e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
in Botany, Department of Botany, Om Maa Saraswati Institute of Science and Technology, Rajgangpur, Sundergarh, Odisha, India.
ABSTRACT An extensive survey of ethnomedicinal practices of Azadiratcha indica(Neem) was carrid out in Kutra Tehsil of Sundergarh District, Odiha, India. Most of the people of the study area are tribals. Information was collected from the local traditional healers and aged people through personal interviews and questionnaire distribution methods. The main aim of the present study was to find out the data from the local people and medicine men regarding the traditional uses of Azadiratcha indica in the treatment of various ailments .Important data could be collected from the study by the face to face interviews .It was found that most of the traditional healers are using this plant as an essential gift from the nature which is the most common and easily available plant. Keywords: Azadiratcha indica, Kutra, Traditional healers, Ethnomedicinal practices , Sundergarh.
Plants are the most essential gifts to the man from the nature .From the time immemorial man is getting various benefits from the plants as food, clothing and shelter and medicine .Ancient literature has documented utilization of plants for the medicinal purposes.[1]Medicinal plants considered to be the source of great economic value in India.[2]Ayurveda , Sidhha and Unani are the traditional systems of medicine in India. Actually herbal medicines are cost effective with fewer side effects. [3]Azadiratcha indica is one of the most traditionally used plants. Different parts of this plant are used in the treatment of various ailments .In the current study data from traditional healers and aged people were collected and documented. Most of the traditional healers or so called medicine men have inherited knowledge of medicinal practices from their parents and ancestors .
Kutra Tehsil of Sundergarh District, Odisha, India is located between latitude 22.230 N and longitude 84.450 E.Kutra Tehsil has 43 villages .Survey was carried out in ten most populous villages namely Amgobha, Bailama, Biringatoli, Elga, Gariamunda, Jhirpani, Kalijapathar, Kutra, Latalaga and Nugaon. Kutra Tehsil is in the elevation 293m(altitude ).Total area of Kutra Tehsil is 313km 2.The neighbour cities of Kutra Tehsil are Rajgangpur, Bamra, Birmitrapur, Sundergarh. Kutra Tehsil is a flora rich area. Many Azadiratcha indica(Neem)plants are present in each and every villages .Medicine men use leaves, roots ,stems and flowers in the preparation of herbal medicines from this plant.
Ethnomedicinal survey was carried out from December 2019 to March 2020 in the villages of Kutra Tehsil. Information was collected from the direct interviews of traditional healers and aged people. Also the questionnaire distribution method was applied to gather information regarding the traditional uses of Azadiratcha indica. The data of plant parts and their traditional uses was documented.
In the present study informations were collected from the traditional healers and aged people regarding the medicinal use of Azadiratcha indica. The plant parts like leaves, roots, fruits, bark, oil etc. are used in the treatment of various ailments. Neem leaves are also used to avoid bacterial infections to the pulse while storing.
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
Table-1 SI NO
Plant Part
Medicinal Uses
Bile problem, Intestinal worm elimination
Intestinal worm elimination ,used in leprosy
Fever, skin ulcer,
Whole plant
Pimple, acne removal, skin diseases, itching
Neem Oil
Head lice elimination ,leprosy, intestinal worm problem ,burning sensation relieving
Skin infections ,face acne, pimple problems
Fig-1: A traditional healer treating ulcer
Fig-2: Neem juice
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
Fig-3: Neem Leaves used to avoid bacterial infection Many people of the study area prefer to go to a medicine men for their disease problems like skin problems, ulcers, bile problem, acne and pimples problems etc. in the treatment of which various plant parts are used.
Fig-4: Azadiratcha indica plant From the review of the related works it has been confirmed that no researcher has surveyed the area of the current study extensively in order to document the ethnomedcinal informations on the Azadiratcha indica. However, many ethnobotanists -Girach et al[4], Kulkarni et al[5],Mukharjee et al[6] ,Prusti et al[7],Satapathy et al[8] have worked on district level ethnobotanical survey works.The study showed that among the Azadiratch indica (Neem) is the most commonly available plant species .It is playing an important role in the treatment of various ailments .Azadirachta indica has a significant role .It contains many antioxidants. It has a great therapeutic role.[9]
An extensive ethnomedicinal survey was conducted with an aim to find out the traditional medicinal uses of Azadiratcha indica from Kutra tehsil of Sundegarh district, Odisha, India. The survey was carried out between December 2019 to March 2020 in different field visits. In the present study traditional uses of leaves, bark, flower ,fruit, roots, whole plant and oil from the Azadiratcha indica plant were documented www.irjmets.com
@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020
Impact Factor- 5.354
based on the information collected from personal interviews and discussions with the medicine men and general aged people. From the study it was found that most of the plant parts are used by traditional healer in order to treat various diseases. The traditional knowledge of use of plants passes from one generation to the next generation .It can be concluded from the study that further research can be done in this area to find out the medicinal value of other plants and which may be used for further pytochemical experiments .
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Author is very much thankful to villagers and traditional healers of Kutra Tehsil as the study became possible only due to their support and cooperation .
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@International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science