with different cultural heritage. Project: ÂŤ Anatomic@rt Âť winner of European Prize 2018: Spanish Language Partners from: Spain, Tunisia and Ukraine

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: Anatomic@rT

Cooperative multicultural calendar. Project: Anatomic@rt

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: Anatomic@rT

Process work 1- Twelve international groups relating to twelve different arts. (Painting - Sculpture - Music - Dance - Literature / Poetry - Cinema - Crafts - Gardening - Sewing (regional costumes) - Jewelry - Gastronomy - Architecture.)

2- Communication and collaboration through Forums Twinspace.

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: Anatomic@rT

Process work 3 - Students have agree in the different forums to choose 4 representative images ( one by Culture) 4 - Use different languages of partners 12 months of the year

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: Anatomic@rT

Process work 5 - TKexe Kalender program to make the calendar (have it too in pdf) Tkexe kalender

6 - Multicultural Calendar published by Joomag: http://joom.ag/j6HW

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: Anatomic@rT

Cooperative multicultural calendar.

http://joom.ag/j6HW Through this activity our students exchanged a lot of cultural heritage (painting, music, artesanat, dances, literature, etc.).

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: New vision of the world / Nueva visión del mundo

Cooperative video « Hello...we love eTwinning » in several languages II/ Cooperative video « Hello...we love eTwinning » languages » https://youtu.be/9HSfsh_QDl0

in several

"Hello …we love eTwinning” is a good example of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Amazing Linguistic Diversity

Project: " New vision of the world / Nueva visión del mundo » Partners from: Tunisia, Spain, Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Germany, Poland, Malte, Serbia, Norvege Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: New vision of the world / Nueva visión del mundo

Process work 1- Partners agree on the content of the collaborative video.  Videoconference meeting ( Live event)  The same message will be said in several

languages : “Hello from..... We have a new vision of the World....we Love eTwinning” Created by the project partners of different nationalities. 20/ 09 / 2017

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: New vision of the world / Nueva visiรณn del mundo

Process work 2- Collection of all short videos: Each group of participating students greeting their partners saying the same sentences in their native languages and Filming some short videos

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Project: New vision of the world / Nueva visiรณn del mundo

Process work 3- Edit the final cooperative video and publish it on YouTube Tool : Movie maker

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

eTwinning and cultural collaboration

These two collaborative cultural products enhance the cultural knowledge of our students and promote the cultural heritage of the different participating countries.

eTwinning gives us a unique experience to discover the charm and beauty of different Cultures

Najoua Slatnia, eTwinning Ambassador

eTwinning online unconference on Cultural Heritage topic

24 /03/2018

Thanks for your attention! Najoua SLATNIA eTwinning ambassador najouansl@gmail.com

Marika Emese CĂŽmpean eTwinning ambassador

Good practices in creating innovative and collaborative content on cultural heritage - through eTwinning projects.

Herit@ge matters


Herit@ge matters

Project partners: BELGIUM







Catherine Daems

Marko Brajkovic

Heidi Giese

Barbara Zadraveli

Tatiana Popa

Marisa Rocha

Marika Emese Cîmpean

Athénée Royal Jean Absil, Bruxelles

Osnovna škola Lovas


4o Γυμνάσιο Πρέβεζας

Heritage International School, Chișinău

Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Manuel Gomes de Almeida

Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean

Herit@ge matters

European values:

Herit@ge matters

Cultural heritage ď‚—

Herit@ge matters


Herit@ge matters

Herit@ge matters

European values in literature:

- Read this! (posters and book presentations on European values): https://padlet.com/cimpean_emese/readthis2018 - What about reading? – essays, articles, learning diaries – promoting reading: https://padlet.com/cimpean_emese/what_about_ reading_2018

Good practice examples in promoting reading and cultural heritage (section for teachers) https://padlet.com/cimpea n_emese/articles_about_tea ching_reading_2018

- Convince me to read! – videos (5 – 7 minutes): https://padlet.com/cimpean_emese/convince_me _to_read_2018

https://goo.gl/forms/3nZdWQ1eFsON5zEg1 Herit@ge matters

@EmeseCimpean Herit@ge matters

Cristina-Iulia Gila

Serving humanity from old times to now eTwinning project 2012-2013  History promote culture and heritage. « Culture is not a luxury, but a

necessity ». (Gao Xiangjian, chinese novelist who in 2000 was awarded the who in 2000 was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature )

About our eTwinning project Three countries: Romania, Slovakia,Cyprus



ď‚— ETwinning project promoted history of

ď‚— Getting to know the knight`s culture and

the Hospitaller`s order and their cultural heritage left in Rhodos, Cyprus, Malta, or other territories. The goal of the project was to learn about the history and culture of the hospitaller Knights order. The project has developed for one year.

chavalery ethos; Making charities for the orphans to prove the knights` spirit and loialty; Facilitating communication in a foreign language; Improving results in the class, increasing the interest of the participants; Using ICT, solving tasks, sharing and disseminating results by teachers and students; Collaboration was taken on eTwinning.

Project activities  sept/oct Presentation of each country,

town, school, students; nov..Creating a logo of the project . Each student ask questions about the history of the knights hospitallers order on through the forum; dec. Creating a collection of digital historical stories, jan. Drawing different pictures about the order, building cathedral, making charities, organising charities like the hospitallers, helping old people, or children who lost their parents;

 Feb-march : Every day life in the castle.

Creating a multilinguistic dictionary on the subject of the project ;  April : Creating an album with pictures, drawings;  may : Creating games, puzzles, quizzes, crosswords on the subject  june Evaluation of the project

History of the knights Rhodes` Palace of Grand Master

The Palace of the Grand Master, center of life for the knights who lived on the island.

History of the knights

History of the knights The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist (1608) by Caravaggio (1571–1610)- Malta

John `s Co Cathedral Malta

Drawings of our students

Every day life in the castle

Events In Guardia Parades are re-enactments of an authentic historical event, the regular inspection of the fort and garrison by the Grand Bailiff of the Order of the Knights of St. John in charge of military affairs. During the re-enactment the fort's garrison (some 70 in all), dressed in all its pomp, show off a range of military drills from the era.

Videoconference with our partners

Awards ď‚— Our project got European Quality Labels in: Romania, Slovakia. ď‚— I hope this project was useful for development of cultural dimensions of the

students involved in the project. Through the project students improved their ICT skills while learning more about the Matese knights heritage, became familiar with our common cultural heritage , learned to be part of a team, improved their language skills and collaborated with their partners. The pupils in the project understood the importance of preserving and protecting historical monuments and cultural heritage.

Authors of the project: Vesna Kostić, Vesna Lučić Members: Tatjana Hadžić Jovović, Dragana Benić Serbia

Goals: ● To increase students' interest in researching the past of

their families; ● That students accept the methodology of collaboration and to using research work, with the help of new technologies; ● To mark 100 years from the end of the First World War. *Flower Natalie's ramonda, is a symbol of the Serbian Army's struggle during World War I.

Participants of the project

Elementary School `Jovan Ducic`, Belgrade

Elementary School `Kosta Trifkovic`, Novi Sad

Serbian Supplementary School in canton Argau

Elementary School `Stari grad`, Uzice

Pupils & teachers

∙ The project brought together 4 teachers and nearly 50 pupils, up to 15 years of age from Serbia and Switzerland.

First pupil`s activities ● Solve a questionnaire about the current knowledge of

the First World War ● Gather data on their ancestors

Problems ● There are not too many preserved oral information or


Various historical sources

Research works â—? Students wrote about their ancestors using all the

information that was available to them. â—? Some students made short films about their ancestors. â—? In this project, in addition to teachers, its creators became the pupils themselves, who gave many good proposals several times, in accordance with their age and knowledge of the new technologies they possessed.

Video conferences

It is interesting that the students found out that in some battles their ancestors may have fought together, they may have known each other.

Working together

Viber group`s chat

Padlet for quiz questions

Solving online quiz

Survey results

Joint work

Individual work

● Agreement through Viber

● Exploring the family`

group ● Creating quiz questions and putting them in a padlet ● Creating electronic collection of pupils' works

past ● Writing research essays ● Solving quiz ● Filling in surveys

Next activities â—? Making electronic collection with pupils essays and short

films â—? Project evaluation

Why are we doing this? â—?We consider that this project also preserves cultural

heritage, because without the memory of our ancestors and their victims, there would be no such society in which we all live today. �Students’ responses were positive and we can notice increasing students interest in the past, but at the same time in cooperation with peers, using new technologies.

A short film about his ancestor, by student Nikola Letica


Thank you for your attention!

Presenter: Nahile AteĹ&#x; Date:24/03/2018 Cet: 11:10-11:20 TURKEY

As the founder of Turkey and Azerbaijan is conducted by e-twinning project

Project countries(Turkey,Azerbaijan, Romania)


ABOUT THE PROJECT  Our project is prepared totally according to curriculum made by ministry of education in Turkey.

It aims to make children aware of differences in other cultures,as hell as their own culture. Also we aim to support our students ability to learn and know about other cultures. Every city and country have tjeir own culture and traditions of owns aren’t known by our new generations. Maybe we couldn’t transmit them.  With the help of new approaches, we help our students integrade in the new subjects easily. By doing this we maket hem learn and livethe new subjects.  Using audio-visual tools;music,dance or helping them to be more creative and aestetical,we aim to improve their abservation and communication skills

PROCESS This project will be completed in 7 months time according to the plans we made with our partner schools. We plan tos hare our Works made by us and partners,on Facebook group;twinspace and “eba.gov.tr� teachers page.We will have evaluation meetings every months with our parents online through Messenger. Students will perform and dramatize tradtional days and occasios like; weddings or national days and feasts.They will also take part in decorations in these special days using pasters,flags on notice boards.Students will be able to watch cultural shows from different countries via flipp calssroo methood and they will present their own.

OUTCOMES ď‚— The prepared materials will be shown and published on our web site and notice board at school. Also,they will be sean on twinspace pages, local newspapers,web site of ministry of education and e-book magazine.posters will be prepared and presented extensively on different places on 23rd April-National Savereignity and Childrens Day.


It’s aimed to clevelop by this Project that students will be more creative and more outgonig with the help of technlogical tools, music,dance,language,abservation and motionalperceptual ways.

We learn different cultures.

Folk dances work(Zeybek)

Project partners' folk dance work

Before the wedding ceremony, the local henna

MuÄ&#x;la local people, accent expression

Mugla local outfit

We have made webinar meetings with partners

Our local food study in Muğla province(This a Keşkek)

Local Food Types These; Cowpea sourness,Börülce Teltor, Tomato pepper Turkish coffee,Lahmacun, Meat Doner,

Qr code work (MuÄ&#x;la province history, folk song, legend, Mani,Lullaby,Nursery Rhymes, Proverbs)

New Year card events and cultural events

Romania project partner sent a new year card Field trip

Post office

We did folkloric puzzle work

We did folkloric puzzle work

We have done studies on kermes belonging to Turkish culture

Shadow game HacÄąvat KaragĂśz

Nasreddin hoca and Ramadan drummer

Students played local children's games (7 Kiremit)

Students played local children's ( kutu kutu pense,Elim sende,Yağ satarım bal satarım,Elim elim Ebrek)

Students played local children's games (Aç kapıyı Bezirgan başı,Yakan Top)

Folk song stories (OrmancÄą folk song)

We collaborated with project partners

UsÄąng various web 2.0 tools

Links  https://live.etwinning.net/projects/project/148930  https://live.etwinning.net/groups/group/61961  https://www.facebook.com/groups/127835301205039/  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFcIsIryxeEATKR8JH3e93g

 https://joom.ag/xSpY  https://awwapp.com/b/upvrnyvci/

Thank You Everyone Thank You,Dear Irene Pateraki Nahile ATEÅž

eTwinning Project 2017

Folklore – the heritage of each people  Europe is made up of an extremely diverse range of cultures, religions, and ethnic groups. Each country has its own holidays, traditions, and history. Folklore is a representation of culture and tradition. It reflects the moral value of a particular culture and society.

 Through this project we intended to value the traditions and customs of our people in the current socio-cultural influence of the media when promoting youth loans from different cultures.  Children found our about our traditions inherited from ancestors. The Folklore is that part of the culture most related with each people roots. That’s why we believe we deserve to know it and send it to the following generations, to plant in the hearts of children the love

for beauty, harmony, grace, rhythm of folk music, dances and costumes, of traditional crafts.

Folklore Folk cultural heritage can be divided into two categories: intangible and tangible. When speaking about intangible cultural heritage we primarily think about customs, songs, dances, stories and legends – everything that was transmitted by the folks legends and by the written notations of our respectable chroniclers, historians, musicians, ethnologists, ethno-folklorists and other lovers of this type of art, which is today called folklore. The tangible part is formed by folk costumes, books, folk instruments, traditional artworks. All these points were part of our project FolkFestival.

Folk costumes of different countries

FolkFestival “EuroFolklore”  The project main objective was to promote the folk song, dance, traditions, the beauty of folk art of the European countries:  - learning folk songs and dances and

a popular national folk dance of partner countries  - participation in folklore festival on line, or live  - familiarization with traditional crafts The novelty of this project was the organization of an international festival "EuroFolklore", in which the artistic groups from all the partner schools participate. At first, I wanted to invite them to Bucharest, but the lack of funds for such participation is always a big obstacle even if the desire and enthusiasm exists. The only possibility to participate directly at the festival was the on-line transmission of the artistic performances of pupils from the partner countries (during an eTwinning event)

 On May 6, 2017, at the School “Sfintii Voievozi” of Bucharest, this Festival took place, bringing together over 300 children aged between 5 and 18 years old from

Romania and over 100 pupils from partner schools from Malta, Turkey, Poland, Estonia, Ukraine, Albania. Modern gym host school became too small for the participants (children, teachers, parents).

 This festival has become the place where students manifested

traditions virtuosity, originality and talent of dancers, singers and vocal folk groups of Europe, have friendships, were they have strong emotions and when we remembered that we are part of a a large multinational community that knows how to love and appreciate the national folklore, which proudly promotes what they have more durable: traditional culture.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnMqEixMd4k&t=83s  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARbMYwSYjLQ&t=510s  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOUpwY-wwA0  This year, on June 1st , we will organize the second edition of the festival

at the Children's Palace in Bucharest. We are looking forward to all folk lovers to join us. Registrations can be made by accessing the link: https://goo.gl/forms/op7SCLA7f48xV0aX2

Aurelia Berusca – Project coordinator Elementary School “Nicolae Titulescu” Bucharest, Romania


AIMS Be able to present UNESCO world heritage sites in your city in English. * Raise students’ awareness of the importance of preserving world heritage sites * Use digital tools to make presentations with pictures and text. * Learn about other cities and countries in Europe * Learn about other cultures in Europe.

About the project

WHAT TO DO? Pupils will share information and pictures of UNESCO World Heritage sites in our cities and coutries. They will create presentations, slideshows, posters, maps and share them with partners. By writing and speaking in English, they will present their cities and countries to pupils in other parts in Europe.

UNESCO - WORLD HERITAGE IN MY COUNTRY AND CITY WORK PROCESS ď‚— The pupils will take and collect photos of

world heritage site in their city (if there is any) and their country, and learn about the history of their city. They will then use this knowledge to create a presentation for someone who hasn't been in their city. Students finish their work, and we share their work by posting it on Twinspace. We present our work and other schools' work in our schools (e.g. a school display on the bulletin board). Schools send some postcards from their hometowns to project partners.

EXPECTED RESULTS ď‚— Pupils will

- gain knowledge on the UNESCO sites in different European countries - gain an interest for Europe as an exciting and diverse continent - learn about digital tools as a tool for presentations and research online - develop computational thinking, and creativity - work as an international team

APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT With the guidence of our projects’ aim and goals we did some activities at school. I am going to tell you some of them. Firstly, 1. We presented the project to our students and other teachers. 2. We created a poster related with the Project. 3. The students made a huge research about İstanbul’s historical places and then they presented them to their students in class. 4. They created some postcards about the historical places and and sent theem to our partners in Greece. 5. Then, they made those historical places’ models. Finally, they held an exibition in the school.


Cultural Heritage of Istanbul.  Maiden’s Tower  Galata Tower  Blue Mosque  Hagia Sofia Museum

.  Students made a poster related

with the project and showed it in the class.  This poster was shared on eTwinning.  The poster is handmade by my students.

 The Maiden’s Tower stands today as a

testimonial to the beauty of many legends that abound here in Turkey.  The Maiden and the Snake  One legend has it that a prophecy was made that stated the beautiful daughter of a Turkish emperor would be killed by a deadly snake on her 18th birthday. The emperor determined to keep her from touching land to avoid any contact with snakes and so placed her in a tower that he built in the middle of the Bosphorus until she turned eighteen. On the day of her birthday, her father brought her a basket filled with exotic fruits to celebrate. As she reached in she was bitten by an asp hiding within and died in her father’s arms.

First, the students learned some knowledge about these heritage culture places then, they presented it in the class.

GALATA TOWER  Galata Tower has dominated Beyoğlu's skyline since

1348 and still offers the best panoramic views of the city.  Above, the Golden Horn, Seraglio Point and Old Istanbul as seen from Galata Tower (looking south).  Originally named the Tower of Christ, the 66.9meter (220-foot)-high tower was the highpoint in the city walls of the Genoese colony called Galata. Most of the walls are long gone, but the great tower , with its 3.75-meter (12-foot)-thick walls remains.  The story is told of how, in 1638, a certain Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi attached wings to his body and flew (more likely coasted) across the Bosphorus to Üsküdar


After the presantation Students made models of these heritage culture places of Istanbul. MAIDEN’S TOWER





Dot in Different Cultures Activity LAMİA BÜŞRA YEŞİL TURKEY

WonderLand is an interdiscipliniary, bilateral project based on robotics and blendid learning with different approaches. Dash and Dot are our main character robots that are used in the classroom to engage students in the learning process.

Dot in Different Cultures Activity Students will : - Consider the definition of culture, and reflect on what this means to them. - Share relevant information about different cultures. - Create "Dot in Different Cultures� collections. - Compare what they learned about the other country and the differences and similarities between these cultures.

What Culture is...

Meet with Dots...

Things we research!  1- Traditional foods,  2- Cultural Icons,  3- Famous Buildings,  4- Traditional dresses,  5- Traditional music and dances.

Transnational Teams


Unesco website we used for research

Chant of Sybil on Majorca


Human Towers


Activity for Each Group



Group Puzzle

JOINT OUTCOME All these materials produced are going to be combined together collaboratively using ‘Slides.com’ .

IES Benalmádena (SPAIN)-Collège Jean Moulin (France) Josefa Martín Gaspar Joëlle Hoel


Students participate in the celebration of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, enabling them to become closer and involved with it. They will be discovering European heritage and reflecting on how important it is for cultural understanding in its diversity. Students focus their work in making the most of Twinspace communication tools besides other tools for searching and gathering information, collaborating and presenting their findings. A set of cultural heritage galleries and online games are created to play and learn as process and final products in the project.




 DEFINE. Diving into the topic:

  

School calendar eSafety in eTwinning) INTERNATIONAL TEAMS shown after activities 3 and 4 are finished PROJECT LOGO CONTEST ACTIVITY 1 Meet me up! ACTIVITY 2 Mixing up! CHRISTMAS GREETINGS

 

 

European Cultural Heritage DISCOVER: What do we know about European Cultural Heritage DREAM & DESIGN: Board and online game design and creation DELIVER: Games competitions PROJECT EVALUATION PROJECT DISSEMINATION



Badges Rewarded Profile interaction

Thinglink guess game answers



Team members discuss and decide in their Forum (Be a group member, mixing up! ) which gallery to create with the collaborative information from their PADLETS and also GAMES based on European Cultural Heritage they have researched.




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