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Irish Eyes gkrisheyes.org
Volume 45 Issue 2
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Pep Rallies: connecting the pieces
p. 6-7 4301 Grace King Place, Metairie, LA 70002
Homecoming 2012
November 1 Parent/Teacher Conference No School
November 2 Deadline to register for ACT December
November 2 Deadline for next installment of Senior fees
November 6 Election Day No School
November 7 GK vs Rummel & Live Oak @King 6:00 pm
November 9 Talent Show November 12-16
Penny Wars
November 13 LHSAA Cross Country State Championship
November 15 Drivers Ed Registration @T.H. Harris 4:00 pm
November 16 Thanksgiving pep rally November 19-23
Thanksgiving Holiday No School
November 20 GK vs Thomas Jefferson @Thomas Jefferson 6:00 pm
November 26 GK vs Haynes @Haynes 6:00 pm
Photos by Eric Sheu
From left: Leonard Morgan, Shakira Morgan, Ernesto Perez, Joseph Chon, Lydia Chon, Graham Bonnot, Angel Herrera, Jacqueline Herrera, Ethan Broussard, Armando Rivera, Diana Rivera, Angello Medina-Perez, Robert White, Hailey Bachemin, Jonathan Davadi, Allen Barrera, Marissa Mayfield, Gerald Kuchler, Crystal Freeman, Travis Bales, Destiny Ponville, Eric Broussard, Eric Brewton, Jenna Brewton, Carlos Fajardo, Joey Kuchler, Elise Kuchler, Carlos Lopez, Anthony Wade, Di Chen, Larry Melancon
Students demonstrate spirit throughout week was presented. Students were anxious to see in the win. “I’ve noticed that I don’t have one who would be crowned Homecoming King and group of friends. They range from different Sports Editor and Opinion/Entertainment Editor Queen. ethnicities and religions.â€? Wade said. “I’m not This year’s Homecoming Court included contained by race, nor color, nor personality. I Each year, students throughout the school freshmen Elise Kuchler and Carlos Lopez; think that diversity made the difference in the come together to show off their school spirit sophomores Hailey Bachemin, Jenna Brewton, votes.â€? Jonathan Davadi and Carlos Fajardo; juniors By the end of regulation, the score was tied during Homecoming Week. Spirit week kicked off with Monster Monday, /\GLD &KRQ 0DULVVD 0D\Âż HOG 6KDNLUD 0RUJDQ DW EULQJLQJ WKH JDPH LQWR D VWDUWOLQJ WULSOH where students wore their Cookie Monster shirts, Graham Bonnot , Joseph Kuchler and Ernesto overtime. Unfortunately, the team lost with a fangs, fake blood and torn T-shirts. Tacky Tourist Perez; and seniors Di Chen, Jacqueline Herrera, Âż QDO VFRUH RI Âł,WÂśV RQH RI WKRVH ORVVHV WKDW 7XHVGD\ IROORZHG EULQJLQJ RXW Ă€ RUDO EXWWRQ Destiny Ponville, Diana Rivera, Eric Broussard, hurts, but you learn a lot from and grow fromwhich is almost a win downs, fanny packs, sunglasses and cameras. E t h a n B r o u s s a r d , in itself,â€? Head Coach, Next was Western Wednesday, where students A n g e l l o M e d i n a Alan Boyd said. not only wore boots, hats, and plaid button- Perez and Anthony “Homecoming downs but also brought their “trusty steeds.â€? On Wade. As each couple week concluded with an Thursday, students wore tie-dye T-shirts, many of on the court was “Enchantment Under which were homemade, for Tie-Dye Thursday. the Seaâ€? dance, held Spirit week ended with Fighting Irish Friday p r e s e n t e d , t h e in the cafeteria. There and the Homecoming pep rally. Students showed anticipation for the were approximately their school spirit by wearing green and gold K i n g a n d Q u e e n V W X G H Q W V L Q shirts, socks and face paint. Seniors showed grew. Principal Meg attendance. their class pride wearing purple, black and silver. G r i f f o n c r o w n e d “Homecoming The senior class ended up winning the pep rally, the King, Anthony week had a great with juniors placing second, sophomores placing Wade, and the Queen, Destiny Ponville. third, and freshmen placing fourth. Tia Banerjee t u r n o u t , â€? S t u d e n t S e n i o r s Wa d e Students cheer on the Homecoming Court at Yenni Body Vice President The Homecoming game undoubtedly had the of School Spirit Pei largest turnout in recent years. Students, teachers, and Ponville were Stadium on Oct. 19. Yu said. “It was fun and faculty members came out in complete green surprised and honored and yellow attire, supporting the school with full to have won the title. “I knew that every girl seeing the student body dressed up, getting energy in high hopes of a victory against Thomas had a good chance of getting it, so it was a into all the games and getting into full school -HIIHUVRQ 7KH Âż UVW KDOI HQGHG ZLWK D VFRUH RI great surprise when they announced my name,â€? spirit.â€? Ponville said. The two believe being wellVisit www.gkirisheyes.org for more photos to 6, Thomas Jefferson in the lead. During halftime, the homecoming court rounded and school orientated was instrumental of Homecoming events. By Tia Banerjee and Nga Nguyen
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Irish Eyes
Mu Alpha Theta to compete Mu Alpha Theta will be competing at Ben Franklin High School on Nov. 10 for WKHLU ÂżUVW FRPSHWLWLRQ RI WKH \HDU Senior fee collection continues Senior Board will be collecting the next installments of senior fees until Nov. 2. They are $30 if you have already paid your ÂżUVW LQVWDOOPHQW LI \RX KDYH QRW 6HH Mr. Cella in Room 211 to pay your fees.
Compiled by Tia Banerjee Sports Editor
Student council takes a trip Student council members went to Orlando this weekend to represent Grace King and the Southern Association of Student Councils conference, where Grace King served as Parliamentarian. Talent Show to be held soon Talent show auditions will continue to be held today in Mr. Sologaistoa’s room, Room 315. The talent show will be held on Nov. 9. Popular fundraiser approaching Penny Wars will be held Nov. 12-16 outside during lunch. All proceeds will be donated to Pennies for Patients and the LASC State Charity.
Senior Board planning class trip Senior board is planning a class trip to Bush-Gardens, Disney’s Magic Kingdom, 8QLYHUVDO 6WXGLRV *UDG %DVK DQG D ZDWHU park. The trip will take place April 17-21. The cost is $533. Students may pay in four installments. Junior Board selling class cards Junior Board is selling class cards for $40. This card allows you $2 off all dances and provides you and your date free admission into the Junior dance. Sophomore Board selling class cards Sophomore Board will be selling class cards for $12. This card allows you into dances at a discounted price. See Mrs. Biggers in Room 212 to purchase one today. Yearbooks on sale Yearbooks are on sale for $50 for the
Courtesy of Fidelia Cruz
Southern Association of Student Council participants, Fidelia Cruz, Darrien DeGrusha, Kenneth Tabony, Tia Banerjee and Karina Shareen at Disney’s Magic Kingdom on Oct. 26.
remainder of the semester. After today, they will go up to $60. See a yearbook representative or Mrs. Lampo in room 310 to purchase one today. 4-H accepting fabric donations for Pillowcase Project 4-H Helping Hands is still accepting fabric donations for children battling cancer and medical disorders. Fabric must be at least a yard in length.
4-H is also collecting blankets, coats and new toys for charity. Drop off donations in Room 234. Upcoming performances for Band and Orchestra The Fighting Irish Band will be performing at Harold Keller Elementary School on Nov. 2 and the orchestra will be performing at Marie Riviere Elementary on Nov. 8.
Aaron Broussard trial highlights depth of corruption By Isabella Cross Staff Writer
With the recent headlines surrounding the trial of former Parish President Aaron Broussard, students may be left with the impression that most politicians are corrupt. On Sept. 25, Broussard pled guilty to two counts of public corruption. The federal government began investigating Broussard in 2005. When Broussard ordered the evacuation of all pumping station workers, residents became incensed. This controversial decision may have caused him negative attention. Charges against Broussard range from taking bribes from a Kenner businessman to giving his ex-wife a lucrative no-show job. Kenner businessman, Bill Mack, allegedly paid
Broussard $66,000 in exchange for his help in sending parish contracts to Mack’s company. The company received contracts worth $40,000 from Jefferson Parish, less than the original payment. Broussard played a major role in the River-Birch /DQG¿OO GHDO 7KH 3DULVK DJUHHG WR FORVH LWV GXPS DQG VHQG DOO SDULVK ZDVWH WR 5LYHU %LUFK ODQG¿OO 0HPEHUV of the Parish Council voted unanimously to approve the contract. Several members received money from Riverbirch as campaign contributions. According to court documents, Broussard received $40,000. With the parish dump closing, River-Birch would have no competition and see a tremendous increase in business. Tim Whitmer pled guilty to covering up corruption for Broussard, including the Mack bribery conspiracy. Whitmer began his career as a playground worker, making KLV ZD\ XS WR &$2 &KLHI $GPLQLVWUDWLYH 2I¿FHU IRU 7LP Coulon, who was Parish President before Broussard.
Despite recent events, Parish President John Young is doing his best to deal with the effects of the previous administration. Young is rebuilding the trust of the citizens of Jefferson Parish, and introducing new reforms to prevent this from happening again. “Of course there’s going to be a bad apple in the bunch, and they have to be punished. Being a politician is still a good ethical position, and we do work hard.â€? Young said. ,Q DQRWKHU KLJK SURÂżOH FRUUXSWLRQ FDVH IRUPHU 8 6 Senator William Jefferson was found guilty on 11 of 16 corruption charges. He is currently serving 13 years in prison, the longest sentence for any member of Congress. Broussard initially maintained his innocence. But after guilty pleas from his ex-wife and others he was involved with, he changed his plea. Broussard is currently free until his sentencing in February. This case has dragged on because of the level of complexity. Investigations began in fall of 2009, leading up to Broussard resigning in 2010. Broussard’s attorneys are currently working on a plea deal, and he could serve up to 15 years. While citizens may question the motivation of politicians, Young, also a former city council chairman, began his career because of his dissatisfaction in government. “I didn’t want to be watching from the sidelines. I wanted to be involved.â€? Young said.
1400 Airline Drive (below Causeway) 831-2734 www.bartoappliances.com Since 1947
Irish Eyes
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Effects of Issac continue to impact student life By Jenna Brewton
Jefferson Parish schools closed Monday, Aug. 27 and reopened Thursday, Sept. 6. Still, not all students were present due to As a result of the school days missed previous evacuations. The eight school days missed called due to Hurricane Isaac, 30 extra minutes have been added to the schedule. This for a decision by the Jefferson Parish School Board. To recover this time, 30 change has affected many students. Precautions were announced on minutes were added to the school day Sunday evening, Aug. 26. As a result, rather than taking away vacation days. Starting Oct. 1 through Mar. 1, all Jefferson Parish Public Schools began a sixmonth stretch of longer school days to regain this time. St. John students 400 surveyed missed a total of 19 days and are currently attending classes on temporary campuses due to flooding. East St. John students will make up the time by remaining in class until Staff Writer
June 14. Both St. Tammany and Orleans Parishes suffered heavy damage and reopened Sept. 4. The extra 30 minutes entitles a longer, more productive school day. To some, however, this dismissal time delay has greatly affected their scheduling. The effects go beyond just students and teachers, but all administration, coaches, sponsors and parents. Some students feel the extended time has also affected motivation. “As if 90 minute classes weren’t long enough, now WKHUHÂśV DQ H[WUD Âż YH ´ IUHVKPDQ 0DGHOLQH Cross said. Extracurricular activities have been most affected by the lengthened time, as many have expressed. Club meetings and sport practices have been pushed to a later time. Early release students now have a later early dismissal time of 1 p.m. “I have had to change my work hours GXH WR WKLV ´ VHQLRU $OH[D )OHPLQJ VDLG Âł7KHUHIRUH , UHFHLYH OHVV SD\ ´
Student organizations assist in raising awareness By Hamna Sial Staff Writer
Over 30 students came together to represent Grace King in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk that was held at New Orleans City Park on Oct. 7. Each year an estimated 207,090 women and 1,970 men are diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Awareness is a collaboration of public and professional organizations that work together to promote awareness. Many organizations are helping people out such as the American Cancer Society, National Breast Cancer Foundation, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Komen for the Cure is the largest international organization in the United States. Nancy Goodman Brinker began the organization in 1982 and named it after her sister who died from breast cancer at the age of 36 in 1980. Since then, Komen has spent an estimated $2 million in providing health services, breast cancer research, and support programs in the U.S. The organization has expanded to roughly 50 countries. King has been a part of this awareness for the past few years. Executive Board and National Honors Society (NHS) registered students for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. “We were thrilled to participate in an event that rose awareness for breast
Eric Sheu
National Honors Society and Executive Board members participate in the Making Strides 5k walk in City Park on Oct. 7.
cancer,� senior, NHS President, Aizaz Ahmad said. In addition, Executive Board has been responsible for events and fundraisers throughout the school. Some of the events included collecting donations from students and selling Kool-Aid at lunch. The board has also been raising awareness by hanging banners throughout the school and talking about awareness on the announcements every morning. The Volleyball team is also raising awareness by selling t-shirts. Social Studies teacher and breast
cancer survivor, Melanie Rieger, recently returned from a health sabbatical. Although Rieger has not discussed her breast cancer experience with her students, many older students are aware of her recovery and have been very supportive. “She is very loving, spirited, and UHDOO\ VWURQJ Âľ MXQLRU 0DULVVD 0D\Ă€ HOG said. “Breast cancer makes you realize how quickly things can change, how short life is, and how important family is,â€? Rieger said.
Controversial voting law delayed By Eric Sheu Editor-in-Chief
The efforts of some Republicans accused of trying to deter minorities from voting in the upcoming presidential election have met resistance. Some key swing states have attempted to pass legislation that would require voters to present a government issued photo LGHQWLÂż FDWLRQ LQ RUGHU WR FDVW D EDOORW Proponents of the law argued that it would protect against voter fraud. According to the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, there were more than 197 million votes cast during the 2002 midterm and 2004 presidential election. Of all the votes, there were no illegal votes. Though there were 26 people accused of voter fraud, none had any evidence against them. Opposing Democrats argued that the law intended to impede African-American and minority voters who would likely not have government issued IDs and vote for Democratic candidates. Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai made the following statement at a fundraiser in June. “Voter ID, which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania GRQH ´ Some of the more outspoken critics of the photo ID law have been compared it to the 1860’s when laws were put in place to discourage African-Americans and minorities from voting. However, opposing legislatures view the law as an unnecessary inconvenience for those who simply want to perform their civic duty. Texas, which initially considered the law faced considerable opposition. The federal court blocked the law on Aug. 30 under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act which states that Texas must have preclearance to change voting procedures. In Pennsylvania, the State Supreme Court also struck down some aspects of the proposed ODZ +RZHYHU RIÂż FLDOV DW SROOLQJ VWDWLRQV ZLOO EH DOORZHG WR DVN IRU SKRWR LGHQWLÂż FDWLRQ Voters will not be refused if they fail to SURGXFH SKRWR LGHQWLÂż FDWLRQ 7KLV SROLF\ KDV some concerned that this will confuse voters. Pennsylvania has decided to delay a final decision regarding the law until after the 2012 Presidential Election. Kansas, Indiana, Tennessee and Georgia are the only states to require a photo ID when voting. Twenty states have laws that require LGHQWLÂż FDWLRQ RWKHU WKDQ D SKRWR ,'
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Irish Eyes
Students offer unique perspective on fast food restaurants By Bianca Shrestha
According to senior Oscar Amador, his friend ordered chicken nuggets from McDonald’s and contracted Salmonella food poisoning because they were not fully Most people are in a hurry when ordering fast food. cooked. As a result, they may not realize what goes behind the In 1993, there was a reported case of E. coli food counter in processing their poisoning from Jack in the Box burgers. meal. This epidemic mainly affected 2QH VLJQLÂżFDQW LVVXH children, as the meat was made for with cleanliness is food kids’ meals. Approximately four poisoning, usually caused by children died and 700 became ill due bacteria transfer. Examples to the undercooked and contaminated of how bacteria transfers meat. Although the central point include when foods are not of the food poisoning occurred in cooked properly or not kept Seattle, Washington, the news spread at the right temperature. A widely across the nation. reason behind this may be Standard food safety procedures the fact that employees are enforces that when any type of pressured to deliver foods contamination is in contact with quickly. food, employees must dispose of it “They’re like barking LPPHGLDWHO\ Âł:HÂśYH GHÂżQLWHO\ KDG these orders at you. You molded mushrooms, cheese, and can’t do everything at once. tomatoes before. Of course we never And sometimes I would get use any of that,â€? senior Maxwell their order wrong and they Bordelon who works at Papa John’s would yell at me,â€? senior said. Jessica Richmond who In most fast food chains, the worked at Subway said. manager is responsible for monitoring Common food poisoning the expiration dates. Yet some food types include Escherichia Illustration by Bianca Shrestha products may be used past expiration coli (E. coli), Salmonella, dates. “For the most part, my general and Listeria. As seen and heard in many reported manager does a good job enforcing expiration dates. But incidents, unclean restaurants may leave customers with say like a bag of wings is a few days past expiration date, detrimental health problems. but if they look okay, we’re gonna use them because it’ll Managing Editor
Employees Must “Wash Hands�
be a waste of money if we don’t,â€? Bordelon said. 8QFOHDQ IDFLOLWLHV DOVR LQĂ€XHQFHV WKH VSUHDG RI bacteria. It is imperative for employees to clean around their working area as well as keeping good hygiene. From his experience working at Cane’s, Amador expresses their strict policy of sanitation. “They have a big policy for cross-contamination, so we basically have to wash our hands no matter what we’re doing.â€? “We can’t use the three-second rule. We’re on camera that is watched by our general manager; we always have to give our customers fresh food,â€? Amador said. In addition to food handling guidelines, the management of the employees is critical. Supervisors PXVW DVVXUH DQ HIÂżFLHQW DQG HIIHFWLYH PDQDJHPHQW ZKLFK means making sure employees are well paid, recognized, and working normal hours. “It [salary] could be better because I am a good worker. Some people might get paid the same or more and just don’t do anything,â€? Bordelon said. To ensure that customers are receiving the best quality of food, the Health Department inspects restaurants frequently. Employees of different fast food restaurants may be required to wear hair nets, gloves, and have a positive attitudes towards customers. Also some receive training for perform certain procedures. “We had to take tests on the computer when a new product came out. 7KH\ SHUVRQDOO\ WDXJKW PH KRZ WR GR VSHFLÂżF WKLQJV ´ Bordelon said. “We had to constantly change our gloves, so food wouldn’t get germs,â€? Richmond said. “They’re really clean, to the point where it’s kind of annoying because you have to clean everything twice,â€? Amador said.
College bound seniors should expect more debt after graduation By Bethany Coate
“I feel it is unfair how it rises every year. It’s already hard enough for students paying the tuition and then it rises even The soaring cost of college tuition, more.â€? Raven Richard, a Loyala student, concern over debt and a weak job market said. Financial aid is an option for those are sources of anxiety for many high facing economic hardship. However, school seniors. With California’s tuition doubling in due to a sluggish economy, admission only two years, college tuition is on the standards for state schools are becoming rise. LSU’s tuition has almost doubled more competitive. For example, LSU from $3,670 in 2005 to $6,989 in only KDV H[SHULHQFHG D VLJQLĂ€FDQW LQFUHDVH LQ seven years. In addition to the rise in applicants over the past ten years. As a tuition, College Board reports that result, requirements are more rigorous. “Many don’t qualify because they may students attending public universities are now spending an average of $1,168 on have the ACT, not the GPA, or neither.â€? said Thomas said. textbooks and supplies every year. Louisiana TOPS (Taylor Opportunity “I truly believe that many students are hesitant about attending college because Program for students) is one of the parents can’t afford it,â€? Counselor Conrina more viable options for students. TOPS 7KRPDV VDLG ´6WXGHQWV VLW RXW Ă€QG MREV has three different scholarships. The Opportunity Award requires at least a 20 and never look back.â€? State budget cuts, availability of classes on ACT and 2.5 GPA. The Performance DQG LQĂ DWLRQ DUH PDMRU FRQWULEXWRUV WR WKH Award requires at least a 23 on ACT and rise of tuition. As the state continues to 3.0 GPA, which awards an additional cut the budget for public universities, the $400. The Honors Award requires at least institutions are forced to raise fees in order a 27 on ACT and 3.0 GPA which awards an additional $800. to maintain the school. Layout Editor
For the 2012-2013 school year, student. Therefore, students are having to LSU paid $2991 per semester for the Ă€QG RWKHU ZD\V WR SD\ IRU FROOHJH ´%HVLGHV P\ Ă€QDQFLDO DLG DQG Honors Award, $2791 per semester for the Performance Award, and $2591 per scholarships, I am doing workstudy and taking out loans just to pay for college.â€? semester for the Opportunity Award. 7KH /RXLVLDQD 2IĂ€FH RI 6WXGHQW Raven said. Financial Assistance (LOSFA) evaluates all Louisiana high school graduates to see who is University 2012 2005 eligible for TOPS, each year. Tulane “TOPS is a good program $31,210 $45,240 it’s a good incentive,â€? Social Studies Teacher Natalie Almerico said. “It’s Loyola a good reward for students $21,078 $33,846 that work hardâ€? Though scholarships, loans and grants help out LSU with college expenses, they $6,989 $3,670 are most likely not enough to depend on. Pell Grants are Xavier LQWHQGHG WR KHOS Ă€QDQFLDOO\ challenged graduates, but $11,400 $17,700 only last for year. It only awards $5,000 to each
Rising tuition at local universities
Irish Eyes
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Recent success provides spark for Improvisational Troupe By Leiana Pineda
Yet, The Gestures lean more towards the comedic aspect, performing freeze This month Grace King’s Improvisation Troupe, “The tag games and dating .LQJ¡V *HVWXUHV Âľ KHOG LWV Ă€UVW SHUIRUPDQFH LQ WKH 7KHDWUH games. For example, the freeze tag game challenges Room. Improvisation is a form of theatre in which the plot, two actors to act out a scene characters, and dialogue of a game or story are made up based on a suggestion from in the moment. The situation can be comedic or dramatic. the audience, in the middle of the scene another actor can call out freeze and a new scene will begin. 7KH *HVWXUHV¡ Ă€UVW performance, which was held on Oct. 10, was a success according to troupe members. “It went really well. All three rows RI VHDWV ZHUH Ă€OOHG Âľ VHQLRU Maleena Castro, a member of Talented Theatre, said. Bianca Shrestha Admission for the show is Members of the Improvisational Troupe practice The Dating Game skit after school on Oct. free and audience members 25 in the Theatre Room. are allowed to offer suggestions as to what the Randolph Maggiore said. characters should act out, which is common in improv. As for promoting the actual performances, “We’ve Talented Theatre students have been doing improv SUDFWLFH IRU D ZKLOH EXW 7KH *HVWXUHV LV WKH Ă€UVW WURXSH SXW XS Ă \HUV DQG ZH¡UH SODQQLQJ RQ SXWWLQJ DGV LQ WKH that has been created. Due to the success of the previous newspaper,â€? Castro said. The performances will be held either weekly or performance, the troupe is looking forward to having larger audiences in the future. The Theatre Department hopes bimonthly. “It’s hard work, but it’s worth it in the long Bianca Shrestha to increase the popularity of the improv performances. run to see them take over and to see students really enjoy Emily Hornsby and Juan Chavez improvise the The Dating “My goal for the improv show is that we have a Friday or themselves,â€? Maggiore said. The shows are held after Game skit, based on a show from the 1970’s. Saturday night improv show,â€? Talented Theatre teacher school and each performance is about 40 minutes long. Staff Writer
Due to the effects of Hurricane Katrina, curbside recycling was brought to a halt in Jefferson Parish. However, the parish has recently resumed the service. Curbside recycling has been in effect in New Orleans since 1993. After Hurricane Katrina, it was suspended temporarily partly due to the closure of the local Allied Waste materials recovery facility located in Jefferson Parish which suffered substantial damage. After the storm, labor shortages also caused many neighborhoods to stop recycling. In addition, some citizens felt that they needed to concentrate on clearing the
GHEULV DV ZHOO DV RWKHU JDUEDJH Ă€UVW Fortunately, revenue generated from property taxes will provide the Unincorporated Jefferson Parish area and WKH 7RZQ RI -HDQ /DĂ€WWH ZLWK WKH IXQGV needed in order to restart the curbside recycling program. Currently, IESI bills Jefferson Parish $1.59 per household per month to provide curbside recycling to all eligible households. Starting in July, residents were able to participate in this. Illustration by Jessie Chen “To date, approximately 106,000 households have received bins,â€? Assistant Director of the Jefferson Parish Department
of Environmental Affairs, Katherine Costanza said. Jefferson Parish legislators made the decision to resume recycling in New 2UOHDQV EHFDXVH RI LWV PDMRU EHQHĂ€WV “By recycling, you are saving natural resources, reducing carbon emissions, DQG VDYLQJ VSDFH LQ ODQGĂ€OOV VR LW LV GHĂ€QLWHO\ ZRUWK LW Âľ &RVWDQ]D VDLG In response to an act passed by the Louisiana Legislature, Jefferson Parish was able to establish a Recycling Advisory Committee to help in the development of the reduction of solid waste. “The primary goal is to reduce PXQLFLSDO ZDVWH WKDW ZH SXW LQWR ODQGĂ€OOV and to save natural resources,â€? Costanza said. “The Recycling Advisory Committee reconvened after Hurricane Katrina in an effort to review our past diversion efforts and attempt to make them more HIĂ€FLHQW DQG PDNH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV to the Council,â€? Costanza said. “They recommended that the curbside program be re-implemented and enhanced.â€? In addition, curbside recycling was
able to gain many followers because of the convenience it provides. This service allows residents to recycle a variety of materials such as paper and plastic, without having to leave the house. Jefferson Parish is not the only one involved in recycling. Grace King’s Key Club has also decided to implement a recycling program. “We wanted to do more around the school. Plus, people were excited and interested in performing this service for Grace King,â€? Key Club Sponsor Abby McCartney said. Members have distributed boxes to HDFK FODVVURRP WKH RIĂ€FH DQG WKH FRS\ room in order to promote recycling within the school. Every other week, members collect the recycled material and bring it across the street to the Jewish Community Center where it is emptied into larger bins located in the parking lot. “A lot of people would like to recycle, if they had the opportunity to.â€? McCartney said. “It’s a nice thing that Key Club can do for the school community.â€?
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Irish Eyes
Irish Eyes
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Putting the pieces together: organizing and executing a successful pep rally Executive Board: Running the show By Sabra Burge and Magdolin Hakem Staff Writers
Have you ever wondered what went on behind the scenes of a pep rally? Executive Board plays a major role in the structure of a pep rally, as they organize themes, schedule, games and much more. Even before the school year starts, Executive Board comes up with the overall theme of pep rallies. This year, the general theme is Disney. Subthemes are then made which dictate the characters that are drawn on the posters. The Back-to-School pep rally’s subtheme was Pixar and the Homecoming pep rally’s subtheme was Disney Villains. It takes Executive Board at least 3 weeks to put a pep rally together. After school meetings are held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and members often work throughout lunch and Independent Study. Students in Executive Board are assigned to different committees which include a games committee, sound committee, and art committee. They work on their own posters for pep rally and come up with the games that are played during the pep
rallies. Additionally, a video maker must collect pictures to be put into the slideshow viewed at the beginning of each pep rally. In order to make pep rallies run HIÂżFLHQWO\ D VFKHGXOH LV PDGH 7KH timekeeper must follow this schedule to ensure the performances, video or game does not go over time. Furthermore, the timekeeper’s runner informs members and performers if something is omitted from a pep rally due to limited time. Referees manage game participants while telling their runners to retrieve extra people if needed. Scorekeepers judge roll call and games, tally up points the grades have made, and choose teachers to judge posters and bulletin boards. Whichever grade has the most points tallied wins the pep rally. The Executive Board is known for being a student mandated organization, as sponsor Walter Sologaistoa expresses. “I am a facilitator, I am a guide, I am an advisor. I don’t dictate which games go or which activities are gonna go. I just give them the guidelines.â€? “It’s fun,â€? Student Body President Jacqueline Frederic said. “It’s just very hard, but we make the best out of what we do.â€?
Student Council: Behind the scenes By Linda Lin Business Manager
Cheerleaders: Raising school spirit By Rhonisha Ridgeway Staff Writer
With a new coach, the cheerleaders are hoping to make a stronger presence at the pep rallies and games. Kelly LaBry, the new cheerleading sponsor, has cheered at Lafayette High School during her high school years. LaBry sees similarities in Grace King and Lafayette’s squad, however, she feels like Grace King’s current cheerleading squad does more stunts. Senior Captains Jennifer Spivey and Brianna Beach understand the responsibility of being captain is a lot of work. Along with practicing hard after school with the team, the two stay up many hours of the night making routines and working on signs. Spivey and Beach then teaches the squad the choreography. “Being a captain for a cheerleading squad holds a lot of responsibility, but it can be really, really exciting,� Spivey said. The cheerleading squad dedicates many hours of effort into practicing new routines in order to get them exactly the way it was envisioned. The team began practicing for their performances and as early as June 13. Cheerleaders practice Monday through
Friday, from school dismissal to at least 5:30 p.m. Cheerleaders are taught different URXWLQHV 7KHUH LV WKH Ă€\HU ZKRÂśV SRVLWLRQ is to be held in the air by the bases, who KROG WKH Ă€\HU LQ WKH DLU Instead of practicing at J.D Meisler Middle School like they did four years ago, the cheerleaders are now practicing upstairs in the gym. Although the area is limited, the squad manages to work with what they KDYH %HFDXVH RI WKH VLJQLÂżFDQW QXPEHU RI injuries due to poor equipment, the team has spent roughly $2000 on safety matts to reduce accidents. Motivation among the cheerleaders is essential in order for the girls to keep trying. During practice, the cheerleaders encourage each other by saying things like, “Stay tight, smile, nothing hits the ground.â€? Although the cheerleaders are taught to work hard and practice long, the captains try to give them breaks, to avoid stress within the team. The team keeps up the spirit and keeps the football team motivated when they are unsuccessful. “Because of such an energetic team, they know they have to support not only the football team, but also cheer for the parents and fans,â€? LaBry said.
The creative minds that prepare the colorful banners and poster displayed during the pep rallies are members of the student council. Student council also organizes many different events for their respective classes. The preparation for pep rallies usually starts one month prior to the actual event. Each class chooses two characters based on the theme of the pep rally. The board will begin to brainstorm for slogans and designs for the banners that will be used to decorate their section of the bleachers. The board needs to transfer their mental details into sketches onto paper. The railing banners total to about 100 feet and the poster is eight feet by eight feet. Sketching can take anywhere from three to six days. After sketching, the banners and posters need to be painted. The job can take from four days to two weeks. “The hardest part of preparing for pep rallies is having everyone to work as a team,� Junior Board Senator, Farah Alkhafaf said. This year each student will receive a special item from their class board. These
trinkets are intended to raise school spirit. During the Homecoming pep rally, juniors received handmade hooks and eye patches. The seniors were given pom poms. The weeks of preparation are used for a 60 minute pep rally. “We do it for them and we want them to have fun,� Junior Board Senator, Carmin Frisard said. In addition to pep rallies, student council also organized different events for their own class. The Junior/Senior Olympics held this month, was organized by the Junior and Senior class boards. Game played included: the cube game, human pyramid, tug-of-war, egg race, three-legged race and the sack race. Members of student council are held to a higher standard than the rest of student body. They are among the highest achieving students and many participate in a number of other school related organization. As a result, it is imperative that they manage their time and balance responsibilities. Recognition is not always the motivation for participating in student council. “I feel that my work is usually not appreciated by my class, but there is usually one ‘wow, those signs look great’ and that is all worth the work,� Alkhafaf said.
Dance Team: Showcasing talents By Samah Hammad
are practiced months before. “Before you perform, you’re always nervous,â€? Co-captain Jacqueline Frederic The Kolleens perform in many events explains, “The most you could do is be throughout the year, including pep rallies, FRQÂżGHQW DQG JLYH LW \RXU DOO 3UDFWLFH DQG football games, parades, and competitions. dedication pay off.â€? Jazz, pom, and hip hop are just a few of Preparations for performances include the styles that the Kolleens dance to. Since warm ups such as stretching. Injuries such they perform at regional, state, and national as pulled muscles and sprained ankles are competitions, the Kolleens practice year common among the dancers. Also, the round. Kolleens always have identical hairstyles )URP -XQH WR WKH ÂżUVW ZHHN RI $XJXVW and makeup. the dance team practices every day from Managing time is an important 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Once the school responsibility of being a Kolleen. None year begins, they practice from 4:00 p.m. of the Kolleens are currently employed to 6:00 p.m. every weekday, including because there is simply no time. This weekends, and sometimes during holiday also comes into play with things such as breaks. This demanding practice schedule spending time with friends and family. The often prevents the Kolleens from going on whole team has to balance dance team with vacation. extracurricular activities at school, such as During the summer, the Kolleens go to student council. camp where they learn and perform new “I’m sophomore board treasurer,â€? routines. The dances for pep rallies, football Dynna Washington said, “and I leave every games, competitions, and parades are all meeting early so I can be ready for dance chosen in the beginning of the year. The team practice.â€? WHDPÂśV RIÂżFHUV DWWHQG DQ RIÂżFHU ZRUNVKRS Senior, Captain Destiny Ponville feels as well as camp, where they choreograph WKH VDFULÂżFHV DUH ZRUWKZKLOH Âł,WÂśV D JUHDW new performances for the whole year. Pep feeling to lead such an amazing team rally routines are practiced weeks before the that allows me to do what I love to do pep rally, while competition performances everyday.â€? Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Irish Eyes
Players of the Month By Tia Banerjee Sports Editor
Jenny Portillo
Eric Sheu
Sport: Cross Country Grade: Junior Favorite Athlete: Alex Morgan Favorite Food: Fried rice and chicken Favorite Class: Math Favorite Musical Artist: Trip Lee
“Hasn’t missed a practice since joining the team and tries to be the fastest runner.� - Coach Roberto Furtado
The success of women’s basketball programs at the collegiate level is due in large part to Title IX legislation. At Tulane University, women’s basketball rivals the men’s program.
Title IX celebrates 40 years RI OHYHOLQJ WKH SOD\LQJ ÀHOG is equal in three major aspects. Athletic scholarships must be given equally to both genders in proportion to a school’s Females participating in high school enrollment. The school must offer equal or college level sports today have Title participation opportunities, specialized IX to thank. athletic programs and treatment to While the original intent of the law was females. Finally, an institution has to address discrimination in education, to have sports accommodating both about 20 years ago, interpretation of genders, meaning that sports offered to the law called attention to the disparity males must also be offered to females. of resources for females participating in In cases such as football, an alternative collegiate athletics. female sport must be offered. 7KH ODZ LV QRW VSHFL¿F WR VSRUWV ,W Furthermore, an institution must applies to every aspect of education, provide the same quality of equipment, from academics to scholarships. equal travel arrangements, similar However, the law has the largest impact competitive schedules, equal coaching on participation in sports. and academic tutoring to both genders. A 2005 study shows that there has Despite this law being in effect for 40 been an 875 percent increase in female \HDUV QRZ WKH ¿HOG KDV \HW WR OHYHO RXW participation on the high school level According to the NCAA’s 1999-2000 since 1975. The same study showed a 435 gender equity study, while 54 percent of percent increase in female participation the enrollment in 832 schools is made up on the college level. of women, only 41 percent of the athletes Another study showed that in the are women. The same study showed 2007-2008 school year, the number of that only 44 percent of the coaches of boys and girls competing in high school women’s sports teams were female. sports was almost equal, at 4.3 million The impact of the law goes beyond for boys and over 3 million for girls. WKH SOD\LQJ ¿HOG *LUOVœ VRFFHU FRDFK Before Title IX, 3.6 millions boys and Cherlyn Scott recognizes the value of under 300,000 girls participated in high participation. school sports. ³6SRUWV KHOS EXLOG FRQ¿GHQFH VHOI The basis for male and female sports esteem and community,� Scott said. By Tia Banerjee Sports Editor
Brandon Briones Sport: Wrestling Grade: Senior Favorite Athlete: Georges St-Pierre Favorite Food: Baleades Favorite Class: Dance Class Favorite Musical Artist: Hopsin
“Hard worker with tremendous potential, strives to better himself.� - Coach Roberto Furtado
Irish Eyes
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
New Orleans to host upcoming Super Bowl By Stephanie Dix Staff Writer
Super Bowl XLVII will be held in the New Orleans Mercedes-Benz Superdome on Feb. 3, 2013. This will be the tenth time New Orleans has hosted a Super Bowl. New Orleans was a host site in 2002 and is tied with Miami for holding the most Super Bowls. There is an estimated economic impact of over $400 million for the city of New Orleans according to the Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation. $85 million was approved by Louisiana lawmakers to update the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. These renovations include more seating, new suites, and wider concourses. The Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation is in charge of everything IURP WKH 9,3 HYHQWV WUDI¿ F FRQWURO VHFXULW\ DQG VWDI¿ QJ YROXQWHHUV The NFL and league owners consider a number of factors when scouting potential Super Bowl sites such as available number of hotel rooms and restaurants as well as the city’s ability to manage large crowds for example: Mardi *UDV 7KH FRPPLWWHH DOVR LGHQWL¿ HV FLWLHV with a covered stadium, luxury suites as
Taking a Dive with Tia Tia Banerjee Sports Editor
Stephanie Dix
The Mercedes-Benz Superdome has undergone major renovations to prepare for Superbowl XLVII. This will be the tenth time New Orleans will host this event.
well as facilities to accommodate media from around the world. The bidding process of choosing the next Super Bowl site is somewhat of a mystery. There is not much known about this process except for the league’s owners taking part in several rounds of FRQ¿ GHQWLDO YRWLQJ 7KH\ YRWH RQ WKH Super Bowl sites four years in advance. Hotel rooms and restaurants are booked all over the city already for the Super Bowl. Right after the Super Bowl was announced for 2013, the league
blocked off almost 90 percent of the hotel rooms to calculate the pricing of the rooms. This is also an important event for all of the musicians, artists and small business owners in New Orleans. In addition to the 2013 Super Bowl, New Orleans has recently hosted the annual All-State Sugarbowl, the BCS National Championship, and the NCAA Final Four which had a $135 million economic impact. New Orleans is FXUUHQWO\ UDQNHG Âż IWK DV WKH ODUJHVW VSRUWV market.
Cross Country runners celebrate successful season such as Bonnabel, Riverdale and Haynes. “It’s a rewarding feeling, especially Each meet is three miles long. VLQFH LWÂśV P\ Âż UVW \HDU , IHOW SURXG RI Staff Writer Senior captain, Angello Medina-Perez myself,â€? Portillo said. SODFHG Âż UVW LQ WKH 5LYHUGDOH ,QYLWDWLRQDO Senior captain, Gabriela Lepe is proud This year’s Cross Country team Cross Country meet at Pontiff Park on of the team she is leaving behind. “At KDV H[SHULHQFHG D VLJQLÂż FDQW JURZWK Oct. 10. His winning time was of 18 the same time, I’m sad that I’m leaving of runners, and continues to strive for minutes and 9 seconds; his personal best a huge team, but I feel good about the success. is 16 minutes and 41 seconds. “It’s good next team that’s coming up since we’ve 7KH VHDVRQ RIÂż FLDOO\ EHJDQ RQ $XJ to lead a team with these talents and accomplished many things.â€? 27. However, the team began training a gives us something to week prior to Isaac. The season concluded look up to,â€? Medinawith the State Cross Country Meet on Perez said. Tuesday, Nov. 13, at North Western State Cross Country University in Natchitoches. competed in the The team roster consists of a total of 2012 Jefferson Parish 33 runners, with 16 male and 17 female Public High School runners. Championship at Head Coach, Roberto Furtado, is Fisher High School impressed with the response of students LQ /DÂż WWH RQ 2FW interested in the sport. 16. The boys and “It’s grown. When the new kids come girls teams placed in, I want them to work hard. I expect my second in district. older kids to lead the way.â€? In the individual The teams practice daily, with the competition, Perez exception of competition. Daily practices placed second with include running one to three miles and the time of 17 minutes sprints, as a team or individually. In and 37 seconds. Junior, addition, they also train in the weight Jenny Portillo placed Bianca Shrestha room. third with 25 minutes Senior Eric Broussard holds up second place trophy from the King competes against district schools, and 45 seconds. Jefferson Parish Championship at Fisher High School. By Mahum Riaz
6RPHWKLQJ WKDW , À QG H[WUHPHO\ important, yet underrated, is hydrationZDWHU WR EH H[DFW Previously, I did not think constantly hydrating was all that important- I drank water when I was thirsty, and that was LW 0\ HQWLUH YLHZSRLQW FKDQJHG RQH GD\ when I fell victim to dehydration and had WR EH FKHFNHG RXW RI VFKRRO I always bring water with me whenever I go to workout, from swimming to walking RU MXVW FRDFKLQJ P\ WHDP , HYHQ HPSKDVL]H to them how important it is to bring water WR HYHU\ SUDFWLFH DQG WR HYHU\ VZLP PHHW 'HK\GUDWLRQ LV GHÀ QHG DV ZKHQ WKH ORVV RI ERG\ à XLGV H[FHHGV WKH DPRXQW WDNHQ LQ :H ORVH D ORW RI ZDWHU WKURXJK VZHDW ZKLFK KDSSHQV D ORW ZKHQ ZH H[HUFLVH \HV VZLPPHUV VZHDW WRR :H HYHQ ORVH ZDWHU ZKHQ ZH EUHDWKH 7KH À UVW V\PSWRP RI GHK\GUDWLRQ LV WKLUVW 2WKHU V\PSWRPV LQFOXGH GU\ PRXWK ZHDNQHVV GL]]LQHVV FRQIXVLRQ OHWKDUJ\ DQG IDLQWLQJ While water is not the only drink you can quench your thirst with, I suggest not K\GUDWLQJ ZLWK VRIW GULQNV $FFRUGLQJ WR the California Center for Public Health $GYRFDF\ WKHUH DUH WHDVSRRQV RI sugar in every 20 ounces of a soft drink on DYHUDJH ,I UHJXODUO\ FRQVXPHG VRIW GULQNV can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and WRRWK GHFD\ :KLOH WKHLU WDVWH LV DSSHDOLQJ soft drinks really should only be consumed LQ PRGHUDWLRQ Water, on the other hand, ensures proper RUJDQ IXQFWLRQ ,W LPSURYHV VNLQ TXDOLW\ and helps with digestion, which maintains \RXU ZHLJKW DQG HYHQ KHOS \RX ORVH VRPH Water also helps keep your immune system LQ FKHFN WKHUHIRUH KHOSLQJ \RX À JKW RII LOOQHVV 7KH VXJJHVWHG DPRXQW RI ZDWHU FRQVXPSWLRQ LV HLJKW R] VHUYLQJV D GD\ Water is really important, just ask any DWKOHWH $IWHU DOO WKH FURVV FRXQWU\ WHDP does not carry around half gallons of water DV D IDVKLRQ VWDWHPHQW 'HVSLWH FRQVWDQWO\ being surrounded by water, I still always KDYH D ZDWHU ERWWOH ZLWK PH DW SUDFWLFH , am not saying you have to have a gallon of water with you at all times, but I advise you all to stay well hydrated and live a healthy OLIH
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Irish Eyes
Students encouraged to cast vote in upcoming presidential election Are you 18 and voting this November? If not, why not? Is it because you don’t have time? Or is it because you simply just don’t care? According to an exit poll analysis from Tufts University, 22 to 24 million citizens between the ages of 18–29 voted in the 2008 presidential election. That is anywhere from 49 to 54 percent of the entire population that is eligible to vote. In this year’s election, 46 million young adults between the ages of 18-29 are eligible to vote. Statisticians estimate that by the year 2015, this population will make up one-third of the electorate. Unfortunately, there are still many teens who are eligible to vote, but chose not to. 2QH RI WKHVH UHDVRQV LV SROLWLFDO LQHIÂżFDF\ ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV WKH\ MXVW GR QRW FDUH EHFDXVH they feel their vote will not make a difference. These people often feel that because the nation is so big, one vote will not matter. But the truth is, it does matter. Even though the result of the election is not directly determined by our votes, the vote still counts. Plus, if HYHU\RQH ZLWK WKH VDPH RSLQLRQ DV \RX YRWHG \RXU YRWH ZRXOG GHÂżQLWHO\ FRXQW Another excuse for people not to cast their vote is that they are “too busy.â€? Many SHRSOH KDYH VDFULÂżFHG WKHLU OLYHV WR HQVXUH WKDW ZH KDYH WKH ULJKW WR YRWH 1RW WR PHQWLRQ it took quite a long time for the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-Sixth Amendment WR EH FRPSOHWHO\ UDWLÂżHG 7KH OHDVW ZH FRXOG GR LV WDNH D IHZ PLQXWHV RXW RI RXU GD\ WR punch in a single name. Currently, the highest percentage of voters consists of older generations. Therefore, they are the most reliable when it comes to voting. Every time a youth votes, the government collects and records the number. As soon as politicians realize that younger citizens are interested, they will start to target them. This nation’s future is in our hands. Since young adults account for such a large portion of the total population, citizens should care, especially if they are young now. This is going to be our future. Too often, it is the people that do not vote that end up complaining the most. If you do not voice your opinions, then you really have no right to criticize. Not voting is like saying you do not care how legislatures are running the country. Many would say that they do not like any of the candidates. But, what they often forget is that there are other candidates on the ballot, not just the representatives from the Democratic and Republican parties. In not voting, we are inadvertently letting other people decide our future for us. The bottom line is, we should vote simply because we can. Even if other young people are not voting, you should treat it like a duty as a citizen of this great nation. A government “of the people, by the people and for the peopleâ€? does not apply if the people do not participate in the process whether it be state, local or national election. Therefore, when the next election rolls around, be sure to go out and cast your vote.
Illustration by Bianca Shrestha
Junior expects improvement with ACT prep class It’s a Nguyen Win When the new school year came to place, I was very surprised when I heard homeroom transitioned into ACT Prep class. Nevertheless, I was remarkably pleased to hear the school was willing to help us focus on the ACT, because when Nga I was an underclassman, I wondered how Nguyen on Earth would I be able to take on a such Opinions/ an important test. In ACT Prep class, you take timed Entertainment practice tests alternating from math to Editor reading. Although you cannot say you know what is going to be on the test, you are learning to manage your time much more wisely. Managing your time is the one of the most, if not the most important, 0RVW VWXGHQWV FRXOG DJUHH WKH ¿UVW WLPH aspect in excelling the ACT. I have also they took the ACT, they walked into the noticed some teachers are actually giving room nervous and unprepared. I would us a time limit on our tests, to teach us time say a vast majority of students believe you is a very important aspect in these tests. cannot study for the crucial test. However, As for the students, I encourage you I see a great desire in Grace King’s all to take those tests very seriously, teachers and faculty to teach students EHFDXVH \RX FDQ RQO\ EHQH¿W IURP WKHVH useful techniques in order to succeed in resources the school is providing you. getting those test scores up. Many students at other schools are not as
fortunate as we are to have these practices, so we should take full advantage of it. Teachers and faculty can only encourage you to do your best, but your score is in your own hands. Sooner than later, you will catch yourself using those learned techniques and your scores will improve. My test taking skills are becoming quicker and my ability of using process of elimination is becoming more accurate. With an endeavor of reaching your dream ACT score, you will have to keep practicing. There is also a number of phenomenal teachers going the extra yard, taking time out of their own lives, and having ACT tutoring sessions, which are open to all students. Reaching out to teachers, asking questions, and being open to learn are a few of important factors of doing well on the ACT. With the collaboration of each teacher and effort from the students, I truly have high expectations for the ACT scores on the March 19 test.
Novice reveals mixed emotions about Drivers Ed
Kimberly’s Dang Column Kimberly Dang Layout Editor
At one point in everyone’s lives, we have thought about getting our own driver’s license. I took drivers education recently and driving is both something to be excited and nervous about. Drivers education is not necessarily hard, but it is not easy either. Remembering signs and rules on the street are pretty easy; most of it is common sense or things that you picked up over the years
from watching others drive. However, the moment you are behind the wheel for the ÀUVW IHZ WLPHV \RX MXVW FDQQRW KHOS EXW feel nervous. , ÀQG LW NLQG RI ERWKHUVRPH WKDW PRVW schools do not provide drivers education in school anymore. My dad told me about how most high schools would provide drivers education as a class during high school and was at no cost when he was in high school. The Jefferson Parish Public School System has a drivers education course that you can take. The class costs you a couple hundred dollars. You get half a credit that counts towards graduation, thirty hours of classroom instruction, and eight hours of VWXGHQW GULYLQJ , ÀQG WKDW WKH FODVV LV NLQG of inconvenient, as it is held from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and you need your own ride to and from class. Of course, there are other options that you can take in order to get your drivers education. I started my student driving session not too long ago. Driving requires you to be able to multi-task. You have to look at all
the signs, check for pedestrians, stay in your lane, and so on. For me, driving in a straight line was surprisingly harder than I expected. There are also those moments when I wonder if driving is a good thing or not. I wonder would happen if I were in a car accident. What would you do? You hear about deaths and horrible accidents on the news. I do not want to imagine being in that position. Different people have different reasons for learning how to drive. People either learn how to drive because they need to drive for themselves and others people OHDUQ KRZ WR GULYH MXVW WR GULYH /HDUQLQJ KRZ WR GULYH FDQ DOORZ \RX WR JHW D MRE You can also go places without worrying about how to get there and how to get back. I am someone who stays after school quite often and I would rather not bother my busy parents about needing a ride home all the time. Drivers education is something that everyone should take, whether you think you need or not.
Irish Eyes Volume 45 No. 1 Irish Eyes is a monthly publication in conjunction with the journalism program at Grace King High School. It is a member of the Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, American Scholastic Press Association, National Scholastic Press Association and the Louisiana Scholastic Press Association. Letters to the Editor are welcome and should be submitted to room 210. Irish Eyes reserves the right to edit any submissions. The views expressed in columns are those of the columnists. The views expressed in the editorial are those of the Editorial Board.
Editor-in-Chief Eric Sheu Managing Editor Jessie Chen Bianca Shrestha Business Manager Linda Lin Layout Editor Bethany Coate Kimberly Dang Sports Editor Tia Banerjee Opinions/Entertainment Editor Nga Nguyen Staffwriters Leiana Pineda Jenna Brewton Sabra Burge Shanzay Chaudhry Stephanie Dix Isabella Cross Magdolin Hakem Samah Hammad Mahum Riaz Rhonisha Ridgeway Hamna Sial Adviser Thomas Curran
Senior does not agree with extra 30 minutes I’m writing in concern of the extra thirty minutes added to the school day. I really don’t like the plan. I understand that, by contract, every student in a public school has to have a certain number of hours. Due to the hurricane, we absolutely have to make them up. I get that. My opposition, though, is that option B would have been more convenient. Five days would have been taken from various vacations. Such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break. The extra 30 minutes that DUH DGGHG WR RXU GD\V UHDOO\ FRQÀ LFW ZLWK P\ DIWHU VFKRRO schedule. A lot of people have work. This is only one of many things students have to do after school . An extra 30 minutes may not seem like much but every minute counts when you have practice at 4:30 and have work at 5:00. Those 30 minutes lost due to the new schedule became crucial. I would much rather donate a few days we would’ve had off instead. Students had no say so. Neither did parents. I wish the decision would have been made in a different way; considering the people it would effect the most. Anthony Wade, senior
Elise Kuchler
My favorite part was Tacky Tourist Tuesday because everyone dressed differently and there were lots of varieties of countries and states.
Simin Almassi
The pep rally. I like supporting my grade.
Rabia Sayyid
The fact that everybody was really spirited; it makes people look forward to the coming of school.
Junior inspired by determined independent artists
Linsanity Linda Lin Business Manager
Over the summer, I spent my time exploring and discovering new talents on the Internet. During this time I discovered singer and songwriter Clara Chung. Chung, commercially known as “Clara C�, is an
ordinary young adult with a passion for music. Her music is lively and happy. It always puts me in a better mood. She once walked into a cafe full of fans and performed especially for them, proving she is not afraid to interact with her fans. Chung is an independent artist, so she does not have a contract. However, she has raised HQRXJK IXQGV WR SXW RXW KHU Âż UVW DOEXP DQG even go on tour with another independent artist, David Choi. Another independent artist is Lindsey Stirling. She is a blooming violinist who is well known for her instrumental music. Stirling has played everything from classical violin pieces to hip-hop violin. Her videos are unique, fun and crazy. She has a funny accent that makes me laugh. Not only is she talented, she is wild, adventurous and shares my love of video games.
The two artists have been featured in American Idol, America’s Got Talent, Good Morning America and other television network. Both Lindsey and Clara have recently FRPH RXW ZLWK WKHLU ¿ UVW DOEXP DQG ERWK DUH FXUUHQWO\ RQ WKHLU ¿ UVW WRXU It is impressive how they still manage to raise the funds for these without the support of a major record label. These artists may not have big companies EDFNLQJ WKHP XS DQG ¿ QGLQJ WKHP MREV EXW these talented individuals still found their way towards fame and music. Although the road may be a little bit more bumpier, the outcome is worth it. These artists have made a great impact on my life. They are living proof that if your heart and soul are into your passion, the impossible is possible.
Acharee Apipanyakul
My favorite thing was Fighting Irish Friday because it was cool seeing everyone get into school spirit.
4-H member dedicated to community service This year has been a slow but productive start for the 4-H Helping Hands Club. We’ve recently began a sewing committee to help make pillow cases for ill and hospitalized children. Personally, I get a great feeling out of creating something by hand. Also, it is a fantastic opportunity to learn a new hobby. In addition, we have a gardening committee that meets on Wednesdays and Fridays. Our club is currently trying to plan an event to visit the animal shelter. We are constantly thinking of new ideas to be involved in our school and community; when our efforts are recognized, it makes being part of this club all the more rewarding. Rida Sajid, senior
Sophomore expresses concern in new scheduling I have one major issue, which is the A/B schedule. I think it is very stressful. Last year used to be so easy. We have eight classes with homework every night. I liked how all of out classes used to change each semester. Sometimes I can’t even remember what day it is. Eight classes are hard to juggle with homework and activities after school. I have to focus on one class sometimes because it is so hard and I forget about my other classes. I found it helpful having four long classes. I wish we had the regular schedule back. Alisha Siddiqui, sophomore
Being on Homecoming Court and having fun with my friends at the dance.
6WXGHQW UHÀ HFWV RQ SRVLWLYH H[SHULHQFH DW .LQJ As a student of Grace King High School, I can honestly say that I’ve more than enjoyed my time here. I think that the school is more than willing to become successful. As part of the student council sophomore board, I’ve realized how students put so much effort to make a better school. In addition to the students, teachers put so much effort to give us a better education and teach us what we need to learn. I also want to say that Mrs. Griffon is an awesome principal, as she is always putting forth her best to us. Vannessa Carranza-DeLeon, sophomore
Student dislikes 15 minute bathroom rule One thing that bugs me is the fact that the bathrooms don’t open until 15 minutes after the bell rings and 15 minutes before going to the next class. I really don’t like it, because there have been times where I really have to go and I honestly have to wait for the longest time. I can’t concentrate in class. Gabriela Lepe, senior
What is your favorite part of Homecoming?
Senior grateful for success of Homecoming Homecoming was amazing this year. Even though we didn’t win the Homecoming game, the pep rally and dance were great. Thanks to most of the early release seniors, the seniors won every section of the pep rally. Thank you to Mr. Cella for providing our class with the opportunity of a 2013 Senior class trip. Also, thanks to Senior Board for helping. Jun Li, senior
Soon to be graduate realizes importance of ACT Being a senior, the ACT is really important. A lot of the seniors are stressing over the ACT and applying for colleges now. However, the new A/B schedule also affects the amount of stress we are put under. Learning something one day for one class and learning another for a different day is confusing. Having to remember a different piece of information every other day seems to affect the students’ performance and the balance of their schedule. The amount of stress from our alternating classes and ACT preparation may be too overwhelming for some students. Rebecca Kye, senior
Speak Out
Letters to the Editor 6HQLRU SUHSDUHV IRU Âż QDO \HDU DW .LQJ This year is my year. I am ready to live it up, and to get as close to my ‘013 class as possible. Grace King has so many events that I look forward to. I want to participate in all of them before I am long gone from high school. Senior year means you must be on top of your stuff at all times. The end comes quicker than you think. Some seniors look relaxed and take the easiest classes to get out of school as quickly as they can. Then, on the other hand, you see seniors do numerous activities and tasks that they have to go through on a daily basis. It is really whatever you make it. I choose to not be overwhelmingly busy, but have just enough things to GR LQ RUGHU WR NHHS XS +RZHYHU WKLV LV P\ Âż UVW \HDU RI being at school full time, which means I need friends. The process of making friends is a success so far due to all of the clubs I am in. Wish me luck and lots of prosperity. Nabila Kesrewan, senior
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Irish Eyes
Christian Bonilla
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Irish Eyes
Horror classics still provide thrills Illustrations by Bianca Shrestha
“Halloween� builds on suspense
“Friday the 13th� leaves shivers
“Psycho� remake proves to be chilling
By Jessie Chen
By Shanzay Chaudhry
By Bianca Shrestha
Managing Editor
Staff Writer
Managing Editor
With Halloween being today, many SHRSOH ZLOO Ă€ QG WKHPVHOYHV VWDULQJ DW WKH television screen with popcorn splattered everywhere screaming “Don’t go into the closet!â€? Among the many scary Halloween Ă€ OPV , ZRXOG VD\ ZDWFKLQJ ´+DOORZHHQÂľ (1978) on Halloween day is perfect. This classic movie starts off with a girl, Judith and her boyfriend sitting in the living room. While her younger brother is lurking around, the two go upstairs. Michael retrieves a knife and searches for his sister after her boyfriend has left. After he murders Judith, Michael is sent to a sanitarium. On Halloween day, Michael continually stalks a high school student named Laurie. The ending depicts an intense and dramatic battle between Laurie and Michael. In the 2007 version, the main idea is the same: Michael is a psychopath murderer. But of course, the details, characters, DQG VFHQHV ZHUH FKDQJHG WR Ă€ W WKH WLPH period. When comparing the two movies, I have to say, personally, the suspense is much scarier than the actual killing scenes in the 1978 version. It is the eerie music played that drives me to the edge of my seat. When the actual scenes of slaughter occur, anyone can tell immediately that it is completely fake. In the newer version, it was still very suspenseful and equally as thrilling. However, the numerous murder scenes were much bloodier. If you are someone who is into blood and guts, then the 2007 version is for you. On the other hand, if you are a person who watches horror movies just for the “my heart stopped for a momentâ€? feeling, then stick to the original. What could be more haunting than watching a few scary movies on the best night of the year? Go see for yourself. After all, that is what Halloween is all about.
The original “Friday the 13thâ€? is a movie about a kid that drowns in a summer camp and is avenged by his mother. In contrast, the remake is about how the kids gets a revenge. It is still one of the movies that is seen throughout the year, especially on Halloween. Personally, I think the original version is better than the remake due to many reasons. First, the original version is more thrilling. It seems like the director focused more on the audio which has a good impact on the movie overall. After Jason Vorhees’s death at camp, his mother Mrs. Vorhees went back to camp and killed all the attendees out of revenge. After 20 years, the new owner hires a group of counselors to reopen the camp on Friday the 13, apparently on Jason’s birthday. They are all killed except for one survivor, Alice Hardy, who eventually kills Jason’s mother. The ending reveals a twist. In the remake, a group of friends looking for drugs by the abandoned camp that are murdered by Jason except for Whitney Miller. Whitney’s EURWKHU &OD\ 0LOOHU VHWV RII WR Ă€ QG his missing sister. He befriends another JURXS RI SHHUV &OD\ HYHQWXDOO\ Ă€ QGV his sister with Jenna, the only survivor of the group he befriended. In the end, Jenna dies and it seems OLNH &OD\ DQG :KLWQH\ Ă€ QDOO\ GHIHDW Jason. Or so it seems. There is no doubt that the picture quality in the remake was amazing but that does not make it better. For the most part, the story was the same. The original version of the movie does a better job reeling the audience in with more suspense. Some parts actually scared me. I think the sound track played an important role in shaping the movie as well.
Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 “Psychoâ€? is most notable for presenting an unprecedented level of horror using violence. Because of this, and many other reasons, I strongly consider the original version of “Psychoâ€? better than Gus Van Stant’s 1998 version. “Psychoâ€? narrates a story about a woman named Marion Crane who steals money from a bank in order to be with her secret lover, Sam Loomis. While driving to meet Sam, she stops at a motel where she converses with the innkeeper, Norman Bates. During their conversation, she has a change of heart and plans to return the stolen money. Yet while taking a shower, she is stabbed and murdered. Marion’s loved ones search for her because of her prolonged disappearance. 7KH\ HYHQWXDOO\ JHW FORVHU WR Ă€ QGLQJ ZKR the murderer is. All issues and confusion are then resolved. Hitchcock’s “Psychoâ€? is probably RQH RI KLV EHVW ZRUNV VSHFLĂ€ FDOO\ LQ WKH shower scene where we witness the murder of Marion Crane. Although we never see the knife penetrate through Crane’s body, it is implied. The graphic and gory details actually are unnecessary, making this scene meaningful. Newer is not always better; Van Stant’s 1998 “Psychoâ€? proves this theory. I felt as if I was watching the movie all over again except in color and with horrible, inept actors. Except for some minor changes, each scene was the exact same as Hitchcock’s. To call this version a “remakeâ€? is a complete lie. My expectations were too high for the shower scene, as there was less accumulated suspense and the murder scene was blurred with weird dreamlike images. Hitchcock’s version is radically more memorable than Van Stant’s. The ingenious idea behind it makes it appealing to watch.
Irish Illustrations: Friends go on trick-or-treating adventure
Illustration by Bianca Shrestha