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Irish Eyes gkirisheyes.org
Monday, February 3, 2014
Volume 46 Issue 3
Hotels around New Orleans Page 12 4301 Grace King Place, Metairie, LA 70002
Mahum Riaz
Grace King was host to the 64th annual Louisiana Association of Student Councils Convention. The theme “Leaders on Parade� was represented through Mardi Gras decorations. The Opening Ceremony featured Peyton Chiasson from Thibodaux High School and Maddy Clement from Ecole Classique with Grace King and Riverdale students serving as maids.
King’s talent on display as host of state convention masks based on their school theme as well as the convention theme. The opening ceremony took place at The Louisiana Association of Student Councils 7:30 P.M. The ceremony consisted of (LASC) celebrated the 64th annual convention at Grace host students dressed in Mardi Gras maid King High School on Jan. 18, 2014. The three day gowns, a performance from the Kolleens, cheerleaders, pep squad, step team and convention had over 1,000 people from 103 schools. Last year at the 2013 convention, Grace King won the band as well as the presentation of district honor of hosting the next state convention. Preparations SUHVLGHQWV DQG VWDWH RIÂżFHUV 6FKRROV such as booking hotel rooms and speakers immediately UXQQLQJ IRU RIÂżFH SUHVHQWHG WKHLU FDPSDLJQ skits during this time. followed the election. “I think the opening ceremony was really The theme of the convention was “Leaders on Parade,â€? based on Mardi Gras. Schools arrived as early as 2 quite spectacular. It was visually amazing, P.M. on Saturday for registration and contests, such as and it really set the tone for the rest of the photography and speech. Schools brought in photos from convention because it was so grand,â€? Tia their region and delegates prepared speeches in advance Banerjee, out-going Secretary-Host, said. Delegates arrived early Sunday morning based on Mardi Gras and leadership. There was also a mask contest in which schools decorated Mardi Gras for optional church services. The 70 Clara Fajardo workers used this time to set up for the day. Tia Banerjee, out-going Secretary-Host, prepares for the “Ball at the Mallâ€? “I enjoyed getting dance at Lakeside Mall on Jan. 19. here early and doing Sunday evening, Lakeside mall closed its doors to the a run through of the day with all the workers,â€? Executive Board adviser public and hosted the adviser’s dinner and the “Ball at the Mallâ€? dance for the delegates from 7:30 P.M. to 10:30 Michelle McCabe said. Following the services, the P.M. Workers had the opportunity to enjoy the festivities delegates convened in the gym to hear alongside the delegates. “The dance was so much fun. It was awesome to the keynote speaker, A’ric Jackson. Jackson inspired delegates to not be ÂżQDOO\ JHW WR HQMR\ WKH GDQFH ZLWKRXW KDYLQJ WR VWD\ DIWHU afraid to step out of their comfort zone. and work,â€? sophomore Jessica Lozano said. 0RQGD\ PRUQLQJ ZDV WKH ÂżQDO PHHWLQJ IRU DOO RI WKH His message, along with his story, left delegates and advisers. During this time, a Martin Luther many students in tears. After lunch, delegates reported to King Jr. tribute video was presented. (OHFWLRQV ZHUH WKHQ KHOG IRU WKH RIÂżFHV &KDQGOHU the seminars and workshops that served as the leadership training portion of +DUULV IURP +D\QHV $FDGHP\ ZRQ WKH RIÂżFH RI 6WDWH the weekend. Speakers included a President. The 2015 LASC Convention will be hosted by Samah Hammad professional wrestler, an entrepreneur Captain Shreve High School in Shreveport. Âł,W ZDV D ORW RI IXQ DQG , GHÂżQLWHO\ ZDQW WR JR QH[W A group of LASC hosts and delegates gather in the courtyard on the first day of from Idea Village and a detective from year,â€? freshman Sadye Treadway said. the JPSO K-9 Unit. convention during registration. Tia Banerjee and Samah Hammad Copy Editor and Sports Editor
Slave history overlooked
Happiness in everyday life
Plantation tours fail to accurately depict the true history of its cruel past.
Happiness can be attributed to many factors: mental, social, monetary and physical.
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Page 6-7
Basketball team aims to win The Fighting Irish basketball team relies on senior leadership through the challenging season.
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Contact us: 4301 Grace King Place Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: (504) 888-7334
Submit Letters-to-the-Editor to tcirisheyes@gmail.com Check out the online edition of Irish Eyes at gkirisheyes.org
Monday, February 3, 2014
Irish Eyes
Jazz musician to speak at lunch Delfeayo Marsalis, a world class jazz trombonist who toured with Ray Charles, will be in the library Feb. 12 during lunch. Marsalis is a graduate of NOCCA. Junior spirit week themes revealed Junior spirit week will be held from Feb. 17-21. The themes of the each day are as follows: Millionaire Monday, Toon Tuesday, Watcha Wearin’ Wednesday, Team Thursday and Fire Breathing Friday.
Compiled by Rhonisha Ridgeway Entertainment Editor
6SHHFK DQG 'HEDWH 7HDP TXDOL¿HV Speech and Debate Team qualified for the Tournament of Champions at St. Augustine on Dec. 6 and 7. Taiyiana Robinson placed second in the LincolnDouglas competition; Hannah Goodman and Dashawna Tanner placed second in the Public Forum competition. NHS Induction date announced The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony will take place on Feb. 19, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. This event will be held in the Fine Arts Building in the Black Box Theater. Additionally, NHS will start collecting athletic equipment in March for the Ronald McDonald House.
Theatre Department to host contest Grace King’s Theatre Department will host the third annual Shakespeare Speech Competition on Feb. 6 from 3:00- 4:30 in Rm. 601. Contestants will recite a 20 line monologue. The winner from Grace King will compete at the local competition at Tulane University on Feb. 16.
Anum Siddiqui
Katelyn Burgess and Kaileb from Alice Birney Elementary participated in the Special Olympics at the Colonial Bowling Alley on Jan. 14.
Shrestha honored as Student of the Year Isabella Cross Features Editor
Samah Hammad
Bianca Shrestha works in a Chemistry lab during an AP Saturday session on Jan. 25.
Bianca Shrestha was selected as the student of the year for the 2013-2014 school year. Shrestha is involved in various school clubs and extracurricular activities such as Executive Board, The Irish Eyes Newspaper, Cross Country and
National Honor Society. Shrestha has also represented Louisiana in the Al Neuharth Free Spirit Conference. In 2013, she was awarded the AP 6FKRODU ZLWK +RQRUV DZDUG 7KLV FHUWL¿HV that she has achieved scores of 3 or higher on four or more AP exams. Outside of school, she has performed over 100 hours of community service work at East Jefferson General Hospital.
Reliability of CommonApp causes anxiety for graduating seniors Applicants that are experiencing technical glitches are also require a Common App Supplement and present the applicant with additional member questions. These can urged to check the appropriate university website or contact EH ¿OOHG RXW RQ WKH VLWH 7KHUH LV DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU ¿UVW WKH DGPLVVLRQV RI¿FH DQG WR VWD\ XSGDWHG E\ PRQLWRULQJ WKH As application deadlines for colleges and universities year applicants and a different application for transfer Common App’s Facebook page and Twitter feed. These issues have prompted many universities rapidly approach, students across the nation are turning DSSOLFDQWV %RWK UHTXLUH WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ WR EH ¿OOHG RXW around the country to push back deadlines. For example, to websites to aid them in completing the college search once and submitted to colleges online. process. The Common App has been experiencing technical University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill extended their For example, what started as a simple “character” based difficulties with their website since August of 2013. early action deadline by six days. In fact, some universities application spread and evolved into the “Common App.” Applicants reported many issues such as frozen screens, even extended their regular decision deadlines. 7KLV LV QRW WKH ¿UVW WLPH XQLYHUVLWLHV KDYH SXVKHG EDFN The Common Application is an example of an essays being deleted, as well as formatting troubles. Other undergraduate college admissions application that students problems include recommendations not sent through, their deadlines. Hurricane Sandy also forced colleges to ¿OO RXW RQFH DQG VHQG WR WKH SDUWLFLSDWLQJ PHPEHU FROOHJHV documents not uploaded and payments either not charged reconsider their deadlines in 2012. Due to this inconvenience, many exclusive users and universities. or charged more than once. are reconsidering their loyalty and Of the 517 participating creating personal applications on universities, about one third are their website. exclusive Common App users. The Common App has since These university members are released updates that they are working located in 47 states, District of WR FRUUHFW WKHVH HUURUV 7KH RI¿FLDO Columbia, and internationally Statement of Commitment that in Austria, France, Germany, was released on Oct. 18 addressed Italy, Switzerland and the United concerns regarding reliability, service Kingdom. and integrity. The Common App is managed “To those of you who have lost faith by a non-profit staff and a 13 in our ability to adequately meet the member volunteer Board of needs of you and your students, we Directors. This group was selected understand. We need to regain your from college admission deans and trust, and we know that the burden guidance counselors. is on us to make that happen. We are Though the process is Source: Commonapp.org FRQ¿GHQW WKDW ZH ZLOO ´ standardized, many institutions Jessie Chen
Managing Editor
General application requirements for local universities
Irish Eyes
Monday, February 3, 2014
Salary serves as contributing factor in career choice Staff Writers
The job market is one of the many things high school students should start thinking about prior to graduation. When individuals think about a quality job, they tend to ¿UVW FKHFN WKH DQQXDO VDODU\ There are several factors to consider. Elementary school teachers are currently one of the top 15 most popular jobs in the United States. However, with an average salary of and earn an average of about $35,150 a year, salary plays a role in job satisfaction. With the rising cost of higher education, students may have a weigh the cost of education and potential earning. When the cost of annual tuition surpasses potential annual salary, students may reconsider their career choice. To get a perspective of what a decent salary is, consider the salary of a minimum wage worker. Minimum wage workers in Louisiana earn a total of $7.25 an hour, $290 per week and approximately $15,080 per year, based on eight hour days and a 260-day work year before taxes. The federal poverty threshold for a household of two is $14,570 per year. Although the idea of teaching young kids is appealing for many, salary may prevent one from choosing teaching as a career. For those who view higher education as means of becoming wealthy, students may want to choose professional careers such as a lawyer or doctor. A lawyer’s salary is dependent on how long they have EHHQ HPSOR\HG DW WKH ODZ ¿UP EXW LW DOVR GHSHQGV RQ WKH
radiologists and orthopedic surgeons. quality of work they do for their clients. Becoming a surgeon takes about four to seven years of Experience and ability play roles when getting hired by D SUHVWLJLRXV ODZ ¿UP :KHQ D ODZ\HU SDUWQHUV ZLWK WKHLU school. Before becoming a surgeon, one needs to complete ¿UP DQG SURYHV WKHPVHOYHV WR EH RI JUHDW YDOXH WKHLU undergraduate course work to earn their Bachelor’s salary increases. Another important factor in a lawyer’s degree. Once completed, they must be accepted into salary depends on their education and where they placed medical school. Medical school takes three years and is in their class. Lawyers need a Bachelor’s degree and two followed by postdoctoral training. An important factor for job salaries is the level of years of law school. Students in the top 10 percent of their class have a higher chance in working at prestigious law education received. Education affects how high or low ¿UPV DQG DUH H[SHFWHG WR KDYH D KLJKHU FRQVXOWLQJ IHHV RU an annual job salary will be. The more schooling an individual completes, the more the average salary will billable hours. Another high interest career job for students is increase. Employers will hire someone that has shown becoming a doctor. Doctor salaries vary depending on responsibility with their grades in school. Education, experience and skill are important factors ZKLFK PHGLFDO ¿HOG RQH JRHV LQ 7KH KLJKHVW SD\LQJ MRE LQ WKLV ¿HOG LV D VXUJHRQ ZLWK DQ DYHUDJH VDODU\ RI that contribute to annual job salary. It is important to start working now towards a career to ensure a stable job. $342,520. Medscape, a web resource for physicians and salary. other health Average annual job salaries for high interest professions professionals, surveyed 24,216 physicians across 25 specialties in February 2012. Doctor salaries range anywhere from $156,000 a year for pediatricians to Source: Bureau of Labor and Statistics Undergraduate Studies $315,000 for Average Starting Salary
Anum Siddiqui and Nihad Kased
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution contested by Texas school board members the main discussion when school boards meet for the approval of textbooks. The Texas school board’s decision is The Texas Board of Education, one of the important because it is such a large state leading textbook purchasers in the United that the chosen textbooks will be marketed States, recently delayed the approval of a all over the nation. The Texas school board science textbook by Pearson Education that SXUFKDVHV WH[WERRNV IRU QHDUO\ ¿YH PLOOLRQ will be used in the next eight years due to students, resulting a decrease in the price its content and focus. Controversial topics for other districts. Although state law claims such as evolution or politics have become that districts can order their own textbooks, and not follow the Texas Board of Education, most states have continued to use approved books. The main concerns at the recent meeting dealt with whether Intelligent design, 1st edition Prentice Hall, 6th edition or not to teach ‡ Evolution as a theory and valid theories ‡ (YROXWLRQ DV VFLHQWLÀF IDFW on evolution in accept Intelligent Design ‡ No religious views a high school ‡ Biblical Principles ‡ Transitional fossils science textbook. ‡ No evidence of transitional ‡ Evolutionary mechanisms Textbook and fossils such as natural selection curriculum ‡ Denies evolutionary and mutations arguments mechanisms ‡ Climate change affecting have always ‡ Denies climate change species diversity existed in these decisions, by Samah Hammad Sports Editor
Contrasting views on creation of life
religious believers and those who go by scientific fact. The theory of evolution contains natural selection and mutations, but religious advocates prefer creationism, or intelligent design to be taught. This is the belief that the universe and living organisms came about through divine creation as in the biblical account. Many argued over the earth’s age, climate change and transitional fossils. In the panel, reviewers brought up RYHU DOOHJHG HUURUV WKDW FRQĂ€LFWHG ZLWK the creation story in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. However, Biology teacher, Charles Mancuso, does not agree. “I feel that science should be taught in science classes,â€? said Mancuso, “and religion has no place in public schools.â€? In September, well known publishers such as Pearson Education and Houghton 0LIĂ€LQ +DUFRXUW VXEPLWWHG GLIIHUHQW biology textbooks for the Texas school board to vote on. The 28-member review panel then sent back reports on what needed to be changed, extending the approval time so publishing companies can appeal WR VSHFLÂżF UHTXHVWV $OWKRXJK WKHUH ZHUH many allegations, Pearson rejected the claims and refused to make any changes. The next voting session was in November, but this year the panel has a growing number of those who preferred religious beliefs over scientific theory.
This caused a split in the votes. These differences in opinion caused the board to appoint a three-member panel of science experts to analyze and evaluate the book’s text. Although politicians can vote on textbook content, teachers are the ones that present it to the students in the classroom. Their choice on whether or not to teach intelligent design as a valid scientific alternative to evolutionary theory continues to worry religious activists. The lengthy battle ended with a rejection of the religious concerns and an approval of the Pearson Biology textbook that contained evolution. The experts who reviewed the book stated that it did not contain any factual mistakes, allowing 3HDUVRQ WR ÂżQDOO\ PDUNHW LWV WH[WERRN Such controversial discussions occur in other subject courses as well. A few years ago, historians criticized the Texas social studies curriculum due to the textbook content on past presidents, government, and American culture. One specific argument was about Thomas Jefferson’s role in American history. This was also unsuccessful and no changes were placed on the textbook. Junior Jack Vega expresses his view towards this debate. “In a public school, just science, because there are all sorts of religions,â€? said Vega, “If it’s only science, WKHUH FDQ EH QR FRQĂ€LFW ´
Monday, February 3, 2014
Irish Eyes
5HFHQW +ROO\ZRRG ÂżOPV GHSLFW KDUVK UHDOLW\ RI SODQWDWLRQ OLIH end that the high school aged tour guide casually referenced more realistic account of slave life. With a vibrantly painted WKH FUXHOW\ RI VODYHU\ $V , DP PL[HG ZLWK 6SDQLVK DQG exterior, the Laura Plantation was managed by Creoles, African American heritage, seeing how slaves were treated SHRSOH RI (XURSHDQ GHVFHQW ERUQ LQ WKH :HVW ,QGLHV Succession of the plantation was not always transferred Slavery was a way of life in the South during the Civil UHDOO\ DIIHFWHG PH ,W ZDV RQ WKLV VHFWLRQ RI WKH WRXU WKDW :DU DQG /RXLVLDQD 3XUFKDVH :LWK UHFHQW +ROO\ZRRG ÂżOPV , UHDOL]HG LI VODYHU\ VWLOO H[LVWHG , ZRXOG PRVW OLNHO\ EH to the male; it was Creole tradition to pass ownership of the plantation to the offspring who displayed the most such as “12 Years of Slaveâ€? and “Django: Unchained,â€? treated as harshly because of my ethnicity. ,Q FRQWUDVW WR 2DN $OOH\ /DXUDÂśV WRXU JXLGH RIIHUHG D business sense. The Duparc family passed the plantation to the American public has been exposed to the cruelty of (OL]DEHWK 'XSDUF WKH JUDQGPRWKHU D E\JRQH HUD 7KH PRYLHV ZHUH D ÂżUVW KDQG of Laura. A female plantation owner account of what a slave’s life was about. could be just as cruel; our tour guide Along the Mississippi River are two of the H[SODLQHG KRZ (OL]DEHWK EUDQGHG D oldest plantations; Oak Alley and Laura captured runaway slave. Plantation reveal a glimpse of what life was Plantation life was cruel. An like as a slave. African American was a slave if Oak Alley is open to the public and their mother was a slave. A slave’s continues to give tours of the mansions life at Oak Alley and Laura started sharing the history of the owners and their at the crack of dawn every morning. slaves. One of the main attractions of the House slaves were always kept plantation is the 300 year old oak trees. These presentable with clean clothes, aged oak trees provide a walkway through the shoes and were freshly bathed. front entrance and are not only aesthetically Though they were kept presentable, pleasing but also direct cool air from the they were still mistreated. Mississippi River. The scene of the front of , ZDV DEOH VHH WR WKH PDMRU the plantation has been featured in several difference between life in the main ÂżOPV VXFK DV Âł3ULPDU\ &RORUV´ DQG Âł,QWHUYLHZ house and the life of a slave. Even with a Vampireâ€? as well as Beyonce’s “Deja though there were no slaves in the Vuâ€? music video. empty cabins, you could tell how The beauty of Oak Alley masks the dark mistreated they were just by their history of the plantation that may not be visible to tourists. During my visit to Oak Alley, the Bianca Shrestha living conditions. Aged photos majority of the tour was spent talking about Slaves prepared meals in outdoor kitchens that were located behind the main house. One of the remind me that slaves were treated as property but were still human. WKH KLVWRU\ RI WKH RZQHUV ,W ZDV QRW XQWLO WKH structures of the Laura Plantation remains standing and serves as a reminder of its past. Ayleen Brown Staff Writer
Employers looking for balance of technical and creative abilities guard once they experience the rigor of WKHLU LQWURGXFWRU\ FODVVHV Âł7KH\ PD\ ÂżQG Editor-in-Chief that even if they did extremely well in these With an unstable economy and increasing areas in high school, they will need to work annual tuition rates, students may lean much harder and smarter in college. Many toward a technical major. These majors students arrive as Biology majors, with hopes tend to offer a more predictable salary to become doctors, only to change majors as opposed to humanities majors. The after a semester or two.â€? initiative toward an increased emphasis While skills from a STEM major may on Science, Technology, Engineering, seem more applicable to the real world, and Mathematics (STEM) courses is to skills that can be developed from a liberal gear students toward a technological or arts major are essential. According to engineering degree. Gallagher, these skills include critical and According to the U.S. Department of analytical thinking, research and writing Commerce, STEM jobs will continue to and the ability to reason out problems. experience high demands in the future. A According to a 2013 poll by Northeastern reason for this is because of tight budget University, 73 percent of business leaders cuts, an after effect from the 2008 recession. believe that “being well-rounded with a Dr. Kirk Steen has been up to date with range of abilities is more important than recent economic trends as he teaches AP having industry expertise because job$PHULFDQ +LVWRU\ Âł,I VRPHRQH ZDQWV WR VSHFLÂżF VNLOOV FDQ EH OHDUQHG DW ZRUN ´ maintain a middle-class lifestyle, he or she Also, 84 percent of business leaders agree had better focus on science and math. This that “the ability to think creatively is reality represents a paucity of choices for just as important as the ability to think young Americans,â€? Steen said. critically.â€? Skills from STEM majors include the Âł,W LV H[FHHGLQJO\ GLIILFXOW WR PDNH DELOLW\ WR WKLQN FULWLFDOO\ DQDO\]H GDWD VRUW informed decisions about the world without information into categories and understand training oneself to view the world from technology. Joan Gallagher, LSU Associate PXOWLSOH SHUVSHFWLYHV ,Q PDQ\ ZD\V Director of Career Services, notices how that’s all education is: the provision of a many college students are caught off lens through which to view the world,â€? Bianca Shrestha
Michael Wytock, Biology teacher said, “When that lens is one-dimensional we get close-mindedness, less creativity, and a less honest representation of our challenges and their solutions.â€? Emily Chaplain, a Grace King alumni from 2010, majored in print making at the Memphis College of Art. “Salary GLG QRW KDYH D UROH , ZDQWHG WR GR VRPHWKLQJ WKDW , ORYHG DQG ÂżJXUH WKLQJV RXW IURP WKHUH , have learned a lot about gender, race, and art history, which KDV UHDOO\ FKDQJHG WKH ZD\ , experience the world.â€? Chaplain has studied hand paper making LQ ,WDO\ FRPSOHWHG WZR DUW internships in New York City and is currently in her last semester of art school. Chaplain plans to continue living in New York City to pursue opportunities within the book arts, paper making and print making realm. Majors often lead to other branches of career opportunities. “The complexities of the 21st century workplace call for strong technical skills and NQRZOHGJH PHQWDO Ă€H[LELOLW\
DELOLW\ WR FRQFHSWXDOL]H DQG VROYH SUREOHPV from a global perspective and to work within diverse teams and settings,â€? Gallagher said. ,W LV HVVHQWLDO WR QRW RQO\ EH DZDUH RI RQHÂśV strengths but also to explore potential career options through tangible “on the fieldâ€? experiences.
Illustration by: Bianca Shrestha
Irish Eyes
Monday, February 3, 2014
Beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder. We are told to ignore appearances, however, it is human instinct WR GR RWKHUZLVH )URP +ROO\ZRRGÂśV *ROGHQ $JH WR WKH views of today, beauty and how people perceive one another has always played an important role in society. Hair: Shakira Cosmetics were an important necessity to women Luscious, ever-changing LQ WKH ÂśV 7KH H[SORVLRQ RI FRORUIXO ÂżOPV VKRZHG colored hair females what makeup the stars on screen were wearing. Women often took beauty inspiration from movie starlets Eyes: Mila Kunis and fashion icons of the decade. Marilyn Monroe and Left eye is green and $XGUH\ +HSEXUQ ZHUH LQĂ€XHQWLDO GXULQJ WKLV HUD *LUOV right eye is brown, long aimed for cherry red lips, warm blush and smooth skin to eyelashes look their best. 7KH PHGLDÂśV LQĂ€XHQFH RQ KRZ SHRSOH SHUFHLYH EHDXW\ ZDV REYLRXV HYHQ GXULQJ WKH ÂśV 7KH JURZWK LQ WKH GHFDGHÂśV ÂżOP LQGXVWU\ FDXVHG IHPDOHV WR EHOLHYH WKDW LI they wanted to look good, they needed to look how the PHGLD SRUWUD\HG FHOHEULWLHV *LUOV WHQG WR ORVH FRQÂżGHQFH when they see almost perfect women in magazines and RQOLQH $OWKRXJK WKLV PD\ VHHP QRUPDO LW LV IDU IURP Nose: Miranda Kerr realistic. Lips: Angelina Jolie Button nose 7KH EHDXW\ LQGXVWU\ FDQ FRQYLQFH SHRSOH WR EHOLHYH Plump, pink lips that they are in control of how women perceive WKHPVHOYHV 7KH PHGLD FUHDWHV QHZ Ă€DZV IRU ZRPHQ WR VHH LQ WKHPVHOYHV DOO WKH WLPH $GV DQG SURGXFWV WDUJHW WKRVH LQVHFXULWLHV DQG XVH WKHP WR WKHLU DGYDQWDJH 7KH\ A recent survey revealed induce body shame to persuade audiences to spend their the public’s perception PRQH\ WLPH DQG HQHUJ\ RQ LPSURYLQJ WKHPVHOYHV WR ÂżW of beauty and perfection the false standards. Digital manipulation with Photoshop is one of the in celebrities. The results most controversial factors of false advertisement today. show what the “perfect Photos of celebrities and public icons are digitally altered womanâ€? would look like. on a daily basis and put out for the public to view over and over again. However, these photos are manipulated to Infographic by Haley Bayer and Bianca Shrestha ÂżW XQUHDOLVWLF LGHDOV WKDW KDYH EHFRPH VRFLHW\ÂśV VWDQGDUGV of beauty. While images of women are altered every day, our perceptions of normal and attainable beauty are as being pressured by society to look how celebrities do. ,WÂśV OLNH D KXJH OLH ´ VDLG VHQLRU -HQQLIHU (VWUDGD Âł:KHQ well. “Sometimes when I see these beautiful girls in magazines, \RX DUH H[SRVHG WR DOO RI WKLV RQ WKH WDEORLGV LW PDNHV LW Young women of this generation are constantly , WKLQN , ZDQW WR ORRN OLNH WKDW EXW LWÂśV UHDOO\ DOO 3KRWRVKRS KDUG WR UHPHPEHU ZKDWÂśV UHDO ´ 7KLV DOWHUHG SHUFHSWLRQ LV WKH PHGLDÂśV YLHZ RI ZKDW WKH SHUIHFW ZRPDQ VKRXOG ORRN OLNH 7KLV FDQ VRPHWLPHV FDXVH D IDOVH VHQVH RI VHFXULW\ WR FRQVXPHUV $V D UHVXOW ORZ VHOI HVWHHP DULVHV HVSHFLDOO\ IRU WKH \RXQJHU DXGLHQFH $ VXUYH\ E\ WKH FKDULW\ *LUOJXLGLQJ UHSRUWV WKDW D JURZLQJ number of girls and young women say they are unhappy with the way they look. $ \RXQJ JLUOVÂś VHOI HVWHHP LV RIWHQ DIIHFWHG E\ WKH PHGLD ZKLFK FDQ OHDG WR PRUH H[WUHPH FRQVHTXHQFHV (DWLQJ GLVRUGHUV OLNH EXOLPLD DQG DQRUH[LD KDYH VN\URFNHWHG LQ DGROHVFHQW JLUOV LQ UHFHQW \HDUV $FFRUGLQJ WR $%& 1HZV D DQDO\VLV IRXQG WKDW LQ WKH ODVW decade, hospitalizations for eating disorders more than doubled among children under twelve and now account for four percent of all such hospitalizations. 1DRPL :ROI LV WKH DXWKRU RI D EHVWVHOOLQJ FODVVLF WKDW UHGHÂżQHV WKH UHODWLRQVKLS EHWZHHQ EHDXW\ DQG WKH IHPDOH identity, The Beauty Myth. “While we cannot directly affect the images [in media], we can drain them of their SRZHU ´ :ROI VD\V LQ D FKDSWHU IRFXVHG RQ ERG\ LPDJH LQ her book. “We can turn away from them and look directly Source: Flickr.com A survey conducted by Glamour magazine found that of women who have retouched photos, 65 percent remove skin at one another. We can lift ourselves and other women out RI WKH P\WK ´ imperfections, 36 percent fix stray hairs and 34 percent whiten teeth.
Congratulations Grace King! ~Love, the Irish Eyes Staff
Monday, February 3, 2014
Irish Eyes
Irish Eyes
Monday, February 3, 2014
+DSSLQHVV OHYHO LQà XHQFHG E\ LQWHUDFWLRQ dysfunctional families. In Bernard Lerer and Ofer Agid’s study on the impact of divorced parents on children, it was shown that children of Features Editor and Staff Writer divorced parents are seven times more likely to suffer from depression Happiness is typically described as a feeling of overwhelming in adult life than people of similar age and background whose parents excitement and joy. Rather than sitting around your house all day, people are not divorced. The earlier the divorce happens, the larger the effect are happier when they choose to get up, get ready and then go out to on the child. The loss of a parent from divorce is more likely to cause hang out with friends or do something active. depression than a loss through death. There are different ways to achieve happiness, including social and The physical aspect of happiness involves a person’s health. Studies physical interactions, material objects and the psychology behind them. have shown that a person’s health is one of the strongest predictors Sociology is the study of social human relations. This includes how of happiness. Adverse changes in health have a temporary negative individuals react when they are with their peers, family and friends. impact on happiness levels. Poor health can potentially affect almost Within a school environment, teens are exposed to different kinds of every aspect of life including independence, self image and personal people. The social group that you spend your time with at school affects relationships. When health declines, so does your happiness. KRZ KDSS\ \RX DUH %HFDXVH WHHQDJHUV WHQG WR KDYH VHOI FRQ¿ GHQFH In order to prevent happiness from declining, maintaining a well issues and can make decisions on their own, it is easy for them to fall balanced diet and increasing the amount of physical activity is advised. XQGHU WKH LQÀ XHQFH RI GUXJV VPRNLQJ DQG GULQNLQJ Physical activity such as walking, jogging and running is best for Marriage is reminisced to be the happiest day of a person’s life. A improving emotional well being. Moderate exercise offers a major stable marriage, where both parties are content with each other, leads boost in happiness. to a long, happy life. If this marriage does not work out, ending in 7KH VRFLDO DVSHFWV RI KDSSLQHVV DUH D ELW WULFNLHU EXW ZKHQ \RX ¿ QG divorce, the individual will feel depressed and angry. America has a the right group of people to hang out with and start having a good time, doubled divorce rate and increasing numbers of depression, making the happiness will follow close behind. Physical aspects are the shortcut to population more miserable than other countries. being happy in a short time span. When paired together, happiness is People who live in a stable family tend to be happier than those in easily attainable. Isabella Cross and Clara Fajardo
´3RVLWLYH SV\FKRORJ\Âľ JDLQLQJ SURPLQHQFH This means that after an event in one’s life that causes extreme happiness or sadness, one’s level of happiness returns to its original level, their “happiness set-pointâ€?. However, there are Happiness is a virtue that more and more people are seeking exceptions, such as the loss of a loved one, that a person may to achieve. In 2000, approximately 50 books on happiness were be unable to bounce back from. This phenomenon is called the published. That number dramatically increased to 4,000 books “hedonic treadmill,â€? or “hedonic adaptation.â€? Furthermore, a by 2008. person can conform to a certain level of contentment, meaning A branch of psychology that is becoming popular is called they need to do something new in order to achieve a higher level “positive psychology.â€? Positive psychology is the study of of happiness. RSWLPDO KXPDQ IXQFWLRQLQJ 7KH SXUSRVH LV WR Âż QG KXPDQ Certain psychological phenomena can increase happiness, strengths and qualities that help people thrive. such as mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of simply In psychology, one major debate is the nature versus nurture being attentive to the present and living in the moment. Another paradigm; happiness can be attributed to both. A 1996 study phenomenon is the “feel-good, do-goodâ€? phenomenon. This by David Lykken and Auke Tellegen testing 254 identical and is described as one’s tendency to help others when in a good fraternal twins showed that up to 50 percent of happiness is mood. This in turn increases the happiness of the one helping LQĂ€ XHQFHG E\ D SHUVRQÂśV JHQHWLFV 7ZLQ VWXGLHV SHUIRUPHG LQ and of those being helped. later years yielded similar results. While happiness cannot be mathematically measured, The remaining percentage is due to one’s environment. psychologists use a measure called “subjective well-beingâ€? Environment can account for one’s personal experiences or their to evaluate it. According to David G. Myers, author of the surrounding environment. Our level of happiness, as well as $3 3V\FKRORJ\ WH[WERRN VXEMHFWLYH ZHOO EHLQJ LV GHÂż QHG DV RWKHU HPRWLRQV FDQ EH GHÂż QHG E\ RXU SDVW H[SHULHQFHV $VSHFWV “self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life. Along with of happiness vary in different parts of the world. In Western measures of objective well-being (for example, physical and society, where individuality matters, personal achievements economic indicators), it is used to evaluate people’s quality of and self-esteem contribute to happiness. Eastern society places life.â€? more value on community, so aspects like social acceptance and With the popularity of “positive psychologyâ€? on the rise, as familial harmony lead to contentment. well as continuing studies on curing mental disorders such as According to Psychology Today, happiness is adaptable. depression, the ways to achieve happiness are increasing. TIa Banerjee Copy Editor
Infographic by Tia Banerjee
Illustration by Shanzay Chaudhry
Happiness determined by choices 3K\VLFDO $VSHFW
Illustration by Clara Fajardo
'HVSLWH VWXGLHV PRQH\ GRHV QRW EX\ KDSSLQHVV Mahum Riaz and Angeliki Kleamenakis News Editor and Staff Writer
Some people have the ability to achieve happiness E\ EHLQJ RSWLPLVWLF DQG SRVLWLYH ZKLOH RWKHUV Âż QG many other sources of happiness, such as money. Worldwide surveys have found that as people make more money, they become happier, but only to a certain point. That point is shy of $36,000 a year per person, or $144,000 for a family of four. After that point, factors like marriage and health become more important. The International Society for Ecology and Culture LV D QRQ SURÂż W RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW SURPRWHV V\VWHPLF solutions to social and environmental crisis of WRGD\ 7KH\ UHFHQWO\ Âż OPHG D GRFXPHQWDU\ FDOOHG Âł7KH (FRQRPLFV RI +DSSLQHVV ´ 7KLV Âż OP VKRZHG KRZ JOREDOL]DWLRQ EUHHGV FXOWXUDO VHOI UHMHFWLRQ DQG competition. Also depicted were the results from trading and solutions that are practical in economic ORFDOL]DWLRQ (FRQRPLF JOREDOL]DWLRQ OHG WR D PDVVLYH H[SDQVLRQ of businesses and banking. Financial instability and unemployment have worsened each year. )XQGDPHQWDOLVP DQG HWKQLF FRQĂ€ LFW KDYH KHLJKWHQHG as well. A vast majority of people are stressed by not having jobs and are unable to make a living. According to The Atlantic, rich and traditional countries are happier. The “Easterlin Paradoxâ€? infers
that once a developed country passes an average income, the average happiness stays consistent. Similarly, wealthier people are said to be happier. A study by the New Economicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Foundation shows that unemployment rates correlate with unhappiness. This effect is strong among men in the United States, Great Britain and Germany. Self-employed people are happier and employed consist of higher levels of job satisfaction than those employed by others. According to The New York Times, having a job has a great impact on the result of happiness. In 1999 and 2000, jobs could be found easily. Today, even the highly educated might face the prospect of long-term unemployment. Reported by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment rates in the United States are at 6.70 percent. Home Economics teacher, (OL]DEHWK +RXVH H[SUHVVHV WKDW money cannot buy happiness. Âł<RXÂśOO EH VDWLVÂż HG WHPSRUDULO\ but your sorrows will return.â&#x20AC;? Illustration by Angeliki Kleamenakis
Monday, February 3, 2014
Players of the Month Samah Hammad Sports Editor
Patriona James Sport: Basketball Position: Guard Grade: Senior Favorite Athlete: Lebron James Favorite Food: Italian Favorite Class: Biology Favorite Musical Artist: Mariah Carey â&#x20AC;&#x153;She is a hardworking athlete, team captain, unselfish and a joy to coach.â&#x20AC;? - Coach Gerald Joseph Grandpre
Oscar Vega Sport: Soccer Position: Center Defender Grade: Senior Favorite Athlete: Andre Johnson Favorite Food: Apple Jackâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Favorite Class: Environmental Science Favorite Musical Artist: Kanye West â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is a relentless team player that puts his all in every game.â&#x20AC;? - Coach Raul Hernandez
Irish Eyes
Illustration by Jenna Brewton
Last Allstate BCS game played in the Superdome Jenna Brewton and Katelyn Burgess Website Manager and Staff Writer
The Sugar Bowl Organization is composed of over 125 individuals working on various committees designed to carry out the Sugar Bowlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mission. 7KH RUJDQL]DWLRQ TXDOLÂż HV DV D QRQSURÂż W organization and is exempt from federal and state income taxes. Grammy award-nominated sensation Imagine Dragons headed the festivities of the Allstate Fan Fest on Jan. 1 in Jackson Square. The public concert was streamed live for fans across the country. The popular Louisiana band MoJeaux as well as the AlleyCats performed as part of the Sugar Bowl Fan Jam at 4 p.m. on Jan. 2. 6WDUWLQJ ZLWK D SRLQW Âż UVW KDOI and an outstanding performance by quarterback Trevor Knight, the Sooners ran up 433 yards of offense against Alabamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defense. Oklahoma did just enough to keep the Crimson Tide from catching them with an aggressive defense in the second half. This was the Crimson 7LGHÂśV Âż UVW ERZO JDPH ORVV VLQFH WKH Sugar Bowl. With the defeat of Alabama, 45-31, Oklahoma overcame the largest spread in BCS history.
7KH WK $QQXDO $OOVWDWH 6XJDU %RZO aroused major football excitement as the University of Alabamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Crimson Tide took on the University of Oklahomaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sooners. Alabama went into the game with a record of 11-1, ranking them third in the nation. While Oklahoma ranked eleventh, they were only one win behind $ODEDPD ZLWK D UHFRUG RI 7KH Southeastern Conference (SEC) was represented by Alabama and Oklahoma represented the Big 12 Conference. The Sugar Bowl is the second oldest ERZO JDPH Âż UVW EHLQJ WKH 5RVH %RZO The Sugar Bowl was born and has been played annually in New Orleans every year. The bowl used to be played in the Tulane University Stadium until it was demolished in 1975. The game then took place in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, H[FHSW LQ WKH ERZO WRRN SODFH in Atlantaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Georgia Dome due to the damage the Superdome received from Hurricane Katrina. Leading up to kick off Thursday, Jan. 2 at BCS payout per team: $17 million S P &7 PDQ\ preparations were made for the Sugar Bowl. Tickets were sold ranging from WR DQG up. Ticketmaster and Stubhub were the top sellers of Sugar Bowl Illustration by Ayleen Brown WLFNHWV
Irish Eyes
Senior leadership guides younger players Taiyiana Robinson Staff Writer
The 2013-2014 season has been up and down for both girls and boys basketball, but that has not deterred their ambition. The girls began in late October running countless drills and practices in preparation. Although the ladies lost conditioning time, they gained a new coach. Coach Gerald Joseph Grandpre from New Orleans is well-liked among the team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one the best coaches weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had,â&#x20AC;? said Captain, Patriona James, â&#x20AC;&#x153;heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nice, but serious when he needs to be.â&#x20AC;?
Taiyiana Robinson
Junior Forward Terrell Sears drives down the court against a De La Salle defender on Dec. 30.
7KH ER\V VWDUWHG FRQGLWLRQLQJ DERXW WZR ZHHNV EHIRUH WKHLU ÂżUVW game. The team has been under the instruction of Coach Jason Fischtziur for the past two seasons. Captain, Ricardo Courtney said that being with the team for two years allowed them to establish chemistry. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The practices are as realistic as possible,â&#x20AC;? Coach, Fischtziur said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In district weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re playing the hardest games, we play in one of the hardest districts.â&#x20AC;? The team is also well-disciplined and hard-working. Courtney also expressed how he felt the playing the game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think basketball is a great experience; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something that you have to build a passion for.â&#x20AC;? Taiyiana Robinson Both teams are in the district Junior Forward Nick Sears charges the lane on his way to an easy basket. competition.
Trygg Tournament draws top wrestlers in Louisiana Rachel Bertucci Staff Writer
23 schools. Senior Aaron Maddox placed fourth in the 182 lbs weight class and freshman Mauricio Ballesteros placed third in the 113 lbs weight class. Grace King placed 10th out of the 23 teams.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wrestling is really technical. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about you and the other guy. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not about who has the better equipment; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about who works harder for it,â&#x20AC;? Diaz said.
The wrestling team has many expectations well into the season. In his 38th year of wrestling experience, Coach Roberto Furtado expects a lot from the team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have been training hard to reach success,â&#x20AC;? Furtado said. His major goal for this season is to get a full dedicated team together. Not only does the team train physically, but also mentally. Mental training yields PRUH FRQÂżGHQFH DQG ORQJHU HQGXUDQFH IRU wrestlers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If your mind stays strong your body will follow,â&#x20AC;? Furtado said. :UHVWOHUV FRPSHWH LQ D VSHFLÂżF ZHLJKW class. Senior Graham Bonnot competes in the 145 lbs weight class. Prior to the match, he has to weigh in at exactly 145 lbs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Making weight is draining. You eat small amounts of food and you try to reduce your liquid intake which can make you weak,â&#x20AC;? senior Antonio Diaz said, who competes at 138 lbs. Bianca Shrestha From Dec. 7-8, Grace King hosted the Sophomore Scott Bonnot, 132 lbs, pinned his South Plaquemines opponent in the second annual George Trygg Tournament with round of the George Trygg Tournament on Dec. 7.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Crossing the line Isabella Cross Features Editor
I believe that the biggest reward from playing volleyball, and other sports in general, is the resulting endorphin release that has amazing effects on the athlete. The hardest part about this subject is the FRPSOH[ VFLHQWLÂżF H[SODQDWLRQ RI LW Endorphins are a natural chemical released by the body when vigorous exercise is performed or by eating healthy foods. These endorphins bind to things called opioid receptors and then act as painkillers, which tend to be found in the brain. The most important thing about endorphin release is that the endorphins also double as painkillers and sedatives. The neuron receptors that endorphins bind to are the same receptors that bind to pain medicines. The amazing difference is that endorphins do not lead to an addiction or dependence; they are purely dependent on the individual. This â&#x20AC;&#x153;chemicalâ&#x20AC;? that your body creates naturally from something as simple as playing sports has been called a â&#x20AC;&#x153;natural high,â&#x20AC;? and it causes something called the, â&#x20AC;&#x153;runnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s high.â&#x20AC;? The so-called â&#x20AC;&#x153;runnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s high,â&#x20AC;? a misleading name, is not just for runners. Many athletes have heard of it, and many have experienced it. When the body is pushed to a certain point, either exhaustion or the peak of their energy, the person exercising may feel â&#x20AC;&#x153;high.â&#x20AC;? It is said to feel the same as a mood changing drug, but instead, the feeling occurs from hard workouts and pushing yourself to the limit. 2I FRXUVH WKHVH DUH QRW WKH RQO\ EHQHÂżWV of playing sports and exercising. With a balanced diet and regular exercise, studies have shown reduced stress and a better QLJKWÂśV VOHHS DUH RWKHU EHQHÂżWV ZKLFK LV critical in a high school studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. Simply put, endorphins are something released when you eat well and exercise often that make you feel happy and healthy. Most people do not realize the science behind it, and just know that sports make them feel good. After all, the main reason people play sports is to relieve stress and get into shape, and this is easily done by the endorphins in your body, working hard to make sure that you feel good.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Irish Eyes
Appreciation of lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s simple moments ensures contentment It seems that as time passes and society changes, happiness becomes harder to attain. The concept of happiness is often directly associated with material possessions. Wealth, power and fame are three common goals that people may want to achieve in OLIH 6DWLVIDFWLRQ DV LW LV GHÂż QHG E\ SUHVHQW GD\ VRFLHW\ LV DOPRVW QHYHU DWWDLQDEOH 2XU mindset primes us to demand more. It seems as if no one is ever happy with what they have; we always want more. It is not until we compare ourselves with someone else that we realize that we are lucky to have what we have. The human race constantly seeks approval from others. There seems to be a need to always impress someone. However, in reality, how is it possible to impress everyone? Why do we strive to gain the approval of others? It is true that one should have a goal to work towards and an ideal person that you want to become. However, when this mindset becomes an obsession, we have a problem. 2XU VRFLHW\ KDV EHFRPH PRUH GHSHQGHQW RQ PDWHULDOLVWLF WKLQJV IRU KDSSLQHVV compared to previous generations. This kind of mindset ruins the purpose of many things. For example, on most holidays such as Christmas or Eid, some people seem to be more concerned with the presents rather than the true reason behind the holiday and family gathering. Happiness is gratitude. Being grateful has been proven to mitigate depression, enhance your social life and improve adaptive skills to negative events. Some people say a prayer before they eat a meal, aware that many others in the world are not given VXFK IRUWXQH $FWLRQV OLNH WKLV PDNH \RX UHĂ&#x20AC; HFW RQ KRZ IRUWXQDWH \RX DUH 2WKHUV PD\ ZULWH GRZQ DOO RI WKH WKLQJV WKH\ DUH WKDQNIXO IRU 7KH\ FDQ ZULWH GRZQ memorable events and opportunities they went through today, or all the new people that you were privileged enough to meet. When you acknowledge the things you do QRW ODFN \RX DUH KDSSLHU 2IWHQ ZH GR QRW VHH KRZ IRUWXQDWH ZH DUH EHFDXVH ZH DUH constantly comparing ourselves to those that seem to have more than us. If someone were to take a trip to New York, usually they would spend their time taking pictures or tweeting or updating statuses of Times Square rather than enjoying it. People do not indulge in the moment. When you spend your whole life trying to capture the moment, the beauty of the moment disappears. Another way to be happy is to focus on today. If we stress about an uncontrollable future or unchangeable past, we will never be content. Sometimes you need to live in the now, and focus on all the other stuff later. Sometimes, we are in a state where we are subconsciously happy. Being grateful, surrounding yourself with positive energy and indulging in the moment are all changes we can make to obtain true happiness.
What are you doing?
Chasing happiness!
Illustration by Bianca Shrestha
Junior apprehensive for life after high school Hashtag Hamna more of my time. I never thought taking AP classes would put me under so much pressure, especially with the AP exams coming up in May. As a junior, I am also concerned with getting a high score on the ACT. This has a major impact on my future in college. In my Hamna opinion, I do not think colleges should base a studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s abilities off of a standardized Sial test. The ACT puts students under stress, Layout Editor considering the scarce amount of time we have to complete numerous questions. Instead, I believe colleges should look at studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance in class and take into consideration their participation in extracurricular activities. Wi t h m y s e n i o r y e a r q u i c k l y Fortunately, Grace King prepares approaching, the stress for continuing my students for college with AP classes and education and choosing a future career is AP mock exams. Also, ACT prep is also increasing. RIIHUHG DV ZHOO DV VSHFLÂż F GD\V GHVLJQDWHG Every year, college requirements for to practice tests. This might be stressful for students are becoming more demanding. me right now, but I know it will be helpful Likewise, high school is much more hectic in the future. While preparing for college, now than it was my freshman year. My I also have to think about how I am going FODVVHV DUH PRUH GLIÂż FXOW DQG UHTXLUH PXFK to get in.
The process of applying to colleges builds up anxiety. There are numerous requisites that are put into play. For example, students are expected to meet deadlines for items such as ACT scores, transcripts, letters of recommendations, Âż QDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG VFKRODUVKLSV For many people, stress levels build up ZKHQ LW FRPHV WR Âż QDQFH &ROOHJH WXLWLRQ is not getting any cheaper. I am afraid once I get accepted into a college, I will fall into student loan debt. That is why it is important for me to start searching for scholarship opportunities as early as possible. But the stress does not stop there. In college, you are expected to maintain a certain GPA and carry on the pressure of DOO \RXU FODVVHV 2QFH RXW RI FROOHJH WKH FRQFHUQ RI Âż QGLQJ D FDUHHU DQG PDNLQJ DQ acceptable amount of salary increases. It is important to start thinking about your future ahead of time. As a child, I always wanted to grow up. Now, it is one of my biggest fears.
Senior encourages perseverance in stressful times
Chillinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with Chen Jessie Chen
Managing Editor
The holidays were a great time of the year. Black Friday shopping, pumpkin spice lattes, ice skating, these were just a few signs that the holidays were rapidly approaching. Whether it is running in the snow, sipping hot coffee, or catching up on school work, we all enjoy a nice break every now and then. Unfortunately, what follows this rush of
joy and celebration is the dreaded lull. We have all been there before, that time of the school year where we just do not feel like doing anything anymore, or as the seniors may call it, â&#x20AC;&#x153;senioritis.â&#x20AC;? Moods have dropped, energy levels have dwindled and everyone seems to feel nonchalant. It is not uncommon to experience this feeling of apathy. As hardworking students, it is as if we are almost prone to catching this contagious disease. Many have warned me that this is when seniors, in particular, begin to feel burned out. While it is vital to oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health that breaks be taken, we should not stop trying simply because the end of the year is approaching. We should instead, take this time to enjoy what is still left of this school year. After all, graduation is less than four months away. With that said, college application deadlines are rapidly approaching, if they KDYH QRW DOUHDG\ SDVVHG 2QFH WKDW GHDGOLQH passes, your door of opportunity closes, so take this time to focus on your goals after high school, whether that be continuing
on with your education, or joining the workforce. Campus life in college is very different, at least from what I have heard. The schedule is almost entirely up to you and there is much more freedom. If college is indeed a goal of yours, do not deprive yourself of the chance to H[SHULHQFH LW 'HÂż QLWHO\ GR QRW GHSULYH yourself the chance to pull that all-nighter studying. Though it may seem like life is unfair, or â&#x20AC;&#x153;only going downhill,â&#x20AC;? right now, it is hard for us to appreciate the present because we have no perspective on it. Many times, we stop in the face of fear or fear of the unknown. Sometimes, we have look at where we are in life. We have to take the time from our daily routines to â&#x20AC;&#x153;stop and smell the rosesâ&#x20AC;? because the simple things can bring a smile. It is only after we step out of the picture that we can see who we have become. So, next time you feel like giving up, remember that when you stop to catch your breath, others are still running.
Irish Eyes Volume 46 No. 3
Irish Eyes is a monthly publication in conjunction with the journalism program at Grace King High School. It is a member of the Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, American Scholastic Press Association, National Scholastic Press Association and the Louisiana Scholastic Press Association. Letters to the Editor are welcome and should be submitted to room 210. The views expressed in columns are those of the columnists. The views expressed in the editorial are those of the Editorial Board.
Editor-in-Chief Bianca Shrestha Managing Editor Jessie Chen Layout Editors Hamna Sial Shanzay Chaudhry Copy Editor Tia Banerjee Business Manager Linda Lin News Editor Mahum Riaz Sports Editor Samah Hammad Features Editor Isabella Cross Entertainment Editor Rhonisha Ridgeway Website Manager Jenna Brewton Staff Writers Taiyiana Robinson Angeliki Kleamenkis Haley Bayer Katelyn Burgess Anum Siddiqui Rachel Bertucci
Nihad Kased Ayleen Brown Wilmer Toro Carlos Lopez Juveriya Farooqui Clara Fajardo
Adviser Thomas Curran 4301 Grace King Place Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: (504) 888-7334 Submit Letters-to-the-Editor to tcirisheyes@gmail.com Check out the online edition of Irish Eyes at gkirisheyes.org
Math teacher pleased with school environment :KHQ , FDPH WR *UDFH .LQJ IRU P\ Âż UVW \HDU RI teaching, I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sure what to expect. Starting at a new school, moving to New Orleans, meeting the students and fellow teachers was all overwhelming. But now that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve settled in, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve found that I love being at Grace King High School. The administration cares deeply about the well being and academic success of the students and the well being and professional achievements of the teachers. The math department is, quite simply, the best. From our daily meetings to our Friday afternoon ZLIĂ&#x20AC; H EDOO JDPHV , KDYH ORYHG HYHU\ PLQXWH ZLWK P\
Junior perseveres through obstacles Starting off as a regular student, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve noticed the activities and events that Executive Board conducts. Therefore, I wanted to involve myself more around the school with activities such as pep rallies, penny wars, volunteer walks, summer bridge and LASC. My expectations were quite high and I pictured myself being more involved and making a difference here at Grace King. But as time passed, many obstacles appeared, changing my perspective of student council. It could be mainly because of the environment I exposed myself to or the sudden changes being brought. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not stating that I regret my decision or blaming anybody of my change in thought but the changes are the start of something that is yet to come in the future. So as time passed, I was able to overcome each obstacle with patience and persistence. Every single person undergoes change and it can come suddenly, but we choose to prepare to overcome it. This can show how weak or strong a person can be in situations you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t imagine yourself in. You either learn to live through it or give up. Michelle Ahumada, junior
Andres Castro, Sophomore
Yeah, because I want to have enough money to support a healthy family.
Ro n a l d Morris,
Of course, because Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d have to support my family.
Elizabeth Prokop,
Yes. However, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d rather be happy with a decent salary than miserable with a high paying job.
Ernesto Perez,
Brewing up a storm
more than half. Although I am guilty of this, it still amazes me how we can spend so much time lost in a simple mobile device without actually socializing with anyone. Human interaction has completely gone missing from society today. More than half of us are Jenna afraid of going without our phones. Brewton It is quite disappointing to me to see Website couples consulting their phones while out on a dinner date. Why be together if you Manager are just going to sit and scroll through your Twitter time line? It honestly upsets me. There is a moment happening right now, in front of you, and you are missing it. Recently, I went on a cruise to Cozumel Next time you are in a public place, take a look around you and notice the amount with a few of my teammates. Of course, of people using their phones. Whether you going overseas meant no signal and are at a mall, a restaurant or even a doctorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s therefore no texting or internet usage. At RIÂż FH , FDQ SURPLVH \RX WKDW LW LV SUREDEO\ Âż UVW , ZDV WRWDOO\ EXPPHG RXW DERXW LW ,
would not be able to tell any of my family or friends how the trip was going or even upload new posts to Instagram. As the trip proceeded however, I started to appreciate not having access to my phone. I loved it. I loved the freedom. I did not mind not having the constant updates on what was going on back home or what the latest celebrity story was. It was quite refreshing and allowed me to spend more time with my team. However, I knew as soon as I got my smartphone back, I would be one of those SHRSOH DJDLQ REVHVVHG ZLWK Âż QGLQJ RXW KRZ everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Thanksgiving Break was going and checking social networks. Perhaps we should divorce our phones and invest what little time we have in more meaningful endeavors. Life is too short for mobiles to interrupt and destroy primary experiences.
Salary is somewhat important. A decent job that does not make you miserable with reasonable pay is good.
Student offers solution to morning distraction The announcements in the morning about attendance are very distracting. It especially disturbs me while I am in the middle of reading a story for class. Even though I understand the reason for the reminder, I think teachers should know by now to lock in their attendance. It is the second semester of school. As a solution, teachers can assign a student to remind them to take attendance every day. Stephanie Dix, junior
Yes, because you want to be able to provide for yourself and have enough for retirement.
6HQLRU UHĂ&#x20AC; HFWV RQ LPSDFW RI ORQJ WHUP FKDQJHV My senior year at Grace King has been full of ups and GRZQV , FDQ GHÂż QLWHO\ VD\ WKDW LWÂśV KDUG WR EH D VHQLRU and have all these changes happen in one year; we have been so accustomed to different traditions here at Grace King High School. I wish that they would have split up the changes a little bit so that it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t all thrown on the class of 2014. There is nothing we can do besides make the best of our senior year. Carmin Frisard, senior
Freshman expresses her high school perspective 7KLV LV P\ Âż UVW \HDU DW .LQJ DQG , ORYH LW ,Q PLGGOH school, teachers and parents sometimes tried to â&#x20AC;&#x153;warn XV´ DERXW KRZ KLJK VFKRRO ZDV JRLQJ WR EH GLIÂż FXOW but I can gladly say that they were wrong. I love my teachers and my classes. However, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one thing Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d change about school: the hate that comes with being a freshman. There have EHHQ D ORW RI IUHVKPHQ Âż JKWV WKLV \HDU D GLVDSSRLQWLQJ amount. Many have had to suffer for the choices of other freshmen. I can say we arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t all the same. Either way, I love high school and the support I get from teachers, friends, and family. Thank you, Grace King, for being my new home. Abbey Capers, freshman
Does salary affect what career you choose?
Sophomore requests respect for the soccer team Grace Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; soccer team is one of the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most successful extra curricular activities. We are top ten in the state from winning many tournaments, earning pride for Grace King. We do not even have our own locker room. Because of this, many possessions have been stolen from us. I love how the baseball and football teams have their own lockers. As one of the best sports team in the school, we deserve to have a locker room and to be celebrated, supported and promoted as much as the football team. My point is that the team deserves more recognition in the school. David Zheng, sophomore
fellow math teachers. But by far the best part of Grace King is the students. Grace King has a student body that is committed to making this school a great place to be. They all work together in class and on extra-curricular activities, making sure their classmates are succeeding in and out of the classroom. The diversity of our student body is another point of pride. Our students treat each other with respect and understanding as they all build their knowledge and tolerance of each othersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; cultures. These two points have resulted in personal and academic growth in my own students and in the school at large that has been nothing short of astonishing. I miss my friends and family in Boston, and this year RI WHDFKLQJ KDV GHÂż QLWHO\ EHHQ D FKDOOHQJH EXW EHLQJ DW *UDFH .LQJ KDV PDGH DOO WKH GLIÂż FXOWLHV DQG IUXVWUDWLRQV worth it and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m proud to be a Fighting Irish. Emily Adams, math teacher
Speak Out
Letters to the Editor Sophomore proposes longer lunch I am enjoying my time here at King. However, the timing at lunch can be rather short. There are hundreds of people at my lunch, and so little time for so many people. I believe that an hour, at least for the sophomores, juniors and seniors would be preferable. Noah Rachal, sophomore
Monday, February 3, 2014
Irish Eyes
Jack Vega,
Monday, February 3, 2014
Irish Eyes
Photos by Mahum Riaz
Bright lights welcome tourists and locals in the Roosevelt Hotel. It is tradition for the Roosevelt to extravagantly decorate the lobby during Christmas season. Hotel Monteleone entertains guests with its unique rotating bar. Located in the heart of New Orleans, Le Pavillion remains a historic treasure. Its striking facade captures an element of Roman architecture.
Historic Roosevelt Hotel Monteleoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lounge attracts tourists maintains tradition Carlos Lopez Staff Writer
Mahum Riaz News Editor
The Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel was built by Louis Grunewald, a German immigrant. The hotel opened in 1893 initially as â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Grunewald.â&#x20AC;? In 1908, a 400 room expansion took place in the main portion of the hotel. After renovations, it was purchased by a group of New Orleans investors. The Roosevelt was obtained by First Class Hotels in 1965, renaming it The Fairmont. Hurricane Katrinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s damage WR WKH KRWHO SODQQHG IRU LW WR FORVH LQGHÂżQLWHO\ XQWLO WKH QHZ RZQHU RI the hotel spent $170 million in renovation costs. First Class Hotels remodeled the hotel renaming it to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Roosevelt.â&#x20AC;? The hotel was reopened to the public on July 1, 2009. Visitors and locals make their way down the city-block-long decorated corridor, and are treated to a magical display of nearly 100,000 lights towering to the golden ceiling. The hotel has opened its doors to famous names such as Louis Armstrong and Ray Charles. The holiday decorations, along with the sparkling chandeliers, signature clock and grand piano displayed in the lobby add to a magical experience.
The four-star luxury Hotel Monteleone is one of the last great family-owned hotels in New Orleans. Since 1886, Hotel Monteleone has stood as a landmark in the city of New Orleans. It sits on the foot of Royal Street with of the best locations for tourists and locals. Visitors can stroll along
Jackson Square and the Riverwalk, enjoying the view along the Mississippi River. The famous Carousel Bar and Lounge offers guests the best of New Orleansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; nightlife, where they can spend time with family and friends. Rotating one revolution every 15 minutes, the Carousel Bar is the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one of a kind. Esquire Magazine ranks the bar and lounge, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Best Bars Entertainment in America.â&#x20AC;?
Le Pavillion Hotel: jewel of New Orleans hotel gained prominence over time. In 1970, new ownership took Le Pavillon Hotel, with a 4.5 over the hotel and it was renamed star rating from AAA, is located â&#x20AC;&#x153;Le Pavillon.â&#x20AC;? A major restoration in the Central Business District. took place where modern luxury The hotel opened its doors features were added, but the in 1907 as â&#x20AC;&#x153;The New Hotel beauty of the original architecture Denechaud,â&#x20AC;? and was considered remained. During the 1920s, the WKH ÂżQHVW KRWHO LQ WKH 6RXWK 7KH hotel had an underground passage Wilmer Toro Staff Writer
that led from the hotel to a building four and a half blocks away. It was used for emergencies and as VIP passage. The hotelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s penthouse VXLWH ZDV WKH ORFDWLRQ RI WKH ÂżUVW radio station in the city. Le Pavillon was placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the U.S. Department of the Interior in 1991.
Irish Illustrations: Temptation of food overcomes will power Illustration by Hamna Sial