G r a c e
K i n g
H i g h
S c h o o l
Irish Eyes gkirisheyes.org
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Volume 46 Issue 2
Changing technology impacts current generation Pages 6-7 4301 Grace King Place, Metairie, LA 70002
Fighting Irish defeats Ben Franklin 40-12 Jessie Chen Managing Editor
Homecoming is one of the largest, most revered high school traditions that brings together students from all grade levels to show off their spirit as well as their competitive edge. Throughout the week, students and teachers dressed for the different themes while enjoying the music and games played during lunch. Students arrived at the Homecoming Game decked out in green and gold to show support for the football team. Grace King was able to hold a 19-12 lead before halftime. The Irish relied heavily on the running game. Sophomore, running back Eric Rocket rushed for 167 yards that resulted in three touchdowns. Though it started raining about an hour into the game, LW GLG QRW KLQGHU WKH DWWHQGHHVÂś HQWKXVLDVP DV HYHU\RQH proceeded to cheer as court was presented. This was the Âż UVW \HDU LQ ZKLFK WKH +RPHFRPLQJ &RXUW FRQVLVWHG of only females. In addition, the girls had the privilege Carlos Lopez, Tia Banerjee and Jessie Chen RI VLWWLQJ RQ WKH Âż HOG GXULQJ WKH JDPH DQG DWWHQGLQJ D Running back, Eric Rocket, breaks a tackle in the win against Ben Franklin. Former Homecoming Queen, Destiny Ponville, brunch hosted by Prostart. crowns the 2013 Homecoming Queen, Chelsea Gladstone. Members of the Homecoming court await introduction. 7KLV \HDUÂśV FRXUW LQFOXGHG IUHVKPDQ Valeria Ali; sophomores Bailey Osburn, and Amanda Lopez; and juniors Hailey Bachemin, Jenna Brewton, and Clara Fajardo. The senior maids included Irish Thursday. Students were allowed call where the whole student body cheered Juveriya Farooqui Lydia Chon, Jennifer Estrada, Chelsea to spray paint their hair green or gold. for Grace King. The freshmen placed Staff Writer *ODGVWRQH DQG 0DULVVD 0D\Âż HOG Students were also allowed to completely fourth and the juniors placed third. “It meant a lot to me that my mother During Oct. 28-31, Grace King held dress down the last two days by paying There was an intense competition could walk on the court for my last its 45th homecoming week. Students two dollars. between the sophomores and the seniors \HDU HYHQ WKRXJK ZH GLGQÂśW HYHQ ZDON showed their spirit and pride for King by 7KH ZHHNÂśV HYHQWV XQLWHG WKH VWXGHQWV after they were tied with two roll calls. RQ WKH Âż HOG ´ 0D\Âż HOG VDLG SDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ WKH ZHHNÂśV HYHQWV in all grade levels. Different activities After the third roll call, the seniors won The anticipation of queen brought 7KH ZHHNÂśV VSLULW GD\V ZHUH FKRVHQ were played at lunch to get into the by one point, making it their second pep the crowd to a silence. As the name by Executive Board members. Board Homecoming spirit. Executive Board rally win. was announced, former Queen, members nominate different ideas for the played music and organized games for The football team and crossDestiny Ponville, crowned the GD\V DQG WKHQ YRWH RQ WKHLU Âż QDO FKRLFH students to play. country team were also announced. The 2013 Homecoming Queen, Chelsea Monday was Movie Character Âł3HRSOH KDG YHU\ H[WUHPH RXWÂż WV homecoming court was then announced Gladstone. Monday. Students dressed up as different and they were very dedicated to spirit and escorted by football team players. Âł, GLGQÂśW WKLQN WKDW LW ZRXOG EH PH characters from movies, including super week,â€? freshman Audrey Schriber said. Performers during the pep rally included I was shocked and happy at the same heros. On Twin Tuesday, students joined Throughout the week some teachers also the Kolleens dance team, cheerleaders, WLPH EXW LW GLGQÂśW KLW PH XQWLO 'HVWLQ\ groups and dressed identical to each participated in the homecoming spirit. step team and “Shamrock Shakersâ€? pep put the crown on me,â€? Gladstone other. Students brought back different “Homecoming is about the students. It squad. VDLG 7KLV ZDV *ODGVWRQHÂśV Âż UVW \HDU eras on Way Back Wednesday. For helps build school culture and helps show King ended the week with a victory. on court. “It was very nice to have example, some students dressed from the that you can participate in simple ways, After the pep rally, many students the opportunity to experience this my Stone Age while others dressed from the just by dressing in Spirit week,â€? Biology supported the football team by attending senior year.â€? ÂśV teacher Michael Wytock said. the homecoming game. Despite Homecoming Week culminated to To end the shortened week, students Ending the week was the Homecoming unfavorable weather, the Fighting Irish an end with the Homecoming Dance showed their green and gold on Fighting pep rally. Grace King added its own roll defeated the Falcons 40 12. KHOG LQ WKH FDIHWHULD 7KLV \HDUÂśV WKHPH was 1940s Vintage Hollywood. With about 300 students in attendance, everyone danced the night away under the Hollywood sign. “This is, by far, the most eventful and memorable dance I have ever been to,â€? Chon said. Despite minor setbacks, such as a shortened week and heavy rain, Homecoming Week proved to be just as exciting. Students accepted the changes and embraced the new traditions made at Grace King. Many look forward to making even more memories in the future. “This is one of the high school Linda Lin events that I will always remember.â€? Juveriya Farooqui Samah Hammad This year’s spirit days’ themes were Movie Character Monday, Twin Tuesday, Way Back Wednesday and Fighting Irish Thursday. Many Estrada said. “It really meant a lot to students and teachers participated through dressing down. Students also enjoyed playing game and listening to music during lunch. me to be able to represent the Class of 2014.â€?
School spirit shines throughout Homecoming week
Banksy still a mystery Five years after his visit to post-Katrina New Orleans, many RI WKH JUDIÂż WL DUWLVWÂśV stencils have been defaced or painted.
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Soccer kicks off With 15 returning players and a new district schedule, the Lady Irish look forward to a competitive season. The boys look to build off ODVW \HDUÂśV VXFFHVV
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Theater keeps tradition Built in 1915, the Prytania Theater is the oldest movie theater in the state. The lobby feels like a step back in time.
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Contact us: 4301 Grace King Place Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: (504) 888-7334
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